HomeMy Public PortalAbout05) 7C Award of Public Works Contract to All American Asphalt for Temple City Blvd Highway Safety Improvement ProjectAGENDA ITEM 7.C. C OMMUNI TY D EV EL OPMENT DE PARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE : June 20, 2017 TO: The Ho norable City Council FROM : Bryan Cook , City Manager Via : Michael D. Forbes , Commun ity Development Director By : A l i Cayir, PE , City Engineer SUBJ EC T: AWARD OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT TO ALL AM E RICAN ASPHALT FOR TE MPLE CITY BOULEVARD HIGHWAY SA FET Y IMPROVEMENT PROJ ECT (C IP NO . P15 -06) RECOMMENDATION: T he City Cou nci l is requested to: 1. Award a Public Works Contract to All American Asphalt as the lowest responsible bidder for the STP L-5365(01 0) Pedestrian and Bike Path Safety Improvements on Temple City Boulevard from El Camino Real Avenue to Ellis Lane and Roadway Improvements (Project) (C IP No . P15 -06); 2 . Authorize the City Manager to execute the Contract in an amount of $1 ,139 , 150; and 3. Authorize 1 0 percent of the awarded contract amount as contingency allowance to be used if necessary at the City Manager's discretion for unforeseen conditions . BACKGROUND : 1. In July 2013 , the City submitted an application to Caltrans for allocation of Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds for various safety enhancements to Temple City Boulevard from Camino Real Avenue to Ellis Lane , including new traffic signal equipment and new pedestrian countdown signals . 2 . In November 2013 , Caltrans informed the City that funding for the Project was allocated in HS IP Cycle 6 . The City programmed additional Surface Transportation Program -Loca l (STPL) funds to the Project and a llocated local transportation funds to allow for street resurfacing to be completed in conjunction with the safety improveme nts . City Council June 20 , 2017 Page 2 of 4 3. In September 2015 , Caltrans notified the City that necessary funds for the Project's Preliminary Engineering phase in the amount of $134,700 had been obligated and any work done on the Project from that date forward would be eligible for reimbursement. 4. On November 17 , 2015 , the City Council approved the Program Supplement Agreement to the Admin istering Agency-State Master Agreement with Ca ltrans to allow re imbursement of project expend itures . 5. In August 2016, Caltrans issued approval of Right-of-Way and Utility Clearance and in September 2016 , Caltrans issued the E-76 Authorization to Proceed for the Construction Phase . Because of Federa l funding requirements, the City was required to go through a lengthy review and approval process to obtain Caltrans authorization to proceed w ith construction and allow for re imbursement with Federal funds . The process included preparation of Preliminary Environmental Stud ies and multiple approvals from Caltrans including National Environmental Policy Act clearance , Right-of-Way and Utility Certification, PSE Certification , and E-76 Authorization to Proceed . 6 . On February 7, 2017 , the City Council approved the Plans , Specifications , and Estimates (Bid Package) and advertisement of Not ice Inviting Bids (NIB) for the Project. The NIB was advertised in the newspaper, on the City web site , and in various trade publications . 7 . On the due date of May 2 , 2017 , four bids were received and opened publicly. ANALYSIS: The following bids were received : • All American Asphalt: $1 ,139 ,150; • Excel Paving Company: $1 ,205 ,11 0 ; • Hardy & Harper: $1 ,333 ,000 ; and • Sully Miller Contracting : $1 ,307,650 . The lowest responsible bid was submitted by All American Asphalt in the amount of $1,139 ,150. Staff conducted a bid analysis including references , licensing , Department of Industrial Relations registration, state and federal debarment list , and federal compl iance review for All American Asphalt. The Bid Package subm itted by All American Asphalt and the bid analysis completed by staff are attached (Attachments "A " and "B"). The contract to be executed with All American Asphalt is also attached (Attachment "C"). City Council June 20 , 2017 Page 3 of 4 CITY STRATEGIC GOALS: The Project would further the C ity Strate g ic Goals of Public Health and Safety and Sustainabl e Infrastructure. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the Project is incl uded in the approved Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17 City Budget and proposed FY 2 017-18 City Budget under Cap ital Improvement Project (CIP ) No. P15- 06 using a combination of HSIP , STPL, and Proposition C local funds . The total estimated project cost was $2,076 ,650 as included in the FY 2016-17 City Budget. Funds have been expended for Prelim inary Eng ineering and project management, and the ba lance is reappropriated for FY 2017-18 . The bids rece ived for the Project were all substantially lower than the estimated cost. The rev ised project cost is about $1 .52 m illion including desig n, construct ion, project management, and contingencies. The FY 17-18 appropriation is more tha n adequate to cover the contract amount, conti nge ncy, and rema i ning project management costs. The table below reflects the revisions to project funding due to the lower project cost. T he HSIP funds will still be used in thei r entirety . Most of the STPL funds will also be used , with a small balance available for reallocation to another project at a later time . The Proposition C funds were added to the Proj ect to allow for street resurfacing to be completed in conjunct ion w ith the safety improvements. While a local match is typically required , the City received approval from Caltrans to apply Toll Credits for the loca l match port ion of the Project. To ll Credits are f unds co ll ected from toll roads that can be used as a cred it to match Federal funds . With the use of Toll Credits , a loca l match is not required . W ith the reduction in project cost , the P ropos it ion C fun ds required will be substantially reduced . 0 . . d R . d P . t C ts d F d . S ngma an ev1se ro ec OS an un mg ources Preliminary Construction Engineering Construction Total Engineering & Project Admin & Contingency HSIP (includes 10% Toll Credit match) Orig ina l -$258 ,850 $675 ,710 $934 ,560 Revised -$135 ,161 $799,399 $934,560 STPL (inclu des 11.47% Toll Credit Match) Original $134,700 -$302,600 $437 ,300 Revised $134 ,700 -$297,000 $431,700 Proposition C Original --$704,790 $7 04.790 Revised --$156 ,666 $156,666 Total Orig i nal $134.700 $258 ,850 $1 ,683 ,100 $2 ,076,650 Rev ised $134 ,700 $135 ,161 $1 ,235 ,065 $1,522,926 City Council June 20 , 2017 Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENTS: A. Low Bid Submitted by All American Asphalt B. Bid Analys is C . Contract to be Executed with All American Asphalt ATTACHMENT A Low Bid Submitted by All American Asphalt I Bidder's Name: art Of tBA£ art. CAlFORNIA llllCIHG ~ COIITRACT DOO.lNEHlS. FUllS~ SPECIRCAllONS Sll'I.~1D)~-81!CEPATMSAF£1YIIo!PAOIIB!EHTS OH TD1P1..E art BlW flOI a CAMNl RfAI.AVE TO ElliS lANE l flt)NIMY IMl' art PIIO.ECTID:Pl~ -Ca!W ..... 1l d 119 C. BIDDER'S PROPOSAL STPL·S365(010) PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH SAfETY IMPROVEMENTS ON TEMPLE CITY BLVD fROM El CAMINO REAL AVE. TO ELLIS LANE & ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (STPL) em PROJECT 10 : P15.06 City ofTemple City In accordance wkh the Ci ty ofT em pie City's Notke lnvltlns Sealed Bids. the underslsned BIDDER, hereby proposes to fumlsh all materials, equipment, t ools, labo r, and lnddentals requi red for the above stated project as set forth In the Plans, Specifications, and contract documents therefore, and to perform all worl< In the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER dedares that this proposal Is bosed upon careful exam ination of the worl< site, Plans, Specl11atlons, Instructions to Bidders, and all other contract documents. If this proposal Is occepted for award BIDDER understands that f ailure to enter Into a contract in the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeit ure t o the City of Temple City o f the suarantee accompanyins this proposal. BIDDER understands that a b1d Is required for the entire w ork. The contract will be awarded on the prices shown on the bid schedule. It Is agreed thotthe unit and/or lump sum prices bid Include all appurtenant e•penses, taxes , royalties and fees. In the case of discrepancies In the amounu of bid, unit prices shall aovern over extended amo unt, and words shallsovern over fisures If owarded the Con t ract, the undersigned further agrees that In t he event of the BIDDER'S default In e•ecutlns the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and I nsurance certificates w ithin ten worklnn days after the date of the C~y of Temple City's notice of award of contract to the BIDDER, the proceeds of the security accompanying this bid shall become the property of the City o f Temple City and this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the City o f Temple City's opt ion, be considered null and void. BID SCHEDULE To the Temple City's City Council, herei n called the ·council". Pursuant to and In complian ce with yoor Notke lnvltlns Bids and the other documents relatlns thereto, the underslsned bidder, havlns famlllarited himself w ith the work as per the paragraph, Discrepancies ond Mlsunderst ondlnss . contained In the INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS section, and with the terms of the contract, the local condkions affectlns the performance of the contract, and the cost of t he work at the place where the w ork Is done, ond wi th the drawl nss and speclflatlons and other contract documenu , hereby proposes and asrees to perform, within the time stipulated, t he contract, lncl udlns all of IU component parts, and everythlns required to be performed, and to provide and furnish any and all of the labor, materials, t ools, expendable equi pme nt, and oil applicable taxes, utllny and transportotion services necessary to perform the contract and complete In 1 worlananlike manner, all In strkt conform tty with the Contract Documents on file at the office of the City Clerk of said City, per the followlns bid schedule: (Bidder shall provide a bid amount for each bid hem listed below. Failure to provide a bid for each bid It em shall renderthe bid non-respon•lv•) BtDUEk ~HALL COMPUT( API:D \UBMIT All OOCUM(t-4f\ ANOPAGH IN \((liON C tii00[M ~ PRO PO~AL' art Of TBoiPlE art, CAUfOAKIA !DllftlNI> OOIITRACT DOO.JioEIITS. FUllS Nl> SPECFICATIONS Sll'I.-&K5j01G)PEOEST1WIAH1J e:ICE PAlM SAftTYIIoiPRlVEioallS OH ID1PtE art II.W FROII El CAli)IO RfAl AVE TO fWS LAH£ & ROADWAY 1NP art I'IIO.ET 10-Pls-ol, -CaiW ..... 14 d t11 BASE BID SCHEDULE STPL·S36S(010) PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ON TEMPLE em BLVD FROM El CAM INO REAl A VE. TO ElUS LANE & ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (STPl) em PROJECT ID: Pl5.06 City ofTemple City BASE BID SCHEDULE Item Descr iption Quantity Unit 2" COLD Mil l ASPHALT PAVEMENT. !~~J:~ ~~~ ~;~: ~~;~~~~NP~~~ 62D,DDO Sf BLVD AND LEMON AVE INTERSECTION NORTH lEG STA 123 +55 . Unit Bid Amount S ().W THIS BID ITEM UM ITS ARE BETWEEN SOUTH 7, 700 PROJECT liMIT (STA 4 + 45) TO TEMPLE em TON S 'J>!:?.- BlVD AND lEMON AVE INTERSEcnON NORTH l EG STA 123 +55 . CROSSWAUC AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS. TH IS BID ITEM liMITS ARE BETWEEN SOUTH PROJECT liMIT (STA 4 + 4S) TO TEMPLE CITY BLVD AND LEMON AVE INTERSEcnON NORTH LEG STA 123 +55 . INSTALL SIGNS AND SIGN POSTS PER CAMUTCD, THIS BID ITEM ALSO INCLUDES REMOVAL OF SIGNS & SIGN POSTS AND IN STALLATI ON OF NEW SIGNS & POSTS INCLUDING FOUN DATI ON PER PLANS. R£MOVE EXISTING PEDESTRIAN HEAD AN D MOUNTING AND fURN ISH AN D INSTALL NEW COUNTDOWN PEDESTRIAN HEAD (MODULAR COUNTDOWN TYPE Ill WITH 5 INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL) AND MOUNTING, 82 CAL TRANS COMPLIANCE, 43D-6479-001 XC DIALIG HTOR APPROVED EQUAL TO INCLUDE fRAMEWORK, HOUSING AND COUNTDOWN LED . lS lS EA s g., 7.oll - l sJ..IciJ- Total Bid Amount s (ffl 100 - I 'hWD- \ .!!.!tii ·ii;t ·iliiri$1Qiiii-Sf!•iii!:!Mi«.J!I•I•il('l·i!VIlt.'d.li1Ji3JJ I~lit,l!.!tliim.!nj·ii9·1·14•t1·' Pa1e : c.z CITY Of TBI.P\.E CITY, CAUFORHIA BIDDHG ~ CONJRACT IJOCUMEHTli, FUNS AND SPECIACATlONS STPl·S365{010)PEllESOON<AHO BIKE PATH SAFETY ~S OH IDf'l£ CITY ll.VD FROM El C.WJHO REAl AVE TO EWS ~ & ROADWAY IMP CITY PROJeCT D: P1~ -Cailld l'1gt 15 vi 179 BASE BID SCHEDULE STPL·S365 (010) PEDESTRIAN AND BI KE PATH SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ON TE MPLE CITY BLVD FROM EL CAMINO REAL AVE. TO ELLI S LANE & ROADWAY IM PROVEMENTS (STPL) CITY PROJECT 10 : P1 5-{)6 City of Temple City BASE BI D SCHEDULE Item Description Quantity Un it Unit Bid Tot al Bid Amount Amount REMOVE EXISTI NG TRAFF IC LOOP INCLUDING ITS DETECTOR WIR ES. PROVIDE & INSTALL TRAFFIC LOOPS (6' DIAMETER & ROUND) AND CONNECT DETECTOR WIR ES 6 TO EXISTING LEAD IN CABLES. 115 EA s ZIO -s ~'\. ~~~ 1 THIS BID ITEM LIMITS ARE BETW EEN SOUTH PROJECT LIMIT (STA 4 + 45) TO TEMPLE CITY BLVD AND LEM ON AVE INTERSECTION NORTH LEG (STA 123 +55). REMOVE EXISTING STREET NAME SIGN (SING LE PLATE OR BOX FRAMED) INCLUDI NG SIGN, FRAME, BRACKm AND ALL RE LATED s l 1 1 ~-s 3!,?00-7 APPURTENANCES AND INSTALL NEW 30 EA DOUBLE SIDED BOX FRAMED STREET NAM E SIGN ON EX ISTING MAST ARM PER DETAIL 3 ON SHEET2 . REM OVE AND REPLACE EXISTING TRAFF IC SIGNAL BACKP LATE$ PER CAMUTCO . THE INSIDE OF SIG NAL VISORS (HOODS), THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND FI NS, AN D THE FRONT SURFACE OF BACKPLATE$ SHALL HAVE A DULL BLACK FINISH. BACKPLATES SHAU BE POWDER COATED ALUM INUM , COLOR SHALL BE FLAT BLACK. s 2.-<:{0.-s ~ ~~o~ 8 BORDERS SHALL BE 5 INCHES WIDE. 17 EA CONTR ACTOR SHALL FIE LD VERIFY EACH I SIG NAL HEAD BA CKPLATE$ CONFIGURATION BEFORE PLACING ORDER. EXISTING BACKPLATE$ ARE 3 SECTION VERTICAL, 4 SECTION VERTICA L, 5 SECTION VERTICAL, AND 5 SECTION CLUSTER. NEW BACKPLATE$ SHAU MATCH EXISTING BACKPLATESSIGNAL CONFIGURATION . ~n,t.Ji·iii6iii0 1 L5ipjillid-Ji i!:l6'ii.Uirf•Ijil iji jJiltM!,Iij·Iij\iUJi J-ii•Wii :!!,J.ii ·ij#d•Jij•h·i Pa&o : C.3 ·-------~~, Dr.olssued:Nin:h'll,2017 CITY Of 1EMPI.E CITY, CAUFORNIA BIOO!NG ~ COHTRACT OOCU~.EHTS. PlANS AMl SPECifi:ATIOHS STPI.-~10)PEOESOON<AND BIKE PATH SAFffi IIIPROV£MENTS OH TEMPI.f CITY BLVD FROM El CAII:HO REAl. AVE TO lliJS WIE l RONNIAY LW' CITY P!IOJ£CT 10: P1~. -c...o.l P1vt 18 vi 17! BASE BID SCHEDULE STPL-S36S(010) PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ON TEMP LE CITY BLVD FROM EL CAMINO REAL AVE. TO ELLIS LANE & ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (STPL) CITY PROJECT 10: P15-06 City ofTemple City BASE BID SCHEDULE Item Description Quanti ty Unit Unit Bi d Amount REM OVE ~lllfllf!!!.i §" 3 SECTION VE!!!I !;A~ V~tji!;;ULA!! SIG(!!AL tj EAD AND CONSTRUCT 1 2" 3 SECTION VERTICAL VEH ICULAR SIG NAL HEAD, COM PLETE WITH M OUNTS, HOUSING , VISORS AND BACKPLATES. TH E IN SIDE OF 9 SIGNAL VISORS (HOODS), THE ENTIRE 64 EA s l 1150 -SU RFACE OF LOUVERS AND FINS, AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF BACKPLATES SHA LL HAVE A OUU BLACK FINISH . BACKPLATES SHALL BE POW DER COATED ALUMINU M , COLOR SHAU BE FLAT BLACK. BORDERS SHAU BE S INCHES WIDE. TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT IN WORDS ()I?E r/1\lUON fl !=}rrB'v-) 1\\0USAI>J)\ OW:. \\nvtRf'_l\ '1'ti.2 MU.:M ,.S 7:0'l O C6-t\S Total Bid Amount s:l ~ (QQO-J S IC*<i\IO.Ci: J The award of Contract shall be based on the TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT only. The ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID ITEMS shown p er the ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID SCHEDULE bel ow will not be taken Into account i n determlnlns the l owest responsible bidder. Oty may add or ded uct bi d Items from the ADD ITIVE ALTERNATE BI D SCHED ULE at the sole and complete di screti on of t he City as part of the performance of the: contract. BIOOER SHALL COMPLETE AND SUBMIT ALL OOCUMtNH .AND PAGES IN SECltON "C BIDDER'S PROPOSAL" I I I CllY a' TEMPI£ aTY, CAl.FORH1A BIDOIHG NIO COHTRACT llOCIJiolaiTS. PJ.NS Nlll SProflCATlONS STPL-5J6S(01DIP£DES1RWI >HDBIKEPATH SAFETY~ ON TENPLE aTY Bl\10 FROW a CN.IINO REAL A \if TOEWS lANE & AOIDNAY DIP aTYPROJECTID:P IS-46.-C... ... ~\7ol\79 ADD ITIV E ALTERNATE BID SCHEDULE STPl-5365(010) PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ON TEMPlE CITY BLVD FROM El CAMINO REAl AVE . TO ElLIS lANE & ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (STPL) CITY PROJECT ID: Pl5.()6 Ci ty of Temple Clty ADDmVE ALTERNATE BID SCHEDULE Item Description Quantity Uni t Unit Bid Total Bid Amount Amount 2" COLD Mill ASP HALT PAVEMENT. A.l TH IS BID ITEM LIMITS AR E BETWEEN TEMPLE 85,000 SF s Q-10 S~l tOO-CITY BLVD AND LEMO N AVE INTERSE CTIO N I NORTH lEG (STA 123 + 55 ) TO NORTH PROJECT LIMIT (STA 137 + 45). 2" ASPHALT RUBBER HOT MIX-GAP GRADED (ARHM-GG.C) OVERlAY. A.2 THIS BID ITEM LIMITS ARE BETWEEN TEMPlE 1,100 TON <b~:---ct1;~oo - CITY BLVD AND LE MON AVE iNTERSEcnON NORTH LEG (STA 123 + 55) TO NORTH PROJECT LIMIT (STA 137 + 4S). INSTAll THERM OPlASTIC PAINT STRIP ING, CROSSWALK AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS . A.l TH IS BID ITEM LIMITS ARE BETWEEN TEM PLE 1 lS q,c~co---<1,<6DO~ CITY BLVD AND LEMON AVE INTERSECTION NORTH lEG (STA 123 + 55) TO NORTH PROJECT LIMIT (STA 137 + 45). REMOVE EXISTING TRAFFIC LOOP INClUDING ITS DETECTOR WIRES. PROVIDE & INSTAll TRAFFIC LOOPS (6' DIAMETER & ROUND) AND CONNE CT DETECTOR WI RES Z\0.-z.,q yO-A.4 TO EXISTING LEAD IN CABLES. 14 EA THIS BID ITEM LIMITS ARE BETWEEN TEMPLE CITY BLVD AND LEMON AVE INTERSEcnON NORTH LEG (STA 123 + 55) TO NORTH PROJECT LIM IT (STA 137 + 45). TOTAL ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID AMOUNT s I'l l ~o .OO I TOTAL ADDITIVE AlTERNATE BID AMOUNT IN WORDS Wf \!.,\)1\)'i:-'«.£~ =h.JO.l1'1 0N ~ "ffiCV""lfl.~ 'l;()'l-\'j N>\.U'I't,~ ZQW 67\,I.,)"TS _tl!.l.Jj·Ji:J-iiii·I&IQ!iiiM·M'l :bYJ !ii·iii •!.tiilhildi*#i•lijijrlJi!~;Jn+l!.i~MIU!.J ,Jj ·itQ ·t.iij•'*·' 1'1 10: C.5 O...-MW>21.2017 aTY a' TEMPI.E CITY, CAUfORNIA BIOOINGNIO COHmACT llClClJMENTS. PlANS ml SPECIFI:AllONS STPL-5l65f)IOJ P£0eSTRIAN>HD BIKE PATH SAFETY IIM'RO'IEMENTS OH IDI'lf aTY Bl\10 FllON a CM!JNOREAL Al/li TO auS lAHE & RONNIAY II.'P CITY PROJECT 10: PIS<IS.-Coltldi'IG< II ol\79 The award of Contract shall be based o n the TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT only. Th e ADDITIVE AlTERNATE BID ITEMS shown per the ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID SCHEDULE will not be t aken Into account in determlnlna the lowest responsible b idder. City m ay add or deduct bid items from the ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID SCHEDUlE at the sole and complete discretion of the Citv as part o f t hejl_erfor mance of the contract. In the case of discrepancies, total bid will be based o n ca lcu lated amounts based on quantities and Unit Bid Amounts. Full compensation lor the Items listed to t he right as A. M obilizat ion I Demobilization indudlng construction fencing Items A, B, C, 0 and E are co nsidered as Inclu sive in B. Traffic Control each Bid Item list ed abo ve in the Base Bid Schedule ond C. NPDES, WWECP, and Best Management Pract ices Additive Alternate Bid Schedule as applicable, and no (BMPs), Public Convenience and Safety additional and/o r separate compensation will be D. Construct ion St aking by land Surveyor allowed . E. Clearing and Grubbing The bid prices shall Include any and all costs, Including labor, materials, appurtenant expenses, taxes, roya lt ies and any and all other Incidental costs t o complete the project, In compliance w ith the Bid and Co ntract Documents a nd all applicable codes and standards. M o bilization/demobilization, traffic control and safety are assumed to be I ncluded In variou s bid Items as applicable. All other wo rk Items not specifically listed In the bid schedule, but necessary to complet e the work per bi d and contract docu ments and all applicable codes and sta ndards are assumed t o be Included in the bid prices. The City rese rves the r ight to add, delete, increase o r decrease the amount of any quant ity sh own and to del ete any Item from the contract and pay the contractor at the bid unlt prices so long as the total amount of ch ange does not exceed 25% (plus or minus) of the t o tal bid amount for the entire proj ect. If the change exceeds 25 %, a chanae order may be negotiated to adjust unit bid prices. A bid is requ ired f or the entire w ork, that the qu antities set f orth In the Bid Sche du le are t o calculate total bid amount, an d that final compensation under the cont ract will be based upon the actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. Bidder shall p rovide a bid amount for each bid Item listed below. Failure t o provide a bid for each bid Item sh render the bid non-res ponsive ;lirlrli·ii:6jtti.@!QtlltMI·J''hiM'''·'''""i"M 'M 'f·V'•*¥irliJ&l'Ji''·Mi':l!.l.JJil!#·t.lij·"·' Pilt:e: C.6 0...--27.2017 aTY Of TBM'lf CITY, CALJfORIM 9IOOHO INJ COHIRACT OOCUtoEliTS, PlANS INJ SPECFlCATlONS STP1.·5365(010) PEDESTRIAN AND BlJ<E PATH SAFETY !liJ'ROIIEMEI(I 0H T'EMI'I£ aTY ll.'lll FROM B. CAMiNO R£Al.A..., TO EUJS I.ANe & R!JNN<AY IMP CITY PROJECT ~ Pl$48, -Criol l'lgo llcl 17!1 DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcon tract certain portions of the w ork which a re In excess of one-half of one percent of t he b id a nd to procure materials and equipment from suppliers and v endors as f ollows: Name, a ddress, and phone number pf Work to be Performed Con t racto r's DIR # Dollar Amount s ubcontractors, Ucense # s u ppliers, and vendors <:-!ISnl\111> !>"'_ .. ~, -sv i!.\le-1 Lo)'t\1 1 cxxXX:M ?, :, OCI#Io1 c t., rt"' sH,~?D- Cfll ~~~~ ltJl. S't~\fl t\>0 C¥l ii'Z-'l.. I c:o:x?\1~ 4!).\j~~(.f\ s :5J 1 1~2~ ·~>tr'\\"i'r\5 o..V. l.Oo,s (.p\ L{t5l<t. 1 c:o::t:X' I (ll 0 Q..~"(~ (... \ t-)G· s~,~~~-Of2.o...l\)6~ I C:f\ lNI\lf'\ 'E.L.bL"\1~ .. 1 L E1£'C'f~dl/... ?')011~ \WXX>\l'l.."i Ul'> l\\..f\Y"'II()S1(ft Slll"'l1 ~16- s $ s s $ Total Subcontract Amo unt (shall not exceed 49% of Total Bid Amount! s 2.S ~1~2-S- ~II.J,jj;C#Miii.h§lij!iit.ti•iiii z!ffi!ii.i!IU.I4116ii~IJ!.Wi•iij·iriJji ~iii\iil·ifil :!l·ltli;ii#•'4•fj.i Paao : C.7 oa--27.2011 REFERENCES CITY OF TEIIPlE aTY, CAUFORHIA lllDOIHGAND COHTRAC T llOClloiEIITS, PlANS AND SPECifiCATIONS STPI.-536S(01D)PEOESTRIAN M'D BIJ<E PATH SAfETY M'ROYB4EHTS OH TEIIPlE CITY Bl\'0 FROM B. CAMINO REAl A.., TOEWS lANE & RON1NAY IMP CITY PROJECT tO: P I ~.Oaw-Conlld ~· 20 Gl fit The Cit y ofTemple City Is Interested in obtaining bids from the most qualified and capa ble contractor> w ith a proven track record able to perform work desired by the Public W orks Department. Any and all ref ere nces required to be provided by t he bid sp ecification s must be for projects constructed by t he bidding co m pany; references for other projects p erformed by principals o r other Ind ividua ls or the bidding company m ay not be included. The following are the names, addresses, and t elephone number.; for three public agencies fo r wh ich BIDDER h rf d I II k I hi h h as p! anne s m ar war wt n t e past t ree yea rs. Bt:fs::r~:o~!: 'QDHird JnfQrmi)tiQn Bcfcu:os.t fr21c~ ~ Qm ~ ~ ~ Ajjency Name: C fT'( tJf htH4.0Lb g,.,_ bt/rt.b lrve. 't,,t~ki~va Va~tle: ~.f..\. fQI.Lnftc.A.TIN'J s I, tfl,.O ~-lelb I~ U. UJ.!b ~ Cont act Te l No: ~0,-t31 -"l Ol{ I( Agency Name: ~tTl{ •f ~IJC '(f1rwrd0t1J€ S?nta~"!f"e an~le: f.M. Yvt>.~. s t2,~1 ..e 5,:u>l~ IAJ61J Contact Te l No: ~ /0 .. :Srf 4f _ 2-''i" 0 Ajjency Name: C 111{ bf .>h..nt-A...lr f;u>ro~..-srwr crturrew~m,."',..; ~~ IAlM7oJ..l s ~1Sf,~ /'Z.·lt>' 'f Contact Tel No : 7/ f1-(,t/-7 -t;f,?'f BONDS The follow ing are the names, addresses, and t elephone numbers for all brokers and sureties f rom whom (' [ Bidder Int e nd s t o procure Insurance bonds : ~ 1 ~t.JHA.I"' <!o,..P . )o lt..l\b&l. ftt:£U7Vq ~a" t!t>. o(-M.~l.J"rl..b ~s-ao r&.lt6u.a.o ~ ..,.,,~. ,:;6r~~'l-.,• ~,oo -t..os A-.J~aes,c.+ n.v,~e c.A 'l:a.'" 'l. o (StAtery) tl~ -27o-O'oo '06/7 Cft6el.i f'/1 -&S7-</~oo SITE INSPECTION The Bidder declares that he/she has carefully read an d examined the pla ns, specifications, bid documents, and he/she has made a pe r.;onalexam lnation of the site (In dicate name or the per.;on, rep resen ting the bidder, who Inspected the site ond date be low) and t hat he/she underst ands t he exact scope of the Project WITHOUT QUESTION. Name of Per.;on who Inspected the s~e: bo~ )/-W 1-J ~ Date of Ins pe ction: ___ _ m,J,Ji·ii:'·"'i·I6'Qiiii·M~Jiii:!Nif«·jlt.t.t411M iifif*"fb'i@dii i~Jibii·UMI :!!.!.!JiiiQ·U!4-tj4 Pace: c.a -------------------------------~~~--------------~ Dolo-Ml:d\77, 2017 ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGMENT aTY Of TENPLE aTY, CAUFORHIA 8llOO<G />W CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, PW<S AND SPEC1ACA T10!IS S'II'I.~S36l(ll10) PEDESlRJ.IN foND BD<E PATli SAF£TY I~S OH 1B1PLE CITY BlVD FROM ELCAMIHOREAI.A~TOEllJS LN<E & PIJNJNAY lt.IP CITYPR<:IJECTID: PI~.--Callml Pogo 21 ol 171 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda and has Inclu ded their provisions In this Proposal : Addendum No . _1_ Dated t/--z.t.f-17 Addendum No . 2.. Dated t}__-2 Y ~l? Ad dendum No. Dated Addendum No. Dated EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMP UANCE BIDDER certifies t hat all previo us co ntracts or subcont racts, all reports which may have been du e under the requlremenU of any Agency, Site, o r Federal equa l employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are cu rrently ouUtandlng. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been ta ken to seek out and consider m inority business enterprises tor those portions of work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative actions have been fully documented, that said documentation Is open to Inspection, and t hat said affirmative action w ill remain I n effect tor the life o f any contract awa rded hereunder. Fu rthermore, BIDDER certifies t hat affirmat ive action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requiremen ts of t he cont ract documents. NONCOUUSION AFFIDAVIT BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in t his proposal as pr incipals are those na med herein: that no officer, agent , or employee o f the City of Temple Oty Is personally Interested, directly or Indirectly, In t his proposal; that this proposal is made w it hout connection to any other individua l, firm, o r co rporation maklnc a b id for the sam e work and that this proposal is I n all respects fa ir and without collusion or f rau d. BIDDER SHALl COMPLETE ArlO SUBMIT All DOCUMENT~ ANO PAGE~ IN SECTION "C BIDDERS PROPO~AL ' CITY Of 1B1PLE CITY, CAU'ORIM BWNG A.~ OONTRACT t:lOCUYENTS, P'..ANS foND SPECIFICAl'IOIIS S'II'I.-S36l(0101 P£CeSTRIAN A.~ BD<E PATli SAF£TY 1UPAOIIEWEHTS OH THI'LE CITY BlVD FROM EL CAIIJNO REAl. A~ TO llilS WE 'ROACWAY U' CITY PROJECT D: P15-0e.-c.n..o Po;o 22 o1 119 BIDDER INFORMATION Bidder's Name: A-U A-M eu c.HN /1$Pffi!Cr Address: 7o. &,{. 2-22-Cf -~~ CA-q~zr Form of Lesal Entity (I.e., Individual, partnership, co rporation, etc.) C OU't>LI#-nO IV If a Corporation, St at e of I ncor porat ion (i.e., Col if.) CII-UFotJJ 1ft Valid State Contractor's License No. and Class i'F z. (, '"l(> 78 ~ C-f2 ... Contact Peru>n Information: Name ntle I E-mail I Tel ~bJ'. l".w · (N] \lte-6 rLeS . ~~~f.uM--I 's/-7~-'X.o All current 1nd pr1or DBA'S, alias, and/or nctltious busines.s names for any principal havln1 an lntere1t In this proposal are as follows: , 1 / cvour::..- Previous contract performance history: Was any contno ctlermlnated prevlousty:_b{g 1/ the answer to t he above Is "yt~•, provide the following Information : Contract/project name and number: _________________ _ Date of t ermination: ____________ .,.._.__...,_ ________ _ Reason for termlnation : ________ ---:7"'/<:::.. ___________ _ Ownersname: __________ ~/?'~------------- Owner cont act person and lei. no.: ____ ? _____________ _ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BIDDER e•e<utes •'lj-lubmits this proposal with the names, titles. hands, and sea ls of all aforementioned principals this E day of k""'=' . 20lj BIDDER ,w A-.N EUctHJ Its Ptf-{1-LT tl!.).ji;Jiif.j!IOJ&IlUiii·W•Jiil:ltJii l·!!l.t.t411&!idftiV!•Ii4rll11?Jij,li·l~II ;J !,l•)j;iJij;{.)4•fi-i PalO: C.IO D ---77.2017 em Of TB~U em. CALE~ llllDIIG NIO COHTRACl DOCt.IENTS. PINiS NfJ SPECIFICATIONS STPI.-~101 PEDESTRIAH AHOIIIICE PATH SAfelY lloi'RCMlENTS OH IDFLE ema\IDAIOM aCAUNlRfAI. All£ TOWJSI.NE & lf/JK1NAY"" em PAOJECT ct P1Ht -cna,... n tJ 111 Subscribed and sworn to ~'------~· 20 1_. NOTARY PUBLIC ;#- Hl ·l·ljjliU 1!1(,]$1 AA!J''·'N ·Jiil:@lii·i!I.Iei31JS!jd l*·W·•t'rlJii~Jij, ii.!Jii!I!.].Jj·HQjH4·'* i ..... ,C. II CALIFORNIA JURAT GOV CODE § 8202 A no4-aty publk: oroctN:r ollku compk:tin& this ttnlfiC'Otc vcr11\cs only the kkTility of ttM: lnd1v~DI "ho SIJncd 1hc docum~:nt IU "hH.it lhi!I-CtTtlnctltc is 8U3ChctJ. and nOilhe truthfulncq KtunM.'). l'lf \'llK.fll) u (INil doc"Urm."fll State of Ca li forn ia County of _--!::Rilliv!.5e"-rs..,i,.d,_e ____ _ Subscribed and sworn to (or affinned) before me on this _1_" __ day of May 2017. Oete Monlh By (1) Edward J . Carlson HomeoiSlgnet Proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence be the person who appeared before me (.) (.) (and (2) _____ M"""ic~h~ae~I..!:F~a!.!rl<~a2.s _____ _. NomeofStgne< Proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence be the person who appeared before me ) Signature 0.'-J~ $.ognot\H oiHOOllty- -----------------OPTIONAL---------------------------- Thou;n tllo lofonnotlon below II ""' reqund by low. M may P'OYO YIIUib't to person ttlyfng Oft the doa.rnent and tou~ prevent traudu$tnt remove! end ttattKhment of this form to another document. Further Oet:cription of Any Attached Document T!Ut or TyPe of Ooc\.wMnt Bidder lntqrtnft!oo ,., ....... ,.... ---77.2017 aTY Of IDf'lE aTY, CALFORNIA 11001NG "''> COIITRAC1' 00Cl.t.191TS.IUNS NID SProRCATDIS STI'l-531S(11 111!I'Et'IESI1aoiHAHOB:XEPATHSAFETY~ OH TEWP\.E CrTY l!l.VD FROM a CA.ti.IIO ltfAl AVE TO ruJS l.N\£ & fiiONJNA.'f IP aTY PIIOJECI'Il:P1$4. -eoowd """24GI119 Deportment of Industrial Relltlons (DIR) Contractor Re &fst ratl on Number Beginning July 1, 2014, tontractors must register with the Department of Industrial Relat ions (DIR) belen! bidding on pu bllt works ton t racts in California. Fo r mo re Informatio n, please refer t o t his section of t he Department of Industrial Relations Website: http://www.dlr.ta.gov/Pu b llt·Works/Pub lltWo rks .html, Per this requi rement, provide the following lnfonmation: Contractor Name I OCQOO I 0 S"[ Contractor Department of Ind ustrial Rel ations Registration Num ber: ~-3o -11 Expiration Date o f Registration Number •(TH IS FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE SEAlfD BID)• .i!§hiziiit.!iii•ii§!llf,i§liii!!f6!11§!111eliii$iidd·§IIQd3JJWiiii!t!t ili!!i!lli ziiQ·iji41fh Pace: c.n OC.Ioouot Ma:dl77, 2017 aTY Of T£M?t.E Cffi', CIUfORIM BllllCNGNIO COHTRACT DOCIJIEHTS.IUNS AMJ SPECIFICATIOOS Sl1'1.-531S(1110) PEDESTRWf AHO BIKE PATH SAFID loiPRCMIIENTS 0H IDIPlE aTY 11.\/D FROII El CAMlNO REAl. AVE TOEWS WE & ROADWAY 1W aTY PROJECT 10: PI~.-""""" Pact 21GI 119 FOLLOWING FE DERAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS/DOCUMENTS SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED AS PART OF THE BID (THE BIDDER'S EXECUTION ON THE SIGNATURE PORTION OF THIS PROPOSAL SHAU ALSO CONSnTUTE AN ENDORSEMENT AND EXECUTION OF THOSE CERTIFICA nONS WHICH ARE A PART OF THIS PROPOSAL) 1. Required Federal-Aid Contract language (Exhibit U G) 2. Sample Bid {E•hlblt 12 H) 3. Construttlon Contract OBE Co mmitment {Exh ibit 15 G) 4. DBE Information-Good Fa ith Effo rt (Ex hi bit 15 H) 5. Bidder's Ust of Subcontractors {DBE ond Non·DBE) (Exhib it 12 B) 6. Subtontroctln& Request (Exhib it 16 B) 7 . Monthly DBE Trucking Verifitation (Exhibit 16 Z) 8 . Anal Report Ut iliration o f Disodvontoged Business Enterprises (DBE) and Arst-ner Subcontractors (Exhibit 17 F) 9. Disadvanto&ed Business Enterprises (DBE) Certification Status Change (Exhibit 17 0) ~IIU.Ji;iiif.ii+C.M!Qiiifi?l·l''':@lll,ili·l·lii@J?ilt.§'i•iif.iriJj!iCii•ii.Gli'·"·'"i ·iiQ·Uiij•'*" ... ,e: C.l4 Oo!o--27.2017 CITY Of TEW\.E CITY, CAUFORHIA IIIOOING NID CONTRACT OOQJIJ.EHIS, PWIS NID SPECIACA TlOHS STPI..$31.5(010) P£0ESTRIAN NID BD<E PAlH SAFm ~ ON nNl'lE CITY BLVD FROM a CAMJIO REAl AVE TO ElliS LANE l RDN:NIAY IIi' CITY PROJECT ED: P15-05. {)oQJJntrt c:owa P9 '11 cl 171 1 . Required Fe der11 i·Aid Controct LoniUI I O (E>ch lb lt U Gl E.s:blb ll U -C Requlrlhl ~-rde ra~ld Cu rn cf lAotu••• Ex m orr 12-C R£QUJR£D F£D£RAL·~ID CoxrRACT Lu<cr~ct (For Local Assistance Construcuon Projtc15) The follo\\lng longuogc: mus t bt incorporMcd into all Local Assistance f edenl..aid consrruction controcts. The follo\\ing lo.ng ua ge . with minor edits. wos taken from the Code of Federal Regula tions. l. DISADVANTA GED BUSINESS ENTERPRlSES (08 £) ................................................... --.2 A.. DB E CO;\I)·I tni£ST StTB;\1 11TAL. ............................................................................. --l 8 . COOD f~lTlt EFFORTS SIJ B,l m~L ........................................................................... ..J C. EXlllBIT I ~· CONSTRL"COOS CO:"'TIUCT OHE CO ~l\J IT:O.l t.''T .................................. A D. $l1B C0f'o/TR.A CTO R .\XD OISADV A..'l ACED Bl iS l~ESS O.'T£RPRlSE R.ECO R.DS ............... .A E. PERFOR.\1.\SC£ Of DIS.\0\'A:'\"T .\CEO BUSL'\'ESS ENT£RPRISES ..................................... 4 2. BID OPE NING ............................................................................................................ . J . BID RlGCING ............................................................................................................. 5 4. COI'n'RACT AIVARD ................................................................................................ -5 S. CONTRACTO R LJ C:EN SE ........................................................................................... ..5 6.. Cl.W'IG£0 COI\'DffiONS ............................................................................................ ! .\.. Ol fl'ERJS C SlTE C O NUITI O:'\ ................................................................................... --' 8. SUSPL'(StO:<S OF WORK ORDERED BY TilE El<C tNI:ER .................................................. , C. SI C:<tnC l :>'T C IIAS C ES IN Ti lt CHARACTER OF WORK ............................................... ,, 7. BEC"INM"NC OF WORK, TIME OF COMPLETION AND LJ QUTDA TED DAMAGES ................. 7 8. BUY AMERlCA ........................................................................................................... 7 fVAA1S U STtD. Af\1) lR~._. ;\L\TERJ ALS TO BE l'\CORPORATE.D ll\I OTI[[ \\'ORK Wl TII C£RTIF1 CATES Of CO)(Pl..JANCL STEEL Arm I.ROJ'\:\U TDUAL.S ~mST B£ PRODl'CF.D [i\' TI[[ U~4i . £XCEPT ........................... 7 9. Q UALITY ASSURAN CE .............................................................................................. _. 10. PROMPT PAYMENT OFFUI\'DS IVIT IDIILD TO St iB COl\"TRA(.TORS ............................... .a 11. FORM FIIWA -1273 REQ UIRED COI\T RA <.T PROVISIONS FEDFJUL-AID C ONTRACTS .... _, ll. FEMALE AND MINORITY COALS ............................................................................... u IJ, FEDERAL TRAINE E PROC RAM .................................................................................. It 1~. Tm.£ VI ASSURANC E .......................................................................................... , .. ,_, 1~. USE OF UNITE D STATES-FLAG VESSELS (CARGO PREFERENCE AC1) ........................... 1l Pace: C.lS Oete laue¢ Mltdl 11. 201 7 Lo cal AniJtaoct Pr()(tdurts 1\l aouRI CITY Of TEMP\£ CITY, CAUFORHIA BOONGNlD CONTRACT DOCIJII.EHTS. PWIS ANO SPEOFICATIOHS STJ't.$315(010) P£0ESTRIAN ANll Bli<EPAlH SAFm li!PROYEMEHTS ON TEliP\.E CITY BlVD FROM El CAloDIO REAl AVE TO EllJS LN1E l RONNIAY 116P em PROJECT Ill: Plue. _c.n.., Po;•" ot tll E.dalblt ll..C Mrq•lrrd }'rdet a l-,U d C oatntl LIIDJ:U•J:• I. DISADVANTA GED BUSIJ\'ESS El'o'TERPRlSES (O DE) Und<r 49 CFR 26.1 J(b): The c:onuoclOI', su brec iptmt or subconltO<.'Ior shall !\Of d1sauniMte on the bo.sis o f rac:e. color, ntrionol ori&in. or sex in the pe rfOf"Dlance of this con1nct The contractor shA ll carry our appUablc rc:quirenxnrs of 49 CFR pa11 26 in the owud and adntinisntion of OOT ~sist~ contr:l cts. Fniturc by the contrnctor to ctLfT)' out these requiremmts i.s a m:umal brench of this conU'IK:t, whi ch mt~y result in the termimuion of !his C'Orllntel or such Olh~ remedy ns the recipient dcemJ appropriate. Ta.ke n«essary IJld I'C'ClSOOablc Reps 10 e11Sli'R: 1ha1 DBEs hove opportunuy to pontcipate in the contract <•9 CFR26). To onsurc equal poni<ipollon o f DBEs pro"idcd in ~9 CFR 26.S. d1< Aa<n<Y sho1-. o lOlii for DB Ell. Make work avai l:lble to DBEs and Stltct work pan s C'OC1Ji$ctne with"\ aalJble OBE subconlJXIon and supphcn. Meet the DO E aoo.l showu dsc:wherc in the~ sp«ial jX'OYisions or demonstn!.le tOO l you tmdc Odc:fJUAie &ood ftith efforts to m«t this pl. It is your relpOQSi bility to \"Cri(y th:lt thc: DBE finn is certified u DBE at dt!.tc of bid opening. For • lisa of DBEs ccni ficd by the Co lifomi• Uoilied Ccnificotion Pro1nm. JlO to: hnp·/Jwww dor ca.ROvlbqlbm'find Mtjfi¢ hnn. All OD E participation will ('OUOi tow:u-d th e California [kpantnent o(T('.In.sporunion's (eder:dly ms.ndatcd suaccwi de overall DBE gool. Crcdi1 for materials or supplies you putc hast from ODEs counts 10\\'lllrds the goal in the folto\\ing mnnncr. 100 perecnt coonts if 1he mru~riWor suppli es It( obtained from a DBE lt\;1.1\Ufac turer . 60 pcrtent cou nts if the: nusterUits or supplies a.rc obcairled from o OBE rreulor dealer. On ly f«S. c:ommissJons, t)l\d clw&d for assistancr in the procurement and dth\'tf)' of rnatc nals or su pplie s count if obc.llinrd from a OBE tlut tJ ncnher " m:m ufllCturtt nor regular dea ler. 49 CFR 26 SS defines ·manu facrwcr-and ·rceular dealer." You receive Cl't11tt to\\'tlrds the gool iryou e,npk:ly a DBE truc:lclnaeompany tbot performs o conuncrciatly UJC:JIJJ illnaion os defi ned in 49 CFR 26.SS(dX l) through (4) and (6). tr. DB£ Co~nmit"'~"' Subn~ittttl Sub mit the Exhibit l S-G (tmstmcrioJJ Coutmct DB£ Commfhn•llt forrn. include d in the Bi d book. If the form is not submined with the bid, remove tile form from the Bid book befo~ sub nli tt ing your bi d. If the ODE Convnitmenl form is not submitted with the bid, !he apporcnt low bidder. the 2nd low biddn', and the 3rd low bidckr must c:ompk te and submit the DBE Commitment (onn to the Agency. OBE Commitment form IWSI bt received by tb< Agency no toter thon 4:00p m on lbr 4th business d:ay oncr bid opcnina. O.btrbtckkn do not need to R~bmit the DBE Convnitment form u.nlm the: Aaency requcsu ic. tftbe AJ<N:Y rtquests you to su bmn a OBE Conunumnu form. submit the completed form within 4 business day s of the request Submit \\'riUcn conflrlllll tion from tiJch ODE staling that it is ponicipalin g in the contnlct. Incl ude: confmnau ion \\ith t he: OBE Conunitmen t form. A copy oft OBE\ quote witl.sel'\'e os wri nen confinuation thA t the OBE is partici potin& in the contract. tr)'CMJ do not submit tt.: DB E Conunitmcnt fonn wuhi n th~ s.pccifird titne', thr Agency wi!Jiind your bid nonrnporm~. P•&•2 a04 J uly2D16 Pa ce : C.t6 ---n.20n '-CHd F•irh FJ!orts SnbtHitt•l art Of fBjPI£ art, CAIEORIM IIODING N/tJ COIIIRACT DOCUNEIITS, PIAHS IIJ) SPECifiCATIONS S11'1.<5311540101 PBlES1'RIAH .wJ 8:I<E PAlli SAI£lY -.ns ON 1'EI6'l.E art aw FIQI a CAIIINO REAl AVE TO aus lAHE IIIDN1NAY 1W OlYPROJECTI> PI--C:C..OU .... 2trl111 £1bllt!U 11-C ll•,•ll td fl'dtni-Aid c .. tn cl u ..... .. Jr you hoY< noc met the ODE pl. cornpl<lc one! submh lhc ODE lnfom•ulon-Good f11d1 EIToru, Exllibic I S·H, ronn ~ilh lh< bld showma dial you mo<lc odcquate aoo<f &ub cfToru lO mc<e the ,ool . Oaly aood £11th tfT'orts darecttd IOWilfds obtaining po.tticipil ioo by OB.Es will bt «m:ukrcd. If aood Cailh cfToru: doc umen tation is noc submilled with the bid. il must be rect h•td by the A~ncy no lat~:r than 4:00 p.m. on the 4lh b\.ISintSs dly after bid opcninJ. If your OBE ConuniUtlttll form shows that you ~\'C met lhc DBE coal orifyou are required to submit the DBE Con•ni tn"'ml fonn.. you m.Jst also submit JOOd fa ith cfforu documnuation witbia the sp«ififd l ime 10 protttt your cliJibility for ll\'lllrd of the: c:onlrKtlD tbc cvcnt tbr AJC'nty finds I hac the ODE aoaJ l'llll not bc:en nxc Good r.,lh ciToru do<umeJUrion mus< incl ude the rollol<irc in romw lon IIlli '-'inc doeummls, os necuwr I. hm"ll of work )'OU bl\"t made available co DBE fUlllS kkmif')' 1hotc Uttn' of l\'Oft you rw&ht ocbM\uc pafonn l\'lth your own fO«U and thole ti Cmllhlt hl\'f btm btoUn down arlo econonuc:elly fnMblc units to f~eiliunc OBE pantctpauon For each ucm listed. shcm• the dollar \ .. tuc lnd pm:cntaac o f the 101111 t'OIIh'ac'l. h IJ your rtSpoa.JibdUy IO cfcmonsti"'\IC tblt tufficktu w·ork lo meet the pi \VIS n\lllk •vml•bl~ to OBE finru Names of ccr'llficd DBEs md data oa which th~ wen solicited 10 b1d on th~ ptOjtct. lndude the items or wort offered. Describe lhe mt!hods used f« roii<>"'UI& up initial tobcitMIOOS 10 dtcmDnc nimctruinryiftbt DBEs nwc inttre~ttd. and d~· datn: ofdlc: fol&o..·-up.. AnKh supporting docummts such u cop;a ofknm.. .nnnos. fiC'SWIIcs ~m~. t~kpttoac-lop.tckpbonoe biUmJSUkm:DU.. ;mciocbc:rC\'tdmc.: oftollc,tttiOIL You ltC' mnanckd 10 JOhaa ccrcificd DBEs dwouJh. alltn.son:~bk and avail•bk mnns and Pf0\'1de lllffictcnc lime to allow DBEs to rdpOOCI Name ofscl«l~ finn and its .staeus IS I onE for ncb it~ln or work made I\'IUiabl~ Include .. ..,, oddrcs, and telephone nutllber or each ODE thol p<oVIded 1 quo1e ond !heir price quo te If~ fi rmsclcclcd for tbc 11an is nola DB E. provide the muons for the sclcccion 4 Nome one! dole or co<h public.tJoo in "1ll<h you r.que>led ODE por1ic1polion r., lh< pr<>J«l Aflacb cop1cs of the pubtisbcd advertaklntnl.S. Names of IJt nclcs and elites on wh ich they were coocactltd to provide auillance in t0ntac1a na. recru it me, 11.nd usina DBE flf11lS. lf tM AJC11C1CS n'(('( \:on tactcd In wTirina. provlde copies Of Rlppcwtin& documents. 6. l ist o f c1Tor1s madc to providt imcn:sted ODEs with adtqwuc inform1uion about the plans. spcci!itatiora. and 1~imneua of the coolJ"'Ct to usi ~t them Ul rcspondiQ& to asoliciu.tioo. If you ba\'c pc'O\ided infonna.cton. idmti(ythc: name of the: OB E an1slcd.thc nature of the: lnfonnatioa provKkd. and dlte or contKt ProYidc tq)in of supportina doc:umcots. as "1'1""'1""1<. last of ei'Toru ~ 10 u.s&St ullcc.skd ODU m obtauuna bond1na. hn« of acdn, insuranct, net"'"'l' <q\lipmcnt .vpploes. ond maleriaiJ, ell<lud•rc supplictlnd <qtuptncnl thot the ODE wtN:•nctor purchases OJ leases from the-pnme C'OniTKior or alJ aNi hate l(such a.u1st1nct 11 Pf0\'1ckd by you. idcatify lhc: name of the DOE lniited, n.1turc: of1hc .,~a~ncc oO"cml. and date I:SJaSUinCC \\'OS pi'OV'Ick<i. Provide c."OpiCS OflupporlUII docUI'IYnll.IS appropr\llt. Az1y odddioooi.U!O 10 support demoostnllon of aood f&dh cfToru The Aam<Y ,..y eonsider DOE comm.unmu of lhe 2nd ond .ltd b1dden •1len dermniruna ~'!>ether !he !"" hodder l!llllc aood liuth cfTortslo meet the DBE pl. .!!U.Ji!iiiM!IC·l6'Q!iidl•iiil:l$iiijl I.I.Iiii§Uti(!-if!slij jijljUJUii!.hlii i!rlsjj ·Jjij ·f.!Q.Lf!i Pop:C.17 o.--n.2011 art OF Tall'\£ art, CALF0RN1A BaliNG 00 COHTRACT llOCUoEHIS. PIAHS AHil SPECIF1CA 11011S Sll'\.~0) PED£SlRIAHNJ) 1111<E PATlt SAI£lY ~ ON fBjPI£ art a YO FIUI a CAMJ«l REAL AVE TO BilS IN£ l ~y 111P artfl!nECTD:P1--Cooln!IP>;eliJrl171 E.Jit lb&t ll-C R"lvlm fto.n~AI• Ceatrll("l U••••t• e Exhibit JS-C -ConJin tttNn Ctmtraet D6£ CMm~thntmf Complete and sian Exhibi1 I$..Q Consrmcnon Commct DBE C""""'""*"'•nduckod in the conii'Kt docummts reaordleu or whether DBE pon1cip>tion is rq101ted. Provide wrincn confinnatton from ~3Ch DBE dlll t he DBE IS pc1icipntina in I he ContriCt. A copy or. DBF s quote serws as \\Ti n a t coa.firmAtion. rr a DBE is panicip~;tina as o joint \'cnturt panncr. the Agency cncow-ts<s you to submit :1 copy or the joint vtncur< ;grccmcn t.) d. Subcomrnctor tmd D isndrtmfog~tl B11sin~ss Enlupri" Rcct~rds Usc nc-h ODE subcontrxtor u l~ed on Exhib it ll·B BNid•· '1 lJst of Subconfr'"MttJI'S rDBE and NQ,.DB£.) and Ex.tubll I s-o C"onsrn~t:tlon COfltroct DB£ Commlrm~m (onu un less you ~C1vt IUthorizAtion for a tubfc i NtiOG. Tht Aacnt)l RqUCSU lhc: Conlf'liC'Ior to: Noo lfY lhe l:nllfl«<' of ooy <iwl&es co us onu cipaled DOE port•:.pouon Prov;dc t11it nott(teatJOD before SllfhDJ the afT «ted work M1intca records iocluc&n,: • Name and business address or each 1 .. -ticr subconnctor Nome one! business oddress or each ODE subeonltxt«. ODE V<ndor, ond DBE truddna compony. reprdlcss of lier Da.tt of J)l)'t'Dml and 10t2l cuount pad to ncb bustMU If you arc • DBE contractor, uxludc the date of ,.,"OtlcpcrfOt"'"ncd by your own forces a.nd the c-onesponchna value' o( the work. Jlcforc the 15th ofex h morub . subm.ic a Monthly DBE Truck1n1 Vcn(telhOtl fomt. If • DOE 11 deccrtaficd btfcn compkuna ics \vtrl:. cbc ODE muse noc ify you sa wriona oftbe dec:enif.cau on da te If • bus1nru becomes • «rt11icd DBE bcfO« c:omplcuna 111 \\'Utk, the busmess must noufy you in wridn a of the «nirit~don date Subrnit lhc nourattOnS. On ~'OI'k C'Ontplctson. C'Oinpleic I DisedwnllJC'd Business Emerpnsa (DB E) Cen ificotion Status Chonae. Exhib!c 17~. fonn. Sub1nillhe form '"d1in 30 doys o( tOnCrtc:IIC'CC'planc::c Upon work completion. complde E."thibit 17-F Fmol R~/1'01'1-Urlfl:al/o11 of OlsDJmmaxrd B111f11a3 Enrrrprlla rDBEJ, Ftrsr.n•r Su«ourmcron. Submit h within 90 tbyt. o( ~o.'Onlnct occ-=pcanc~. Tb-= Agmcy wHI withhold S IO.OOO until the l"onn is submined. The AJcncy rtlcaus the \vi lhhold upon JUbmissian of tlw: completed form r. Prrfomttm~e 1!/ Dist~d1Vmtogtd BusitJ t ss Enltrprlst s DB& ITIJ.St perform work or supply materials as bSitd in the Extubtt 1$..(j Co1Un1HTI<Hr Comr«t DB£ Commlfmmt (Clm\ included in rhe Bid. Do ncH tcnnmllc or subltnute ali.slcd ODE for con\-cniencc and pctform the \\"Ofk \\1th your own forces 01 obcaJn m11mals from CMhcr sc"utn \\ithouc authonZIItan from lhc A,c:ncy ~ A&mcy authorizH • request co usc oc Mr fortts or SOUR"Hofnwtcria.tJ if at ihows any of the followmc JUIIIfic:tltOit.s. L$;cd OBE !aals 01 n:l\lses to cxeane a \\Tincn C'OnltKI bakd on plms and spccificarions for !he projea 2. You Jtii)U1ated that I bond is. condition or eX«Utina the subcontncc and the hSkd ODE faals lO meet your boad roqWmnen!S. Pa tt--l e rl.a J•ly 1016 lQIIi)j iiiiM!iU@IQ!ill"f lliil!:idii'·''*.!.liiM!Ui4JtbllriQ-idJi!fJiJ·il.'ti+m.!rlj·Jjij·l,lj•0-' ..... , C.l8 Dolo-~.cdll7, 2017 CITY CE IDII'IE CITY. CAI.fOAlM BIDOIHG-COHTRACT OOCUII.9ITS. PlANS »>Il SPEOFICAllONS STPI.-536S(!)10)PEDESTRIAHNID BDCEPATltSAFETY ~ ON TEMPLE OTY Bl'IO FROII R CAMNl REAl. AVE TO El1JS lME & flfJNNIAY INP OTYPRO.ETD:P1S<l6,-Conln>l1'1ge31al.171 l...ocft l Anlslaact P roctdut'ts Mflaul'tl E.s.blbU ll..C lhqulrtd ftd tr.1~.Aicl Coa1nc1 Uoau•a• 3. Work rcquitts a C"ontnetOt"s license cmd lilted DBE doc1 tliX have • valid IK:ensc under Conutctoll Uctt\SC La"'· 4. l isted OBE flits or refuses to perform tbc work. or furnish the listed m:utrials. 5. listed OBE's \\"Oflc is unsatisfactory 1\nd noc in compliance with the contr'ICt. 6. Listed ODE is inelig~bk to work on the project because of suspension or deb:trmr:nl. 7. l i.\1cd ODE b«omes OOnkrupt or insolvent. 8. listed DBE voluntarily \\ithdruws with wrincn n01ic e from the Contnct 9. ~cd DBE is uxligible to receive credit for the type o(n'Oft requim:t 10. Uatd OBE owner dies or b«omts disabled rcsultina In the 1n.1biliry t o perform the work on the Contnlct. II . A&cncy dc1c.nmncs ochrr doeumrnttd sood cause. Notil"y tht oria.nal OB E of your intent to use other forcu or motaiat 1ourca ••Kl provide tht rcuons. Provide the DBE with S days to re-spond to your nocice and adviu you ond the Agency of the reasons why thl.'l use or other (on:cs or soun=cs of materiAls should noc occur. Your request to usc: other foo:c:s or material SOutttS rt'll.SI include I. One or more o f lhe rcasoos listed in the pr«edin_g paragtDph. 2. Notices from you to 1he DBE r<gar<ling the rcqu<S1. 3. Noticn from lhe OBEs 10 you reprding the rtqUest If • list~ ODE 1s tt"munared or substituted. you muslnllke aood fai th etrons to find :mother OBE to substitute for the ori&inal 08£. TI:~e subsututc: OBE must pcrfonnat kasc the to.ltl\! omount of \vork aJ the original DBE under lhC' contnct to the c:xtmt needed to m«tthe OBE aoal . The subcttrute DOE must be certified aJ a OBE at the time of request for JUbstirution. Unlas the Aacncy authonzcs; (I) a rcqucsc to usc odlct fc."C'CJ ot sourttS Ofllllt«iels or(2) 1 &ood faith c:ffon for 1 ~ituhon nra tcmunated OBF .. the A seney don llO( raY fnr wnrk hst~ nn the Exhibit I S-O Constnrc-flo11 Com~W~ OBE Commirmcm form unless it ispcrl'ormcd or supplied by the listed OBE or an oulhoriztd subslirutc. 2. BID OP~G Tht Agmcy publicly opens tlDd reads bsds at the tut1< :md pta« 5hown m the Nortu 10 Bkldtt-s. J. BID RI CCINC Th< U.S. D<parunem ofTnnsponorion (DOT) provide> a tOII·frt< hOt lin e to repon bid nuinaacllvitics. Usc the hot line to report bid riging. bidder collusion. and ocher fRudulent activities. The hotllne number it (800) 424-9071. The scrvK:e is ovaibblc 24 hours 7 dll)'$ a week a.nd is c.onfidenrialand anonymous .• The hocline is pan of the oors effort to ide nt ify and invudpte hiJ.hway construction conrna frlud and obusc and is operated under the: direction of the DOT ln~p«tor General 4. COI'TRAC.I AWARD If the Aaency aw1rds the contruct. the 1w.ard is m;~dc to the: lowest n:sponsibk and responsive bidde r. S. COr. 'TRA CTO R U CENSE Tbc ConltiC1or must be property licensed as • contractor from contract award through Cootracl acccp~o.ncc (Publ ic Conb"'<t Code§ 10164). Paa• Sofl.t J uly2016 0100[11 SI!All (Qi,1Pl(TE Af-40 SUBI\rllf All DOCUMENTS AND PAG[1j IN !.ECTION ( BtDO(R'S PROPOSAl Poae: C.19 Ollalautd:llaldll7.2011 6. <:~!ANCED CONDITIONS n. Diffnl"t Site ContHtWns CfTY Of TEMPlE OTY, CAUfaiH1A BIOOINGAIID CONTRACT llOCl.1!.!EJITS PW<S AIIO SP£CifJCAnONS STPI.-6365{010)PEDESTRWIAIIO BIKEPATlt SAFETY lloi'ROVEIIEHTS ON IDII'IE CITYBl'IO FRO!IEl CAMINOR£N..AVE TOEWS LANE & RONNIAY 11.'1' C1TY PROJECT 11>. P1s.QI, -Ccmi f'lso 32 al.17t txMbu n .c Rtqulnd fritrai-Aid Coat net lAD l UI It I. Durin& the proa.rns of the work. if subsurface or lotmt physical condi tions m encountered al the site differina tnlUtrially from dtose indicated in thC' contrect or if unknown physicol conditions of an unusull n.~~rurc, differing llVIteriolly &om those ordinarily encountered end generally rec:ognind as inhe rent in the work prO\i dcd fw in the con tract, are encount ered at the site, the pany discovtring such conditions shall promplly notify the ocher p1ny in writing o f the speci fi c ditfcrine conditicru before lhe site is disturbed end before the oiTccted work is performed. 2. Upon wrinm ooufiCJtion. l.bc c:ttgineer will i:nvesdaatc the condi tions, a.nd if it is determined tlmt the conditiollSinlttriJily diiTcr and cause •n inC1toSc or dc<rcAsc in the cost or time rtqUircd for the perfomlAncc of any work under the conlrlet. an odjusuncn&. t:tcludina wkipatcd profits, \\i ll be made and the C'Otl&n11(1 modiftcd in "Titina~ecord inaly The ctl&tnecr will notifY thC' contrac1ar of the dctenninauon whether or not an odJUStiT'Ialt of the comract JJ WlrrRntcd.. ), No com rae1 odjustmcnt whi ch rnuhs in • bC"nc:fitt o the comt:K1or will be allow·ed unless the roonctor has provided the requ ired wrincn notke. ... No coatrlt1 :tdjt1S1111t:nt will be allowtd undC'r !.his clause for any e!Tm s c:~u~ed on unchanged work. (This provl$ion mny be Otnincd by the toc:ol Agency. at thtir option.) b. SusJWnsions of Work Ord"~tf b:r tit~ Engin«r I . If the p«fonmnet of all or any portion ofth.c: wort is SllSpC'mkd or delayed by lb e cnginfft in \\ntina for IUl unrnsonable pmod of time (not oriJ!.MIIY anticipated, cusumary, or inhe rent to the construccion industry) ond the contractor bclic-\"CS tlwu :tdditiOR:III compotS:Uiolt 3ndlor conu·act time is dut :u :l ruuh of such suspension or delay. the contrktor s hall submit to lh e cnJincer in wririna a request ror t djusunef\1 "i dUn 7 calender days ofo..'Ceipr o(lhe nociet to resume work. The: rcque$1 sha ll set forth the reasons ~tnd suppo11 ror such adjlWment. ], Upon rueipt,the ena;irtCCT wtll e\"'lhlll tc: the contraclo(J KqUCSI . If the enaine« 1gn:es 1h:l1 lhe cost tndlor lime required for the: pctft'n1l.'ln« of 1hc: conli'OCt hu tnanscd as • mull of such suspenstot\ and tbe suspension \\'US Cl~ by c:ondittORS beyond the COOb'OI Of and OOC the fault of tbc eontnte:cor. irs suppliers, or subcontnetors ot DJtY llppt'O\'td titr, :tnd J)()t c:o.uscd by \\'tar her. the enain«r will n•ke an adjusanent (a:dudina profit) and modify the contnct in "TitinJ Kcordinaty. The contna(1or \\ill be nocificd of the c:n&ine~(s dctrnniruuion whether or not 1m :Kijusuncnt of the ComtllCI is \\'llmi\ICd. J . No contract adjustment will be allowed unless the commctor h3S submitted the request for adjustment withi n tbc timC' prC'SCn'bed. No cmlt'kl ~justmeut will be allowed under this cbUS( co ttl\: cxtenl th:lt pc:rfonnnucc would haw bml sUSIXfldcd cr dda)'t'd by any Olhcr CIUJC, or for whkh a.n odjustmenc is provide-doc cxc:luck:d under tny other term or condi tion o(tbia con nct. c. Sitnifimnt Clumtn in th~ Ch11rnetn-of Work I. Tile Cfl&lllC'C'r reserves the riahtto make:. In wnt•na. ac rany ume dunna the work. such chanaes 1n quantities o.nd such :tlter.uions in the work as ltl't n«-es.s:3ry to s&uisfoctorily complcle the proj«t. Such chanaes in quantities and alt(J"'IIons shall not in ... olidDIC the conlf'DC1 nor release lhe surely, tnd lllf: contmctoc ngrtCs to perform the work as altered. 2. Jflbe ahmtions or ch3ngcs in qu.tntictc:.s sianifitantly change ttw thl.lllctcr of the work undn lhc contract. whe ther sucb alttt:litioas or changes arc in l.hro\$c:lves siarufictnt cbitngcs to abe chantcter oflhc \\'Ofk or by aCTec:tins other won: cause: such ocher work to become significantly di1Terent in choractcr,r~o Bdju.s~mena. exdudinall'ltkipatcd profit. will be rmde to the corun.ct , The basis for the: adjustment Wll be DJn:'C'd upon pnor to the pcrfonnance of the work.lfa bnsis P•t• 6 ofl.t Jul)' ZOI' UI.J.ll tJijt.iiiC.Miijliii·M•iiiU!fdii.Ut.t.JCI IMlitifiMI•IQ·iri\JMJi f,i !.ifii:!!,!.!I·Jjij·l·lij•fi-' Poae: C.20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY Of TEMPI£ CITY. CAUFORIM BIIJOING AND COHlRACT OOClJt.IEliTS. PLANS AHil SPECIFICATIONS STPI.o5365\1110)PEOESTRIN<ANO BIJ(E PAllt SAFETY ilii'ROYENEHTS ON TEWlf CI1Y BtYO FROM El Cl.!ltlOREALAVE TO EWSLANE & RONNIAY Ill' CITYP!lOJECTIO: P1~. -Con>dPIGfllal17t Loul Aubttacc: PrortdLirH MIIMUIII bhlbllll....C Rtqulrf11 Ft dtni-.AhJ Centratl L .. s u ar annot be DJr«d upon. then 20 ~j uttmC'nt ,,;u be mack c:ither for or :apinst 1hc romnac:tor in luth ltnOUOt IS tbc m&illC'CT may dctcmunc: 10 bt (a ir and equitable. l . If the olte:rarioM OJ c~ges i.n quantities do not stp.ific:anlly clmnac 1be cbftl"''tter of the wort tO be pa{onncd under the r:ontrae1,1bc nhertd wock will be: pa.Jd for 3S provickd elsewhere in the COtl U"IK'I. 4. The tcm1 ··sign ifi..:3nl change" shDII be-conscrucd to apply only to du: follo"ing circumstances: When the ch.a!"'ctrr of the work as ahcrcd differs m~tcnally in ldnd or t\J.Iurc from thai in\'Olved or inclu ded in the original pr~ coastruction: or When a major item o f work, as ddincd clkwhm: in the C'OOtnu:t, tS inc:r~d in excess o f llS pct't(1ll ordec:Teased below 7S pcrcmt of lhe ori&inal contntel qullntiry. Any all owance for an intrtosc in quant ity Wll apply only lo dull pon1on In excess of 125 ptf'C'tn' of ori&inal contract ilem quMtity, or in case of a dca-QSC below 7S pc:n.'CT11. co 1hc acruaJ l.mOUDI or work pcr{onn<d. 7. BECIN,.,1NC OF WORK. TIME OF COMPLETION AND LJQ\IffiAT£0 DAMA GES The Cooltlttor sha ll bc&in wort within 15 calendar days oftcr 1hc contntc:l tw b«n tpprO\"<'d bytbc anomcy appointed IUld auchorizcd lo rqnsentl}l( CiryK:ounry of ___ _ This work sblll be di li gen1ly prOS<CUied 10 comple<ion before lhe expin1ion of_ WORKING DAYS beginning on 1he fifteenth calendar day After approval of1he conrr-.ct. (lnS<t!omoonl ofLiquida1ed O.nuses> The Con traCt or shall pay 10 !he City/Couruy of cbc: sum of S ___ per day, for ea.ch and evtry t'11kndar day's delay in finishing lhe work in cx«ss of the number of \\'Orkin& cbys prescn'bcd abc)\'t . 8. 8 \N AMERICA furab b s tttl ud lroa mAttrUls lo bt l.Dco1-pontcd tat o tbt work "1t b ctnlfkAits of compl btDct. Stttl aod lroa mAf criah mUJI M protluecd Ia tbt U.S. cntpt: I. Fottian pig iron Md proc-essed, pe lle1ized, and reduced iron ore moy be u~ in the domescic produc1ion of1he S1eelond iron muerills (60 Fed Rea 15478 (0)/24/1995)]; 2. lflbe total combined eos1 of 1he m1ucritlls does not exe«d the grctcc:r of O.I pcn:au of the tocal bid or Sl.SOO, materia.ls procitJttd ouuidc the U.S. may be w.ed ProdUdion mcludcs· I. Processing &!tel and iron malaials,mcludln& snlCIIma or othtr proceud tha1al1 cr the physical form or shapt (such u roll in&-eXtNdina. 1na<hinina. bfndina,. crind ing. and drill in&) Of chermcal composition: 2. Coa tina appHcntim. inc luding epoxy COi tina. g;tl va nh:ing. and pai,uiug.. lhat prueects or enhtnC(S the wluc of steel and iron ltUHerials. P•a• 1 ofl4 Jlll)'l016 Ui.ttli,iii4i!ICI!hJQIJibfUiil!i@lii§llt!.lfl@l#iLjMI•i@iriJj!fJ1j,ilUfli;ii,jrli·Jjij·t.iij•fh Paae: C.21 Oo!e-MJnllll. 2017 Local A.s.d.Jtftn cr Pt•occdu rrs M11nu•l 9. QUAl.ITY ASSURANC E QTY Of TEMPI£ CITY. CALifORNIA 81001NG All) COHlRAClOOCU\IaiTS, PlANS Al/0 SPEQFICATIONS STPlo5365\1110) PEOESTRIAN AND BIKE PAllt SAFETY IJ.IPAOVEl,IEHT OH TEMPlE CITY Bl.YO FROM EL CAM:.'«> REAl AVE TOEWS LANE & ROADWAY IMP CITY PROJECT1D: P1~S.-Concroll'lgo 34 al17t E..:blbllll-C Rtquh•t d Ftdtrd-Aid Contract Llnau•ae The Aeeney uses a Quality Assurance ProFm (QAP) to ens\1~ a m:uctial is produced to comply with lhe Coo tract. You may examine 1hc records and reports of tests the Agency perfonns if they lll't awi labl e at tlkjob site. Schedu le work to allow ti me for QAP. 10. PROMPT PA YME!'<'T O F F'liNDS WmiiiELD TO SUBCO NTRA C.TORS (The *al attnCY muu 1n<:lude ~ oftht foiiO\\ltll three pi"'\'lsionsto ensure prornpt and fuU pGymrnt of any rcteinaae tTom the prime connctor, or subconnctor ,to a subcontf'ICior. Remo\~ or strike out dte melhocls 001 used.) (EITHER) No ~tailli BC \\i ll bt n1thhtld by the agency from progress payment' due the prin-.c Conlr.tetor. Re1ainoge by lhe prime contractor or subcoocr.~ctors is prohibited and no rctainage will be held by the prime contnctor from proeress due:: subrontm:tors. Ar:Jy violouion ofthi.s provision shall subjctl lhc 'lohuina prime contt'Jctor or subcon1ractor to the penalties.. Sll'll.-tions and l)thcrrcmedics spcdrtcd in Scc1ion 7108.S of1be California Busincs:s 1U1d Prof~sions Co«. This requirement shall no1 be construed to limit or in~ir o.ny C'Onnctu~~l, adminisrrati\'~. or judit"ial ~medies otherwi5t: :no:aibble to the: prime Contractor or subcontrxtor in tht t\'t:nl of a dispute involving J:ue poyment or nonpayment by the prime contr2ctor or ddkient subconna pcrfol'llllD«, or noneomplionce by D subtonanactor. (OR) No rctaina.ae \\ill bt heki by 1he agency fmm proereu paymc-nls due:: 1hc: prime contrxtor. Any rc1a in:.gc held by the prime contrnctors or subcontrnc tocs from proaress paymcnl t due subcontrt~ctors shall be promptly paid in full tO JUbcon lnC1on \\1th.i n 30 dtlys after the subcontntCIOI'"'J W"Ofk is Srllisfaclorily completed, Fedml low (49CFR26.29) «quires 1ho1 any delay or pos1ponemrn1 ofpoymem "'"" 1he 30 dllys may 141<e place only for Jood cause and with the ogency's prior \\Tincn approv-.1 My viola1ion of1h.i s provision shAll subj«1 the Ylolauna pnme «JntnC10f or subcooncu.r 10 the perullties. SAnCtions and ocher re medies sp«ifitd in S«tioa 7108 .S of the Business and Profmions Code, These requ irements shill not be construed to limi t or 1mptir any contnlCt'UIIL admioiJtnti~. or j ud icial mncdics othcrni se a\-ai{ablt! to tht! prime Contf'DCtor or wbc:oatnacaor in the e\'ml of a dispu te invohi n.& late payrncn1 or nonp:tymmt by the prime contractor. deficient subcon&ract pcrfomla:nct, or noncomplillnCe by i1l subcon tnetor. (OR) The: agency st\111 hold retoin&lge from the: prime concmctor nnd shall tmke prompe and regular incrcl'nenzal accepttncesof pon ions.u de1ennined by the ogcncy, or e he eoou'Kt work. and pny ret1in:~ge to the primt contt'letot based on !hesc acctplances. The prime contrDctor, or subcontmetor. sh.:~JI reNm all monies \\ilhheki in retention from a subcontractor w;lhin 30 days a ncr rccch1na paymmt for work satisfactorily co.nplc:IC"d and ~tteptcd indudina incrrmeotalatc:q:~U~nccs of ponious ofth: contract work by tht aaency. Fcdcnal law (49CfR.26.29) requires that auy delay or J)OS'ponemcnl of pay~ncnt over 30 cbys may tUc place only far aood cause and nith Ihc: aaency's prior wriuc·n opprowl . Any \'iolol ion of this provision shD.II subject the violac ing prime conu':lctor or sulxonttGCtor 10 the pcnaJtks . sooctions and other remedie-s s:p«ilicd m Sec-t ton 7108 .S of tbe Business and Profes5ions Code. Thc.sc rcqutrenlCnU shot I not be construed to limi t or impair 1ny contractual. administruth-e. or judici:~.l remedies othemise 0\'3i1a bh: 10 the prhD: •• :ontnctor or subcomnac1or in the C:\'tnt of a dispute invohina lc.te payment or nonp:~ymrnt by the prime: cormuctor. defideot subcontract performAnce. or noncompliance by a s:ubcontnctor. P•a• I of u Jul)'l0J6 !I!Ciiiii ·Jjjf,iiii•id'Q!Jil.id•Jil!:fi$111~111 •I•l!ilM4bJJ·V I•IQ·irl\Jb(ibil·l~ii.l!li•lj!JjQ ·!t!Qifj·i LM"I Aubt•n« Procrdu~s ttlftoual CITY Of TEMPI.f CITY, CAUFORNIA OIOOING AND COHTIW:T DOCWEliTS. PIN<S NID SPECIFICATIONS STPl-53&5(010)PEDES1RIN<NIOO!l<EPATHSAFE1YilROI/EIEHTS ON TEMPlE CITYOLVOFROM RCAIIJIORfAl AVE TOEWS LANE & RONJIIAY Ill' CITYPROJCCT 10: PI~. DoanMnlCon,.l'lgolSGI 170 £s_b tbll t l..G Rtqulrtd Fl'd•ni-Aid Coa ln~c1 La ac••l• II . FORM FIIWA-1273 JU:QliJJU:D CO!>TJV\(.1' PROVISIOI'IS n:DERAV.AID COI'ITRAC.TS (Exdudina ATTACHMENT A-EMPLOYMENT AND MA TEIUAI.S PREFERENCE FOR APPALACHIAN DEVaOPMENT HIGHWAY SYSTEM OR APPALACHIAN LOCAL ACCESS ROAD CONTRACTS) [The following 10 pag~s must be physic:.lly insened into the contrAct withow modi fication.] P•t•' or u Julyl0l6 BIDDER SHAll COMPlETE AND SUBf\.11T ALL OOCUl\.lUIIT~ f\NU PAG[S IN SECTION' C 8100fR S PROPOSAL Pac~: c.z 3 ON h:ectt.Wd\ ll, 2017 Lon I AJsl.slfta ct Procf'<lurts ft fAouftl CITY Of illU'\£ CITY, CAUfORNIA ~~ AIC> COIITRACT OOOJioiEIITS, IUNS Nlll SPECElCATIONS S11'1.o6365(010)PSlES~-Oll<E PATH SAFElY IM!'fi(MMENTS ON TOO'\.£ CITYOI.VOFROMELCAMJIORfAI.AVE TOEWS LANE &RO/oUNAY IMP CITY PIIOECT 10: PI~. !lcaJn'Aillea..r 1'111• 31 <II \70 lJhlblt ll~C Requlr«l FKitnl-Aid Cealracl Laaau•a• REOUIIW) COHTIUoCT ,ltOYWOfrfl fEDERAL-AID CONS:TRUCllON CONTIUiCTS ATT~TI A.~MdM .... ~tarAIIOUcHM~ =.=-o:.=:-~ l.caf.t.cc.MRG.decnr.tt.~ L OIHIItAL t 'tm~FK¥Y..,.tUl....,tl Mpi'I~IMofpCir"*'lnMCf'l toiiiiNCIOnCOIIO"'CCII.IIIOMW~Nrl'lll2l (e~~ U~tCN~tUIGWylrUJW:IMt:lf'dltnl'lti\OV4 Theconi!'IClet(ot ~Jmr.lll "-'• kmiiiiNd\Kl!lc:crVIId.anclb!Mr =~~-==-~(~ -~ Tht ...... ~-,cnlfl4WA.o127l .. ~tf1 ~-~--""'*Wfii~Of'OW.twCII IOf~Of .... I'll lllfofwt ....... TlleptrMaft'Kielfahel" ~ llw~flr'.,."*-*KIOr.~r••~ncacrOI~ ~-· Fom.AM'A.oll7~mut~bt~ln dP"to0W11Hk!~ -*tdl,.,.dtUiialftttedi.Win ......... ~~ MIOCIOfll:f«Dfalct.tgn....U.,~GIIdtr..NUI..-n«* lndoftlr .......... b'IA4IIPIH«Mnbl ). ltled.....,..,.. IM~IOr~ll>(eny.....,..tdot,._...., IM.'tiOOI'IttdOf'Ot....-..c..~. ~fOII"'tiMINY'..._.fomii'HWA-t213~DidJ"IPCJUI .,...,., .. ptopoNitiCICI..IMnb, """"""'· .... foNFW'NA-1273 .... -~~~..ot~)~ .. CCIN:Ktl.~­ ..:l ~wbc::orftctt fl~pwi'C:fwMorMn. ... rut ......,._,__...,.....tor~or t..,.._I'IUlildiO I CIChll\lttoriCD'*ad ~ 2. &itlfea~ .... ~cntfttiOIIICIMb ~ttclkn.. ...... ~~INI ~IO.:I\o!Oik~otl~ GOnnclllyiM~ftft~INI..,...Ihe iMi.WW:.GI ......,.,__, .... con.tlldDI"\~~MIIOI;I \olllfiii'*"'"'*'Ofll'lt~W~•~wr:n.or"' -l AIII'Meftfi!IMtfiiV. ........ ~WI .... ~Ifd Conw.cl~fflllf-..... f'CU"CC&Ior~dPI'O(IINU ~.~oiiM,..,...,.,.. ........... GihCDiftd, :;c:.=;.:r:: .... dDPI~IOM~ 4 ~GIIAtlor"DuMgN~OI'ItnOCit!Qd.N a:d'.W lhtl not 11M tOI'Wtcl a.bot b eny JMPOM ~OW 1mb If I CONINCbi~Oit l FedmN!d~~lltWxlr peftDnMCibyCIOfwbllofiO..-ee~~t petoal.~rdHM.or ~ T'NW"'F~~,.,.,.,..._.,.~~ ~Qu.ilt,M-IOcl'fOICiilotMIII""'*CDlllclorL L HOMOIICJUMDIAllON ::r,.-.:::::.::=~ .. ~::::,* ~flf$10..000otiii'IOM. The~G12lCfRPM2lO .,. -~-~tu.-.~.ot~-we -lft...,.ftl~.,., .. ~mUilcompfy''flll#llhe '*""'"'pokti£~~~1241.41CFR60.2t~R 1 12&- 1127,nle2JUIC&ecllon 140,0\ltA.t~AClol1t1).at MMn041c1(2tUIC1M~ lltii!JI.oflheCMRiigniiAClo/11&1.u ...,.,.._.,....._.~tilfti~4ICFRPirtl.l1 ,21 1nd7l'; _,2lCfftPn200.»0..,...1ll. 'nwcaMICIOI' .... ~-canpfylollh: .. ,.,..,_. .... ~~O...Itl 4 1 Cf'ftti).1Af') .... .. .. .,.l\dclr!CDIIftdt ~ 110.000, .. sw.dlld f«Mtll '-~~c:on.wctlonOclrftct~ll'l 4 1CfR...._J. Noll' The U.S Dtl*ftii'IIGIUbofMtt~I~IOd:tft""'*­ ~ .... ~OnW112.41 m:Jhpolc:*ot thlko'IWf =~f',!..,_"=~'!',~~ 1NW1 ~-...1lae23USC SetaDtl 140 ... RWMIIOOI\ Aa flftt1l.•l.lfttnd.O(lt USC ,.,.j.aMTlit \ll cltneCMfttMSN:Jd tMI,I4.,..ftdeG,.-~I~Irdl.dno•tCFRPwl&l1, 21tne!U:ft2J<:m,.,..200,2l0,.-dlll. n..~~·-..-tcm1JCfR.230,Appel'dlA..,. ~......,....IOadamlmhU.S.~Gil.abor (US D0tJ-' nfNA,....._. l(lt'l .. ~l'll()ppottuNI;y:~~CippOI'tlrolly !E£01 r~ftCII IO ~WIOIB•~~IO ~~(ll~:~lt~~::i::=.~c;;-';'· .,..•tCfJitft)llllll.,.,.oiiM~otl.atiOt n ~O'(VIIi Pf'OII(tiON ,...crtbtd ,. .. .,., ""J'JMd pui'SUeniiO 2l u.s c. 140 lfiiiCOI'IIIIIUeiN!EOIMAf*Mc"""-'"ldkln~bh _.......,~-----CIIIIhcl TMpnMM:niOIN Mw1CIN'fllll~.td011ttiOfUU.I.C.1 210t«Mq.)MC ..,.,..,.,2.tU..IbM112.t~1t30••ftotpcwttectby~ hNtCIOtii"ICI."-I'II~of .. ccrhd.I'IICIOflflc:b' .... IO ~_.IMI....,... "**-tip«<lc,..._,. ect.MIM Ill EEO' • Theccntr.:torloolll~'ll.tl'lllemftC'Ietng~andflef--.. GoottmrMn~IO.,...,....,. • '* "*" fiVW'1 vooo r•~~~ott 10 ~ =~re::.,waf•.::_.-=.,w,.a:=ot •Thi~ ... ICU!f"-ttl~pc1/t!:flhl~ ,_.., "ll~hpaltcyti ... ~IOe.,...lt-.t~­ ~-IMI~.t-.n.ltd ~~ ...... rtQINIOfllllrNCe,tlfgioft...U.CDiot • .-otllii~IOI'fl ~twllldO'IWIIiftdUcle:~~ ~.,.......,_,..,.._.or~~...-­ ~,...CII pay Gt OOWti:lmlltl~nt~ b'.,.q.~ICICW.,..,._~,II'A"cw---· 2, UOOf'lk.r.TNC*'IIIKlOfw:ll~-m.De knoM'I IODII ~ollbtiM!I!O c:tf'fllw-...o..cM'II Ihe~b' IM,..,.M~flf ~lyiiCI~enclpn:lrTIOCirlo.n _.,. r:!O ~ tl'd ...no ....,.be M61gMd~latll1o!tlortyand ... 'fiCINIICJIY tD diDIO P•l • 10 or l4 J aly 1016 Paae: C.24 Dolo-.... .., 71,2017 1. DI~OfPOOCy.NA~diM~atatl ""-.,. -..lhoftud --~. PfQmCIIIII.-cfiKMrge .,....,......CII .... t'eOCinltfl8lldiiUCIIICtion,CII 'flftl•eaubllantllly ~lneuchac:don..be!'MieUy~ol.lftd .... ~ h~EEOpokyandconncwel mporwJI:IIh to pftMds EEO In etch grad• ard deulica!ion of ~nt. To.,...lwt lhea!loYe~~bs met.lhe tololoo4noac:lionl.,.belaksnuaminirrun; a.Partod!cm .. Ungs d~a"'dperiOI'Itltlclit• ~ ... bec:onduewd~hs.tareof....cri;W'df'lllnnct ....,. oftM tNn onoa fiWIY Mil~ • ~ *'-h c:orncta's £E0peiklr llnd .. ~,.bar~lnd•~. Tht~'WII beCG'IIIl.ctadbf iNEEOOKICir , b. M,...,...,.....,..ICWYOt.,.,......cllcs~--beglwn • ~~.., ... E£00tkw.--.ai1Np' ..,.a.dh~EEO~"""*'IWtytt.r& ...,... .. ~ .. tllty·hCID'ftc:tor c. H........-l!IN .. .ngllglldln*ad,....._.bf'llt JI'Citld ... be~Dyh E£00Mc.iol h~ ~.,~ ..... ~anctWCir'l\ltA. tL ,...._ ... ~..engtorD\h ~ EEOpalcy ... .___,ln.,...rudly~IIO~~ .. _ ... __ _ e. 1M ooroec:eon EEO pc6cy ...:lh poceo.n.m ~ adlpalcy'Wibe~IO ... del'lllonol~tlymMM ot~.._..fWdloaks.orcew~--. .. ~wt.n~klt~hCIIIrlhdDrwill lnc:t.ldelnll~b.,.,_.hnoudon."M~ ~~"AII-..:fi~ ... M~In ~,_.,. ...... ~ ............. and ""''''Mft Wllhs ltNirol'll~h~...ttorc:.""'*"~­...... a, Thf oonndor .... ur6f.• PNdudiJd..,. I Yllld ~ ~cor-.a • .,..,.lktnelditsc:l~~~ llnd,...~,.,.,..~· .... -YM'd ...... "*-'-and '-O'Mft Tomeet'*raq.lkllll'l'lel"'l. .,.~,.. ~~ol,.....,.....,.f'OVP~S.It'ld~ ..thMdl~~~ ...... .,.rM-Icriyand ~~fNYbtr.,srndklhOCinttai:*Xb~ -· b.lniM .....-.tlrw~l\lll·'tllllld~~ ptOVidirob~NMghdNitrnk,INc:onnct.ork ~W)ObMIWht~ otlhll ......... ~hu&.nl ctlllllhet)"'ttm,..-lhiCCII"'I:r8cD'•~""IhEEO cornc:t~v.'hln~ctll..lttiii'I~Mmenl hM I'Itahdol~i'lgagalnit,....,..c.'WG"'''M,tt ~lt.oonhe:eiOrtoOON..,.,._IUCh~ ....._Fsdlnll~~. c. T'MCIOt'WidOrwllanc:o.noe .. preMfll ~tor* ~llnd~Happlmnls b ~ ~ ... ~ .... ,....s..,,.,.,.,. ..... sppii:Mtl ... bt ............. ....,., .. S.~~W9'1oo(1111Qt1Ql~Md"""'*"'" bwlei&IINIIb8 ........ an:l ............ ...t~ ldii:!Nol.-ylyp8,ftblng,...,.,~poamotion. ..,....,,domoMn.,~...t~llwl be .... ~ .......... cdor.f'IIIGklr\ .... MfiaNICII9ft,. ... CII ~. TN ~pt'OC80.nl tNI be~ a. Tlwccwftdar_.OOI'IO..ct~~otpoajldsos ........ ~CIDIIIDiaM .... ...,..floc:lld.adonat Mdlcli6t~ft ..... oi~.U~ CllY OF IDI'\.E aN. CAlJfOR!M B:ooe«i NfJ CCIITRACT llOCIMHTS. PlANS NfJ Sl'roFK:AllONS Sll'1.~10) P£DESTRIAH NllBICE PATH SAFID 1IIPROYE>IENTS 011 TfHPlE aN kVD FROII B.~AEALAVE TOau51»iE&IIlJN1NAY 1lo1P aN PROB:T ID' P1s.ol,-Ccmil Pogo l7 d 179 [~: .. lblt ll.C Rrqulrtd F'~I-•• U4 C nlntl 1.-at•••• b.TheCIOI'IIndor ..... ~t,....--.lhs ..... d~ peld...., MC:h .... lion kltMtsnNns., ~of ---e. TheCI!d"adar-.411~~,....Mirlcled.,.-.orw..l IICtianlln deplh todi'IO'TniM .............. ~til ctisc.rirnNiicn Wht,.....tdet~Calab.r.d,lht~ .... pt'a'I"CJGytak•CCli'T'IlCtiw ac:cion. tlh ~lncflulta hi.IM ~tion !M)' Ullnd ~the ac::cions ............... auch ~adlotl.n.llftdudtllllttatd Pif"''\6. d. n.~.aoroMI~i'M•IiQM .. ~of dsvsd~IIMdiiiDhconnctcwh~ ... oCtigildons Y'IIW .. ODnhQ,. ... attempt liD,_._. .. ~enc~.-tP..s~~ICI!oft-.ffWia ,..._...,..._. lllhi~ ....... NIN~ may •'~ ~ oetw 11\tft lhl ~ tUChconlet'4 "'*"" ahiii~NAMM tw.floctll#,...,.. Upon~ d Mdl iMtigllllan. .. oonnc:w .... INDrm .-y ~ dalol .... .....,....d ..... t.. Tral'*'landl'lOmoCion: .. ThtCift'laar ... --In~ .. ~ llndtr.o-.uing lhl ... oi~IN...:II'MinWN .. ~b ~01~~ Sudtaftlowtllho!M bi 161Mcf. ~ .. ~...,.....,.~lnhtypsolndl ar jclbdl:tllllcldanmaMd b. CcniiiWc'IIOI f't..,..,..-ortr.leltot~ MCI •perm:aillelnWf ..... ard .... ~ .. ~ .,... ..... "" ................ l ... .........,....,on-.............. ,.,..,.lar .. ~ ... oloarnct potlomwlcL In .......... ~'"""""'" lar .....,.,. .. pvwlld W'lllsrii-.CIIIM'ICI..HI~ .... bii~M lndir;;Mdlnht.,....~ n.~..,.,~ t'Mtl'le......._potAiloNklti*'MI"'t<rohOI'tiCIIIH9 ....... ....unc.irl ~~23U S.C. 140Ca ). e. n,.COI'*lldor .... ~~Md~- ~-.......... ~pt'O(II"'IIMW~ _ .. _ d. nw cantt-*' w11 ~,......... .... """'9 anc1 prornotlonpolftilld~...no.,.~andwomert and..(tl~elglb&s~loapptyforsuc:tltra!IW1g.nd -1. Unlona: lthcontrMtOr,.IMin~ «11'1 PM loiPOfiUI'IioNU a IOl.II'U of~ IN concradCr dUM good ftlltl -'lortlto obll.hhooopenollon oiiUCI'I ~ "'lncrHM ~for mhor*s and~ ~ by tw QOI'III'KW, aftMr drdy 01 ltwoUilh . CIOI"ftdo(. uaoc.lldon tc:&lnG .. aotftl, ...a lnc:luOe .... proc-.... ... tonnbelow: L The ooNrKIOr will ... good,.,. .etor\IID ......... 1ft CIOOII*Ib'*"'hw.bw.,Jc*'ll ...... proQrwM --~ ~r"I'IIW~tNWCifNtlklt~lnlhs"'*m .-.d~lfwsll6oi~MCI~M'*h)'fNY -----b. n.~...a WM goodtMh.._..hc:o-pc:nle .. EEO dM.MiniD..cft......-,....,._.IDhend ......... ~ ... tle ~ID.rld»,........,. ....... ,.,. ..... ,... calor,retg.on.MJ.,nuonaiCII'IIifl.•ot~ c. ThtcoMadclr•IIDCibtiii'I~--I'W,.-.. ~-poGdail.dhiCorlrioft ................ Rdt ......... il""'*nlwl ........ ~olhllbclr ~lil"dsucllllbor~-.....,...,..,..luch~1o­ c::onhclof.--.~INI.octltlfr'IDIW~agency P•tt ll oru July lOU RIOO[R ~HAll CQr.1f>LET£ Af~O ~URMIT All OOCUfw1[NTS AND rAG[S IN S[CTION ( BIOO[R"S f'ROPOSAL Paco: c.zs d lnN ........ hWI6onltwnlbltto~lhtc:a\lrlaor..,..lh• ~tow ofNIIttraN....,Ihlhetmill ..tkdl n h aoDtoc:tiwl~ ........ hs~""lltwau;h ~"*"*'*"etrcN.IIN ~~ \llllltlcl!.:l.-.gltd Ioree., tdot. ,q&on. so.nalionld on;:n. a;• or disatll8y. rMidng Nil dor\1 lo obla.h q.ufi!ed and/« qualtfllblll ~ andwarnon. Thl , .... all ......... 10 ptOYidls ~ ffllsm4 (.-.1h0ugh lis obtipttd 10 ~· e.CLANs refll'f'als \lndw hi lolnM ala Cllllsc:tlw. b.Jv•~ agreement) does not ,..... .... ccnnc:torlrolnh~al .. ~ ., hi .....a !he...., rWwnal PNdlot PNWf* tnt~ kim ,.......lhsoblgatioM~·EMc:vMC,litdtr 112 .... ~.-......... ~. sw:hc:onhdCW .... ~ftiJ/ItthiCIOIN'IIODt'lg~. L ~ Acconwnodldon tot Applk:Mts t ~ ..... Dtubtftttn; n. oonlriCIOI'""'* .. ,.,.., ....... .,. ......,.loranctoompty~ .... ~~oa...,.l>d Ind ................ ~ ... '"*·~ ,......,...,..~~.,aJ~ ..._urt.MIOdoto"ttrOMc.N .. U'II:Us....,._ l.aetaclonOf~~ot~and te.1111 ofE~u!pmtftC: ThaccnnctQr ..... not~-01'1..._ ~oftKe.coiOt.t'll;ior\...,~origin.agewclutlery lnl'lt~w.i ........ ol~~ ~drnlitllrilltwd ..... ol~ TheCU"hc:U .,... ...... ~llnd.....::nat:i&eMe:paiD ...... ~lf'lthl~ol .. connct. .. l'hsoor'lfte:IOt.,.. l'ldlty ·~Mibcxrbclan ... ...... WIIhln ai..-EEO~U'IdsflhkCICIIWael. b. ThiOCII"'II"'CWwilwsQOOCI&alll•~to-.... ~~ ...... ,_.EEO~ 10. Anuraftcl Rtc~'*M b'Y•t CFft 11.1-J(bl: a. h~o141CFRPw12tlndlhsSW.[)()l"s U S. OOT~oee ~ .. ~botm.sncs b . The CIOMKI« 01 &lboonncD shll Nil d!lotrrin•te otllhs bllis ol NIW, oolor, ndonail arigk\. CIIIU .h lhs plliormanol cl lhis oonnd. Tha aon!niC*W sND uny aul '"*'bit ~ll cl AI CFR Part 21 t.lht 8'I4Jd Md ~bon of DOT .. s.Mt.o oonnc:&~. F•i.n bylhsc:onttac:l«tocarycul ._..~ llafNtlfWI:M'Uc:tl clfllt ccnnct.'f!Hd'l,-.yri'IUllnN ~vllhii.OCJf"IWctoriUChCOWrwmect(H ihoc:cnnctlnO ---' t , RKotGt end R.tpons: The ooMidor.,... u.p tud'l.....,. -~IOdoo..I!Mnt~ ... h EEO~ ~tMIOI'Oithllt..,....,._lor a panoGoiiWeeyunloloootncl lhl ... olhMtl~tohOOI'ICniQorilwalooru.ct'IOOftc Mdlhsltle•¥Siebls •~--and--b~ botat.Chc:lriMd,..,..........dlhs~eg.ncyandl'lol ..., .. (1)1N...,.,end-w t.noi~IINI~ .,_.mtri'On MIS"''MM''~k\ Mefoi'OIICJit;c:t.uailca:lcn on .. prciece (2)Ths ~ wd elarts '-IGIUdolftc:oopetllljoft .. ...,........,.,......,....w-....~~b "*"cwtiMII'Id~W aN OF IDA£ art, CAU!'OAA'1A B1001NG N1D CCIITRACT ~ P\ANS Nm Sl'roFK:ATlONS Sll'1.~10) PeDESTRIANNfJ B:l<E PATH SAFmiiiJ'RO'<EMENTS Oil TEMPlE aN kVD FROII B.~AEALAVE TO WlS LANE & ROAINIAY 1W' aN PROJECT II); P1s.ol, -Ca*d Poco 31 d 179 Ea. .. IWttl.C Rtqutnd ftdtrah.\Jd Cabinet L .. cu•a• (3)T'M ~··end ~WIQMIIdtlf'l~.twfRg. 1tV!ino. qu.dyrla. and uporscfing ~and women: b, Thl~ard~ ..... aubrnitlnanrull rtpOtiiOihloonnc6'1ot8erteYMC:fl~tlrlhodl.l'elloftdh Pf'CIIIId..~lhs'*""'befol~.v.omen,SIId~ groLip tmploojMs ~ engaoecl r. •ec:tl \floiOttl: d•llibfic:w\ ~bylheCICJt'tJ'I.ct-...ork. l'Nihf'ormttiDnistobe~on ~-Thast&tfingda\.lt.hould ltptMtiiO.ptOject '*'CI'k larceonboerdr.dOI IIf'/pM olh'-t PI'J"Cll period pncadlr.g a. stld d »! • Ol'lo4hs-job trllring .. bmg ,.qund by S91dlf~,hCIOI'ftdor..,jJI)e~IIOCICl6ectardtepott trtlhftodeta. Tha~detathoutdf.ctsdlhl......ork~on llooMIOomo.Ootanypw\olhiMotpe)ftlllperiocl~ct. end<lU, a HOfrfS£OREOATr.D 'ACk..IT1ES n. prvrM&an lit applciMI to al F......., CICIMn.idlan CIIMIICD MdtDal,._.~~oi StO.OOOOifi'ICn The~,..,.,.....'* lldlliM,..,..,.. b....,.... II'W~WI -=tla,_...,..~onh._.ofr-. c:dor.~ .... Ot~Of'9" ...... ,.... Theoornctot "'*Y.....,.,.,.,....,....,......, ... bp...m.rtotanlpoidle nortD~eratetueftuseb,-~CII.IPin. n.~s ~dlendshA1NriiD ............ illl.~ --~-Pttbm--.......... .,IDc:llli:lr\~lhs ~.CICW"ftl .......... ,..... ........... ,."'"" -raca .. ·lndudM wdlng fiOCWN.lloOI'II; ....,, ...._,. ..:J GIW ...... ...._ llnledlxl.. r......_~ locbr,.,.._aod ofw~OI ........... ~ ........ bftahl • r.ae&liotiOI~ ....... ~-~ JlfO"'dsd-_..,_._ The cxnrador .... PftiMde "PC* 01 ___.IWH'oorM...t~cJ.-*'eor~.,....IO U IMftprfwqo ....... stliJIII IV, OAYJS-IlACOH MD ftEl.ATED ACT P'ftOY1»0NS l"t!i.....,~ICIPII»t'ltoiiF_.....tdllOI'"IU\doftP"ltHU emeeclno Sl,OOO II'ICI W.aiRI'-*1 ~and ....,_-IM ~(regarcAeuoi~IU I. The~ ~tilai~IOCI-.d......,hrtghli.,of"""'Yoii~INi ~~~~~•...-..c M F.-..-~. l'Ns.....,.s ~~~ .. ~n»da orl\nlmftlr CIIIAsctcn • ...n.c:ti i Rie.u!.l'npl Ccrnding ~ot mey e~ to applylheM~IIOOChtt ~ Tht~~••tnlmlhsUS.~olt..abcw ~~28CfRU""Confraocc~ftte&tltd"'**-' -.llh ri'o-,.....,_.., ooHom -.ll'le FWIA-1273 fofrnM end Fl-M'A~~ 1, Mfnlrmlm WtQH a. AllebottttMII~~CII~IIPO"hsit• fllhlooOI'tt, ... M,_.~MdftOI ..... ol'*l'*"oriiCe •-....l.ltld ~~~«rwbet•onqiCOOU'If (eaptaucftpe,..ol......._ .... ptmli .. ll)t~ ...-~~oyh~olllborWidiwtw ~N:f(ltCFR put))).hWirNMtltll ..... andboM .. frw'9tbenel'tlsfar CMh ...... NreOt) .... Mw.~~-,... tiOl '"-l'lani'IOMc:cnan.dhh ... ~ol .... s.:r-.y ol Leer'""*" • llllad"ed "-*and .......... tw.of. ,...._...olfl'fl ........................ "'*'/~~110 --~hc.ot*ldOI.:'IIItuCfl.....,.endiPIOCIIeNca . I:UDOEI:t ~MAll COMPlETE AND SUBMIT AU OOCUM[NTS AND PA<i(S I N SECTION '"( 6 100[R"S PROPOSAL P•c•: C.26 Dole-~.o:thll,2017 Loul A..uhluu Proc.dure ~hauaJ Col'ltribiAcww ~ 01 com,..~ anklpMtd foe' boN b tr1not~und«Hedon l(b)(2)olthe~..&aoanN:J.on Wlllll'olt.borenlar~ .. CIDf'llideNdii49MP'*tiDIUCh labcnn «rMd'wnk:a.~ tot. PfO"'"isJont.«~ 1.d. or lhllaec:clottldto.,.._.~,..oroo.tJ~Ior mor. r.tl I .,....ldy ptriod (but not *• cften hn quarWty) undw p&an.. Nrlda. or~ \olihkh CICI'YW lhe praticUw -ldy perbd, .,. dRrr-.d lob. ~ly ""'"-or lncuntd during IIIJd'l ~period.Sudla.botel'landmecio.atlic:t.~blplidtl'l approprialll -.ge r.ae and frinOe benefit$ 01"1 h wage determ&wtion forlhlt~tiand....artKI!.Idyperbmed,~,...-clkl •111 UOIP .. ptOYict..:l k'l 28 CfR 5.S(•X4). t..bcnts. a INCNnb pertwmirv\loail in men than ON ~ll\l')'be compen&Mcl• lht rar.lptdfttd for etd'l dMtltation tor NlirM ~ly\lfiiiOtl(edlhetlin:PtcowiOed,. ThMihe~•peyd f.aon:IIIOClnltfy Mt tart1 h time .pen~ In Mdl d uiilkation In -..Hcft'olO'Itt.p«bmed, TheWIIQI IM~ ~ '"f lldditionll ~tloft ll"'d~ 1'111 .. conlatrnM Ul'ldw f*IQI"'pl'! t.b. oiHtMCfon) lndh O.Yia--8econpot*(WH-132tlahd b11 I)Olltd ..... ._.by the c:ontrtdclf ... ~.""' theofh'111'0111 in •~.-Geoc:autbllipllla...tllft lean be .. ..ny...nbyh.....ar1un. b. (1)"!'h.~c:«icwW\III ......... .,.daud k~«~~~~~-~b~lnh wagedNrmlna:llon ww:l ~is kl bot ~und•bca"IHC:C 1MJibedNN'ied h~~'lhe ""'9~ il\1 c:ontt:Ktingoticlw$hd~anlod6tionlll~lic:rl.., ...,.m.andtnn;ebwlelit:&lt!fnfofwcriy....._.theFcllowirG crileNI ha'o4bnnmet: (I} The dMIJ.!Icab II ud!IAtd In lht w•• by IN COMtNCdon """-""" lli)l'hlptqiOMCI~flle,~..,.bOMbW.O. beMitl. NM I~ Nt:5onahp lo h ~ r.tn oon1111ned ln the -e-ckttetrn~Mt~on. (2)HhCICiriiNQDr_...,hlaborltsand~~M ~In !ht du.rason (ifknoloon~ or..., r•pN~Uiol..,_, and !he oontrKCing omc.-agtH an lhe d~ end ""'''O ,.. (lnc*Jdlng lhe .-nou'll d.H.igi'II'Md lor fringe biMI!tJ ..;we tppropriatt). a NPQt1 o1 IN 1Cb0n taMn aNI be Mnt by t. OOI"kkJC:CingoiSr»rlcflrl~traDofhW-r;e WldHOI.II' OMiion,~«rtS!andardi~U .S.~ o/Ubor.~OC202tO.'JN,~.or., at.Jihorilecl~aM.W!G~.moclfy,or ~ ~~ ~Mifkalionacdon 'Nih'l 30~ dt90elptcnd aoacMM the CIDtllt.aitlg otlooror v.tl t'IOifythe oonnctlt'CI ol&oel ~--~perb:llhlt.odiiarwiiii'M•nea•ury. (l)ln lht ........ COI"fneeef.ha~OIIMCitWI'IIcl;lobe ~lnhctauilk:dot'tOIIheit~ • .,...,.,... ~.,._O;)noe~onlhrtpropoMddln:lfl~cl"d .... '*-(hdudlng ... WftOIIC dMignated lot,...,. bMifita. ""'*•~).h~otr.o.fthdre!' ... h ~lnc:NctnotM....,.ctdnemttclplt1lulndthll ~j'Jcnofhoen-"IICtingotr.-,IID N W-vc..tHcu Admiril!raior b ~ TNWcoe Md Hour ~:ra;or. 01 an datz:ed.-.ptHti~latt.., \110...,_.. a d.WtmNtion -nNn 30 days ct ~and ao ed'WM hi ~~ordnctif)'hCDI'IIr~c6::erwitinlhe~ day per1od thai addi*nlllirM 15 neceuaoy. CITY OF TEIIPlE CITY, CALJFORHIA BIOO!NG AND eotml'.CT DOCtJimlTS. PlANS AHil SPECIFICATIONS S11'l.·f>36S(D1D) PalESTRWI AND BD<E PAlli SAFETY IMI'RllYENENTS ON TEMPLE CITY BLVD FROM a CAMINO REAL AVE TO ElliS LANE & R<WlWAY I~ CITY PROJECT Ill: P1s-46.-Conool Pogo 39 cf 179 Es:blbll ll-C Rtqulrrd Ftdtr.I-Aid Co acracl U OJUIJt (4)1M~rt~(lnduding .. ben.r.t&~~) ~Md p&nUCN ID l*'lQni$1N 1.b.(2)011.b.(3)of ll'lit Mdb\.&tu!IINI)tid toll ~.-.~~in lht de MricalioniA"'ddafiW~tromawr~o.,onW'Ik:h.....ar\ • p.rtomwd inN c:taMI!'x;aticn e. Wl'IOf'lellel' Che minimu'n~m. ~in lh• c:onnct b • dal of l.aba'.-. Of mcchanla ~ • fringe bwle6l wtlictlit not • ...-.. an hoiAtr raw, o. «.drador tN:l cittw pay ct. '*'tfit • atm~ In h ..... de'-*Trina:k:rl or W I ~)' anolher boN Ide trlnge bene~ at an hauty t.Uh ~nt tnet.ot. 4. If h oonnctor doec not rukt pa)mCI'\tli to • tna'" or altw ttitdpcnOil.hconlfadormc)'c:.cr\llderatpa1dh~ct ttft ....... Of~lhellr'I'ICUrltoiM!'fOOIU~ ~ted in pt'O"'iddng bone ftde lring.t bcntfite uncl'tt a plan or ptogr.m. Pfo'o'idecf, Tlw11heSto"CC&WyoiUborhollol.lnd.IJPOtlh wriaen~ollhtCIQI'Waaor,lt\ellhl~~ol lhe Otvii-Bacon Nl. ..... bMn .,....._The~ ct l...at:o' "'8Y rtou!N tl'lt cot*ador 10 Mt MtCM in a seperN KCIIIUrlll as ... far --~of~....,.O,hJIIMOI'prvgrwn. 2. WltMol41ng The CIOI'tRCiing ageM)' INn upon Its CNn action 011.1110' ...nas.n ~ ot an Wltcrized repraent.aiMI of the O.pattmtm d. Labet, wiUtdd OICoCUMio be~ fn:rn the~ t:l'detdw oonnct. Ot ~ Olhtt ftdtr.scon\l'ld~h..,. prime CoC:Iti:Wedor,oranyotwftd~contract•ublectlo~ Bac::on~v.age~-.Hchii.PwldbythaNmll Jri'NCCII"ftC:tcct,ao f'llll.id'lollhtiiOCrutd~or~M ruy be conlidtt~ nec:auary 1o pt)' labor«S and tntehaJ*a. lrdJdng tppran:ion, ...,._, Cld hefpwt, «"ttpkl)ood by lho CCIIW'~ototatl)'~lhtUMW:II..Intof.,...QM~by ltltoonlrld. lnlhe..-.ntdhlt.uwmpaytt¥ftebol'llt01m.ed\anic, lrw::ludng any~oc. • .,...._,«help«', ~«II!Cittlingon lhtNaoft:heloiOf\.dorpertdlhe~rtelW~by,...~ h~ tOftiCY 1'1\t)', ll'ltt'forittttii"'CCItioo to ... Cllf'hcD, Laka luctllldlon at -r t» ntCIIaUry to Ca\JM ll'le ~of W'frwtt'otf .,.)'Mt~C, ......_,01' gutfllllM offundl urd Nodi IIICIIatkm ~ c .. sec:t a. p~, and Nsk. tltCOI'd$ ttAIIng ttw.w 5NII a m.int&!ned byhClOntr'acbc'duirg!h.CXJUReolthewtn..S~5Cir'l'edtora perkldof tnt )'Mn ~ 11:1' allabcntl and~ ~no aiiM .. of,,.. '<¥Oft. Such ttccn:ll 11'111 corufn 1ht name, ~and~MCUritynumbefol-=hiiUd'l...uk«,hilorhet :::!,.~==:=~~=d eatn .c;utvafmb lhweol of h 1)pa c:ielc:ribed In Mdlon l(b)(2XB) d 1he O.......Sttoon AQI. da!Jy md -ldy numb« of howl ""''ted, dtdu~mede tnd 1e1u.11-.. peid. ~IN Secntatyof l.aborPwa~...-20CFR5.5(e)t1kJvJ1hatche~oleny laborer « moeN'* Include 1tle amount ol an)' COlts rta.anabty antidpeted in prowdng ~IN« a pt., or~ dHcnbod ln MCtiiDn l(b)(:Z)(B)oltl'lt o.M .. aac.on~~r..oonncac:wtNI mtllllm NOCWda~ lhc7w 1\at 1\e ~ 10 pt'O'Ii6c IUCh benefitllt~ble. INtt'lep'-tcwporpamlt~ ~.and ltwthcptanotpm;:rlnllhabnn~ in '<o'!'itlng 10 h Wtotm « tn~ •.11-'ad. end ttc:CII'W ...t.ch ~flec:c»tl~«hactual~~ln~ tuch beNfita.. Conllac::corl ~ ·~ 0t lrUJeH under •PPf'IM'CI ~shall mUts.in""""""' tMdenctl clltw re;l•ntlonolt~ pn:!QI'atnl and wdt!ea!lon ollralnbo ~-h r~a6on ol b """".mien ltdVtinMI, and lho ralioltRfwaga t.lttl prMct1bed ... "' ~ pn)gfa'T'IL Paae 1J orl.c J uJyl016 BIDDER SHALL COMPLETE Arm SUBMIT All OOCUr.1 £NTS AND PAGES IN SECTION C BIDDER'S J'IROrO SAL .,.,., C.27 b. (1) The con~ INIIUbmft >NMkly tat Nd'l 'lri'Hflln ....tlk:tt llf/OOI'df.a\li'Oft(ltpttbmed •CCIP'foltl.,.yrae.to.,. connc:Q,g~. ThePI)'f'CIItaullmtn.dtNI:..tt o.rC~ and aompletefy aD of h lnfofmttion roc;whd 10 bl ~ tn.t 21 atR S.S(a)())(i~ •liClllpt twt U aoc:it1 MCUty runtJeq and tune .OCWsJH WI noe be~ on ""'"lcty tral\tn'lil1ala. Ntead h peyraQI thd only noed to Include an lndMdualy ~l'll.lmbetlof•dl~(e.g..,h'-lb.rcigil&of IM.-nllforM•s toedai MO.W\tyf'UI'Ibec'1, The~Wiakf)'~ ltlfotma!ion mey be subrrit1td in lnY fotm doetiroct ~Form ~7 it an:!etJA. b HI purpoM &om 1M Wage and How CIMtlonWflbsiteat tcp'l~.daL~7btr.htmoriiiiUCCtt150r tfta. 'The potme corvector r. retpontftllo tot ow eubmkalon ol CIQCiielol pi'J'I'QC:I by"' ~01'1 eorv.cton. and Wbc:lc:ftntaortahellmllirUlniMWtoc.MII~I'U'I'Ib«ll'ld CUIW'Il adchls o1 HCh OC!Ytted \IIICIC'U'. llld 11\d (lf'OYic» ttwm .,nrequo~ltotwc;llnlhci:ngagcncylor ~ktltwSC... OOT, h FH'NA or h W-;t and How OMt.lon o(b ~ oll.abofb~olan~oradlof~'IIMt ~Wige requltwrwn..llla not a W..tlon of He toec:*wlb 1 prhecanhdarmtequba ~topr'IMCM~ and aodal MCUity runben to f't prtm. o:nnctc:.-b Itt Qlllfltln toCCWdl.~~~lontolhecotlltadlng~. (2)E.ac.hpa)'Jdlsubmoiftedlhall be~bya"Siatemert.ol ~.-tigneclbyel'le~Ot~Otl'lisOt~ ~-.f'lo~Ofll.,.........tMpeym«<lctlhclpenomiiT.ploywcl! undtriMconlrlidtndshalloertil'ylhlkloBowing: r•, Tha1 eact~laborlr 01 mecna'* has bten P*! not *• 1han lhlllppticablt ~ ratn and frnge banefttl Of c.h ~fat thectaM.ilcaboftol~ perlomwd. ... tpt05td In h ~...,. decetmina:ion incotpcnt.d ln1a h - ())TN~~ at • prcpatyuecuted cenlftcUon Mt fc:wth on h re ... rw IieSe of OptlioNI Farm WH-347 ahtll utillylhe requhno.ent fer IUtln'ltuulnof lht "&attmtneol Cotnpiance" roQt.ired by~ ),b.(2)olhl teCCIOft. c. The COI'Indt:tt 01 swbc:cncnc::tor tNII mO.elhe reoonu reqwtd '"*par.graphl..a.ofctdMdionav~ lot~ ~ Of 1r'ulKriplion by MAhorizad repreMf'll.at,..... of tt. (l)rl~~.ttwStataOOT,U.FifNA.. t:tth~ dlabor. and lhtll permit wen reprenntativM to~ ~ uw,g~ houn on thejob.lfhc:onndclr or tubootVador fall to llltmilh ~~or to I'Nike f1etn ....-.~.U.FHNA,.._,,.a.IO!ritsennolicetolheoon&raclal',ltll CITY OF TEWI'l£ CITY, CALIFORNIA BIDOING AND CONTRACT OOCl.IMENTS. PLANS AND SPECIFICATlONS STP!.-5365(010) PEDESTRWI AND BD<E PAlli SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ON TEMPlE CITY BlVD FROM EL CAMINO REAl AVE TO EUJS W.'E & RON:NIAY IMP CITY PROJECT Ill: P1s-46, ~:loa<-Conlnll Pago 10 cf 179 Eshlblt 12-C R!qlllffd Ftdtrai-Aid Co~:~trlltt Lu.auatt ~IIOtf'C)'orhSlM41DOT .~tud\ectlon llS na)l be ~IOUUMihe~d.anyfwVoMPI"'"Mf'f', ad'Yanc., ot ou-aNe• o1 ~. Furttwmcn. laiur. to IUllmil h ~~upotlrequellotiOmabiUChi'OCliiRtt.-vairtbla "*fbe~kwdtbMMnldonP'ftUIUll to 2SICFRS.12. 4. Apprentices and tralrMH TM~ taCo of aw-*-to;outneymanon h )obs!'le.., anycnfl~llhdnotbe;rnwrlhanlhtr.tiopem~~'tleodlo the anr.ctar Itt 1o tha entire 'oiCttl fcroa unGet dw ~ Pf'I9U'I.Nry"'011tttlisl«<on apeyrcel .. ent.ppte~~ta.,...me. 'lOtiO It ra: ~ered or~ ampjoyed usttlecl ~. 6hCl b•paidnotleulhMihe~~rateonthe...,.gc ~fcrlhedulficabofwort.ICU!It)'perlotmed.ln ~q~11'111c•Ptrlotrnlng...orkon!N~.a.ln eMOeM d U'le rrio penrWct.d undtt lhe fW911;ttr.d pegram 6hall ,_paid not ••hnh...-.bltwt~gerataon V.WQQede~lotthe watt tdudyperbmed. WMta aCCWI.._It ~ ~one~lnaloceftyohthnf'llll ln ""*"lu progtam It ~ered, h tlllJOt. W1d ...-. tWISIUPr....ad In perccnblg•• d 1M jDI.me)'mtn't haurt)' rU) lf*ified In lhl ~~CI'~Irtgl&teredpn::v-tmat.Cibe ........ EY.-y ~mu.lbe paid aSnolle6&1han lho nr.ta I9Kiled In N r9tlrwd ~for tie 1~'tl ..... rJ ptO;IMI. upn~~~sod •• ·~e db faumoymen NN'fy!'llta spod1lod In h t;pplcable -..ge detariWion. ~ tNiJ be paid friftgobtne!'binliCOOtdt.l\c.e·lhe~olh lpp'enlica~ prog-am .• h ~ poogram does 1'1011 tpedfy ~ btNfta, app-tntiou MAt bo peed IN N:l -.'It d klnge benefits lilltd on V. -a-de~ef'!n~Mtion lot 1he a ppllublo d.Jukalion. ..... ~!O'd~'tNtadritletwltprac:cice P"Miih tord\cta~ ~ dlu.slftc:Mion, frinorH &1\d be paicl ln eooordllnclt ........ ttla!c:lltlotminalian, b . Tra,.... ~ ollhll USOOL). E.c:ept u protlcled in 20 CfR 5.16, n1noo5 v.f1 no1 be ptrmittod to wark at .. u hn tho predatam*wd rata lot' tM 'M:ft pe:tcnned un11tw h)' are tft1110V'Id pursuan11o and lndMctudy rogist.ered r- Paa~ 1~ ofl.C Ju.l)·l016 BIDO£R SHAlL COMPLETE AND SUBMIT ALL DOCUMENTS AND PAGE'S IN SECTION "C BIDDERS PROPOSAL Pace: C.2B Evety......_m.Atbeplild 1Cnc4 ..... lhlll ~t.m.tpd"inh ~programlcll'h•llnM'aleWIIciJift9e&S.apa..ed • • ~clh~hcMtyreteapeci6ed FICN---- WVQe~ T,.,_ Will btl pUd .... beN&:t r. ~·h ~cl .......... procvem.., ........... pqpm dDt-1 ... .,.,.....,... ..,...... ...... .,.. be ...a .. ... MIOI.riclh'Oibenlfttlia.d onh~...........,. ..,...,. ........... .,,.w .. .,.,...-..C~Mt~cw~.,..,.._ ............. ~~ ............... .. ~~ .. ,.. .... ..eo-~ ......,~ ............ ~..,.. .. ....,....,., :::-..:::=:::: ::::.":,':'~ T,.....~ ..... lle-MIIeu,_,h~ ..,.,..onlhii.,....~IIIIOftbhc:t..uilc.dcnci\IIIO't ~ J*b'med.ln lddillon.lfllt "'** S*f~Wlllt.on lht )oO &a.i'ltii!OtMofhl'lbO~MtM~Iltd.,.,.,.,h~P"CCG'am WJHpaldnCIIIIIIuNnt.~ble-.;eNtteonh..,.. ~ bh wotlc adully pwfotmed d. ~t lr'ld lr.._(PI"C9WNdfliiiUS.OOT). 1.~ h-*-dDI'OI~tNI-..cFom~ FHNA.1mhq ........ nno,_.. ... ~ tolrdud.FO'MFHNA.1m .. _,....,._~ The ptWNcorftcW 11\dbe~tarh~byq ~-..,..,-~ ..... hCOI'VId eta..'" 2t O:R :lo.S. 7.Cofllnet~ll•tMtl'l'lltftt. Aew.ld'lcthCOI'ItrWd .._Lo\2CICfR&I~M;rourwh lotlelminatiCWid h oanltxt,andb~··•oonttiiQOI'and •~­ pfO'IIide:Jin2CICFR5.12. CITY Of TEMPLE CITY, CALifORNIA BIDDING AHD COHTRACT OOCUMEHTS, PlANS AND SPECQ'ICATIONS STPI...I311S(010) PEDESTRIAN AHO BIKE PATI1 SAfETY lt.I!'ROVEUEHTS ON TEMPLE CITY BL\10 FROM EL CAW.IXO REAl. AVE TO EWS lANE & ROAINIAY M' CITY PROJECT 10: P1~-CoMO Pogo 41 ol 11t ~bi"IU-C Rtqulnd F~f'nJ...Aid Coalnc1 la•l""f• I . Dlaput.H concantng 1*** standards. ~ ~ ou1 ol lhll'-boriYncWdl~olll'tl:loonii'KtW\di'IOfbe~to lhe Qtnn.i ~-dtuse d lhil cc:dJ.t. Suctl cfil,p.tellhd be ......... il'l~'lrlfthlhl~clthe~cl LabofMC for1h In 2t CfR J*1* 5. 0. and7. Di5pr.t.•'llliiNnthl ,_q ol ,...-... hctude clilpWs ~ h aarhciDr (or any clll ...,.~deW'S) end U. ~ IGW'ICY,f'te U.S ~ciUbor.Ottht ~OI ..... ~I. • By ........... ~ .. ~_.. ... _. &narhe•.._),_..,~orlnn,_t-..,......_.lltlw ~ICICI"abii •C*IM'•!ra~flobl ..... ~~111¥M..eeiMC:IXIfllf•)dlht~ Ad or 21 CFR S.1lt-)(1). D Nopllttot .. OCI'Crllctahalbe~..,q~or ""'Nloble for --.td. Goowrmm.oontr'IICl~ ..... cl MC:IIon3(a)dthe o...u..e'"""J>a cr 21 CFR S.12C•)(1). Y, CONTRACT WORK HOURS A14D SAFETY STAHDAROI N;T n.~-....,.toqF~~ODr'hc:t ._ • .,.,.,.., uauri51DDJIJO ..s ~flo h ~ ~---Cclrna.Wcft ........ s.t., ~Acl. ThHectau..lohaiM...,_.I'I~-.. c:a....,...... by21CFRU(a)otlPCFR 4 1. N..,._,WI .. ~tw ..,... ....... .-.d~Mdwb.,..-*""-" .... ....,. 1. "'""'I'M requlrwnenta. No ccnndaf 01 ~ C~CWW~cW!fiDrqpMfllhCIDI"&r8r:t'M:Wt...tictl....,.,....cr II'IYI:It4 h~clll;boteract~ltldNqolhot '*""'-ttuena.bclrwor~nwry 'IIIOitcweft Lo\...nt:hMct thtlt~OI'I auctt'MII1tto'tf1Qf!tinp;ceqolbtyh0un In l lold'l~utllta•aucht.tboterOI~~ oompena.aion It • Nltl nol leu 11M OM W o.-...n.ll llmol IN bNJc ,. .. d ,.y .... Nan ...ud in_.. fll bty' houn In -"" - 1. Y1*t!on: llblllty lot unp&fd .r~~ges; llqutcUtH .. ..,....,. '" ... Wftol""f ...... ol .... dluMMibf'llltPI"'CCJ''IPh(1 )ol HtMCtOI\.f'ltOOMI'NtOrll'ldq~~ hnll:lrlfWitMIIillltiMIDrN"'11'UU'IIIIIQIIILM-*Iilkll'\.wct\ Ollnhi:ICIWid .............. be ...... ~.....,~ f'ltCIMd""'"«wwww:IWCIOI'*KIIDrh DiiMctoiCoUrillllot t~.tolueft~Oiflo-.d'I.....,.,_IDf........,.. ~ Sudt......,...~tNI-~-41......,.. flo •ach .......... '-bow Cl rNChlnlc. ~""'*""*'and ~~~~cltwc:t...e ..t .... .,.,.,.....,... (1,)cii'Q MClkln.Lo\twanoiStO tarudi~U)'on~ IMIC'II hl\4dual-,......_or ptm'libed to ""<'tt., ac.t.t oll'le twldlrd~ofbtyhol.n~~clh~ -....o-,._,..tcl byhdaUHI-'forth ln pl!,..aptlj1,)o/flil - P•t• 15 or .u Joi)IIO I ' :I!.J.U·iiit.iiiCeiH@!iiN•iii!:ltfullfdil,i.iiiiN#iri.@•ii-JrliJQJiJ-i!.lt'ii:I!.I.!j·ijQ·U!Qe$14 Paae : C.29 Lou I Aubt .. c:e PrWf'Chttf" M .. .W 1. Wbtlhokftnt fiOf unpelclw .... tMe,..riNM 4an~Gn. The FlfiNAoth~~·t.Jupo~~;laO!tlnJCion•YPOft ..,.._"""""*oiMAtlhortu<li..,..~oflle~cl Labor.........,OICMIM•t........,...,flvft_,~~ an.:x:canol..a\ pertonMd tJr fie c:ortii'W:DOI ~ loiNitfanytud'!CIIIIm'acl.«lt!YOIMor F..-.. c:orc.ctwilhr....,.. prirnl CO'ftdor, 0/'any olhw~ ... IOCI c:cnnc:t MJt:1ed to Ole Conlnd Wclrll ttour. .nci U.-y Stal'ldan:la Aa. .....nkh • held by the ume pBne connc:tot, lueh '""" .. INY be d.tt.mined 10 be nteeSMfYIOu:bly"""IICd:ltitt;clwd'ICQ'Inc&oror ~rar...-.....,.lrd..-..ed d.am;agesaspnMded ln iN daM ietlorU'I tlpo~NG,...(l.)oiiU Mdian. 4. S4.rbcomtMtL Tl'MI c:cnnacror ~ lhaJ n.t r. MY ......... .... ca-... ........... J~o~~Wtr.pfl(l.)~f4)el --~ ... ~ ............. ~.illc:UM .... ~ .. ..,~ .. ..---. The,...OCd'ICIOr .... ""poniltiiiDr~O,-.;~Oitra-rel -~....-........... ~ln ....... lt) WWauG'I+4JoC .. Mdan Vl .SUI!tl.ET'nNO Oft AIUGHJHO TM! COH'I'ftACT TlwpnM.Iianil~flo .. Fed.,.... ~c:cnhdl onlhtNI.W~~ I.Tbe ~llhd,.liorm""""lta-orgllnlutiort c:orvac~ wort~ID not-.ltlenlO~(«•IJ'Ut•~ • apec::&d ~ ....... OCIM'Kf:)dh .... origNI ccnntt ,.a._..,. ___ ,. ... _ ~. ~..,.,..Wtlftbe~by~Widh ll't!ICU'ICoi.,IIUICI'Iao«idy!WN~ti'Wiybe6ddld ftmlw ... ~ CllrRct ..... Wan~ ... --nd wcft'*'**'flobll~bfh~""""~ (23CFRW Ill~ .. n.'*"~~,..._ .. """""~·,...,.. ~~01'-.....c:lbyhprirM~ ...... ~ OWNCS•~III¥ h ptmt ~ • .at'IOI......,.GplfWn. ~wm-.na~~....,._cr.....,_.d , ~ ......... ~ ...... d ... pw!"'l ClllfftQ:Ir,orqolw ....... TMiilnftiN)'Irldt..lft~ kwl'ltc:oe:llol~ ...... ....,.._hmen...,_....,. fim'l .... lln, .. ~F..,..IntStlil.eNgU~MDry~ ~~.,..,.fllf'ltbe~Lo\Oiilwmf hphte CZJn:r.darmeetsll ~h~oandllionl: 11)hpm'MI c.oM'ector!Nftta!ntcontrotOVoet .... ~dh~~oi!Nlt&Md~; (2}hprimeOOI'lW'tdOt,.,.,......fH90tt.a.&.b'lhe~cl hwortlol lhe le...a~. (3) h pm. ~,...._II~ •~CC~P or a:Lide lnc!McluM~i'om'MW\onhPf'CittcCa:tld (.c)twprm.cornaor,..,... ~~lorh ~ci~~ .......... IUbmii.SIOI'Icl ,.aD~,,.._.,.fll~....t ii--Fedlnl --b. ~ ..... ·t~~~~beCOI'IINidtoblliMidiD"''tcl'lll ~~~~~act~ • ......._or<tqUipnMIMt ~~llt htrP-oi~Oifi1U*N ..... and~lotiiiiiOIIIf'OIICIMOIIhCIQIWICII$ .......... 11'1 ~ ... -bt .,..,flofi'W'IOI'~-.. ........ -1. flwC101'111"KCW!'IOI.f'Cupot'l.....,b~MCfcnh n ~(1 }ols.donVIII;~LoldudaChe~ol/l'llllei'W and ~ PftKiucU ...nld'l•r•IO be pwr.NMd ct produced b't' N oonncaar unc~..-m. ooriii'Kt ~. CITY Of TEMPl£ CITY, CAUFOONIA BIOOINGN<O CCWTRACT OOCIJIEHTS, PlANS AND SPECIFICAT10NS STPI.-5365(010) PEDESTRWI N<O BIKE PATI1 SAfETYit.lPROVEMEliTS ON TEMPl£ CITY Ill liD FROM El CAI.CINOREAI. AVE TOEWS INIE & RONJNAY Ill' CITY PROJECT 10: P1~. -Contra Poe• 42ol Hi El.lllWtU~ ~oln-d Ft<ltral-Aid Coat net Laa!UI• S Tht C'.OM"KIDf .,.........,.. t•J a CO'npMMI ~..,.,.or ~...,....lit~brlhefilm,t..U~to*-d ~vl .. wort ln~..-ah hCICIN"'CCI ~··•t'lllll•lncNtgotolal~~ (~1>of'to4'10petil:wnwhwcril)...cl(b)IUChOCIWo1Mo­ ~I'MOW'GOI(~ml!t~W'III ~ aen4tell •• hOIII"Rdlng DffloerdotemW!es '- nKeUa~YIOIUIUNhP~olf'oec::or\IBcl ~.No pcrion ollhl c:onv.ct ·~be &ublitl auigned 01 ~ c&.po..edoi•""PPvo+!tlh""'"'*'CICIINoftolhC!Cit'lndinQolllcer, or~rt~......,;v.,liftdtuetaCCI"'Mttt~CJ'IfetltNIMC be CONINed. ,.,..,_."' OCtttadOr o( '"I,.~ tar ..... ~olllolconhcl. ~~,..jJt...,..on~y .... .. ~ilgllf'C'f-~hl ..... ~· ...,...._,irlwlintMdhd ·~~~~ .... ,.....,.,. of .. P"-....... an.,.,.~~of,.,.....C1)111,.,. ........... ~c::oMKt~:~.~~ rrwy~ ............. ~,..,....,.... ThsPRM .... k ~to d Fed.-...;o ~eotWads andiDIIttlletH ~- 1, In h petCorrnanoe r:IINI aortrad the oonnc:torlhd compty w!lt'lel~tNFtdlrlll,&IU,IMIDc:ai._.~NMty . l'llld\ n un.'Wt~M 123 CFR IJS). no. CICir'lhdot tNa ~ II ..,..,., ufttYdew:n anc:l ~~and ta•lhf ofwf'~Hdtd~ ... d...,.......,OIIIIieht ~ol!k.­ ""'1 ......... 110 be ~~,._..., Dpn:Md hti• ere hMIII\cl~onh;c.blndhu!.tyolhputllc.-.d• PK*c:t~.,~ ..... -~olh~ ~ .... lthecarftd. 2. li la a OOftliiiiiDn ot 1ft CDr*Kt. lnd aNI M IMide a cordllon ot .... ~~ ... CICirhc:klf ...... IMo,...._tD .. carnct.hlhoonnc:aatrdq~INII'IOI,_. q~,i'l~cllle:CXII"hc:l.ID....:wtl h __.. .. ,..., .......... -..Hcfol .. WIMIIhty, ............ 01~-~ ...... ..:.,.,.~undlr CICNlNdlofl....., Md hMifl ~ (21 CFR t121') ~~ .. s.a...,cltaor,llt ~~s.di:ln 107 ot .. ConnctWat ........... s.wy ~Ace (<10 U.SC 37CM) l. Pwluanllo 21 CFR 1V2e.3, IIi il • ~ cf lhil eot1net U'lat lhto SectttttyoiUbotOI~~Mow.oi',aNI '*"' rig!'~~ ot ltfllly lo ~lit. ol ~ P*fotrNnc.e.., N9ect 01 .,.,..... .. rnaa..ol~ .. ,.~.,flt/lnd ...., ltandetdl Mel toc.ry cut ... dUI* d .. $ecnfaty l.nMr a.ctoft 107 ellht CorndWO'k Hcul and S.r.ty~ Aa (40U.SC3704). Y11. 'ALiliTATfNttiTI CONCEIOOMO HIGHWAY~ Thii~•~IDd F......._.CICIMWalon~ Wid to Ill,....~ lft.,._lo~Ngtl~ll'ld ...... oona~ln ~~~ptltnl-~ ...... d.g,.. d ,_~on.........,.MCI~medeby.....,._.., ~."""'"".-.d~ot!Fedenl..d~~ ilt k-.MftNil\llldpw$01'11COI'IOei'Md-.,("h~perbm rwltlt.NioM • ca~. tr'IDft:IUQNy. and l'lclnMtty• po.JtM, ~ C.tllftcrian, d MDttlon. ormivepteMntab~ t'l:aplld to anyfad.lrt~IDhprc;.c:tia•..a.tionciFed ..... ltw, To ~·fiY~~Iha&llrioi.IIMuoflhtM P•c• l'•rN J•lyl016 0100£R Sti.l.Ll (OM~UTE ANO )U8r.11T All 00(Ut.1ENTS ANO PAGES tN SECTION C BtOOER S PROPO'lAL Paae : C.30 ---77.2011 ..cs......, Kb, Fom~ f'tfNI¥-l02llhel be poaM on•adl F.o.nHirll ~ II\'Citd (%) Cf'R136)61\orw or men pl.- .....,..ll reedily~tollpw~oC~Nc:onc::.m.d~lf'll ....... tiU.S.C. t0'20 ...... ~ ~.belngan~.~or•mpbjooeecllhel.Wted S;.*-, or of anyS&Dtot T1rmoty, or ....notver, -.ttether a pemm, auoC:IIIcn.h,orc:otpCII'tdon.~n'lai<Matflt-. .,......,., CalM~ ortatMr.part u toh c:.t..cw, qud(y, ~. oteo&l of lhl me'.etl .. UMdOI~be UHd.« the ~or~oiN""('('kpetfor'Mid cwtobe~otiN COil --.of 1ft COfV'ttdon ._. N •ubrNuiOI'I Gil pUm. tiWIIPI. ~. COMIIdt..orcmlloiC\IOM~OI'IM'fhigtMtyOI ,. .... Pf'Otect wtmilledtot ~ ., .. S.Uetaty (1/ T,.,.._...,._. Whc»wt~lnlll-any ..... ~lalM ~leiMN!pCift«lmie$n ... pedtolhe ~ ....... .-.,.ora.~d-r -'~or •bl ~or .......... ...,..,._.oriObeiUnlllhld.'"~ .... ~ • .,.,~-~P"CCttd ~br h $ecntMyoi T~OI WhorM~I'Mk-~ ... ~·r-. ~•to~M~~WWr.:aa.,.~~« f1!PCI'\~~ID~olhF~~I'd ~ JVr 1. ,.,, "'$UIL. 355). .. lrMrlded _, -Shill M "-t...., .... -..~ ,.....,. ...., s~ ........ ut.lMP't..IMDfTATlOH Of CL£AH AIR ACT AHD FEDERAL WATU: fiOU.unoN COti'T'N)L ACT '11111~·----· .. f~~oat*-­Mdtod,...~ &t......,.. oll'lla t~Wprapoutr~h •-..a.don oltRCIOI"'Ind, Ottubollrnei.,M~.hbidG«,IftlpOioer,Feder~ ~COI"'nc:W,OI~.al~le ..... be Mtmedlolww~ -~ I. Thelerrt~'tioholaorwtbel.olltlndnh~IICIIcl IN:I OMhCt • not ptOI'IIit~ from r.ceMnQ an rorMr'd due k> a ~tlonol $ecdon 508 oldwO.an W#ltM M or Stdion 3aeolthe OeMIWAd. 2. Thathcc:fttKklrlgf ... IIDincU:IeOtc..u&etobenct.dldtw ~dPit'IOftPh(l )d .. SedonXIniMI)'Il.lbor:rhd. al'ldbhr .... tolae~KdanHh~lgllfq' 1M';'6td ......... of Mkwdnv ~ requlrwnoenta, X. com~AT10N IU!OARDINO OE8ARM£HT, SU~ IHEUQIIIUTY AND YOLUHT AAY EXCUJStCltl 'TWt~-~D .. F .......... ~~ ~~~~ow. ............... . ~.o...--. ......... ---.~Oirt( --~~,.,...,.f-tNIA.....,..or'*iJ ....... Da.t$lS,.CIDOot1Mn -•dllltNd--2CF'RPtna 110 .... ,.., 1.lnlti"\\UUoM fof C.nll\c.Won -fntl'lef ,ankfputs: .......... ~ ... .,......,lhe~ht ........ k~h~WIOI.Cblbot. Q1Y OlltMl'\..E Q'TY, C.II.FORIU. BllllHG-OOIITIW:T DOOJNEHTS. PlANS Nm SPECIACATO<S Sll'l~IO) PEDEST'RlAH NID BI<E PATK SAf£TY IW?ROIIEMEHTS ON TEMPLE Q1Y II.VO Fl10io1 EL CAMINO RfAl AVE TO aLJS LAHE lf1.01ofMAY 111' Q1Y PROJECT ll: PIUI,-CoOiol l'l;o U d 179 lsblWt Jl~ Jhqulrf'd ftdtni·Aid C•n •racl l.Aaau•&• b. Tht~oll,.nat~D~I'I'~Mtcut Wow ...enol~ ,....In ... of p.Mkipltion In til Clll¥a"adnnudion. n.. ~ht dar priapent at.U Miln* an~ oi'Yhf It cennot ~1M c:MI!DIIoriHI cut below. ThtG4AkatiOtl otiJI;UNb .... bl~ln c:cmec~an•lhe ~ 01 ~' dMnNndon.._,.lw lo enterr.tolhil nnuc:clon. ~., .... oltht ptOt.pte:tirH ht -~~Mnllhi~OfMI~Ihlill ~ tuc:h • person lrCm per1ciplllon In Chit lrMtecdon. c.ThtcetW'ICI!fon lriiNiJd._ •• ~~ol tad upon~r~ ..... pile*l-.tlln IN ~-vencr detemMedtoantatlnllo .. ~lf lt iiiJ ... ~I\IIl lhi~PI"id,.,..~I'MSetldatl~ ~ln~to GIMitWMdft.ve:&lble tohF«Settl ~ lhl ~ae•rcviNY*"*'-,_ WWtwC~Gn bCMMoiMfiUI. G TN~f'nl-~tMI,.............._ ""'*"NIIIctiiOiheCOIWICIIIICit9'f'CYio""""Ht ......... .........,ll q *nll'l'~h--~'-"-..... bCM\.kabon .... ~....,.. ...cmiiMt,-Mcornl ........,...,..uonullhll'l;ld~ •. n.--.·CCJrol'llf'edhnMdo'\·~~··~· '"lnlligfbll;~··penai\··~·IINI"'WWIIUntarfy IJidrildld..' •~o~MGftHI ......_ ..... In 2 CFR P'..-110 antl1200 "Fnllllteoo..tedT,....,_.,...,..Mt~ ntudlon~•grwn~Mor~of1..,.,ll.n:IIIWJ• ~(Midl•lhtPfhwor.,.-OIIfW"'d).. ~Tilt Coroond Tnnucliana' r.ttn ~MY Clll'¥eNd ftNadion \ftW • ~1\tt~TfWIUdorl~a.~). "fhtT• P~'..,..toh~-.N._..,..,......,,~ ~"""" • .,.,..,. ........ ", ......... (sud\. ~he .,.,...,..or~~ '\.owwTlat PwM!pwe",...,. _, pm1dpMI:w.o,.. W'lliNd inloe~ ~...-• Fnt 1lar PwiatpM or Clllhw ~ n. ,..,._,. (Wch • ~-..-..) f,TheJIIIOioPICMrn._.pdapiniiQI'Iftbr~.a ~ ...... &holM .. pniOOMCI CIO'o"'ffd nnnctlart ......... INo,IIVIIIInol~ltllltlnlo""f~darOD'oWM tr11ftMc::tion'Jolti•I*KI"~·~~.CIIdllrld ~.,.~•-...ded!lvrftpMidpa1lot!lnHI~ VW.ection. ~ eu4honad ~I'll d~ Cll' agelle)'..uring lnlo ltlll.-.nsactiott. 0· The~ .... penldpMI Nnhw -or ... by ~ctapropot.ll N lt._.lncbM 1\1 a... *-d "Cettt'a61on RIQitdtlg Dtbl.lmiN, ~ lnaJigWity end ~~'nwto¥efldT~'ptOIIIctldby !he depll\'neftl or~ llgllnl:f, trUing ~10 .._ c:o¥Wed ~ wii'O.Itmodllkatlcwl. "' .. klww ... OD¥W'Id tnnladtOnl Mid in ........... loww .., CIO¥Itt<d tnnledlloN DOMding IN 125.000 fv'Mhdd. ll A.~InaCJCli'III'IINd~IMy,..,upona ~"'·~~ftiiDww lllf'CIO'I'IIWCI ~l\ll·not~...,.,.,...~Of'tObUrty ~hmh~ld~ ....... ~ ..... ~ .. ~,.,~-~-~ ---~ ...... ..,.,..ctld.....,..._ .......... -....... 1o ,.,..,.,_"' OCMNd nnudllorw.. To -wy ,_ .....,.._db~ ... WIII•IM.._.,fllwrr...._ller ptCIIJpiCtl¥oa ~Met~ ,.,.,...lf\IY, butk nol.....,ndto, chloiS .. E..dDcl ,,..tAl~ ......... Qrn-'Q"«d m t ...twc:f'l .. ocmpitiM "'I'll Oenlnl SIMCM ---l Nrol'lngCIOI'IUilnld inh ,......aNI blcon~Wedto,..... N~d ••~'-"olt'tCOrdtftOtdlftoNnCWMOOOCI P•c• 11 orl4 Julyl016 ,Ji,J.JI\111b'!li.lM4!iildd.Jiii @iii·iii.J.Iiiiii§i(t1¢1 ·1«·SrlJiitlii.i!•I~II :!UJ.JJ .gjijd•l4•'" Pore~: C.ll ---77.2011 --""~~ldbr""dluM n.~­~tlon·h~partie:ipert .. noc.r..p-ldlo iiC.Hd lhll~ll~~b)'lpr\odenlper..onLo!h orcAwy OCMAI fJI buli\eu ~ ~ Eaclpt fattrll1!....,. ~unO« perwgn.ph (1) rtlhY ~···~ln .~tl'lnlolctlon~ .... INo .~tlotc::oYeredlt'MUICtionwlth l plf'SOnwhols ~.d.O.INd. !Mag~M, 01 YOiunt.wity •lCdudodfrotn ~·!ionL-t .. ~--·ddilbltocdwtllf'l'le6n. ........_lohFICI I rt:l~tt.~oregancyi'M)' ~.,.lrii"'NCtiinbc:aUHordeofa.lft. 2. ClnMcltiOft llttOII'Cti"' De~ lus PM'ISion.lMtlgl!3tUty enc1 vorunwy Exc~Yslon-ftnt nw l"nctpenu: .. The~hW~oMIHIOhbeldb ~and belli, INti lndb~ (11 ,_,.~...,...,~prllpOMdfor .............. ......._....~uc:btl!dhm ~M CJDIYWid~ "''"'Feolt'ISOeplnrnlniOI -(2) Hl .... not~ • ......,_.~pr..c5ngll*~ blllnGDIMCted dar hid •eM~ llfldtfld..,_h:m b ~ d~ or •cri'Nnlloff.,..• CIC:ft'lldon'M!h _...., ~loobtlift,otpar(ornwlg apubic ~edlni, .... ..., ll'tftrNdioft otcxnra:tU'dlr . pubic~ \lllllllllal\ofF.,.,.,.St.DinlillnAistat~.auor~d ~ .... ..,.,.twbry,~ardlatructlcnd ftiOCiil'dl.,.......liltM~Ot~uctlnpqllel'ty: (S) ,_ no1,....,.... hlctMiot or oetw-Clm'WWJy« dttftt CfwOid"'a ~..alty(F......_SI•»ottocal)wil\ ~oiMJfllhOileNes.....,..leCIIM~(·X21 of .. ~lftd j4) Ht¥1nolwil'llft•......,..,~pr--*41hs apflklllla/pii~NdiMOimcn~~~~ SUill 0' loc.aJ) tllmNted lat c:euM 01 OeiM. .. \Yiwtfll~p.lttic:lplnt·UMtn»c.wtifytolfl)'ol lhe IJtlt.Mnls In.,.. Ollil'alion, AICh ptOIJpiCCiw participal't sNI .a.dlanu;rrtanab10ihll~ 2. lnt aucdont tot Cti'Ciftc.allon -Low-ern... P&rtl~lp&nts: (Applctblt 10 a'l "-tbcor'lnda. pun:ilul onlets and dhef loot.c1 lilt .,.,.,..,_ rwqu!mg pttor ~A ~ot•ltirnllld IOC';IC:IM SZ5,000orffttltll • 2 CFRPertt 1110 and 1200) ... ,~andtubn'lling .. Pft!PDIIIllhe~~ tiwil~t.--...,Mtout.,._. b. Thl~ln .. clluMii •INlerillr.pr...UbOII llretupor!WMII,....,_ _ __,\Iotlln .. ...,....,.._ .,..,...lnlo.lflt .. ....,~ .... h~.,.., .. ,.....~,.,.,. .... .,.....~lnNdllun tooiW,...........,. ..... ,~Go.~l'w ..,...,OI...,..cy\llifi""'*" .......... CIIiolr*rld~ ,...,. ........ IWftiiCIM.~~_.,~ c. The proe.pect.e-.., Mt~ v.2 proridl~ ""'*""*-~ .. ,......'flitW:h .... pnJpOMI·~·­qhh~bwettw~leeml .... b ~ ..... ~by,.uond.CN."'QQd~ d. The*"'' ·~hnAclan,.··~··~: -,..r.-...··~·~··llf'I"'CCPPIl:lf'ld·~ Q1Y OF TEMPlE art, CALF<lRIM Bllll1HG AND OOHlRACT D00JNEHTS. PlANS Nlll SPEafiCATIOHS S11'l-Sl6l\'010)PEDESTRWIAIIOBI<EPATKSNETY~ ON TEMPlE COY II.VO FROW El CAM!HO R£AI. AVE TO aus lAHE & f1.01ofMAY 11o1P art PROJECT ll: Pl ..... -c.n..l l'l;o 44 d 179 El~bll u..c R~utrtd Ft6tni·Aid C1Diret1 Uaau•ae uri.ldld, • 11 WIG In Ha .._., .. dllnld In 2 C'SR p_,. ,_, lfld12DO. YOUI"M)'CGI'Ucii!Npenon lo.....nlch ... PfOIPOiolt .. ~IOt~lnobUftwiOa~ollhoM~ "flrr* Tier~ T,_..,.. N:fllft io M'f OOWtld lnlMidian betwMn. gr--. 01 ~··of F"~lundt tnd. ~l'll l.uc:h•ll'wlprimlor.....,.,~cc ~ ~,.,eo...ted Trt:ttuc:~ior-.' ,.,.,. tolr'l)' COVItld Rnlldion loftiet a F'n1 n. Cowl-ad Tranucllon {tuen M ~). 'F"Irat Tier Pdcipant' N:fll'ltolhrl~wtlot.IMtlf'Mi~•OOYered~ ..,.f'lagrantHot~oiFidotafunda(~ulheFftrt•or general ClCitWidtlt). '\.owM 1ltr Pndpatll" rdm any pmlcipMI -.nohale~lnto ac:o-MI ~wlth a Fnllill' PMKipn. ot~ low.Tiot PlltloPMO (~ .. IJU~ --~ •.Thl~.,_.lllfpattlciplflt ~QN••t.,~IHfi ~~~~c;:..~.,....., ~ .... ....,1Jihol&dltlamd.,~cs.dlrld inelgtJII.or~.-...ct"'"~lntniDCI'I'Inld ~II'Wtll~"'"'-~«llglncy...ett ""*"--~~ I.The~ ........ plrtlaplre ......... ~ ....... tilprapoMIIIMII .... IrlcWI .. -...IIDad .,.,_._.,...._.,_....__ Yol.wllwy~1\11Cor.wed TIW'INCIIon..,.._, ~rr. ....,liltC'.OI'INd.....,.ftl ln ll =..=-.. ~~u::ndn;h 0 A~lnaCOIOIIf'MI~tNIJ~~· ~dl~pwte::CirWIIM a iD-wWCIWII"'d ~ ....... ctao.rr..s.~~.ot~ .......,hntw0004'edtr~trieu·~NN ~lalfYDIMOo.ltA~ ... ,......klr....mv ---~819NIII~,cletllrnd,01~ ...._.lopil1iQpMa"~..........,_ fo'~Wfth elglllityofilaj:II'W'rDpel&, .......... ~ofwrtklwwti.­ ~~lac:fi,....,.,.INy,Wiltnoll'lq!MediD, d'«* lhe E.lduded Pwtin U. $ptltft ~ tl!npt. 'DYGbP ,......._ .. ccrnpiiiCI!tyl'leGaner11l~ _..._ h. NoiWif cont*IH In 1M foregoing 11'111 bl COMII\.Itd to~ ~daiJ)'MmolriCIOI'dt lnon:Wto,.,.,lngoodllnh W...certilkabon~byltwc:iluM.Thl~r.d nann.tion ct pattidp&nl• noe rtqU\fld 10 UCMd lhlt........, if normdy poneSMd by . pt\ldlft PII'OI'IIn ... O!dNry COUtM « --· l Ealep ftltkanucCIDniJ I Uihoftl:ld i.W'Id« paragraph.« tt.ll Nln.ldioN,II a~-.a~nruccion~ .,..,.!No •lctww.., coYONCI......-..cllon"""' 1 pat'ICirlllot'oO (e tutl*1ded,dttllrrltd,~.ot~•xc:Ndld mwn par1iclprHon 1ft ... hnwc:tion,ln add:tion ~ ..... """*'" ......._tolhiFIIdlral~the ...,....ar~wtf't ~-~0'9N'-'IMYJIUI"'u...,....., ....... lrd."*'o .....,.,..., andot ....._._ Cet1Mcauon ~ DtOitmlnt. SVtpet\'Uoft. lneGglblfty lind Vofuntlty bciUIIoft-..Loww net pt.uctpancs; 1. The~ IDMrdar,.,..... .-. bysub'Maionol hi PfOPOMl. ...,,...,_lnotb ~-~cMOirNd. ~P'IPOMdlor~dlc:llhd~.OI' ~.....,.,.,.~lftCIO'llW.t~by ..,,..,.~01~ P•c• llofU Jul)· 201' BIOOEH )HALL COMPLETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS ANO PAGES IN SECTION ~c BIDDERS PROPOSAL Pa&e: C.3Z Dat•laued.: Match '11, 2017 XI. Cfllm,.CAllOH REOAADINO USE OF CONTRACT FU NDS ~RlOBBYlNG Tin.~ laapplk.abletoaDF..:I.,.IIid~oonncts andloa!!Nlat.cf~...tkti•Jaed S IC0,000(48aR20). 1.The ____ ., ........... _ eta b6d Of propoaal,., ... b.-ol I'M Ot "* knowleGo• Wid~­ """ a.*Fecwii~UGNM .... peklot ..... beJ*d, by 01 Oft ~If cllhe Uf'der.ignM. 10 any petiCift b lnftuMdnQ 01 attempC.nglo.,.__anallketcr~OiqFMit:l'lll 9f1CY.•Mimbefol~.tt~ol&c.tor~o1C-or-o"na.. OtM~cf•~cf~~~~~~­ .....,-cingcfMyF~cannc:t.fte~cflllf'fFederwl;rw'lt. thtmMqcfti'C)'f ... loM.thelf'llolmgklloolany~M ~andN -ention.~f9newal.~ ot moctlfteaOon of •ny Fectenl ClOtlhc\ ;tart. loan. « COOIPII'*M -b. n tnt~ ocner ll'latl Federal •ppnlpNtec:J l\lndshtvt been ~«~~~b~~b~~~~ fn:ftuencl an olficet or empbrM cf Mf F.o.ral ~. • Mlmber 01 c.on;r-, an or.::. Of~ otCort!tea.otll\~ r:J a Mtmbw d Congrwsa WI CIIIN'\edlon '<lolilh IN$ Feder~~~ c::ontrKt. ptC.~CifCICIICipiR:M....,..,.m.cta.~lhl1 ~Mel .wri Stand.atd Fotm-W.. ~. Formm Repolt~"fl~'<fWtitl ltaWI~. 2.lMCMttflcllllon •• tn11\eMII~cfa.c:cl,lpOI\wt'lld'l ,...__pl801d...._, .. .......aion..,.,ll'ladllorenlet.ctlrdo. 5lbrliuion of .... ~ Ia • lh'IICfliei'e for tM);lng Of ...uMo*,.ii'MMdian~by)1 US.C,tl$2. My penot~lootoldltD .. IMftiQI.A*CirtMcldotlaNi be~IOe c:M penallycfncMMu l\lrl 510.000 and not mor9 1t-. S1CO.OOO lot eldl tudii.Ue, 3.1lle~pt~!tldpaniMo-s1tl••by Nirrillingbbiclot propoatl Nz h partclp.l.nC WJ NJQUR 1\atlhllarqi.Lage ol ttil cetti!k:d:n ~ lndudtd in IIII IDMt iw ~ wNctt ..::Md Sl~.OOG and lhat .a suth l"'dppris shill~ and c&dc:u -· CITY Of TEW.PLE CITY. CAUFORIM 8IDOOlG AXIl CONTRACT OOCUIIENTS. PlANS AIID SPEC1ACAT1011S S1Pl·S365(1l1D) PEDESTRIAN AIID BIKE PATlt WET'f IMPRCMMENTS ON TEWJ'l£ CITY BI.'I1J FROU El CAWJNO REAl. AVE TO EWSIANE l RONJVIAY IW' CITY PROJECT 10: P15-<JO,-""""" Pogo <5 ol 171 Etblbll Jl.C Required Ftdtr d-Aid Coatnct t.e aauagt P•et 19 oCl4 July 1016 BIDDER SHALL COt.1PLElE AND SUBMIT AlL DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN SCCTION 'C BIDDER'S PROrOSAL ilo'~--27.2011 CITY Of TEMPlE CITY, CAUFORNIA BloomG AND CONTRACT DOClJI,'aiTS. PlANS AAD SPECIFICATIONS Sll'l.-5365(010) PEDESTRIAN AIID BII<E PATH WET'f I~S ON TEMPlE CITY ll.'I1J FROM El CAM!NO REAl. AVE TOEWS LAN~' l RON:NIAY IMP CITY PROJECT ll: P15-<JO,-Ccn!lol Pogo 46 ol 171 Local Aulstao« Proffi.lurtS Manu ~t1 E>blblt 12·G Rtquh·td Ftdtral~AJd ConttAd Unguagt 12. ft:MA LE AND ~UKORI TY GOALS To comply with Stction 11. "No00iscrimin4fion," of"Rcquircd Contract Provisions FedcroJ-Aid Construction Co ntrocts," the following nre for female :and minority util iz:;tion goals for Fedc:r:ll~aid construction conlrocts and sulxontrtcts that exceed S 10,000: Tht nadonwidt goal for fi:mnle utilization is 6.9 pertml. TI1e aoats ror minori1)' utilizotion [45 fed Reg 65984 (100/1 980)] ... "'[oliO\\>: )-IINORJT\' tTTIUZ....\TIOX COALS Econom.ic A~:a ReddingCA: 114 Non-SMSA (S fandard Meuopolit-.J Stalistical Area) Counties: CA Lassen: CA Modo<: CA Plurn>t: CA Sh>S10: CA Siskiyou: CA Tehama Eur<iai.CA 175 Non-SMSA Counties: CA Del None: CA Humbold>: CA Trinil)' Snn Fruncisco-Oaldnnd-Snn Jose. CA: SMSA Counties: 7120 SaliMs-Se:a.side-Monterey, CA CA Monterey 7360 San Froncisco-Onklnrul CA Alamed:l~ CA Contr.~ Costa ; CA M:uin: CA S:m Francisco: CA San Mateo 7400 San Jose, CA 176 CA Santa Clnnt. CA 7-4 85 Snnul Cruz. CA CA SanlA Crut 1500 Santa Ros: CASonomn 8120 Vallejo-Fnirtield-Nnpa , CA CA Napa: CA Solnuo Non-SMSA Counties: CA Lake; CA Maldocino: CA S11n Benito SICI"ii.m<'DtO,CA: SMSA Counties: 6920 Sacramenta, CA 177 CA Plactt: CA S:ta:UllCnto: CA Yol o Non-SMSA Countie:s CA Bune: CA Colusa: CA ElDorado: CA Gl"u' CA Nevodn: CA Sicmt: CA Suner. CAYublt Stocktoo-ModC'Sto, CA: SMSA Counties: 5170 Mod<S1n, CA 178 CA Stanislnus 8120 Stockton, CA CA San Joaquin Nc>n~SMSA Counti~s CA Alpine; CA A.m:ldor: CA Cal:aver.~.s: CA Matioosa: CA M~ro:d: Ct\ Tuolwnn~ Goal IP<r<erul 6.8 6.6 28.9 25.6 19.6 14.9 9.1 17.1 23 .2 16.1 14.3 12.3 24.3 19.8 P•tt 10 ofl-f July lOU BIDDER ~H/\LL COMPLETE l1NO SUBMIT ALL DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN SECTION C BIDDER'S PROPOSAL~ Pa&e : C.34 Olti!Siued:: Mlrd'll1,201 7 CITY Of 1SCPl£ CITY, CAUFORIM BJOOING-COIITRACT DOClJMENTS. Pl.<HS AND SPfCFICAllONS STPI.-6365(t)10)PSlES'Il!IANAI/O BD<E PATH SAFETY lMPRtMMEN'TS ON TE!I.P!£ CITY Bl\ID FROI.Ia CAMINO REAL AVE TOEWS LANE l OON'NIAY IMP CITY PROJECT 10: P1S45.-Cartrd Pogo 47 cl179 Loea l AstlstaDt'f' Pr~t-duHs Manual Exblbllll-G Rtq ulrttl Ftdcral-Ahl <:oo lrart Language frtsno-lbkcrsfle ld, CA SMSA Cowui<>: 0680 Bakersfield. CA 19.1 179 CAKem 2840 Frcsoo. CA 26.1 CAFmuo Non-SMSA Counties: 23.6 CA Kin&>; CA Madm: CA Tutor< Los Angeles, CA: SMSA Counties: 0360 ANheim-Snnta Ana-Garden Grove, CA 11.9 CAOr1 ngc 4480 Los An&ch:s-Long Buch, CA 28.3 CA Los Angelos 180 6000 Oxnord-Sinli V1lley-Vrotun, CA 21.S CAVmtuR 6780 RiYffside-SIVl Bcmardino-Ontotio. CA 19.0 CA Riverside: CA San Bmwdino 7480 San[a Bubu':a-Santa M:arin -Lompoc. CA 19.7 CAS..IDBIUbora Non -SMSA Counties 24.6 CA ln;oo: CA Mono: CA San Luis Obispo San Diego. CA: SMSA Counties 181 7320 San Di ego. CA 16.9 CA San Dieso Non-SMSA Counties-18.2 CA lmpcri•l forlbc last t\.1 11 \\eck July dunn& which work as performed under Lhe caru~L you and each non maten•l- supp lier subcontroc tor ,,;th 11 subcontrKt of$10.000 or more must romple1e Form FHWA PR-1.191 (Appcndll< C 10 23 CFR 230~ Submit the f01111S by August IS. IJ. fEDERAL TRAINEE PROGRAM For tbe Federal. training program. the number ofnaine(s or apprmticts is __ 2 __ . This sec:tioo applies if .:a number of trainees or apprentices is specified in the special provisions. A.s part of your equal oppcx1unity animxuiw ocrion progmn\. pro\ide on4h c-job u-nini ng to develop full journeymen in the rypcs of trades or job chusir.ations involved. You have primary rcspon~ibility for mcetina this training requirement If you subcontrcct 111 C'OittnK t port. dctemtine how llk\ny tninccs or opprtnriccs :~ore to be troined by the subcomn.c10r. Include tbc:se truinin& ~uircmenlS in your subcontract. Where feasible, 25 pm:cnl oflppren!ices or rrninttS in each OCCUp:llion IDUSI be in their lSI )'Olr Of npprenriceship or trainin&- Distribute the number or qpprmtices or tnthl«.s among the work clnssifll.'ltions on the basis of your n«ds and the av.i b bility ofjowncymen in the various dwifKations withi n 11 rcuooablc r«roitmeot area. !kfon: starting wor\c, submit to the City/County of ___ : Patt U of14 Ju11 201' U!,ltli tJilf.1ili•@ lijiiifiWtiiiH@iii.1!1.Itlill61jd(f!§i•i#·'rlJii§Ji!ii!.t§p+m.J ,Ji;Jjij·UN-fi" Data lsartct Ma.n:h 'B, 2011 CITY Of 1B4PlE OTY, CAUFORN!A BIDDING ANO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, PWIS AND SPECIFICATIONS STP\...1355(!110) PEDESTRWINtO BIXE PATH SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ON mtP1..E O TY BLVD FROM EL CA.\IINO R£AI.AVE TOEWS LANE l RON1NAY IMP CITY PROJECT 10: P1~. Dowment Conrol Pop 41 c117t Local Atsh:hloc~ Procrdu rn M ftD UAI E>hlbll 11-G Rtqulrttl f~dr l"'''l-Aid Cooll'lt1 Laor:uag~ 1. Numbn"of apprcnl ices or lnlioees to be tnain~ for eocb clnssificmion 2. Training pro&fllm to be used 3. Training staning date for tach classilicalion Oblain the CiryiCoumy's of ___ upprOVIIl for lhis subm iu<d infomlln ion before yoo scan work. The City/Cowuy of ___ end its you for t"Deb apprcntict or IJ'D:i net you tmploy on lll e work who is cttrrently enrolled or become5 enrolled in an appro\'ed program. The prinwy objccrive of this s.t:ction is to rnin c:nd upg:rodt minorities Dnd woancn towo.rd journeymen status. Make every dfM to enroll minority and women appmllices or tntinet:s. such os conducting syslemD.tic :md direct rtefU itmenl lhrough public and privtte SOUtttS likely tO yield minority tt.nd wonten o.pprtnticcs or trainees, to the extm l they nrc ow ilablc within n rnsonnblc ~itment artn. Show that you how mndc the effortS. ln makin& these cffons., do ROt d.iKrimiMte DJD.inSt on.y applicant (or trai ning. Do not emptoy as an apprentice or lrlilt«" an employee: I. In any classificAtion in \\'hich lhe cmplo~e Ius success tully compl<trd :a croinina course le:~dina: to journeyman status or in whic h the map loy« hos been nnplo~ RS a joomeyman 2. Wbo is not registered in o. program nppro~ by the US Dcpnrtmrot of LAbor. Bureuu of Appmuiceship and Tr.ainina Ask the employee if the employee has successfully compl~ed o training course l~ding to joumeyrn.m status or hilS been C'DlpiO)'td as a. joumcym.an. Your r«<rds must show the employee's answers to the qutstions. In your tm ining prognun. establish the minimum kngtb and training rype for each classification. The City/County or ___ and FHWA oppro\'es a progrum if one of the following i.s met: I. ltisalc:ulatedto: Meet the yout equ :al employment opportunity responsibilities • Qualify the aVC"nge apprc nti« or trainee for journeyman status in the clusifi csuion involved by !he end or !he !raining p<riod , Jt is rc eisrered with tilt U.S. Oepcututcnt of Labor, Bureou of Apprenticeship and Trtinina. 1nd it is admin istcn:d in a way consistent \\ith the equal rn1ploym~.-nt rt."Sponsi biliti~ of fcdentl·:aid highway construc;tioa contrKts Obtain the State's apprm'11 for your ll'aining program befOf't you s-tan work involving the dusilication covered by the: progmm. Provide training in the constru ction crafis. nos in clcrk·typist or secretnri;al-cype positions. Training is Jllowed in lower leYel tnaiUI:gen"Ent positions such. as office: enginccn. ~timo.tors. nnd timekeepers if the tnining is oriented toward consttuction applicAtions. Tnining is allowed i n the labort:r clusilicaticn if signHicMt aad mC'O ninat\1 1 training is prG\'idtd lllld opprovtd by the division offi ce. Off-site trDining is allowed if the trainina is IU1 inte-gral pan of•n approved mtiningproprn cmd does not make up a sign i ficnnt plf1 or the 0\'ftll.l l lraining. The City/County or ___ reimburses you 80 cencs per hour oftr.~irUna Jiven :m employ« on thts contn.ct under 1n opproved tRinuag progrnm: I . For on-site tNiinina " For orT«Site trnining if the apprentic e or tra inee is currently employed on a Fedcnl·•id projc:cr and you do 11t le w one of the follo,,ine: • Contribute to the COSt of rht rr.aining • Provide the instru1.:tion to the a.pprrntic.: or t.ntinec • Pay the tapprentic-e's or trai nee's wnges during the on'-sitc training period J. lfyou comply this sccrian. P.gtll orl_. J ulylOI' m,],Ji tJil@ili.JMiij!ji!Vl•Jiiln.§!ll·i!I.I.Iiii§Ijti(t"§i•li·'rlJi!JJii·i!.lrl''m.t.l ii&JQU •iij•ft-' Poco: C.3 6 Dolo--27.2017 Loul A.ubhiD« Procnta rt1 Muaal EKh appr~alicc or rrain« must CITY Of TEY'lE CITY, CAlEOANIA B1001NG #ID COIIffiACT OOCIJMEHTS. fUNS Alll SProFlCAliONS Sli'I..Q65{010)P8lESllaANNI!J BIJ(f PATH SAFElY~ CW TENPlE CITY Bli'D FIION B. CAioDIO REAl. AVE TO aus lANE l IION1HAY 1lli' CITY PROJECT Ill: PI~ O.C.-CftaPICt ~hf 17!1 Enlbll ll·C Rtqulrtd Ft<l tra.I~A id Coofnc1l.an;uagt I. &ain tninina on the projec:1 os soon as fmiblc nncrrhe sum ofworlc invol,inalhc appttn~kt:'s or n incc's siOU l . R.muin on lhe project as long as tro ining opportunities c:tist in I he apprentice's or 1111inec's 1\Vrk d•.ssifie~t ion or until rhe :~ppn:nti ce or tr11in cc has complct~ lhc rnini n& proaro m Furnish the apprentice or uuincc : I. Copy of the proat1.n you ''ill eomp ty ''irh in providina che tninina 2. Cc:rtificarion showing rb c rypc: an d length o f mining satis factorily coruplcrcd 14. TITLE VI ASSURANCES Durin& the pafomwK:c of dus ~t. the 4."001!1Kior, for icsclf. its HSIIJ'IM a:nd succn~cn in uwct'HC (bcrdnaftct coll«1i'"tty rc ftf'l'ed to u CONTRACTOR) IPftS u foiiO\\'S (I) Comphancc wtth Rt wlttions: CONTRACTOR shall comply M1h tht rcculattOnS relative 10 nondi.Krimi,.tion in fcdcnlly .ssisl~ pros:nms oflbt Dtplnment ofTnnsportation. Tick 49. Code offtdcn.l haul•tions. Pan 21, as rheym~ybc amcndnl from rinx rotune, (bcrrinefln r~fcmd to a 1bc REGULA TlONS~ wbich .,. herein incorponH<d by ,.f<r<n« and mode • '*' of litis ..,.....,..,c (2) Nondjgrxnjnarion: CONnACTOR. ai<h r<Jml lo lbc wo<l: petfOflJ'otd by i1 illnnalhe AGREEMENT. sba1J no1 di.scrimin81e on tbt grounds of~. color. ~ex. 111tiocW oriJin. reliJion. ~ae, or d islbility CD the sdect.ioo I:Dd rCitdion of ~IJCaOU. UlCiudin& proaRf'MDIS of materials :and leases of equipment. CONTRACTOR shall no1 pantcipat t tirhtr dtt«tly or iruhr«dy in tht dis<riminauon p!dnbit<d by Sea ion 21.5 of <he R<tUio<i<>lS. includill& employment pnc~ic:a when lfx apttmmt t0\"n1 1 prosnm set forth in Appendix B oftbe Rqulatioos. (l) Solicll!tions for Sub-tlrmntDft Indlldjna Prpn1rnngus o(M.aJroals ~ad Em1ipmm : In 111 solicit.wions: either by compe~iti\lt bidduta or neaociatton m.tldt by CONTllACTOR for wack to be perfonned undtr • Sub-eermnenl. iocludina, procurmwnts of mottnals or I cues o( tquipmmt. tacb po1C1111aiJub-appliCIInl or supplier shall be no<ifocd by CQNTRACTOR of lhe CQNnACTOR'S obhprions under lhls Avecmau aDd tht RtpJiaJ ions relative 10 nondiscnmm11ion on lhc arounds of r~ce, color, or nlltOOBI oriJin. (4) lofonrwtjon ood Rmxu: CONTRACTOR sholl providt alltnfomudon and rq>QCU required by the Rtaul:uions, or dir«tives issued punuout rhn eto. a1d shall permit DCCtSI ro iiJ books. retards. IK'COUiliS. other JOUttes ofinformolion, a.nd its facilities u may be determined by the Ca.Jifomi1 Depar1 mcnt ofTransporution or FliWA robe pminmlto ax~:nain c;omplian ct \\ith such Rcaulotionl or dirtttives, Where any infonnat ion mpJired of CONTRACTOR is in tht exdusive possession of a.notha-who !.ails or refuses to furn ish this mfOC'lTlllton. CONTRACTOR shall so certify to lhe Cali fornia DqNanmenl of Tnmsportation or the FHWA os approprillt, ond shalt set (ortb what d Tot1 s CONTRACTOR lw m:1dc 10 obtain the information. (') Sanctions f(l' Nooc:ompl jam:c: In the t \'l:nl ofCONTRACTOR"s noncompli111nce \\ilh rhe: nondiscnmin11ion provisions of this aarccmcnt, the C111lifomilll Ocpanmmt ofTnnsponation s.hall mlJOSC suc:h 18f"11"1eRt s:oncrionJ as it oc thr: FHWA mill)' dctenmnt to be ~tppropru.te. tncluchnc. bur not hmited to: (1) wilhboklina ofpo)'DXOis to CONTRACTOR Wldtr tht A~n w1thin a rdtOI'Iablc period of tinx. noc to exceed 90 days: IOdlor (b) c:anttltlltton.tmninllion «suspension of the AJfttiTIC!'ll. '" whole or in pan. (6) ln<qponuoo or Prmisjom: CONTRACTOR W1J include <he provilioou of pon~pbs (I) lhroulh (6) in CV<1Y sub-a_,., includina prt>CUmD<DIS of m~~<ri:W ond l<•sn of cquipmcnc unless U t mpt by the RegubttioM. or diztttiVC'S muecJ puauant thcrtto U!.J.!i ·C!:b!!iitl.f.!QiiiF NrJiil:l61if,JII,J.J31'61ifi£JV'•Q ·\riJjffliisi!,Mii;Jj,].)JjljQ·J.IQ•i*'i 1'>&0! C.37 CITY Of IDPLE CITY, CAI.1RRNIA IIIIXliNGI-HIJ COHTl!.ICT DOCUioiENT5. 1'\A'IS I..'ID SI'ECIFDliONS SIP\.~10) PEilESTI!WI Allllll<E PATH SAFETY IIIJ'RO\IENENTS CW 1EWPLE CITY II.VO FROM El CAIIJHO REAl. AVE TO B.1.IS lAHE & ROIDNAY IMP CITY PROJECT ll" PI~-Conod Poot 50 d 119 Esl>lbi112·C Rt<~,ulrtd Ftdt rt,..AJd Coa t rt tt Laacu~tgt CONTRACTOR sh.a.lllflka: web ac:tion \\ith rc:spc<:t to ony .wb-ogrtttncnl or procurement as the C•lifomia Oeparunent ofTrMs.pOrtotioa or FHWA nuy direct o.s a mc:ms ofcnforcina such provisions inc ludin& sa nctions for noncompiL:tnc:c. provided, howtvcr, chat, in the event CONTRACTOR becomes involved in. or is thrctnened with.litig:nion "ith • sub-applic ant or supplier as a rnuh of such direction. CONTRACTOR rmy request the Cllifomia Deportment of Transportation tnler into such litiga lioo 10 protect the inlerests of tl'le St:ll e, and. in addition, CONTRACTOR tNY rtqUt$ the United State$ to enter into such liligarion to protect the intcresrs of the Uniced Stales . JS. USE OF UNTTED STATES-FLA G VESS£LS The CONTRACTOR ogrccs- 1. To urihze priwtely O\\"rted Unite<~ Stttcs-naa tomrnc1'C1al VCSJ(Jt to shtp oclc:ut SO pc1'ttnl ofrhe aron ""'"'ie (compu<cd scpon<dy for dry bulk nnic:s. dry carso hnns. •nd IAnlctrs) iovolvcd, \\"hmc'\"U" sluppinaany equipment. materiAl. or C'Cilli:Dodtbes punua.nt to this conU'ICt, to the exrcnt suc:b ,·usets ~ G\"'illble at fitr tnd reasonable nan for Uou<d StM"'"Oa& commcmal vessels. 2. To Furnish ,,;thin 20 dAys followina the date olloodina for shipmc:nl$ oriainotinJ nritbin lht Uuikd SLIItc or wittin JO workinatlays follO\\in& the date oftoadinc for sbjpmmts oriain~tifta oulSide lhc Uoilcd Sutes.. a leJibk copy of a ra~ -on--board .. commtrtiaJ ocnn bill-of.fllldina in Enalisb for ncb shipnent of CWIO described in pu~grapb (I) of this xction to both d.e Contnc.1m&: Otftttr (lhroop d!e prime <ool!ll<IOf in lh< case of subcon~r~~<~or bill~f~odin&) and lo lhc DiYision of N•<iozul Care<>. Offu:e ofM:u!ce1 0<\-.lopmmc Mari1ime Admiois1n1i0<1 , W.W.a<on. DC 20S90. J . To instft the s-ubstance of the provisions ofdus clcusc in All subconnc:u iuutd pursuant to t:h1s connct. M.Au-o"T .U N UCOilDS Al\'1) SUBl UT RI:PORTS ooct.:ut:o-.~C \'OUR PERfOR.o\tAJ\C£ l1~DER nos S£(.110~ ,., .. u or u JaiJ'l OI' RIDDER SHAll (QMPl£TE AND SUBMIT All OOCUMENn AND PAGES IN SECTION ~c BIDDER) PROPOSAL ~'>so : c.n Oo'AI.....tMctl\71,2017 CITY~ 1tMi'l£ CITY, CAUFOIUM BIOOING NtJ CONT1W:T DOCUMENTS. PlANS N;D SPECIFICATIONS STPL·53M(OIO) PEDESTRIAN ANO BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPR<:NEMEHTS ON 1tMi'l£ CITY lllVOFROM El. C.W..HO REAL AVE TDBJJS LANE & ROIONAY L'IP aTY PROJECT D: PIS45.-Coltldi'IG• 51 ol 179 2. Sample Bid (Exhibit U H) E.dU\11 11.-H OolelsoJo±MWI27,2017 CITY~ TEMPI£ CITY. CAUFORNIA BIDDING AND CONTRACT OOCU!o'EIITS. P!AHS ANO SPECiflCA TIONS ST!'l-5365(010) PEDESTRIAN AHO BIKE PATH SAFETY IM?flOIIEMEHTS OH TEID'I.E CfN BLVD FROM EL CAYJIIOREALAVE TOEWS lANE & ROIONAY IMP art P!!OJECT 10: P1>4S, -C4n>d f'1Ge 52 ol 179 L.ool A"ittlntt ProudvrH ~1•n••l Eabibilll·ll Sua It' Bid ---------------------------..:S::.•=It:..;B::::,lcl PUB LIC CO TRACT COD£ EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUN ITY CERTIFICATION The bK!d<r . ~by c:Mifics thai he tw .J:. ~ pmicipo~cd in llprt:ViouscoDJrxtor~trxt subject to lhc equ.otl opponunitycl.:luKS., as rrqvimt by Exccuuvc Orders ICW2S. 11 11•. or 11246. and ttw. -.heft rrqu•rtd. ht 1m fikd vdlh thebn.t Rcpon1"1 Commln«,tht Dir«torofthe OtTJCC ofF~ COdttXf C~laana, • FC'Cknl Go\tffti'IX'N coecnctin, Of odnuAulniii!M :a.,c.cy. cw !he formtr Prc:sidcm's Cocrwic ~re on Equol EmploymrOI OppotNOI IO)I. ~I rq>O<U du< Wld<r llo< ..,piKoblc l lh"' "'quo"'mmu. Nott: "The abo\~cmifto~10n 11 rcqu~ by the Equal Empfoymcnt Opponunny RqulariOftloflhc S«rnaryofllbott41 CfRfi0..1 .7(b)(l)). ud mull bt wbft'litk'd bybtddc:n ~ propoKd wbfonuxton only in cooi'IC'Ctfon ...,;lh C'Oiltnx:U and subcoN:niC-ts wbich <lrc JUbjwto the c:cp.aal opponunil ycl.wtc. Conuxu and 5UbcomrDCU which arc o.cm.pchom the C'q!Jo21 opponmity cl:tUK ;m sec forth in 41 CFR 60·1 .$. (Gcncnlly only t'OfiU'lltts or subcONJxts ofSIIi.tiiXt ot under ~rc o.c:mpe .) CIJI"l'Cndy. Sund:atd Fonn IUU (EEO·I I is the on ly rtpOC1 rcquin:d by the Exn:utin Orden or their inwplcn'ICtltin¥ f'C'I\II.:allom. ProposN primt COftii'XIOt'l 2nd subcon.ttxton wbo h:a\~ p:athCtp.2tcd en :a prenous eonrrxt or subcontTact su~ 10 tbc Excanl\'C CXdcn W u,c.,. f11ied d~~ l'l.'pOI'UWJuld note th:M .tl CFR 6()..1.7(b)tl)pR''"tD111 the ~w:~.td olC'Oftlt'Xt11nwt subconnns unkss ~h rontne'tor subrniu 1 f'tPO" CO\Ctl"'thc dtfinq\l1C111 pcood or such ocbn period t.p«iftcod by the Fedcr:al Hiaftway Admlnism.t.oa 0t bylhc Oircttof. Ofratt offodmal Cont,_l comp~~oncc. u.s Dcp¥<....,. ort.~>o<. P•ar 'of n Ottobrtr lO" BIOOlR 5HAU COMPLlTE .\NO 5U8r.trT ,.\Ll 00CUt,1fNTS ANO PAG[S tr~ S£Clt0N ( BIDDERS PROP05AL Pace : C.l 9 PUBLIC CO:<TRACT COD£ SECTION I 0285.1 S TATEMENT In conform:111CC ,,;lh Public Contr:act Code Scaion I02X~.I (C'h.:lpu:r 3711, S~l1. 1\oll!SI. the b1ddcr hcreb)' dccbm under pm.:alty of perjury ww:lcr the l:aws of the S~te o((:alifomi:a t~tthe biddc.....,._ , tw ~been convicted whhic the prettdtnathrtt ynnohnyotrcns.cs: refc:mod fo tn th.1c t('Ction. tncludinK :any ch:al)lc offr:aud, briber')', collusion.. dcftned in Pubhc Concrx1 Code Sc'CUon IU•llndud~n~ 1hc' Rt1fnuohhc Unh'C'f1tf\' ofC:atifomi:a or lht Tn.Aen of the No~e: T'hc bidder must pbce a cb«km:ark a ncr ·~m· or ·~w AOt. in orK: of1ht: bl:1nk lopGC'C'S pro' idcd. The ::abo'c St:umlt'nt is~ofrht Pro~l. Signiny rhis Propos.:~ I CN'I the sip:uwe ponton thrn:ofslull ~lso consritute sif1n:1NJ'( oflhis Surctncnt. Bidders~ caUiioncd tN:tiTI3ki nJl fllsc «11if.c1'ion m1y subjcccrhc ccnifterto crimii'QI ptOIC'CUtion. PUBLIC CONTRACT COD£ SECTION I 0162 QUESTIO.,NAIR[ H:as the bidckt, :sny offic:n of the bidd...-r, or :my employt"C oflhc bidder "ho h:l~ ::a propricwy intC~I in rhc bidd~r. ~,·cr been P•a~ 7 of :U Ottobr:r 101' SIOOfR 5HALL COr.lPUl£ .l.NO SUBMI T AU OOCUM(I'il S AND PAGES IN SECTION "t. BIDDERS PROPOSAL Poet: C.40 PUI U CCONTRACT C OD£ 1 02Jl 5TAT£M£~T CITY Of ruD'lE CITY, C.IUFORNIA BiDOINGml CONl'!W:T OOOJMEHTS, PlANS AND SP£CIRCA110NS STPI.·5365(1110) PE!leSTRlAN N/0 Bll(f PATM SAFETY IIAPAO'JEMEHTS OH ruD'lE QTY Blvtl FROM a CAM!HO REAL AVE TO EUlS LME l RONNIAY IMP CITY PROJECT 10: P1~ -~ Plp5lal 119 £:dMbh ll·tl S.m I W In c:oafOfllWX'C w1th Public Con trkl ("cdr S«tton IR2J2.rhc Conu;~~C~or. hcft:by JC~CI under pct\:llty of perjury, tfuc ..o more th.1.a one fia.l1 urcp~bblc lindinw or conkmpl of coW1 by :t fakral coun has bttn. iuucd :.g:ainst th( Co mnctor within tiw: imm~i:tl(ly prettdinJ IWO•)U r ~ btt•usc o( lhc C'"o nlr.k iOf'l follurc 10 COfllply \\ilh 311. ordet of a kdc:l'lll coun "ilich otdtts 1hc Conc~cor &o comply wittl :tn order ofchc N~ttion.tl l.Dbor Rclauons BoArd. Nok. The .\'t S~ :tnd Qunf~ ~pan of ~.he: Propcml, Stp.nalh•s P~l Oft thr ~JPGI\ft portc11n t~f WII1ho ~rurc Ji,;Nnft of1his Sl.llc:rntrM Xld QualtOMat~ Btdlkn we c:oulioftod tt.1 mlldns a !abc «nifcatK. nvy aubJca tbc ttrtifkr 10 cnmin.11 prottt'UIICHt.. Oolelssllod:l4mh27,2017 CITY Of TENPlf CITY, CAUFORNIA BJ OOING AND CONl'lW:T OOCUME/ITS, PlANS AND SP£C~ICAT10NS STPI.-6365(010) PEOESTRlANANO BIKE PATM SAFETY \hll'RO.,£-Y.ENTS OH ruD'lE CITY BLVD FROM a CAM:HOREAI. AVE TO EUJS LANE & RONJWAY WI' CITY PROJECT 10: P1~ llaamlen1Cco'4lal Pogo 54 al17ll No ncoll usio n A ffid1vh (Title: ll United Sl»c's Code S«don 112 :and Public: Co"'rxl Code S«non 7 1 ~) Es hibic 11·11 Sa • k Bid To the CITY I COUNTY o f J't!filU._f/..1;; e tlf- o~·I'ARTMHNT O F I'UIJI.IC WORKS. In co.\(Cf'Tl101n« wi th Tit~ 2l Uniled St~tes Cock Secnon 112 1lnd Public Contr:art Code 7106 the bidder company, ouoc:•~tion.. CllfV.olnintiort. or corpoDuon, lhotthl: bid • ycnu.nc and noc coUUil\"t or ds:am,lh:lt the btddc:r Ita not dlt'tttty or u"hrtt1ly indl.k"td or tohcikd any ocher buSdcr ~ pu1 in a f:alsc or Wm bid. :and Ius noc dftctly or tftdlttttly cotludc:d, CCWt~pncd. tonn.tvcd, or ~rttd "'"itt1 :.ny btddc:r or anyone else to pu11n a W m btd, or t"-' anyone shall ~tnin from btddiRJ; thac the btddn hM noc in any m:anncr. direcdy or indirtttly. IOU¥hl by tllJfttnl(nt. commun ic:1tion. or conference ~ith :myonc: to fL'\ thc btd pric::c: of the: bidde r or any other bidd er. or ro fls. any o,'ttbc.ld. profit, or cotf clement of the bid pci«. or ofrlut of :any ocher bidder. or to S«Utt :my :ld\'2nU~ :tjpinst lbc public body o"wdinstht conlt'X'I o(o~ intCft'Sitd in me prt)pC*d connon: ct.:.rall Sl:at rmn~rs cono intd in the bid~~ tNt.ltnd. f'wtbcr. r!Qt ~~ bwtdrr ~ not. dn«tlyor 1ndira1ly. submmcd hts ~bid pnce or :~ny btntdo~:n tlrlcrtof. or the coniCNJ thereof, « d•vuiJ(d iRI'Of'lNtion or cbu ttl:ativw: tbc:mo. or ~·d.. and wtll DOt pay. uy ftt to :any corpon~ion, p:Jttncnhlp, ~)' llUOCINtOD.. orpniz:utoO. btd dcposiiOr)', Of 10 llft~ mcmbcror.N: dK'f'Clof10 c:fT~tu:ue 1 collusJvc: or Wm btd. Noo:: The o.bo\'c Non<"OIIusion Afficb,it is pon of the Propoul SliJUftJIIUs Ptopos:!.l on the tl~twc ponjon them)( shan :alwconstiru tc SiiJ\31~ oflhis Noa<OIIusion Afficb,·iL Biddtn :n c~uaonrd ~ ITCi k.inc J~ (:lise ttni(aaJOn rn.lf wbjcc't lhc crnal'icr ro mmin:J prose< ..... P•l t: I o(ll Ot1obtr 1116 Pap ' .r:u Otto~r l01 6 OI()Q(R ::,H:I.lL (Qr,1PlE H AND \UBr~llT All OOCut,,ENT\ .l.NO PAGES IN SECTION -c 8l00£A ~ PROfOSAL OlDDER SHALL COMPUTE AND ~UBMIT All OOCUMENH AND PAGES IN ~ECTION -c BIDDER~ PROPO~AL ... ,., C.41 ... ,., C.41 CITY IY! ~CITY, CAUFOAIM BIOOING ~D CONTRACT DDCUIIENTS,IUNS AND SI'ECifiCATlDNS SlPl.~\11) PEDeSTRIAN AND 8llCf PAlll SAFETY IMPRO'IEMOOS 011 1S!I't.£ CITY Ill~ FROM a CAIIJNOAf.<t AVE TOEWS LANE lR<WlWAY IMP CITY PRO.ECT 10; P\5-Q;, -Ca!Od Pogo loS olllt loul Aullt tDCc: Froctd uns Mtnua l DEBA RMENT Al~D SUSPE NSI ON C ERTJtlCAT I ON TITLE •9. CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, PART 29 Es hibh 12-U St a:~ le Bid The bidder. und er penalty of perjury. cmifies that,~::t~:cq>t u not«i ~low, tie~ or nny other ptrSOn associuC'd therewi th in the ca pacity of owner, panner. di rec tor. offict r, m.anab~r: is no1 currently under suspension, debarment, \"Oiunraty exclusion, or determination of ineligibiliry by any Fedenla~;<ncy: has noc bttn suspcndf'd, debar~. voluntarily excluded or detmnioed anel•~•blc by any Federal agency w1thm the: put J yean: docs not tuwe 1 proposed debarment pa1d•ns: and hu noc been indicted, convicted, Of had a civil judaJrncnt ~nd~d A¥1\inst n by a coun of conlpttent junsdiction in any man er involvins tnud or official misronduc:t willun the pe.u 3 years. If there art any ucepeions to this certificution. i~n the excqxions in the followios spa ce. E..cqxions will no1 n«-nsanly result 111 denial of award, bot "'111 be constd~rcd in det~munins btdder respons ibility. For any exception noted above, indica te bck>w to whom it applies. initiating agency, and dat~ of action. Notes Providina false inform~tion m~~y rC'$Uh 1n criminal proxcut•on or adrninim~ti\'C sanctions. The above cutirication is pan of the Proponl. Sianina this Proposal on the signature ponton \Mrrof shtlltlso cons-titute l llP'IIturc ofthas CettifieatiOtL Pacr ID ofll Onobtr 1DI6 OIOD£R ~HAll COMPLETE AND \UBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN SECTION ~c BIDDER'S PROP0$AL" ~'>ce : C.43 OCa IIMid: Mlfd\ '11, 2017 CITY IY! TSf'I..E CITY, CALIFOIUI1A BIDONG ~D COHlRACT ooctJW.CHTS. PWIS AND SPECIR:AllONS S1Pl.s365(010} PEIJESlRlAH AND BIKE PAlll SAFETY llof'R0\9IEIITS DH TEMPI£ CITY Ill~ FROOI a CMCI«l AfAt AVE TOEWS~ & R<WlWAY llo'l' OlY PROJECT 10; PIS4&. -Conod Pogo 51 ol\71 Lon! Aubfancr Pron dum Manua l E•hlbil 12·11 Sa mpl< Rid N ONLOBB YI NG C ERTI FICATION FOR FEDERAL-AID CONTRACTS The: prospec ri''l: ~tt ici~nt ccnif.u, by s~in~~~ ~nd wbminmy rhis bMI or ~I. ro rhc ~ of hu ocher k nowlt'dsc :tnd bo:ll<f.tho<. (IJ No Fe:~:~ I :~ppropri:ucd funds h:l,·e been p:~;id OC' "ill~ p:aid, by or on bch:Mofthc un<kniy ncd. to :my pccsoo for innuc:ncina oc :~ncmptins to innucnce :~n otrar ot cmploytt of arty Fcdt'QI ovmcy.::. Mcn'b:r ofCongrets. :~n offiCC'r or empiO)'C'( ofCon¥rtu. or :~n cmplo)"C'C oh Mcnlbet o(Coogtn~ in eonncetion wiah ahc ;:,\1.'31'di"H ohny f«kr..l rontncl, 1hc m.:~kin1:1 of :my FcdeDI snnt, the makmaJ ohny Fcdcnl kl.:ln. a he crucrins inco of~ft)' c:oopcneh·c ~1..lnd fh( extension. conti~don. ~~1. ~.or modifioaion ofQny F~l contriC1 . JP'IInl,lo.1n, or coope_ra uvt ~L 12) If any funds oaha than Fede:~l.:.ppropt'Qicd funds 1\;l'-'C ~ p:dd or "ill be-p;nd to :uty penon for•nnumc in1 or atacmpt•na to •nOucncc oo offtc::rt or cmp&oyte of on)' Ftekfal DJmCY. :1 Membft· ofConsn:n.an officer Of cmploytt of Con~ ... or an employe·~ of a Mc1nbc:T ofConarc:ss in conncedon wilh chis Fcd~:DI con1rx1, Hillin!, k)an. or coopcnth~ ~rttmcnl. d1e undcrsit;ned sh:ill conlpktc Gnd submll Scand~rd fonn·LU.. "DiteloiW't of Lobb)'tna AC1i\'hk s." 1n conrornuncc \\'llh hs instr\ICiions. This ccrtinc~ion is a ma1eri~ rcprc:scnt3 rion offx1 upon ..-·hdt re liance ~• piJCCd "hen !hiS nM;lcticwt w:as m.1ck or cNat'd into. SubmisSJon of this «rtilicalion is ::. pft'TC'quisitc foc nW:ina or C"nlerinll into a his ~I ton imposed by Sce lion IJS:!, Tide ll. U.S. Code. Any person who flib.1o lik thc requimt C'C'rufinuon Wll be subJm ao;, civil pcmltyofnoc leu 1twl SIO,dOU~nd noc more~ S IOO.OIIJ &;,r och such flilurt. The pt'Otpctll\'t' p~icip;~nt :~lso llJP'C'C'I by submininw his or her bid cw propoul dut hC' or~ sh-:~11 rcqturc l!ua 1hc bn~~U:IF ofd\is ccnific:Jt•on be .,e luded in ::.U low~r tier subconu·xts. which exceed SlnO.OOO ;md th;)t ~II s\K"h subrccipicms shlll ccttify :md dnclosc I'IC'COtdinuly. Pacr ll orn Octo bu 1016 BIDD£n ~HALt COMPLETE AND SUBMIT ALL DOCUM(NT!t AND PAGE~ I~J )£eltON "C 8100£R"S PROPOSAL' Paae: C.44 CITY~ IDf'I.E CITY. CAlF()RNII. o.tetuued: t.tltdl27, 2017 BJOOING AND CONTRACT OOCUL£HTS. PIN:S AIIO SPECR:ATIONS STPI..s365(1)1D) PEOESTRIAH AND Bti<E PATH SAFETY II.I'I<O'iBENTS 00 lEloiO'lE CITY BlW FROII ElCAMIIOREAlAI/E TOEWS lME & RON:NIAY t.f> CITY PROJECT 10" P15« _, Conoal"""' 57 o/119 DISCLOSURE OF LOBB\"1~(; ACTl\'ITIES U t\lt1 1 11 111l'H*\I I01)1"""1(\q lllrftU\"I''fl\l.ll\'tiii,I1K51 "r lHII I ,l.IH2 I. Ty1>e of Ftdtrt~l A<'lioa: 1. St•tus or frdtn l Arc io n: J. Rrporl Trpt: CJ•~n.."t ~:ab.tniT~:Iflrl~.lltoOfl CJ :auut&.ft 0 ho JflNM t. ~mtual •-'ml t1 nll.lk'r.t rhaJ.."t' 0: il'll."''"ffllll\,"itp\.~rt ... 'IM t; po>M .. "IIId ... _ <: luollft~ar.~HIW ( .. _tft'Olfr-"1.· -4. ~IMC' 1H Aildrn~ .r Rc-pM'tlll lt [•Ut~ o ,~atdt..'\1 l_, __ ,tf l M•'n C...-,:"""'k• .. l Oh trk1. 1f l n~""'" rfll ..... ltk-ttlttiMA"!\~IIH''I t• ... N'llllf'l..tAtJd,.,..,eft..h~[•U~· tf fmd"lllu;:!l b..,un..-liN~ \Ill II. IJ.~T)P'' ·~:~:"' 1< ..... 0 oO ""' opp~ I "'\_ ..... ,...._.".,. •• ... Wf.fttoo~lf\ft II~·'"'~' .. '"'' c.trk-m'-' ( .w1Jn 1'"t"ll\ "· e~tlu ll .r Scnlrn ,crfw.wod .,.,. h4t ,..,.,..,._.....t D•tt1•1 r>tS..,ict'. lflt'IIHIRI: •mec ~h r""f'fn~n'(•~ w ,..ntkr(•)e••t.ncd. f•r 11~_,.., huJintMf I• lt nw II: ,.~ 0 [,hibh U ·ll S. I< Did , .. w. .......... ..,...l"\l ............. r.-"" ...... lh"d lw l rtkJII 't ~'"""''"': 111,..-d-tfof l<oMI)II!If tduikv•~ ...... N~• .... hcf.ho•r"'ll..""lllrlloll....-.... IOM_...foln!Wr,..t -,,.... ...... _1'01~ I*'~Wft~Wll l l !tro l 03-: llll•.u.r-.-..•.al h: ~'\lro(."~,. ... -<--"'h--.I••UI'C'il'\...a.tlkt.o! ,...Nj..~.,_Ait)f',_.,.ho>liMtr.P til.-dwM,.Ital ~~-~'t.,•amdraalft..t*"L'•""­ ''tOIJCI-.Ino,.""_....,(.tu ~,.tU I IO•r..-..t.-iol..otlur.: ... 0 /// ,,,....... 6~ .-.. ~ ....... ~'i_~D­ "k Vtu PuscDStT I''""'"''·· ~.'1?,(,-)C..O D '"''" ~ AuthoortA-d '" l oOC".! lt~1"'·j..tlk1•,. "IMtbtd l oma-11 1 r•;t llof U Oftobtr 1016 -:ll .l·Jj·ii:t.ijiC·h'M!i•'·'d·li i!:l 1~i it.J!t .J.I31 1 $ijdfJ·W •'Z.irli"ki'J•it·l~it :!!.).Jj ;ii4 ;N4·fj.j Poao : c.~s ON tsautd: IMidl '0, 2017 CITY~ TEMPI.£ CITY. CAUFORNIA BIDDING M"D CONTRACT OOClJMENTS. PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS STPI.·!o365(01D) PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATlt SAFETY LYPRO\IE.V.ENTS OOTENPLE CITY BlVD FROM El CAM:NOREAI.AI/E TOEWS lANE & RONNIAY IMP CITY PROJECT 10: P1>Q;. --Ccni!OI Po;t 5& o/179 I NSTRUCTIO:-IS FOR COMP LETIO;>; OF SF·LLL. DI SCLO SUR£ OF LOO O\'Il'iC ACT IVITI ES Exhibit ll·U Snmp le Bid Tbi1 diK iosun: form sb.:lll be completed briM rc:ponin; cntiry, whelhtttu~w,rd« or pri11'1e F ... -denl rteipiau. ;It the ini1i11tioaor re«ip1 ofco\·cmJ Fcdcr:tiACiion or~ mo1cNI c~n;e toptC\'ious filins: punu.:u~t iO title Jl U.S.C. scctioo IJ~2. The riltnsor~ (CM"m is n:quirtd for such pa)<mc:nt or ;~an:c:mc:nt co nuke p;lymcntto lobbying entity for innucncina; or ~tmptin~ to innucncc ::.n offK:a oc emp loyee or~ny :~~cncy. :1 t.lcntbcrofC'oni;rn.'l ;~n offiC~;t or cm.p iO)~ orConi,'ITSs or :1n anplo)tt of:1 Member of Coagrcu in conna:lion w ith :1 CO\"Crcd fedcul aclion. Anxh :1 conlin.~tion sbc-C't for ~dditk>NI inromwion ifl.hc sp:l« ot\ the form il in:~.ckqu:~tc. Complete Iii ii ite ms tlut ;apply (or both the initi.:ll mmv lind nutC'!'UI ch:~nse f't"PD"-Refer IO the implcmcntinl,\ a uid)II(;C published by the Office ofMalklscmrnt ud B~sa (or Clddition:ll information . I. klcn.ti fylhc t)'pc ofco\~d fcdmt (I.Ctl<ln for ~·bidllobb)in£:1cti\ity is ai'Kl'or has been S«W"cd to .nnvcncc.lhc: OU ICOO'IC O( a CO'o'Cttd ftdctaiiK'tfon.. 2. k!cnti(y the m tus or the CO\'CT~ Fcdml X1ion. l kScM i(y the appropNtc clanlnc;uion o r this ttpot1. If tills Is :1 follow~p rtpOn ~Kd by 1 m.acerb l ch1111 ac toW in fom•t?oll ~\·louily ttpofttd. at\CT the yaar ond ~nCT In whith the dla"'"' occurred. Enter tbc d;~lc o(tbc list. prcvktusly submktcd rcpon by thit rtpOrtinv cnt it)' (or this CO\'nC'd Fcdcr.al ocdon, -1. Enter the fu ll nmK. :~oddress. dty. t.uuc :lad tip cock o(thc rcpomnu cn.uty. Include Con~icmll OI.Stria .rr.no-u. Cbcd ; the appropriate cl.oult\calon or d'M: rc-pon int: ctulty lh3t dcsiwn:.tcs lr '' is or cJ,pccts 10 1x::. prime or subaw:~rd r\"'C'ipicnt. ldcntiry the titt of the subaw11rdee. c.c .. the fim Rlb3\\'lln:k-c ofW prime i1 lhc fil'llricr. Sub:n\'ords include but •tt not limited to subconln:n:u. subannu and contt:3Ctlw:~nb unckr J;r.lnts. S. I( the orpni1""-lion filin; the report in ltc:m -4 checks ~s~.,.·:rn:lc-c•lhcn ca1C'f IlK-run n::.me. ou!drcu. cic:v. s.ute ~ 1.ip code oflhe prime Fcdm l r«iplcnl. Include Convcssion~l District. ifl.:nO\\"n. 6. Eater lhe n11mc o f the Ft<kr.ll ~a~ncy tn.lkinl,l the ::av.-:.rd or I~ comm itment. Include a• k..~t one oq;~nintion k-.'C'I bdoy,· :l.i,.'i:nc y ~me. ifknov.n.. For t lt.:lmplc. Dcp::a.nnlCn.l o(Transporution. Ua itcd Sutcs Co.»t Gu:ard. 1. Ea ter the Fcdcn.l prolfllm n:unc or dtscnpcion for the CO\'crtd Ftdtt";ll action (ite-m I).. 1(\;nov.·n. ctlt« the full Cat;~ los; of Federal Domestic Auisc;~ntt (CFOA • nu1nbcr for ;r:lt'l15. cooprr.lll\"e ~vccmcnts. lo:tns ~nd 1om comnlitments. It EAter the mot! oppropri1tc Fcdenl idc:nllfyinc numbe r 11\'~ibbk for the Fedcnl ;~ctkxt •tkntiftc::~tion in ilcnt t (e .;.. Requc" for Propn:~,l tRFP t numbe-r. ln,·i~tion (Of Bid (lfB) numbn, ;nnt ::anftOuM\:II'Ient number. lll c C'OI'Itraet sr:snL or loan lwGrd numbtt.t~ ;~pplintkm/J>ro9o1-1l control number ouJ111ncd b y tbc Fcdeul ;~&cncy). lnchuk pn:l'ixcs. e.J .. •RFP·DE·•JO.OOI: ~. For 1 CO\'tft:d Fedcnlaction \lobc:fc thfte h:t~ b«n an :t~.ud or lo:ln commitment by the FC'denl :)eency. enter &he f~cr~ •mount or the 1\lo'Ord.ilolln commitme11ts ror tile prime cn!ity ldcmiRC'd in 11em " or~. 10. t::al Enter the full n~mc. ttddrus. cit)'. •~te ~nd 1jp code or the lobbying entity CftW;IIt~ by the rrponioi: entity tdcntirlt'd in. item " to in rlucnccd lAc to\'tfC'd Fl:'dcni3C11on . tb) Ert.cr the fu ll ruuT\C'$ of the Utdwid~l(sl ptt(onnJnc SCI''\lC'CS ;~nd include full :.ddten ifdifTCTcnt from IU(::a t. Enter l....cst N4me.. First Name ~d Middle: lniti.::ll tMil. II. Enttt the: 1m10unt of compcrt$:1tion pa id or r\'OSO~bly c:~pcncd \0 be ~id by the reponing cntil)' (hem 4) to the klbbyina cncit)' (item tn). lndk~cc whctMr the p.1)"11)Cflt h:u bttn tr\.3dc l;actuall or will be m1dc tpl:l.ni\C'd}. Chc-c"lc .,Jf bo.11cs tho t apply-. If this Is ::a rNitcrial clwtye rt'pOI'I. eniC'I' lhc cumul:uin amnunt o( p:l)'n\'-"nt nude cw-pl~nl'lcd 10 be mttde. 12. Check the appropri:atcbox.. C'bc:c.lc all bo"' ~b~t ~ly. If payment is made throu~ ~ lft·kind conuibution..IJICC ify thc: ft.lll UR' 1nd \';1\UC Of~ in·kind pll)'hlCftl. 11. Ooclt lhe QpptOprilte bo.11. tn«lt ~II bo:\Ci thlt :apply. If other. s pec•() n.tturc . 14. Provide II spt"Cilk .tnd deloiltd description or the $Cf\'iCCS th~t the lobb);SI h~s pcrfoni!C'd Of \\'\11 be CXP«tCd 1(1 pcrl'orm and tht d~tcts) or~ny 1<1'\'Ko rendered. lnciiHfc ;~11 Pi"tJ».t:3lOt)' .tnd rc-l:md K tn'lt) nocjuu time t.pmt In Ktu:.l coruxt with Fcckt:sl orTICt4ls. Identify the fcdcr;~l omccrtsl or cnl'p~ ... 1U ron1med or the omccrfsl employ«tll or Membet(s t orConatCU t.hJt wtre C'oniKCcd . 1 ~. Chcdt whcthcf or not:. corninu:atioa shccttsl is ~ttaehcd. 16. The ccnif)in& ofTtet.tl sh:all1i1:n 011\d cbtc the form. print hts'hcr narnc tille and tck-phonc number. P\l.blic reponing: INrdcn (or this collecuoa of in(ot'TNition lJ c:stun:ar«i to ;a\'tr.J.!;(' lO minutes per rC'$f)ODK. inchadin.: time for rc\·~·ing instnacdon, K::arthin~o~ (':\lstins d.tt~ soun:cs. sathcrina .:1"" m~in1.:1,inina the cbu needed . aDd comp ktin~;; And tt\icwins the collection of infomution. Send cotllmCftlS rt~rdm~ the burden nti~c: or ~n)' other ;~,peel or this coii~Xttoft or in fomt.:~tion. incl uding Sutt:~ions (Ot ~UCina this burdc:n . to the Office of ~:bn.aJ:tn1Cnt .t.nd Bud~ct. P.tpcno."Ort Reduct ion Project (Ol41f.(M}46). Wuhinuton. D.C. ~41~). "',,, ....... ,_ .., -•.-o.s..~ Ptt:c: U ofll Odobtr 2016 BIDDER SHAll COMPLETE /,NQ SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAG£S IN Ci£CTION C BIDDER'S PROPOSAL Page: C.46 Dr.elssued:Mitttl27,2017 CITY Of laA..E CITY, c.u'ORIIIA B1001HG NC CONTRACT DOClt.EHTS. PW<SNC SPECFICATDIS STPl·SJ65(0101 PEDESTRIAN N10 B'1CE PAllf SAFETY M'RO'IEMENTS ON T!lll'lE CITY BLVD FROM ElCAI .... 'OREAl AV£ TOEWS LANE & fi!JNJWAY 1MP CtTY PROJECT D Pis-a&, Doca.rmlnl CoWer PIQI H cl 11t 3 . Constructlon Contract DBE Commitment (Exhibit 15 G) El.h lt.fi i S.C C .. \ltiiC'tl•• l~••tnct UBt: C•••unltm ... t [XUIBIT 1~-C COSSTRI'C'TIO'i CO~TR...\C"T ORE CO\IMITMf'"T 1 Laral~ Oty ofTempleOty z.c:.on..ttDBEGofll ....::.1:.:1"'--------- ' Pfoottd ~· Pedestri.ln and bike P!lh safety Improvement$ • ,...._.IAC*IW Tem~ O_!y aNd from El Camino Real to Ems. Une ,....,.,_ ~t(_~N~~~~/tl.FM ~-. o ,..,........_'\-1 1 0~(0 ·00 ,,..,.o.o-........,,..&--. ?.'5(. 1 ft.S .Ci) ,,,..,._d&-· l.f 10 ... 11 ~-~s.r.c. -~ ~~ ,,Dill!~~ "DOE --{JMIIM~~-. .... bii:N .. ..,_) ..... --~.'l S"f~t\{>1 ~b f«>!..t.111'! ~.,"~"~~~·rvc.-· f.;r,r~,s-1 I I I I I ~ I ._. ---__l -- Lou~ AtHer • CorntK• tflis Seclioa •S?j I ~S.O!> 21 LDar ~eon. .. N!.mbr ~-.. --.. -··-,t; ·I 22 F~ Pro;KI tunt.: STpt·S36!>(0101 Z1.Bid~Dn 2.t Cothc:l '""-" 0..; ....,.Ti.Ht.-"OBEIOno ...... .,,_ ...... Nlmetol .. ~.nJ=-~..-1 ....... ktml l)d'liOitcliMid~lruttlt ............ •ICIIIIcatH ........ ,.,...ttlll ... tA ... ....:wtllf'l ... l.oci!AotMYCMJ•N .. DIE ~""'ttldnl~on ~~~:,7,-,_fiDtl'l'l•~•eccur• B(OCi;i ~~•~•...--. 26 0. ·~ 1 '*- ~J'.SM U«J ~~ nrotii~q~trt:ylli~·Jfii:M ,. ...... Mrcx;.l~R;pH__,....,,e; ~~lD&L .,_ I PJ.....-.r• DISTRI8\IT10N I. OngNI-l.«.af Aqercy 2. ~-c..znn. DtPIIa Lcc.af "'-fMa E.-.r (Ol.AE}. F.._co ~to OlAE 'lll!lhol JO days d contr~a IIK«'UUIIn"-rrHOil .. ~el~kh.SOftc.ot'*act.~~~copJ w.eh -a~ AOA ""*~ ,-.,.....,_._.._,_lol.ft.._._ ............. ...._~..,._ .... ........_ .... IIIIIC.._..10 .. TCCit'l! ... .., __ ............ ,._ ............. ",,""'-..,...a.:.-.... Colo "''~ r.1, 1 .r 1 J 111fy U ,Jtl~ :!!,J.!j;Jj:t.ijli•I.*!IQ!i ii.jfi•Jiil:!¢111·i!i.j.!3ii.§!Milj·Wi•l4-'rlJJII J1j,IU !.lii:il •).jj ·(iQ-I•IJ•f1·i Pa1e: (.47 Oa!llauect ~ 21, 2017 CIN Of TEN!'I..E CITY, CALIFORNIA BIDOING AND CONTRACT DOCIJMEHTS. PW<S AND SPECIFICATIONS Sll'l.s:J65ll)101 PEOESTRIAN NIO BI1CE PATH SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ON TEWJ>I..E CITY BlVD FROM EL CAIIJNO REAl AV£ TO ELLIS LANE & RO/oCWAY l!o!P CITY PRClJECTIO; Pls-46, _Cat., Pogo &0 o1179 Ltttlblt 15.C CoMirucllon C oAl net DB£ CommlfrMBI INSTRUCTIONS -CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DBE COMMITMENT CONJJIACIQR SECI!QN 1. LocaJ Acncy ·Enter the nunc of the local or rqicm.l agency lho.t is func1ina the contr.u:L 1. Cont'nld DBE Go"l -Enta the contrncl DBE goal pa-«nta ge IS it appears on dte project advertisement J. Projtct Loudon· Enter the project localion ns it Gppt::I!S on the pl)ject adv ertis<:ment. 4. Proj«f Dtscrtpttoa · En1er the projc."Ct description as it appe:ar s oa tbr: projc<:t ndvmisemcat (Bridg~ Rehab. Seismic Rehab, Overlay, Wideaina. etc). 5. Blddn-'s Namt. Enter the COnln:lctot'J (ltln nnme. 6. Prlmt Cuttntd DBE -Cbeck bo:< if prime contractor iJ • certified DB E. 7. Btd Amount . En tn the total comrae1 bid dollar amount (or the prime cont nctor. S.. TorAl DollAr Amount fot" d.bb S ubcoatntc:ton -Ent a the tO(oJ dollllf amount for a.Jl subcontracted c ontructors. SUM • (DBEs + nil Non-OBEs). Do not include the prinr coanctor inform:uioa in !JUs counL 9. TotAl aumbtr of .AJ.J.. iubrootracron -EJucr d1c: to1al number of all $Ubconlrt1C1ed contne~ors. SUM • (08 Es + 111 Non·D9Es). Do not include the prime contractor infonmuion in this touau . 10. Bid lttm Numbu ·Enter bid item number for work. services., or ma1rrials supplied 10 be provided 11. Dcurtptfoo or Work. Sc:n1«~, or M•ttr htb Supplied · Eater deKription ofwotk. scnicn. or m:ueri:als to be provided. Indicate all woO:: to be performed by DBEs includina work pc1fonnrd by the: prime contmctor's own forces, if thc: primt: is • DB E. Jf 100'% of the: itc:m is not to bt pa"formed or t\:n!sh..:d by the DB E. describe the exact portion to be performed or f\ani shed by the DBE. See LAPM Chapt~ 9 to detennine how to count the: particip~ion of DBE finns. 11. DBE Ctrtlfic•t1on Numbtr ·Enter the DBE's Certifict~ttion Ident ificntion Numbn. All DBEs must be certif~Cd on the date bids an: opened. IJ. DB£ Contact l nformafloa • Emn the rwnc. addres s. and phone cumber of lll DBE subcootrtcted contr:lctors. Also, enter the prime contractor'J name liUld phone number, if the prime is o DBE. 14. DBE DoU ar Amouaf -Enter the wbc:orul'llCted dl>ll3t lmoutll of the work to be perfoc:llled or service to be provided. Include: lhe prime COnlnlctor if the prime is. DBE. Set lAPM Chapctr 9 ror hO\\' to coun t fulllpanic.l par ticipation. 15. Tot"' Clalmtd DB E hrtklpatlo n . S: EtHer lhc total doUo.r amounts entered in tlte -o nE Dolla r A.lnou:nt" column. %:En~ the toral DBE panicipo1ion claimed c-Toc~l a aimcd ODE P:tnicipcation DollArS" dhided by item "Bid Art\0\.tnt'), If the total % claimed ~ lc:s.s thAn item ""Contract DBE Ooa.J." an adequa 1cty doc\uncmc:d Oood faith Eff011 (GFE) is requ ired {see Exhibit 15-H DBE lnfonnation. Good Faith ErTon.t oflhc LJ\PM) . 16. Prtpllrtr's Slgtutturt' ·The person compktinc the DBE commi tmmt fonn on behalf o f the cootn:~ctor's finn must Ji&n thrir name. 17. OUt · En ter lhe date: the DBE OOtUJnitmcut form is Jigned by the: contractor's prcparcr. 18. P~artr's N11me ·Enter the name of the person prep:1ring and signina: the contractor's DBE COirunltm,cnt fosm. 19. Pboot ·Enter the area code IUld phorK numba o f the penon signing the connactor's DBE commitlllC1U !onn 20. Pf'q)trtl''s T ltle ·Enter the pc»itionltit le of the person signing tbe CQ'\tractor's OBE commitment fom1. LOCAL A<;ENcy SECI!ON 21. Local At:tDC)' Contract 1\umbft'-Entn the Local Aaency eootmct numtk-r or idenllfier . U . Ftdtl"ffi~Aid PI"'jrd Numbtr ·Enter the Fcdc:ntt -Aid Proj«t Number. 23. Bid Optb.ID& 01Ut-Enter the date contrutt bids were opcud. ~-Co atrtct Aw1u-d Dtte -Enttr the dlte the eorutact wo.s cx((U ted. 25.l.oc:al Acr:nC')' Rq>rTSmtath't's Sl~•t urt -The pe rson C'Otl1llcuna this section of the fom1 fot the local Agency must sip thelr namc to certify thac 1~ infon no1ion in this and the Contrxtor Seetionof this form is complete and accurate. 26. D11lt ·Enter the date the DBE commi tment form is signed by the Loco I AJency Re presc ntotiv<. 27. Local Acr:oey Rc:prftc:ntl!lth~'s N11mt . En te r th e nnmc of the: Loetl Agency Represcntntivc certifying the contractor's DBE comrrUtment form. 28. Pboot-Enter the area code and phone number of the person signing thl: contt:lctor'i DBE commi tment fonn. 251. Loc•l Agc:ocy Rcprnc:otath~ Tltlt ·En ter the position/title of tbc: Loeat Agency ReprC$e!U nCive certifYing the cootn.C1or"J DB£ coranUt ment form. '··~ l or l July lJ,lO I~ BIDDER SHALL COMPLETE ANO SUBMIT AL~ DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN SECTION "C BIOOER"S PROPOSAL Pace: C.48 CITY OF TEMPlf CITY, CAUFORNIA BtDOING AND COHTRACT OOCUMEHTS. PlANS-SPECIFtcAllONS STPl·Slt15(!110) PEDESlRIAN AND BI<E PATM SAFETY IMPRCNEMElml ON TBil'l£ CITY Bl\10 FROM B. C... ..wHO REAL AVE TO aJ.lS lAHf I fll»DNAY til' CITYPROJECT il:P1~-cad l'llgo ltal 119 4 . DB£ Information -Good Faith Effort (Exhibit 15 H) Eui\IIU-11 Dl£ lale1"11Uti.D • C.o4 r a.h!t Etren DBE ThTORMATION -GOOD FAITH ETIORTS F<denl.-i<IProjoctNo. <:>IPL·S;G.S(•ro) Bid~O.•• 'i·Z·IZ Tit< etf{!fJiill.ft i ~ Htablishod a Disad\'lUllll"" l!uaiMu E:Atapru. (DBE) pi of ..1L Yo ibis projtct. Tit< ~ tioo pro•'idtd...,..;, .-~ cha t • plod faith d!O<t ""'"'"""· Lo-t.'OSI, oecoad lolo'OS'tood dtird lowosl bidden shoJI Sllllmit tbt fo llcn\'ioa iolonmtioa., da<uatetl acl<qua t< p>od faith efb!s. Biddm should submit tbt followina iofomoatioo nu rllht "Lo<al AatJJ<:f Bidda' D~ Comati!matl" fOOD iDdicattl chat tbt-.. bu .... tbt DBE pl. Tbis ,.;u prococ1 !Ito biddor'o dap'bWty r ... IWllf1loflht COCIIntf if lbo odatillist""""CC""Y dtc-tll:ot lbo lnddft faii..S to ...... thr pi fon..nou. rnsom. e..~-o a DBE 5tm ~'as DDt C'tftl..fitd at bid opeoin& or 1br bidda' cuadt a l:!l3themltical trre:W. Solxttittal of ooly th• "Local AI<D<Y Bidder D~ Comotitmolll" fenD =y DOl pro,'id< mf!ici<m doc"""""'tioa to domtostrato chat odoquat< plod faith dram...,. mad<. Tit< folloqirtms"" tistO<I in th< S.Ctioa..uitl..S "SubmissiO!lofDBE Commi!O>Oill" ofth< Spocial PJO'visiOGS: A. Tht ~ :llld elates of tXh publication iD wbich a rtqUtst for DBE p:uticipation for !his projtct was pl>e<d by 1ht biddtr (plta>t attlch copies of adv~s or proofs ofpubtiation): Pub tiatioos Dates of Ad>'Citi>cmtlll B. Tbt aamn and elates ofMittm notices Still to etrtiti..S DBEs solici ting bids for !his projtet aod tht elates aod methods ustd for fi>Uo~ up initial solici tatioos to dttenniDt with ctrtoinly "'btlhtr tht DBEs w<re inltres1td (pltast attlcb copits of solicitations. ttl<phont rteords, r..~ con1itmations. ttc.): Namts ofDBEs Solici t..S 081! .. , Date of Initial Solicitation Follow Up Mtthods and Darts •• ,, lf-1 .llllU !,, !01! 8100£A SHAll COMrt[T£ AND SUBMIT ALL 00CUr.1[NfS M~O Pi\Cil~ IN ~(CliO~ ~c 8100ER S PROPOSAL Paae: U9 -~ ~ Contractor Name: All American Aspha~ ~ 5-2 -17 «<l 2:00 PM ~ .~~'-' V]) Job Name· Pedestrian and Bike Path Safely Improvement~ DBE Business Contact Log PART I for Documenting Contact with: DBE & Local Businesses ,.(, .. Date Time Exomple· 111212006 2:00 PM ~13/2017 !1:27AM ~1412017 9'.27AM 411412017 !0:48AM 411412017 2:31PM ~1412017 2:33PM ~1412017 2:35PM 411412017 2:38PM ~1412017 2:40PM 411412017 2:43PM Mode of Contract Exemple. Company Phone r Fax (If fa was senti Exompte Contact Person Example Sent Fax ABC Contrading Fu: (562) 12 John Doe, Owner Co. 4567 Faxed Subo>ntractino & Vendor Reauest Mise Onlne Online DBE Se•dl Emailed Ctassi6edads com Emaled a. SinrMa and MIPCino Dan Emailed Califomta Prole5soonal ~ v .. Nguyen Emailed Paw:o Sooci.aios Rebecca Em ailed Globe! Road Sealing Tn La Emalled Traftlc Looos Ctacl; iln!l Mal-t... Emailed VT Eleen: TonvTrlrt Results of Conversation Example: Fax wu Mnl to Contractor Mklng for their pattiQpo!IOn John Doe eallocl us and we nquored -.r their P<Ofad oxp .,._ John Doe oent mo a htong of their~ prqec:ta. Thii-- !Nnka they may quUfy ao a Secbon 3 ........... Wit ftlndude them " pan of OUf proposed team S<!eAttached See Attac!led See Attac!led Sent l.etlor • See Allached Sent Letlef • See Al1ached Sent Letter • See Attac!led Sent Letter • See Al1ached Sent latter • See Allached Sent Letlef • See Atlachod Attacllmant I ~ '"'""'"' ..-:::?' ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMER ICAN AGGREGATES :A(_ ENGINEERING -CONTRACTORS -ASPHALT I' A VING P.O. BOX 2~29. COR ONA. CA '!2878-n29 ALL AMERICAN --ASI'IIALT--STAT E C ONTRACTORS LICENSE .26707J ·A DIR •UlOOOO I O.~I Request For Quote Submitted To: Be Tral!lc Spedalst Address: 638 WEST SOUTHERN AVE Orange, CA 92865 Project Name: Pedestrian & Boke Palh Safety lmprov Pn Temple City BMl Project Locotlon: E.Jtimator: ICUNE, GORDON Sub-Stripe Ltne• ttem • Dftcrlptlon 3 3 "lhem>o str1plng, Ctosswanc, & PaYement Mar1<1nQs • • lnstoll Signs i!l Posts (removal Of Signs h>dl.<led) 7 7 R....,...., Md Instal New Street Signs 12 A3 lhermoplastic stripk>g, Crosswalc, & -Mal1dngs General Notes: • .Job bids Wedn<Sday 4/26/17 0 2pm. oee goal ll'~~> Contact Gary RiYers Phone: 7149741190 Fax: 7149745788 Sid Number: Sid Date: 4 /26/2017 Quontlty UM 1.00 L5 1.00 L5 30.00 EACH 1.00 L5 For an electronic C09'f of the plans and specs pltase em.liH ~nda at b<oyst...Oaltamericanasphalt .com Air'(~ please ca R (951) 736·7600 x 208 Thanks, Gordon Unit Pr1ca AI Amercian Asphalt Is an EQUOI Opportunity EmplOyer and encoun>ge< the partidpatlon of c.rtldfled 08EJMBEJWBE/DVBE Subconll>cto<s and/or Vendo<s. 4/l l/2017 11:.27:17 AH P.tQt ldl ~~"' ~ ..... ..-:::?' ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES :A(_ f;NG INF.ERING -CONTRACTORS -ASPHALT PA VINC P.O. II O X 2229 . CORONA. C1\ 9 2 ~7 11-ill9 ALL AMERICAN --ASI'IIALT--STt\ TE CONTRACTORS I.ICIO.'IS!' 11267073-A Dl R j l 00000 Ill~ I Request For Quote SUbmitted To: cal Slripe, Inc. Address: 2040 STEEL ROAD Colton, CA 92324 Project Name: Pedestrian & Bike Palh Safety 1mprov Pn Temple City BMl Project Locotlon: Estimator: KUNE. GORDON Sub-Stripe Une# lttm # Description 3 3 "lhem>o Sb"lping. Crosswan<, & P....,.,. Mar1dngs 4 4 1nsul Signs & Posts (""""""' Of Sogns 1ndUde:l) 7 7 Remove Md Instal New Street Signs 12 A3 lhermoplastic Stnpong, Crosswalk, &. P.....,_ Mar1angs General Notes: • Job bids Wedn<Sday 4/26/17 0 2pm. 06E goai11% Contact Adam Uppa Phone: 9098847170 F~x : 9098&17106 Bid Number: Bid Date: 1/26{2017 Quantity UM 1.00 L5 1.00 L5 30.00 EACH 1.00 L5 For an electl'Onlc copy of the plans lind specs please em.lli ~ at b<oysterO otlamerianaspllak.com Air'( question please cal (95 1) 736-7600 x 208 Thanks, Gordon Unit Prtce AI Amerdan Asphalt Is an Equal Oppurtunity EmplOyer and entOUI'llges the partldpatlon of Certidfled 08E/MBEJWBEIOVBE SUbcontactors arrd/or Vendors. 4/ll/2017 l l :l7:J7 N4 1'19fl dl ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES ENG I:-IF.E RISG -CO:-ITRAC rORS ASI'HAI.T I'A VI ~G P.O. IIOX 2~29. CO RONA. w\ 92M7K-22.."J STATF.CONTRAcrORS LICENSE 1267073 ·1\ DIR •HlOOOO IOSI Request For Quote Submitted To: calli Pldesslonal Enon-tng Add,....: 929 OT'Tl:BfiN AVE. UNITE La Puente, CA 91748 Project Name: Pedeslr1on & llil<e Path 5ar.ty lrnor<>Y Pn Temple City 111<1 Proje<t l.ocotlon: &tfmator. KUNl:,GORDOH Sub Electrical - Une• Item • Deocriptlon 5 5 -Eldsllng PED Hudlwl F\.rnislllwl lnslaiiNew CcunllloMI --8 8 -. ~ Elast.-.g T5lladcjllate 9 9 -Elast.-.g 8" 3-v.rtlc:al ~ sqaiHeodlwJ Constn.<:l IT 3 Section v..-VehlcUor 5qal Head Sub-Loops Uno• Item • Desalptlon General Notet: • loll bids Wednesdry ~/26/ 17 0 2pm. 08E goaili'Mo COntact: Van Nguyen Phone : 6268 101338 Fn:: 6268 101322 Bkl Number: Ski D•te: ~/1.6{2017 Qu.ntlty UH Unit Prla 82.00 EAOI 17.00 EA01 ~.00 EAOI Qwntlty UH Unit Price 115.00 EAOI I ~------! i~.oo EAO!I For an t1ectton1c: CO!"/ of the plans and SllOCS please emaH Brenda at bmyste<Oallamencanaspho-.com Arrr question please <all (951 ) 736-7600 x 208 Thanlts, Gordon All Amerdan Asphalls an Equal Oppurtunity Employe' ond encourages the portldpltlon of Certldfoed 08E/HBE/WIIE/DIIBE 5<Jbcontactor> and/Ot: Vendors. ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES EXG INEER ING -CO:-rrRAcrORS ASI'HAI,T I' A VING P.O. llOX 22~9. CORONA. CA 92M7K-2219 STATE CONTRI\croRS I.I Cb~SR 1267073·1\ DIR 1 100000 105 1 Request For Quote Submitted To: case Land 5<r<e't1n9 Inc Contact: Karen Yort< AddresJ: 614 N. ECXHOFF STREET Phone: 71%288948 Orange, CA 92868 Fax: Project Name: Pedeslr1onlllil<e Path Salety lmproy Pn Temple City 111<1 Sid Number: Project Location: Bid D1t1: ~/26{2017 Estimator. Kl.J NI:. GORDON Sub-Survey Dualptlon 1.00 LS II A2 1.00 LS GeneBl Notes: • loll bids Wednt5doy ~6/1 7 0 l pm. DBE goo111'Mo For an olo<lroric: CO!"/ of the plans and SllOCS pie ... email Brenda at bmyst...C~ Arrr que>tJon please al (951) 736-7600 x 208 Thonks. Gordon Unit Price AI Amerclw1 Asphalt Is .., EQUOI ~unity Employer and .......,_ the participation of Certldtled 08E/MBE/W8EIOYBE ~and/« Vendors. 4/l l/2017 11 :lt•JOAM ~ ~ ~ ALL AMERICAN --ASPIIALT-- Request For Quote Submitted To: cat Troddng Inc. Address: 2950 Rubidoux BouleYard ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICA N AGGREGATES F.!\GINEER ING -CQ:-I"TRACrQRS -ASPHALT I'AVING P.O. BOX 2229. CORONA. Cl\ 92878-222') STATf: CONTRACTORS LI CF.N~f:I2117073·A DIR 11000001!>51 ~ CA 92509 UNffiD STAll'S StepNnoe Aa>StO (951) 682-14!14 (951) 682·1491 Projoct Nome: _., & Boke PMh SOlely lmproo Pn Temple City BMI Bid Number. Projoct loaltlon: Bid Data: 4 /26/2017 l!stimator. Sub-Stripe Una• ~~ • Ducriptlon Quontfty UM UnltPI-1« 3 3 1.00 l5 • • 1.00 l5 7 7 12 A3 Th<rmo Stril*>il. Ctosswlll<, & -~ lnstd Signs & -. (removal Of Signs !OOJded) Remove And I OSUII New Street Signs lhermo!>lostic StJ1Pno. Closs\ ...... & -MartcJngs 30.00 EACH 1------~ 1.00 l5 GenenoiNotos: • Job bids Wedntsdoy 4/16117 0 2pm. 08E goalll,., fO< an olodronlc copy d tho plan< oncl specs piHst.,... l!fenda It ~melolnosphalt.c:om Alfy quostion piHst Cll (9S I) 736-7600 • 208 l1lol*s, ~ AI Amordan Asphalt ~ on Equal Oppurtunity ~and ~tho portldpollon d ~ DIIE/MI!E/W8EIDVBE 5<Jt>contact>:> IM/« Vendors. '-911Cfl ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICA N AGGREGATES EXG INF.F.RING CO:-ITRACTORS -ASPti1\I.T Pi\ VING 1'.0 . IIOX 2!29. CORON 1\. C A 921178·2:!2') STI\TI!COI\'TRACfORS I.ICI!.'IISI! 1267073-A DIR IICXXIOOIO.~I Request For Quote Submitted To: Chrisp Cornc>lnl' Addrus: 43650 OSGOOO ROAD fremont. CA !H539S6J 1 Projoct Nome: Ptdosutanlt-PMh Softly 1mproy Pn Temple City BM1 Projoct locotfon: Estimator: KLINE. GORDON Sub-Stripe Unclt Item • Dncriptlon 3 3 Themlo Sb1pong. eros"'"' a P........,. Malk>ngs • 4 ,,. .. Signs It Posts (removal Of Signs lnduded) 7 7 R..,.,.... And lnsl>ll New Street Signs 12 A3 ~ StriPniJ, Crosswolk. a P........,. Mar1cings Gt_..l Notes: • Job bids Wodntsdly 4/26/17 0 2pm. 08E goalll,., Contact: ~Osletblad Phone: (510) 656-28'10 Fu: (510) 490-2703 l id Number. Bid Dote: 4/1612017 Quantity UM 1.00 l5 1.00 l5 30.00 EAOi 1.00 l5 fO< on olodronlc copy d tho plan< and specs ploase.,... Bmldo ot ~com Arfy quostion plo-Cll (951) 736-7600 X 208 l1lol*s, ~ Unl t PI-1« AI Amerclon Asphalt Is on Equal ~ Employtf and ....,.,.,._ tho partldpalion d c.rucr...s DIIE/MIIE/W8EIOVBE SlAx:onlllclcn IM/O< Vendors. ""'Jdl ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES ENGINEERING -CONTRACTORS -ASPili\l.T I'AV ING P.O. llOX 2229. CORONA. Ci\ 92878-212'1 STATECOI\'TRACfORS l.ICil.'ISil1267m3-i\ DIR IHXXXXl l ll~l Request For Quote Submitted To: C~And~ COnbct: Jernfer M04Nns Address: 1269 POMONA R<W> sum 108 Corona, CA 92882 Project N·ame: Podostrlln a Bl<e PM11 S.r.ty I-Pn Temple City lllwl Pnlject Location : Estimator. ICUHE.~ Sub-Survey II A2 Genenl Notes: • Job bids Wednesday ~126/11 0 2pm. oee goa1 u 10 Phone: 9095+495'16 fax: 9098'1&4229 aid Number. llld Date: 4{26/2017 Quantity UM 1.00 LS 1.00 LS For an e1tan>n1c aJf/1'1 o1 the plans ond specs please emoll 8rerda at twoyst~awn Nty quSlon please Ql (95 1) 736-7600 X 208 --Go<don Unltl'rla AI Arneroan AS!Jhlllls an Equol Opportunty fml>lol'e' ond .......,_the portidpotion d ~oed ~ SubtonCXIOrs Oltd/01 v..-s. ........ ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES 8'\GINF.IlR ING -CONTRACTORS ASI'IlAl. T Pi\ VI NO P.O . BOX 2229. COKONt\, Ci\ 9287K-2129 STATE CONTRACTORS I.IChNSE1267m3-A DIR IHXXl00 1031 Request For Quote SUbmitted To: ~ Contact: Karen Addreu: +462 Cotporole Center Dr Phone: 11~·828·?000 l os Alan>los, CA 90720·2539 UNITED STATES fax: Project N1me: Pedostslan & lillie Pa!h SOI'ety 1-Pn Temple City 111w1 Bid Number. ....,,_ Location: lld Date: ~17 Estimator. ICUHE.~ Sub-Electrical Unea Item • Dolcr1pllon Quontlty UM 5 5 -Eldtbng PED Head And l'l.mbl1 And lnsc.l Hew CDunl-12.00 EACH PodostrllnHoad 8 8 -• ll<ploce ~ T5 llod<plotes 17.00 EACH 9 9 -!lclsUn!i 8" 3 5oCIIon Vertical \lhela.iar Sl9f\OI H9cl And Construct 6-1.00 EACH 12" 3 5oCIIon Vtrtiall ~ Sognol H9cl Genenl Notes: • Job bids Wednesday ~/26/17 0 2pm. oee goo1 1110 For an electronic aJf/1'1 d the plans ond specs pleose omal-at ~awn MyquS!on piNte cal (95 1) 736-7600x 208 Thinks, Go<don UnltPrlce All Amert11n AS1N1t II an Equal ~ ~ ond encourogos the potlldpoCicn d Certlcfied 08E/M8EIW8f/IMI SObalnl:ac:lln lltd/01 v..-s. '\fll/1017 ll;lt II N4 ~ .;:r ALL AMERICAN --ASI'IIALT-- ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES F.r;GI:-IEER ING -CO!'ITRt\CTORS -ASPIIAI.T I' A VING P.O. BOX 2129 . CORONA. CA 92878·2229 STATECO!'ITRt\CTORS LICENSE1267073 ·A OIR 1100000 1 ~1 Request For Quote Submitted To: Elecnor llelal Bectric, Contact: ChaO... Address: INC., ~331 SOW:FER AVENUE Phone: 9099935'170 O*lo. CA 91710 Fax: 9099935'176 Pn>jed:N•IM: -.... •-...,. Sof<IV 1_... Pn r..-Oty llMl akl Num.,.r: l'l"ojectl.oQtlon: akl Dote: 1/26{2017 btlmotor: ICUNI!.GOitiXlH Sub Electrical - Une• n.m• -ptlon Quoontlty UM 5 5 -&IICinO--And........,,..,,,...-Cc:unldown 1200 EACH --• • -It~ &IICinO TS llodq)lo(os 17.00 EACH 9 9 -Eds1lng 8" 3--.,_Signal-And Ccnstruct 6o4 00 EACH 12" 3--v.no.a Signal- G--r- • Job bOis_., 1116/17. 2pm. OIIE goo! 11 'llo For on electronic "'PP' of the pions ond specs plo---II btoysl<r~ N'f question pleose col (9S1) 736-7600. 208 ThriJ, Gonion Unit- AI Am«don Aspl\llos on Equal ()ppurt.Uillt'f Enl(>larer end .,_..ages the portltipolJon of Cert1dlled oet./l'llt/W9fiO'IBf ~trld/O<VendorJ. ,.,.ld1 Request For Quote Submitted To : Glabol -5ellnV Inc Addreu: 101132 OOROTllY A VI! Gordon Grove, CA 92~3 ALL AMERICA N ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES F.r;GI:-IEERING CO:-ITRACTORS ASI'HA I.T PAVING P.O. llOX 2129. CORONA. C1\ 9287K·ll29 STATECOI-"TRACTORS LICENSilf267rr73·A DIR 11000001051 COntact: T~ L1 Pllone: 71 ~19301145 Fax: 7141930915 Project Name: -a-Poth sat<ty 1mpra~~ Pn T-City lliYd lid Number. Project Location: lid D•te: 1/26{2017 &tlm.tor. ICI.lNI!. GORDON Sub-E lectrical L.Jne• Jtem • Ducriptlon qu.ntlty UM Unit- 5 s --...;----And 1-Newc.our-. 12.00 EACH --• • ltemoYo a Repoco tJOsbng TS llodq)lo(os 17.00 EACH 9 9 -tJOsbng 8" 3--..._Signal-And Ccnstruct 6-4.00 fA01 12" 3 Sedlan-........... 59*- Genen!Notee: •lobblls-....say~/26/1702pm. DeE gooiU'IIo For Ill tlectror*:"""' of the pions ond SI*S----~~ ~ N'f _...,--col (951 ) 736-7600.208 ~. -AI """""'"" A$11holls on Equal Oppurtunity ~ ond ~ the ()ltl)dpotlon of CetJCflod D8E/MIIfiW!lE/DYI!f 5WcontJc!O<> trld/OA' Vendor>. "'9tl d l ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES ENGINEER lNG -CONTRACTORS -ASPHALT I' A VING P.O. II OX 222'1. CORONA . CA 92878-1229 STATE CONTRACTORS I.I Cr:.NSE •267073-A DIR 1100000 1 0~1 Request For Quote S<l bmlttod To: J & s SIJ1r>in!l Co., Inc. Address: 154~ S. VINEYARD AVE. Onellrio. CA 91761 PO"OjectN...,.: Podosl71on a Bil<e Poth Safety 1-Pn T""')lf Oty IIYd PO'Oject Location: &tl .... tor. IQJNE, GORDON Sub-Strip e Une• Item • Ducr1ption 3 3 ,.,., Str1pF.Q. Ctosswlllc, • p........,. HlrldnQs ~ ~ -Signs • Posts (r<mOVII ()( Signs lndLded) 7 7 R.....,.. And ln5tal ,_ Stmt Signs 12 A3 ~ Str1pF.Q. Ctosswlllc, &. -Martings Genen l Notes: • Job bids Wednosday 1/26/17 0 2pm. 081: goal II 'Mo Conblct: J<reny l ee Phone: 9099478073 Fax: 9099479489 Bid Number: Bid Date: ~{W2017 Quontlty UM 1.00 LS 1.00 LS 30.00 EAOl 1.00 LS For an elect""* COli'/ ollhe plans and $1J0C$ please emal Brenda at brO\'Sie<OWmerlcllnasphalt.com Al"f question pieose toll (951) 736·7600 X 208 Thlnb. ~ 4/ll/2017 ll:lO:GI AJIII Unit Prico 'aoe l afl Request For Quote S<Jbmltted To: M<IEledrtc,lnc Addrus: ~38 E. lA PALMA AVENUE Anoheim. CA 92807 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES ENG IIH;RRING -COimtACTORS -ASP II ALT I'AVING P.O. llOX 2229. CORONA . CA 92878-222'1 STATE CONTRACTORS LICENSIH267073-A DIR IIOOOOO I()j I Contact: KM'I Moore Phone: 71169:J.o!S37 Fax: Project N•me: Podosl71on a Illite Path 5afety Jmc>rOY Pn T..,.,.. Oty IIYd Bid Number: Project Loatlon: ISid Date: ~/26/2017 &tJ .... tor. IQJN£, GORDON Su b El ectrica l - Une# Item • Doser! ptlon Quontlty UM Unit Price s 5 RemOYO &lsllng PED Held And FuTish And 1-,_COuntdown --8 8 R.....,.. &. R.oploa! ~ TS llad<plates 9 9 R.....,.. &lsllng 8" l Secbon Vertical 'lheoa.W Signal Held And CCMnJc1 12" 3 5«!fcn Ve1ical V<l1ia.Ur Signal Held Gene~l Notes. • Job bids -y 1/26/17 0 2pm. 081: goal II 'Mo 82.00 EAOi 17.00 EACH ~.00 EACH For an eieCitOniC COli'/ of the plans and $1J0C$ please email Bffi>daat broystetOallame<lcl""spho~.com Al"f question plooot call (951) 736-7600 x 208 Thanks, - 4}1](2017 ll:lO:U AM P'l9tlcll ~ "'"'" .;:r ALL AMERICA N ASPHALT ALL AM E RICAN AGGREGATES ENC I:"'EERINC -CO:-ITRACfORS -ASI'II AI.T I' A VINC ALL AMERICAN --A SPH ALT-- P 0 . BOX :!!2'1. CORO'IA . CA '12878·2229 STATECOJI.'TRACfORS LICENSE r26707~·A OIR 1100000 1 ~1 Request For Quote Subm-To: 0<.-.ge Courty 5ll1c*'ll -· Inc. ContKt: BtJmM;ng Address: 18JNol1hPbdeySireet Phone: (711)6~550 OrJnoe, CA 92868 Fax : (711) 639-6)53 Project N•me: PtdestNn lllol<e PICII Soloty lmclrO¥ Pn Terf'C]Ie Ott BMI llld Numbe<l Project location: llldOate: 1/26/2017 &tlrMtor: KUNE. GOMlON Sub-Stripe Une• n ... • Doocriptlon Quo<>tlty UM J J Thermo Slrii*>Q. Ct-, A-MM1ungS 1.00 l5 1 1 ·-S9'>s a.-(-01 S9'>s lnaJdod) 1.00 l5 7 7 ........ And·---Signs 30.00 EAOi 12 A3 ThomqllostJt 5lnpwl;. a-. A -Hlrlongs l AO l5 General H-. • Job bids WednH<IIy 1/26/17 0 2pm. DIIE gaol 11 'Mo Fot., t1oc1ron1c <W'I of lhe plens ond SC>f<S '*-.,.,.. l!rtndo 11 b<o,st«~llawn Mr-pl9so Cllll (95 1) 736-7600. 208 l'lllnU, Gordon Unltl'r1ce AI Amordon ASjlholt Is ., Equal Oopurtunlty f1rc>lorer ond encourages lhe portociplllon of Ce<tldflod 08E/MIIE/W8EIOV1!E ~ and/Of Vendors. ~ .;:r ALL AMERICAN --ASPHALT -- Request For Quote Submitted To: Address: PCl 975 W. 1ST STREET ANA, CA 91702 ALL AMERICA N ASPHALT ALL AMERICA N AGGREGATES ENC I:-IEERINC -CO:-ITRACfORS ASPIIAI.T 1'1\VINC P.O. II OX 2129. (.'ORONA . CA 9!87X·2229 STi\TECOJI.'TRACfORS LICENSE 1261073·1\ DIR 1100000 1 ~1 ContKtl --Phone : (562) 218-0501 F•x: (562) 218.()631 Project Name: PtdestNn a-Potll 5atO!Iy 1""""" Pn Terf'C]Ie 0ty BM1 lief Num ber. Project Loatlon: £stlmotor. KUNE, GORDON Sub-Stripe "lllo<rm ser--.. o-. a......,_ MnJngs 1niUI 59>s a. -(r.....,.. 01 S9'>s lncUied) -And t.---S9'>s l td Date: 1/2612017 Quomlty UM 1.00 l5 1.00 l5 30.00 EAOi Unltl'r1ce 12 AJ ~ 5011*>;. er-. a.-Hlrlongs 1.00 l5 t--------1 Ge.nelat NotM: • Job bids Wednesclry 1/26/17 0 2pm. DI!E gaol II 'Mo Fot .. tloc1ronlc "'1'\' of lhe pions ond SC>f<S pl9so emol l!rtndo II ~--awn Mr quostlon please Cllll (951) 736-7600.208 Thris, Gordon "lll/2017 11:lLOl AM l'tgeld l ALT ALL AMERICAN ASPH ALL AMERICAN AGGREG ATES T Pi\ VINCi 29 EI'Ci iNEERING -CONTRACTORS AS PIIAL P.O. II OX 2229. CORO NA. Ct\ 92818·22 STATE CO NTRACTORS LICENSE •267073·A 0 1 R 11 00000 105 1 Request For uote SUbmitted To: Address: Silo Uso, Inc. 1030 H. MOI.I'(TIJH A~. UNIT 1 180 Onl<lrio, CA 9 1762 Project Na.,.: -rion & 111M Pltl> Sllety I....., Pn T~ 0ty ..., l'roject loatlon: &tlmator: Sub-Stripe 7 12 Al GeMnt1 Hotn: Tllonno5lr1p01g.~·,....,.~ -51gns a Posts <,.,..,... 01 51gns lndl.dod) ltelnooelonl---Signs ~Slr1p01g.t-.ll-Horlanc;ll •lobblds--..,4/26/17 0 2pm. -30730 a.d N umber: llkl Dol o: 4/2 6(2017 1.00 1.00 30.00 1.00 UM LS LS EACH LS D8E goolll'llo For on e4earcri: r:D(Ifol111e pllnsond !II>OC5 pleose emiiBrendlllt ~ com font qutlllon pleose Cl11 (951) 736-7600 X 208 Thinks, Gordon Unltl'ria AI-Aspholt Is en EQual Os>l>u<Wnity ~ ond ....,....agesll1e portldpoCJon ol Certd1od 01!£1~ 5ullc:ontAitton rd/or Vendon. fJ91ol'l ALL AMERICA N ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES EI'Ci iNEERING -CO:ITRACTOR.<;-1\SPII AI.T Pi\ VINCi P 0. BOX 22 29, CORONA, CA 928111·22..'9 STATE CONTRACTORS I.I CENSE 12~7013 -A DIR 11 0000010.~1 Request For Quote Submitted To: Smothsoo Ele<tri<. Inc. Contact: .....,._ Address: 1938 EAST KATEUA A~ Phono: (714)997·9556 Ooonge, CA 92&67 Fax: (714) 997·9559 ProJect Name: Pede5tr1ln ll -Pltl1 Solely I....., Pn T<ml* 0ty ..., l kt Number: Project Location: lkt Date: 4{26120 17 !.ttlmator: KliNe, GORDON Sub-Electric al UM• Item • Doocripllon Quontlty UM Unltl'ria 5 5 -&lobng P£0 Hood w ......,And ·-New ca.-12.00 EACH --I I ltelnooe & A!PICe &lobng TS 1ladqllaCes 17.00 EACH 9 9 ~ternooe ~ r 3 __ ..,_,...,. Slgnii HNd And"""""" 64.00 EACH IT 3 5ccbon-VcNo.Ur Signll,_ Sub-Loops Quontlty UM Unltl'ria 11 5.00 EACH I f-------1 14.00 EACHJ Generat Not .. l • lob bids WednHdoy 4/26/17 0 2pm. DIIE goo! II 'Ill For an e4earcri: _, ol the plans ond specs pleose emil ~!tendo It bro'/SWOollo~l.com font que,tlon ptuse Cl11 (95 1) n6-7600 x zos Thanks, Gordon AIAme<don A!l>hll t. on Equol Os>l>u<Wnity ~and~ 111e potlictplltlon ol Cerlldlled ~ 5ullc:ontAitton rd/or Vendors. 41 l li1CI I7 U :)l'lOAM ,tQt ld l ~ .;;:r ALL AMERICAN --ASI'IIALT-- ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES ENGINEERING -CONTRACTORS -ASPHALT PAVING P.O. ROX 22 29. CORONA. CA 9!1!78·222'> STATE CONTRACTOR S LI CENSr, U6707 )·A DIR f iOOOOO J0$1 Request For Quote Submitted To: -fnter1>rtles Ire COnt:Kt GIOQWOO.S Address: 111161 BRANfORD STRE£1' Phone: (I ll) 83-4-8199 Sun Valley, CA 9 13521031 F~x: Pn>ject N11m e: -I -Path Solety ._..,. Pn TemPo City llwl l id Num ber. Pn>je<t l.oaltlon: a td Datet 4{M{'1fJI7 I!Jtlmaton ICI.JN~ GOIUlOH Sub-Stripe Unoll ·~· -.,&n Qu<ondty UM 3 3 -SlJ1Illng, o-.. __.. Hlr1ungs 1.00 I.S • • ..-Signs • PotU (-01 Signs lncl.dod) 1.00 I.S 7 7 -And..---Signs JO.OO EACH 12 A3 'llwmal>flsiiC so-.a. o-..-Ml<tdngs 1.00 I.S G.nenl Nom: • Job-w.dnesday 4/26(17. 2pm. ll8E gaol ll'llo Fot on etect1ol*: copy d lht pions ond $llOCS p~e..e emol Jnndo ot ~com Nyt quosllOn pleese col (951) 7)6.7600 X 208 ,_, Gonion Unit l'l1a AI Amefdln ~ 1s on Equal O!>l>urtunlt'( ~ ond onmuraoos lht partldpatJon d CertJdt'led DllfiMSEIW8fiOY SUbc:onta<:1o<t ond/0< Vendors. 4/llll017 U :)t •oM ~ ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES ENGJNEI:lUNG -CO NTRACTORS -ASPII Al.T PA VJNG P.O. ROX 2!29. CORO NA. CA 9!1!78-2.:!29 ALL AMERICAN --ASI'IIALT--STATE CONTRACTOR S LI CE.'11Sr,t2f>707)·A DIR IIOOOOO IOS J R eques t F or uo e Q t Submitted To: Sl.oller1or~Mir1dngs Add rus: 5312CYPR ESS STRE!T Ctln<s, CA 90630 Pn>je<t Nome: -a .. Pltll SoletV ._... Pn Temc>lo 01y 11M! Project locolloft> r.tlmator: ICI.JN~GOIUlON Sub-Stripe Une• ltem. Oeocrtptlon 3 3 '"'""""Strtpong, o-. a--.M~R~ngs • 4 J.-5lgrw II Polls (r...-01 Signs lncUiod) 7 7 -And..---Signs 12 A3 'llwmal>flsiiC 5lr'c*lg. o-..-Ml<tdngs G-..1-: 0 Job -w.dnesday 4/26/17 • 2pm, ll8E gaolll'llo Conatct: --Phone : (714) 995-9100 Fax: llld Number: l id Oote: 4/26/2017 Quontlty UM 1.00 I.S 1.00 I.S 30.00 EACH 1.00 I.S Fot"" etect1ol*: copy altho plonsond $I)OCS pleese ...... -· ~ Mt _.... pleese col (951 ) 7)6.7600 • 208 l'hrit, Gonion Unit l'l1a AIIAmordon Mphok Is on Equal Oppurtunlty Emc*>'ler ond onc:ourages lho llOrtldl>ldOn d Certldtled 0Bf/M8E/W8EIOV8E SUbconlllelors M!d/or Vendors 4/11(201711!li•H AM ,.l et I ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES El.:G INEER ING -CONTRACTORS -ASPHALT I'AV ING P.O. BOX 2129 . CORONA. CA 92878-2229 STATECOJ\'TRAC1'0RS LICE.'IISE •2671113-A DIR 11000001051 Request For Quote Submitted To: Trolllc LDCPS ~In< Contact: E-..g Addreu: 946 SOUTli EMERAlD ST Phone: 714520'1026 ...,._, CA 928<H251l Fax : 714520o!027 Project Nomo: Podesltlln a -I'Mh Sift!'( 1mC>rOY Pn Temple City I11Yd Bid Number. Project locotlon: l id o.to: 4{26{2017 &tlmM:or: ICIJNf.~ Sub-Electri cal Une• It.m. Descriptloft Quontlty UM Unltl'rb 5 5 -~ 1'£1)-Nwlf\m!tl NwllnStOI-a.r.tdown 12.00 fA01 --8 8 RemoYe a RoPoce Eldstr9 TS Boc~<p~ates 17.00 fA01 9 9 R..,.,.. Eldsting 8" l Sedlon VertiCil Vl1eia.lar 59101 Held And ConslnJtt 61.00 fA01 tr l Sedlon-v-59101 Head Sub-Loops Une• Jtem • Descriptloft Quontlty UH Unltl'rb 6 6 -And~I.DCPS 115.00 fA01 1] M -·~"-1~.00 fA01 Ge.,.,... Not-.: • Job-~4/l611702pn. DBE goolli'Mo For on electnlnlc copy ol the plans ond specs pluse email Brmla 01 ~com Nfl question pie.-call (951) 736-7600 X 208 Thinks, -AI Amon:lln Alpholt Is on Equal ()ppurUriy Efnl*>'ler ond oncourovet the ~ d Certxf'otd DBf/MilE/WBfltlWI: SIJba>nlacton IJNJ/« Vendors. '\11Jni17U;ll.14AH ,... . .,. Request For Quote SUbmitted To: Address: VT- 1oa25V""""'A,.....IO ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES F.NG INEER ING -CONTRACTORS -ASPHALT PAVING P.O. BOX 2129, CORONA . CA 92878-2229 STATECON'I'R1\C1'0RS LICf,.'IISE 1267073-A DIR •100000 1051 Contoct: Ontlwlo, CA 91762 UN IT'EO STATES Phone: fax: Tony Tran (909) 985-1755 (909) 985-8186 ~Ham<o: lid Number. Project loaotlon: llld Doto: 4/2612017 Eltlmotor. Sub-Electrical Quontlty UH UnltPrla --f -Dllltq l'fD-And-And lniUI ..... Cclft---17.00 fA01 R<moYo a Rel>loce EldstJng T5 Blctl>lates -ElclstJng 8" J 5ec!lon Vertlal Vh!icUar 59101 Hood And ConslnJtt 12"] Sedlon--Signal- 61.00 EA011-------I Genom Nota: • Job bids Wednesdoy 4{26{17 0 2pm. DBE 11011 li'Mo For on electnlnlc COllY d the plans ond specs please emol 8rondl 01 broyst~com Nfl question·-c.ol (951) 736-7600 X 208 Thinks, -AIAm<rdln Alpholt Is on Equol ()ppurUriy Efnl*>'ler ond oncourovet the participation d Certl<r'otd ~ 5ubc:on1Xt0f11JNJ/Of Vendors. 4/Uil0171l~ll AM P191tctl Back To Ouerv Eonn Search Re turned 1 Records Query Criteria Finn!DBA Name : Glo bal Road Scaling Firm 1YJ>e: DBE Firm 10 Finn/DB A Nama Addrua Une1 Addrou Une2 City State Zip Code1 Zip Code2 Molting Addrou UM1 Mallng Addrou Uno2 Ma!DngCity Ma iDng State Mo iDng Zip Codo1 Malnng Zip Codo2 Certification Typo EMail Contact Name Area Code Phone Number Extension A~ArnCodo A~ Phone N...,ber Extension Fax Area Code Fax Phone Number A gency Name Countfes Districts DBENAIC S ACDBENAICS Work Codoo Ucenses Trucks G.nder Ethnic fly Firm Typo 31171 GlOBAL ROAD SEALING, 1NC 1 ot32 OOROTHY AVE GA RDEN GROVE CA 92843 DBE grtOgtobalruadHalng.com TIV LA (71 4 ) ·~370 ll (71-4 ) at3.()0.t5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DO, DO. 231210, 231110, C8811 RAMP METERING SYSTEM: C1to1 ROADWAY EXCAVATION: C1 140 OfTQiES EXCAVATION; C1 1 20 STRUCl\JRE EXCAVATI ON; ceeoe DETECTOR; CU 0 1 ClEARING & GRVBBING; C8501 PAVE MENT MAAKING; CiU O DEMOI.mON; C1201 TRAFFIC CONTRO\. SYSTEM: C1830 STRUCTURE BACKFILL; C370 1 SEAL COA~ C4040 ClEAN & SEAL PAVE MENT JOINTS ·ROLIT & SEAL CRACKS; C4 101 PAVEMENT SUIISEALIHO & JACKING; C8Uo RESIDENTlAL ELECTRICAl ; A Gene ral EnglnH thg Conwctot; C1 0 Ett~l Connctor. C32 P elkrlg and Hg~y 1"11tv¥entent Connctor. .. ASWIPAQAC DBE Back To Ouery Form 111 Firm iD Flrm/OBA Nama Addreu Uno1 Addreu Uno2 City State Zip Codo1 Zip Codo2 Ma ili ng Addrou Uno1 Ma ili ng Addnou Llno2 Ma ili ng City Ma ili ng Stato Mailing Zip Codo1 Ma iling Zip Codo2 CertencaUon Typo E~ll Contact Name Area Coda Phone Numb..- Extenalon Ait Area Codo All Phone Number Elttenalon Fax Are-a Coda Fax Pho ne Number Agency Nam a CountiH Dl•lrlcta DBE NAICS ACDBE NAiCS Worlc CodH l lc.en.e 1 Truc b Gende< Ethnlcity Firm Typo 31ID CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING INC 020 OTIERBEIN AVE>I.JE. UNIT E LA PUENTE CA 11741 oee ~­VAll TAll NGUYEN 18211 110-1331 ll 1821) 1 10..1322 DEPART\!ENT OF TRANSPORTATION 10: 15: 11: 30: 33: Je; 37: 06, 07: Gl, 11; 12; 2'37310; 238210; C80 1 I RAM P METERING SYS"TUI, cte03 SIGNAL. ceeot DETECTOR; C0501 PAVEMENT 1o1ARK1NG. ceao2 SIGNAL & UOHTING. CU04 LIGtmNG. A Go,.,. EngMetfrG Cornclor. C10 ~ Cot<r-. Firm iD Firm/DBA Name AddrHa Une1 Addrosa Une2 City Stat. Zlp Code1 Zl p Code2 Mailing Addrna Une1 Mailing Add"'n Llno2 Mailing City Mailing Stat. Mailing Zlp Code1 Mailing Zlp Codo2 Certlncauon Type EMail Contact Name ~a Code Phone Number Extenalon AitArea Code All Phone Number Extena ion Fax Area Cod e Fax Phone Number Agency Name Countiea Dlatriclll DBE NAICS ACDB E NAICS WorltCodeo u ....... Trucka Gender Ethnicity Firm Typo 31214 Cl SURVEYING NIO loW'PINO, INC 1281 WEST POMONA ROAD SUITE1011 CORONA CA 112112 D8E D.\NOCI.-suR\IEY.COM DANIEL CAL.VI.lO (toe i 414-4200 () (lOt) 831-4504 CITY OF lOS ANGELES 10; 15; 11; 30; 33; 38; 37: !14; 011, 07, 01; 11 ; 12: 541370; .. ASIAN PACIFIC DOE Firm iD Flrm/DBA Name Addreoo L.lne1 Addreoo Uno2 City State Zip Codo1 Zip Codo2 Moiling Addreoo Une1 Mailing Addrooo U no2 Mailing City Malllng Stat. Moiling Zlp Codo1 Mailing Zlp Code2 Certlncadon Typo EMa il Contact Name ~a Code Phone Number Extenolon All Area Codo Alt Pho ne Number Extenalon Fax~aCodo Fax Phone Humber Agency Name Coundeo Districts DBE NAICS ACDBE NAICS Worlt Codoo Li cense• Tru ckl Gender Ethnl clty Firm Ty pe 102 PAYCtl SPECW. TIES,IHCORf'ORATED 120 NOim< SECOND AVE. CHULAI/ISTA CA 11110 oee nol>oocoO-.IIIr:; __.380m>H .... REBECCA LlEWEU YN (111) 422-8204 () ( 818) 427-11520 OEPARNENT OF TRANSPORTATION 02. 13, 19; 3&. 33; 37; 07;01; 10; 11; 12'; 23731D; 231nD: C8405 T>IERMOP\ASl1C TRAFFIC STRIPING & MAIIJONO; coe20 ROADSIDE SIGN; ~ PAIIElo<ENT I!ARJQNG, CMOI SAND8LASTING , C1201 TRAF'FlC CONTROl SYSTEM, C5e01 SIGN STRUC'TlJRE; Cll201 08JECT IIARI<£JI; Cl4011 PAINTED TRAF'FlC STRIPING & IIARl<ING; 8 Oonof111 IIUidlng Co-C32 Plll1dntlond Hlg-y lmpr-Conlroelo<; CAUCASIAN DOE Finn 10 Flnn/OBA Homo Addrou Uno1 Addreu Llno2 City Stato Zip Codo1 Zip Codo2 Moiling Addrooo Uno1 Mailing Addrooo Uno2 Moiling City Mailing Stato Mailing Zip Code1 Mailing Zip Code2 Cortiflcadon Type EMoll Contac.t Name Area Codo Phone Number Extenalon AI! Area Code Alt Phono Number Exllnolon FuArea Code Fa.x Phone Number Agoncy Nome Coundoo Olotr1cta OBE NAICS ACOBE NAICS Wor1< Codoo License• Trucka Gend<lr Ethnlclty Finn Type 31033 TRAFFIC LOOPS CRACI<ALUNG, INC 191& W BAll RO. ll4e S. EMEAAI.D ST ANAHEIM CA 821104 () (714 1 52().4021 DEPAAlloOENT OF TlWISPORTAllON 00, 00, 234210, 2.31HO; Clll 1 RAMP METERING SYSTEM: CIOO:I ELECTRICAL: Ca&Oe DETECTOR: C8501 PAVEMENT MARKING: C4040 CLEAN & SEAL PAIIEMENT JOI NTS · ROUT & SEAL CRACKS: CSI5a RESIOENTW. ELECTRICAl: C10 EJecllk.aj ConltaCIOr; C32 Pa~t~;lng and Highway lmprov«nll"''l Conli'KtOr. ASIAN PACIFIC DeE Finn 10 Flnn/DBA Homo Addrooo Uno1 A dd rooo Une2 City StatAl Zip Codo1 Zip Codo2 Moiling Addreu Llno1 Mailing Address Llne2 Moiling City Mailing State Mailing Zip Codo1 Mailing Zip Code2 Certlflcodon Type EM oil Contact Name AreaCodo Phone Number Extenalon All Area Code Alt Phone Number Extenalon Fu Area Codo Fu Phono Numbor Agency Homo Countlea Olotr1cta OBE NAlCS ACOBE NAlCS Wor1< Codoa Ucen••• Trucka Gender Ethnlclty Finn Type 30021 VT ELECTRIC. INC. 10825 VE.RN0H AVE OHTAAIO CA 81782 OBE IOn~net TOHYT TRAN (101) 185.1765 () (10!1) llaW110 OEJ>AAlloiENT OF TlWISPORTATIO>I 13: 11. 2t: 30; 33: 36; 31; 31: •2 • .,, se. 03; 04, os: 01: oe: 10: 11 ; 12: 231210, CSI511 ComtnordaiEIIMcot C1201 TAAFFIC COHTROL SYSTEM, Cle02 SIGNAL & LIGH'T1NG, C805a RESIOENT1Al ELECTRICAL C 10 E~rk::al Coi'*Kior, M ASIAN PACIFIC OBE Brenda Royster From: Sent To: Subject: Dear Brenda Royster, YOUR AD HAS BEEN POSTED. ClassifiedAds.com <noreply(lldusifiedads.com> Friday, Aprill4, 2017 10:48 AM Brenda Royster COMMERClAl: Your ad has been posted: DBE SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPUERS NEEDED Please keep this email. You will need It to manage your ad. EDIT your ad by cllckln& this link: https://www.classlfledads.com/1430192v260442721v953508ad_edlt DELETE your ad by cllcklna this link: https://www.classlfledads.com/1430192v26044272lv953508ad_delete VIEW & SHARE your ad by eliding this link: https://www.classlfledads.com/announcements/33c681j2cf89 QUESTIONS ? See our help page and contact us by clicking this link: https://www.classlfiedads.com/lnfo.php?help If your email program does not recoan lze the links above, simply copy and paste the link Into your web browser address bar. Thank you for postina on ClasslfiedAds.coml SCAM WARNING : Only deal w ith people In your area. Don't w ire funds (Western Union, Money Gram, etc.). Beware of fake cashier's checks and money orders. Beware of Identity theft. Don't share your private info. Use caution when accepting relay calls from the hearing and speech 1m pared. Avoid shippina and escrow. Avoid deals that are too good to be true. learn more about how to avoid scams by clicking this link: https://www.classlfiedads.com/lnfo.php?fraud Please do not reply to this automated message . It was sent from an unmonit ored email address. Sub DldJ Rcqucsted From Certified OBE Subconuocton one! Suppllcn ror olio Followin& ProJCCI CITY OF TEMPLE CITY P£0£STRIAN & BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Bid 011e: April26, 2017@ 2:00PM Quotes""' requested ror (but not limited 10) olle rollowtna savica & Suppliers: Elcttrlul, Strlpina.nd MarkiDgJ, S urvey ALL AM ERICAN ASPHALT (Equal Opportunity Employer) P.O. Box 2229 ·Corona. CA 9217S.2229 (9.11)73 6-7600-ExL 208-Gordon Klloo Fax: (9.11 ) 731).76-16 lnrormation and/or uslstancc rqardlna or obtai nina plans and Specifica1ions aR. avtilabk upon request DllE SUIICONTRJ\CTORS AND SUPPUERS NEEDED · Cloullcd NJ Community Announcemenl! Search for ... Community: Announcements • All Ca)egories . ~ ·~ • hems for Sale ·~ • Real Estntc • w.&tn1 • Sm:iw ·~ • Comrnunj ty • All Communj'Y • Anno yncemc ots ·~ • Quu:s;l)a ·~ • Garage Sales • Genml Eorenn jnment • hems WnnJcd • Lost & Found • Mysjc jans & Bands ·~ • Zip orcily Orange County • Los Angeles · Central • More locations ..... Your ad bas been posted. P o~) nno)b er ad Ediltbjs ad~ Ylnlunlff Share yo u r ad for more visibility! Temple City, CA in T~mplc SEARCH C •ty, --- CA DBE SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS NEEDED · Clossl!cd AtJ DBE SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS NEEDED Share & Like Created: A pri l l4, 20 17 Expires: Apri l 28 , 20 17 Vie wed: 0 ti mes Avoid scams I G+t . 0 Ad #260442721 Signs of fraud : wire transfer, m oney orders, cashier checks, shi pping, escrow, "transaction pro tection", "guarantee". Be safe by dealing locally . Read more Overview Resoond to thjs Ad Ad number:#260442721 Con!Jict: Brenda Phone:951-736-7600 C ity:Temple City, CA Zip:91780 Posted in: Los Angeles· San Gabriel Valley Announcements Description Respond to th is Ad Sub B ids Requested F rom Certified DBE Subcontractors and S uppl iers for the Following Project CITY OF TEMP L E CITY PEDESTRIAN & BIKE PATH SA FETY IMPROVE ME NTS Bid Date : Apri l 26, 2017 @ 2 :00 PM Quotes are requested fo r (but not limited to) the following servicC.'I & S u pp liers : E lectrical, Re port this ad 4/14/21)17 DOE SUilCONTRACTORS NID SUPPLIERS NEeDED • Clonltocl NJ Striping and Markings, Su rny ALL AMERJCAN ASPHALT (Equal Opportunity Emp loyer) P.O. Box 2229 ·Corona, CA 92878-2229 (95 1 )736-7600 -Ext. 208 -Gordoo Kl ine Fax; (95 1) 736-7646 Information and/or ass istance regarding or obta ining plans and Specifications arc available upon request. R es pond to this Ad Your name Your email Message Report this ad Type of problem : 0 Harassment U Spam 0 Scam or fraud U Wrong category 0 Violation of terms V Other (please comment) Your email (optional) URL (optional) Comment (optional) rs-~ ----ot11a/33c611 j2J:ftlll Ll I would I ike a response 314 Brenda Royster From; Sent To: Subject Attachments: Brenda Royster friday. April14, 2017 2:31PM 'Daniel Calvillo, PLS' PEDESTRiAN & BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROV • OTY OF TEMPLE OTY • BI OS 4·26-17 @ 2:00PM DBE • CL SURVEYING --4·14·17.docx Please see attached. We will be bidding-Pedestrian and Bike Path Safety Imp rov ements-Temp le City on 4·26· 17 @ 2:00PM. Please let us know If you w ill be bidding. Thanks, Brenda Royster C<Jntrrx:t Aclmmistrator Public Works 95J-736-7600Ext. 219 bcoysterf>ql/gmericonamhalt com ~" q AlL AMERICAN --AS rHALT-- An Equal Opportuni ty Employer April14, 2017 ClSurveytna and Mappinc 1269 Pomona Road, Suit~ 101 Corona, CA 92882 OAN[I!!Cl-SURVEyCOM ATIN : Pan All American Asphalt All American Aggregates UU?)I.'NDO ftU 7~J w~ will be bkldin& P~d~strian and Blk~ Path Safety lmprovem~nts on Temple City Blvd from El Camino Real Av~. to E111s lane & Roadway I mprovements -City of Temple City. Bid Pate 4·26-14 ~2:00PM . w~ a~ r~q~stlna bids from OBE Buslnes~s for th~ followlnaltemi of work: El~ctriclll Striping & Markinas & Removals Survey W~ hav~ plan1 and specifocations for r~view In our office. If you have any quest ions plea~ call me ~ 951·73f>.7600 Ext . 212 or eman Brenda Royster at broyster~allamericanasphalt.com. Thank You, Gordon Kline. ProjeCt Manacer Brenda Royster From: Sent To: Subj ect Attachments: Brenda Royster Friday, April 14, 2017 2:33 PM 'Van Nguyen' PEDESTRIAN & BI KE PATH SAFETY IMPROV ·CITY O F TEMPLE CITY · BIOS 4·2f>.17 ~ 2 .00 PM OBE • CAUF PROF ENG·-4·14·17.dooc Ple ase see attach ed. We w ill be bidding-Pedestria n an d Bike Path Safety Improvements-Temple City on 4·26·17 @ 2 :00PM. Please let u1 know If you will be bidding. Thanks, Brenda Royster Con trYJct AdministrYJ t Dr Public Works 951·736·7600 Ext. 219 br oystu@ollomerict1tlosphalt com An Equal Opportunity Employu April14, 2017 California Professional Enalneerlng 929 Otterbein Avenue, Unit E ~Puente, CA 91748 vant!c;oenslnccnn&lnc com ATIN: Van Nsuven All American Asphalt All American Aggregates ttUlJ6.7tOO JMI 716o417l We will be blddinc P~estrian and Bike Path Safety Imp rovements o n Temple City Blvd from El C1mino Real Ave. to Ellis Lane & Roadw1y lmpi'OIIements -City of Temple City. B•d 01te 4-26-14 ~ 2 00 PM. We are requestlna bids from OBE Businesses for the followlnc It ems of work: Landsuplns & Irrigation Strtpins & Markl nss & Removals Loops Tree Removals and/or Root Pruning We have plans and specmcatlons for review In our offiCe . If you hove any questions please call me tP 951-736-7600 Ext. 212 or em1il Brenda Royster at broyster@'atlamericanasphal t.com. Thank You , Brenda Royster From: Sent To: Subject: Attachments: Brenda Royster Friday, April 14, 2017 2:35 PM 'Rebecca Uewellyn' PEOESl'RlAN & BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROV -0TY OF TE MPLE OTY -BIOS 4-26·17 @ 2:00 PM OBE • PAYCO SPEC .. -4 ·14-U.docx Please see attached . We will be biddi ng-pedestrian and Bike Path Safety Improvements-Temple City of 4-26- 17 @ 2:00PM. Please let us know If you will be biddins. Thanks, BrendaRoystu Contract Administrator Public Wor./c$ 951-736-7600 Ext. 219 broystu$111omrrictJII9SDbalt com ~' AlL AMERICAN --A5rH ALT-- An Equal Opportunity Employt!r April 14, 2017 Paym Specialties, Inc. 120 North S«ond Ave. Chula VIsta, CA 91910 rebecca@payco.biz ATTN: Rebeca All American Asphalt All American Aggregates I t5l·7H-JIIIOO 'ft1•7:JI.461 1 We will be bidding Pedestrian and Bike Path Safety Improvements on Temple City Blvd f rom El Camino Real Ave. to Ellis Lane & Roadway Improvements-City of Temple City. Bid Date 4·26·14 t!J 2:00PM. We ore requestln& btds from OBE Businesses for the followl ns Items of work: Landscaping & '"icatlon Striping & Markings & Removals Loops Tree Removals and/or Root Pruning We have plans and speclfoatlons for review In our office. If you have any questions please call me t!J 9S1·736-7600 Ext. 212 or email Brenda Royster at broystert!Jallamerlcanasphalt.com. Thank You , Brenda Royster From: Sent To: Subject Attachments: Brenda Royster Friday, Aprill4, 2017 2:38 PM 'grsO globalroadsealing.com' PED ESTRIAN & BIK E PATH SA FETY lMPROV • ClTY OF TEMPLE ClTY • BI OS 4·26·17 @ 2:00PM OBE ·GLOBAL ROAD SEAUNG·-4·14·17.docx Please see attach ed . We w ill b e bidding -Pedestrian and Bike Path Safety Improvements-Temple City on 4-26- 17 @ 2:00PM. Please let us know If you w ill be bidding. Th anks, Brmch Rayster Contract Administrator Public Work>" 951·736·7600 Ext. 219 broyster@gllamericanasphalt com ~"'"'' .::r AlL AMERICAN --ASP H A LT -- An Equal OpportJJnlty Employer ~ 8 :;i(_ ALL AMERI CAN --ASPHALT-- April 14, 2017 Global Road Sealing. Inc. 10832 Dorothy Ave . Garden Grove, CA 92843 Trila .B!}Ii!Byaboo com ATTN : TrllJ All A mer ican Asphalt All American Aggregates tflt-7)6.1600 f ft17 ...... 11 we will be biddin& Pedestrian and Bike Path Safety Improvements on Temple City Blvd from El Camino Real Ave. to Ellis lane & Roadway Improvements -City of Temple City. Bid Date 4·26-14 ~2 :00PM . We are request1n1 bids from DBE Businesses for the followlna ltems of work : llndscapln& & lrrlaatlon Striping & Markings & Removals loops Tree Removals and/o r Root Pruning We have pllns and speclfatlons for review In our office. If you have a ny questions please call me tp 951-736·7600 Ext. 212 or email Brenda Royster at broyster~alllmerlaniSphaltcom . Thank You, Gordon kline, Brenda Royster Fr om: Sent To: Subject: Attachmen ts: Brenda Royster Friday, April14, 2017 2 :40 PM 'Mal-lin Nguyen' PEDESTRIAN & BIKE PATH SAFETV!MPROV • 0TV OF TEMPLE 0TY ·BIDS 4 ·26-17 @ 2:00 PM DBE ·TRAFFIC LOOPS CRACKF!WNG ---4·14-17.docx Please see attached. We will be bidding-Pedestrian and Bike Path Safety Improvements-Templ e City o n 4-26- 17@ 2:00PM. Please let us know If you will be bidding. Thanks, Brendt>Rcyrter c.,rrocr Adminlrti"'Jfor Public Worlcs 95/-T36-T600Exr. Z/9 broyJfer@o//omeri ct!OtJSeho(t cpm An EqUIII Opportvnl ty Employer April1 •• 2017 Tl'llrfiC loops Cl'lldcfllllng. Inc. 1915 w. Ball Road Anaheim, CA 928().4 t l'll!f1clooosl!sbg!obal.net ATIN: Mal-Lon All American Asphalt All American Aggregates t t5H J6-l't00 f M l 7J&..447 1 W e will be bidding Pedestrian and Bike Path Safety Improvements on Temple City Blvd from El Camino Real Ave. to Ellis Lone & Roadway Improvements-C•ty of Temple City 81Cf ~te 4·26-14 ~ 2 00 PM. We are request Ins bids from 06E Businesses for the fol lowing Items of work: Londsaping & lrrisatlon Striping & Markings & Removals loops Tree Rern<l'nls and/or Root Pruning We have p lans 1nd spedflcat!ons for rev~w In our orfoce. If you have any questions p~ase tllll me ep 951·736-7600 Ext . 212 or email Brenda Royster at broyster@Pal~merianasphalt.com. Thank You, Gordon Kline, Project Manager Brenda Royst e r From: Sont To: Subject: Bre nda Royste r Friday, Aprill4, 2017 2.43 PM i ony Tran· PEDESTRIAN & BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROV ·CITY OF TEMPLE CITY · BI DS 4·26·17 @ 2:00PM DBE • VT ElECTRIC-4 ·14·17.docx Please see attach ed . We w ill be bidd ing-Pedestrian and Bike Path Safety Improvemen ts-Temple City on 4-26· 17 @ 2:00PM. Please ~~ us know If you will be bidding. Thanks, Brenda Royster Contract Administrator Public Works 951-736·7600 Ext. 219 bryyS(u@a/kunu icp!I9SDhoit com An EqtJJI Opportunity Emp loyer Aprll14, 2017 VT Electric. Inc. 10825 Vernon Ave. Ontario, CA 91762 tony@Mrlectnc,net ATTN: Tony All American Asphalt All American Aggregates unn6-HOD '"I 1,....;n We will be biddins Pedestrian and Bike Path Safety Improvements on Temple City Blvd from El Camino Real Ave . to Ellis lane & Roadwily Improvements-City of Temple City Bid Date 4-26-14 @12 :00 PM. We are request in& bids from DBE Buslnes~s for the followin& Items of wort<: landscaping & trnaatoon St ri ping & Mart<lnas & Remova ls Loops Tree Removal s ilnd/or Root Prunina We have plans and specifoc:ations for review in our o ffoce. II you have 01ny questions please ull me @1951·736-7600 En. 212 or email Brenda Royster at broysterllhl~merlunasphalt.com . Thank You, Gordon Kline. Project M 01naaer ~~) Conlnletor N ame. All American Aspha~ ~~~-ll A ~!!!!eM Job Name· Pedestrian and Bike Path Safety Improvements DBE Business Contac t log PART II f o r Docum e n ting C o ntac t w ith: DBE & loc.l Businesses •• -Dat e Tlme Mod e o f Phone Re sults of Co ntract Company Contlct Person r Fax (If fa wao oentl Conversation Example: Example. Exllf!plo ' Exomplo Exomplo : Exompie. 1/12/200e 2Jl0 PM Sent fox ABC Conltaeting Fax: (582) 12 John Doe. Owner Fox-oentto C-.c:tor lllklng for Co 4567 llle!f~ JoMOoe-us ond we inqund ~ lhoor p<qee1 oxp. ..-JoM Poe...,. mo olilllng of lhb' """'~*tad pn>rOCIL Thll- -l>oy moy quolfy ••• -3 .....,_. Wo willndudolhom" PI~ al- lon>ooood tum <l/2tl2017 7:41AM Emailed CL Su!veying and~ 0111 Sen! note-Aslled II sendina auole. <1/2112017 7.44AM Entailed Callomia Proleosional ~ VIII Nguyen Sent note-Aslled K sendina QUOit. <112112017 7 48AM Emalled Poyco Scleallles ReOeca Sent IIOie-Aslled II unclna CIIOie <1/2112017 7 48AM Emalled Globol Roell Sealing Trila Sent-AsUd llunclna...,. <112112017 749AM ~ Tralle ,,... ..... ~ Sent"'*" Astted . Hndlna QU04e • <1/2112017 751AM Emaled VT Elee*lc Tanv Tran Sent noll>-Allied if.-IIUOia. Altlehmentl Brenda Royster From: Sent: To: Sub jed: This bids on 4-26-17 4!1 2:00 PM . Brenda Royster Friday, April 21. 2017 7:41AM 'Daniel Calvillo, PLS' PEDESTRIAN & BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROV -TEMPLE 0TY ·BI DS 4·26-17 0 2:00PM Please let me know if you w ill be sending us a quote. Thanks, Brmda Royrtu Controct Admlnlrtrctor Pub lic Works 951-736 -7600 Ext. 219 bryystv$J(/qmujcpnqsohglt cpm ALL AMERICAN --AS rHALT-- An Equal Opportunity Employer Brenda Royster From: Sent: To: Sub jed: This bids on 4·26-17 4!1 2:00PM . Brenda Royster Friday, April 21. 2017 7:44AM Van Nguyen' PEDESTRIAN & BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROV-TEMPLE 0TY-BIDS 4·26-17 C 2:00PM Plea se let me know If you w ill be sending us a quote. Th anks, Brmda Royrter Contrcct Admlnlstrc tor Public Works 951-736-7600 fxt. 219 br9ruer&l/gmgiconqsphalt.com ~ ~ All AMERICAN --AS I' H ALT-- An Equ..l Opportunity Employer Brenda Roy ster From: Sent: To: Subject This bids on 4-26-17 @ 2:00PM. Brenda Royster Friday, April 21, 2017 7:46 AM 'Robocc.a Uowellyn' PEDESTRIAN & BlkE PATH SAF£TY lMPOV ·TEMPLE 0TY ·BIDS 4-26 -17 0 2:00PM Please let me know if you will be sending us a quote. Thanks , Brenda Royster Con trcct Administrctor Public Works 951-736-7600 Ext. 219 bcerstdallomeciqmasDbalt com ~' All AMERICAN --ASrHALT-- An Equal Opportunity Employer Brend a Ro yster From; Sent To: Subject: This bids on 4-26-17 @ 2:00PM. Brenda Royster Friday, April 21, 2017 7:48AM 'grsOglobalroadsealing.com' PEDESTRIAN & BIKE PATH SA£TY lMPROV ·TEMPLE 0TY • BIDS 4·26-17 0 2:00PM Please let me know If you w i ll be sending us a quote. Thanks, Br-»Royster Con trcct Admlnistrc tor Public Works 951-736-7600 Ext. 219 bry~//omerjqmaspho{t,com ~\' All AMERICAN --ASrHALT-- An Equal Opportunity Employer Brend a Royster From : ~nt To: Subjoct This b ids on 4-26-17 @ 2:00PM . Br~nda Royster Friday, April 21, 2017 7:49AM 'Mai-Lan Nguyen' PEDESTRIAN & BIKE PATH SAFETY IM PROV -TEMPLE 0TY ·BIDS 4 -26-17 0 2:00PM P l ea~ let me know If you w ill b~ sending us a quote. Thanks, Brenda RDyster CDnlract Administralt>r Public Wllf'lcs 951-736-7600 Ext. 219 bcDYS(q:&llom«iC(!IIOSohalt com ~~ ALLAMERJ CAN --ASI'H A LT-- An Equ111 Opportuni ty Empl oyer Brenda Royster From : s~nt To: Sub jed: This b ids on 4-26-17 @ 2:00PM . Brenda Royster Friday, April 21, 2017 7:51AM iony Tran· PEDESTRIAN & BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROV ·TEM PLE 0TY -BIDS 4 -26-17 C 2:00PM Pl~ase let me kno w if you w ill be sending us a quote. Th anks, Brenda RDystu CDntract AdminlstrotDr Public WDrlcs 951-736 -7600 Ext. 219 brDrst«$J/IgmviC!J11<1sphqlt """ ~ ~ AL L AMERJ CAN --AS r H A LT-- An Equ11l Opportuni ty Employ~ Dolo--V.21117 ~~1111-8 08! Wo,..ul .. ·C..4 Takb E.tr•rt em a IDIPI..E arr. t.IIEORIIIA lllllliNGMJ OOIITIIACT OOCUII9iTS. fiNIS MJ SPEC»1CAIIONS STP!.-5365(010) I'EIJfSTRINIAhtl 8ICE PAlM W£T'f lloiPACMM9ITS OH TBf'lE aTY 11.\10 FROM a CAlllHOREAI.A\IE TO BlJSIAHE & IIIJNJWAY [Ill> aTY PAOIECT Ill" P1UI, Oooonool ~ ..... &2 d 111 Lonl.\n.l.uuu Prou411r.1lhaual C. Tb< uans o! wert wllkh tbe bidd<r mod< .-lobi< to DBE firms lllduchQg. wber< appropri>te, >1f1 br<aJtins down of 1ht toruraa 1''011t it<tDS (llldudul& mo.. it<mS oonmlly p<dom>od by tbt bi<ldtr with its own !OI'Ct$) into ecooomicaUy f<aSiblo UDits to bcilitato OBE p;llbeipolion. It is !he biddtts rapomibility 10 damnstnto !bat $Ul!jci<Df wott 10 bcilittt< OBE p:uticipatiao ,...,. mad< avoilabl< to DBE firms. Items of Work Bidd<r Nonu.;illy Bro>kdown of P<rfoans ~= ltrms (YIN) Amown (S) P<r<<nlag< Of Con!Da 0 Tb< names, addr<Ssa wl pbon< numbm or "'joa<d DBE finns. Ill< "':oo~~~ for tbo biddds rqtetion o!lht DBEs. tho finns sdecltd for lh>t work (pi<= anadi copic:s ofquotc:s li'omlht firms involved), ;md 1ht pn~ chf!b'tncc for each DBE it tht sd<md firm 1S not a OBE: N>mts, :addmis<s :and pbont DIID1b<rs of rtjea<d DBEs wl tb< "'osoos for tht biddds rtj<Cti011 oflht DB&; N>mts, :addmis<s and pbon< Dllllben offinns sdoa<d for tho work •bo"": E. Etrons made to assist int<~t>t<d DBEs in oblainin& bondillg.linr. of cr<dit or insuran~. and any t<ehnial assistlnc< or infonn:uion robt<d to 1ht plans, sp<cificatioos and requireru<:nrs for tho watt wbicb was prOVtd<d to DB&; ,.,, l J..! .J•Dt !J, !01! 08 1!-04 BIOOER SHALL (Qr,1PL( TE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN SECTION (. OIOOER'S PROPOSAL- Paae:C.50 DD--V.21111 t..nl Anhlnu p,.tMU.nll( ... ul aTY a IDIPI..E OTY, t.IIEORIM lr.!liXNG >Mil COHTTIACTOOCII!oiEIITS. fiNIS MJ SJ'EC»1CA110HS STPl-U!6(1110) I'EDESTRlNIAill 8IICE PAlM W£T'f III'AO\IEioEliT OH I!M'lE QTYBI.\10 FROM aCAl!NlREAI.A\IE TOBlJS lAHE &RIJNJ¥/AYM' aTY PAO.f:CT 0: Pt---~ ..... &:S d 119 b.lu'DhU·H 08£ taro,..• tit•. c..d Tahlal.ffon f . Etrcrts mad< to usUI inttrc:st<d OBEs in obttinul& ntetwry equipm<nl. rupplits, mat<:rials or rdat<d :assist:mcr or servicc:s, <:<eluding supp~c:s and <quipmrnt the DBE subc:onlrxtor p1J<tbasc:s or leasc:s from 1ht prime c:onlr.a<lor or its :lf!ilial<: G Th< no-. of agencies, Ofiamz:lboos or tp:OUpS c:ontiCt<d to providt :osstStan~ in <Olllochng. rtaUitina and usin& OBE tirnJJ (pitaS< onach copic:s or roquests to >g<DO<S wlany responses r<ttived. i.e., lim,lnttrn<l p:age clownlood. <tc .): Nome of Agency!OrJlanizati011 MolhociiDatt o!CoSIIOCI H. Ally oclditional c!oto IO suppor1 3 danoostr.IIIOD of good faith dforts (11>< •dclit.ional sheets if necessary): ~OTE USE ADDmONAL SHEETS OF PAPER IF NECESSARY. OB l l-44 Paa•lf..J Ja.o~ !J, !01! OIOO(R SHALL COMPll H. AND !lU61'.11T AU OOCVMENfS AND PAGES~~~ SECTION -c BIDDER'S PROPOSAL~ Paao: C.Sl ~ i J J .... -.,. .... -- -· -· - -....... - - -...... - WW,.ilhliiiii'W-biliiPIJi'IUII(JJiii/WS'NfWii¥N\UiflMi4•_...,~ _.,.. .. "'""""""."""""'...., ... ~ ......... ,.~~ ..... ,..,..,......)o4 ........ r.,... ...... ,.. ......... , .................... ,),ltt:'lv-w,."' (.110--'11 .. " ]IQ).-p~UI..,....,. "'f1 ,,....., I "'( I ,_.,..Y'l uw:~ ...... J --...~"'1"1 ........... ........ '] ~......,.,~ ..... .._.._,_...,._," -~~fl----- -~ ... ~-., _ .. _,..., -· l~ .! --:i! -·· ---~ ~1£ _ .. .... ... -· ----·to ""ofl"i ~ -~ .... ;;p. ~ lo'll\a;«<l lb 'sou ~.~ _ .. -~10)1Cfl -~· ~r ~1 liDr.IJ:»"P -· ~~: ~ ?l(!=li'mll -· -·~ . ~ I ";J) ('Oil() _ ... ~ Ol'l»«< I '!>IShllli -'>'rhi 'T< scm1 _.., -~~I.( [>ld.L.l;flt~,!!';l -· -· q<'.j ~!.\l<):XI)\ ~">''ill!~~ . 9i.l'wo ')C'JIJI'll-~ -},~ -.. ~ f11'''~!JJJ -· w -· ·-·:.) f>w'IP:XDI J,j) ~<'1\1110 _ .. " N ~ -Q<;.S'\1 1'9~ ---·· ,.;, -.~~ """''"""""'~ -· """ ~ ,...._ -__ ,. --·~ ---.., ... ... -1•-......... ............. _...., ,_ _ __...._ -.~..._ .... .,..-~ ,_ .. ~.,... OOifOI ,•I'ti-.!,_J.. .. 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S..'-"'cw"'frll"""*r-co.wot.,. s..t~~r ....... -..,..,.,.,._ • ....,........__h~ ... -·....._,.._wUI,..._....A_ .... _ ... _Wfll-~l~l flictocTU A.Kio4 •SI~ ----, ........ ,.,. ............ ..._ ,... .. ,, ~:rtl • i ( I -~ ~ ---17.2017 em OF TEMPlf QTY. CH:FORHIA 8llOIHG Nlll CON1ltACI D0CU11E111S. PINIS AHil SPECFICA TIOIIS Sll'I.-5J65j01QI PEllESlRWI Nlliii<E PATH SAFETY r>AOYEMEHTS ON TBM'I£ em BlVD FROIO El CNoiNO REAl AVE TO B.US lNE I PIJNNIAY M' CITYPAOJECTIO:P15-(II,-~Ptgollld171 6 . Subcontractlna Roq uost (EKhiblt 16 Bl ·--• n..,.._ ....... .., .......... __ ....., ... .._ ...... .. U "blt ''·D S•k .. lnttma R.,•nt . ·~ .......................... ......,._,. ....... """' ........ _ ........... , .............. __ .......... , ........... __ --..--.-... ...... -...... .-. ............ .... ., ........... :., t e-_ ........... ..,.._......,...,..,_.,, __ • .............. _, .............. , ... _......,._flioko.....,.r) . ,.., ....... , . ._...,...,..,...-,., ......... .,..,_., -. -'--- r .lf l e tl J •lylt" :il·l·U'ii:t.\!jil·f8 1 4!Jil·iN·ii'l :Jt!ifij!I.J.I311 bjj~iti M·•¥taiJIJJibi i·Piilt!IIIIj¥J4 i"'*'"'' Pap: c.ss 0..--71.2011 art Of 1BIPI.E art' CAI.JFORIM 8IXliNG NfJ COHTRACT D<lCtAEHTli. PINIS NfJ SP£CIR:ATIONS STPI.~IO)PBlE~NfD Bli<E PATH SAm'Y -.wEN1S ON TBII'l£ art 11.\otl FRON a CAMt<O ROI. AVE TO WJS lANE & -y lloP OTY PROJECT II: P~. -C..OU ..... 61d11t INSTRUCTIONS [Jt•"'' 16--1 S•b<Ht"ntoa R!'N"f All flrtt·ttu subrontractors must be lncludtd ou 11 subcoutrnrtlttg rtlflltlt. Btfort subcon erttlina work stans, the coruroc:toc \\ill submit an orieinol subconuscdna request (Exhibit I~B) in .1c:cordancc \\ith contract spccifia1ions. After ~pproval,!tl!C R£ rctums I he oriain.al to 1hc conlrKCOr lllld complttn the remainin& di stribution as list~ on lhe bottom of lhe ronn Wbta 111 totW i1nc is subccxuncttd. them• the cOCllnctor's bid price. When 1 portion of on ilcm ss lubcontracttd,dtscn'be the pon1on and s.ho\\ the: pcrttntt&c oflbc bid {lll:mandYI~ Tbb fonq b aot k und ror IUbtdtudoa;s or tubHDtntt ton a a d OD Es. :ll .!.li!Ciit.jii .. f$1#!ili·id•Jjii:'311f!i i ti•I!'IM!ill(fiiJ I•IZ!riJi!li1J+i !.ijii.i!Q9J iijQ·itiQ-&i4 P>p:C.S6 IIAIIIO'~·CII-t«Oll~ aM)HfMt.V Del TIUCKIMO VI.WICAnoN ~CICW I1MJ -"'s:: --0::::... -----~ -~-........_ . ""'-. ......... . "" . ""' . ~ . " . ~ . ~ . 10Uoi.NIIQ.M~. --· ~~--·------Qt:l/l"f...-...oH~ ...... _ .. ..,..., i' ( f " . ---"~ -=--=- ! --,. r::-..=---~ 1:-..::---'=~ r:::=- :::=-=--=---=--=---:::=- ~--~ "\. I' '\ ,., .... 17 A-a-U,Ht4 j ~ ~ It i < t !! ~ ! f i ~~~ :;; ~~-li !:! li !l -~il ~ ~ J~! ~ u ~f' [ih ! d!l; ~i i Dolo--11.2017 aTY Of l'Eiol'lf aTY, COIJFOAIM IIIDOIHG >HD COHlRACT DOCl.OIEH'TS.IUHS-SI'ECFICATlONS STPl-5355(010) P£1lESTRIAN Nil BD<E PAllt lWE1Y lloAO\IENENTS OH l'Eiol'lf aTY aWl RIOM B. CAI4"' Af-'I.A\1£ TOEWS lNIE lffDNN(AY li!P aTYPAOJECT 10: P--C:O..O .... Ill o1 179 I:XIOBIT 111-Z L•nJ Aubaun Pronduns ~'-•••1 MHtW) ODE TrarU.a \'nifK•t ... Form Cl'.CEM 24~ (f)( NEW 12199) MOimll. Y DBE TRUCKINO VERJmCA TION Th< top of Form CEM·2404(f) cont11ns boxes 10 put in the Contn<l Number, the M0111h of the r<JlO<Itnl pniod ond the Year ol'the rcpontnJ period. The f orm CEM·2404(f) has a eotumn to ent er the name of the Truck: 0\\11er. the DBE Ccn. No. (if OBE ccnilicd) 11nd the Nmne and Addrns of the trucking comp4ny. The Fom1 CEM-2404(F) ralso requires 0\c: TNck No ~nd the C.lifomi1 Higf'I\\'IY Pl\lrol CA No Form CEM·2A04(F) iJ to be-JUbmiucd prior to lhc Is* of t:xb month and must sho"·lht do1 1u AmOUnt poid to lhc 09E uuclana <0n1p011)'(o) for truckinJ worlc performed by DOE «nificd IN<b ond fO< any tea o..-commiuMxts of nooDBE INCb utilized elth month oa the projca . The amountJ*d to etch CNCk:U\1 company Is 10 bt cntc"ttd in lhc cohurw al)(d "'Convniuion or A.nlOUnl Paid, .. ln tcaxdlnce \vilh lhc Spcc:ill ProvtJiOUI S«tion S..J.X. Po)'IDtllt ioformouoo IS dmvcd "'"'' the bllowina: I) 10014 forlhc tru<ktnal<r'i«spro\'idcd by the DB I:"'"'' trucb 11 owns. opcn~n ond "'''"" 2 l I 0014 fD< lhc lnl<kl111 r<n1<n provided by the tntela leu«! fn>~n or her DOE fttmt.. J.) The fcc OfcommlntOn poid to nonOBEs (or tbc least o(auc:ks. The Prune: doH not ~a~ 10014crcdit fD< these ocrvicn bcco""lhcy.,.. not provided by a DOE ccmpony. 1b< _, cloUor ficur< ofthu columo;, 10 be pla«d iD the bollobclcd "Tolal Amount Potd-1b< colunm "'at< Poi~ requim • dote !hot <odt trudcia& c:ompony io poid focl<n'ic:cs rcnd=d. Th< out -......., informotioG lhttt ""'"be complct«< if olcose """'-"' il 11pphcablc Locotcd at th< boaom ol'1bc Conn is •IJ*C 10 pu1lhc: ftlmC' oftbc "'Prime ContractOr,'" thtir -ausincsJ Adctrns .. tnd tltrir -&ustn<SS Phone No.- AI cht boc10m oflhc Corm !here ll tspecc foe lhc Coa.trac!OC ot dc:s.tanec "Connc10r Rtpresc-ntlllvt's Sianat'l.ft, T1tk 1nd 0.1c'" ttrut'ytna lMf lhe Ul!onnluon proV1ded oo the Conn u coa.,le1c a.nd conut. , •• , 1'-111 Aupll U ,2004 LPP 04-07 -Uj.j.JJ,ii:t.J!IC.!MQ!iidd•Jiil ~lbllfA!i.UI!il811dffiiWJ4@iji~Jiiiit.vpw n.l.IJ·ijij;t.!R.(ji Poao : c.sa l • . ~ .,... a_,.u,.,.,. .. et o.... .... , .. .,. • ......,.. ,.,.....-... Din •W nr.:n ... S.k~~ r--- £.ou•rr 17~P f"U...u. RI.POitT-4JTDJuno..,or DtSA.Dv.~....vr .. co l liSDr>"Us ~su:CDBil.um nan.nu St'IC.'Off'n.Acrou ~ ,. 1"--I '" -~T.............-I t ·::: ·~~---....... .. :::::::=.- ,_ .,~ ........ ~ M-· I --"=" -----c ---"' t---; t---~ f ./""' . ~;; t-----/ IJ )7 ! , t--,)\ ~ sf / -[ t-/ !~ A 1-_;!i t----f---i II~OilCOM~ -'--"""" i ~-------~-·-.. --_..----·----·-·-~-----· ... --"' ,_,.,.,,_,.,... ____ _.,.._~ i. I" ,.,..... ,_ ,,._ I ~ ltlln'l,.,_fNIC""'IU.t_.__.....,.,.____ .. ,_~-· ... ...,_ 1"---·- ,_ .,._,.._ ....... "-...._ eo..~c-o..t'-rl .... _._. ___ ...,_~....,_.. , .. _ -, ( .............. =·-==~..:=c::.:;:::o-.. --... --~-QI·'------'"'''-·-----.... -L._ Doot-.-V.2017 CI1Y Of TElof'l£ COY, c.ouFORIM ~Nil COIITRACT OOCUioEHTS. P1N«S AHil !IPECIFICAilOHS STI'I.~IOJI'SlESlRLAH Aim IIJI([ PAllt SAFETY loiPACNBiaiT'S OH TBFlf CI1Y 81.'10 FlltW a CAM!NO~ AVE TOEWS LNiE & PtJNNIAY IMP COY PROJECT.,. P1UI. -~""'" nc1 179 [~b.ll .,,, Aa.J R~-t l ntlul ... of Dh•tl'"••t•at4 II•"-"' !:at..-prhn COl E) u4 nna~TW Suk ollra<ltn INSTRUCTIONS -FINAL R£PO RT-UTILIZA TION OF DISADVANT ACED BUSINES S ENTERPRI SES (D BE) AND FIRST-TIER SUBCONTRACTORS t. Local Ag tocy Con h·ad Nurnbtr ·Enter the LOC'II Agency contract number or td ent ifiCT . 1. Ftdtrai·AJd P roj Kt N u mbtr . Enter lhc Federal-Aid ProJect Number l . L~l Agene y -Enter the name of the local or regional agency that is fund ing the con u·oct. 4. Cootne1 Complttloa OMit -Entc-r the date the contract was completed. 5. Contnt~or/Coa sultaa t -Eatn !.he coo.tractor/consult ~nt's ftnn n1 me. 6. Butlatss Addrns -Enter the contri C1or/consul tant's business address. 7. f1aal Cont.-.d Amount · Enter the total final amount for the conl.rlet 8. Cootntt l tem Nu mb u ·Enter contrac1 item fM work,scrvices, or ma terials supphcd pC"ovidcd. Not 1pplicablc for consultant coatrects. '· D<KI1p~OD or Work. S.n·krs. or M•t•rWs Su pp ll<d -Ull<f d<J<npllon or work, II<IVOCes. or motc:n ols pn>vldcd. lndicalc all wort 10 be pcrfonncd by DBEJ tnCiudtnJ wort performed by 1hc prime conlnoc:lodc:onsultaot's own fllR'a, iftbc prime " a DB E. Ir 100% of the It em os no110 bc pcrfonncd or funu shcd by the DBE. des<Tibc 1bc exact pon1011 10 be pcrfonncd or fum tolled by 1he DBE. Sec LA PM Ch.apcu 9 ro detmrunc how to count lhc pattkipetJon of DBE firms.. 10. Com p41ay Namt •ad Bu.slnnt Addr'f'Si • ElliC'flhc nJ.rnC', address. 1 nd phone number of 1l l 5Ubcoalrw:kd contrletors/ronsuhants Also, mttr the pn.rnc COr\IRC1or/consuhent's name and phone number, or 1hc prime " a DB E. II . DB£ Ctrti!'1nttioo Numbt r -Enter 1hc DBE 's Cc!1ofat1011ldcntifi Citioa N10nbcr. Leave blonk if subcoouo<IOI' ts not 1 DBE. 12. Coatncr Paym rots • Emcr the subconncted dollar amount of the work pnf()f11')ed or service provided. Include the prime contr'ICtor/eonsullanl if the pri me is • DBE. The Non-ODE column 11 ustd to enter I he dollar voluc or wort pcrfonncd by finnslha la« nor cmoficd DBE or for-k ancr a DOE bc<omcs dcc<rl i ficd. ll. D~tft Wo rk Co rupltrrd ·Enter lbc date the subcontfl(toclwbconiultanl 't&lcm Y..'Ork: wu compktcd. 14. Do lt of flo•l P1ymtol -En1cr the dote when I he prune OOnlrae iO<iconou hanl made 1hc fwl poym<niiO the subcontractor/subconsuhant for lhc po rtion of work lis.lcd u being comp lct~ 1~ Ort&to~tl DB£ CommJrm t ot Amount· Enter the "Total Claimed ODE P.rticipnion Doll on" from Exht b~s I Hl or I 0-02 ror lhe conlrOCL 16. To1 1!-Enl<r lh c 10m of lht: "ConlrOCI Paymc:nts" Non-DBE and DBE eolumm 11 . Coat ntelor/C oaJulll'"' Rt prnent11tin's Si&oMturt -Tbe person l.'Omplctingthc fonn on bclullf o f the contractor/consu llo.nt 's finn must sign their na.rne. 18. Coa rnectoi'/Con sul tlllnt Rt p rtStntAth •t's N•mt-Enter 11..: nnm..: oft he pen on prq)llli ng a nd signing the form. 19. Phon•-Enl<r the area code ond 1clepbonc numbcr of1ht: penon sisninalhc fonn. l O. Dar•-Enl<r the dole lht: fonn 11 si8Jlcd by dtc ronlnlctor's prcporcr. 11 . Lou I Ac~c-r Rtrr ntnfAth·r 's Slgnatu 1~ ·A l.oc:.ll Aaenc:y Reprc~ent111vc must ••an th eir naJ\K to cmofy 1ha11hc eonl ractona rttMlJ and on-sole pcrrom11nc c orlhc DBE(s) has been monuorcd. 11. t...oc.l A&nt·y Rt('lr t"ttntath•t'$ Namt ·Enter the n.~mc of the t..oc.l Ascncy Rcpracn11tivc stsnu•slhc fonn. lJ. Phoot • Enlc r the arc. code and tclcpbont number ofrhc person 11,Unathc fonn. l4, Datt -Enlcr 1hc dole 1ht: ronn is si1111cd by lite Loa! Afcncy Reptcscntal i>'< ,.,, J tf J J •ly lJ, JO U .I!,J.lj.ij;Miii•I8'Qiiiijl•ijl!:l.jilfiiii.I.Iii@i4ijgfjij•i@riJilfiiJiit•lfiiU!UUj iiij.f.iij·'f' Poao: C.60 I 1=--1' __ ... I ~ • a c--......... ·-·~ -~ -"=" -"= / v / / I I--.Jl ¥ ./ ~ 1--7 / ·-----~ ... ~-----1~'*!------. .. ---. , .. ·-· I .. _ I I L IU!nlrt l'U.I --~IUC-,__OIJ4tfi...,_.W_ ...... Ii&.l_...._.. l":r'-I ~--1'' ... l -----eo..--.... ..-----. ---._ __ ....., ___ . ____ ._ ______ .. .._ ___ ""'''·-·--"'-----····--· -U.-\0 , ... l fi(J J..,.U,MIJ r ,. I l f " ! [ ~ M ! ~ ! ' i ! 'l~l ; ~. ~ 'l~.A f I ill I ~~~~ i j ~l 'l ::; .2 UUi Ulh art Of TEII'I.E art, CIIURlRIM lll!lOOIG NIO CCIHmACT OOQ.ol4aiTS, IUHSNIO 6PEQFICA110NS STPI.-6316(1110) I'EIJESmWINIO 8IC£ PATli W£1Y llof'AOIIEW9IlS ON TEII'I.E art a.vo FROII B. CAioltiO REAl AVE 1'0 EWS lloHE I RONNfAY !liP art PAOJECT ID' 1'1~ o....-eo..o ..... 7< Gl 11'1 ~ltll.O Otudftnt•a•ll S.Waw-t• EartTf'N' (08[) Ct'ttllkattH Sbl•.a <=M •&• IJIISTRUcnO:-IS -DISADVAJIITA GEO BUSINESS ENTERPRI SES (ORE ) CERTIFICATION STATUS CHAI'IG[ l . Lot• I AgtnC)' Cootntct Numbn ·Enter the Local A seney (OOU'Uct number or tdalllfK'r. l . Vrdtl'lii-Aid Pro]t<! Numbtr • Enter the Frde!UI·Aid Projee t Number. J. Lo<al Agency-Enter the name of the lcx:al or regional Dgency tha t is funchngthe con tract. 4. Cool net CompiHioa Daft· Enter the dote tht conlrDct wns complete d. 5. Coolractor/Coasulh•nf • Entn-lhc contractor/consultant's fimt name. 6. Busl.a ess Addrtss -Enter the contractorlconsuhanfs business address. 7. FlDaJ Coo 11'11ct Amount· Eotct the total finalamooo.l for !he contract S. Coa l net lt.:m Numbn • Entcr contract ite-m for work, services. or matmals supplied provided. Not appl k-.ble for eonsuhant contracts. 9. DB£ Conhct Jnfonnatlon -Enter the rwnc, address, and phone number oflll ODE subcontl'lctcd contrKtOrslconsultanlJ. 10. OBE Ctrtlllcatlon Nu mbtr • Entertbt DBE 's CnUfK'IIhon ldnnificouon Number I I. AIIIOWI! Pold Whll< Cr r!lll<d • Ent<rlhe 1<11111 dollar value of the wortc perfonn<d by those tubconom:tonlsubconsultanll dunns the time penod they are ttnoflCd u a DBE. ll. C•rtUko!loo/Ot<tnlnl'11<1oa O.tt (Lonrr AnKhrd) • Ent<reothe rthe dote o r the Oeeerufocotion L<ll<r oent out by the Ollice or Business uod Economic Opponunjty (OBEO) or the date or the Certification Ccnofic:ote moo led OU1 by OBEO. IJ. Co mmtau • U needed. provwk any ;u:!ditional mfonnat10a 1n this section regarding any oflhc above eeruf~et~llon sta!IIS chanJICS. 14. Coar...eroriCouultaa! Rtpm<nlldn's Slgnohl,.. ·The p«>on completing the ronn on beluolr or the c:onU'IC10rlconsuhanfs firm mlm sign their name. IS. Conrncr or/Coa.su lf~ta l Rtprne:ufllth·t'·.s N•mt ·Enter the nant~ of the person pt'q)lllnJ and Slgnins the: ronn. 16. Phone · Enter the 11'<1 code ond tdephone number of the p«>on "JIU"I the ronn 17. Oo!t ·Enter the date the fonn IS S18J'<d by the eontroctor's prtporer. 18. Local A&to~· RtprtstnhUivt's Slgn111turt ·A Loa I Ageney Rcpresentauvc must ••an their Nlrnt to eenory th.atlbe: con tractina f ('(Ofds and on·IIIC' pnfOfTnlllce or the DBE(s) has been mon itort'd. 19. Loul Agtat)' Rtprtnnrarh·t's Na mt-EntC'r d\t' RinK" of the loc:al A$(1l(:Y RrprtSt:ntativc signing the: roon. 20. Phont--Enter the ar~Ca code lknd telephone numbtrofthc penon signins the fonn. 11. 0111tt -Enter lhe date the form is signed by the Loc11l Agency Repr...-scnto.uve . ht•l•rl J .. ) U.JOIS ,!!.!,!i!C1:f,!lli,'61Qiiilif!i&iii:i31il£i!I.U!ii!bli?i£j M•if idJjlfCiii([,Uii.] leJ.II tijQ.J.lQ•hi ... ,., C.62 O.-lladll1,Zl11 QTTOf Tt.IP.EQTT. ~ lllCOG-~~1'\N.SIHI~IIOKS Sl'l4!(tiO)--IIfDIIIGi~AlliW'ETYtlfiRMHJIIS ON TtWU C:llll"!!flt!l!O ti.~UN.AYE lO WJ&v.Nl &romtt\YU> Clt'IIIO.IiCT Q P~-Clo-"11 PoJo 8GI f7t PROPOSA~ GUARAHT'EE/810 BONO STPl·536S(OlO) PmESTRIAN AND BIK£ PATH SAFm IMPROVEMfNTS ON TEMPLE em 8LVO FROM El CAMINO REAl. AVE. TO !WS LANE • ROADWAY IM PIIOVtMENTS (STPLI OTY PROJECT ID : Pl.S-C6 City of Temple City l!lond No. 08507423 Bid O.lo. 04/2e/17 KNOW AU. MEN BY TliESE PR ESE NTS t~t All American Asphalt as 8 100ER, and Fidelity end Deposil Company of Maryland , u SURElY, are held ~nd nrmtv bound unto t he CltyofTemple City, In the pual sum of Ton PIH'cont o! TO!t!" dollars($ 10% or Bid ), which Is 10 P<"n:t nl of t he total amount bid by BID OER to the City or Temple Ci tv for the above stotlld project, fa< the ~tnt of which suM, BIOOER ond SURElY aaree lobe bound, Jo in tly and HY'L'rtlly, Rrm by these presenU. ·-!lid- THE CONDmONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH t hat, wtltreas 81000 li about to submit o bid to the Oty of Temple City for the a bow suted project, If nld bid Is rejected, or If sold bid Is octepted Wid a ccntt.ct is .-..arded oM entered Into by BIOOER In the m.JrMr and time soedfled, then thlt obliptlon shift be :n~l and vole, otherwlnll •h•ll ~moln In tun force and effect In favor of t he City of Temple City. IN WITNESS WHEREOf the plrtles hereto hi\~ Jet t heir namu, titles. hinds, 1nd seal• this .!.Zib. day o' April • 101!. &JOOER" AI American Aop!\oll· 400 Eoll Sodn S!r..C. Cotomo. CA t217V • Pllono(951)7J$.7eoG etlAI/(f;~~ vee:; ms. sv~rn· F~ ond ~ ~ol ~ • m S FJpuo<Go -·-31100, l.oo ......... CA 10017 o.vld Wel(213)270-0600 Rebecca Haas-Bales. Attomey-ln-F act • Pro llldo 8IODEII/SURETV n1-ne, addreu ond telephone numbtrond th e nom e, till~. addn ss an d te'ephone number for outhorlted represc ~totlve. Subscribed 1nd sworn to this __ day of -----~ 201_. NOTARY PUBliC: _____ ._._Pie..;;.a;:,.:s;.:a...;;See='-A"'ttach=.;;;ed:;_"_" ------- -@· ,J£i#M<Q•WA!;t.ih·'i'h6•f1!t .:•B*INI?eri·MrlidrlU!Jii«·A·IIQ4 ®oli &U~t.ik"f3 ,.,., c.u I I I I · .. I ! I _, ..... ,, ---........ - _; - / : ... _ ·- ..... ' -.. · ...... CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CIVIL C ODI! § 1189 A 110011)' publi< "'oth<T olllccr wmplctoftJ lllos cnt~fiCII< '<flflcoionly 11M: klcftioy of die: indMdual ~ ho """" the ,..,ll"':Mftl."nt to •ftKh lhkrrrttftattr k ltftar:hM.. Md Ml lht tn"hl\t~ ~ • nltdrtVntr.._ ~ StOle of c.lilomla County of __ .JR:l.li~v:s;:euJ'lwid;ce.__ who pro...r to me on the belli of UllaflldO<y oYidonco to be the ponon{o) -'*'-<•> .._ ·-to the Wllhon miniment and ~ 10 me lhel hMhellhey oxocuted the ...,. in ,_.. ...u>onzed c:apealy(IM), and !hat by hi-- ~·> on the inotNment the penon( a), «the entity ._, behalf olwtucft the person(a) llded, executed lhe Instrument I cer1Jfy under PENALTY Of PERJURY under the laws of the State o1 Califomill !hat the fo<going -raph is true and corred WITNESSmy~~and aeal. Sll-ft*W'C '-CJ.~ -----------------OPTIONAL ---------------------------- Thoughlho--• 1101 roouhd by low ,....,.,._._10_ ro~pttonh-..... ____ .. ...,,._ntollholfomiiO-- DeoeripUon of Al:taeM<t Document r111e «Type o1 0ocumon1 _____ .JB!o!.i!.!eduB~ol!!ndl!Y..·:..loCJJit..xv.J.o!lf..JT.J.eJJmlllp"-'l"'e.~oC .. iluY:..._ ______ _ Document Date: April 12. 2011 Number of Pages: Signot(o) Other TMn Nlmed Above ___ R~e~beccli!milil..!lH!J!8![8S=~:.t;~BI!IIIl:es:a..~A~ttomey!ll!lm.:l·!n-=FJ!IC!!il... _____ _ Copoelty(loo) Ctolmed by Stonot1o) Sogner'a Nome : ___ ..JE.,c!wJqiii!JI!II.oJI..kC.illr11on.ll2[!_ __ o lndMduol X C«p«ote Oftlc:er-Tlllo(o) _....::t.l!!ctu.J:JP!I111.1iden!l!'ii!I!IL- o Plllnef o Urnoled o a.... Jllllll o Marney in Fed o TNilH 0 ~------------ C.U.II'O RHIA AL L·PUAPOSB ACKHOWLeOOMI!NT CML CO OE § t t80 f\ nocory podc or oct... ofllc« ocmplellng thil ...-. ..,.. arl!( lho ldonllly ollho -.ol who1910d lho doc:u'rW1110 wHch thil ~ Ia onxhld, ond nollho IIVIhluNol, IIClCinCy. or ¥*My ollhot doc:u1wt. State o f CeUiomia County of _.C>niM===·-------- On 04/IV2017 t..lore me, R. ,._, No1ory Public Doll! Here Inset! N8nw and Tille of !he Officer po<WOnally eppoared _,R:!:d>cc=ca=l,tou-=Bai="":!....-------------------- Name(lf..ol Signet1'!,l who proved to me on the balil of satisfactOI)I evidence to be the per.onf* whose ~ Iaiiie IUbleribed to the within Instrument end acknowledged to me that h!Vahofltle¥ oxocuted the Hrne In hil/het/lheir authorized capoc:ity(~Ml, end that by hl&(llerllheir lllgnatur~on the lnstnJment the ponon($,), or the entity upon behalf ol which the person(sl. acted, executed the 1nsttument. ll*tlfy under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of · lhet !he foregoing per~ R. PARAMO c...muloll ' 2035110 Notary PW1i< • CIINOOIII ~E ~~\'ft.-::::..-~; 0nn00c-y - t"l Caonm. = ~ s. 2017 1 PIIICll No181y Seal Abolllt -------------oPnONAL -------------- Though lhls ssclion Is oplioNI, completing til'-lnlormelion c1111 deter altflflllion of lhe docutnfJflt or fr&UCAJ~ent !Uttechment of thl$ form to .., unintended document. DoacflpUon of Attached Document Tide or Type of Document Oid llond Document 0o1e· -'Wl;....,.;;.212,;.0,;,1;...7 ___ _ Number of Pages: lmill_ Slgnetjs) Other Than Named Above: All American Aspil>h Cepeclty{les) Claimed by Slgnerjs) SJgntt'a Name: Rctwcn l lnM:Il•tc• 0 Corpon~te Offocer -Thle(a): ---.----- U Partner -0 Umlted 0 Genetal 0 lndillldulll ~Attorney In Fact OTruatee ::J Guardian or Consetvator 0 ~~-~~------------­Signer t. Representing: ---;:-:-;--;--;---- fjdcll!y l!ld [)gxr!it Comrony or M!l!)'land Signet's Name: 0 CO<ponlte ott=-,ca-,---=Tl:::Uo(-:-:a),-: ------ 0 Partner -0 Umltod 0 GenetaJ 0 lnd'lllidual 0 Altomey In Fact 0 Trustee 0 G..rotan or Conservator 0 Other: =----.--------------- Signer Is Representlng: ------------- C20t 4 Nellonal Notaty Auoclatlon • www.NallonaiNotary.org • 1-800-US NOTARY (1 ·800·876-6827) Item 15907 W RICH AMERI CAN INSURANCE COMPA NY COLONIA L AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY nDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY O F MARY LA ND POWER O F ATTO RNEY KNOW AU.. MEN BY 1llESE PRESENTS Th11 1he ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 <0<p0n11ion or 1he S111e or New Yort, lhe COLONIAL AMERICAN CAS UALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, 1 corpon~ion ofllle Slote of M~tyland , 1nd 1he FIDELITI AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND 1 corpon~ion of lhe Swe or M ~tyllnd (h<Kin <OIIcalvely called !he "Companies}. by C ER.f\LD F. I lA LEY, VIce Praldenl , In !"'nuance or llllhorily ........ by Anlclc V. Socllon 8, ol llle By·Liws ohald Comp~~~lcs, which In SCI fonh on lhe "''""" side hm<J( lnd ..., hereby ocnlned 10 be In full fom: and effect on lhe ell~ henoof, do bc:r<by nominal<. CONIIIUle, ond lpi'Oint WIU11m SVRKIN , Rebetta KA AS.BATES, ~o D. BECU,-.R.f\ and Rlcbanl ADAIR , Ill or Irvine, CalifomJ:a , EAC JI hs uue lnd lawl\il aacnt lnd Auomey-in-Fact. to make. execute. seal and dc.J ivcr. for, and em its bef'\Mf u aurecy, and as its act ltld deed: 1ny and aU boncil and undtrtlkfngs, and &he cxc:cution of such bonds or undcnaklnaaln pum~ance of these prc.~e.nts, shall be u bindlna upon said Companies, u fully 1nd I mply, 10 alllntenu ond P"rposes, as ;r 1hey had been duly exeaned 1nd ocknowledged by !he n:gul orly elcaed officers or llle ZU RI CH AM ERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 01 liS ornce in New Yorlc, New York., lhe rqulnrly dected offiC<ts oflhe COLONIAL AMER ICAN CASUA L TV AND SURETY COMPANY DillS orr ICC in Owings Mills, Muytllnd., ond lhe n:gulotly doaed olliccn of !he FIDEUTY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAN D II liS orr ICC In Owinp Mi iiJo. M!l!)'land..ln !heir own proper pcnons. Tho said VIce Pn:sldcnl does hereby cen lry !hat lhe ex.-SCI fonh on lhe ""'"""side hem>( Is 1 INe copy of Anicle V, Socllon I, or the By-Laws of u ld Companies. and is now in fOfCC. IN Wt'lliESS WHEREOF. I he llld Vlc.Presidenl hu hemln10 subt<nbed hislhef nome~ and affi aed lhe Co!ponle Scola or I he A id Z URICII AMERICAN IN SU R.f\NCE CO MPA NY, COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTI AND SURETY COMPAN Y, and FID ELITY AN D DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, !his 'llh day or May. A.D. 2016. ~-------- S«tYiary Erlc:D.Bamu S tat~ or Maryland Coun1y or Bahlrn<>n: ATTEST: ZURIO I AMDUCAN INSI/RANCE COMJ'ANY COLO~lAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMJ'ANY flDELlTY A ~1) DEPOSIT CO~IPANY OY MAR YLAND Vice Pnsldtllt G<rold F. /foley Oo lhlo 9111 day ol Moy. A.D. llllli. bel.,. llle IGbtcribcr. o ......,. Plobllc ol lhc S...c of Muylood. clloly ~ ond qoolllkd. C£1tALD F. KALEY, VIa Pralclcftl, ud £RIC D. 8 ARNl:S. Sc<n\11)', ol doc c:.n.p.nla.IO"" ~7-IO b< lllelodlvldab ond olrocm cbcribcd in ond wfrto u.cakd die pn!CCidir-.: instnnm.a. .cl IICbowk:dp:d the c.uarioft ol~~~mt. Md ban& b)' me dal)' awom.. ckpoleth ..t wth. 1M hrllhc Is lbc wd omccr ol the Comc-7 •ro.a.od. and thtll !he ldb .m.cd 10 Lbc pmxd' .... lntlnltnrte M: lhc: Corpc:w.e SrU o( pld Con.-ucs. and lhlllhc AJd Ccrponlc Scab: and lhe aiJNI•re u such ofnocrwt.rc duty amud Md wbscn"bd 10 !he l&kllnstnunc:N by the aUihcw11y and dimctkln o(thc said Corpor~tkwts eama-A.Oucoo.......,.Pobllc: My Commiuicn Eltpim· Jttly 9. 2019 EXTRACT FROM BY-L AWS OF THE COMPANIES • Artk lc V, Scc.1kln 8. AUO!J!C'J·In.f¥1 The OlieJ Ex-et'UCi'-e Offi«-r. t he l)n::sident. or any E.\l'C\MI'Ve Vk:c Preskk:nt or VIce President IN)', by wrillen inilf\lment uftder the IM.tested tnfJlCli"::I'C Kal, appoint Rttnme15--in-f1tt with IUIMrity 10 tlecute htwk, pnli(M:$. recoenlzanc:u. Mipulldons. undcnld.inRJ. I'W OltK.·r li~c inSirumentJ on lx:half nr the Con•r-tY· end ml)' MHhorite ... ,. ofrM."ef' or any such "'""""Y·In-riiCI 10 amx 11\c corpoo~e ICOI 1ttcmo:.,.. m>y Wllh 0< ,.hhoui cause modiry or ~"""• any IUCh oppo;n.mcn1 "' ... horiiy atony time," CERTIFICATE I, 1he uodcnlancd. Vice lwld<·m or 1he ZURIOf AMiliUCAN INSURANCE COMI'ANY. 11\c COLON IAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COM I'ANY ..... lh< ~l i>EUTY AN D DEI'OSrr COM I' ANY 01' MARYLAND. do hcn:hy wdry lhoi 1he fon:rntnJ Po•-cr ot Anomey is shll in full fon."e lnd effect on the da~c o( this t'Cf1 irtetMC: Md I do IUnht:r cenify rhal An tele v. Secckwll. or 1he Dy-La•" of the Companies is scHI In ({)rt'.(!. Th is ~'Cf of Anomey and Ccnlr.c11c n\1)' be .signed by fx.si mile unckr lllnd by authority C"l( the folto"ina: resolution o( the Roard of l)ir<e~DB or the ZURI CH AMER ICAN INSU RANCECOMPA.'IY 310 """<ing duly rail ed ond hdd on lhe 15th <by or December 1998. RESOI .. VED: 11\31 the !.itft31u.te o( the PresKient or a Vice Prc:sktcnt and the aucsain1 SiJfJ\.MU~ uf' 1 Sm'l1ary or~ AssiSIMt Stcret:ary mnd the Snl of the Comp:lf'ly nuy be ::.ffi<C-"d hy r~intile on~rty PC)Y.ctof Anomcy .. Any such Powef or..,.,. C'C'Itir.ca~e thercorhcwina 5UCh rxslmilc '''""'""' ond snl sh>ll he volid lind blndln1 on 1he Contplny.· ThiJ P~u or Att0f'T1Cy and U•rtllkulle rN~Y be slaned by ranlmUc uMcr and by nuthorily or the rollowinc raolutk)n o( the Bowd of Dircet<"" or the COI.ONIIIL AMERICAN CASUALTY A."D SURETY COMPANY at a m«tlntlluly alk'<l and hdd on lhe $lh day of May, 199 1, .... tho follcw.IMjlrt<Oiulk>n or the llooro of Dlt«tm or lhe AI>B.n 'Y AND ~)'()SIT COM PANY 01' MARYLAND M a mc<.1lnJllulyealled and held on the lOth <by of May. 1990. RESOLVED: '"lll:lllhe r>airm le "' mcdlania&lly reproducal,..l ur tile rompany und rD<>Imllc 0< merlulnia&lly n:pnx1u<e<1 siJnal~ or any Vice-P~kienl. Secret::wy. or A.ssi.st:Jnt Secrrtary or the CompMy. •·hl-.h<.-r m3de hen:tol'ore or trrHfh .. 'f. \lo'hcrt-\'Cf appe:rina upon a ccnifoed ropy or any power or >«omcy luued by the Company. shol l he volid ond hindinc upon the Co"''""'Y ~ilh 1he '"""' roo:e and dfea .. lhou~ m:•n.:tlly affill«<. M~<:hacl Bond. Voce Pruidcn1 TO REPORT A C I..AIM WITH REGARD TO A S URETY BO ND. PLEAS E SUBMIT ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION TO: Zurich An-...Yican lnslmlncc Co. Attn: Surety Chums 1299 Zuric h W•y Seho umbur&.IL60196-1056 ADDENDUM #2 BI DD ING AN D CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, PLA NS AND SPECIFICATION S for STPL-5365(010) PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ON T EMPLE CITY BLVD FROM EL CAMINO REAL AVE. TO ELLIS LAN E & ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (STPL) CITY PROJECT ID: P15-06 Date Issu ed : April 28, 2017 •~~~...,...~-.,w•----lln_.,.,....... __ ~_,...........l.""""".., ... _.,....,.,..,._l"''l.._... Addendum for: Addendum No.: STPt-5365(010) PEDEST!I IAN AND BIKE PATll SAFETY IMPROvtMENTS ON TEMPL£ CllY BLVD FIIOM E1 CAM INO REAL AVE. TOEWS LANE & ROADWAY IMPROvtMENTS(STPL) CITY PROJECT ID: P15-06 Addendum Date: APRIL28, 2017 Issued by: Re mlnder2: City of Temple City All Caylr, PE, City Engineer P1 ease sl&n Addenda Acknowled&eme nt on pa s o C·9 of Bid PKkaa• Section n tted "C. BIDDER 'S PROPOSAL". Entire Section C shall be submitted as Bidder's Proposal Per Addendum 1, bid due date Is revised up t o the hour of 2:00 PM, on M1y J, 2017(Tuesdly). See below list for questions received 1nd responses provided. Q.Ol Whit Is the basis for p1yment for the utility adjustment: Per Item no. 1 the adjustments for the ulstln& utilities (M.H. Covers Water Valves Uds)? Our take oH shows 1 total of 22 storm drain M.H's ~Sewer M.H.'s and 25 water valves. A.Ol This proj«t Improvements does not chanae the road profile. AC Improvement Is 2" AC cold miR and 2" AC ovorlay . Also, Rofor to Section E-Special Provisions, 4 Aspholt Concrete P1vement. Paa• E·lS. •• shown below: b. Payment 1.) Rubberized 1sphalt pavement overlay shall be pold per ton ond shall include labor and material to furnish and construct 1sphalt pavement In compllanco with t he obove requlremonu 1nd t he cost of 111 labor 1nd motorial to Include tKk coat. od)ust sewer, storm drain, sower trunk m1nholes and othor manholes and valvo and covers lncludlntl water valvos, sas valvos, SCE manholos and tole phone monholes frame cover to arade. Q,02 Can you provide 1 detail on sl1nal mountlnp we are t o use with the ropiKement traHic sl&nll h11ds? Also, con you provide the manuflcturer on tho sl1nals th1t need replacement becld"l plates? A.02 Details for new traffoc silnal mountinp shan be per Caltrans Standards and conform to the Caltrans Standard Spedflcatlons and/or Standard Specoflcatoons for Public Works Construction and shall m1tch exlstl"l unless otherwise 1pproved by the E"lineer. There Is no preferred backplate> manufocturer. However, all new backplotes. to be provided by P11•2 the Contractor, must conform t o the CaltransStandard Specifications and Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. Q.Ol Can you verify street nomes thlt you n eed new Jlans on, as well II 1 pole schedule ? A.03 The Traffic Poles a re exlstln1. It shall be the prospective Contractor's responsibility to verify the actual pole schedules. Q.04 Does Detail 2 -Standard Slsn Post Detell on Sheet 2 of 29 on the Pions opply to all new slsn posts to be constructed? A.04 Yes. All new sign posu to be constructed shall be per Detall2 -Standard Sign Post Deta llu shown on Sh oot2 of 29, whet hor show n or not shown on evory sheet. Paae 3 ADDENDUM #1 BI DDING AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, PLAN.S AND SPECIFICATIONS for STPL-5365(010} PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ON TEMPLE CITY BLVD FROM EL CAMINO REAL AVE. TO ELLIS LANE & ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (STPL} CITY PROJECT ID: PlS-06 Date Issued : April 24, 2017 ·-r-.. o-._..,..._ ___ 1(10;1 ----.,.-~-·-.... ----,-·ltlftftW __ ,.._""""'_""'-\-.0 Addendu m for: Adden dum No.: STPl ·53 6SI010) PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROVEM ENTS ON TEMPlE OlY BlVD FROM El CAMINO REAl AVL TO ElliS lANE & ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (STPL) CITY PROJECT ID: Pl S-06 Add endum Dote: APRIL24 , 2017 Iss ued by: City o f Temple City All Coylr, PE, City Enclneer Rem inder 1: PI use sltn Addenda A cknowled1ement on pace C·9 o f Bid Packace Se<tlon Tit led "C. BIDDER'S PROPOSAl". En tire Stc:tlon C sholl be submitted as Bi dder's Proponl This Addendum 1 rt'tlses bid OIH'"Inc dote up to the hour of 2:00 PM, on May 2. 2017 (Tuesday). Another addendum will be issued by April 27, 2017 to respond to last minute questions re<elved . All questions regardi n& to this bid shall be dlrec:ted via ema il t o Okan Demircl (Proj ec:t Manager) at okan .demlr<iCj)transtech.or&. no later than 5 PM, April 26, 2017. Any questions received after this deadline will not be ans-red. If a bid Is submitted on the orlclnal bid date of Aprll 26, 2017,1t will be returned unopened, and the bidder un subm it Its bid on the revised bid date of M ay 2, 2017, 2:00PM. P•c• 2 Brenda Royster From: Sent Subject Okan ~mirci <okan.demirdOtranstech.org> Monday, April 24, 2017 4:16 PM 0TY OF TEMPLE OTY, ADDENDUM 1, STPL-5365(010) PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH SAFETY I MPROVEMENTS ON TEMP LE OTY BLVD FROM EL CAMINO REAL AVE. TO ELUS LANE & ROADWAY IMPR OVEMENTS (STPL). 0TY PROJECT 10: P1 5-06 Attachments: ADDENDUM 1, TE MPLE OTY, PED AND BIKE PATH SAFETY IMP, STPL·5365(0 10).pdf Addendum for: STPL-5365(010) PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH SAFETY I MPROVEMENTS ON TEMPLE CITY BLVD FROM EL CAMINO REAL AVE . TO ELLIS LANE & ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (STPL) CITY PROJECT ID: P1S-06 Addendum No.: 1 Addendum Dat e: APRIL24, 2017 Issued by: Ci ty of Temple Ci ty All tayi r, PE, tity Engi neer Rem inder 1: Please sign Addend a Ackn owl edgement o n page C-9 of Bi d Pa ckage Sectio n Tl tl ed "C. BIDDER'S PR OPOSAL". Entire Secti on C shall be submitted as Bi dder's Pr oposal See attached Addendum 1. This Ad dendum 1 revises b id opening date up to t he hour of 2 :00PM, on May 2, 2017 (Tuesday). Another addendum will be Issued by April27, 2017 to respond to last m inute questions received. All questions regarding to this bid shall be directed via email to Okan Demlrcl (Project Manager) at okan .demlrci@transtech .org. no later than 5 PM, Aprtl26, 2017. Any questions received after this deadline w ill not b e answ ered. If a bi d is submitted o n the original bid date of April 26, 2017, It will be returned unopened, and the bidder can submit Its bid on the revised bid date of May 2, 2017, 2:00PM. Below Is the link to download Bidding and Contract Dog~ments. Plans and Spedflcatlons pod Addendum 1 for t he protect: https:Uwww.dropbox.com/sh/fr3broik71hn1pa /AAA9KXkx6whlmcjiiPDMV1Toa?di=O I f there are any questions regarding this project, please contact, via e-mail: Okan Demircl Project Manager City ofTempl e City E: oka n.demlrcl@transtech.org Click~ to report this email as spam . ATTACHMENT B Bid Analysis NAME: CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, STPL-5365(010), PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH IMPROVEMENTS ON TEMPLE CITY BLVD FROM El CAMINO REAL AVE. TO BID TABULATION Eng Estimate Bid Item and Descriptio n 620,000 SF 7,700 1 lS 1 lS 82 EA 115 EA 30 EA Apparent low Bidder 1 Apparent Low Bidd er 2 Apparent Low Bidd er 3 50.20 $83.00 $51,000.00 $8,200.00 $715.00 $210.00 $420.00 $280.00 $1,150.00 $1,600.00 $1,425.00 $42. 0 :\0ropbox (T,_Mtech fnlk1eers)\jOBRECR0\201S\1SJ97 TC TC Bl HSIP AND STPL PROJ DES AND CMO\WIP\10110 ANMYSIS\0 810 ANALYSIS, TE MPLE OTY, PEO AND BUCE PATH SAFETY IMP. STPl·536S(OlO).xlu810 TABULAllON Apparent Lo w Bidder 4 $300.00 $1,000.00 AVERAGE BID VAlUES LOWEST UNIT BID PRICE $70.00 HIGHEST UNIT BID PRICE 50.39 $1,600.00 1 of 4 NAME: CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, STPL-5365(010), PEDESTR IAN AND BIKE PATH IMPROVEMENTS ON TEMPLE CITY BLVD FROM EL CAMINO REAL AVE. TO BID TABULATION Bid Item and Description REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTI NG TRAFFIC SIGNAL BACI<PLA TES PER CAMUTCD. THE OF SIGNAL VISORS (HOODS), THE Qty Eng Estimate Total Price 17 EA 64 Apparent Low Bi dder 1 Apparent Low Bidder 2 Apparent Low Bidder 3 All American Asphalt Palp, Inc. DBA Excel Sully-Miller Contracting UnlrPrb Total Price Unit Price Total Price Un itPrke Total Price S290.00 Sl ,OOO.OO 0:\0ropbox {Trtnstech En&Jn~ers)\106RECR0\20 1S\1Sl97 TCTC BL HSlP AND STPl PROJ DES AND CMO\WIP\10&10 ANAL.VSIS\0 810 -.NALYSIS, T£MPlE OTY, P£0 AND BIKE PATH SAFfTY IMP, STPl~Sl6S(OlO}.du:810 TABULA n ON Apparent Low Bidder 4 AVERAGE BID VALUES Hardy & Harper Inc. UnltPrict Total Price Unlr Prier Total Price Sl,OOO.OO LOWEST UNIT BID HIGHEST UNIT BID PRICE PRICE Sl,OOO.OO 2of4 1 . BID TABULATION PROJECT N A M E: CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, STPL-5365(010), PEDESTRI AN AND BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS O N TEMPLE CITY BLVD FROM El CAMINO REAL AVE. TO ELUS LANE & ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (STPL) CITY PROJECT ID: P15-06 Apparent low Bidder 1 Apparen t low B idder 2 Apparent Low B i dder 3 Apparent low Bid der 4 BID T ABULATION Eng Estima t e Pal p , Inc. DBA Excel Sully-M iller Contracting AVERAGE BID VALUES LOWEST HIGHEST All Ame r ican Asphalt Pavi ng Comp any Company Hardy & Harp e r Inc. UNIT BID UNIT BID Un1tPrk:e l PRICE PRICE Bi d Item and Description Qty Unit Total Price Unit Prk• Total Price Unit Price Total Price Unit Price Tota l Price UnitPrk:l! Total Price Unh Prla Total Price INSTALL THERM OPLASTIC PAINT STRI PIN G, CROSSWALK AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS. THIS BID ITEM LIMITS ARE BETWEEN TEMPLE 1 LS $9,800.00 $9,800,()( $7,000.00 $7,000.00 A.3 CITY BLVD AN D LEMON AVE INTERSECTION $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $22,050.00 $22,050.()( $13,462 .50 $13 ,462.50 $7,000.00 $22,050.00 NORTH LEG (STA 123 + 55) TO NORTH PROJECT LI M IT (STA 137 + 45). I RE M OVE EXISTING TRAFFIC LOOP INCLUDI NG ITS DETECTOR WIRES. PROVIDE & INSTALL TRAFFIC LOO PS (6' DIAMETER & ROUND) AND CONN ECT DETECTOR WIRES TO EXISTI NG A.4 LEAD IN CABLES. 14 EA $210.00 $2,940.00 $400.00 S5,600.0C $500.00 $7,000.00 $300.00 $4,200.01: $352 .50 $4,935.00 $210.00 ssoo.oo TH IS BID ITEM LIMITS ARE BETWEEN TEMPLE CITY BLVD AND LEMON AVE INTERSECTION NORTH LEG (STA 123 + 55) TO NORTH PR OIFrT liMIT lqA 1 U · 4~l BID RANKING BASED ON TOTAL BAS E BID AMOUNT (The award of ~ontract Is base d on t h e Total Ba se Bid Amount only. The Additive Apparent low Apparent low Apparent low Ap parent low jA.Iternate Bid Item will not be taken Into account In determining the Bidder 1 Bidder 2 Bidder 3 Bldd er4 l owest responsible bidder) ~OTAL BA SE BID AMOUNT CALCULATED BASED ON UNIT PRICES 1 $1,100,000.00 $1,018,110.00 $1,079,010.00 $1,151,000.00 $1,190,000.00 $1,109,530 .00 ~OTAL BASE BI D A MOUNT INDICATED BY BIDDER $1 ,018,110.00 $1,079,010.00 $1,1S1,000.00 $1,190,000.00 CALCULATION CORRECTIONS TO BID AMOUNT SUBMmED BY $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ONTRACTOR BASED ON CALCULATED BID AMOUNT trOTAL ADDITIVE BID AMOUNT CALCULATED BASED ON UNIT PRICES (The award of contract Is NOT based on this amount as $121,040.00 $126,100.00 $156,650.00 $143,000.00 $136,697.50 i ndicated above) (This amount Is additive to Ba se Bid Amount calculate above) OTAL BASE BID AMOUNT+ TOTAL ADDITIVE AND DEDUCTIVE BID AMOUNT CALCULATED BASED ON UNIT PRI CES (The award of $1,139,150.00 $1,205,110.00 $1,307,650.00 $1,333,000.00 $1,246,227 .so on tract Is NOT based on this amount as Indicated above) IS THE BID DER QUALIFIED BASED ON REFEREN CE PROJECTS ES SUBCONTRACTOR % AND AMOUNT SHOWN IN THE BID 25.61% $260,745 .0< 34.86% $376,174.00 DID THE BIDDER MEET MAX 4 9% SUB CO NTRACTOR (MIN 51% ~SUB 49 0011 •• •• Oetal~ analysis Is not being W ORK BY PRIME CONTRA CTOR) REQUIREMENT fl'Js Detailed analysis is not being conducted with t his bidder at conducted w ith t his bidder at t his " .............. ..... ,.. ~-------s•uoooc thl!.tlme time Cloth~ S'r'-Jt$0: ~ ...... ......... UBCONTRACTORS ~tt.of~U.CIJWIM. 511 ... !.(1( ;~oW "--I \HI "'-""" ~o.c ... S165.,1S.ot: >tloltiiiO"D«h U,._DMOt: TOTAl SliiG.l4S.OC lrn •Al Sll't,17~~ 0:\Dropbo~t (Tr•nuech Enclnten)\JOBIUtR0\20a\tSJ97 TC TC 8l HSIP AND STPL PROJ DB AND CM O\WIP\10810 ANM't'SIS\0 810 ANALYSIS, TEMPLE CrTV, PEO AND BIKE PATH SAFfTY IMP, STP L·S165(010).xl s).810 TA8UlATION 3 of 4 2. REVIEW OF APPARENT lOW BID PPARENT LOW BID SUBMJTTEO BY AU America n Asphalt APPARENT LOW BID AMOUNT: I $1,018,110.00 ITEM REVIEWED/CHECKED REVIEW RESULT CHECKED BY DATE REMARKS BID STAMPED AS RECEIVED PRIOR BID TIME YES CllY CLERK S/2/17 BID BONO IN PROPER AMOUNT· YES CllY CLERK S/2/17 ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: YES OD S/3/17 OTAI. BID PRICES CALCULATED CORRECTLY YES 00 S/3/17 UBOONT~ORAMOUNT S260,74S 00 OD S/3/17 MIN PRIME CONTRACTOR% REQUIREMENT fOR WORK PER SPEOfiCATIONS 5100% 00 5/3/17 PRI ME CONTRACTOR% CALCULATED PER BID SUBMITTAL (THIS% MUST BE EQUAL OR MORE THAN ABOVE%)· 74.39% 00 S/3/17 BIDDER COMPLIES WITH MIN PRIME CONTRACTOR% REQUIREME NT YES 00 S/3/17 MAX SUBCONTRACTOR PERCE NT PER BID 49.00% 00 S/3/17 UB CO NTRACTOR% CALCULATED PER BID SUBMITTAL (THIS% MUST BE EQUAL OR LESS THAN ABOVE%): 25.61% 00 S/3/17 BIDDER COM PLIES WIT H MAX. SUB CONTRACTOR% REQUIREME NT: YE S 0 0 S/3/17 PRIME CO NTRACTOR LICE NSE STATUS All Amerkan Asphalt 267073 JA S/1S/17 Print--out from CLSB Web Paae att01ched (http·//www cslb.ca aovn "RIME CO NTRACTOR OIR REGISTRATION STATUS All Amencan Asphatt 10000010S1 JA S/1S/17 Print-out from DIR Web Poae ottoc:hod (https//efihna.dlr.co aov/PWCR/Seorch) ~UB CONTRACTOR LICENSE STATUS Cit Tn.cltlna Inc. 991122 JA S/15/17 Print-out from CLSB Web Po&e ottochod (http 1/www cslb co aov/) ~UB CONTRACTOR LICENSE STATUS Smithson ElKtnc IrK 614S18 JA S/1S/17 Print-out from CLSB Web Poco ottochod (http.l/www cslb co lOY/) ~UB CONTRACTOR LICENSE STATUS Oyna Etectrk: SS0173 JA 5/15/17 Print "()<It f rom CLSB Web Pogo onochod (http.l/www.cslb.co 1ovfl SUB CONTRACTOR OIR REGISTRATION STATUS Casela nd Survey 1000001533 JA 5/15/17 Print-out from OIR Web Page attac hed (https.//efillng.dlr.ca.aov/PWCR/Search) UBCONTRACTOR OIR REGISTRATION STATUS Cat Tracklnalnc. 1000011750 JA 5/15/17 Print-out from DIR Web Pi&e attached (https~//efillng.dlr.ca.aov/PWCR/Search) UB CONTRACTOR DIR REGISTRATION STATUS Smithson Elecuk Inc 1000001610 JA 5/IS/17 Print-out from DIR Web Paae attached (https://eflllng.d~r.ca aov/PWCR/Search) UB CONTRACTOR DIR REGISTRATION STATUS Ovna Electnc 1000001129 JA S/IS/17 Prlnt-out from DIR Web PJ&e antch~ (https //efi 101 dlr u &OY/PWCR/S•arch) PRIME CONTRACTOR DEBARMENT STATUS fROM STATE CONTRACTS M Amerfcln A>pha~ NOT FOUND IN ACTIVE DEBARRED liST JA S/15/17 Pnnt«rt from DIR Web Page attached (http //www d" ca gov/dlse/debar html) UB CONTRACTOR DEBARMENT STATUS fROM STATE CONTRACTS Clsel•nd Survey NOT FOUND IN ACTIVE DEBARRED LIST JA S/1S/!7 Pnnt-out from DIR Web Page attached (http 1/www dor ca gov/dlse/debar htmQ UB CONTRACTOR DEBARME NT STATUS FROM STATE CONTRACTS Cat Tracldns Inc NOT FOUND IN ACTIVE DEBARRED liST JA S/15/17 Prtnt-out f rom DIR Web Page attached (http 1/www dir ca govldlse/debar htmQ SUB CO NT RACTOR DEBARM ENT STATUS FROM STATE CONTRACTS Smfthson Electrk Inc. NOT FOU ND IN ACTIVE DEBARR ED LIST JA 5/1S/17 Prin t-out f rom DIR Web Page a ttached (httpllwww.dir.ca gov/dlse/debar hlml) SUB CO NTRACTOR DEBARMENT STATUS FROM STATE CONTRACTS Oyno Electric NOT FOUND IN ACTIVE DEBARRED LIST JA S/IS/17 Pnnt-<>ut from DIR Web Page attached (http //www dir ca gov/dlse/debar html) PRIME CONT~OR DEBARMENT STATUS fROM FEDERAL CONTRACTS All Amerian Asph1tt NOT FOUND IN ACTIVE DEBARRED liST JA S/IS/17 Pnnt-out from SAM Web Page attached (https//www sam gov/po<taVSAM/#1) UB CONTRACTOR DEBARMENT STATUS FROM fEDERAL CONTRACTS Smlthwn Electrk: Inc NOT FOUND IN ACTIVE DEBARRED LIST JA S/15/17 Pnnt«rt f rom SAM Web Page attached (https 1/www sam gov/pOIUIVSAM/#1) ~UB CONTRACTOR DEBARMENT STATUS fROM FEDERAL CONT~S Cat Tr.cldn1lnc NOT FOUND IN ACTIVE DEBARRED LIST JA S/IS/17 Pnnt-out from SAM Web Page attached (https 1/www sam gov/po<taVSAM/# 1) ~UB CONTRACTOR DEBAR MENT STATUS FROM f EDERAL CONTRACTS Smithson Electrk Inc NOT fOUND IN ACTIVE DEBARRED liST JA S/1S/17 Pnnt-out f rom SAM Web Page attached (https 1/www sam gov/ponaVSAM/#1) ~UB CONTRACTOR DEBARMENT STATUS FROM FEDERAL CONTRACTS Dyno Electric NOT fOUND IN ACTIVE DEBARRED liST JA S/1S/17 Pnnt-out f rom SAM Web Page attached (https l /www.sam govlportaVSAM/#1) REFERE NCE CHECK ACCEPTABLE : YES S/IS/17 D·\Dropbolt rrr~n nech Enclnecn)\108RECR0\2015\1Sl97 TCTC 81. HSIP AND STPI. PROJ DES AND CM CI\WIP\10&1D ANALYSIS\0 BID ANALYSIS, TEMPI.( ClfY, P£0 AND BIKE PAlli WETY IMP, STPl ·S365(010)lllnREVIEW Of APPARE NT lOW l iD 4of 4 City of Temple City Pedestrian & Bike Path Safety Improvements at Temple City Blvd. HSIPL-5365(01 0) CONTRACTOR: ALL AM ERICAN ASPHALT Offeror lnfonnatio n 1 SUBCONTRACTOR LIST 2 DIR REGISTRATION 3 REFERENCES 4 PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE QUESTIONAIRE 5 EEO/ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/ NON ·COLLUSION 6 BID SCHEDULE 7 PROPOS AL GUARANTEE BID BOND 8 NOTORIZED 9 BIDDER INFO RMATION (CORPORATION) 10 NOTOR IZ ED 11 COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATION 12 NON-COLLSION AFFIDAVIT 13 NON-LOBBYING CERTIFICATION 14 *DBE Goal Participati on/Good Fa i th Effo rts Documentation Offeror lnfonnation 1 ADDENDUM #1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 2 ADDENDUM #2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Total number Y : Total number N: B ID EVALUATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 B ID ANALYSIS REFERENCE CHECK CONTRACTOR LICENSE CHECK SAMS.GOV/ EXCLUSION CHECK DIR CONTRACTOR REG I STRATION CHECK AM BEST RATING CHECK BID$ 1 ,018,110 Page C.7 y C.12 y C.S-9 y C.40 y C.39 y C.2·3 y C.13 y C .13Atch. y C.10 y C.10 Atch. y C.13Atch. y C.42 y C.44 y C.47-49 Atch. y y y E8 y y y y y y An ana lysis of the apparent lowest bidder A ll American Asphalt (AAA). Inc was conducted, including a review of their license. refe rences and all federa l documents . AAA's license is cu rre nt and active and refe rence checks revealed th at the contractor's prior work was completed satisfactorily and no change orders were initialed by the contractor in previous projects. All Ameican Aspha lt is committing 5 .6% Contract D BE Goal. There's an 11% Contract DBE Goa l set for th is project. Although AAA did not meet the set goal for th is contract. the contractor provided an adequate amount of Good Faith Efforts documentation. It has been determined that All American Asphalt is the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder. HSI PL -5365(01 0) All American Asphalt Contact Person hat was your involvement on the JOb? Overall Performance/Qual ity/Delivery? {1 -10) Was the job completed on time? the job completed within budget? they looking for change orders on the job? Maintenance of th e job si te/traffic & pedestrian co ntrol? How wa s th eir communica tion? Are you willing to wort< with this cont ractor in the future? REFERENCE CHECK John Beshay I 909.839.7044 Asst. PM 7 .5110 No, due to unforeseen conditions No, due to unforeseen co nditions Yes , but initiated by City 8110 8110 Yes Hawthorne Hawthorne Blvd Reconstruction Heecheol Kwon I 310.349.2980 Engineer 9110 Yes Yes No 9110 9110 Yes C:\Users\JJOAQUIN\Desktop\Projects\TC\010 TC Blvd\Bid Review\REFEREN CE CHE CK Steve Stanton I 909.625.4444 PM 9110 Yes Yes Yes. but ini tiated by City 91 10 101 10 Yes Ab.. LJ~. CONTRACTORS STAT E LICENSE BOARD Contractor's License Detail for License # 267073 DISCLAIMER: A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations. CSLB compla in t disclosure is restricted by law (B&P 7124 .6) If th is ent1ty Is subject to public compla int d isclosure, a ink fo rcomplarnt d isclosure w1 appear be low. Clid< on the ink or button to obtain complaint and/or legal actio n information . Per B&P 7071 .17 , only construction related civil judgments reported to the CSLB are d isclo sed . Arb~rations are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terms of the arbitra tion . Due to worilload , there may be relevant information that has not ye t been entered onto the Board's license database. Business Information ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT P OBOX2229 CORONA. CA 92878 Business Phon e Number:(951) 736-7600 trhis license is current and active. !A ll Information below should be reviewed. A-GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR ~ 12 -EARTHWORK AND PAVING Entity Corporation Issue Date 01/19/1971 Expire Date 01/31/2018 License Status Classifications Bonding Information Contractor's Bond Data current as of 5/5/201 7 3:27:31 PW is license filed a Contra ctor's Bond with FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND. Bond Number: 08727441 ond Amount: $15,000 Effective Date : 01/01/2016 ontractor's Bond Hi sto Bond of Qualifying Individual is license filed Bond of Qual ifying Individual number LPM7627119 fo r MARK ALBERT LUER in the amount of $12 ,500 w ith IDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND. Effective Date : 12/30/2011 iBOI's Bond H1story Workers' Compensation is license ha s w orkers compensation insurance with the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY Polley Number:WC59320570 ffe ctlve Date : 08/0 1/20 13 plre Date : 08/01/2017 orke rs' Com ensa ti on His to Personnel listed on this license (current or d isassocia ted) are listed on other licenses. 515'2017 Persomel Ust Home I Online Services I Lice nse De tail I Personnel List Contractor's License Detail (Personnel List) Contractor License # 267073 Contractor Name ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT Click on the person's name to see a more detailed page of in formation on that person Personne l Currently Associated with License Name MARK ALBERT LU ER Title RMO Association Date 12/0711999 Classification A Additional Classification Th ere are additional classifications that can be viewed by selecting this link. Name MICHAEL SCOTT FARKAS Title OFFICER Association Date 0112012016 Name EDWARD JOHN CARLSON Title OFFICER Association Date 01 /2012016 Person nel No Longer Associated with License Name JOHN HOLLIS GLEASON Title OFFICER Association Date 12/2211981 Disassociation Date 02/1411 986 Name DANIEL DAYTON SISEMORE Title RMO I CEO I PRES Association Date 03/2311977 Disassociati on Date 11/11 12011 Classification C12 Additional Class ification There are additional classifications that can be viewed by selecting this link . Name ROBERT SIDNEY BRADLEY Title OFFICER Association Date 12/22/1981 Disassociation Date 1012 112015 https:/lwww2.cslb.ca.g<l'l/0nlineServices/CheckUcenseii/PersomeiUst.as px?UcN~=267073&UcName=All.+AMERICAN+ASPHALT 112 51512017 .f>ersomel Ust Name KENNETH PERSH IN G MC GUIRE Title OFFICER Association Date 02 /14/1986 Disassociation Date 12/31/2016 Name THOMAS TOSCAS Title OFFICER Association Date 03/23/1977 Disassociation Date 10/21/2015 https:/lwww2cslb.ca.gov/0ni neServicesiCheckUcenseiLIPersomeiUst.aspx?licN~rn =267073&UcName=All +AMERICAN+ ASPHALT 212 5/512fJ17 Contractor's license Persomel Detail Home I Online Services I License Detail! Personnel List 1 Person nel Deta il Contractor's License Personnel Detail Contractor License # 267073 Contractor Name ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT Name MARK ALBERT LUER Title and Class History Title RMO Classification A GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR Association Date 12107/1999 Disassociation Date 12/30/1999 Title RMO Classification C12 EARTHWORK AND PAVIN G Association Date 12107/199 9 Disassociation Date 12130/1999 Title OFFICER Classification Association Date 01 /12120 00 Disassociation Date 01/30/20 12 Title RMO Classification A GENERA L E NGINEERING CONTRACTOR Association Date 01/30/201 2 Title RMO Classification C12 EARTHWORK AND PAV ING Association Date 01 /30/20 12 Bonding History hllps:llwww2.cslb.cagov/OnlineServioes/CheckUoensei i/PersomeiDetail .aspx?UcN~.m= 267073&SeqN~.mber=687889&UcNM1e=AlL +AMERICAN+ ASPHALT 1/2 51512017 Cbntractor's Ucense Personnel Detail Surety Company FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY 0 Bond# LPM76271 19 Bond Amount $ 12,500 Effective Date 12/30/20 11 Surety Company FRONTIER PACIFIC INSURANCE COM Bond# SD00086301 Bond Amount $ 7,500 Effective Date 11/16/1 999 Cancellation Date 11/22/2000 htlps://www2cslb.ca.gov/Onl ineServices/CheckUcenselVPersomeiDetail.aspx?UcNum=267073&SeqNumber=687889&UcName=ALL+AMERICAN+ASPH ALT 212 51512017 Contractor's Ucense Persomel Detail Home I Online Services I License Detail I Personnel List 1 Personnel Deta il Contractor's License Personnel Detail Contractor License # 267073 Contractor Name ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT Name MICHAE L SCOTT FARKAS Title OFFICER Classification Association Date 01/20/2016 Title and Class History htlps:Jiwww2.cslb.ca.gov/OnlineServices/CheckUcenseiiiPersonneiDetail.aspx?UcNl.ITI=267073&SeqN l.ITiber=960267&UcN ame=AI..l +AM ERIC AN+ ASPHALT 1/1 51512017 Contractor's Uceose Persomel D etail Home I Online Services I License Detail I Personnel List 1 Personnel Deta il Contractor's License Personnel Detail Contractor License # 267073 Contractor Name ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT Name EDWARD JOHN CARLSON Title OFFICER Classification Association Date 0 1/20/2016 Title and Class History https:/lwww2.cslb.ca.gov/OnlineServices/C heckUcenseii/PersomeiDetail .aspx?UcN\Xll= 267073&SeqNIXllber-960268&UcN ame=All +AMERICAN+ ASPHALT 1/1 SAM Search Results List of records matching your search for : Search Term : all * american* asphalt* Record Status: Active I ENTITY IALL AMERICAN ASPHALT Status :Active DUNS : 048763379 +4: CAGE Code : 62600 DoDAAC : Expiration Date : Jun 28, 2017 Has Active Exclusion?: No Delinquent Federal Debt?: No Address : 400 E 6TH ST City: CORONA State/Province: CALIFORNIA ZIP Code : 92879-1521 Country: UNITED STATES May 05, 2017 6 :43 PM Page 1 of 1 INo Search Results May 05, 2017 6:45 PM SAM Search Results List of records matching your search for : Search Term : mark* albert* luer* Record Status: Active Page 1 of 1 !No Search Results May 05, 2017 6 :46 PM SAM Search Results List of records matching yo ur search for : Search Term : michael * scott* farkas * Record Status: Active Page 1 of 1 lNo Search Results May 05, 2017 6 :46 PM SAM Search Results List of records matching your search for : Search Term :edward* john * carlson * Record Status: Active Page 1 of 1 Pub l ic Works Contractor (PWC) Registration Search ThiS IS a listing of curren t and actJve PWC reg 1s trat1on s pursua nt to DIVISIOn 2. Part 7 Chapter 1 l com men cm g w1 th sed1on 1720 of the Call orma Labor Code Eme r ar reasc QM search cnre na ro dtsp lay a ca ve reots ie red pub fie works comracror(s t march /no your sel ec tto ns Registration Yea r: PW C Registration Number: Contractor Legal Name: license Number: C ounty: search Results I Current Fiscal Yea r. 20 16/17 "'I I exa mple 1234567890 !A n american asphalt 12_6_7_0_73 _______ 1 ContiClctor License Lookup I S ele ct Cou nty Search Reset One registered contr actor found 1 Details Legal Name View ..\LL AMERICA N ASPHALT .... Registration County Number 1000001051 RI VERS I D E City CORONA Registra t ion Expiration Date Date 05/02/2016 06/30/20 17 Public Works Contractor (PWC) Registration Search This IS a hstmQ ol Enrer at leasr ~ Registration Ye PWC Reg istroti Contractor Leg License Num bE County : Searc h Resu lts One registered cor Details Legal Name View AL Af>1 ERIC 1i000001 ost:contractor·Detalls · . · ·.· ... :.-:·-~ · .. ·· ·r •;."!<. · legal Name ALL Af'1ER I CAN ASPHALT Trade Name license Number(s) CSLB:267073 Mailing Address PO BOX 2229 CORONA, CA 92878 Physical Address 400 E S I XTH ST CORONA . CA 92879 Lega l Entity Information Email Address PUBLICWORKS@ALLAf'1ERI CANASPHALT.COf'1 Workers· Compensation legal Entity Type CORPORATION Eme r ar lease onE Registration Ye PW C Registrati Contractor Leg Li cense NumbE County: Se:uc h Results One registered cor Details Lega l Name Corporation Number 057879 President MARK LU ER Secretary 1'1ICHAEL FARKAS Agent of Service Name MICHAEL FARKAS View A.LL Af'1 ERI CAN ASPHALT 1000001051 RIVERSIDE Vice President ED WAR D J CARLSON CEO CORONA Address 400 E SI XTH ST CORONA, CA 92879 uun::: UGtC Treasurer 1IC HAEL FARKAS 05/02/20 1 6 06/30/2017 Pub li c Works Contractor (PWC) Registration Search ========;;==;;;:~~;;~~;;~============~ Th1s 1s a listing ol Emer ar /easr ~ Registration Ye PW C Re g i strati Con tractor leg Licen s e NumbE C ounty: Se ;:uc h R esults One regis tered cor Deta il s Legal Name Contractor Information legal Entity Information Worker s' Compensation Do you lease e mpl oyees through Professional Employer Organization (PEO)? Please provide your current worke rs' compensation insurance i nformation below: I N SURED BY CARRIER Policyholder Name : Insurance Carri e r : Policy Numbe r : Policy Coverage dates : ALL Af'1E RICAN ASPHALT ZURICH AMERICAN I NSURANC E COMPAN Y WC59320 5701 Inc eption Date : 2016-08 -01 Expiration Date: 2017-08 -31 .... Re gistration Co un ty Number City Reg istration Expiration Da te Date View ALL AM ER I CAN ASPHALT 1 00000 1 051 RTV ERS IDE CORONA 05/02/2016 06/30/20 1 7 NO ~A .M. Best Rating Services = Rati ng Search : Searc h Adva nced Search F idelity and Depos it Company of Maryland (1 ) A .M. Best II: 000387 NAIC #: 39306 FEIN #: 133046577 Administrati ve Office 1299 Zurich Way S chaumburg, IL 60 196·1 056 United States Voew Addolional Address Information Assigned t o -...... -. Web : www.zurichna.com Phone: 800 -987-3373 F ax : 877-962-2567 insurance companies that have, In our ~ ~ opinion, a superior ability to meet their ongoing insurance obligations. V oew addotional ~ ~for thos company Based on A .M . B est's analysis. 050457 -Zunch Insurance Group Ltd os the AMB Ultimat e Parent and odentifoes the topmost entoty of the corporate structure . Voew a li st of operating 10su ran ce entities in this structure. Best's Credo! Ralings . . , Financial Strength Rating View Definition Rati ng : Affiliation Code : Financial Size Category: Outlook: Action : Effective D ate : Initial R ating Date: A+ (Superior ) g (Group) XV ($2 Bi llion or greater) N egative Affirmed December 01 ,2016 June 30. 1922 Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating View Definition Long-Term: Outlook : Action : Effec tive D a te: Initial R ating Date: a a- Negative Affirmed D ecember 01 , 2016 September 14 2004 u Denotes Under Revoew Best's Ratong A .M . Best has provided ratings & analysos on th is company since 1922. Powrrtul by A .~l. B'sr's GloballnsuraiiU Da t11basr Best's Credit Rating Analyst R ating Issued by: A.M. Best Rating Services, Inc. S enior Fi nancia l Analys t : Darien Ryan Senior D i rector: M ochael J. Lagomarsino, CFA, FRM Disclosure Information ~ Voew A.M . Best's Ratmg Disclosure Form A.M . Best Affirms Credo! Ratings of Zurich Insurance Company Lomit ed and Its Main Rated Affiliates December 01.2016 Financial Strength Rating Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating E ffective D ate Rating Effective Date Ra t ing 12/1 /2016 A+ 12/1/2016 a a- 10/2/2015 A+ 10/212015 a a - 11 /26/2014 A+ 11/26/2014 a a - 11 /21 /2013 A+ 1 1/21120 13 a a- 11 /27/20 12 A+ 11127/2012 a a- • \ • . " ..,,. • .. ,.... ..... ~ • • ~ . l". -• f ._ • "' • l- AMB Cred1l Reports . · · . . :. ... • .. • ( .. J • ~ t": .. '. ... ··-~·-•. t AMB Credit Report -1ncludes Best's Financ 1al Strength Ratmg and rat1o nale along w1th comprehensive analy ti ca l commentary, detailed business overview and key financ1al data. Report Revision Date: 3/3 1/2017 (represents the latest si gnificant change). H 1storical Reports are available in AMB Credit Report Archive V1ew addi tional news , reports and products for this company. • '. • ~ •• -:' ' • 4 Press Releases l Dec 01 2016 Od02. 2015 Nov 26, 2014 No v2 1,20 13 Nov 27. 2012 Nov 18,2011 Nov 19.2010 Dec 17,2009 Dec 11 2008 Dec 11 2 007 14 • ~2 •• , European Union D isc losures A .M . Best Affirms Credtt Ratmgs of Zurich Insurance Companv pmited and Its Main Rated Affiliates A .M . Best Affirms Rahngs and Revises Outlook to Negative for Zunch Insurance Company Limited and Some of Its Rated Affiliates AM. Best Affirms Ratangs of Zurich American Insurance Company and Its Affibtes A .M . Best Affirms Ratings of Zurich Amencan Insurance Cornoany and Its Affihates A .M. Best Affirms Ratings of Zurich American Insurance Company and Its Affiliates A .M . Best Affirms Rattngs of Zunch American Insurance Company and Its AffiRates A M . Bast Upgrades RetulQS of Zurich Insurance Company Lomtted's U .S. Subs1dianes A .M. Best Affirms Ratings of Zurich Financial Services Ltd . and Its Subsidianes A .M , Best Affirms RatirlQS of Zvrich Financial Services · Revises Outlook on Ratings of Zurich Insurance Company to Stable A .M . Best Revises Outlook on Ratings of Zuncn Insurance Company to Posihve. Affirms Batinos of Zurich Financial SeMceS Page size: 1 0 • 17 nems 1n 2 pages AM Besl. Europe Ra1HYJ Serv•c.•s L1m1led {AMBER S) 1 subS d•ary of A. t..1 Bt51 RatJng Ser..-•t•s Inc 11 an Ex lema I Cred1t Asse-ument ln st•tvtiOn (ECAI)"' u·e Eur~an UniQtl (EU) Therefore CrecM Rat1ngs Slued and endorsed by Ar.~BERS rnttl be used for regul&tory purposes 1n the EV as per Otrect,ve 2006 41 8 EC .Australian D isclosures AM Basi As1a·P~tahc lwnated (AMBAP). Ausltalan Reg111ttrecl Body ,...urrber {ARBN Na 15037!,287) 11 • ltmlttd ltab My company 1nc.orporated and domtcJ&ed 1n Hong Kon? MtBAP ts a --.1'tolesale Australran ftnal'IC.II S•rvtct"s (AFS} ltc-ence l ,okJer (AFS 1\o 411055) under the CorporlhOnl Act 2001 Cred•l Rat•ngs emanating from AMBAP are not mtendtd for and must not be d&Sirtbut.ed to any per.an WI Au51rattJ ott-~ th.ln • whot.salt c.hnl '" dehntd '" Cnapttt 7 ot the CCHporaoons Atl AMBA.P dO.$ nol autho112e •ts Cred'l Rahngs to be ~SSfrNnllod by a th•rd-pJ~rtr n a rnanner that could rea'SGI\abtt be regard~d as btmg 1n!t~ to •nf~tno e a rtiJul el cnt11'\ maA ng • dec•s•on tn relet on to a parlleuiAr produc.t or class of f,,anoal product AMBAP Cred t Rat•ngs are 1ntene1ec lor v..-h~elale clents only .• , Cft~faned ----------------------------------------------------------Po .. •errd by A.M. Best 's Globa l l nsurall u Data bau Pag112o[J Cred•t Ratings determ&nod and diSSemtnated by AMBAP ere the op non o f AMBAP only and notlny Spt:tlf&t crecfll analyst AMBAP Cred•t R1t&ngs are statementa of op.nfOn and not s111ements of fact The)'.,, not rec:ommendallot'l s to huy hokf ot $ell any secunues Of any other form of t.nanctal product IOCiudlllg •nsur1nce polk•es and are not 1 rf'commendahon to be used to ma.ke ln\ltstment 1purehas ng declS•ons Important Nohce A ~• Bes.a s Crtdtt Rel.lngs are mde~nchtnt and o~ehve op.mons not Stll~nts of f1a AM Be st tS nolaf'll,.-.,t,l"'lent Ad .... sor. does not offe1 Jn•eslmf"nt ~ ot an)' t inct nof ooe• the compal"'y or tts Rat.ngs An.tys:ts offer 101 form of s:truC1Ut&ng or financ~l ad" ICt A M Bests cred11 optniOfls ar e no4 retoiT\rMndat .ons to buy sel 01 hotO secunt.es or to mak~ ~tny other •nvestmena deCISIOns For add•llonaltnformauon reoard1ng the use and hmttat •ons o r Cred•t Rattng op.n.ons, •• ~ell as the rat .ng process .nformahon rcq •. mements and other ra11ng relaced cerms end dtfrn&llons ple3st v•ew Unde·,t•~chng Bears Credll Raungs About A ~1 Best 1 Srte Map 1 Custom f'r Sef..-1c.t I M~mhe r Center I Contact l,lo I C.,.etfl Jle-rms of Use I p,..,,, )' Pohq I Stcuttly !Legal & llcenstng Reg ulatory Altars ·Form NRSRO ·Code of CondLtct • Rahng ~-\et~odoloq)' • HISIOt!(lf PerformMK.e Oa!a Copyr.ghl Q 2017 AI.A Bell Company.lnc an<l 0< •Ia a~•loales All RIGHTS RESERVED Powuetl b)' A./11. Be.u 's Globalltuura11U Database Pagd ofJ ATTACHMENT C Contract to be Executed with All American Asphalt CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT STPL-5365(01 0) PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ON TEMPLE CITY BLVD FROM EL CAMINO REAL AVE. TO ELLIS LANE & ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (STPL) CITY PROJECT ID: P15-06 THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into this __ day of -----------· by and between the CITY OF TEMPLE CITY , a Municipal Corporation located in the County of Los Angeles , State of Ca l ifornia ("C ITY"), and All American Asphalt , [a corporat ion /partnership/l imited liability company corporation , located at P.O . Box 2229 . Corona . CA 92878 ("CONTRACTOR"), col lectively referred to as the Parties . RECITALS A. C ITY , by its Noti ce Inviting Bids , du ly advertised for written bids to be submitted on or before May 2. 2017 , for the followi ng : STPL-5365(01 0) PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ON TEMPLE CITY BLVD FROM EL CAMINO REAL AVE. TO ELLIS LANE & ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (STPL) CITY PROJECT ID: P15-06 i n the C ity of T emple City , California ("Project "). B. At 2 :00 PM (PST) on said date , in the Temple City Cou nci l Chambe rs , the bids submitted for the Project were opened . C . At its regular meeting held on , the City Counc il of CITY accepted the b id of CO NTRACTOR for the Project as being the lowest responsive bid rece ived and directed that a written contract be entered in to with CONTRACTOR . OPERATIVE PROVISIONS NOW, THEREFORE , in consideration of the prom ises and of the mutual covenants and agreements here in c ontained , th e parties do hereby agree as fo ll ows : 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS . Th is Ag reement cons ists of t he foll owin g documents ("Contract Do c uments"), al l of which are made a part of th is Ag ree men t: (a) Notice Inviting Bids (b) Instructions to Bidders (c) Bid Form (d) Bid Proposal and/or Contract Proposal , as accepted , includ ing the Certificate of Bidders ' Experience and Qualifications and the List of Subcontractors (e) Information Required by Bidder (f) Notice of Award (g) Notice to Proceed (h) This Agreement (i) Verification of California Contractor's License U) Contractor's Certificate Regarding Workers' Compensation (k) Security for payment (labor and materials) (I) Security for performance (m) Certificate(s) of Insurance (n) General Conditions/Specifications (o) Special Prov isions (p) Plans and Standard Drawings (q) Prevailing Wage Scales (r) Standard Specifications for Pub lic Works Construction , including subsequent addenda and supplements (s ) Change orders issued by the City and signed by the Contractor pertaining to the Contract after the Contract is awarded to Contractor (t) All addenda issued by the City with respect to the foregoing prior to the opening of bids , including, Addenda Nos . __ _ (u) Other documents (list here or delete) 2 In the event there is a conflict between the terms of the Contract Documents , the more specific or stringent provision shall govern . 2. SCOPE OF WORK. CONTRACTOR agrees to perform all work required for the Project and to fulfill all other obligations as set forth in the Contract Documents ("Work"). Except as specifica ll y provided i n the Contract Documents , CONTRACTOR must furn ish all of the labor, materials , tools , equipment, services and transportation necessary to perform al l of the Work. CONTRACTOR must perform all of the Wo rk in strict accordance with the Contract Documents . 3. COMPENSATION & PAYMENT. CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to receive and accept the total amount of One Million One Hundred and Thirty Nine Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($1. 139. 150), based upon those certa in unit prices set forth in CONTRACTOR's Bid Schedule , a copy of wh ich is attached hereto as Exh ib it "A" and incorporated here i n by this reference , as full compensation for the Work . Said compensation shall cover all expenses , losses , damages , and consequences ar is ing out of the nature of the Work during its progress or prior to its acceptance , inc lud ing those for well and faithfully completing the Work in the manner and time specified in the Contract Documents, and also including those arising form actions of the elements , unforeseen difficulties or obstructions encountered in the prosecution of the Work, suspens ion or discontinuance of the Work , and all other unknowns or risks of any description connected with the Work . CITY shall retain five percent (5%) of the compensation until the provisions of Section 14 herein have been met. CITY hereby agrees to pay CONTRACTOR at the time , in the manner, and upon the conditions set forth in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS . 4. UNAUTHORIZED ALIENS. CONTRACTOR promises and agrees to comply with all of the provisions of State and Federal law with respect to the employment of unauthorized aliens , including without limitation the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act (8 USCA 1101 , et seq.), as amended . Should CONTRACTOR employ one or more unauthorized a li ens for the performance of the Work , and should the Federal Government impose sanctions against the CITY for such use of unauthorized aliens , CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to , and shall , reimburse CITY for the cost of all sanctio ns imposed , together with any and all costs , including attorney's fees , incurred by the CITY in connection therewith . 5. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. CONTRACTOR hereby represents and warrants that: (a) It is not currently , and has not at any time with in the past five (5) calendar years been , suspended , debarred , or excluded from partic ip ating in , bidding on , contracting for , or completing any project funded in whole or in part by program , grant or loan funded by the federal government or the State of Cal ifornia ; and 3 (b) CONTRACTOR currently has, and for the past five (5) calendar years has maintained in good standing , a valid California contractor's license ; and (c) CONTRACTOR is registered with the Department of Industrial Relations to perform services on public works projects as required by Labor Code section 1725.5. CONTRACTOR agrees to complete and execute any statement or certificate to this effect as may be required by the City or by any federal or State of California program, loan or grant utilized on this Project. 6. TIME TO PERFORM THE WORK. CONTRACTOR shall commence the Work on the date specified in the Notice to Proceed to be issued to CONTRACTOR by the Director of Public Works of CITY, and shall complete work on the Project within Sixty (60) working days after commencement. 7. NONDISCRIMINATION. CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate in its recruiting, hiring , promotion, demotion or termination practices on the basis of race , religious creed , color, national origin , ancestry , physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, martial status , sex , age, or sexual orientation in the performance of this Agreement , and shall comply with the provisions of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act as set forth in Part 2 .8 of Division 3, Title 2 of the California Government Code ; the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as set forth in Public Law 88-352, and all amendments thereto; Executive Order 11246; and all administrative rules and regulations issued pursuant to such acts and order. 8. LABOR CODE REQUIREMENTS. (a) CONTRACTOR is aware of and agrees to abide by the prov1s1ons of California Labor Code Sections 1720, et seq ., as well as Sections 1771 , 1773, 1773 .1 , 1773 .6 , 1773.7 , 1774, 1775, 1776 and 1777, pertaining to the obligation to pay prevailing wages with respect to the performance of work ("Prevailing Wage Laws "). Copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for holiday and overtime work for each craft are available upon request from the City . A copy of the prevailing rate of per diem wages shall be posted at the job site . If such posting is not possible, a copy shall be posted at the business of the CONTRACTOR. (b) CONTRACTOR acknowledges that under California Labor Code sections 1810 and following , eight hours of labor constitutes a legal day's work . CONTRACTOR will forfeit as a penalty to City the sum of $25 .00 for each worker employed in the execution of this Agreement by CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor for each calendar day during which such worker is required or permitted to work more than 8 hours in any one calendar day and 40 hours in any one calendar week in violation of the provis ions of Labor Code section 1810. (Labor Code§ 1813 .) 4 (c) CONTRACTOR must comply with Labor Code section 1771 .1 (a), which provides that CONTRACTOR is only eligible to perform the Work if CONTRACTOR is registered with the Department of Industrial Relations as required by Labor Code Section 1725 .5, and that CONTRACTOR may award subcontracts for work that qualifies as a "public work" only to subcontractors which are at the time of award registered and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Labor Code Section 1725.5 . CONTRACTOR must obta i n proof of such registration from all such subcontractors . (d) CONTRACTOR , and any subcontractor engaged by CONTRACTOR , must pay not less than the specified preva il ing rate of per diem wages to all workers employed in the execution of th is Agreement. (Labor Code§ 1774.) CONTRACTOR is respons ible for compliance with Labor Code section 1776 relative to the retent ion and inspection of payroll records . (e) CONTRACTOR must comply with all provisions of Labor Code section 1775. Under Section 1775, Contractor may forfeit as a penalty to City up to $50 .00 for each worker employed i n the execution of the Agreement by CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor for each calendar day , or portion thereof, in wh ich the worker is paid less than the prevailing rates. Contractor may also be liable to pay the difference between the preva ili ng wage rates and the amount paid to each worker for each calendar day , or portion thereof, for which each worker was paid less than the preva i ling wage rate . (f) Nothing in this Agreement prevents CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor from employing properly registered apprentices in the execution of the Agreement. CONTRACTOR is respons ible for compliance w ith Labor Code section 1777.5 for all apprenticeable occupations. This statute requires that contractors and subcontractors must submi t contract award i nformation to the appl icab le j oint apprenticeship committee , must employ apprentices in apprenticeable occupations in a rat io of not less than one hour of apprentice 's work for every five hours of labor performed by a journeyman (unless an exception is granted under §1777 .5), must contribute to the fund or funds in each craft or trade or a like amount to the California Apprenticeship Council , and that contractors and subcontractors must not discriminate among otherwise qualified employees as apprentices solely on the ground of sex , race , relig ion , creed , nationa l origin , ancestry or color. Only apprentices defined in Labor Code section 3077 , who are in training under apprenticeship standards and who have written apprentice contracts , may be employed on publ ic works in apprenticeable occupations . (g) CONTRACTOR shall defend , indemnify and hold the CITY , its elected officials , officers , employees and agents free and harmless from any c la im or l iab il ity arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws. 9. PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS. (a) CONTRACTOR shall , without disturbing the condition , notify CITY in writing as soon as CONTRACTOR, or any of CONTRACTOR 's subcontractors , agents 5 or employees have knowledge and report i ng is possible , of t he discovery of any of the following cond it ions : (i ) The presence of any material that the CONTRACTOR believes is hazardous waste , as defined in Section 25117 of the Hea lth and Safety Code ; (ii ) Su b surface or lat e nt p hysical cond iti ons at the site d ifferi ng from t hose ind icated in th e specifications ; or , (i ii ) U nknown phys ical conditions at the site of any unusual nature , different materially from those ordinari ly encountered and gen e rally recogn ized as inherent in work of th is character provided for in this Agreement. (b ) Pending a determination by CITY of appropriate action to be taken , CONTRACTOR shall provide security measures (e .g ., fences ) adequate to prevent the hazardous waste or physical cond itions from caus i ng bodily inj ury to any person . (c) CITY shall promptly investigate the reported cond itions . If CITY , th rough its Di rector of Public Works , o r his or her des ignee, and in t he exercise of its sole discretion , determines that th e conditions do materially differ, or do invo lve hazardous waste , and w i ll cause a decrease or increase in the CONTRACTOR's cost of, or time required for , performance of any part of the Work, then CITY shall issue a change order. (d) In the event of a d ispute between CITY and CONTRACTOR as t o whether the cond it ions materially d iffer, or involve haza rdous waste , o r cause a decrease or increase i n the CONTRACT OR's cost of, or t ime required for , performance of an y part of the Work, CONTRACTOR shal l not be e xcused from any scheduled completion d ate, and shall proceed w ith all work t o be performed under t he Agreement. CONTRACT OR shall retain any and all rights which perta in to the resolution of disputes and protests between the parties . 10. INDEMNITY. CONTRACTOR sha l l assume the defense of and i ndemn ify and hold harm less the CITY , it s elective and appo intive boards , office rs , agents and employees , from all claims , loss , damage , injury and liabi lity of every kind , nature and description , d i rectly or ind i rectly arising form the performance of the Work , rega rdless of respons ibi li ty of negligen ce ; and from any and all claims , loss , damage , i nj ury and liabil ity , result ing directly or ind i rectly from the nature of the Work covered by this Agreement, regardless of responsibility of negligence . (a ) CITY does no t, and shall not, waive any rights against CONTRACTOR wh ich it may have beca use of t he acceptance by CITY or the deposit w ith CITY by CONTRACT OR , of any of the insurance po lici es here i nafter descri bed in th is Agreeme nt. 6 (b) The indemn ity provided by CONTRACTOR sha ll apply to a l l damages and claims for damages of every kind suffered , or alleged to have been suffered , by reason of any of the Work by CONTRACTOR , or any subcontractor, regardless of whether insurance policies are applicable to any of the damages or claims for damages . (c) The provisions of this section do not apply to claims occurri ng as a resu lt of the City 's sole negligence or willful acts or omissions. (d) The provisions of this section will survive the exp i ration or earl ier termination of this Agreement. 11. BONDS. CONTRACTOR , before commencing the Work , shall furn ish and f i le with CITY a bond , or bonds , in a form satisfactory to the CITY, in the sum of one hundred percent (1 00%) of the compensation amount stated in Section 3 of this Agreement conditioned upon the faithful performance of this Agreement and a bond , or bonds , in a form satisfactory to the CITY, in the sum of one hundred percent (1 00 %) of the compensation amount stated in Section 3 of this Agreement conditioned upon the payment of all labor and materials furnished in connection w ith this Agreement. 12. INSURANCE. CONTRACTOR shall not commence the Work until CONTRACTOR has obtained all insurance required by the Contract Do cuments and such insurance has been approved by CITY as to form , amount and carrier. CONTRACTOR shall not allow any subcontractor to commence work on any subcontract until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor have been obta i ned and approved . (a) Workers ' Compensation . CONTRACTOR shall take out and ma intain , during the life of this Agreement , Worker's Compensation Insurance (Statutory Limits ) with Emp loyers Liability Insurance (with limits of at least $1 ,000 ,000) for all of CONTRACTOR's employees emp loyed at the Project site ; and , if any work is sublet , CONTRACTOR shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide Worker's Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees , unless such emp loyees are covered by the protection afforded by CONTRACTOR. If any class of employees engaged in Work under th i s Agreement at the Project site is not protected under any Workers' Compensation law , CONTRACTOR shall provide and shall cause each subcontractor to provide adequate insurance for the protection of emp loyees not otherwise protected . CONTRACTOR shall indemnify CITY for any damage resu lting from failure of either CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor to take out or ma inta in such insurance . CONTRACTOR shall submit to Agency, along with the certificate of Insurance, a Waiver of Subrogation endorsement in favor of the Agency , its officers, agents , employees and volunteers . (b ) Comprehensive General Liabilitv . Products/Comp leted Operations Hazard . and Contractual General Liability Insurance. CONTRACTOR sha ll take out and ma inta i n during the life of this Agreement such comprehensive genera l l iab ili ty , 7 products/completed operations hazard , comprehensive automobi le liability and contractual general liability insurance as shall protect CITY, it s elective and appo intive boards , officers, agents and employees , CONTRACTOR , and any subcontractor performing work covered by th is Agreement , from claims for damage for personal injury , in cluding death , as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from CONTRACTOR 's or any subcontractor's operations under this Agreement , whether such operations be by CONTRACTOR or by any subcontracto r, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows : (i) General Liab i lity Insurance i n an amount of not less t han ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000 ,000) per occurrence ; (ii) Products/Completed Operations Hazard Insurance in an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1 ,000 ,000 ) per occurrence ; and (iii) Contractual General Liability Insurance in an amoun t of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1 ,000 ,000) per occurrence . General aggregate limits in an amount of not less than TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000 ,000) shall be considered equivalent to the requ ired minimum limits set forth hereinabove . (c) Comprehensive Automobile Liability . CONTRACTOR shall take out and maintain during the life of this Agreement, comprehensive automobi le liability insurance as shall protect CITY, its elective and appointive boards , officers , agents and employees , CONTRACTOR , and any subcontractor perform ing work covered by this Agreement, from claims for damage for personal injury , including death , as well as from claims for property damage which may ar ise from CONTRACTOR's or any subcontractor's operations under this Agreement , whether such operat ions be by CONTRACTOR or by any subcontractor , or by anyone directly or ind irectly employed by either CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor , and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows : (i) Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1 ,000 ,000) combined single li mit per accident. (d) Proof of Insurance . The insurance required by this Agreement sha ll be with insurers which are California Admitted and Best A rated or better. CITY shall be named as "additional insured " on the general liability and automobile liability required hereunder, and CONTRACTOR shall furnish CITY , concurrently with the execution hereof, with satisfactory proof of carriage of the ins urance required , and adequate leg al assurance that each carrier will give CITY at le ast thirty (30) days ' prior notice of the cancellation of any policy durin g the effective period of th is Agreement. 8 (e) Umbrella or excess liability insurance . [Optional depending on limits required]. Contractor shall obtain and maintain an umbrella or excess liability insurance policy with limits that will provide bodily injury, personal injury and property damage liability coverage at least as broad as the primary coverages set forth above , including commercial general liability and employer's liability . Such policy or policies shall include the following terms and conditions : • A drop down feature requiring the policy to respond if any primary insurance that would otherwise have applied proves to be uncollectible in whole or in part for any reason ; • Pay on behalf of wording as opposed to reimbursement; • Concurrency of effective dates with primary policies ; and • Policies shall"follow form " to the underlying primary policies . • Insureds under primary policies shall also be insureds under the umbrella or excess policies . (f) Requirements not limiting . Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this Section are not intended as a limitation on coverage, l imits or other requirements , or a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any insurance. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue and is not intended by any party or insured to be all inclusive, or to the exclusion of other coverage , or a wa iver of any type . If the CONTRACTOR maintains higher limits than the minimums shown above, the Agency requires and shall be entitled to coverage for the higher limits maintained by the CONTRACTOR. Any available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified m inimum limits of insurance and coverage shall be ava ilable to the Agency. (g ) Primary/contributing . Coverage provided by the CONTRACTOR shall be primary and any insurance or self-insurance or maintained by Agency shall not be required to contribute to it. The limits of insurance required herein may be satisfied by a combination of primary and umbrella or excess insurance . Any umbrella or excess insurance shall contain or be endorsed to contain a provision that such coverage shall also apply on a primary and non-contributory basis for the benefit of Agency before the Agency 's own insurance or self-i nsurance shall be called upon to protect is as a named insured . (h) Notice to Proceed . The CITY will not issue any notice authorizing CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor to commence the Work under this Agreement until CONTRACTOR has provided to the CITY the proof of insurance as requ ired by this Section 12 . 13. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. The parties agree that it would be impractical and extremely difficult to fix the actual damages to the CITY in the event the Project is not commenced and/or completed on or before the dates specified for commencement and 9 completion of the Project in the Contract Documents . The parties have cons idered the facts of a breach of this Agreement and have agreed that the liquidated damages sum hereinafter set forth is reasonable as liqu idated damages in the event of a breach , and that said sum shall be presumed to be the amount of the damages sustained by the CITY in the event such work is not begun and/or completed and accepted by the times so specified in the Contract Documents . The sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1 ,000 .00) shall be presumed to be the amount of damages suffered by the CITY for each day's delay in the starting and/or comp letion and acceptance of the Proj ect after the dates specified in the Contract Documents for the start and/or completion t he reof, and CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to pay sa id sum of ONE THOUSAND DO LLARS ($1 ,000 .00 ) as liquidated damages for ea c h day of delay in the starti ng and/or completing and acceptance of said Project beyond the dates specified in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS . Any and all such liquidated damages assessed sha l l be done in accordance with that certain edition of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction currently i n effect on the execution date of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR C ITY OF TEMPLE CITY ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT By ______________________ _ By ______________________ _ Date: Date : ------------------------------------------- 14. NOTICE OF COMPLETION . Upon completion of PROJECT and acceptance of same by the City Counci l of the CITY , the City Manager of the CITY shall cause to be recorded a Notice of Comp letion with the office of the Los Ange les County Recorder; and , after thirty-five (35 ) days fr om the date said Notice of Completion is recorded , the Director of Fi nance of CITY s hall release the funds retained pursuant to Section 3 hereof; provided there have been no mechanics' liens or stop notices filed against the Work which have not been paid , withdrawn or eliminated as liens against sa id work . 15. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. In perform ing the Work , CONTRACTOR must comply with al l applicab le statutes , laws and regulations , including , but not l im ited to , OSHA requirements and t he Temple C ity Municipal Code . Contract or m ust , at Contracto r's sole expense , obtain all necessary permits and li censes requ ired f or the Work, and give a ll necessary notices and pay all fees and taxes requ ired by law , including , w ithout limitation , any business lice nse tax imposed by City . 16. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR is and will at all times remain as to CITY a wholly independent contractor. Neither the CITY nor any of its officers , employees , or agents will have control over the conduct of CONTRACTOR or any of CONTRACTOR's officers , employees , agents or subcontractors , except as expressly set fort h in t he Contract Documents . CONTRACTOR may not at any t ime or in any man ner represent that it or any of its officers , e m ployees , age nts , or subc on t racto rs are in any manner officers , emp l oyees , agents or subcon t ractors of CITY . 10 17. GENERAL PROVISIONS. (a) Authority to Execute . Each Party represents and warrants that all necessary action has been taken by such Party to authorize the undersigned to execute this Agreement and to bind it to the performance of its obligations . (b) Assignment. CONTRACTOR may not assign th is Agreement w ithout the prior written consent of CITY, which consent may be withheld in the CITY's so le discretion since the experience and qualifications of CONTRACTOR were material considerations for this Agreement. (c) Binding Effect. This Agreement is binding upon the heirs , executors , administrators , successors and permitted assigns of the Parties . (d) Integrated Agreement. This Agreement, including the Contract Documents , is the entire , complete , final and exclusive expression of the Parties w ith respect to the Work to be performed under this Agreement and supersedes a ll other agreements or understandings , whether oral or written , between CONTRACTOR and CITY prior to the execution of this Agreement. (e) Modification of Agreement. No amendment to or modification of th is Agreement will be valid unless made in writing and approved by CONTRACTOR and by the City Council or City Manager of CITY, as applicable . The Parties agree that this requirement for written modifications cannot be waived and that any attempted waiver will be void . (f) Counterparts and Facsimile Signatures . This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts , each of wh ich will be deemed an orig inal , and all of which , when taken together, constitute one and the same instrument. Amendments to this Agreement will be considered executed when the signature of a party is de li vered by facsimile transmission . Such facsimile signature wi ll have the same effect as an original signature. (g) Waiver. Waiver by any Party of any term , condit ion , or covenant of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any other term , condition , or covenant. Waiver by any Party of any breach of the provisions of this Agreement wi ll not constitute a waiver of any other provision , or a waiver of any subsequent breach or violation of any provision of this Agreement. Acceptance by City of any Work performed by CONTRACTOR will not constitute a waiver of any of the provis ion s of th is Agreement. (h) Interpretation . This Agreement will be interpreted, construed and governed according to the laws of the State of California . Each party has had the opportunity to review this Agreement with legal counsel. The Agreement w ill be construed sim ply , as a whole , and in accordance with its fair mean ing . It wi ll not be interpreted strictly for or aga ins t e ither party . 1 I (i) Severability. If any term , condition or covenant of this Agreement is declared or determined by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid , void or une nforceable, the remain i ng provisions of th is Agreement w ill not be affected and the Agreement w ill be read and construed with out the invalid , void or unenforceable provis ion . U) Attorneys ' Fees . The prevail ing party in any action to resolve a dispute concerning this Agreement shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party the reasonable attorneys ' fees and costs of such action . (k) Venue . In the event of litigation between the parties , venue in state trial courts will be in the County of Los Ange les . In the event of litigation in a U.S. District Court, venue wi l l be in the Central District of California , in Los Angeles . (I) Notices. All written notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement wi ll be deemed made when rece ived by the other Party at its respective address as follows : To CITY: To Contractor: City of Temple City 9701 Las Tunas Drive Temple City , California 91780 Attention : ------ (Tel.) (Fax) All Ameri can Asphalt P .O . Box 2229 . Corona, CA 92878 Attention : Edward J Carlson, Vice President (Tel.) 951 -736-7600 (Fax ) 951 -736-7646 Notice will be deemed effect ive on the date perso nally delivered or transmitted by facsimile. If the notice is mailed , notice w ill be deemed given three days after deposit of the same in the custo dy of th e United States Postal Service , postag e prepaid, for first class delivery, or upon delivery if using a major courier service with tra cki ng ca pab il ities . A ny Party may change its notice in formation by giving notice to the other Party in compliance with this section . 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed on the day of , 20_, by their respect ive officers duly authorized in that behalf. ATIEST: Peggy Kuo , C ity Clerk Date : APPROVED AS TO FORM : Eric S . Vail , City Attorney 13 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY , a municipal corporation By ________________________ __ ____________ , a [state type of entity] By _____________ __ By ____________ __ CALIFORNlA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT , .. , ... , ... , ... , ... , ... , .... , ... , ... , ... , ... , ... , .... , ... , ... , ... , ... , ... , .... , ... , ... , ... , ... A notary publ ic or other offiCer completing this certificate verifies onl y the identity of the individual who signed the dorument, t o which this certificate is attached, and not the truthful nes s, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of Ca lifomia } County of los Angeles . On _______________________ bdorem~------------------------------------------ personally appeared------------------------------------------------------------- who proved to me on the basi.s of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and adcnowledged to me that he/she/they ,executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity{ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument . I certify under PENAllY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and offtcial sea l. ~gnarure ________________________________ _ {Sjgi1Gturv of h'ocary Pubac) ---------------------------OPTION AL---------------------------Though the infonna6on is not requi red by Ia w, it may prove va luable to pe.rsc.ns rel ying on the cJorome.nt and coul d prevent fravcJufent removal and reattachment of th is form to another document. Oescri:ption of Att3ched Document T~leofTypeofD~~mr __________________________________________________________ ___ D~mentDa~=------------------------------------­Nu mberof Pages: ______________ __ Sig n er(s) Other Than Named Above : ----------------------------------------------------- Capacity{ies) Claimed by Signer( s) ~gne(sName : ________________________ _ 0 Individua l 0 Corporate Officer -Trtle(s): ____________ __ 0 Partner 0 limited 0 General _L _. 0 Attorney in Fact 0 Trustee 0 Guardian or ConseJVator 0 Other: ~gner is Re presentin Qi : Signer's Name:--------------------------- 0 Indi vi dlJal 0 Corporate Officer -Title( s ): --------------- 0 Partner 0 Umited 0 General -====~ 0 Attorne y in Fact 0 Trustee 0 Guardian o r Conservator 0 Other : ------------------- Signer is Representin g,: ________ _ ::::9·::::::··::::::::: :::::::··.::::::::~:=::::::~::=::::::::: ::::::::·:::::::::·::::::::::::.::::::::: :::::::::. ::::::::::::•.:::::::::•.:::::::::;.::::::::: ::=::=::=-.t::::::::: •. ::::::::::::·.:::::::::::.:::::::::·.::=::=::=::-::=:::::: CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT , ............................................................................................ . A notary public or other offiCer completing tflis certificate verifies onl y the identity of the individual who signed the dornment, to which this certificate is attached , and not the truthful ness, accuracy, or validity of that document_ State of california } County of Los Angeles _ On _______________________ beforem~------------------------------------------ (I~rr Nam11 of!Yamry P\Jblic and Tftl.) persona l ly appeared------------------------------------------------------------- who proved to me on the basis of sa1tisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the sa me in his/her/their authorized capacity{ie.s), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on tfle i nstrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, exernted the instrument_ I certify under PENALTY 0 F PERJURY under the laws of the State of california that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and offiCial sea t Signatture --------------------------------- (Signatu111 of NotrNy 1\Jbl.ic) --------------------------OPnONAL---------------------------Though the informadon is not requi red by Ia w, it may prove va luable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this Form to another document_ De:sa-i:ption of Attached Document Trtle o f Type· of Document: ---------------------------------------------------------- D~mentDa~: ____________________________________ _ Number o f Pages: ---------------- S~n~s)OtherThanNamedAbove : _________________________________________________ __ Capadty(ies) daimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name :----------------------- 0 lndivi dUCII I D Corporate Officer Title(s) · -. 0 Partner 0 limited 0 Gen e ral I :1.. :ll 0 Attorney in Fact 0 Trustee D Gu ardian or Conservator 0 Other: Signer is Re-presentin g : S igner's Name :------------------------- 0 lndi vi dua I 0 CorporatE Officer -Tltle(s):~;,:;;i1====i D Partner 0 U m~d D General 0 Attorney in Faa 0 Trustee 0 G uardian o r Conservator 0 Other: ------------------ Signer is Representin g: _______ _