HomeMy Public PortalAbout06) 7D Award of Contract to Calpromax Engineering for Traffic Signal UpgradesAGENDA ITEM 7.0. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE : J une 20, 2017 TO: T he Honorab le City Cou nci l FROM : Bryan Cook, Ci ty Manager Via: Michael D. Forbes , Community Development Director By : A li Cayir, PE , City Eng in eer SUBJECT: AWARD OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT TO CALPROMAX ENGINEERING , INC . FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS , AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS (CIP NO. P15-07) RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requested to : 1. Award a Pu bl ic Works Contract t o Ca lpromax Engineering , Inc . as the lowest responsible b idder for HS IPL-5365(009) Traffic Sig nal Upgrades , Signs and Other Safety Improvements at Various Locations (C IP N o. P15-07) (Project); 2 . Authorize t he City M anager to execu te the Contract in an amount of $14 3 ,000 ; and 3. Authorize 10 pe rcent of the awa rded contract amou nt as contingency allowance to be used if necessary at th e Ci ty Ma nager's discret ion fo r unforeseen conditions. BACKGROUND: 1. In September 2012 , the City Co unc il approved the Temp le City T raffic Calming Maste r Pla n . T he purpose of the p lan is to reduce t he speed of vehicles through the use of both passive devices (signs and striping) and physical devices (c hange in road eleva ti o n o r pa t h of trave l) so that vehic le speeds will confo rm to the speed limit. 2. In J uly 2013, th e City submitted an app lication t o the Ca l ifornia Department of Transportatio n (Ca ltrans) for all ocation of Fede ral H ighway Safety Improvement Program (HS IP ) fund s to insta ll o r upgrade stop signs and other regulatory signs a nd to imp rove t ra ffic sig na l ha rdware and ot her safety rela ted improvements , in c lu d in g in st all ati on of dynam ic/va ri able speed wa rni ng signs , along the fo l lowing roadways : City Council June 20, 2017 Page 2 of 4 • El Monte Avenue between Live Oak Avenue and Lower Azusa Road ; • Lower Azusa Road between El Monte Avenue and Baldwin Avenue ; • Baldwin Avenue between Lower Azusa Road and Live Oak Avenue ; and • Broadway between Baldwin Avenue and Acacia Street. 3. In December 2013 , Caltrans in formed the City that funds in the amount of $282 ,900 , towards the total cost of $314 ,333 , were allocated in HSIP Cycle 6 for Federal Fiscal Year 2014-15 . 4 . In November 2014 , Caltrans notified the City that necessary funds for the Project's Preliminary Engineering phase in the amount of $18 ,720 had been obligated and any work done on the Project from that date forward would be eligible for reimbursement. 5. On March 17 , 2015 , the City Council approved the Program Supplement Agreement to the Administering Agency-State Master Agreement with Caltrans to allow reimbursement of project expenditures . 6 . In August 2016 , Caltrans issued approval of Right-of-Way and Utility Clearance and in September 2016 , Caltrans issued the E-76 Authorization to Proceed for the Construction Phase. Because of Federal funding requirements , the City was required to go through a lengthy review and approval process to obtain Caltrans authorization to proceed with co nstruction and allow for reimbursement with Federal funds. The process included preparation of Preliminary Environmental Studies and the multiple approva ls from Caltrans includ ing Nationa l Environmental Policy Act clearance , Right-of-Way and Utility Certification , PSE Certification , and E-76 Authorizat ion to Proceed . 7 . On February 7 , 2017 , the City Council approved the Plans , Specifi catio ns , and Estimates (Bid Packag e) and advertisement of Notice Inviting Bids (NIB) for the Project. The NIB was advertised in the newspaper, on the City web site , and in various trade publicat ions . 8 . On the due date of May 2 , 2017 , three bids were received and opened pub licly . ANALYSIS : The following bids were received : • Calpromax Engineering , Inc.: $143 ,000 .00 ; • PTM General Engineering Services , Inc .: $164 ,164 .00 ; and • California Profess ional Eng ineering , Inc .: $189 ,112 .00 . City Council June 20 , 2017 Page 3 of 4 The lowest responsible bid was subm itted by Calpromax Engineering , Inc. in the amount of $14 3,000. Staff co ndu ct ed a bid ana lysis i ncluding references , licensing , Department of In dustrial Relatio ns reg istration , state and federal debarment list , and federal comp lian ce review for Calpromax Engineering , Inc. Th e B id Package subm itted by Calpromax Engineering , Inc . and the bid analysis completed by staff are attached (Attachments "A " and "B "). Th e contract to be executed with Calpromax Engineering , Inc . is also attached (Attachm ent "C"). CITY STRATEGIC GOALS: The Project would further the City Strategic Goals of Public Hea lth and Safety and Sustain able Infrastructure. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the Project is included in the approved Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17 C ity Budget and th e proposed FY 2017-18 City Budget under Capita l Improvement Project (CIP) No . P15-07. Th e t ota l estim ated project cost is $3 14 ,333 as detailed in the t able be low. This amount was budgeted f or the CIP starting in FY 2014-15 . Funds have been expended for Preliminary Engineering and project management in FY 2014-15, 2015 -16 , and 2016-17 . The balance will be reappropriated for FY 201 7-18 . This appropriation is adequate to cover the contract amount, cont ingency, and remaining project management costs . While HSIP funds require a local match , the City has received approval from Caltrans to apply Toll Credits for the local match portion of the Proj ect. Toll C red it s are funds co llecte d from toll roads that can be used as a credit to match Federal funds. With the use of Toll Credits , th e loca l match will not be required and the full balance of the cost will be reimbursed with Federal funds. P . t C ts d F d . S roJec OS an un mg ources HSIP Funds Toll Credit Local Match Total Match (General Fund) Preliminary $18 ,720 -$2 ,080 $20 ,800 Engineering Co nstruction $212 ,040 $23 ,560 -$235 ,600 Construction $21 ,204 $2 ,356 -$23 ,560 Co ntin gency Construction $30 ,936 $3,437 -$34 ,37 3 Eng in eering Total $282 ,900 $29 ,35 3 $2 ,080 $314,333 llllolowtd:l'oldll7.2017 Bidder's Name: CITY c.' TEMPlE CITY, CAUFORHIA BIDOING «) COIIIRACI IJOCl.O!EHTS. PIN<S N<O SPECIFICATIONS HSIPI.~l65{009) TRAFFIC SIGNAI.li'GAACES. SIGNS »10 OIHEJI SAFETY 1M? AI VARIWS LOCATIONS CITY PROJEC T 10: P!l-07,-Conid Pogo llal 170 C. BI DDER'S PROPOSAL HSIPl-5 365{009) TRAFFIC SIGNAl UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFffi IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS l OCATIONS CITY PROJECT ID: P15 -0 7 In accordance wiTh the City of Temple Ci ty's Notice Inviting Sealed Bids, the undersigned BIDDER, hereby proposes to furnish all mat erials, equipment, t ools, labor, and Incidentals required for the above stated project as set forth In the Plans, Specifications, and cont ract documents therefore, and to perform all work In t he manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal Is based upon careful examination of the worl< site, Plans, Specifications, Instructions t o Bidders, and all other contract docum ents. If this proposal Is accepted for awa rd, BID DER understands that fai lure to enter Into a contract In the ma nner and time prescribed will result In forfeiture to the City of Temple City of t he guarantee accompa nying this proposal. BIDDER understa nd s tha t a bid Is requ ired for the entire work. The contract will be awarded on the prices shown on t he bid schedu le. It is agreed that t he unit and/or lump sum prices bid Include all ap purtenant expenses, ta xes, royalties and fees. In the case of discrep an cies In the amounts of bid, unit prices sha ll govern over extended am ount , and words shall govern over figu res. If awarded t he Cont ract, the undersig ned further agrees t ha t In t he event of t he BIDDER'S defa ult In executing the required contract and filing t he necessary bonds and Insurance certificates w ithin ten working days alter the date of t he City of Temple City's noti ce of award of contract to the BIDDER, the proceeds of the security accompany ing this bid shall become the pro perty of the City of Temple City and this bid and the acce ptance he reof may, at the Ci ty ofTemple City's optio n, be considered null and void. BID SCHEDULE To the Temple City's City Cou ncil, herei n called the ·council". Pursuant to and In compliance with your Not ice Inviting Bids and t he other docum ents relating thereto, the unders igned bidder, having familiarized himself with t he work as per the paragraph, Discrepancies and M isunderstandings, contained In the INSTRUCTIONS TO BI DDER S section, and with the terms of the co nt ract, the local conditions affect ing the performance of the cont ract, and the cost of t he work at the place where the work Is done, and with the drawings and specifications and ot her contract documents, here by proposes and agrees t o perform, within the t ime st ipulated, the contract, Incl uding all of Its component parts, and everything required t o be performed, and to provide and fur nish any and all of the labor, materials, tools, expendable equ ipme nt , and all applicable taxes, utility and transportation seNices necessary t o perform t he contract and complete In a workmanlike manner, all in strict conformity with the Contract Documents on file at th e office of the City Clerk of said City, per the following bid schedu le: (Bidder shall provide a bid amount f or each bid It em listed be low. Failure t o provide a bid fo r each bid Item shall render the bid non-resp onsive) UIDDLR ~HI\ll COMPLEJE J\NO SUBMIT 1\ll OOCUMENC!:. AND lo'AG(S IN ~ECTION C SIUUlH'S PROPOSALH Item 1 2 3 4 s CfTY c.' TEJ.Fl£ CITY, CAI.J'ClAI.IA BllOIHGMO COITRACl OOClLEHl S, P\HIS MO SPECIFICATIONS HSIPL~I TIWfiC SlGNAL l.lf'GIWlES. SIGHS MO OTHER SAf£IY 1M' AT VMICUS UlC .. TIONS CITY PROJECt Ill' Pil-OT -Conid Pogo 14 a1 170 BID SCHEDUlE HSIPl-5 365(009) TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFffi IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS lOCATIONS CITY PROJECT 10: PlS-07 City of Temple City Unit Unit Bi d Total Bid Description Quantity Amount Amount WET SAND BlAST AND REMOVE EXISTING 1 lS s (,000 ·...:.... s (.z ,OOQ-MARKING AND STRIPING . l INSTAll TIIERMOPLASTIC PAINT STRIPING, 1 lS s 15 ,000:..-s l::i.C(lQ ·.;... CROSSWALJ( AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS. REM OVE EXISTING AND INSTALL NEW SIGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCD. I LS s 12 .oco-r s 15,a::o ·- REMOVE C!li!IN!:j §" 3 SECTION VE RTICAL VEHI!;!,lb!\!l ~l!:jNAl HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12• 3 SECTION VERTICAl VEH ICULAR SIGNAl HEAD, COMPLm WITH MOUNTS, HOUSING, VISORS AND BACKPLA TES. THE INSIDE OF SIGNAl -VISORS (HOOOS), THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF 18 EA s LOUVERS AND FI NS, AN D THE FRONT l,Soo s :Z.l.o::::zo · SURFACE OF BAO<PlATES SHAll HAVE A DULl BlACK FINISH. BACI(J>LA TES SHAll BE POWDER COATED AlUMINUM, COLOR SHAll BE FlAT BlACK. BORDERS SHAll BE 5 INCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOLAR POWERED RADAR 10 EA s a.oo::r-s i2<fC¥f.:._ SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN SYSTEM TOTAl BID AMOUNT s 1 ~ 3 .om· ' TOTALBIOAMOUNTINWORDS CAs-G. t6.M>@-?D 'fCW T(\Rff rt\c.N6 t\N D bo I ! f\ P-5 m.J,Ji~l#t11!ti.lft!Q !ili·M·iiiH?!i i.Ui.ltiCIJ?jj~ll>f,V!•'¥'rliiPiij,i!.!Jii :ll•l.!J·ii4·t.!4•'M Paao : C.2 CIIY Of IDG'lE CITY. CIISORIIA IDJHG AICl CONIRACT OOCl.IEHTS, PIA 'IS AICl SPEQFICATIOIIS HSIA.~ TRAFFIC SllHAl UI'GA.ID6. SIGHS NIO 01l£R SAFETY 1M' AT VN'IOJS lOCATIOIIS C11Y PIIOJECT ~PI~. -c....!Po;e15 Cll170 In the cue of discrepancies, total bid will be based on calculated amounts based on quantities and Unl l Bid Amounts. etlan A. Mobilization I Demobilization lncludlns constru Full compensat ion f or the hems list ed to t he rlsht as fenclna It ems A, B, C. D and E are considered as lnduslve In B. Traffic Con trol Ices each Bid Item listed above In the Base Bid Schedule c. NPDES, WWECP, and Best Manasement Pract and Additive Alternate Bid Schedule as applicable, (BMPs), Public Convenience and Safety and no additional and/or separate compensation will D. Construction Staking by land Surveyor be allowed. E. Clearlns and Grubbing allies The bid prices shall Include any and all costs, lncludl-. labor, materials, appurtenant expenses. taxes, roy and any and all other Incidental costs to complete the project, In compliance with the Bid and Con tract Documents and all applicable codes and standards. Mobilization/demobilization, traffic control and safety are assumed to be Included In various bid Item s as applicable. All other work Items not specifically listed In the bid sched ule, but necessary to complete the work • bid per bid and contract documents and all applicable oodes and standards are assumed to be Included In th prices. The City reserves the rieh t to add, delete, increase or decrease the amount of any quantity shown and to d elete any item from the contract and pay the contractor at the bid unit prices so 1o,. as the total amount of ch 1nge does not exceed 25% (plus or minus) of the total bid amount for the entire project. If the chanse exceeds 25", 1 chance order may be nesotlated to adjust unit bid prices. A bid Is required for the entire work, that the qtJanthles set fo rth In the Bid Schedule are to calculate tota I bid amount, ond that nnal compensation under the contract will be based upon the actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. Bidder shall provide a bid amount for each bid It em listed below. em sh Failure to provide a bid for each bid It render the bid non-respo nsive I!OOUt ~HI\Ll (QMPL[TE AND SUBMIT All OOCUM£NH /\NO P/\GH IN SfCTION C I100£R S PROPOSAl Pace: C.l CIIYOflEloi'\.EOTY.~ lllOIIG AICl COfTRACT OOCUioEHTS. PIHIS Ul> SPEQFICATIONS HSIPI.oSl16(11091 TJWR:SOW. ~ IIGNSA/Cl01l£R SAFETY .. ATVN'IOJS lOCATIOIIS orr PROS:T o PI~. _c....~,.."" 110 DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which ore In excess of one·holf of one percent of the bid 1nd to procure materials and equtpment from suppllert and vendort as follows: Name, address, and phone number pf Work to be Performed Contractor's DlR# Dollar Amount subcontractort, license n suppllert, and vendors 1'J(. "f"f.J..'PFIC.. s-r-C-~ j), tCe:., s tc.o.J'5 £,~'0 u.) ')\\~~~~ t..oJ er--:tl-jC. 1 Doooo ')So~ s 2(, ,4CIO ~ O(~f" C l'< · ,, ·'=1-v-1, 'I 0 s s s s s s s s Toto! Subcontroct Amount fsholl not exceed 4 !1% of Total Bid Amount) $ I IDOLA \HAU COMPUTE AND SUBMIT All OOCUMi.NTS AND rAC.lS I~ StCTION "( OIOOl.R S PIIIOPO>Ai" Poce: t.A aTY Of TEloi'\.E aTY, c.oL.FaliiA llllllt<GI«J c::amw:T OOCl.to9ITS, P\A'IS NlllSPECIFlCATlONS HSII'l-5lf6(001) T!Wf1C SIGIW. UI'GIWJES. SIGNS Nil OTHER SAFETY N' AT VAAIClJS I.OCATlONS aTY PROJECT 10' PIW. -Conod f'IVOI1 111170 REFERENCES The City ol Temple City b Interested In obtaining bids I rom the most qualified and capable contractors w ith a proven track record able to perform work desired by the Public Works Department . Any and all references required to be provided by t he bid speclflcallons must be lor p rojects constructed by the bidding company; references lor o the r projects performed by principals or other Individuals o l the bidding company may not be Included. The lollow lng are t he names, add resses, and telephone numbers lor three public agencies lor wh ich BIDDER has performed similar work w ithin the past three year>. BcfC[C[D 'ODIIG lnfQrmatlgn R~f~t~n,~ ~tQI~sa ~ .12m l'i.i.m_~ 'dl\1~ ~ Agency NaiTtiapartment of T ransportatior Caltrans N o . 07A398 Contact Na me and Title: s ...25ll.!lOO. 3/31/2017 Zaril Savkall Contact Tel No: (310) 822-2396 Agency Name: Coun tv o f Riverside Country Club Dr. & Conlllct Name and Tit le: Adams St. Traffic S.zaa.a55.. 02/17/2017 Ivan Mendoza Signal & lighting Conlllct Te l No: (562) 254-9351 Project Agency Name: City of N ewoort Beach Eastbluff Park F ield Contact Nam e and Thle: Improvem ents s~ 02/25/2016 Peter Tauscher Contact Tel No: (949) 644-3316 BONDS The l ollowlng are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers lor all brokers and suret ies lrom whom Bidder In tends to procure In surance bonds: Broker: Bond Connection, 27201 P u e rta R eal #300, Mission Viejo, CA 9269 1 (949) 248-1543 S•tcpty· American C nntractncs l n dpmnjty Co mpa ny 601 s Eig••e ma #1 6 00 Ins Angeles. CA 90017 SIT£ INSPECTION (310) 649-0990 The Bidder de cl ares t hat he/she has carel ully read and uamlned tho plans, spoclllcallons, bid documonts, and ho/sho has mad• a per>onal oxam lnatlon ol t he site (Indicate name ol t ho person, representing t ho bidder, wh o Inspected t ho silo and date below) and that ho/she under> lands t ho oxact scope ol the Project WITHOUT QUESTION. Nome ol Person who Inspected the site: Jose veoa Oato o l Inspection: 4120/2017 0100[R \HAll COMPLETE AND SUBMIT ALL DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN SfCTION RC BIDDERS PROPOSAL~ PalO: c.s ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGMENT em Of 1Uft! CITY. CAUFOANA 8llDIIG Nil CXJ<TRACT OOCI.IBITS. PUHS I«J ftaf1:AT10NS HSIPI.--TW'AC 5IGIW. UI'GIWJElliJGNS-<nER W£TY &I' AI VNIWS LOCATIONS aTY PACIJEC" 0 P1W -CoNal P ... llol170 Tho Bidder ocknowledaos rtttlpt of tho loAowln& Addend• ond hos Included their provisions In this Proposol: Addendum No. Dated April24,2017 ~~ Addendum No. 2 Oat od Apri1 28, 201 ~1 Addendum No. Dated Addondum No. Datod EQUAL EMPLOYM ENT OPPORTUNITY COMPUANCE BIDDER conllles thot all previous contracts or subcontracts, oll roports which moy hav" been due undor the requl,.,.,ents ol ony Agency, sno, or Fodera! equal employment opportunity order> have been satlsfoctorlly flied, ond thlt no such r eports •re currently ouutondlns. AF FIRMATIVE ACTION CERTlflCATlON BIDDER cortlfoes Jhat offirmotive oction has been t aken to seek out and consider minority buslnoss entorprhes lo r those portions ol work to be subcontracted, •nd that such olllrmotlvo actions have been fully documented, thor said documontat ion Is open to Inspection, ond that sold alflrmotlve ICiion will romaln In ellect lor the life ol any contract awarded hereunder. Furthormoro, BIDDER certifies that olflrmot lvelelion wHI be t 1ken to meet allequolomployment opportunity roqulremonts o l the contract documents. NONCOU.USION AFF IDAVIT BIDD ER declaros that the only per>ons or parties lnterostod In this propos a los principals aro thoso named heroin: t hat no olllcor, agent, or "mployee ol the City ol Temp~ City Is personally ln t erest.,d, dlr.,ctly or Ind irectly, In this proposal; that t his proposal b made w ithout connection to any other Individual, lirm, or corporation making 1 bid lor t he same work ond that this proposal Is In all rospects lair and without collusion or lraud. Poc•:C.6 Addendum for: Addendum No.: HSIPL-5365(009) TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS lOCATIONS CITY PROJECT ID: P15.a7 Addendum Date: APRIL 28, 2017 Issued by: Remi nder 1: Remlnder2: City of Temple City All Cayir, PE, City Engi neer Please sl1n Addenda Acknowledgement on page C-6 of Bid Package Section Titled •c. BIDDER'S PROPOSAL". Entire Section C shall be submitted as Bidder's Proposal Per Addendum 1., bid due date is revised up to the hour of 1:00PM, on May 2, 2017 (Tuesdoy). This Addendum 2 replaces various plan sheets from Append!• C·Pro)ect Plans from the Bidding and Contract Documents, Plans and Spedflcallons ("Bid Pa ckage "). Replaced plan sheets are Sheet 2, Sheet 7, Sheet 11, Sheet 20, Sheet 24, Sheet 25 and Sheet 26of32. See Attachment 1: Revised Plans oer Addendum 1_. All other paru of BIDDING AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, PLANS AND SPEOFICATI ONS, dated March 27, 2017 not impacted by Addendum l and Addendum 2 remain unchanaed. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Rev is ed Plans per Addendum 2. Poge 2 Addendum for: Addendum No.: HSIPL-5365(009) TRAFFIC SIG NAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS CITY PROJECT ID: P1S.a7 Ad dendum Dale: APRIL 24, 2017 Issued by: Reminder 1: City of Temple City All Caylr, PE, City Engineer Pl ease sign Addenda Acknowted1ement on pase C-6 of Bid Packase Se<tlon Tilled •c. BIDDER'S PROPOSAl". Entire Section C shall be submitted as Bidder's Proposal This Addendum 1 revi ses bid openinB date up to the hour of 1:00PM, on May 2 , 2017 (Tuesday). Another addendum will be Issued by April 27, 2017 to respond to last m inute questions received. All questions regarding to this bid shall be directed v ia email t o Okan Oemlrcl (Project Manager) at okan.demirci@transtech.org, no later than 5 PM, April 26, 2017. Any questions received after this deadline will not be answered. If a bid is submitted on the orig inal b id date of April 26, 2017,1t will be returned unopened, and the bidder can submit Its b id on the revised b id date of May 2, 2017,1:00 PM. Page2 ADDENDUM #1 BIDOING AN D CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS lor HSIPL-5365(009) TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS CITY PROJECT ID: PlS-07 Date Issued: April 24, 2017 Oolt--77.2017 CllY Of lUll'\£ CllY, c..JfORNA IIIXJ1HG I>KJ CCIHTRACT OOCUIEI<TS. 1'\JoNS lnJ SPECFX:AllONS HSII'l·5J65!00!1) T!WflC SIGNAl LI'GRNlES, $.1GHS-<mER SAFETY 1111' AT VARIOUS l OCATlONS CllY PllOJECT ~ PIS-47,-Ccnd Pogo 19 d 170 BIDDER INFORMATION Bidder's Name: CALPROMAX ENGINEERIN G, INC . Address : 650 N . R ose Dr. #186, Placentia, CA 92870 Form of Leaal Entity (I.e ., Individual, partnershi p, corporat ion, etc.) Corooration If a Corporation, State of Incorporation (I.e ., Cal if .) California Valid St at e Contractor's License No. and Class 995933 I A Contact Person Information : Na me Title I E-mail I Tel Marla Atmogeda Office ManaQer J marla.ceiDro@omall.tom 17141573-459 The following ere the names, t~les, addresses, and ph one numbers of all Individuals, llrm members, partners, joint vent urers, and/or corporate officers having a principal Interest In this proposal: Nlzar Kabbaoy President/Secretary 5405 Alton Pkwy Ste A-377, Irvine CA 92604 (949) 419-4421 The date(s) of any voluntary or Involuntary bankruptcy )udaements aaalnst any principal havlna an Interest In this proposal are as follows: N O N E All current and prior DBA'S, alias, and/or fict~lous business names for any principal having an Interest In this proposal are as follows: NONE Previous contract performance history: Wu any contract termina ted prevlously:_MQ_ If the answer to the above Is •yes•, provide the following information : Cont ract/project name and number:: ________________ _ Date o f termination:: _____________________ _ Reason for termination:: ____________________ _ Owner'sname:=----------------------- Owner contact person and tel. no.:---------------- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BIDDER uecutes and submiU this proposal with the names, t itles, hands, and sealo of all aforement ioned princi pals t his 2nd day of May 201]. BIDDER __ CwAOI.ILPt:.Rc.Ol.lll!Mu:AXl6...EIOJN~G~IN:uE;JE;JB~IlllN~.~;GL..lliN...,C...._ _______ _ IJIDOU SHAll COMPlrTE AND ~UBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGrS IN SECTION -c OIDDER'S PROPOSAl- ·- Nlzar Kabbany -President I S Subscribed and sworn to this __ day of _____ ___, 201_. NOTARY PUBLIC ______ :----rr---r--,---------~t; e. ()..tft>tch:e/.f IIOOtR )HALL (OMPLl H. AND SUBMIT ALL OOtUMtNTS A'\10 PAUf\ IN SlCfiON ' C &IDOlA S PRO,O\AL • 'ace : c .. ·C ALIFORN IA ALL-PURPOS E C ERTIFICAT E OF ACKNOWLE DGM EN T A not•ry pvblk or othc.T o41lcn' complttin11hiJ cuUfiRt~ \'ft'lfic1 onty 1M kltntlty of the ~ndtYidual W'ho slanN ttw dtlalmm1 to whkh thlJ M11t\nte b 111achtd, and not tht INthfufnns, I«Uf'ICJ',Of valkf .. yofthM docummt State of Californ ia Cou nt y of _o_ra_n.::.g_e ______ _ On May 2, 2017 he fore me. _____ M-ca;;;n::·a=O=e-=lia=A=nn=og":e,.,d:::a==-----' Notary Public. (1 1..."'1'~ tnKn namc find ttde ofchc orT"~tn) personally appeared ____ N_iz_a_r _K_a_b_ba_n--'y'---------------------- who proved to me on the basis o f satisfactory ev idence to be the person(ll)(whose nameWA'is/Hfb'subscr ibed to the withi n ins trument nnd acknowledged to me that hc/'lffti"A.U/Jt executed the some In his/'rN!I/.JJifrl a uthorized capacity(,WN)'. and tha t by hisltfrN'NNI/t signnturefl'l on the in strument the personm or the entity u pon beha lf of which the person~ acted. executed the instrument. I cenify under PENAL TV OF PERJ URY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand a nd official seal. s--!<f¢.~?J~ AOOIT IONI\L OI'TIO NI\L I NFOllMAT IO N DESCRIPTION OF TI IE A TI ACHED DOCUMENT BIDDE R INFORMATION Nu mber oFPaacs _2 _ Documcn1 Dale 0!>'02120t7 CAPACin' CLA IMED BY Ti l E SIGNE R 0 lndividual(s) 0 c..,.,.,. Offi= -CT'*I 0 Ponncr{s) 0 AIIOniC),.in-fltl O TNSI~I) 0 Olh<r ________ _ INSTR UCTION S FOR COMPLEl iNG nus FORM A"'> orl.ltow~ nlltffPI~I~ l1t Clli""""" •fiJI nMioM rw~ oii!Nh g, 'lpptlrJ obQ.y ,,. ,,., ,..,_, HrtiOIIJ or • ..,.._ uf'AiffiWI~• .f1tnw •tut lw proptrlJ tf1fl¥1/ffld tl1ft/ tMirlt'lwJ 10 l/ttlt dflt'IMH, ])r flfllly '.SC'P'I'&If II if II ~ I.J 'II H rHOtlltd Otlf.JIJ, tfC-',.,.. /It ••It 1•.rU.V.r _,. ilhnwatrrr odnowftdpwltl 't't'rb_,. IIJ ~ IH prmt#J ta, Jlldi • ~ MJ k»« IIJ 1/w 'NrlHalf flotU 1101 f'flfti>IIY lfw ~ HI flo .,.,INtf6 IINft b 11/,.t jM II "'*"'}' ,. C.t/.fonfKI (I, cwtt/J'#tf! ,,., ,.,lwl::ftl topttf'lty qf ,,... Alp#r') ,,... r-ltHt '""' ~ mNjtJII/fw pt"'ttpH lfOiww/wun'lrlf,t mwillllluri Mhjtw.llf,.,..wirtid • St.cc Md c...,., ln(ormetiOfl mutt bt lhr Slltt Md C~ •hctt lk ~ llpct(S)~onoNtly~bcforlol~fiCH*YP'!hiiC'r.ld.~~~ • O.c of' IMMaltnlhOft ftMlll bt lfw d.»t .... the llpnfl) prf'IOMh) ~J!Pntcd --.tud• rmtt1 abo be thr ... .., the ac\~1rdpwfw: • cotn~ • Tbc nowy publtc liMo! prlftl hll or hn M1M u II llfiP*1 ..,,tit• kll or her ~r~'C'IIhyac...,...IIIMI.._).OW ,....,.,....,"'*"c) • PJw lbc MIM'(I) e( ~ ~I) illlho pmoMiy ~ 811 the IIMt .. IIUUtu'llh .. • ~ lhe ~ '"'t* t1t1 phnl AvrM b)-~ .n'tntonm *'-he' ~",_,,.,trti .. &a.CliWNttr.-wt~ r .. ~wc·~~~ ., ...... ,.... n~ .. ~ ... .r---,...,., .. .,..,...., ~WI'II"fttacMIInltllbcct..... .... ~~~lbk ~ ....... cv-"Cf~-l..n l(tftl~~rt-tnlt(~ wr~ .n pcnYU. ~--C'OIIIIf'ktc •d•l"fcrm I!CbiN~ rona . s.,..~neldrw..,. pubic .-..ec:~~~ dM: IIpMaN-r•••lht ..rn.r theCOWII) rirf\ ~ Ad.J,tiONI ............... ,.. ..... c..w lldp .. ~ .. w:t.~koda--.-MIMIMd •llttadtcd ... d!ITcml!l ·--- -It lod~t»eudc•t)pcfll.n.cWdac~........,ol,..aMdd.w o ffldtCMt 111c f1fi~CII)' cia...,-., &tw "'*' trw tWMtd ClfiiiCIIl " • ariJ'ftf*ttiTIII*, tMiaH llw ltdt~IC' li0.C10. 5«MMf)'t • 5«utdt Mtxh thtl docvmml to 1M I9W'd ~ Ddlluulct Mltdl '17, 2017 CITY Of 1Bf'U CITY, COlFORNIA 81XXHG N<O CQITRACT OOCUIEHTS. PlANS~ SI'ECFICAOOHS HSI'I.-5365(009) TRAFFlC SIGHAI.l.I'GAAOES. SIGNS oWl OTHER SAffTY lt.IP AT VAAIOUS I.OCATIJHS CITY PlllJECT D: Pt~T. -C<ml Pogo 21 d 110 De partment of Indus trial Rela tions (DIRt Contractor Registration Num ber Beginni ng July 1, 2014, contractors must reglsterw~h the Department of lndustrlal Relations (D IR t before bidding on public works contracts In California. For more Information, please refer to thi s section of the Department of Industrial Relations Website: http://www.dlr.ca.gov/Publlc-Works/PubllcWorks.htm l, Per this requirement, provi de the follow ing Information: CALP ROMAX ENG INEERING INC . Contractor Na me 1000028249 Co ntrocto r Department of Ind ustrial Relations Registrotlon Number: 06130/2017 Expira tion Dote of Regi stration Number •(THIS FORM MUST BE SUBMITTE D WITH THE SEALED Blot • BIOOU Sit All COMrL[T( At~O SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN SECTION"( I'UOO£R'S PROPOSAl ~ Paae: C.9 Q'l't Of TBIU CRY, Clt.f'<:AI1A IIDIGIHlCOilMCTOOCUIBIIS.I'INISNIDSPlCIACA~ ~11Wfi:SICIW.II'GIWllS,-NtD0110WilY .. ATVAIIIOUS LOCAnco.'S CITY~D:Ptse~.-eo.,..no~no Bid Bond No .: ll-844-052 PROPOS.\LGUAMNTU/IID BOND HSIPl·S365(!m) TRAffiC SIGNAl. UPGIIADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VAR IOUS LOCATIONS CITY PROJECT ID: P1S.()7 City of T-ple C1ty KNOW AlL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Calprolilax E:ny iner i ny, Inc· ,as BIDDER, and American Con tractors !noemn1 t y Co mj..>driJas SURETY, are held and flrmly bounduntotheOtyoiTernpleClty,lnthepena l sumof tm ~ct E'Idin dollars($ 10\ ). which Is 10 percent of the totll amount bid by BIDDER to the Oty of Temple Oty fo r the above stated pro)ect. for the payment of which sum, BIDDER ond SURETY 11ree to be bound, jointly and •everally, nrm by these present>. THE CO NDmONS OF THIS OBUGATION ARE SUCH tho~ whereos BIOOER Is about to submit a bid to the City of Temple City for the obove stoted project, If sold bid b rejected, or If sold bid b accepted and a contrlct b owarded and entered Into by BIDDER In the monner and tlmt specified, then this obflcatlon sha l be nu l ond void, otherwbelshd remoln In fu n fora ord effect In fiMK of the City of Temple ~·~'"'£:\!••,,, 26t ~ ~--..... IN WITN~S WHEREOF 1!>e partla hereto have set their names, titles, hands, ond seo b this JO ORI"o,.,~ Apnl 201._!. ilft" ~ 'p {1'1% calpromax engineering. Inc . 650 N Rosell86 ~lo ~~~L~ =·=~ BIDDER• ~ ~,J t,;;· ,1,1(<2~ P!d cun b a, CA 9 _.0 ..,,~~~ t''f/ ~ 949-419-4421 ........ ." ""'~~ ' ...... ~ ... ,. N1 z ar Ra.bbdny. P C'~Sl.den t ~,,,. "'':"~ American Cont ractors Indemnity CosntJ an y "'•"' SURETY• ~~ (_ , ~OS Angel es, CA 90017 /7 ~~ ~~L s •;y~tHoa tl 600 Bl ake A r~NE' I Att ocn~Y i ll !ttl -c~9-0990 •Provide BIDDER/SURETY nome, address and t eleph one nu mber and the name, titl e, address and telephone number lor out horl zed nepresentotlve. Subscribed and swom to this __ doy of _____ _, 201_. sue a ttached a ckn owledgment NOTARY PUBLIC:. __________________ _ ········ § .:~::.·· :. --:_ - ;: ... ; =-:-.-;. :. \~~~>· ... :>.-. CAI.II"ORHIA ALL-~ ACKNOWLI!DGMiiNT CM L CODE§ 1189 A ,_,. PIA* or OChor .,.._ ~ tlis ...uac:.te ...t11oo ority tho lcllnllty ol tho tncMiuol who ligned tho doa.menl to wtolc:ll tlis cer1111cate Is lbchecl, lt1d not tho ~. ec:curiiCY. or ¥llldlty cl tlwt documonl. State of California County ol oro ng e On Apri l 24, 2017 Det• beloreme, L i a nne Na hi n a, No t a ry Public Here tt--r Neme and nue of the Officer peraona11y a~ed Bh lte A . Pfister Who proved to me on the basis ol satisfactory evldenc:. to be the petwon(f who6e name(a) lsi_.. subscribed to the within Inst rument and acknowledged to me that he/....,._. executed the same In ~ IIUihorized ~.and that by~ algnaturetW) on the Instrument the personli'}, or the entity upon behalf of which the person8l acted, executed the lnstrumenL I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws ol the State ol Ceflfomla that the foregoing paragraph Is true and correcL WITNESS my hand and olftclal seal. --------------oPTIONAL -------------- Thoug/1 this section Is optional, completing this lnformatJon CM deter e/letatJon of the document or frwdulent 1'8llttachment of this form to ..., unintended document. Descr1ptton o l Atblched Document . T1lle or Type of Doc:ut'*lt: llid Bond 11-844 -052 Oocument Date:"_,.._r_t_l_2_6_,_2_0_l_7_ Number ol Pagee: _1 __ Slgnet{a) Other Then Named Above: >l~t.../Aa...• _;N~o~nll-'el:..... _____ _ Cepec:ltyOes) Claimed by Slgner{s) Slgnet'a Name: Blo ke 11. Pfist er 0 Corporate Ofllcer -Tltle(a): ------ 0 Partner -0 Umlt-.:1 0 ~ 0 Individual Ill Attorney In Fact 0 T ruatee 0 Guardian or Conservator O Oiher: -=-----:-:--,-;;~-:-;:;"'--­Signer Ia Representing; Amuc t c an Contra ctors Indemntty Company ~a Nmn«~-~==~~------ 0 Corporate Ofllcer -Tltle(s): ----- 0 Partner -0 Umlted 0 ~ 0 lndlvldool 0 Attorney In Fact 0 Trustee 0 Guatdlan or Conservator 0 Other: ::----:--------- Signer Ia Repr--.tJog: ------- 0201~NalioneiNolwyAuoc-!o-tlon-·_www __ .Nat_loniiNolary ___ ·OIV-'-1-800-US---NO-'fAAY--(1--1!00-87--1Hi82--7)-lt-om-:J ......... POWER. O F ATI'ORNEY AMERICAN CONTRACTORS I NDE!'dNITY COMP TEXAS BOND INC COMPANY UNITED STATTS SURETY COMPANY U.S. SPECIALTY INSURAN CE COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : Thai American Cooltlctort . lodcmnity Compa ny, a California corporatioo, Texas Bonding Company, an assumed oame of American Conltlctort Indemnity Company, Uni ted Slltcs Surety Co mpaoy, a Maryland corporation and U.S. Specialty lnsuruJcc Company, a Texas corporation (coUcctivcly, the "Companies'1, do b)"Utcse presents make, constitute and appoint Blake A. POstor of Mbslon VIejo, Callforala its true and lawful A110mey(s)-in-fac~ each in their separa te capacity if more thao one is named above, with full power and autho rity hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, acknowledge and deliver a ny a nd all bonds, r ecog nizances , undtrtakJngs o r other Instruments or c:oatn cts or suretyship to lnclude r iders, amendments, and con sents or s urety, providlDg the bo nd Ptl!J&Ity does not ex{eed .... ,Three Million .._.._, Dollars ($ .. 3,000,000.00.. ). This Power of Allomcy sballcxpire without further action onDeccmbcr20,2017. Thi s Power of Anomey is granted under and by authority of the following rcsolutiOilS adopted by the Boards of Directors of the Companies: 81 11 Auo/vM. tltiM the Ptcaidca&. my Viee-Prakkat. aray ASiiltan1 V~C»-Pruidcal, uy S«:rm.ry or uy AssiA&nl: Sec::R:cMy lhall be l.ftd is bad:ly verecd wiiJI Ml power ud authority ao IIPSI'OiM uyooc: or IDOC'C ~itlblo pa10a1 as Anomc:r(a).bt·Ftet 10 fqft:IC:Dt assd-=-Cot tad Oft bdt.llroldlc ~IUbjoc:IIO cho rollowina p<G¥isf..., Atltimq-bt-Foct may be s:iwa I\IU JIOWa' aad wdaonty to. and in tho umc orand Oft bchalror tho Company, to uccutc.ltbowlcd&c tnd dc.ti't'U, MY aac1 all boGds. rccoanlzucc:&. contttcU, aJrCCmcall or t.dc:mniry Md ocher cofldlrional or obliptory UDdcrtakinp. hschtd~t~J any and all coetXfttJ tor dlo rel-..o of retafnod percenttgct INS/or final carimatc:a on tt~Jincerina and eon:struedon c:onrruts, and any and •II notiCCJ and documenll e•neclinJ or rmniMiinJ the Cornplny'a Uabiliry rhc revndcr, and any aucb Instruments 10 cJ:cculcd by any 1ucb Ataomcy-in.f~c:lahl.ll be blndinJ upon the Company u l r •iancd by the Prcaidcnl and ~e~lcd and efrc:c~cd by lhc Corpontc Sttrt:lllry. IH It Res~ thai the lipn~R or any ndlorizcd officct and teal or dte Company h~rorore or 1\erc:aftct affixed to any power or altomcy « •Y catiRute rc.lacinJ thereto by r•caimilo, md u.y power or~ 01 certilka1c bc:ariq faesbni1e tipah.trc or rac:similc JCalahtU be' val id and biDAina liP'* tile Company willl respect to ltl)' bond ac undert&kinJIO which it il attKbc:d.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Tbc Companies have caused this instrument10 be signed and their corporate seoJs to be bcrciO aflixed, this lst day of December, 2014. AMERICAN CONTRACTORS I NDEMNITY COMPANY TEXAS B OND tNC COMPANY UNITED STATES SURETY C OMPANY U.S. SP~CIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY By: A nocary public: or other offiCer om!pktina this certifatc verifies only lhc identity or the individual who 1iped Lhc doc.ummt to which this certiftctte is anached, and DOl the truthfulness. accuracy, or validiry of that doeumenL StatcofCa.lifomia County or Los An&clcs SS: On thi1 IJt day or Oceember, 2014, before me, MW 0 . Rodri£Utz-WonJ, 1 DOtary public. pertOnalty appeared Dan P. Aeuilar, Vtu President or American Coa!TI<IOB lodcmalty Company, Texas BoodinJ Compony, United Swot Surety Ccmp111y llld U.S. Spcelalty lllJUtl!1<e Company wbo proved 10 me oo the buis or satisfactory evidcoce co be the pmoa whoae oame is tubtcribcd to the wfthia i.aslrument and actnowled.acd to me dw be execwed tho same in his wdlorized C~p~Cicy, end tlwt by his si,cnaturc oa the instrumeoc the petiOft. or the enriry apon behaJfofwhkh thrs penon ectal, aecutcd tht lMtNmmt I certify under PENALTY Of PERJURY IInder the laws of the StalE: or California llw the forea;oioa ,_,..fTIPh it trUe and awn:ct. W'J'TNESS my hand and oMcla.lscal. Slanoru .. ____ (l.<~~'-9------(Sea l) I, K;o !.<>, Auirwct Secmaty of American Contraeton Indemnity Company, Tcxu Bonding Company, United States Scm:ty ~Y and U.S. Specialty lnsunnce Company, do hereby certify thal lhe above and (oregoin& is a true and corrcet copy of 1 Power of Aa~-deeuted by said Companies , which is JriU in full force and effect; funhc:rmorc, th e resoludont of the Boards of Directors, set out In the Po~"of ~a;_omcy,,rc in full force and effect. l-'.J··· ... ~··.:. ··~. In Witness Wher~),l have b~~nto set my haod and affixed the seals of said Companies at Los Angele&, c;!til:o;hla,!!l~ h .... ~aY,o of Apr .~ Li.Q.:;::' } _-~ Corporate Scab ~~ ... /.--:/ BoodNo. 11-844-052 Klo Lo, Asslsbal Stcrtilory Agency No. 3074 1 -__ ., ----I =--=-~ L ------._=-_--_ ~---, '':==.~I : ::..-:...... ·~a--I ..._ __ . : =-"==' I I ·-·-I L_ __ • -----~ j ·CA LI FORN I A ALL-P URPOSE CERTI Fl CATE OF ACKNOWLED GMENT lA rwc~rypubl•corothtTotricn"comJ"'c'Un& lh•• m-taratc m•l'kt:ofttyt.M idtntuyoftht:uKhndual who Acned lhcdocummt to I W'hkh thit mtU\ntc tt an.chcd. and nocthc truthfulnc:s.. a«\\n<y, Of valid.ty o( that docummt I Statt o f California Coun ty of _o_r_a_n~ge ______ _ On May 2, 2017 be: fore: me, _____ M_,a,n.,.·a-:-0-:::e-::lia=A=rm=og=-e.,.,d::-a==----->Notary Publi c. (Um 1nwf1 t~anwMd htko(ll~oll.m) persona ll y nppcan:d ---~N.:.:iz.::a::.r .:..K.::a.::b.::ba.::n.:..'y:__ __________________ _ who proved to mt on th t basis of satisfactory rvidence to be: the pcr1on W)/whosc nnmt~isiWO'subscribc:d 10 the wi th in instrume nt and acknowk-dged to me thnt hd "IJIIIJAJIJt executed the SDmc in hislfNI//JIIflr authorized ca poelly~N), and that by ho!lf11 f:IIIIWI)I <igna turc:f/1 on the Instrument the pcr1onfM( or the entity upon bc:hnlf of "hich the pcrson~acted. e~ccu ted tht instrummt . I certify under PI>NALTY OF PERJUR Y under the laws of th e State ofCnlifom in that the fon:going paragraph is true and COI"rtcL ADD IT IO AL OPTIO 'AL I FORMATION DeSCRIPTION Of Ti lE AITACIIED DOCUMENT Bid Bond No. : 11-844-052 CAPACITY CLA IMCO BY TilE SIGNER 0 Individual (s) 0 C"'l""*<Offi= -!Tole I 0 Pltln<t{s) 0 AIIOm<)'·in·foo:o 0 TNII«(S) 0 Oth<r NSTRUCTIO"S r OR COMPI..ETINO TillS fORM ... ~~lftl'J,.,.. .... tw/llfMIM~" ... tllftll'tH'il1 ,_, ,,. ,;, ..,.., ......,._or • .,.._ «'-'-'~ ~..., ,_ ,_.,., ro-lfJin,., Mwl Uifflldtt'J 10 ,.., ........._ 7lw _,. u,,.. u 1/ • ~-UMiwrMtnW,_Mtltlf11{Ctlll/tlntUII"'IKitlflllflffff, .wllll~tw ~Jtofti'IHnt ,.,,.,..., UJ _,.. k pr1ttUJ 01'1 .t«lt •.......,., .lltJ hwt M:t ,,.. ~-.rlJ~tlotf~ M/JIIW#ffiiY tftt ~ 10do10f!IIWtltllft t#tol Utlt'fU/foru~WNUt'1>1ft CtN~ {I' fl'rtl~*'x rlk! ••ltonYd nlf*VJ' .,,,., ~~ f/ttof·~ clwd 1lw docwtlcw~jWpruprrtltJIUrlQ/w~IJitlll~~twAihl•fw•tfmtwrtd. • ~tMtMdC'~ lfi,.,..._KWII'W')Cbllhelliii'WMCIC-, •lwf•dtlr~ -·lrcn-ll)"'''"'"'"b<f ....... ....., ..... ~ .... -........... • n.r fi ...,.,.,. .. _,.. bit ...... IIIII ctw ....C•) pmeMIIy ..,_.aa •"-. .. ................ __ ....... _.._. .. ._. •llw..,.,.,.,.Wtt ..... ,..lll,.•lwr-u•~••._llln•twt ~-"MH~r~..,..NMIN.-... ,...., ..tel...,.,.... .. ) • "'" !be """"•) of...._.._.... Vprl(t) .,..,. ~ ...... .,. liMt .r --• ,,.,._ lfw C'ftffft1 ,.., fW flllllall (MM hy tfDUiti'C eft" ......a ........ !If ~ at..)•rlfd ....... cun'K1f--. f..._ktOM1'fC'd•~M .ron. .. ..., lnll•f'C1«1•el~""""' .... • nw ...., an~ ....-ntMM ,.... w r'-_. ........,~ rrpoduc"* ~ ........... C:.wttnl•l-l(tal~~f!l'-tnlltf• lllft"c:-.,.pm!lllt,....,...,......,.clllf'fcrM~'Wpftlllnn • ~ot .. ~pw~~~"" ... ._,.~.r.arw-..,ell"kYot -~'""' + Adll.e....a lllomlll• n _. ,...mi .... ~ Wt, .. ~ .,. ll(t. .. ..,...,. ............. .,...., •• *""'"-..... • • ........... rt-Ptei...W~tlllllfl'lbcfelrtl""...tdllc • lfldiCW ,._ ac-•y ca.lfM!d..,. t111e ,...., tr 1M c:~ Of!IC"Y "• eof1*•4N'Om ~~hthrNtl• cro.cro _ ~~ . s.c-~~·tbl•~·-NtM4---- .. I AQJ OD NIA AIHHI~II s D !rtt!S~ .MMO:J j suuoli~. :.~ ~~! -t JtNO•J t.:.n•f.) 1t~Oi ,t d..r:ft.jl~~-.jJ o.•-Mardl 27, 2017 CITY OF TEMPI£ CITY, CAUFORN1A e :OOING AND CONTRACT ()()CUMEHTS, PWIS -SPECIF1CA110NS HSH'L~) TRAFF IC S1GIW.LJ'GRADES, SIGNS -OTliERSAFETY 1MP AT VARIOUSLDCA110NS CITY PROJECT D: P1 5-47, Doalnwl1 Colad Pllllt 23 d 110 FOLLOWING FEDERAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS/DOCUMENTS SHAll BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED AS PART OF THE BID (THE BIDDER'S EXECUTION ON THE SIGNATURE PORTION OF THIS PROPOSAL SHALL ALSO CONSTfTUTE AN ENDORSEMENT AND EXECUTION OF THOSE CERTIFICA T!ONS WHICH ARE A PART OF THIS PROPOSAL) 1. Requ ired Federal-Aid Contract Language (Exhibit 12 G) 2 . Sample Bid (Exhibit 12 H) 3 . Constru<:tlon Contract DBE Commitment (Exhibit 15 G) 4 . DBE lnformotlon -Good Faith Effort (Exhibit 15 H) 5 . Bidder's Ust of Subcontractors (DBE a nd Non-DB E) (E xhibit 12 B) 6 . Subcontract inc Request (Exhibit 16 B) 7 . Monthly DBE Trucking Verification (Exh ibit 16 Z) 8 . final Report Uti li zation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE)and Flrst -ner Subcontractors (Exhibit 17 F) 9. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) Certification Status Change (Exhibit 17 0) OIOO(R ~HAU COMPL(T( AND ~U61'.11T All OOCUM[NT~ AND PAGE~ IN SECTION C BIOO[A S PAOPO\AL ,.,., C.ll Do:e -l ... lli\27, 2017 CITY Of TEII.P..E CITY, CAUFORN1A BiDDING-CONTRACT DOC\.IMENTS, PUNS AND SPEC~!:A110NS HSIPL·5365(0(19) TRAFF1C S1GIW. UPGRADES. SIGNS -"'IlOTliER SAFElY IMP AT VAAIOUSLDCATIONS CITY PROJECT 10: P1!-47.-Coo>d Pille U d 110 1. Require d Federal-Aid Contract l a nau age (Exhibi t 12 G) [d •lblltz-C Rt<qulnd Ft-dt'nl-Ald C•n tr•c• I.ADJU'I' E.·uua iT n -G Rl:QnR£o Fl:otJUL·AlD co~Trun L .. ,cuct (For LOCI I Assut:mcc C011SUUC1IN\ Pr~e-..:~) The: folio\\ ill~ lt ng;u:\gc: m\bt be in~:\lJ'fiC'flt~1 intll alll.A.,I Anistnncc Fcdcrnl...,id cons tn11:uon con trJct:s . The: folio\\ IRi lnngu:~gc. with oUnor ('t.)its, \\ lb t3ken from the coo~ of fec.krnl Rcguhutons. I. OISADVru'"TAGE D BLISI~ESS E~TERPR ISES(ODE) ................................................... -... 2 A. DB £ CO\l\l rT:\I[~T S l 'B~I ITfAL .............................................................................. -1 8. GOOD f.Amt EFTORTSSl'B.\I rTTAL ............................................................................ .J C. EX fH BIT 1~-C • CON~TRl'CTIO"\ CO:'\IIUC"'T nB£ C0\1\IIT\I L"\I .................................. ... 0 . Sl BC'OVTRAr.TOR A~D DI SAD\'A~I ACED Bl'SI:"4E.I\S (."\IERPRI SE RECOROS ................. J E. PE RfOR;\I A XC£ OF DISA D\'A~TAC E D Bt'~I~ESS EXTERPRISES .................................... ... 2. BID OPEI\'1:->G ............................................................................................................ , J. BID RI GGING ............................................................................................................. , 4. C'O~'TRA CT AW ARD ................................................................................................... , >. ('01\TRACTOR LICEl"SE ............................................................................................. , 6. CHA~GED C.OI\lliTIO:->S ............................................................................................. , A. Dl f"rERI~C S ITE CO:"'iDITI O:'Ii .................................................................................... -.6 K. S1 ~P£.."\SIO"\S Of \\ORK ORO£RED 8\' TilE f:.'CI:iEER .................................................. , C. S IC~l.nCA.."\'T CltA:"'iCES IN THE C IIARACIER Of\\ ORK ............................................. -.6 7. IIEG II\"1'11\'(; OF WORK, TIMEOF C'OMPLI:TIOl" AXD LI Ql'IDAT ED DAJ\IAG£5 ................. 7 8. BUY AII IERJ CA ........................................................................................................... 7 fl"'RSJSII STEEL AND LR O"\' ~IAITRJ .U.S TO DE ISC'ORPOR.AT£0 L''TO n l£ WORJ\ \\lTII CERTiflCATES OF CO:\IPLI~CE. STtELA."\'D IR OX M.A TtRJ ..U..S :'IR'ST BtPROOl'CEDr,\" TirE ti.S. EXC'"EM' ........................... 7 9. Ql iAL IT \' AS.~llll-1 1\'C"E .............................................................................................. ..J 10. PRO.\IPT PA \'M EI\'TOF Fl11\1lS \\lTHIIELO TO Sl iBCOl"TRACTORS ............................... .a I I. FORM ni\VA-1173 REQCIRED C02\TRA(T PR 0\'1.~1 0:->S FEOER-\1.-AID C"O~TIUCTS .. -... 9 12. FE~IALE A;\ll )111\'0RJT\' GOAl.S ............................................................................... 11 IJ. FEDERAL TRAII\'Et: PROGRA.\1 ................................................................................... 19 1<. T1T1..E VI A!~S l1RANC'E ................................................................................................ l1 1~. FSE OF l 'ITI.:D ST ATE.~·FLAG VE.'>SELS (C'ARGO PR.EFER.EI\'C E AC.'T) ........................ -11 P•tt I efl.t J•l.)•lOIC BIDDEN SHALL COMPLETE AND SU8t-.11T All OO(UMENTS ANU PAG£S IN SECTION"( BIDDERS PROPOSAL P11e : c.u Oololuued:,_27,2017 CllY fY T'floiPU CllY, C.<I.FORNIA BIOOOIG ....:0 CONTRACT IXlCUt.4E.rrS. PlANS AHD SPECIFICATIONS HSIPI.·SJ6S(009) TlWFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES. SIGHS AND OrnER SAFFIY""" ATVAAJOOS LOCATIONS CITYPROJECTID:PIS<l7,o.a.-tC...~Pogo~a1170 Elhlbll U -C Rrq•htd ff'dtni·Ai d C' .. lncl Lll•a••&t OISAD''AATAGEO Bl'SI 'F.S.~ EI\TERPRJ SES (DBE ) Under 49 CFR l6.1)(b): The •• :ontnctor. subm:ipicnt or subcontract\)( sh3\l not discriminate em lh~ ba,i) of nee, toklr. nouion:sl oriJin.. or sex in lh< ptrl'onmtll"< of this ~o·ontrJ~t. The comrac1or shod I cArry out ;~pphcoblc mJUirenlt'ntll llf 49 CFR pon :!6mthc nwnl'd nnd odminislrc~tion ofDOT·Il.~Si stM con~r.~cts. Failure hy a he l.!ontr:lc tor 10 carry outah~c: rcquiN:mt1H:o. is:\ matcrinl brtach of t hi~ ~.o·or11rnc1. which m:.y result in the h:rmin:uion of lhi\ cccllrn~"1 or ~uch ocher rttn<-dy 35 the m.:ipient d«ms oppropno.tc Tnk:c neccs.sary and rc:lJOnablc )!Cps lO c:nllutC that DBb hn-r CJPIHlr1umty 10 pruticipalc in the rontr:1c1 (49 CFR ~6). To~ tqt11ll pon1C1(XU~t'lll of DB E.\ ~'ld<d an 49 CFR 26 S. the AJ<ttc)' ~k>"' a JOII f...-08£, ~Ute l\'011: a\-at l~bk 10 ODEs 11nd sdtcl wock pans C'OfUt~tnr \\'lib 1\'lltbbk DBE wbcontr:Kton ~ >Upph<r> Mecl the-OBE pi ~own d'e"\'~ m 1~ SJKClll PfO\ •~•om 01' ckmon~ll'llt tMt you 11'ddc IMkquotc J'""NS f:atth effort\ lo meet lhtJ 1031. II j, )'OUf rtspon'thiltty lo \cnfy chat che OBE linn as !..'tnt fled as DBE 111 dat .e ofhKi opcn tnft. Foe· a ltM of DBE~ eenifjed by the Cnlifoms:allnifted Cert11i~r-:ttiou Pn'tgco m. eo to· llHn:fiW\\'W ck'l:CI ~ tin1Lm;tifl~ All DBE particip:tion will cotml toward che Col ifomi:a Dt-ponmem Clf TroMpon:uion's f~trnlly mnl\datc:d st:.tc\\idt ovcnall DBE pl. Crt:'dit for nllltcn~h or suppliet you pur,;hase from DBb counts towu.nh the &OIImthc foli0\\101 nurul«. tOO pm.·~·nt c~ancs tft~ matmAJ~ « )Upphcs are Clbtou1cd !rom o ODE 1'1\1llufxturtr 60 per«nl c:Nnt~ tf the cnotc-mls « supphcs arc obt1antd frotn • DBE rcauhw dealer Only f«~.I."OOli'IVbton'. and c~ for wu:tMCc m the P"'-'"\Kanc=•• and dch\'rf)' ul mat<rbl, or ~bel COUI11tf obuuncd from a ODE lhll is neithe-r a mlnUfl'k:nlf'CTnor rcct.d•r lklkr. 49 CFR 26 SS dC"fincj '"tn~UWfa..:turer· a nd ·rceulw <kal\."r .. Yoo t C'\.'C'i\'C CftdU to\\"oll'Cb the pi if you employ a OD E tmcbng comp.1ny rh.1t pcrlbrms • coo\lllC'1\:'~II~ u•cful 1\lne~ion•• lie fined in 49 CFR 26.lS(dKIJ lirOU¥h l~lond (6). (f. DB£ CDitltrritmrul s~~~;,,;unt Submit the Exhibit U·G ComrnK"IIDII Conrrn~t DB£ Commltmllll form. included in th~ Bid book. tr the farm t.S noc S\lhnuuC'd wuh the hui rC"tnow the fonn from the Btd boot bC'rOr~ submutul£ your bul lftht DBE Commillntnt form i5 not )oubmiutd with the hkl. the 11pp1re1U lo\\ b1tklcr. the 2nd low baddcr . and the' )rd low biddtT mu.stl."omplcte ond JoUbmit lhc OBE Conunittnent fonn to the Agency. DBE CCinvnitn~nt fomltw"'-ht rtcti\C'd h)• the AJ('QCy no lttt('f' ttw\4·00 p m nn ti\C' 4th hu<;UI~:-.day :afkrbKJ C'p<'lllnJ. Other btddm do not n«d 10 .ubmu 111< DBE Conm1V11ntl form unl<u 111< A&m<'Y r<qUC$15 il. lrlhc Altn<)' t't<'jUt:StS you tosubsn1t a OOCt:omnuunt'tU form. subm111bc compJct.:d form "1thin 4 buslnds days oflht -Subnut "nttm ('()11rmnat ion front t:~eh Ose ~3tins that 11 is pantctp:uina in th~ runtrJct. J.nc!U<k ronfmmt1on \\lth the DBE CtlllllmCmmt form. A copy of a DBE'I quote wtll \C'r'\'t a$ \\nnrn C'l-nfimxu•on tOOt the= OBE 1s (ntnic1pntm~ m the C'Oilh'IC:t. If you do not S\ll'11nitthc DB£ Collliwtment form wittun the spc-c:ified ume. the Agcr~.·y "''ill fmd yo\.-btd nonrespons i\-c. P•a•lerl~ J•ly JOlt OIOOEH. SHAlL (01\.11-'U Tl AND )U!MIT ALL 00(UMt:l\<t ) AND PAU() IN )l(ll01\l H( SIOOlR') Pf.IOPO~AL H Pa&e : C.ll Dolo~ .... Mild\ 27, 2017 CllY Of TElof'LE CITY, CAI.IF OAH LA BOOING 00 CONTRACT DOClJlAE.rrS, PlANS AND SPECFICA TIONS HSIPI..SJ6S(009) TlWFICSlGNAI. UPGRADES. SIGHS AND OTHER SAFFIY IMP ATVAAJOOS LOCATIONS CllY P!lOJECT Ill: PIS<ll, Doo.o!ltnl ~ Pege 26 al 170 Uhlttl11l..C R~ulrflt Ft'drn ... Aid Coalncl LIDJ•••• b. GtHJd F•ith £1!orts Swbmitrttl lr)'\)U lu\'C not ITI(tthc' DBE suel.compiC'IC And 'IOUbrnallhe DBE lnfoon:mon. Oood Foith EIToru. E.'thJbit ''·H. ronn with th( b1d ~vma t h:al you nl3de :~dtqu:1te £OOd fatth eiTtTIS: to mcC"t ~goal. Only &ood fnith cfforu dlf~Xtcd to"~~r& oh11imn1 p:anirip:a.tion hy DBEs ,,;n b< con~1dcre<l. If ~ood f:'lilh crron~ doc."tm'ltnlotion b not 'uhn,iuC'd wi th tht bid. it muse bC' r"eCC'Wc!J by the Agmcy nd later th:til 4:00p.m. oo the 4th husil~s day alltr bid opening.. lryour DBE C'onuniuncnt ronn \tk)W.> that )'0\J ha\'c nl(t tht OBE pi or i(you ore required to wbmit the: OBE Committn<1U foon. you mu>t u.lso submit rotxl f1uth cfforb Wt-utnC'nUlliorn wichin dtc specilird tinw ''' prote~:t your thJ1bthcy for •""'U'd or ttl.! conrmc1 in thC' t wnttb.! A.JftiCY tinds th:u tbt DBE goo! Jus noc b«n mel. Good faith cffOC'b doauntn!&IUift must include the folkn\tn& infomwion ltKJ ~inp_ docUinCOho. IS nccns;oy· Items ofwod~ you hl\c n'l:uJc:n':lllotbE to DB£ firnto. kLmttf) thu!>< i1nlbo of work )'\.U nuatu othM\1)( pcrfonn '\tth YtJUr owu fo.tuand l.bosC' nnm th:st ha\'C b«n brotcn .Jown into C'\!'onoftiiC'Illy fC"uihlc umts to faa:11ttatc DB[ j'llfiiCipMioo For ate:h item hs.tc:d. 'ho'' 1tw dollar \'lluc: ond pcrtC'ntOJ~ of1~ INnl C('ttlraC't. II '' )\l\11' l't"I)Cli1.Sibility co dmlftll~tr.uc 11t:~t wfltc~nl \\orlc to n1<ct th(: JOIII \\'0' n\:KJc ~nail~h!C" to DBE linth. 2. Nam~ ofccnifted DBE~ nnd date~ on ''11ich thcy""-n: ~olkth:d to bid ou thC" pro~t. hl!.:lutic the items ofwc..-1.: tlfi'em.J. Describe the meth00s U"'<'ll (lY rullowing up initinl solicilation~ h> clctc:nninc withcnto.inty if the DBE., \\'trc int«ntcd. nrxl the dat\"S of thC" foiiOW·up A IUtch supp:W1ing .Jcx.-utntnl) $tk:h ftS \.'l."'p~ or lcttm, lnC'1l'IOS. f:tc~imiltS SCHL tcl<phonc-IOJ). k lC'J)honC' billina statenxnts. :and othcT c\'KJmcC' or ~li~:iuuion. YCIU :arc rertutlekd to soh cit «niftcd DB[s throu&h otll rt:uon:sMc and a\atlal\k !l'ltiUIS "'l(.) pt0\1ck sufticicnttunC' to oUo"· 00[, to rcsponti. Namc-orse)«tcJ fim1...W ib ''111u:s ·~a OBE for each 1tcmof\\"florl.: mJck 3\-nil:ablc. lnclt.Mk c:l.n~. at.ldrc~. ond tclcpt.Jiw-number of cxh DOE thaa pru' Kkd :t quotC' and chctrpnt.oe 4.1001c l(thc finn sckc'~t..J fiwtbl: itnn u. not 1 DB E. p!'O\idc the: ra .. cwb for lh< )(lt\."llt"' 4 Nome anti date t'feach f'Uhhahon m 1\htC'h you rcquotC\1 DBE pcu\1\.'tpotlon ''"" dK PfOJ«L At14ch ropth of the pubhshN odvcrtiJt-tnr nts. S. Nor~ ora&cnc:ICS and d:ttn on wtnch d1ey \\'tft euntetetcd to pro,'ll.k ~s~i~:tnt"C" m t.-ontacllnJ,. recruiting. nnd using DB E lim~. 1r 1hc o,.:ncks \\trc ..:onlll..:tcd in wricing. pt1,WidC' CC'IJ)KS Of SUpporting 00...-ummts. 6. List of eiTms madt to provide interested OBEs \\1th 3dtqootc infoon.1tion about the pl:11tS. sp:\.'itic:auC~tu. nnd rC"qtumllC'ntf ofth~ contrrtelto M>Ut thC'1n 111 rnpondmg ro:. wlicuotian. If you h:mr prm•1da1 mfoomlhon. tdnutfy the name IJ(the DBE a-oi,iMc tlthc 11.31\lfC of t he infunn::lltOII pn'l\'tdcd. :and d:ltc Of Contlct. PN\'lck C'OptCS O( liU(JPOftll\1 ~"WnC'nl,, :IS Dppn;)pNIC' 7 Lilt o f erfms madC' to =-uu.l llllc:tdled DB£.. in obtannna bonchn&. ht~$ uf aC'dit. in."'rlncC'. nn.""C'SAJ')' cquipmnn. suppljC"S. and mokn~ls. tM'Iudina supph~s and l'qUipmc:ul d\ll t thC' DBE subcontractor ~sc:sor k3SCS from thr prtmc: COI\tl'lllttor « m •Oihote If sucb n'StSIM« .s prtn'lckd by )'C'lU adcntttY lhC' name ofttw DBE n~~cd. n:uurt or the l!ls,istancc offered.. and d:uc USII(:lnC~ Wb pt'O\idcd. Pr<n11.k t.:opJC.> or •upportm& dc".:um:nts. :lS :appropri:atC' Any addihonol d:t.ll 10 WJlp(lf1 dcmonslr:llt<'ll ol &ood li111h dTMs. ThC' AgC'nC)' ""'Y \.'Ofl)idcr DBE t<'mmitmct\1~ o f the 2nd And ~rU biUIJ.C'D. \\ hm cl('ltmtininc \\1tC1hcr di.:' h.m bidder 1n1dc (IOOd foilh tfTI)fU to m«t lh(: DBE go:tl. P•t•J or u J vl' 10" elODEA SHAll COMPLETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS Ar..IO PAGES IN SECTION C BIOOEA S PAOPO~Al' Pace: C.1.4 em OF TIOMPlE CITY, CAUFORNIA 0t1t luued: M11c11 27, 2017 SllOINGAIIl COHTR.OCT llOCUMEHTS. PlJHS Alll Sl'EC1F1CA710NS HSIPL-5J65(009) TRAF FIC SIGNAI.UI'GAAOES. SIGNS AI<O OTHER SAFElY IMP AT VAAIOJS l0CAT10NS em PROJECT 10: P1~7,-C<lnOd Plgt 21 ol 170 l..o<a l Anbtaact Proctd\lrt\ ;\luual E.J.hlblt U.C Rtqulrtd Ftcltnl-Akl C"oa l,.('l U•c••Jt r. £tllibit/S-G • Con.\lrHrfiOfl Cuntm~l DB£ CIHIIfll iflltf'Jif Complete and \lin £.\hlhU I S.C. CcJJJSIMINII)II ComroC't DB£ ( ·nmmlm~m mdudcd m th< c:onrrxt documatb ~:::ardks• of\\lldhcr OBEpanttipatiOII is tq10r1eJ PI'O'Iiclc wnntn c:~mtimlnUon from ~od1 DBE that the DB£ is pnrtklpnllnJ in th< Comroct . A copy ofo OBE's quot( ~rns ;\S wriurn c:mfinmtion. If a DBE is panicip:uine ftS njoitu \'tnturt Jl:anner, the A'tt11:y t tK"oung.ts you h> su bmit o copy o r the joim \"tnturc: o~re(t_llC'nt.) d. SubC'DIItrnrtor nnd DIJDdl'tfntngt tl Busiu~s Entuprist Rtconls Ust <tch DBE subcontnu:kK as hsk"d on Exhibit 1:!-B 8 /d(/rr'J LiJt ofS11hroutrfiC'IIJf't I DB£ cmd No,-DB£1 ~md &habit JS..Q Com11 1te11Un (tJmniC'I DB£ CQIIumfmt·ut lOon unlt-U )'00 r«~hY authonuuon fnr ft substtrutioo. ~ A&tf).1' rtquc:Sll the ('ftt\trKIOC' to I. Nottf'Y the Enam«r of any dunae1 10 lb ant1c:tpatcd 08[ pan~•r-•im 2. Pro\lck •h•~ nohft\."Othon tttf~'fc U;U1Ul8 the :~IT«tcd \\'l>tt; .1. Maintcun r«ord!o. u-.:ludtn&. N::unc and hu>illC'\.) lldW"n .. of each l"·tl~f )Ubtllnlta~tor • ~~me and ~1sm~s >tddms of e:~ch OBE S\lbc:Ontractor. DB E \'endor, nnd DBE truckina compnny. rcg3rdle~ of tier D:llc ofpoymt"'U cmtJ tot:d ornount pm d h1 C':tc.:h btl$mcloo-. If you art a OBE conrt~c iOr. uxludt the d:uc O[\\"Ork ptrl'onntd by rour 0\\11 (('lt"CCS :and the com:sp.>ndn11 \'alucnfl~\\c:ri.. Befort tb:' Ulh or c3~h month. s001mt a MA'Ilhly OBE TNC'kn11& VcnflCtuon fonn. If:. DB£ tj drccrttficd hcftlf'C' compktrnc us ncwk.1hc DBE mu~ noufy \'OU m \\TU1~ of the da."C'ru(K.';Ilton d:~tc. I fa busmes~ bccm'<"'::. C'C'11tfta.l OBE bdOR" coefl)1cunl 1b \hd: the businc$~ JOU$C noli f)' ~'OU 1ft \\Tlltf\1 oflhc ctnafi"-otton dat< Subcmtlhoe noufKahons On WUft. contple1 tou. compiC"tc a O.S..S\1llltaltd Business Entc~ tDBE) Ctrttfk:mon SlaN"i CMnee. E.-.htb•t 17-0 f«m. SUbmttthc: rOnn wu.hin .10 d.'1~s o( (Ontract lllc."'C'C'p~QOCC Upon work cornplcunn , cc·•rnpltte E.:(hlhlt 17-F Fl11cl R~pott -Unll:otiOfl of DtStKI'"'"Itlgcd Busmcts Ellluprlse.s tDB£1. Ftrlt·n~· SubrolurOC'IOI"S. Submit it within 90 t.bys of l!ontr.~ct 3ec<p~:mce . Titc Aaency will withhold 51 0.000 untiltht tbnn i~ ~ubmiu~d. Tile Aec:ncy rc:l ta.:.t5 1h~ witWK'IId upun submi~si\ln ~1fthc complttcd Coon t . P~rfornumc~ of J)ismlwull«gN BNsi,rn Elllt'fJiriStl OB£s n'l.lst raf~mn wori.: or supply m.1tcn:tl.s a_o; li~ed 111 the E.'tlnbtt I !'-C.i ( ·tJ,utru~t,otr Contmct DB£ Commltmnu fmn. tncluckd inlhc B1d. Do oott<nniMC:c or wbihNic :a llsttd DB£ forconwnit-nct 1nd pc"rfortn the wcct ''''h youtO\\ll fO«n Of oNa1n rmtmat .. from other ~t s \\,lhout 3Uthonz3lion from the Al¢ncy The Aac:ncy :authorilC"C 11 rcqucs:1 10 UK Ulhc:r (t.H'trs or soun:cs: of tnatnials if it .:.IK)\\i Ql.l)' of the foliO\\ snJ JUSUfiCDtiOC'IS' 1. li~ted OBE f:uls or rdiJ)CS to cXe\.'tllc a wriUC"'l eonu'aC'I b:ucd Nt plans :and spc~dftcations for the pr0;1«'1. 2. You stirulatcd that a ~1d j.., u ~unJition ol'ue"\!utin.: the ,.uhcon tmc t nnd the listC'd DB'E (:ail,. h.l nl«l your loul 1\.'t~uircmmb. P•a•" ofl.& J~ty 10" BIDDER ~HAll COMPtfT£ AND ~UBI\11T All DOCUM!tlT\ ANn PAGf~ IN C.£CTION ~c fllOOER"~ PROPO~Al Pl &t : C.lS CITY OF TENPlf CITY, CAUFORH1A Oa1o luuoct Lllrcl\27, 2017 81>1».1lANO CONTRACT OOCIJ!<EHTS, PLMSAI<O SPECf~TIONS HSII'l·S365(009) TIWFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES. SIGNS AI<OOTHER SAFElY IMP AT VAAIOUS LOCAllONS CITY PROJECT 10: P1~7.-Ccn>ol Pl;o 21 of 170 L«al ~t~~ln tt Procrdu rn :O.bnual ExbiWt ll·C R'"tulrt'd f..deor.I·AI4 C"e•h•tl l.aiJU•f" ·'· Wort UQUittJ 1 «''lltt'l('lo(s li.:cnsc ~ld 1'-"tnl ODE docs not lu\\'(':. \1lltd lt.:rnse under Contmcton lxensc Law ~-li~ttd OBE fAils or rcfu)("S 10 perfonn 1hC' wurk or fumi~h the hstcd maiC"n:al~. S . listed OBE'~ \\Oc1c is: un.utisthl.'tCiry 11M1 JX'I in CCIIrq>h:ml.'c \\itlt tilt ~.-'Onlr:l\!1. 6. listed DB£ is incli&;lbl~ to \\'l'rk on the pn,jec:1 btc11usc of susp~nsion or de bann:nt. 7. liMed OBE bcco~ hnnkrupt or insoh·c:nt. ~ LISII:~d OBE voluntanl) \\lthdrJ\\S l'ith wriucn m,t~(' rrom the Cootr:....•t 9. liS!cd 08[ 1s lnchstNC' 10 I"C'Ceivc cmtit f~Xthc '>'PC' of work requtml 10 LISted DBE ownd din or hn.·UIDC'S dtubtt<J rnuhtnJ lll the IJUihtbty to perform tht "urt on llw Conh'Kt II . Al£mcy dccermat~~N other cb."mnutd f<W Cl\be. ~Oltfy lht OI"IJIA:II DBE of your lniC'UI h)~ cUcr ron:n or anottru'll ~l'ttS :100 prm,dt dlc te'ISOIU Pnnidc the OBE \\llh S cbys t~ f'C')pood lfl yournolicc Md achi'loC' you and t.hc A~n..")' of the reason) wby the u~ ofo1hcr ron-<:5 cr sourca of tl\1tcri:d) ~hoold no1 t1ecur YNttrC'QliC'~t lo liM:' ocher ('"es ornl3tcri.:ll sou~ must m-cludc : I. One or ffi(\(e I.)( the I'C':bOI'b lhtc:d nlthe precedintt r•ara,rnph. 1. Not: ices !i'om you to the ODE rcprdin&tht rtquc~l. J. Nocicrs frum the DB~ to yuu n:gardinJ the: requC"St . Ir ali)led OBE i~ tennaMtcd or substinncd. you nlU~ m:~kc ~ (lith cO'ort."i to tind :mothC'f OBE 10 substirute r ... the ori&ntll 09£. The SU~INte DBE must p.:r(orm II kast the: ...,.nc 311l0Uill ofw«k • .!>ttl.: oncmol OBE unckr the C:011CrDCt to lbt cxlcnt rt«'C..cd to nK'rt the DBE roN Tbc wbsllluee ODE nMI be CC'f\IRtd 3:5 a OBE :lithe tunc nr request ,, .. "illbs:Urution l'nln.s the AJt'IK)' IUtbonzn (I) G request hl~ other l~o; Of' SOUr'«\ t'fn-.leml' ~lf' (2:) II t0<\<1 fo11h dTm ff'r a sul,..ll hiiUWI n( ft tcnl•Nkd ORF the A@'Cfl(Y d&110 nnt ftDY (OJ ""'* ll"tc:d m I he h htblt I ~-Ct Comlm~fHnl CouiiTK't DBE Cummnmnu fonn uniC'~ it IS pnfonntd or ~('pl..ed by the: lts~d OBE or an :luthr .. iztd "iub.stirutt 2. BID OPE~J NG Thc Aaencypubhdyopc ns: lll'lll r<~th. hilh atahc tunc and place shown oo the }l.'ollrr to Bidcltr.r. .l BID RJ GCIKC The L." S. Otpartmenl ufTnuL"-porlaiK>It tDOn pro\'1~ 1 toll-~ hothiiC' 10 rqlOC't bid riu.in! :Kth·itl<\.l :st the hotlinc to fq)Or1 bia riU-'"C. bidder Cflll\l$101\. :lad oc:htr fr3ud\lknt 0\:ll\'illcs The hodine numbcT h (800) 4~~·9071. l'b.: -<n'KC' j.., ~md:~blc l4 hour .. 7 d:a)') a we-ek and i5 canfitknu:ll1r1d anotlYinou.. The ho!hnc b pan of the DOTs crron (() K.lcntlfy and 10\\"Sit&llc tuahway rot1SinK.'IIon NnlnM.'I fraud Dud Bbu.:oc 11W bopn-ntctJ wMler 1~ ,,hm.'Uon ulthC' DOT lnlpc"l.'tor Gcnml 4 ('0:'\1RA(1' AWARD J(the AaencY aw':llrds tht C'OIIh'ICt.lbt 1\\'Grd ts nude 10 I he IO\\"C'$1 rnpons.blc and tnpollstW: buJdcT 5. <'0:0.1RA(10R LJCEI\"SE The Con1n.u:tur mu)l bt' pru(>C'rly li~C"nl>Cd ru. 11 L'Untnll.'ll'lf from l'untrJl.'l awurd thNu~ Conll'U"I :ICl'C'J'IUI'Il.'t' (PuhlkContml.'tCOc.Jef 101~) '•It~ orJ.& J•ty :10 16 RIOOfR SHAlt {0MPt£TE ANO 'iUSMIT All DOCUMfNT~ AND PAGf'i IN 'iECTION -c 8100£R S PAOPO'iAl- Paae: C.16 CITY Of TENPt.E em. CALFGWA Dolo -...... 27.2017 IDJIHG M!lCONliiACTDOCIJII.fllfS. P\A'IS AICI SfECFIC\TlOHS HSI'l·Sl65C009) TIWF1C SIGIW.IJ'GAAOES. SIGHS AICI OTitEI< SAFETY liP AT VARIClJS I.OCATlOHS CITY PAO.ECT 1!t Pl~l. -CanOd Pop 29 d ITO l.oC'~t l Al ~brftnct Procttlurfs Manu! Elhlhll ll·C 6. O IAI"GED C"O~l>ITIO;\S u. Di/frrlng Silt Co11di1ions R~alrtd r tdrnl-Akl C"o.tn~t l..tloa••lt I. Durina: the prosr~!o( ofdiC' work. i f ~u~urfoce \)f lntmt ph)'S I":ll cond111ons ore c nrottnlcf(d at thC' !lite differin g nl.,tcria lly !Tom tho~ ind i""'::ted in the contm ... ·t ,lf if unlmown ph~ica l cnndiiiOII!t o f o.n unusua l narure. di fferi ng mareriolly from those ordin:~ril y encountered :~nd gcl'l(rlllly rtcogniu d ns inh ercm in the wort pawidcd for in the contm~:t. tlrt encoll:ln«td tit the $it e. 1he por1 y dlSCOV-eri na su"h ~onditions sha ll promptly notify the ot her p;uty in \\Titi na or the specific difl'erin& oondiuons t'<fore the site is disnltbtd and b<-tbrc lhe af f«td w«k is pniom~d. lJpon l\Titl t n notificatif\n, the cnaine-cr \\ill im•csds:o h= the ~r,."'Odtti~oxn:. and if it i) dt:tcnninrd tMt the conditk>ru. ma.tcrioll)' dJff('l' m1d t'IIUS< ~n incua.\C IJf ll«mt\C' in lh~ cost or linw rcquirtd for 1he perfom umce ofnny work: under the ..:onU'3C I. an adJUSflllC1\t. excludma o.nttCapatcd prolitL will bC' nxuJe and th< cootrac:t modir~d 1n writi"l IM."\:'on!inaJy The en;m«r \\111 nouty the: contractor or the dctcmtuuuton wtteth('l' ot not an :xiJ~I mctlt of the COt'Mtll~'l I! \\"DmntC'd ~o t:\ll\tr:t~-1 llldJustlllCftl whK"h mull~ in a benefit to the ~.-ontractor '''II t'IC 111110\\td unlc-M the t\lntnk"tor has pto\idcd the I"C'<)Utred \\Tinm noct~ro.c f'o C\XItfl)a adJU~alml \\lUbe-nllow~ under lha ti:I\L\C for any cll«ts c.uKd oa undvmJ(d wort:. (This proo.bion nu) he \li111Ued by th e LOCJl Agency. otthc:tr uphon.) b. SuJpc-nsious tJf Work Onlurtl b.r th~ Ent h•rrr I . lftlk Jk"fforrrance of all or :my ponion <lft~ "ort is ,;uspcrKJ,-d or~by(iJ by the encittc'C'r in "ntm1 for :m unrnsonnble periud or time (not m!l.'inally ;unM:ap;~~tcd. -.-ustOITIIIt)'. or tniJamtto rbe COMtructton todusuy) and lbe contractor btl~·("$ tbot llldc.huon31 compen~ton 111 nd·or conu:act time b dUt ., a rnt.slt o( ~tk'h SUJJ1(nSiC11 or del ay, the ..:orMf'\1ctor sMII ).Ubnut "' thr e·n&Jncu in \\Titin&a rcque1.t for .c:ij\l\tmml \\idin 7 c:~lc ndar dlys ofr«ript of the no1u:e to rC'f\1'11(' \\"Crl:. 1bt rcques~ sMII M fonh 1be re a~slllnd luppon fot sucb ildJliSttncm . Upon receipt. the enainccr \\111 t'"I"3!Ullle the ..:ofUt:ICIO(~ fC\IUC~I If the C:tlJU\Ct'f ·~('~ thntthc 1.:0~1 aod'or lime required f'-1' the JlCf(Onn::ance oftl~ t..'ORir...:t has tn.:rctied OJ a rt.JtUit flf 'uch ~USfXI1SIOO :lnd the SU.$pt11\1Gn WillS CQU~C'd by C'('l(ldlli~b bc}\"'IMI the tfiiUI'OI of IU'Id llOI the fault of the .:onu..:k:tor. It{; lupphm ... .., sub.:1lntrtk:ton. at :my aprro\'Cd ucr. and t~ \.':IU-.cd hy weather. the cneu~r ""111 make on I'IIJju);tnlC'nl (cxcludmJ profi t) a;xl mOOifY the contmct tn "ntina ot.-cordinJI)'. The contrn\.·tor \\"111 be notafied of the rnain«r"~ dctcnnmation whether or nflt an :~dju)t rnent of the contflK't is w:unntcd . J. No contnct ndjusunem will he all ow~ unless the tlMllm:tor hu:o. subrnJ nel! the mtuest t't 'f adjuslnltnt \\lllhin I he tinlt pre54:ribed. No -..·ontrft\.'1 ndJUSi ancnt \\;1\ b< 21\lowC'd undn-this clnusc ,.., th e cxtentthnt 1)(rfoonancc \\"tltdd haw bca1 M!.)pcnckd or dela~ by any other c::aust. or for \\hkh anl'ldJU~tncnt ,,. pro\itkl! <V e"ducktlundcr an) vahcr term or C"Ondmon ('lfttus contnu,:l c. s;,,ifin ml ChUJigrJ ;, Ill~ ClmrnC'IU uf Wurk Th< enrPn«r ~kf\n 1he netu h) make. m WTtt1n1.11 :Ill)' tun.: dunntlhc work. ... uch c;h:utee\ in 'fUtnmaa. a1Ml such aher.uion .. in the \\Ork as art nt~<S51111)' ro satlsfactonly con11plete the P"'J"''""· S1k-h l."hanan tn quamnae. Aml a hcraciot•$ $hmllnot ln\'alt&ltt' tht cuntract nor releak tht )W"C1y. :md the ron1nc.1or :ISftt" to pafonn the worl M aherm 2. If the ohcnmom orthanfn in qwnrit~ sigmfic:vtllydwnvc: the ch~l'llttcr of1he wort under tht rortlnk1, u bechrr such altcrntiom or ctmnccs arc: in thtmsclves $ian~~r~am clwlan to lhc dl:lt:Kter of the \\,Tk Of by :lfr«ltng other work \.-:tUX SU\."h ..xhcr \\\)fl.: to b«on'IC ~>t~uti..::n"IY diiTn mt in ctw.ctcr. an adj~rooc.. cxcludina anticipalcd proftl. "ill be made: to th< contrae1. Th< a ...... (Of the tkljustn·cm st\:111 be 3JT«d upon JWi<'r 10 lhc pn fl)t'l"MftCc oftht \\Ort. If • N~s , •• ,,., }.& Jul~ ltJ6 ,I!.J ,Ii !liJf·il'"l&IQI+it.m.Jiil:f&!ii.i!i.I.!iii$1Mif!·M•'#"h"'l'iil!•l,tM+m.J,JiziJQ·i·IQ•bf·i P•a~: c.11 em Of TDIPlE em. CAJ5()!NIA Dolo u..t llorclo 27.2017 BIOOIHG AM> COHIRACT DOCI.OIENTS. PUNS A.'ll SfECFIC\11()1,"5 I<S"L~ TRAfflCSIGNAI.IJ'GAAOES. SIGHS AA!l 0111ER SAFETY lt.!P ATVARIOOS lOCATIONS em PROJECT~ PI~. -Ccl:td Pop 30 d 110 Lonl A'li)ISIA RC'C' Proct'd urn Manua l E1:blb ll u..c R rq t~~lrtd F'd'"l~~ld Coatraet l.utuc• ~o."Unnot he A~fte\1 upon. then an ~U{;bncnt wall bf ma\k C'Uher for Of nanm'it thro contmciOI. m ~uch oanotJnt :u th e enaineer mny detenninc to~ tilu and cquilnble. :l. If the altCfDIIOib or..:hun¥'Cll in qu:Uitthe!l do nt.)l 'iilUikuntly ..:hnnee Ill( dW'IlC'tt'r of the work to h< per formed under the coaun.ct.thoe a hoercd WC1'l;. willlx pa id forM provided els,ewherY in 1he Cflnlr.tCI. The tenn "signific:mt ch:mge .. :.lt.:all be con stnled to apply only 10 tht f\,l hl\\'ing ctrcum .. tnnce~: When th< ch:tract cr c,f dlt' work b a lterC'I.I di ffeD ma tC'finlh· in lcind or n:uure lil1m 1hn1 in\•olvcd or indudcd in th e original~~ ~o.-on~t tion:· or Whc11 a tnljor it can of won.:. as defined clstwht ff in !hoe rolllrl\1.1. i ~ in('f(Med ut excess of 12S pcrrtnl tlf d«rttlSCd bckm 75 pm:t'nt or the onain.,l1.'011lm~t qu:mtity. Any I JI0\\'110(( (or lllt1 incrCtb.C '" quanti1)' ..Jut II apply only 10 lhllft01'1ton In nc~s or 125 ~(111 or unam."ll contractatent qu:tmity. or an case or 111 dctTnse below 7S pc~t111 hliiiC' acru111 amount or \\ ort pc-rfornrd B£<.;tNNIJ'<G O F WORK. TL\IE O F C Q)IPL£TIOI' A.'()) L1 Ql'IDAT£D DAMA G ES The Contrxtor Wll bcfin ""'Ok. \\ithid 15 ~lm:br day~ on('l' thtCUO III!."t 1\8) b«n ;tppr0\1:'\J by the atlomC\' oppoin<<d oud outbonud <o rq>rcs<nt lh< City.County of Tem p le C ity Thi'i work ~all be diligemly pro§C'CVI.ed to corupltt:aon hcfOI"( che expm:uion or_ \\'ORK.r.-;G DAYS l'r<giMinJ oa the fift<tn~:h ~:alcndar d:.y 2.ftc-r appnn-:~1 ofthe cootr1e1 . (fn~n :UUOUI11 ofliquid~tcd Drun.,aesl The Contructor ~hall poy 1~ the Cii)'"Coumy otie mple Ci hthc ~um ''' S J..QQQ_ per day. f\W ctk.'h a1H.I C'\ny calendAr doy's delay 111 tinishin& the \\'tll"t 111 e:<~(')) of the numbcr,,fwodtnJ d:l)') pte~, bed nN\-c. 8. BliY AMERIC A Furnlsb lf«l ft ntllron nuu trll!.~ to bt l nco rporMt'd Inf o rbt nork nlr b ttl1inc•Urs of compll,.nce.. Srrt l na d Iron mAtrriMh: nsu~l hr produced Ia t hr tr.S. u rrp r: I. Foreign pia iron and proccs.~t.l. pelletized. :'lnd ref.tucecl iron ort tn:l)' be used in the don1.:~ti..: production oflhe stccl nnr.l iron matcri:ds (60 Fed R~i 15ol78 (0.li1~J I 995)J: 2. lf lh< tocnl combit)('i) cost of the m:uerials does not e:t~.-c<d 1he !VcniCT oro. 1 pm-ml of the toc"l bid or 52.500, nuu.:ria l• proWce\1 <M.Itside th< U.S. may tl< used. Prodo-.1tDtt it~~.:ludcs· I. Pmcc:~'•lllf: "'ed nnd INn n~terials. tncludm; \:fncll•ne or other JTOCCDC'"' that altn tht' ph~kal form or shApe ('U..:h OS roiJjna. e:ttrudan&. mochininJ. bmdiDJ. ,ruldmJ .IIInd dn lhnJ) Ott chenucal C01J110Silion: 2. Coalin&•wlicotlon. includins epxcy coot ina-plwnizma.. and paunina. thtlt prot«b ,lf c:nhar\1.~ d.c \'II~ ur stn-1 4nd iron motmals. P•t• 7 orl-1 J•tr :za" RID0£11 SHAll COMNETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS ANO PAGES 1'-1 SECT rON HC l\tDOER'S PROPOSAL .. P•ae: c.11 em Of TEMP\£ CITY, CAUFOANIA 0.10 lmood:"""" 27, 21117 BIOOOIGANV CONTRACTOOCUMENTS.I'IAAS mJ Sl'fCIFICATOIS HSIPI.·5365(009) TIWFIC SIGI'W.l.!'GAACES. SJGHSm:l01'>1ER SAF£lY IMP AT VARIOUS LOCATOIS emPflOJB:TI~P1$-07,-C<MII P~o31of170 Lonl Aubraarr PI"O«'durh Mnu,.l Ed11lbtt u .c Rtqulr~ ftdtnt-Akl Coalrt.C'I U•au1• 9. Ql 1.u.JT\' ~URA.'i<E ~ Alali:y U!tO a Oualuy Awarantt Proputn (QAP) to ~n..ur~ a m;~tm:tl•' prolla -..:ro 10 L"'l'lnply w1th th~ Cootracl. You may ~'!amine th~ re!!«d.sand reports oftesb the Ag¢~..:y pcrfl)m\S trrh-:y nre n\"Dilable utthe)Ob site. Sc heW \e wort to ai!O\\ tnne for QAP. !0. PROMPT PAYMl:f\1 OF Fl'l'iDS "l TlUI ELDTO SUB<:Oi'lRA<.TORS (Th< IO!.-nllt£t'ncy 1nu'\t mc lude one oflh< follo\\,ll& th1'ft I'N\'1\IOOS to en~u~ prl"tlllJM and fi.all pnymall or ::my MJJmte from the pnmc contm:tor. or wbtontm~.1Cf". to 111 ~ubl·<'nlrk~r R.ttno,·e or ~riL:t out d$t m<thods noc U><d I (EITIIER) No M.au\ll&e will tw '' tlhhd~ by lhc qmcy from~ payrnmu dut 1tw: pnme ""'onu"OCtur. Rrl atna,c by chr pnmt contractor or subconnck:M'\ is prohibited and no ~to~in•gc l\'1 11 be: held tty the prime con~ctor from progrc:•' due l\1bcontnK.10f'. An)' \iolauon oflhts pro,i,ton sh•ll sut,cet lhe ,;ohuing prime ~lmlr.k.'1« or subconln!C'hJI' to the pmaltiCS. UIJCtio~ :md olher rt1ntdi~ 'Jl<Ctficd in S~o"'Ctioo 7108.5 or tht Cahromut Businn,) :aml ProfcbiflnS Code . This n.-quir~nmt sh;ll not he "-on,trucd to limit ('If irrc>oir any conlractuol. :admini~r.l.!i\'C, or judici01l rctnedits Otherwise :tV:t.iiJhle 10 the J'lliiOC Cu1\tr:o..:torN subcontr.~ctor jn the C\'CRI llfa dh-put< invohina b tc pnyment or nonpaynlt'nt hy the prim< contnctor or deficient subcontrn~·l JXrfc,nnan'-"e . « ooncomrlit""·e by a subcontractor. (OR) No rtt:llnD&e \\lll be hc:kS by tbC' oamcy from protn'U payments du~ the pclQll: rontrnctor. Any rci:UnaJl' ~ld by the prisne contr:Kton or subcoatractOf' riotn prop-ntt pctytncnll due 'ubcon~meton: dWI be prott~Hiy patd an 1\dlto subcontr"M.1on \\1llnn JO <bys Gfter the: subcflntrl(tor's work Is satl$r.ctonl)' C'Ompkttd F~l law (~9CFR26.19) ~uam tlvn A11Y cklay Of po~tpon~nwnt o( paymnu 0\...-r th< lO days may rake pl::tce only for fOOd ctusc ~nd ""h the ::t&mcy's pnor \\T&Ren IIIPJ'f'O\'a) Any \10bhon oftlus prt'l\iSKlfl tha.ll wbjlxt the \iol~hna pnm~ c<'tnrxtor or :.ubcontr.Kiot' l<l th<' pcnaltxa . a.:ul\."Uot'b lniJ other mnc\JlCJ 'fi'CafiaJ in Srotoo 7108 'or the Busma.t; 1ft! Profn-.sons Code Titnc requtrC11Jt"ntJ shall DO( be cortt;Uued 10 I1RU1 or inl'Oir any runtro..•tual . Gdmmlltrattw. or Judtc tsl n~~~~~ othn\\'ISC O\'tl llhl~ to tM prinw CCtnl.-.ct« or subcontnctor an the e\-cn t Clr o. dtsp.Ut: in\'Oh1ng bte: payl\t<nl OC' nonp:aynltnr by tbc prime conlnlctor. dcfteitnt suhcontracl ptrl"<mn:llll.'t. or n('tf\\.'ORlflli:l.nce: hy 1 auhcflntrac:tor. (OR I The agency shill hold rctlinngc from the prime contmctor nnc.J shall make prompt and rcguhu in\.Tcme:rua1 acccpt:Lnce:$ or pQrtions, as ck1mnined by the af"'lcy, oftht eontnk.'1 work. and p:ay r<:l4in:~ae: lu the primt conD"Kt« ba.std on the!~< JtC-.:e:p~c.s.. The print< contnctor, or ~tabcontr.K:tor. shnll rtmm allmonie.t: \\llhh~ld m rcleuhoo (rom a su b:onlrt'l'-"tor \\itbin 30 dn)') a ncr rn."<i\'lnl po)'nk11t for wed. sntis rftCI(•ilv L"ornpktctlnnd 3ttq)IC'l.l!ncluJu\t ancre:menul :.cttpta.ncc~ u(('IOI'tiO.b of the rontnct \\oct by the aren...-y Ftdcr:llllll\\ (~9CTR.26 29) rtquirfi 1ha1 any dcby or potlpJOCn-.cnc ofp.1)1llCnl 0\'CT 30<bys may 12.t e: plx-c ool)' for I(IOd a!U3C and wath the: IJtn(y·) ~written &(lpN\'81. My \'tObtk\n oflhas (KO\'t\Jon .J\all Wb]C'Ctlhe \1ol•vtl pnu\C' C'Or'ltmttor« \Ubcunnc:tw to lht p<niiiiHa wtctton~ and ochn rcmcd10 ipcaficd in S~aon 1108.5 of the Bu. ..... nas Dl1d Profos.ioru. Code. ~requirementS Jhall not be con.~cd to lirnit or tn'(l~ir aoy .:ootr.:rual. odm:itustrath·c. or judrcaal rtmed:lcJ ochm,u.e anul®lc to the pnnx ~.-on&.ro~;wr or subrontnctor an Itt< ~\'nit o(a d1~p11tc tn'Vh'1n$latt' p:aymcnl \"W nonpa)'ltle'ltl b~·1hc prune conttxiOI". dcfte icnt sub.:orunct pcrfonn:\ncc, or n..mcon..,li:tOOC by 21 ~ub...'Onrr.Ktor. Poat a or u Jut~ 101' :j li!I IJiCiib'"iil$141111.h '·i'"''b'"3''·I.!31 1h'M'l! w.Mq.irlD!.'J'i•U.U++.Ij,!.IJ ·iiQ-'·'4•'! i Paa•: C.l9 CITY Of TEt.ll'LE CITY. CALFOONIA Date bOI.Od: Mood> 27, 21117 8/00NG ANDCCWTRACTOOC~H'TS,I'\AAS N«l SPEClfiCATIONS HSlPI.-.1365(009) TIWFIC SIGNAl. UPGIWIES. SIGHS AHO OTHER SAFETY IMP AT VARIOUS LOCATlOHS em PROJECTI~ P1W, DoQ:"""'Conrol Pogo l2 of 110 L.oc-.1 As\htiDff P rwf'd urts """u"l Ltblblc U..C Rtqalrf'd Ftdtni·Ahl Co•trut L•nt~t•lt II FORM FlfWA-117J REQU IRE D C:Ol\lRA(T PR0\1510~~ FEDEIUL-AI D COl\lRACTS (E,,dudmF ATIAC'IfMENT A-EMPLOYMENT AND MATERIAL~ PREFEREI\CE FOR APPALAC'IflAN DEVELOPMD.11i1GHWAY SYSTEM OR APPALAOI!AN lOCAL ACCESS ROAD CONTRACTS I lThc fl)(lt)\\'i nt. IU poge:\ mus.t be physii:all)' in~r1ef.l lllh) the ~.·nntmL'1 ,,,thout lllC'IC:hlicnti(,n.J P.at tor u Jul) 10" .u.J,Jj.Ciit§IIOI£t!Q1ill,id·i'":'ilil,iii.IeliiiMM1LfV'·'@riJj!Jiijiii•I?Ri=ii .J.!j ·iiQ ·(.]4•ffii CllY Of mM'l£ CITY, c.oui'ORNIA Dill~-MWI 27, 2017 IIIOOONGAHD COHTRACTilOCt.IMENTS. PWiS 00 SP{Cif'CAT'\ONS fGPI.~) TRAFFIC SIGNAI.lFGIOOES. SIGNS N<D OlltER SAFETY MP AT VARIOOS LOCAT'IONS CllY~CTD:PIW.-C<mi Pogel3ol120 Loc111l An ht,.nu PrOC'tdurC's i\llilllUIII Erhlbll ll-C Rtqulrt<l t C'IJtr•I--Aid Conlncl La"lUJt ~A-1271 -~May1 2012 1\!0UIMD COHTI'ot.CT PftOVWOHS FEDEAAL·AIO CONJlli:UCT'ION COHT1VoCT1: I """"' ,_ ~. ::7:-'.!=:.Act~ V Connd W ilt\ Hclur\..., S.let)o llandardt .td PIQiffll015 Vt s.Mtlllnfot N~fMo Coti&rKI V\1 ltlttyA.Cdetnt P~ Wlt ... ~Corct"*'CC...,....'Y~ IX. .,..._tliloftfllOHnAJIN:taNI fiiCI.-.IWtW ~ "-*""' ~ ..... Oot~ ..... ~MdDtbuMN -lO c.tilt...,~V..of C..~""'*'orL~ AnAOUotlfHTI A.. ~endMaiiNII~·-~Dw....-c ~-~LoaiActfttltoedGarwlltll (hduotcl I, GrHIML , Potw~f'..,..,..,mii'IUMbtpi\'Jilc~ftCCI'PO'...,.,tw\ COMb\don~ll.tlctlololf'IIWTJIIell (•~~ ClliiWdt,..,tut!OedtwdeomrtmOYtl!~ TM~!Of ~IIT'IIIItinMn,_b'mtr~..ci'I~«<L"''IU11'1ef ~ .. ~ .... _,_..., ~Kbfacldng puKtiiM ~#'Witll.gt...,.....UIIIOIN!t tQt~b'~t Of -· Tht .-.,olt,.qw~CNMOI'arM fiWN,.,.127l•t ii'ICOfPCJ-.o b7 rt*.nte fer -.ott. dotle llfiOW tnf pw!'CfWM onMf,,..,... .. __... ot ~--..,~~ 1'1\tptlrltCOIIII'ICWWtl'ldO.rt~· ror~~_,...-.,.KW ..... ..,~.ctoror--• -fonnflfNA,I27ln.albelrO.ciMW1all'eotr~~ ... •~ (iMI'Iit» .......... '" eriiii\IO'Io<N .. UIC:of*~(~ Mlllt-ldtlatft'9'11W'I4C'ft.~heMOI'OWL,.......,...... .,_,.,...,MI'I'Itl'tiiW..._.tOf .. Mtft) TM~~ O.MCII'N.oltlof~ll'twrt ~·-=-~ ... ~01 ...... ..,....,., ~~~.!:!":.~~~A-~t~Mt be ~ ... I'C:CWS*-"'ir*reftif...C:Mtii'I .. CIIIflti'K11 ~IICII. and !Dtootf ..... auliCOf'lhdll ..... pucNtM otOen, ,.,.. ... ....,...U.tr4-~lloi~Of~tt.rtw.cl10 t CICIMWCIOIIC'II'IW.al 2"*tfQ·IfW~CJ'IMtf'IOIIM II'I .... ~·~ lhtMCDNI'Id~ ~~to d -'1 ~011 1M CIIIL'IIrKt bf'ttlec:ot*.oor-.OoofiOf9ll'lllllbOII ...S ~IM ~of wut..-.lll'dll"' ..,aclOI"'"""'*b~t ~emence ns• 11 WOI'l~Ofi---OIII'Inetbf',......otk.l\dOI'\~Otbf' -l Aa...ctl.,_.,ol ... ..,.._~~twM~tG Ccod'ICI~_.,MWI~~b'~OI'IWOIJ'•I p..,.....~GI~~~oi ... CIIJIIU'tQ. """*"D'I ·~-.... --KOanoetenMied»llot~· OylfttCIIIIIftaflllil'9ei!ICY.WfHWA 4 Stkdoi'IGILMiot'DIIMtiM~O(Ii'DICIDflhct,V. <OfiW'fiCtr:WtN.InDiv••ccwwidc.Ciotb'.,.~•""II'II\N~d .,~,.,e<:ICMII,.a.rll• ... ~vritU I IJ .. !Iar ptdmMd., c~ <OfiO non,_,.., "41'fMWd rt)Nt•. or ~ n.wm,........,...,.....,.,..,.ll'dldt'~ ~ca.tfltdtt_.~OI IVIIIIWICII'CotiC'I<n. U. HOif'lltuallMIHAT'IOH 0..PftMIGMOI'IHf1«11011~01lCFftPW\2l0WI.,._.I);f IO .. ,~~CCII'IUIICU ifiCIIIOallf'Miltld ~ ~oiS I O.OOOorii'IOtt Thepromlo. ... d2'lCFRPM2JOM MII~IOINII.,...~ . .-ag......,...orlftf'l'.-ct.lrtl l """"* --lniOcMicn.IMccnhdor.nd .. ~nti.IM~ ... Ihh IOIO'oo4ngpcKM.l~~ta~ll¥t~ ltl41.41 CFR60. 'Zt CF R 16n- 162l.1'11412lUSCIIdcnl44..,.~tonAciOI't97l ... M141ftdH(11uaG1 ... 1. Ttillo1r!IINCNI--Acl olt964.tt lnllftdiO _.,.......,...,....._l'ldl.clhci ... Cf ftPw112 t 2'111'1021 ..wncrftPw200.2)0.~Mlll 1"111""*-CtorMid .. ~mutl ~,._ h '""""**rllh !-~C....'I\•1 Cfftto-1 4{b)IIICI b .. ~...,._,,~SIO,DOO, .. sa.nd.-.'Dr-' 1!-~~~ConlrKt~"' UUftll)...t) ~ ThtUI,Otp.I~WM~totl.ltlofl\lot i'CMNI~to~ ~WIIh~Oroett l24611!dlhlpolt '"of l'le ~ll')' =.:::?~;::i--ns~~,::~~~~ .,..._~...., r-. 2lUSC s.dcn I«<.W. ReN ..... Acl flliiTl ••~f21VICn4._.,..,y .. lo1af .... Cl\llftivtlhktd 196A.•WMnclld.nfftledr..-...~_.,CF!Il Pw1121 MWid21 -'2lCF!IlPA200.::lO anom Tl'll~protl...,...~,....,.llC1'tlt2lO~A..Ifdl ~rtV~t~Mt to ancn.tor.us o.~dla!:ICII'JUS OOt..f iNIFtM'A.....,.,.... I l .... llfnP~tntO,,.,IItllfy.!..-~cprpcn~.~Wy jff,O)~M11 10 ~1ollnlto ... l l~ec1lcwi1Ct :;.:.::f,_~,;·cr"~~~~c=:.~':O IM 41CfA 2JIIN'IOOI'Oift0111'1e Sw•lfYOIL.oota•I'I'IOO!M ..... h P'~P'481'11&ed,.,.,_ aftd....-.cl.,..,.._.ta2lUIC t.O 1tWIICCIMIMt 1M uo _,If**~ aciOII ~ liwlw c.friCIOI'\ prafiCt ~ --.. aft-ad. The P"Miklnl d"' Al'lltltc.IN--~A(trJitl0 14lU.t.C 1l101tC ... I ItC --~liC111tHMM~ltCift1fXI ... ~Mb'f1~ ~""~ IPI INflta*lr!OII'I•COIWIQ,II'IICICnl'.aotqJ"Mt iO coPIVJ....e\N~-te*M ..... _,.~.~~ ££0 • 'ThtCUllrMSOI' ... wr;lft..,llleaot*ICflriV~.,., .. ,... ~lo.-eNtlr.m~...-.ryfCIOCIIt..,...!b110~ ~~WI\n•l*ttoa:I'JIIbltttMancJ~ol ~ano.,tllewi'IV-ol~s\a'IC.ttll'lec:anlract ti'Tht~Ot .... ~MU~J'II:Iktb~ -11 .. 1wpakydN~1D IIMnll.a~.,, .. ~ ........ ~ .... ,.ttao~~~ ~.,..,, •• ~ ..... Ul/Jlll Nllotiii~ •• Ot ~luc:ftKJIOft\1\111~··~~ ...,. .. riiMfff'~Ot~..,_.....layof!OI ltfi!Wla_,. r--fii~OtCIIMI'flltJMIII"""'*"..xan 4JW ...... 1Drr~~----~.(lt~et1lulllllp.•,...,­""'100 •..,..· 1. IIOOMc.r. T'MOOfWIOIIf ..... ~:t_,IMiii ~ION coni/'IICIII(Io!ICV1~£EOOft'loat'<ot10\toiiNv.N~IOJ WII'IIMIM~Oitll't~acttl'lhtl......,Mdpt'Citi'IOit\91n Ki'lotUOptOgfW'I«<d.._,I'MCIIe".-M:Seq...._...-otitrMd fi ~I0-10 P•c• IOorH J r;tl)• 2016 :!!.!t!II·Ji:fii!ii•MIQIJII#J•Jiii :IN'II,iiitl.I3''3''44J,P IIi?"§iiPJij41 ii!§li.lilltijigiQ ·I·l4•SH Paae: c .21 CllY Of TEMPlE CllY, CALFOR>IA BIOONG ~CONTRACT DOCl.to!EHTS. PIN<S AIID SP{CifiCATlONS HSII'I.-5J65(009) TRAFFIC SIGIW. U!'GRADES. SIGHS AND OiliER SAF£TY L\IP AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS CllY PROJECTD:P\~7. -CanUd l'lgo34oll20 ~. DttMmlnatlon Ol POlley AI~ rJ h CC!r*ac.1cr't tl.., -tiel .,.·~-10'*·· ~ promoM, Wldd~ ~.«.,...~Mod'tecc.onorv.t~o••Mbt~ ~~~twd'tllttloft.WII tMi mildal~~f# al'ld...,. ~ NCOftnQO{sEEOpolcytt'ld CCll'lhc;llal ~"to prO¥Ida EEOifte Kh grma 81'\d d .u..aban ot ~ Totnturafvltlhaallovoe ~-..il tMi mel..lhe ~aetlont.,...beiM:tnata~ ._ Pariocllc Meetlngs « ·~ and petsorM~ <6:e tmplopn ..,. be cotllt.IC:ltd bakwe die mn o( won ena 1t1at1 not ..... ofter'I!Mn one. ftNelf't ... ft'IOt'llht •• , ~ twn. 11'\1 c:onHdar't EEODOicyandits lmpf~._.tMir~&nd•~ The,....,. d be oonNetH tty tw EEO Cll'l'at b. AJ ,.....~tatyot~CI'NI~~· ... " ....... ·~~byhEEO Offtc;er.~al,..... I&C*bciiNc:oNractot'IE:!Q~..-.,htycllp tolovowlo '*,.,... .. !My ... 1M cotftcklf c ""'*'"""*.o.M••~oe,..,-.a,.~tor"" ~W!Ibe lftii4NalclbytneEe0oe.e.rln .... c:onlnJCiof"t ~·· klt~andl'liMQn'WIOn .... and....c:men d Hotltfl MO poalerl ...alng lcr1h IN~& EEO P*V ll4 MplactcS hareas ,.~ac:qnlteto~s.. ·~ for~ent&IICIPCI~~ •· Thlic.cntradcl(sE£0palc:ynilhlpn:x;ecNres to ~ sucf'lpcky..,.Q tMitlrouCJNtodw abfttiOtl ct~'" byrne.,. ol'~.,...,...~otOiweppt(IC)tlate n. .. 4..~hnMI\I'Whenad~lor~ lhlcat'UKIOtW lncWe~rt .. ~lot~thetiiOlMoft.'MEqueil ~y~·AJ...:t~~ .... bepllloeclll'l pullfir;:noM~aWgaorcr..Uilklnar'I\Of'Orftt'IOI'ttiMano'lloOMft ll'llhe me h'MI.....,.hcwqe.c:t\oo'Qift( lrotce wOUSdriOI'miOytMI -• ThiiCIOf'NICI.Cir.._.....,Pf~by•valld~ ~ COI'Iduc:t ...,.lie" dnctret:NIIment IWI.Igl'lpde and priooMe '""*""ref.,.,.. IOI.IIUI~k.ty to )Wet~ ,.,_.on llfllll~ To"""" ... tllqiJIR!fMf'll.hoonndcf_. lCI•I'IIIf)'~o(~~~~andaetatJWI ~ Wd'ltMntil1eel M!.RM ~ .... .oy ltWWlnly Md ~maybe,.,.,.,..k)hOIIMador/or~ b W\h.....,.INCOIWactOI'Ni&&YaJid~~~ ~btJ.dl,t,....~NJ ,.kfra:a.twClOtrtrwcllctia e~IO ...... Ihi~Cfltlat-;reem.ttoh.Uenl thM the s)'Mam rnnta IN I:OrltiKtor'a camptllnc;a 'Nitl'l EEO c:onanc:t~llotts Whtfa~«MICI'I an ~ P\uf'lael*ld dlic.tvnNbtlflagarti&l ~OI~OI OOitg.~*hCIOfWIIaflltodoiMurne.a.d'l~~ ....:Uiw ~edenle~~ c. ~ COI"'r.aor ..... IM'OUI'"'' lh """..,. atnployHJ 110 ,..,., ~.,.~ .. .-...,.~ ~ 8Mproc;ecll.tfH "ao((hft98"dlo"'MI"'gMICI'I~ .... M dltcUned~~ ~. ,.....onr* Actlona: Waget~, ~ ccndl!ioM, """limPIOY'H ~ftb INIIMI talll~ Wid ..,..liiiM.. and pei'IJOmef tdO'lld....-y~.~NMQ. ~ promchon, lfMII.,,dlmotlon, ltl~. end !a~. W!lbel•ken~ t~torwa.colot,rwi!Qioti.M«.~«"'F\aoeordluf>Wy 1M~ procec~ur .. 11\111\ be lolowect a TheCOI'III"'dor..,..COI'II&Ict~~ol~ .... tonwe!Ntwattdng~.,..,~~donaC WldcaUit.~II'HIJMtC ol prctea .... ~ E:t lllbll u ,.c R rqlllrnJ frtlt'ni·Aid C'oncncl t.•nl u••" b The car*actof .,. ,....,...., eva!u.-lha tprt~ed o1 ~ -~...mct.lilbtloi"'IO~tnr~af ~ .... tne*. c: TheeotW"IdOI...,.panoc!~r...,_ulecl:ed~ adiont.~""'*'IOCielltll'lfW""'*'*INr.l$~o( CIIICnl'lnl_, 'Mw:n~•lovnd.. ... contl.a:.t""'J PI"'ft''Pttr w.:. CIOII'KWt adlot\. " hi f ...... ~-INI: h dl~ may oxtend Myond the K6cm reW!Iwod. 1-!.Ch COIT.c:tM adlcn thd l'ldr..ide lllll't..:led ptBa11. ..:o!'=:!:.,~':":J,.-==~ =~ .. ~~lflllc:onWKC.. ... ~IOt~IUCI'I ~WIIt..W .... 1tk;e ~WOOfJ'K;IIYI.aioft....tfllrll ~WM ..... .,...~...._, .... , .. ~101"1 INIY lf!ld""""' orMf tNnh ~ -..cttcorr~ act~GniNIIndudiiiUd'l~,.,._. IJporiCICI1'IIIIe4l""af•ach ltNMiloaton."-~ ... IHotwl~~olllaf ,_......,.a oleppeal I , Trtln!ng and PTomoOon: aTN~'IIMI ..... I It'I IOcating.qul!llifyll"'g.andlnO'NAU'IQ .,. alit ol minOnh• 111"111 -.otMrl-..t'IO .,.. eppliGel\tt b ~ cw CUNf't .,..,.." SUch ~om lhoiAd be IA'Mdll ~ful)our'Nor'-'ltii.CiiM~e&ll"'h~oltnO.or ,. __ _ b Ccmlt;t .. \lOll! 1M GCIIW'acWI 'Ooa"l fafc:e f~.-nti'IU end 11 Plft'MU.III"'der FHatllllnd SlM• ~.!Mo ton'JICW ,.,..,.,_...fl.tu.ecllt'lll"'lng~.u .~•hip.andCW'I· ~lr.-...~IOtlhe;tOgrlpn.tlil.,.a ofCOI"NNtt ~ "'""~·~..-b......-..g•pt1Mdld '"*I'U eo!*.ct, tM ~ph ..... M ~tded • ~~IWIJIKIMJII'O'iNon Tha~8!jtlneymly ,_MM t"llltllnO~IO'alorP"rMnl ""'h'~.....,.•• ~ln ~e 'MU\21US.C UO(t}. c Theeot*ICIOI' .......... ~.Itld~lot ~ oi ... I!IWH nirwlt IWOQr-MII Irnd -*.nt:• _ ... _ d 'Theconnc:w .... ptrlOdlc.ty,......... .... .......,.--d PI'Ofi"C**O''~d~'lloflo ... I'NnOIIMsand""'ClfMft and ..... at~C~NJ8Q8 alglbta arnpfopes to aoply b tudl tta-nha and ,...,_,_ 7,UI\fons :lfh~ad01',.....,.-..tlcte«~~tp.ai1\IIX)ti~U aacuwof.,..,....,,...~"""'Q uw gooc!WhelioruiO obcain0.CIOQplniJCW'IofMdi~IIOircfi4H~Hiof fM'ICWCIISIIt'ICII""''fl'ltl"i ~l>yhconiJIIdet.llflhefciredlyOI' IPWor.q\ 1 conlfKtO(t •~loOn adlng •• agenc, ..a lnttuda lha DI'OC ......... b11'1Mtcw:. • The oonnaor.,.,.. '* QOOd t.llh eftcrU 10 deYe:lop, .., ~"""'"'"'*""~--*9~11imedtct .... d ~mcll"aiiWW:II"'IJHMC/"""C'm-il'l ~~"lhei.II"'IIf\a .,.""''" ....... dlot,....,.... ·~"-OMI'Ito .... .....,me,. _, ........... ,.,._ tt 'Th. ocM'acllcr .,q ~• good llliltl da\1 10 hcorporat• ., EEO CiauM lntoiiiCftloll'looOt'l tgrMmentto"" end INI:II.tth \A"'IIn'a411 bt CONr~ bound r.or .. ., ~ wilnoulf'lg.ard D lheW raoa.. co6or,r.~ig~Dn.MX..I"'etJon.l crigh .Cfel~ly c The~istacoc..n~ .. 1olhef9fllfT'a! pt'IIC!Cu .._, 9C*IM of h Wlor llMin ueep lhC 10 IW •JUnC Mtdl~-~'lhl~p::w.II511CW'1Giha.bor W'IIOr'IWIII l ucflt.dlor UI"'IO'' ,.fuNs to~ t.l.d! nc.m.:.on»fw CIOf'IWKD IMoonll'ldct..,...IOc:efW)'IOIM~~ Paatl1 oru J ul~· l016 BIDDEII )HI\ll COMPLETE 1\NO SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAG[!> IN St.CTION '"C OIDDER'5o PROPOSAL" Pa so: C.22 .. l't~040Ud \.~llOOii J NOIDJ\ Nl SH>'t'd O~V SlN)WnJOO llV m•~ons ONV HJldlr~JOJ 11YHS tUOOI'II trot.C.•r ttJOfl•114 IU&I&cwll:l.,.,.. .... ~ ...... .e....pw IO[IIIti .... 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IIOIUI'I·IO~"U. llllloiiQa-..~ ~JO.opwf*llltiiii~~~:-.OIIt.UIIIIIt'n~UfU~ J0.\16»fiYOIJM""••'\IDIIllill JIIIIII'T.tiJOl~II'CJ&P ~~ ..... ,""""'~'~ ~ ..... ~ .. .,_...............,....,.... .... .. ~ ............. ....,,. ..... .....-.. .... ......, ......... .,.... ........................ p SNOU'QO'I St'OIIII'A 1Y d'lt illffliBUO 01/V Sll!liS 'S'3CMlDdfl 'MI!liS :JWVlU ~'ldiSH SNOUY.U:J3dSOIIV SIH1d 'S1N3!W'OOO 1:MI1HOO m<V!lNIOCJB VINIIO~ 'AJI:) Jldl'li.l <0 w:l Dolo~luod:Miwdl27,2011 CI1Y OF TEMPlE CITY, CAUFORHlA BIXXNG mJ CONTRACT OOC\Jio£HTS, PWIS AN1l SPECFICATIONS HS1Pl·SJ&S(0091 11WF1C S1G1W. UPGRADE~ SIGNS AN1l OTHEA SAFETY IMP ATVARIOOSLOCATIONS CITY PROJECT 10: PlrMll, Ooaltltlnlc.ntd Po;tllcl110 b (l)fN~tNI ........... Iylottld'IWMII rt~ ,CII:dec:IWC111111~1CI:l!PYOfll~toiM ~'O"'CY TNPI\"'h~INIMIOIA~ ...t~ddtw~~-beo~ Y!GrNCfRS.5(•Xll(il...c.pehiU~.......cy ........... lt'ldhc:mefdch..-shllnall»td.ldedon~u-a."'II"C'.Ih. IMtNd h pe)'Oil thdtrif need to~a M~ lde~I'U'!'INtlotMC:I\~·1•; ,htulfi:Ud:i;od' 1M ~loyM't ted .. tea.rily I'U'flbOt) 1ht ~weeldy peyd 'k'ltotmellon !My beo .wmu.d n lit'I'J lorm cew.d. ~ Fotm INM-lA7 • ~ b lftil pwpo~elnm IWW. Mid HeM ~weo ... • ._._._...daLSJIIN~71ftM'f'IIMOiilll~ ... _n-..,....CICW*'IdOiil.~-........ _.._ ~ol,.,.,.br .. ~CclrohctcftWICI ~.,._.~h .. IOCWMCLfty,..,.__.n ~.odrnsCllelid'l....,ldwcw\et.atiCI.e\ll~lt"*PP .,n~tohi~~--·~IOIIeSUiel OOT, IN AM A. 01 h Wege .-.:1 Hour OMMn Ollhl Dtpemiefll Of YbOr lot pulpOMt 01 ~ lwettl;atlOtl 01 Mil Of compl.•nc. -..tit~ ,......._q..,...~s-•III"'CRa~rJIMMCMnlore prime~ctor .,.... •• ~-....,.w. ecldlwMn n IOOII~_.._.IO .. IIIIWN~Ktlf'lorlbcu'll t'IICOI\ft..~~~ .......... 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MC:Ifoo\ (-t) n. ,.6:aclon of any ollha lbo¥e c:Mtfauor.May ~ r. oat*IQcw cr ~aaor t~cMifll ~ ~uno.t ·et'INW'I 1001 cl bh 11 .-.:IHGion 231 of !it'- ,, ci .... I.Hiad Steta• COCilt ""T'MCCII"'t'ldOtot~.n.l ....... teCO"ia t~ r.rder~l•Cli .. MC:klrl ............ ~ ~.or~btlll.ll'locWcl~oll'lll ~19WC'f .... SCC.OOT t.RM'"-arh~ afutlor, ..0 llhlll ptnM....::t.~· .. ._._. .. ~~~~toutsonh)ob,llboarmaarGr IUbCOnll'aCkw IMI 1o lUblN lho rt'qVII'eG NCOfdt OliO mP•Itler'ft ~.lhiFtf'NAm.y,.,._""*'-'~Mih~.fW Exhibit 11-C lhqulrtd F'•tl•ni-AI4 C'nrnrr1 .. r1Ju•!t ~~otlhl SWI:t OOT.WbM.C-hldiOn•rnayt» NOMMrytDt:aa~tr.~olWJtft.ftntt~ ~.or ........... ttl"-'dto F......-..rmor.....,.tot~U~t~rnt'N f..,.-.d~s \C)Qri~OTIOINht\d\tecorOI~ ff*Yba~b~1ICMI"'~to1tCFRSI2 Tha ..,..,..ta ratio ol apprMlCft to )ourMymen on 1M )Db tilt In q ~ll da$$lllcati::tn Will no1 ~ grnlet flan lha r* pemuttecl to u-.c:on:r.c:tcwnlohet*•'IIO'k !orca Ll"'dw,. ,..!Mid pr-co;rltft.My~"ledonl)>alyi"'O•Itl~..,..r ... ...no .. nat~•lldotod'IMA'M.....,... ---~ • .nail bt,..I'IOl...._INntM~~,...oniN-. ~b .. ~ol-':~petbtMo"' lllldlbon.anr~~..ot~~OfiW'IafC*.,.."'•:ca._.ol "-rMO patmlled IInder h ,.._,ad~,,.,.. be"""" not leUINII\h~wavtfltaonlha .... ~b-IM wrotlc ·~ pw1ormed. vm.r •• CICIIW'IQOf. JNrlom*lo OOtllttudlon on • prvfec:til't •IOoatJty 04htt 1hM Mlrl-..ricfl ill progr.m • f'IVIJI•rad. IN.-.1.101....,~ ratta Ct~CW••tedlfl ~·-ltMt~"t;~flle)tpllCII!ItOiflh oont'ldOf'l cr~~ptOQIIIMIWJM - E.....-y~·""-"'"'t*Cfal"'ll'"•I'IM .. ,.~~ lhartQit«eccPf09!'1mfotltw~'· ........ -ptOgr"e ... .,.,... • a~ oltw jCUlW')'mM t.owtyrata ~ 11'1 .,._ ·~ V40' Mleriwllon A.pprw1licu 11\11 be paid ~baMflbrteccotd~....uhtN~cllha t-PPI'~PI'O(II'MI .... ~,. .... .,.,nol lf*#fh-9~ IPP'.,..._.m.ntt»p..ShUI«"''Iot:td ~Mot l>tMfa .. _.on.,. -..g~ d~ tor h appi~UtM cQMJicloon. .... ~~ .... diltlnnl, ... .,.. ...... b ................. .,..~ .......... t. I'I!CIIn~""""!Nt.......,.._ lft Nt....,..hO«<«of~ahipTrllfllno,E~ISnll latlct s.r..e.'--Of 1 Sl•t• AfJpef"'lita1,tup Aotncy ~eel ~1M Office .....,...WI apatoYidOIM ~t»"•niiC41Np~ h ~...,..notongatbe~to\AIIbrl~-'etleu INn h ~ cwadef~ ,...101 I'll woct ,.,-l'ormec!IINII Macc.ptable~NIIPPfO'I'ICI ~•aPfO'I'IdH1!'129CFRSIS,.-......WII not~~ldto WOI'ketltulf'IM.,.pttod~r.letoflht-...cw'c~ \ll"'ltittMym~~lo.-w:l~regtsWec1 ~ P:~a•t-4 oru J•lylOI' OIOOER ~HALllOMPLETE ANO ~UBMIT All OOCUM~NH ANO PAGH IN ~ECTION HC BIDDERS PROPOSAL PliO: C.2S Dr.e tswed: Mln:ft 27,2017 CI1Y OF ruiPlf CITY, CAlifORNiA BllQII.'G NOD COHTRACT llOC\JMeNTS. PlANS AN!l SPECIFICATIONS HS1PL·$J&S(0091 TRAFFIC S1G1W. UPGAADE~ SIGNSANOOTI!EA SAFETY M' AT VIIRIOUS LOCAllONS CI1Y PROJECT Ill: PlrMll. Oto...-cncl Pogo 3.1 cl110 aorogrtr~~~ ........ NS~ptl(lr~~~~ ~tJylhaU.I~viL..bor~lf'ICJ r,...,.~ Tha ru ol lfU'IeM to JOU".oymon on 1M: job •• shal not be ;ruterhn~UFICitlltleP'M~byiM~ and Tr~ Actnintvnon. E""'YWiinte,....tt»pald•nal ..._lhanlhel'llltlljMa!ildWtlha ~pt'C9"11"1tb .................... ol~uprKMd•• per~oi .. ~I'IOUrfyr ... ~lrll'la:~ -;e~Tt_.....,.._.,._.., ...... ~tl ICICCI'I!Itlce"""l'lt~ol ........ ~, ......... P'C9M' ... not ........ fril"'oo beMib. ..._..aNI b. (lll6cll'lt W.,..,. Oil,..'*""-hladon .... ""9ge ~ vwt.lt h~olhWIOI'_.,HI»~~ ,. '*-le antppt~ P"9"" MMCil'-d ...m rna ~~waotr•lfontn......,.~IO'I ~proo.'idetklt...._Nftlui~""-MIIoriPP'--..a Nty ~" lhlM on I'll oa}"'O• •.....,.. llll• -.ho 11 not'"'*"'" lnll~'"•ll"eef'WWIPM~brh~o,r.tlll'llll t,.....~alrMOfltNibtp!o..:II'ICIIIIuiMnh~ ~r..-.eonh~~-h~dWCII'II ~ perfot1Mct In "'**-"..., IrWIN patfornmg "'-011. ..... tob ............ oflhiMIIio~\I'IMthlf-cJds.Hpt'OOI"M' .ndbapaidrllof ........... ~ ... ,...O'l ....... de:f~ lor tha'*G'tii!Ctudypetfonned lntheewnt iM~and T~~""-Ihlhwl ~ ttl• n.w.g program. 1M___....,. no1or91f' tre plrlnUd to ""Jiaelrwwts arm. ,_,IV ...... ~--lar0'111w0111t~ul'llll..,~ .......... ..,._ c..Eqyai~CIIppCif..., Thefoot!U.ellonOf..,.,... ---·''"'~&.nOw""' part INil» ~canfamwty......., the equal ~~yt.qUMMWdt-fll[qcWYa()ntw \1241, u amenMcl, and 2t CFR pa1 XI ~ ............ ~ ....... ~Mdld ltllfr\.n;~~~be.n~bflw~o( T~M~EEO ift OCIN'Wdlion...ef~ ~ycacntlNdion~.-.I'ICII~tohr....-IIMfltl o1 P""';,. • 01 lft4 St((lon rv The w.oN-"""" rw:...t~y -oe r.WS for lflt:nnDs and •"'"" loolndiM' t~o~Cf'll)t'Og,..,.,...,. bt ~bylhlp~pi'Ogi'M'IS 'fhetlllofll~lancl lramHI IO~tNIIII'ICIIIMfl'tll«f'IMpamlllladbJb l.,.ol .. ~~ I. S41DConttl «<. The OOtllrlt'Of or w~.ctor lhlll W'IMtl Fonn FH'W,..127lln..,~N1110 t__..tha....oc.ontrld0'1 toi!'ICWeFcwmFW<N,.1273~nqll:r...,.w~aca TM PNMtcW'hctarlhllbl~bh~bJ.,.,., Sl.lbtorlllraciO'cr...._w~.oor...utllh-*-* ct...uslfl2tCF'RIS 7, Contrta t~: debWmant.. A lnadlfll h connd ctNMJ 1n 21CfR 5 S rNyt. ~~tot tarminlllotld tw COI'I'.ri!Ct.. and tar c»>&m~M u a CIOI\II'.aot and a wtx:ontr.aor M porow:lacii'INCFR5.12 [).hlbll u .c Rt-qulrtd Fttltnl·AhJ Conlrlltll..loau lt L Campkne• With Dnts .Sacon lnd A.elltecl Aa rtqUirttnMtt. AINiingt-Md~vlho.-.lleoon•A.Med/l!ttb ~~29CI'RPII'IS I,),Inlf5_,_., ......... 1W l'tll'w..-.ca ".,. COflnCl t Ott JMMI cont.rnl~ llfKW sund.udt . Olsputat ai'IU'Ig out d tha llibCI' stlndlr<la proon~ o1 ctn conlract 11\11 not t1e ..u:;ecr to h ~tne-raJ cf"putH cJauH of tl'llt J;:Or'OIIr'ad. &.d-. dt'f)UIH thai b. rt~!n aecordantl"""' !he proeadur .. vlh ~d L.abof aet~tn 2tCFRpans s..e. and 7. Cltsp~Me•ltvn I'M ~dllldMIM~~betw-Mft--oontriCIOf iOI' ..,.db~adcft)Mdh~..,cy h US . ~dt..bal' ..... ~ ..... ~ a By tr"tt.mg .-.o fill comratl 11'111 CIOtlltaCtOI' C«\NN tNt neithaf l tnortwD'Mit)norll"'fpwtef'IOif.rm-..tlo,._IM.UMitln .... tiOriCN(:Iclt"s 6rm!t •I*KI" or..,..~ Dbe .--cled ~COf*act\ by ....... ol l etllonl(•lttl hO.W....a.con Actor2tCFRS12CaXI) tt Nopw!CiflftcCitiRc'llhiiM~..:ItD.,.pwwr~cx llmiNigiblltor_.tJi•~nrconltadbr"""'-ol MelDon 3(a.cltw ()r,iff-4t~Ador ZtCFR S.12(a)(1) c The penalty /of malung f•lu w!emenls is p..-esc:ribld In d-Ie U S CMwlll Code. 18 usc 1001 Y. CCIN'T'R.ACT WORK HOURS AHD SN!TY STANDARDS ACT The~~.,. to.,.,.,...,..-CIOnlln.DanCXJntrK:t ~.n"'*'"''"••c.tOI S100,0001ftdatJtiflcl totnloYII'*ne ~ cl h CGMKI War\ HouR enc!Ueoty Slrdlrds l<d TheM ca. .. .,....1M ~In ldclltlon 10 IN dlulu recp..lfrtct b)'HCFR5.$1a )OIHCF'R48 MUMdrtfll1pataotiPI\C!'oa ... _~ .... ,..,..~~~.,..,..,..,. t .~~Hooortr'adOIOI~ ~latelf'f~tJihCCJr'hd.....:w11.....,rr.-y,..nor ............ tN ~ otlabor'erl ormac:Ntllu lhdreaw•« panntanysud'l\ltloftloti'MCharlcll'll.lft~tt.,~haor .,...."~Of'lwct't..-ot~~-10-....ot~~'"•xceuollort)'how-lrt luct\~k wnleU tuel'llltorw« med'llnlt '~' ~atatatei'ICIIIeultwnoneandone--l'wltllrMIIha b-e til• 0/lpay Jor lltQn•....atkeGrt e.«HI-Iony taln:lnluc.l't --- 2. Y'kMtioft: lftiii'YfOf 'II'Piid ~ .... ltd datNgH In .... .....,.ol.,~olf'la c~M#MMI,._I'I~II)ol riaMdioft.lwCIOfl:lmMiftnd"'f~,.~ hfeb 11\11 be liabk lor h ~ -ees tn ldl:tlion, such ~ tnd t\IIKioi*K'tCH' tJ\11 be ~at* tohUnCad ~~-(on ""ca..ol...o11dona~conuacl fotNO..ICiol~or ~~.ro~O..If!CiiOftowd!Mr"riWr).lor ....... ..:l dlfniiQM s....th ~dlrNQIIM I.I\IIINt~ oMICh *PICt toiUCPIII"'Iw::u.~OfmedWic..lnc:l.Ong.....ctnenancS ..... ~tn ...... ~d .. U.W.Mtlb'll.,,...... (l .)OI ... MtiiCX\In ... M.mofSIOIDrtaci'I~U,on..tldl a.cf\~ ..... ,.,.,.-.dor~ll)....or\1'1-*"-'ol,.. ~~Oflelrtyf'On.......,.,.~ol ... ~ we;ea t~byhelauseMtb'lt!ln!*ap-ll -)of M ........ '''" 1~or2.c4 July l&l6 BI OOE'R liUALL COMPlETE AND SUBM IT ALL OOCUM£NT$ AND PAG ES IN SECTION "C BIDD ER'S PROPOSAL" POlO: C.26 It') :a21d '·f'•fi11.b&i·fU11m+H.1!.!1fi"rl'ii&i·#i•l~l-li!Jii91eF I.U iilii!@I:U,J.!djtiiftiW•F+i@i"liU[,ih 9 10l Crnr tlJ•u•l•ta $:1001Y ......... 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P (JI'flnc.al (ti~YIIP'Illt"'....,.,~ ""'"'~~"~' ~ •IDP&**t"U "tl)f~.,. ~-.,rv~"'lllo'Ofwt........,.,.,. ~uwe..p~pw....,.,.,pecMIIICII~ IO.....,_l.ptlt,O~AI.Ie-"""GI~ ltqot~tq"-'wWU4.N~ ~INWCI ...... q -'qPf"'•..,.....,...~A.,tcsi'W~IIIOMDUUO:) ... .. ~.-.-u::o"""'~__.u 10 ~.wud -· .... ~--~ ........ ~-...--~~-~ ICIPC-~10~ .. ~~~~~~\.10 --~bwo.q ·~~~q-..,.,JO~IOQ., p~q,O~~WII,O tlltlbal"""""" IICICift • U(MI» UtoG q \IOdn 1"1" .bY.e. ~,.....,.,"'I IOV.w-1.;1 I'll .... a,w.p ~a1Pfl'b11 pu• st811M Pfldul'l ~ OUIPfCMNlW, "[ O.!IP6toliodPOUO:J-·lXId:OJ.:l310!1d.UO SNOUY.lOl SllORNh lV <I'll A13M ~3Hl0 CINV $lOS 'S3Cl'flnfllw.liS :IWVlU ~ldiSH SHOUv:u:BdSaNSH'ild 'SLH31'1Y.l00 ~ ONV!lNKJ08 VINliOnt:l ·.uo nt"Gl S) 1.10 art Of TEIIPl£ CITY, CAUFI»>IA BlOOIHG N10 CQITR.ICI DOCI,IIIEIITS, fUNS AHD SP£CIFICAT10NS HSIPL.s365(009) T!WfiC SIGNAl \.~'GRADES. SIGHSAHD OTHER SAFETY 1IIP AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS art~CTID:P1!>07.-~Pigo 4 1al170 e.M'Ih~teqUt"eclby .. C:.....flile~nt ~---~~--,..,....to•JICIMCI ... """"". '*"""' pot.......ci"' • ~ '*""""'.,. odwy ..... olbumeu.~ J~b'~eulhofllH....,~(f)oiii'IIM ~.v .~irlaCO'M"M&raN.a.on~ .,..,.. .... .,_, '* c:c..ed ttwt~.aon W4ft. petiOI"'...tiO. ~.dl~~.or~l-.dudedlforn paf\IO~bOI'III'Itrf~ ll'leoc:kloniOOiheff«T\\!fH ...-...tolhtiFeder'aiGo¥etNMnt h~or-omcY mey ~ N ttlt\UICtiCW\fof t.euM orWM 1. C~ft.,_CI$nt0...W.tftl.lul~~ Mel VoUnlaty bcMion-ArM 11w hf1Jc:l,.nts: • "-t~fnt-~~-.... -.olb ~IWidblhf.l'ltt l ll'lcllbptW:lpll:• (t ) Ml'dp....,.~.WIQIII'INCI.pn:lp(IIUCIIW ~dtdartdfttbcl .. Ot~t«MMtdlrun ~lnOOrttf'ld~lbyflttYFd~III~Ot -(21 tt.w.not~.tv-.~P"'Oifpr~--~ Mtft CIOfMcledofOI had I chlptomenl ~ ~ hwfl kr ~olll'a.dorl~ofttfiM fi CON'ItCIIOftwJI Glbleirw!t.~toobtlh,or~•~Cf~. S&a'.e•kxal)~oriCCitWwc:IYN~W •pjlk .. an.IXb:ln: ~oi~«St*~6lat~M~IIIf~­ ~ --.k!r;-wy, twt~wy, 14Diflc:ltianorcf.Mln.Qonol ~ tnMJnQ !aiM stDment~. or,....,... ...,.. P'opetty: (l) Ne I'IOC ~ nckaK IQf Of~lf"4o\SI crioMwly or odty Cl'lltted II¥ lf'M'~ «*ty(F.wt~, St•orlcQII~ cormMebn ol a")' ollhll otttn.. .,..,...Mid ., ~ I•X21 dhcen6:Miotl 8nd (4) ...... r"'C .......... ........,...,~~'" ICIC'k~M:IOMOfm:lf•p.Mc.,_KIIclna(fl'dtnll ,....,~,~-QUM ...... It ......... ~ ......... w-... .. cen~y .. ~· ............ il'l .. c.M~~~~thd a-.ct.., • .,..,.._,toN PfOfiONI. 2 II'IStNCUOM IOJ C•nllleadon • l.O'Iftt Tkf Panklpants: ~eo·•~.pute~ta••Otdlf•lndOiherto.w'* ~ftqUM;pt'Q'FlNI/"IPPf'CMIIOf ..... adiOCO .. SH000ormlft-2a:R Pwts 180.,_, 12001 •lr~tt'ICI~NIIf'090NL.h~~ Mt•PfO'l"'ddnth~MIIOWI ....... .. n.~ ..... da-..lrMWirilll~d t.ciUIIOfi-.Nct\ret.nc:."'Up.Gid~-........ -................ ~.,.. .. ~.....,.., ~~,.,.,...""~~~~ tootw~•...,..,.•to~r.-..OoviN'IVI'Wil.f'lt OepWMn~, cw aoenc)''"'llh ....n.c:t1 ltft .-..Kt.oon Clf'lONted mttr P'ftllll't'ldlble~.lnduding~Wd'ordeban'nenl e.llw~~owe>-U.~WIIpt'OIIIOII~ ""f't!MnoclcAI IO tr'ot~IO"""*"'Ihl~al·~·el ., 111M ... pGI.peCD¥1 .,_,. w I)IACiowC •an. ht Ill ~--ln'Qft~ bp ,..MinoldW9'11 oran~tanc. d Thi*'N·~~hi'NCtOI\,··~·~: ·~·-~··J*'OI'\··~·and........., E1hlblt ll·C Rt:qu1nd fHenL-AhJ Coatr1ct Uaau•ar ~·at~ift .. c:fii&M .. ...,.,il'l2aRPWllliO tnd 1200 Y~~~~o~rM)'CO'I&IIC&II'Iot.,.,..,llll...t'llchf'Q~It ~---.!III'QII'I__... • ...,_...,..~ "Fner .. ~r,~·,.. • ..,.,CO'II'If1ldnnudlon IMt-.fta;r.nteeor~ofF.o.r.ltunaMd a ~ (~uct~MhprmaorgtrW'IIIcanna) '1...oMrl*C'.ovtft4 TraftMCIIOnt. fl''trtiiiiMY~ nnsadionundef'a F'ntT* Co¥.tt4T~(wct'ltstr.OconVIIC1I) •f"nlr-~ ,...,,»!he ~....tlo hal tnterecllnlo. ~'ftt<i hf'UCliOn -.ilh 11 w-niH or t ubgraniH or Fedn Iundt (ll..d\ •• 1'141 Pl"''nt « Otf\tl"tt~ "t,.o.loerT161'Part.dpatlt"ra'WIWfl~ ....., N • .mared no • CO'Ifeftd ~.....,.. • Fnt r .. Plrtle:lpwC OtoiW ~-T• P~ (II.ICI'I at tubcOIIncsott lind I~) . n.~---~ ..... br~lhl ,........ ... ~ .... ~ ........ -........_,_.,...,. ........ I'IOI~--In10 """""'""' ........ ltw.KIIOI'I ..... ,..,.,.. ...... ~~~ ~01~~~~.,-~ ~trintr..tf'.oN.ectO)'b~CI'eo-ncY""" ~ ll'llllrMUC:tiOn QI'OnMed f The~ b<o« Ml' paltop&N fl.dw"agrMt by ~em ~MINI II ._.lndl.lcM tN6 d ... tuled "'Cw\lc.won R.g.,..,., o.wm.rc. ""~ lr\otlgllbillty W'd VolurUry~T .... C.0..41dT~·-~w:~ut ~.., .. .,.., .. ~~.-.11'1 11 ~lorbooel'Mrc:cHtfad~..:.Miin;IN $2$ oc:o h'utdCI g A.~.,·~~-rf'II¥\JPQI\11 ~d·~~l'lak:PtowliarGCJ~YW.:J 1f1ni1Qlon ... tti'IOideOan'ect.t!oft9111'1dtd,I'IMigltlia,OI~ ....... ~lheC0¥••11~ t.n.M.knowt.Nh ~bOnn~• A.p~t'lt ntt~lorent~.W~Q ~-PI''I'WOIIPih111•not~.dlbwNd.Of ......... ~topMJapa,..,~tw'IMCUorl• To't41'11'ylha 41~ollttSIMciPals.u ...... M IM4IIgltlll)'clai'IYb...,d41t ~~...:h~M&yW~I'IOINC~Weclto ct.:t .,. Ed.ldtd p...,. u.. spr-~ lb!r ... QII "'*P")...r.d'l• ....... tyh~s.r.ct• ---h Hoewtg~fth~ .... bec:onM\11110D,.... •~•••)'MelftOII,_ft...,to~ngoodld'l b~,.quoradby HtcMut• n. ~ ~ lt'lkWI'IIa'iiotiOI~~-,....OtoeWOMCII\at.....,tt I'ICim'>eilypoaMtMd byeQf'\.ICIIWCP«<I''I\hiQI"CWWatyGCU'M 011 ~.doNI!ngll. I E~lorwar.ttct~Cn~IIUihol'l.r:Muroar~•oi""M ~~~~·~I'I ·OOioefadltMMCtiOIIk~ tni«<RoekM11tllefCCiil«ad~""""''f*'OI'I..tlo~ ~ cMbMed. NC~gtie. 01.........., ud.IOad torn ~il'lhl.......aaon,~neddlliDnllll--~ .......,..h,..,...~,....,....,Ot~-­ -.t.cahl.........,.~,..,fli'I"W~~ ~~lltdotd410MftM; Ceft.lfiullon Rtptdlng O.N.l'fMnt. lulpen.ton. lrwllgl'btltty lAd VoNn1ar; bchJtlon-LO'W'W -n.r '•11tdpanta: 1 The proeped~Ye .,..._ b4lf partlCiplll'lt e.ttlftct , by llbm111011 ol tht llt'OI)ONIIINII'ItlltNtilnotlti.~•P'__..,d~ ...,.,.,...,.. .. ~for o.tlamWil. cl«lat.cclnaligtit Of ~.,..,.~lrom~ft~--ftiMQIOrllby lr'f Fll6all ~or acency P•Jt l lafU J \11)' Jtl6 BIDDER SHALL COMPLE TE AND SUBMIT AU DOCUMENT<. ANO PAGES IN r;.(CltON 'C HIOOfR C. PROPQ';.AL' Poa e: C.29 Oolt-Mlrdl11, 2017 art Of lBI'lf art. CAIEaul!\ BllOING AHD CQITR.ICl OOCiiMBfl'S. PINIS AHD SPECIFICA T10NS HSIPI.-6365(\)09) 1lWf1C $tGN.II. \JI'GIWlES. SIGHSN<D OTHER SAFETY 1NP ATVAAIOUS LOCATIONS art ~D: PIS47. Ooai.-Ccml Plgo42 al 170 2 WNNt.~IDww.., ~ •unat*tomnlyiD _,OII.,_JWMN:nb .... ~M.Id'l~ ~.,..IICUcn_.~ID,_P'OPOMil xt. CERTlFICATlON REOAROINO U$E Of COHTRAC'T FUNDS fOR LOS8YINQ TMptO\II.IICWI•a >JP&ubletoll F110anl·lldCCII'!IlNdton«~n:r ~~ett WtoaG rNtediUbc:OniiKit ....n.c.h a~S100.00CI(o48:0:R20). , n. Jlf'OIP'IdPI1I ~ cett.liaa by "CMie and tlbniClng HlbldrwptOpOUI.toh batlfii'*Ot'*kftooMadoa:Mdbtftj'. -• ,..,..,..~~._....,.01 ..... ,..., byOtM ........ fllt.~,llll.,.,.,..,..,.b ... ueno.'lgOI .....,...to~ao~CIIIicltor~GIIIf'tFedam ..-q.a~d~ Moff!OIIfor.,..po,.aof~• Ofln~cfaMimbefr:lc:on;r..•~t~~wltlltM ~of eny fedefWIIoontttQ, tha mekng deny Fadtrllfl'artl ltM mekng Cl any F.cta,., lOan. tria .n&&Mo IntO Of ll'l'f cooptfltlw evHtMnt. Wid h eDentlon, ~ ,.,..,....., amanr:tnw~t. 01 mookafiiOI'I of any Fedll'll 001'\WKt. Ol'lnl Dan. Of~ ,..._... b.Wenyb'Misalhef!M.'tf..,..~!adu.HI'Iawbeen J*dOt ... be peld 11111111'fpanoftb ~ ot 112em'*"'f ~ ~Molk.-ot~"'llflftcttaf~.11......,.,_. tiC.....,anofcwot~OI~.or.,...,_GI a.....,..d~n~wifiiiWFedenll~ .... iaen,OI~agt11111Mf11,.h~thll ~ .,_, .-:wnl SlMdttd Form-U.L. ~Fcwm to Rf'PO'(I..ObO)'W'I8.·ti'I~WI#'III•~ 2. 1'NI ctft.ftcalion h • tnataNI ,......MIOn ot fact utXI'I """"*=" *iii'ICI ... piec;«<"""*' If"'-ll'.....cllloft_.tN<itOI' .,...,.., W'IIO $utwM.andU'III c.erWII:•IIon • e P«tlqlni.W b'~OI efMMCJRoiM1r.,.~lrnPOMdbfl1 Y.S C 1352 lint ~-..ho~ttMth~c.Wutloftt.Niba~to· ~~oii"'CCI-IIW'IS10,000...S_"*"'..,_,S100000 b..clhwdl ....... 3 n.~~-.o.,...tJy~lbtador PfQPOWfiNIIha~lhii,...,...Nihlianglagaollft oan.:lcl&lonbel~ln11'1towtt-~.'Oitdl.-=-t $100,000 end u.tal IUCh t<1ICIIPMb INicanlyend Olscbe aooorditt;fr. Esblbl1 ll~C Rtqulrf'd Ftdtriii·Aid Coalr"'CI lal'llUIII!f P•a•ltoru July J01 6 BIDDER 5HAll COMPlETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES tr_, UCTION NC BIDOER'S PROPOSAl Paao:UO DatlJsued: Matd'l %7, 2017 em CF TIMI'l£ em. CALF OR/fA B:DOING AHO COiflRACT DOCUMENTS. PlANS 00 SPECflCATIOI<S HSIP\.·536!(009) TRAFfiC SGNAI. UPGAAOES. SIGIISANO OTHER SAFETY lliJ' AT VAAIOUS LOCATIONS CllY PROJECT 10: P15-47,-c...d Poge l l r/170 Lonl As'\h11nt'f Procrdtu·~, ~l.aa.l ExlllbltlJ..G Rtqulrtd f«<tnS..Atd Coa t ra ct l.aoJI."Et 11. FEMA U: AND Mlii'ORITY GOAL~ To \"Omply \\1lh Stc1ion ll .. NondJscrinurul•on."' t'f"Rtqu!ftd Conn.:t Pro'UJOOJ F<dcral-AJd Conwucuon Conlt'lh!t~ ... the folluwina arc for (C"'''vale and minOf'try UliliznliOR jOII~ ror f~dtml-nKJ construction t."'Oincb and subc."\lf\lrxb thlt uc-«d S I 0.000: The nati01l\\1dc gnal (or (\"'n:tlc lllilil:ltiOO ~ b.IJ J)t!Wnt. Th~ go:. Is((\!' min orily utihz:Hinn [4S Fed Rer. 65984 ( IO.'.~·I 9':1U}j :~rc: us folluws: .111:-'0RITY I'TILIZ...TIO:< COALS Econon11c Acta R«id•na CA: 17~ Non-SMS.-. (SHnMbrd Mctropohltm StM I~Uc•l 1\t\"ft) Cuuuuo· CA l.o•><n.C.~ Moduc. CA Pllll~>,.. CA Sltosllt. CA Si>luyoo, CA Tthou .. Eut<b. CA 175 1\'on-SMSA C®ntl~ CA lkl Nurlt. CA HumbJid1: CA Trini ty SM Frrulc~Sro-O.u.land·San Jo~. C ... ; SMSA Ct'IUnt ies: 7110 SaliMS·Sctiide-Montercy, CA CA Montcrcy 7360 So11 fra•~~k~kltnd CA Alan'lotda: CA Conara Coslt: CA Mwin. CA S:ln fnnc-IS(<'. CA S:ut M:al~ 7-lOO Snn Jose. CA 176 CA ~~~ Cbna. CA 7-l&S Santt CNL CA (A ~13Cruz 7500 San11 R us:~ (A~n• a no Vaii~JO-F:urf,~ld-Kapo. CA CA Napo : C A Snlano Non-SMS.a. Counuc-s: CA Lab: CA Mcndoc.ino :CA S3n Bc-nito Sac:r.~men1 o. CA: SMSA Coun t ic~: 6910 S:~mnncmu. <.'A 177 CA Placer. CA S.'"'~mtnlo. CA Yolo Noo-S.\1SA Count•n CA Butte . CA Colu...,; CA £1 DonO>; CA Gltnn; CA ~t\"3Cb; C:A S1tm~, CA Suner. CA Yubo Sto..·kaon-Modrslo. CA. SMSA Counttn· SI70Moclello.CA 178 CASwsislaus 8120Stll<kloo CA CA. S:an .Joaquin Non-SMSA C1'1U nllt'S CA Alrine: CA Am.,Jor: CA C::.ln\·er.b: CA M;uiriOsa: C.A.. Mcn-ed: CA Tuolumne Goal tPm:tnl) 61 u :!~ 9 1S6 19 6 149 9.1 17.1 212 16.1 I~ J 11 ,1 24_1 19.8 P•J•10 ott-& J\lt~ !tiC SIOO(R SIIAll COMPlfT£ AND ScURMIT All OOCUMfNH ANO PAGES IN S[CliON C 8100ER S PROPO~Al Pase: C.31 CllY CF TIMPI.E CITY, CALIFORNIA SilOING N.'O CONTRACT OOCJMEHTS. PlANS AND SP£CFICATIONS HSIP\.·536!(009) TIWF1C SIGNAL UPGIWl€S. ~S Alll OlllER SAFETY IMP AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS CllY PROJECT 10: P1~7. --Ccmll Po;e 14 r/110 E>hlblt ll·G Rtqulrtd ftdt rti.Atd ('onlrArt Uaa u111gr Frt.)l,.l-&kmlkld. CA SMSA Coun11n · ~0 &kcnlitld, CA. 19.1 119 CA Ktm 28-10 Fte<no. CA "6.1 CA fr<sno Non-SMSA Coun lie!!o: 13.6 CA Kin s: t'A M:.dm: CA Tul:ll't los AnJ<kS. C A: SMS." Coun11~: 0.\60 Anolhc:im-S.nla A no-Garden (ir('IY(, CA 119 CAOnnp -1430 l.N An&<k•·Lonc Bcoth. CA ~1( 'l CA~AI'&~k' 1"0 6000 O'tDMJ..Sma Vallty-Veuruta. CA 11 s CAVtn~un 6780 Rt'""td<·S., Otrn...Sin<>·Ont:>rio . CA 190 CA Rl\'cn!dt, CA San Bcmardmo NSO Srun 8 :1fb::Jr:J .. !i:mt :~ MW·lomp.""'. CA 19.7 CA SantA Bnrbn.ra Non -SMSA Coumit:. 24.6 CA lnYO: CA Mono: CA San Luis Obisoo Stln Di<ao. CA: SMS.o\ Coulllits 181 7320 San Diea\). C A 16.9 CASon 0.<10 Non·SMSA Coundt< 18.1 CAI1111>mol f or the l::w fhll \\ed.: JulY dunn1 \\hu:h "'Od;' '' pcr10fl'Tkd uOOctlhc contnk:L you and tKh nm mtletul- wrplier ~ubcontnc1or Wllh 2 \uNontr..:l t'fSIO QOOorlnl)~ mu~ '-''wnpletc Form fHWA PR-1 .'91 tAppc-ndL't C 10 lJ CFR l'lO) Subm.ltlhe fonns by Aupb! IS IJ. FED ERAL TRAI:"\"EE PROGRAM For tbc Fnkrnl tmi.nina proanm. the 1rum~ o(trn.in«s or apprtnt1ces is __ o __ . This section :.~ies if o number or unincn or apprentices i' sp«lli~ m the :.1~:11 pro\'~iOfu.. ~pan ufyour ct.Junl oppor1unity n.ITinmti\'t nt.:tinn P"-'amm, prnvu.k on-lhc.joh lroinint 1<1 dc\~lop I\• II JOtnncymttl in the: typcll o( Ulkk-. or job dass•I~~IH..l1\S inv,)l\'~ Yo u h.1\e prunary r<SJ)JfUablllty (!X mecrina thi~ tr:~mu11 ~u~uenL I f ~''" '\Ub..:oncrxt 1 contnc:l p;wt, dctrnninc how many trlinca or apprmuccs l'lrc: to be 1t11ncd by th( wbc:ot rti"Q(1(''( lnduc:k d\n.c tnunina r~uirrnknts m your subcontntL V.'hn't fc.~sjbk. 2S patmto(;sPfJrc-nti«s ortr:111)((S In tach oc:atp:tlil-n rm"t be in their 1st )'C'arof 1pprtntk.-nhip or lnlirnntf,. Distnbme lhc number of ~apprcnul·~ or traine-es on).)n& the work clo:.sifinmom ll11 lhc: bam of \'OUt nc:.:ds an.J chc: :wailabili ly ofJoum~)men 1n 1hc \Wious cbssilk:uions within t rc:uon:~blt r«N ilmcnl atf3. Befort !llaninj \\Uk. 'u~mitlo lht Ci1y•C \liJnty ,~r ___ : Patt 11 ot l" J•ly1016 BrODER SMALL COMPLETE ANO SURMIT All DOCUMENTS A~D PAGES IN SECTION •c &I DOER'S PROPOSAL Poco : C.32 CITY OF IDI'l£ CITY. CAlJFOilh1A Dolt-..... 11. :!017 BOliNG»>l COIIlRACT D00.NEHTS. P\NIS 1H! SPECiflCATOIS HSil't-5365(tll!l) l!Wf1C SIGNAl UPGRADES. SIGHS IH! OTHER SAfElY In' AI VARIOUS LOCATOIS CITY I'RO.&Til" Pll-47. -Co!Od Pa;t45ol170 Loul Anhr.act Proctdurt~ :'t iiDU11il Ex blb lt ll·G Rtqoi N-ll Fnlt ul-AII.I ('onrnn'f LMnaunt t Number u( nJ'P"nticn or mu n~ to be tr:un.:d for each dtullitnt•on " Tr:unina ('II'OfT:tR' '" lx used 3. TrammJ "lllrtmJ dfttc for eoch ci:IS>ification Obtain the City/Count)"~ tlf ___ appnwal f~Jr this :mbm ltt¢d infonnntion before )'\IU "'"n work. TI1 r Ciry/County of ___ li ed1ts you for ench appn:nt iC'l:' or lrll itlt:'c Yl.ltl (tnploy on tht work wiX'I is cnmnrly ~nroUed t'lr b«on)(S cnro\k tl in an appro'~ prt.'~VoJm. The primal)' objC"cti\ c of rhb !l!C\.110n is to tro.in and upgradr minori tii."S Md wonltn tm,nrc.l jou~ymen )talus.. Milke c\~ effort to cnn)jl m1norlly anr.J wo nxn nppr('T\tM:c~ or tro in«"S, ~uch lb conduc:una S)'lttmacic ~nd dlr«t m:tuitmmt t hroush pub hc and prh'llte s.oun;cs hk:ely to yidd mi1l1Jf'1ty oul.l won\(f\ apprmticn (\f tJ'IuKcs.co th< t'XIentllley nrC' naab bk n'ldun :a rtuunoblc rt't'nli ll nent D.rt'.t ShC!n thlt )'OU haw u111<k dt( rfforts In 1nakJnathrsc effosh.. do uoc discrinun:.lc aao Ubt~t.n y &Pflh-.••nt for lr11nunJ. On not nnp~)' aJ an apprtnu"·c or am me.:_, cmplo~c. In any ('Juq(i,..,tion in \\hlch the aT'f'loy« h.,, succcnfi•lly crnnpktt'd 1 cna.•nina counce kachna ttl JO!.Irt1C)1MM sutu~ or tn \\'hl(h dtc anplo)~c h:l) bca1 C'11'1pk»)"t'd u • JOUillC'ytna.n 2. \Vho u INC «"li51c~d in I proprn 3ppf'Ovtd by the liS lkp:lnmcot o(l..nbor. Bu:rt~.~u or AJ'PR'flricnhlp ond Tr.ainine A~ thc anpktytt 1f tbc employ« b:b WC'CC\dutly compkccd :1 rrainin$ eows.: lc.Klmt to joumt)m:m stat\l'!'o Of~ b«u a~loyed ::1~ :t joomcynun. Your r~wds must show the anployct's Qll)\\"'ef) to tbc que)hOib.. In your ID1mna Pf""'.r.'ln. ~l)h thc mi nimum ltnglh and uuanlnJ type: for each cbbiri-.":luon The CitytCot.lnl)' or ___ a.nd FHWA IIJ'Pf\1'\"d n proe.r:un if one: ~r the foll0\\'1111 IS met It is (:tk'ubtC'd lei Mccl lhc )'OW ~:~1 ctnpk>ymrnt qJpOnt.llil)' rnpon~babue.- • Quahfy tht ll\~¥< llpptmt1cc or tr11ince for JOUmcymM .Cilhl! m th< cl#uatinhon ul\'ot\'nl by the end of the tnunin~ ptriod "' It a-. fCJ.ISicrc\.1 \\'lth t~ L'.S. DCJQrtnKnt ofl.clbor. Ourcau of Apprcnuc c~ip nnd Tnuruna. ond 11 I ) lkJtmiii)ICfcd in" way coru.lstcm \\ 11h 1hc «tu.tl t'lllpiO),nttn rcto.,Oiblblhhc~ of Fclknl-atd hiahw~y con.\U11Ciiuu contm.:b Obtaui lhc Stnte'~ appro\-. I for your lt:litLing ptO!P'IIll hw:fon: y\IU !>l•n \\'\lfk in"'" inJ tht cla).\ific:uion CO\"t red by the prOp:\111 Pf\Widc trnining in the .:onstrucl iC'Iu crafts. tW4 1n clcrk-J)-piSI ot ~rct:ninl-r)'{)C' por.illom. Tr:umng l~ allowe<J in lower lt\'el m.1MJ(tnc"RI posilions s...:h ns o lli~t (fl&in tm, c'lllllltUOn. nod timckccpen if the lraa.ntn' is uricntC'd IOWnrd conSUlK'Iiou :tpplkzlliort~. Tmining i~ alloweJ 111 th~ lnt1orer clnsr.iflcJIIOO if ~i$J'Iific:MI Ilnd mean ing fu l u:.irunc j., provided Mtd IJlpm\'ed l'ly the d1\;,.;,"l otlh:-e OtT-si te tr.linin, is nllowa:t 1ftht U'llminj h lln intcgnl p:ut M1n :lJ~.wC'd tmmint fl'"llfrtmt 2ml f.b:s not nW:.e up n ~•tnilkMI pan of the o\maiJ tr.unin~ The Ciry Counry of ___ rcunbund you 80 ccuts per lk'W" oftr1nuna ,.\'C11 1n employee nn thi11 contr:k1 undcT :tn :appro\"td rnun ma ('f"'Onm' I F« IM~I c ltuuunJ f « off~tc-lmln•n&&f lllC apprmtice or tmm« I) cun~11ly Clll()IO)"Cd on a fcdc-ml ... ,d propt •nd you do 01 lcbl Ot~ of lhe fuUo"'inJ. • Conhibtnctothecostofthttnina.n i: • Pro\ ide the •n.·-uu.:uon ttl the ;apprm l\."(' or trnin« • P1y me Dpprtnlict 'S-or tn.lnt'C''s W'llJC• dunng t he ot1"-s1k tDIRinJ pcnod If you cor~!)' this wcttu• P•lt lZ •f l "' J •tr lO J' lUOOER 'ioHALL COM~LETE AND SUBMIT ALL DOCUMENTS AND PAGE~ IN S£CTION C BIOOEN '!! PROPO'!!AL~ Pace: C.33 CITY OF Tf NPL.E CITY. CAl.FOft'IA ---11. :!017 BllONliHJ COHTRACT OOCU:.EHTS. P\NISA!C SI'ECFICATIOHS HSIPI.~ 1lWf1C SIGNAI.IJ'GRADE~ SIGHS N«l OTHER SAfElY liP AT VARIOUS LOCATOIS CITY PROJECT ll" P1l-47.-C<r.>d Plge 46 ol170 Lon l Auh i UC'f Proctdurt1 ~11nu•t E t hlblr 11-C Rtq ld rcd Frdrnl-1\lcl (.'oorrncr t.a n•u pt Each apprcnru:c-or tmmec mu:~>l; I 8cJRltrolmna on the proJect oti sootllb fe:~;sihl~ :tf1cr the !>1:\n o(\\Ofl: 111\'0I\'lnath< l'pprenttc:t's or tn llltc's ~kill 2. Re mnin on che pnlj«t tl) lo ng lls tr:~.ini.J.I@ opponunitic> c.'l(i'-1 in th~: 1pprcntie<~ or tn1ince's work clusitic at ion ortll ll ll the appr~nricc !Jr lraincc hlb compl ct~cJ dll= tminmg program Fum ish 1hc :a ppr entice or h1Lint:e : 1 Copy of the prognun )'OU will comply \\ilh in PfO\ tdingthc tminina 1 Ccniticatioo ~hcn.\ing the~~ :tnd le ngth of1tainin1 '\D h5fru:torily cor...,lett-d 14. TITU: \1 ASSliRAI'<CES Dunne th e: pcrfonn:mcc-o(lhis AJIW!nn u . lhr contractor. fnr nself.1ts D\~IJnt'n ond \lk~C'»>N. in inlnT)S {htrc in~ftcr c~l«rivcly rcfc rrtd to :1" COl\ "TRACTOR) •1~ ar. foliO\\",, (I) CompU;mrs \\'ldt Rnrubtiom· COl\IR..-\CTOR Wll cotnply \Hlh thto rcgula.tlOI~r. rebt1\e to n(~)ch~mination in f«<mlty aui)tcd ~tru.ofd'IC l>cplnnltnt ofT1'1n'ilCI'1ot.an. T1tk i9. C..xk off edmll Rtautaoo~ P:u1 21 ,1b they may bt-tunollled Cro.n cnnc co lime. (hcrt'n•flt'fre(errctl to a~ the REGtJI....\ TIONS). which~ herrin 1~1cd by ~ferencc and rr»de :t p;an of lhl) ~mx-nt. ll) l'QtHhS(tjmimtwn. COl\IR.At.IOR. \\ilh f't!:u\1 10 Ilk wort pcr{oJmkd hy i1 dwtnelhe AG REEMENT. stl:lll not cb~"'liminate on tbc grounds or~. \"'kx". sex. nac~ ori&in. rctigion. nae. or "ISObthty 1ft the Kla."1ioo ancJ rctt'nnoa ofsub-eppticants.. mduc.hnJ prOI:Irtt'MlU.' of ITUII<nnl~ ~d lc:L\CS o( o.fUipmctll . COJir.ii RACTOR sh:tll not p311tcip111c eithcr dar«tly or indtrtttly m the dlSmmlnollon prohihi tcd by Section 11.5 of I he Rcau!Ariom. ancludm1 m'(tloyu\C"ttl pncttCQ wbm the: •crmncnt t"t»cn II prosnun SC1 roob in Appai!Jia: 8 ofrtw Rqul:ttiOtt'C (.l) Sohcita!iool Cor Suktamgnm!1. lnc:ludjpc PQ)CUB!tlcj!)!Y o(MII(Oib gnd Emll()fOOJ!. lu all iOI&cllllion'J ett~r by C'Olnpctl!t\'e b1ddms or nctotaation made by CONTRACTOR few wort to be performed under. Sub~arc:enll=nt. mdudinJ pro."UfctOC'III.S or nutcrials or lcu~cs or eqUipmc-111. e.:h ro<<mialauh-opplkom ot <upphtr sh:l)) b< noufit d 1>)-CO)ITRACTOR or1h< CONTRACTOR "S obhet~hons un<kr tht~ Alr«mtnt and tht' Rcpdauons rdn11\ c 10 nocll.h~-rnmnallon on lhc srounth o( rfk:e. c~IM. llf' rutiotlll oricin. (4) Jo[omy,uoo and Reoorb. CONT RACTOR lholl PfO'idl: nll lnfonn.1110n nnd rep..'IJ\! re~uiml by 1 ~ RCiUI1'UIOM. Of dam:ti\"CS i..:suo!d pun:UIIU lhl.'fc:10, mtd ShnJI p<nnll ICCCS.S IC'I its book$, «"<ord-.. 01:'-"'UOU. other soun:c5 o f in(utmation. :ul\1 its facili1ie~ a~ may he dctcnnincd by the Cali form~ Depanmc nt ofTrlll~p.'!t1:tt ion or FHWA m tile pcninenr to :tsc main CC'I!Upll:.nce \\ith AJch Rc8UI3tions or dir~ti\'ts. Where nny in foml3 til)ll requ irt'd o f COl\'TRACTOR is in 1hc c:tc!U,.I\"t pouc.~swn of another ''1kl fn ili or n:l\1><" to furnish chi" inforn'l3t ion. CONTRACTOR shall :tO crn ify to the Ca l i forni:~ Dcpanrncm o f Tnan;;pon:uion ur the FH\\'A tb l pt)fupriatc, 1111.1 sholl "'"' (011h wha t <fforu CONTRACTOR Ms n~dc-to \lbllllin the infonn:u ion. ($) 59ns.1tQIJ> (('t( Nons;:o mrlinns:-c: In tht' e\'ent ofCONTRACTOk ·, num."\''ll'f)ll:tm .. ~ w•lh the IMlndl>C"niiUI'"'I"-'"1 pro\'ISIOII! of1hij llgr«tllC111, the Cala(ocm• Dcpanmcm of TI"Insportnnon .-h:lll IR"IJ'OSC' SU<h Oifttn~t \lnctKMb a< 11 otthc FHWA may dttcnmne to he nppropnatc . mt."ludJnJ. but lhM luttllcd to; (I) ,\,lhhok1111& t'I(}XI')lnnll~ IO CONTRACTOR under the: Al~l.c-nt \\ 1than a r<a~abk rcnod of tunc. not to exct'"C\1 90 dlay): a.nd·or ll'l) c:ltlC"Cibrion. tcn.-nat&on or suspension ofchc-AcrttniCnt, in whole or in p~n t6) locoruorarjoo oCPnnjsipz11; CONTR.ACTOR ~aU tncludc chc f'l'll\is:ttlnll orptn,rnpM(I) thruua:tJ (6) ut C'\'(1')' sub-~ inc:ludn'l, procurnncnts of 1r.tmah and la:M:>s of rqu1pn¥nt. unlft-s t'Xcmrc by the Rceulthons. or dJrccri\'C"'I iswcd pwsu:~ntthc:mo. P• .. lJ •(l-' J •lr l016 &IOOER ~HA~L COMPU:TE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN SECTION C BIDDER S PROPOSAl· Pace: C3C 0.--17.2017 CITY (}F TENPUO CITY. CAlEOAIIA lllllliNG A>lll CQ<TRACT OOCUIIENTS. PIA'IS »0 SPECFICA"OOHS HSll'l~) T1W'flC S1G1W. UPGAADES. SIGNS »0 OTHER SAFETY IMP AT VAAIOUS LOCA"OOHS CITY PROJECT It PIS47. -Ca*d P~g~47 ol 170 Exhlhh IZ·G RrquJrtd Fcdtt•a i-AJd ConrraC'r LAnJ.UI!f CONTRACTOR ~hnlltnkt such Ktion \Wh rdp«l to any suiNI&rt<1nrnt l._. procurtrutnl ns th~ C•liromta Ocpamnrot ofTrun"'JXlRIUion or FHWA m•y d1rc:c1 as a mcnnJ or tn!Orcin$ <wch pro''i(.tOn.) includtna s.nnctM'IIl) r<'r llQK'<'ntpliai'ICC'. providnJ. howe\~. th.,t, in the C\'C'III CONTRACTOR b.:<:ornC'S hwoh·cd m. or i.t thrntcnal wilh.litigotion '"ith a ~ub-npplkant or :tuppllcr ns a resul t of such d1m::tion. CO NT RACTO R mny request tl1c Ca hfomw Department of Tronsponnuon cntC'I' into such litigouon to protect the intacm oftht St:ut. and_ in :uMition, CONTRACTOR may rcquc\lthc Unit t d Srnh:s to Cllh.'f into such litigation to prot«t Ute inter~ts of the United Sua~. IJ. USE OF UNITED ST.~TES-FUG VESSELS The CONTRACTOR agrco- Toutilllt P"''ltcly O\\nd Uutttd Staces~flaa c:omn1m:znl '~It 10 \lup otltost ~ pt«"tlll of the cross roM~~ (cony.ut~d scpa.rm cty for dr)' t'tldk CtUn~. dry \."tfld hn~f"\ lind llttttr') 11'\'0h'«f. \\'h<nC'\'CT ~hippina any cquzprncn1. rmtmal. or CQiruna<hua rtnoontt\l this cootrKt. 10 the utent -".:h 'C$sds If~ tl\'tta.hk 11 tiur and rcasonabk nal~'ii ft'lr lJmtC'd Sta~n-Jlna '-"OnunC'rcbl ''ends. 2. To Fwnis.h Wlfhin 20 d~ys foUowmg the dill(' orlo.ldin& for shtpnenu oncut:~fllll Wtlhln die llnMtd Slit< or \\lthin 30 wortcinr d::~ys foUowuta th< cbt< ofloadina for MupnwntJ onl:in.alina OUbtck the l'nit.:\1 $1.11~ al~bk copy of• r.atf'\1 ··c.t-board"' C\'lnrnm:tlll (11.'\"ln blll-(lf-lndm& m EnJ], .. h for <Xh dliprnent of eaJJO dnaibaJ in par.rgr:aph (I) o f this <itttu.m lO both th< Contraaina Orrtttr (ttroulft tht pnm~ rootr::~ctor tn the c:t.se ofsubconrrxtor bills-of~:tdincl and to th~ 0.\iston of National C•fl'>· OO~tt of~Urt<t 0<\'t'k)ptnctn. Muirime Admin~trauon. Washinakln. DC 20S90 .\. To uucn 1M sulhance of the pn>\is.icn:. of this d t U!I< in Ill Mtb..'Oitlntetltl>SUcd pu~uant hJ thh conlrld. M.AI,.."TAl."" R£COR.DS Af'lo"D Sl 8~11T R.UORTS DOCl"~tE:\TI:\C \·o t.rR PERFOR.\IA:"CE \ :'\OER TillS SECTIO;\ P•.:' u .n• J•lr 2o16 UIOOEH SHALL CUMPLt.l f ANO SUOMtr ALL OOCUMf.l"llrs AI\IO PACJE$ IN SEC TION C BIDDERS PROPOSAL- Pase: C.3S 00--17.2017 CITY (}F IDA.£ CllY. C.U:OAI'IA BllOING »0 COOTRACT OOCUMEIIT5. PIA'<S N<D SI'ECIFICATIONS liSI'I.-5J65(00'1) TlW'flCSIGIW. LI'GA.OOES. SIGNSANOOTl£11 SAFETY IMP AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS CITY PROJeCT It PIS47.-CanOol 1'1Qt4Bol 170 2. Samplo Bld (Exhibit 12 H) F.QLIAL EMPL OY.\1ENT OPPORTUNITY CERTl FIC A TION Ellhlbh ll·lt Sompl< Bid The bidder Nizar Kabbany . proposed subcon 1rx1or Cal prom ax Engineering. Inc. . hr:r .. -by«nifics th:lt tv: tu." _. N s not _:x_. p:u ticipatcd in "pn~·10us contmct Ol subcontr:KI subject to tM cqwl oppommitycl"uKt. ;:as n:quti'C'd by bm.~ti\c Ord-."11 l ilY~~-I I II ·&. Ol 11::#. ;Jnd ltut. ~hl:rc rcqwtd. h: hou filed wtt b tbcJotm Repor1in» C'onutunct,tb: Olrffior of the Otr.cc o(fcdcr"l Conuoct Comph:w:c. a f"'-*r.11 Go\C'I'nlnmt CCIIU"Xfiaa or )(imutKCC'rift¥ :lp.'ftty Of the rot'ml:t Pr~n(s Comnuucc on Equal En!ployn\Cne. Opponun.ty, :tlll't"pOfls due un6cf chc opphc:lbk Rll~n~l\-qutrc~·~~u No tt: 1ltc *''t' Cnttftcauon IS rcq•u'C'd b) ~Equal Emp&o)nlt'tU 0ppot'M1My Rc-pbuons ofthr S«m:ttyof labof CJ I C"FR 6U-1 .7(bl t IJI,, ~nd naatl be s.abmincd by bdden :..d propo:tcd sub(ontr.K10n oN) Ia conncctiofl -.-izh contraclS :lnd subconrrxts which Me subje:a kl the c:qu:l oppomatury cb\ISC Conncts ~ wbcona-xts •'htch :we ucn!pl from the~! upponunnr C'bu:sc~sc.-t fofth • -41 CFR MJ.-1.!-(Gmcr::I.Uyonlycontrxts Of ~ubconbxu ofSIO.OOU or under :itC C'.'cmpt:) C'"urrtnll)' St.:.nd:ud Fnrm IW tEE0-1) IS lhconly rcpon rcqutrcd b) the E."CC'CUii\C Orcktstw thew Ul'lpkm:rwin ¥ qu~, ..... Proposed ptl~ COI'ICC3CUII"l lnd Subconitxk)n. YOho h.l\~ p:lftta~cd Ml a ptC\IOUS C'OI'WI~ 01' MJbcODSi'XI 51Jb.JC'('110 tht: fx«vti,c Otdm and hit~c 1\01 filed abc required rt'pOI'IUIIouhJ m~c t~l"'l CFR 60-1 7(bl (I) pte\mts the •~'lrd o r COftl'mctJ IUid subc-ofttnw:ls unless s~h conttK'Ior wbmtti 1 trp0n CO\"(ftn• 1hc ckhnqUI(nl pcuod Of ".ch othct pc-rtOd lpC'C'IfiC'd h y lhr fcdcr21 Hizh'lo'l)" AdnMI .. r.'ltioll ('I' b)· rhc OitC'CIOI' orr~~ orrcdcnl Comi'IIICt Compli ance. U.S Dts»nrucntofUbor ,.,,,orn Octobtr 2016 BIDDER SHALL COMPLET E Af\lD SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN SEC liON C BIDDER'S PROPOSALH Paae: t.36 CIIY Of TEY'lE CIIY. CALFORIIA Dolo -..... 11. !017 BllCXNG Nil camw;T OOCI.IIIENTS. P\NIS NO SI'ECIFlCAOOHS HSIPI..sJ6!(tl09) T!WfiC SOW. \JFGR.ODES. SIGNS NO OlltER SAFETY IMP AT VAAIOOS lOCAOOHS C11Y PROJECT 10: PI ~.-Cooed f'l9t It d ITO Lo~l A.ui1Unn Prottda.ru \l 1111111 Eshibil ll·U Slftt!'lt Old P l iBLIC C O:'<TRACT C ODE PUD U C CONTRACT C ODE S ECTIO' I 0 285.1 ST AT£,\IENT In ronfornui'ICt' wirh Public Contrxt C"ock ~C'Iion 1021'1~.1 f(Nprc-r l7f., St;,ts. lllk~). the b1ddcr hc'rtb)' dcc l::~rcs SOIC'· The b ddcr ml.ltl pb« ;a cbc\!ltnwl. :ancr •tw,• or "b~IIOC'"tn DnC"ofrt...-hbnl. Sf'XC'S PfO'Kb! TbC":abo\-c St.ltcm.:"nl ·~ JWI of ch.: p~ ~·.:mnt: lht~ Pr<~pDQI on ... Slpl3IWC' )d'tMW'IIhM.'O( wn :.tso CQnSUiuto.• wptutt oflhis Sutcnt«<l 8 1ckkn :an: au~!Ont'd th:u mal. an• a f~lsc cenif..,"::liOn naa~ IUbJC'C't lhc ccniftc'f ro M Mln.:!.l pr~'CUCIOil. Pv auc Co~'TRACT Coo t S ECTIO \ 10162 Qrt STIO''"'RE H:u rhc b16dcr. ~I)' olf1«T of1hc bldd .. .,, or :~n y cn1plo)'ct' oflhc bidder \\ho h:1s :1 proptk:'m.,· inrti'C'SI IIt thc biddct. C\C'f been bC'c:.l~~Kofa \tobuonofb\lo'Ot :awfct) r~-ubuc:!llf' Pact-11f ll OctoMr 101 6 BIDDER ~HI\lL COMPlt: IE /\NO SUBMIT /\lL OOCUrJit:NI~ AND PAUES IN SECTION C BIDDER'S PROPOSAL Pose: C.37 CIIY Of 1EMPl.E CITY, CALFORIIA Oolo b-Moldl71.21111 B:oo:NGNOcamw;TtlOCI.Ioi9ITS.P\NISNOSI'ECIFlCATIONS HSIPL-6365(009) TIWFI: SIGNAL Lf'GRADES. SlGHS NO OTHER SAFETY ltd' AT VMI:OJS LOCAOOHS CIIY P!lOJeCTlk P1!>47. Doanonl Ccmll Pogo 50 all TO LK•I Au is11 nct Proctduru ~l •mu1l E:..hibic 11·11 S.m I~ BhJ P II BI.IC ('OXTRACT Coot I0 2J2 STATL\It''T ln('On(ornw w:t' ~~tolrll ~.c C"oncrxt Cod.: SccboCIJDll!.chc Concrxtor. htttby Sllle1 undn pnullyofpctJ«y.lhll no mou: ctan one lin:~l u~pnl::.blc rl ndtn¥ orronu:mp c ofcOUM by a fC'dnal cour1 h:ls bc.-m 1.Uucd ::.;:unt11hc Conlr.K'ccw we thin chc immcdi::.ccly pr«cdm)II-.'0-~'COlr pe riod b«::.ute: ot'chc Conux10r's f:ilurc 10 cotnply wnh ::.n or der of::. ft<kr.:~l tourt \1. htch onkrs cbc C antractcw lO cornPy ~~~oilh :m onkr or tht N;1tional Ubor Rd::.hms ~nl ~otc: The: :lbo\·c Sl::.to:mml ::.nd Ount ionna•~ we pan o(chc Pfq)OUI S•"ninw ltm rrOf)OUI on d~ ~tW:I\:\I urc poo eon chcrro(shall ::.ltoconJUNic 'tllrt.:~l tR o(dus Sl3tCfl"'('nl and ~IOtttiat l't'. B1ddcrs ~an: raU41tJn~.-d 1~1 makin•::. false ccrtifco~tiun nl:ly sub.f\"CI the: ccn lnr' tu crumnol pros .. ,..uu<~n P•tt lof ll 0NnMrl016 .U.!Ui·ii:t.ilti.!h!Qiiit .Virii!!:'hhl.ilir!.!illdli.'lft.V'·'k'irliii§Jijii !.!~M+:!h!.!i ·ii9·!.14•''d Pa ce: C.38 CITY Of ret.IU CITY, CAI.FOAHIA Dolt~--77. 2017 IIIOOfj(lNfJ COIITRACT llOCI.IWENTS. P\AHS NfJ S!'ECFICATIONS HSIPI.~) llWF1C SIGNAI.li'GAADES. SIGHS AI() 011£R SAFETY IIIP AT VAAIOUS LOCATIONS CITYPROJECTIO:P1 s.o7.-CWo!PoveSidl70 Lon! Anb11ncr Prwfdurrs \ltnual Ex hibit 11-11 Sam k Bid .~on collus lon Affithl\'lr cTulc !J Unurd St:ua Code S«hon Ill :and Pvbl~ Conuxt C:ocl< S«tlon11MI To 1hc ('ITY I COU NTY of=TJ,JEo,JMWJ,-P~L~E,_,C,-,!LiT,J.Y==,-----­ /Jf:T'AIITMFN/' OF 1'1 1/1/.1(' WONK.\'. In confor'INII~ with Title ~3 Ututt:d Sutcs Code: S«Hon 11 2 ;md Public Conuxt Cod e: 71oti the: bidder :and Mi not dtrtc:tlv Of thChn.'ttlr colluded. cOtltptrrd. conru\ l.'d, or Ayrttd "'nh M) bukkr or lln)'OI\C' c:lsc to puf an a 1h.1m btd, or that an )'onc Wll rc:fra.n frotn bhtdm~o 1~1 the: btddtr ~J not m .1ny m.:lMtT, diR"Ctl y or tndtrooly, souactu by ~~~~mmt. c:omnmnk:uion. 01' c:onfcrtncc "'llh anyone to fir: the bid pocc: of the- btdda or :~ny ocher btddct. or k) fLlln)' O\crhc2d. profit. or C'OJI ..:kn'l(l'll ofd~ bid price. oc of1~1 of :any not. dlrtttly or lnchrC'Ctly. submincd hts or her bid pri« or on y btt3kdowntltacaf, or the: ron1tnu thereof. or dt\UI~ tnforn~ltotl ord:~u rc:lati\C' 11-:-rao, or pt1d. Md "''' no4 pay, ;~ny fee: 10.111y tCK'pOmC•on. ~p. co~n)'IUOCIJiion. orpn1r.~uton, bid ckpoMIOfy, or 10 a n~ mcnlbcr or Ail(l1f rhcrcofto Non: The ~bo\t NorH:ollusion .. ~ffid~,·i 11s pm ofrhc Pf'Op()S:II SIIIJIUnt~ 1tus Propos:~! on tht sivn:~run: pMion thctC"OfstQIIetso cons11ru~ s.t~1urc of thh Non -collus.ton Anidl"'''· Butdc::rs Ate caurioocd rh11 nukmF • r~t~ ccrunt.)uon ITQ) ~UbJCC11ht ccRI(ICf 10 cnnunal ~""'«"''"" P•ct9 ofn Octobt-rl016 RIOO(R 'iiMAll COMPlETE ANn SIJBMIT All DOCUMENT~ ANO PAGES IN ~ECliON "( SIODER'5o PROPOSAL PaJO: C.39 CITY Of TE""l.E CITY, CAI.FOONIA 0101 ~-Mll<lt 77, 2017 Blll)(fOOAHD CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. PIA'ISAHDSPECR:ATIONS HSIPI.~ TRAFFIC SIGIW. uPGIIAOES. SIGHSNfJ011£R SAFETY lloiP ATVAAIOUS LOCATIONS CITY PROJEC!IO: Pls.o?. Ooc:un.ll CoWd Pove 12 all70 l.oul Aui11uu Pro«tturu \11n111'1l Exhibit ll·H S.-n1 1lc Uid OEBARMEI'iT AND SUSPENSI ON CE RTIFI CATION TITLE <O. COOEOFFEDERAL REGULATIONS PART N The biddtr. undtr pen• h)' of pe1Jury. cen1fi es 1ha1. cxcepl os naced below. llt,sht: or any other person nssocin1ed lhcn:,,ith j,, du: C11p.IICII)' of ow m:r. panner, dirt.•l·tor, officer, rnunager. IS not curre ntly unck r suspens1on. dtbam~u. \'Oiuncary t'-ciUSJOO . Of dn ermu muon of tne"h£:1bt luy b) an)' Fedtra l ·~•ncy: hu not been suspt:nd<d. deb:lm-d. \'Oiunt~tnly ucluded or detcmllned inchN ihle by 1ny fedc:l"'l l "Vrt'I('Y wuhm the past J ynrs. d~s IK'Iot hrt ve a proposed debonnen1 pendmv: and hu not b«n ind icted, C00\1Ctal, or had • CI\'JI JUdyme m rendered apinst it by 1 coun of compc:ll:nt JU risdiction in any mAtter •nvohing fnwd or o(ficiaJ mi 5eond~ "ithtn chc pa~ .l yeRrs. If there: arc 1ny c~cqXions 10 this ctniftcation. i~ lhc cxcrpuons m the following space. E:ccepttons Will not nt«ssarily rtsuh in den ial of award, but w1ll be cons•dfft<l m detemUmn~ biddtr responsibility for any except10il noted lbo\t', mdic-a te below tO ...,-hom II npplt<S. 1n111at m¥ 1¥'CilC)', and dates of ICIIOU, Notes · Pro,•Kii~ false infonml110n may result in criminal pro~uon or a dnuni~ntl\'e sanctions. Tht obove c:e:n ifietuion iJ pan of the Proposol Sisn~ny this Proposal on chc Silffi:Uurt ponion thereof sh11ll also con~titute s•anature ofth•s C"en•fication. PRC~ 10 of l l O t lobc-r l016 Uii!liJ ·JiiM!iiZMIQ!iil4d'"''·'N"i''''iiiill@iijfi.id•li1Ji3iii~JUil !.~pii~n.l.n-&i4·1.!Q•Li·' P•a•: c.•o aTY Of fEY'\£ aTY. c.otEOAIIA --lllrdl l7, 2017 llllll1HO-CCIIIlRACT DOCt.IIEHTS. PlN<S..., SPECR:AllONS HSII'l~ 11Wf1C S10hoOI. IJ'OIW)ES. $IGH$ NIJ OTHER SAFETY N' Al VAAIOUS lOCAllONS CIIYPRO..EClll' P1!>01, -c.d ""'Ua 110 Loc-al AuiJtlttC'f Prttfd um \l .. ua l f.\hlbllll·ft 1\0~LO OBYI ~G CE RT I FI CAT I O~ FO R FE DE RA l--A I D ('Q~TRA<.TS S.m If' Old Thr proJr«t"< J»ttlctp.tnt «ntr~t~ b)' ••~:nmv 3nd subnwnm¥ this bid or proJI'ltJI. to tht b-:u l)fh•t Of her l.no"&cd~ and bcht'( that til No Ft<kr:d ::~pprupmllcd funL!s h:~'" b.:cn p:mt or wt ll be paid. b) or \.)11 b.,:h:Moi'thc ut~kr•iyncd . 10 :my pnwn for •nfltk'Minll or :.ucmptint;ta inthtCncl.' an omrn or C11'4'IO)'t'\' af:my F'l.'ck.'flll C~¥tncy. ;a Ml.'tnb...-r o(Coo••cu. M offi«r or rnwployc:c-of Con~ or :an ~o."fltplo)'~ or :11 Mcmbtr ofCO~'tMf~o.'ti 111 tonn«tton "'tlh 1M lW~IIlll of :any FnicDI C:'ORUXI. lhr rNklna o(any Frdtnlyrlnl, the motkii'V o(an)' r~-rll k»n. lh< C'Ntrinaa Into or~)' t'OOPCQII\I.'Oif"''""-~l . :and th.: orenscm. C'Onltntatwn. n."'~'OII omcndnM.'nc Of' mod•fintton of any Fc-cknl contrKt, .-ane *" or t"'C''pC'nnt\"C :arm."fllml. t!t If any ~ndt orhc1ttw. r~r :awroprut<'d funch M\C' bmt ~Kt or ~111 be ~Kt ro In) IK'flO" fOf mfl\ti:MM'IKOt acr..•mpt,_IO tnnuc-ntt sn omrn or empto,.tt of :any FtckDI ~~.a ~ktt\b.."f ofC'oncrru. an otr.cn or trnpiO)C't' o(('on~\"tit., 0t an tn,lo)'n' of:s Mmlbfr oi'Cm~"U m cun1..-.c:hoft ""th lhts Fnkn.l ronlt'Xf. fl :tfll kNn 01' l.~t\t aat"'-'\:nltftl, the unlk-rsfSftl..'\1 ~~~ comrktt :and MlhmM ~~ f'Nm·LLL. ·o.~k»urt or lobtmnc AcU\t1tn • '" roni>fnonc:r •uh 1tJ tMII ..:tiOat Thd CCT1!1icauon It l ~NI rtprt:KftUltOII orrxt-.on •• lith rtlu.« W)i pll«'d •hnllhu rn.ni.X1ion \llt<l~ rnoMk or rn~nt'd .nto SubmuitOn ofdus «ntfiC'3tiOG as a prrn:qu~S~tt: for noltnl or rntcrtn; liiiO ehu lr.LRSXtiOn unposed by Sctuoa IHl. Tttk Jl U.S Code-Any pc"t\00 "ito Uds 10 tik de •cqull'l."d C\.'TtlftCMIM Wit b.: W:tjm to~ Ct\.11 p:cuh\·ofooc ku f~ SIII.CI.O~nd ncH tmR" duaSit•I.Clll fOr cxb ~&.lUI'( The-~tl\t: pan.ctp;uiii.Jbo .J¥f\'C1 b;w 'ubnudn~w Ius Of hn btd or propos.:aJ lhac hi: Of * ~hallrcoqwrt" d\Jtlht l~fC' ofthtt cc-nH'lcauon be-wludcd 1n all iti"'C'I' OcT wbcOftCrw.Cb. "'-htd'l .:'t«d ~IOIJ,(IIIfJ :and tNt oU 'utili MiN«tptf1WS .t.ll cnu()' and duciOK' XTOhhllVI) Pac' II of ll OMoiM'r 1016 UIUUEK )MA\.\. COMPlETE ANU SUBMIT A\.l DOCUMENTS ANO PAC.£~ IN 'HC1'10 N ~( 0100£R 'l ri':OPO\Al P110: C.U ---l72017 aTY Of TDof'U aTY, C.II.JfOAIIA llllOI<G NIJ CCIIIlRACT OOCI.IWEHTS. P\NfS-Sl'roFlCA llONS IISII'I.·SJ65(009) TIWf1C SIGIW. IJ'OIW)ES. SIGHS NO OTHER SAFETY M' Al VAAIOUS I.OCAllONS aTY PROJeelll: P1!>01,-Ca..u Po;t 54 a 110 Loul AubuutC'f P'rMtdurn \l.nual DI SCLOSURE OF LO BB\'1~(; At,\'IT IES t.talt'IJ.II 1111'11*~1 IOUISC.'It~. lUIIU\IS<IAL 11\'1111 ~"' tc'I'AAI 1U ~I t '(t tl•! I. T)pt of fedt,..l Anio•: 2. Status of Ff'd rr•l At t ion: 3. M.tpo rt T>pt : 8 ''-",."*'' D •bllloOft.lifi'JII"'-.''* O •.uuual .. _.... h '*'•-" .,.,,..-&) h ""'" ... l-j'C \: ,, ... .,..,..,,,-r•ICf\'\:Mt.'tlll , p"K'-'VI'Ii Ell1i bit ll·ll San1 ''Bid '""'" r~tr\lat""-IC'bRnt .. Oal): 0: ..... , ~UII'IIIIIo."\' ( ln.n 1n.wwk'' .t. ro~.,... ••d AdJr'C'1o , ••f Rt p.rtlnt £a rlly Qr•nu .. o -... '*" ,., __ .rt ... ._ .. C"HC,....IH•I Dhtrk:L1n,. .. ,. 6. F"""l ~•nMr•IIACf!Wf: II. e. ,,_ .... A ...... •.tL.alolrr[ad" t l f ..J.\""'-J.....,~ tin&..-:Mh 11 . "-•••.tP•r-"''dw.-k •tl•h•••rrt)t '----0·1 .. , O ro--o ~~~,~ .. ~k'f ~ If R ~rtl n111 tnlk' I• :\u. .4 I• $ull•"·•nl"- [nt"' Nu " •nd "-'tlr,..• •r Prhtwt Ctt..,.t"-a .. Dl•trkt. II \. .... -. 1, Fnlorul ,,...,_,. '•IMIIklC'f'ipdo•: Cf OA S•mbn' • .rlf'rl.,otblrt: ------! t, A~~t anl A .. wac. tfl•*ftl" It, ..... ..w • .a. ,...,.,.,... •• s.,...kf, ............ , ~ Ll thUi,"'\'ftl tu. No IU.I '""'......., fb.,.t..,_. ~Ill 1... Rrttr o .,.c-ri)tth•" or s,n '"" P"r rorm...d or1u Lw pn-rorm,,J ••d D••ri•) .t St" ltc.lfttltttllftt: umrff1•l. •mr&orWi •). or nvmh«rh l C'Oatlnal. ror ,.,,, . ._..., la1Ur.lfd In lt•AI 111 ••• President ,..._"" ..(21!1.) 573-459 9 -~ \ .... II!J't'\1 r... I o.. ... lt'f'fo.lan"• ~'"""''·''' Pa ce llofll Ot t o~J016 \il :l :lj·&iif.iiii.l¢~1 Qiiii§~!.Jill:@!il,il+mrcal$1jd(!§J!.IQ!ljiJ!t!JiJ4i!•N''t l i l!.ijJiY.i•!Q•tid CITY~ 1'EM'lf CITY. CALIF~ IUlNl»> CONTRACT OOCUIEIITS. PI.AHS »>I SP£ClflCAllOHS KSII'I.~ TlWF1C SIGNAL LI'GIWlES. SIGHS »>I OTHER !WErt M' AT VARIOUS lOCAllOHS CITYPAQ£CT~ Pll-47.-Ccdd ... !.Sal 110 I'STR U<"TIO~S FOR ('0\IPU:TIO\ OF ~t ·LLI.. DISCLOSURt OF LODB\'I'C A<"TI\'ITitS E<t:hibh ll·tl Sam k Bid Tlut dtKiowtt forM t.h.all bt complctcrJ b) Lbc rqsonll'I,\.TtlJC). "Mtbt' '"~._,nkc Of pu"W fcdml rC'CIPICnt. '' tht ;.,,t~oa11on Of rt"CCipt oftO\CT~ FC"Ckftl K\1011 or a nutcnal c~nJ.'C' toptC"\WUI fihna purJt.~AN to IMk )ll' SC tn'lJOfl 11~: T"hc nltn~ of a fotm b rcqutK'd fOf MKh Pfi)tnmt Of tJ:Ictma:M to m.».c p:.ymmt co lobb)1nr cnilt) for tnOu.:M"mi or lUt"n•ptm¥10 •nnttenet an orrl('tl' or cmpk>~c of any •Kcm")'. • Member of Con11ms 3n onkct or anplo)\.~ of C"onrtH~ Ot 11n -:mploycc of~ Member Q( C'onvn-u m COf\nc'Ct!On "''h 11 CO\ ,..,.cd Fcdcr'll XtiCHt AtUK'b • f."'Ofltinu:~tlon •hcct for addmutU~I tnfonnatJon 1f Ute' s p.xc 0t1 th~· r.wm I'J l~llolltC' ComflkiC ;til il.:m• \hill Appl~ for bolh thl: tftllbl nun~ llnd n~tf.'fi.'l dli!lfi~'C rcpon Refer 10th~· intph:mo.·nunj ~u Mbtk"t pubh•hcd br the Office of MMa~ :.nd BudJid for acScll liOMI .,.roi'!NIIO• kkM1f) ttlc l)pc:O(C01octed Fcdtnl xtioft tot •·tuch aotlbv.nw K\1\h) u. ~ndottw ltftn \\.'tutcd lO •rlumco.:.tht OUKOHW oft CO\cml FC't.kDI K110ft W..••Uf) IJw tUU" of&JwtO\Cfcd frdcnJ ;l(UOft \ ..... ,. ....... 141CdMJinc..ortoflhtstqiOf'\. lfdlt.lt.tf'o&lolll•tlpi\"POf'QlhC'db)IIIMIWfllllcban;<IOik llilfOt"'Nt~ ~lolnl) ~~lM ~Md ...,wr In •""kh tk chi~'C't«llt'~ F11\tf tk4JikOftk lasL pmM)t.lilywbrfttUcd rrpan b' tb.Jf'tliOilMIICftl"~ (Of thnnn~ rtd.."f'll eel lOft .& (Mn'ck(ufi!UfUf Ndtn .. c~~.,. • .wc..tnpcodco(~reponltlfnMtt) trtellldcContn:utOIUI DntrKt •f~n C'li«L tk~clantfauc• ofdl< rcponinc c·nuar.._. 4cMpwn ''" n "'c'P«'' 1ob..-a primc or sublrrwd rutpnM.. lck .. tflttktM:Jofdw:~~td«..ca-lttcRm~Md«of~~"ltwfmtl"" ~Ws-hadc ... ~ ftOI hMhfd 10 tubcOI\IIXtS.. ~ Xld COIIIQC1 :nl"'!nk ....... "t' .Jft" ' lf.,orp~ftl .. alhi.·rcpon .. beat .& ~b '"'Sab.raanic'C.IkaC*"' akfuii~Wnc.lddftu.cM).Illk lnd"ff codcofdW'p111ntFC'Ckralr«'fMC"l IDCtockC~I~ •flli""''"a• Co En'" die unx of-.r: FC'dcnl ~· mablt dtr :~.nrd Of )0.-to-ntlnWat IIICiudt M kHI ooc cwpo~ioa k\"rl ~ ... ,~ ,rLao-«., F«~u.pk.o..,:.nnworTram.panatiOnl! .. kldSP.nCDI$0u:ard 7 b..:r Lt.( ftdcftl~ ~ otclc1.mphO. ronht CO\~ Ftdtn.l XUOfll~ II trL.-nu.~ lhc fuUCaukJs or F~ o...nut Auu&MC'C tC'rDAI numbe-r for p1lll'n. roop..T.I\'C' 1~1 JoMi aN lo:tft COMfllltft\t'MJ l( (A~ lhcii!IOAI,..QIC fNfnltckntif~lft&IM'I'Ibnl\:llll2bk l'ofthf fcckfJiiJI(\1011 MfmltfkliiOI'IIfthcft'l lit I. RcqU('It r01 PropolalcRFPI Atunbcr. lnmauM for Old (lf8' Alm'btT ~fiM tn~ft'M.'fll Mtmbn, the (t'lntrXt lfM' Of ~ ... n~.~.,.,t.ouOfl~cG~MrolnvrnbCT•u•sn<'db,WfcckniiiC'nC'• lndlldc PfCn,h..ct ·HP·DE•1JII'-4WII '" ., .01' ., .. ~ f~Wfal:)\'ltUil\lollirn:tbcrc Wlhx•u••"~~~~2rd0f ~fU.OJMUI~fll bot the h'Ckr.ll ~11<"'1·("1ltcr lht rcO.·raJ aMCM.~nt of the a•vd ao.C'Ofl ~~ntttnmti fMihc-pnmoctnllty •••lkd •1~m.& or~ 10 (JI C•ln Ute Ml flamf.iddln'-C"hy. t'-'Ml and npcodroftM lobtmntC'IIHI\ ~r~~C"d b) 'h< f'C11'0'\tftl cnUt) Nknul\td 1ft iK"m .& 10 lniNc:Mtd tk CO'I~I\:IItl F«k'ni1C11ofl tbl [n!tr 1M 1111 n.Mnc-t or d~e· indttidw.kl l p~rfom11ftJK1't"'ct :and inc'li.Nk: n1ll.cldft'11 l(dtfrCf<l'll Pom lUll ! Entt'f Law Name, ftt~• Name and MukJk ln111~lcMh. II. Enter tkc amo\lftl o( contpmJ:~tion p:11id nr rcuon~bl~ cx p«t("d to be ptld b) 1M tcpontn, ~II I II)' (hrm <I) 10 the lobb)in~ t:"nth\'(rlcm 1111 lndiC'IUt "hn•erthc p:l)"rn.MI b.u b«tt ~~ CKIIIIIII or 1'1111 be ""'de tpl11nn..'C1 1. C'hccL. ;II bo\n tltolll ~) lfthl• k a materi:sl cka.n~ t\.')lOC1. n.tcr the-cuntubth-c amouru Gf~\ft\l:nt tuldc or pl:.nntd 10 ~ nt:ack 1~ (Ik-e I. the lf)pi'Of)NtC bel\ C"hc\'L. all b;l,csth.all('lph lfpnrnnu '' ni.OKk thrw'h an Mt•l.tnd contribution. sp«tf) the:' Qhtft' 1nd \" .. IK of"""' tn-lr.lftd ~)'m1."11l l i C"hcrt lk..,.,.....r bo"' o.cn: 111 bo.'«" tt\a ..,rr lf<Hhrr.•prctf} IUI ~trc 1~ ~· 1 &p«tllc :NitS dnat~tlncnpuon olthc ICT'I .Cn thai the '*'1" u , pct(ormalor•dl kt,pcncd IOpnfof~t~~ IAdthfcbiC1t.10ran) ICn.Ctt~d. Jntludtaii~IIMtrriMcdtnt\lt) ftOCJUMI ... lprD!tftXIa!Contael "''"' fcOtnl ofriC'iab hknur) the f C"CkDD officcrU)ortmplo'f\.'hltOfi&.:K'dOt tht o(f\(rnump6o)"«i•IOt Mcmbo."f(•l ofCOfiiPIM tNI Y.CR'CONIKW\1 1:' CNd;•htthn'otftOII("Of\IN*IOII~Sitt.lllaCI!Ird 1,_ 1M t<n•lf•t otl'lf~l ~I"'" and Uc the rorm. pnnt htl a.tr u l'!lr tllk arwl ~ Mln'lbcr PYbil( rcporuot bunkfl rot llil•s colka.ao or .. ron....,uo" lJ nunutc'd 10 1\Ct"::lpC J.tl m.~~tuan ptr N'POft~.lflc"-d"'J umr far f'C'\IC"'A•ItfNNCdoo W'l«"'"l"''"'"'cba~Jxknnt•Nim~m~~t••t•lllhr.bunccdi.'CI udanpk't•ttfMdtt'Yllll l'lfllh< colln.,iOnofMt:onnaUOft S<M comm..."ftli r<prdms * bwdntntunacorta) t,~~~hcr :SipC'Ct ot•"••coli«1~~Mof••CormaUOI&. ........... ~lOti for rNut-s•ll~b.dca.»tbcOtT~teof"ba:llwt~ 184 Bwdrn. hptraor\. ~C'Chlct.oo PfOJC."C1 to).a.!f......,.L,,.._ .. .-.oc 21'"'-'' .. ,,, __ ..--·--· ,,,~ u .r n 0Mobrrl016 BIDO(R ~II All CO Mf'l£1[ AND SUBMIT All OO(liMEN TS AND PAGES IN \((liON C 8 100ER ~ P RO~O !IAL ~ POlO: (,4) CITY~ 1'EM'lf CITY CALIF~ IUlNlAICI COI<TRACT DOCI.Ie<T'S ~»>I SI'ECIFICAllOHS HS:I'l,S-TlWF1C SIGNAliJI'CAAC(S SIGHS »>I OTtER SlofETY IP AT VARIOUS LOCAllOHS CITYI'AO£llllP1!47-Ceoool ... l6ofl10 l . Construction Contract DBE Commitment (ExhlbltlS G) l\"""' "(, ( "~'""''._" r .. tr.n Dftf f'••nU!Mnt Exmot r I~Cos~nu n•o,Cu'lll\C 1 DBE Co\1\111\lf'r , L-..1~ OtyoflempleCity 2 C.O..C.Oif'CbM 4% , Pfqtcl ~ Tr1fftc ""''' uPSr ldes, Jiam. and o ther s.tfety lmpccwemenu • lilrqect L...._ VMioui=loatJoM==:==-:----,.-, • ..._.,_ Calpromax.Eogineerin.lnc.• _......., ... a , ..,...._ ----- ,,...,()ilbf~.,&~ .... ,.,...,......,.,IU.~ ~~-------~~ ---.... ~ -=l ~ ==== ::HS:::IPl::-:·S"'J6"'S"'(009=1,---- n .. ~o.t• 2• C.W.act .. ..CO... ---------- 1Au1"""""' ..,.,._._ .. DII!WN-=---.. .,.w .,......,_..~ ... fllltott ................... 2t ........ ,~., ... ~ ~~----------- DIS~ I O..,W -.._..~ 1C.,..-C......0.... oul~£,.....tDlJII I , ..... ......,..~ ..... ._lO...,.r/_... ......... ""11¥,.....,.....,._.., ............................. ..., ..... ,.a.,. , _______ .. _ -----~~-···--............ ...,.,.._ ................. ~ : .. ""=" tlf""' ...... -~-·-.,_.,._... 1 •~ .. .._. ..... ..__ C:A K-1_. II filii JiHM+Op.!QJI IIM Uiill.!tiil i!t.I.Iili $!VIC! i •n1q iriUh'Jiiliil.!tQ+.i!.]·RJiQ !.IU·U i Pqo:C..U CI1Y Cf rtMP\E CITY, c..uFCIRIOA BllOINGNQ comw:r llOCUEliTS, PlNIS-SF£CIFICATIONS HSFI.-5l65(1l091 TRAFFIC SIGIW.lJ'GRiollES, SIGNS lonJ OMR SAfETY NP AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS CI1Y PAOJECI ~ P1Hl, -c.d Povo S1 ol 170 £\ldlth 1$-C C'n\tr.ctlo• Co•ttiKI ORE CONa\knu••t INS TR UCT IONS -CO~STR UCTI ON CONTRA CT DOE C0:11MITM ENT CONTMCJPR SECTION 1. Lor11l A,.-nr) • Entn' d~ nunwofthc lc-..-nl or reJJonllllj~nl\.1'11_,.1 ·~ hutdMtWlht '-"'•tlnlct l . Coalracr DDE Goat. Ent« the ronun~·t DBE 1011 pcn."'tntarc: os 11 appc:n on the proj l."\.'11d\<tntsmlC1lt. J. P t"Ujt r t LcK"II on • Ence1 lhc: ~ kocot1on a" it aJ'P(nn on the: pr~o.1 Dl.lVcrtt)cr\~ltl 4. P rv)H t Dun1pl loa ·Enter the: proj«t ~"riplioo as it nppcnrs on the project ld\'rnistnxnl (8 ridi!= Rehab. Sci~tns.: Rchah. Overlay. Wtdc:nina. etc) ~ Bkldtr's S a tot · Enter the ""'t'tntnw."10f''s linn n:une. 6. Pl1mf Ctntntd DOE· C'h«k bo'l: tfprunt coon:.ctorn a ctntficd OBE. 1. 8kl A tao ua t . Euler the tolotl \."\"'lllli'KI btd ~tar amount rorwc: pnnlC rotllntek.'f a. Tetid Doll ar A mont ror Ald. S•bnamttlon-E,.n 1~ lOCal dnllar arnount (tT all l:tabcontrlt'tcJ conuac1on S\JJI.t -~OBE.s +Ill Noo·DBE'). ~IMlt anclude tlw pmnc ~:oatrxiPr tnfonnMIIIKl 1n thl) C'OWII 9. Tttll aumbtr or d.1J. \ubtonl nKton-Enter the total nun\b(fuf:all ~H~b.."\XIti'K~ rontn..:ton ~UM • cOB&· aU Non-OOE.al Do not u.-:tudt tht prime conti'X10r tnfcnnauon tn th1t. count 10. Old lttot N•mbC'r. EtMt:r bid nan numbe-r for w«t. sm,ca. or matcnal .. .,.,Pf"'tc-d &oN fWO\ld<1J I I. lk•nlpUon tiW•rk.Mn1rn. or M•tniabSupp Urd • Enta dnmpuonO(\\OJl. wniCt:)o.Cir~lni:al.~o IObC' Pf'O''Ikd.lndiCat< •II "'lft to be pnfomlCd by DB& includmJ wutk ptrl'om.al by the rnmt conlrxHX·, o"n (o«n.•( the pnnw 111 DB E. J( lcx:t-•ofth< ikm lS noc tobC' pc:rfooncdor fwm$haJ by the-ODE. dnm~ the <'1:01.1 po«1on to t't: pcTfoontd ur l\.wlU\ht11 b)' the DB£. S« LAPM CNp1a' 9tu cktcmmw ho" to rount the pank.,pr:atioa of DBE fWUb U. DOE<. ntlnrarloa :'\umi'M-r . EnzCT lhc= OaE·~c.:rufictJKin ldaat11in1Nn Nun~ All DBE' an.w bt te11af~ ,., 1M date bad\ •~ opawd JJ . ODE COI IAC't IDforman oa . En~et d\C O'-me. tddrt'u. =nd phoo< nun~ o(all OBE ~"''td f.'ORU'aC'tOno. Abo. cmcr lht: jW'Imr conD'1Ctor'•1..,~ and phone-oumbcr. 1fthc P"m.:: 1•• DBE 14. DOE DoU.r Amoaaf . Cntcr the nabronlnKle'ddoll:v ~~ o(dw \\orl,: to be: pnfM'Ilrd orttrntt 10 bt JI'O''Uled. lndudc the pnm.: contrx~or sf tht puw 111 DBE. S« LAPM Ch.pca 9 (« hem to c:ount t'u!Vpartl:SII pcv11f.,plt100 1 ~. Tolllll (.11d mrd ODE PllrtklpMftOD. s· Entrr thr total dollar DIOOURb cruatd .. the ··ooE Dollar Alnounf" cotunV\ •-.: Enltf lhc 10111 ODE ptlii!CipGitl'lft cltnned ( .. TIA:1l Cl:timtd OBE Pantti(1Q11\)11 OoUIW' .. dmdcd by uenl .. Utd AntOUf'l, If the tOtAl' elii11Md 1S leu tMn 11~ "'('ontl'tl.1 DBE Oool." an adcquateh· ~nlentcd G.-.od F11tb Elfon IGFEl" "'l••r«<IK< E'Chibn I l·H DBE lnforma1100 ·Good Fonh EITo<l> uflh< LAPM) 16. Prtp .. tt>r·~ Sl&""'u"'. OM penon ~o."'t:llll1lktutt t~ OBE couVl"ttWnt ronn oo Nhtlt ofttw cootf"ICtnr·, timt nnw ~an thar n~tnc 17. O~~o~r. EniCfthe d11e the OBE couvruumnt form is Slpt:\1 by the CC'Itti'KIN''' rrcvnrcr 18. Prt'plln's l'<i•n•r . Enter tM n•me o(tht penon JnpariltJ and "111101 th< conu·actur'a DBE COfMIIIIUent form. 19. Phont. Enter tM •m code and phone nutnbc:rofthe person s•a:nin; the 00111mctor'' DBE eonvnun'IICnt form. lO. Prtpl rtr't Title · Entc:r the p.'WitklfVtitlc: nfthc rcrson litnina 11-..= contrnctor"s OBE I.'OtrumunnH (oml. LOCAL AGENCY S£CJ ION l l . LOC'al A&l'nC'~ (oatucl ~u n1brr. Enter the-Locul Attncy rontroct number OJ ad..'lllllin- 12. Ftt.lrni-Aid Proj m ~umbtr. Ente-r the-fe-deral-Aid ProJCCI ~umber ll. Bid Opnlaa Oatt • En~c-rthc-d:ue C'Oflttxt bnb \\tiC opened 14. C"oa h'llcl A-nt~rd in If . Ent(f the date 1hc co.llrxt -n-.<~ euaunl 1.~. Lon I Actttc,. Rt pr-n.tnratlu··· ~ ... 1Ur'1'. The pt't'SOII ccn~lctlltt ctu~ troC\.IK"'*I of the roon (or tt\c L~<~l Aec-ncy ...,.., ,,,.. lhtn name kJ ~crhfy th.H 0\e anromgciOQ m du ... and lh< Con\flftor ~'ttOO '" dut f1Jflft 111; comple-te and ........ lG . Da tt . Emn the d:ttc the DOE t.'Onwmtmcnt ronn IS "an<d by the Local A;mc:y RC'pfhentath f 17. Lon I AatnC) Rtprntnflll h't's X'll nlf'. Enter the t.nc or lhc locool AJ'fl.c')' RqM"nctliOIII\'C ~:c-ntl)'\ftJ1hc­ CCM\trflll.'tOf') DBE tocnmnn~t rlll'm. 11. Plr.oar ·Enter \hr wa code :w1 ~c atUUbtrohhc penon )lpingthc cont.t"~nor's DB[ cornnutment (urm 1 9. J..onl Al«'ttC,. R .. prtWDfalht Tltl". Cntcr the flO\IIJOrl'UIIt: ,lrthr l~JC~I t\Ja.ry Rqwn.cnutr\t: Cntlf)"n\f the C'OtUI'k'tOl'., ODE comnutmcnt rorm. P•r 1 efJ J.tyU.l115 !IH>O[A ~MAll COMf"l( l£ AND SURMIT All r.OC'llMENT~ AUO P/I.GE~ IN !.l(ri0N C UIDOER ~ PROPmAL CI1Y Cf T9Flf CllY, CIU'OANIA B:OOIHONQ comw:r OOCUMEHIS. PlNIS AHD SPECIACATICJ<S IISFl-5365(01l9) 1lWfl: SIGIW.I.I'GfWlES. SIGHS NQ OMR SAfETY U' AT VN1JO/S l.OCATICJ<S CI1Y PROIECI ~ Pll-07. -eo.td Povo Sl o1 170 4. DBE lnforma tlon -Good Faith Effo rt I Exh ibit 15 HI [11il bil U:.Ji DBE t.r•r••tl ... C..4 t.Jd. t lf•n EXHI BIT I ~B OBEl,T OR.\L~no~ -(;QOD f .UTH I.rroRn DB£ ll\'IOR.I\1.-\TIO:-;-GO OD FAITH EffORTS F<denl..id Pro)«~ No. _ _,_,H,.S"-'IP__,l=-=.-""53,.,6,5,.{"'0"'09"-l'--_B,d ~ Do•• 04/26 12017 Tbt Cily of Temple C i ty csubtishfd o Di•dvanu~ Busintu Eoletpruc (DB E) pJ of _4 _}1 f« d>u pRIJ«I Tbt lllfcrm>IIOD J"'"'idtd b<mD olio\\' !hal a iJOOd t:ulh dYon , .. ,IIIOdt LOWHC. 'tcOdd 1o~~'1 Md durd IO\Io"W bsddtn Wll JUbmat tbt foUOWU1f w!or"~mtloa. 10 ~ adtqJ.Itt aood t:ulh tJI'om B1ddtn &hould sul>ml11hr foU"""'I .Uonm1-n'Hilllll< · LotaJ A&tiiC)' Blddtt DBE (;....,;.....,-fann ..S.colttlh>l lhr t.dd.r has .,., n.. DBE poa1. Tbu •nU prott<~lho boddft's tb&J'b.ilily for .Wild Of d» CO<IItl<l lflho ............ _I !""<)' de ........... thai lho bwldc< t:uJ.4 10 ...... lho f'O'I fD< \'llnOUI rmoas, c J.. a DBE finn"" ..,. ctmfitd 11 bod Clp<IIUll. « lho buldcr ""de a wlhomaocal tm>< SubmoiUI of oaly lho "Lotal flt,<=y Biddc< DBE Comms_.. fOrm rmy 001 p<O\>de sulliCla11-I>UOG 10 dcmoannl< 11»1 odoquolt iJOOd t:uth •ffons ..-....... Tbt foU"""'' ,..,. .,. tis...! U>!hr S.Ctioa enrirJ.o -su~~=,.,.., ofDBE c--oflho Sptci.al Pro\itac:xu• A. Tht =sand d.ttts of ncb plbbcation in wluch • r~ for DBE p:amt~pation for lllis pro.JM \\'OS ploctd by lh< buldtt (pie:~~ an.dl copit s of ad\'atu;an~llls or proofs ofpubbc:allon) Pubbc:allons DBEsOutreacb Bus iness Entemdse 021rs of Advm"""tnt 0411712017 B Tbt iiOJntS..., d.tles Ofl\nnOI no<it<S ICiliiO cenwtd DBE<sobC111Jli buS. for llus prOJe<:l """ lbt d.tleS :and mclhods u.cd for foUov.'lllg up Ulitial soliciiOIIIODS 10 dctmJlUl< "'lh certainly wb<UtC1 U.. DBEs w<rt inle1e<ttd (pkas< altlch ropi •• of soticuations. tt lcphone rtcemls, r.., con.6onarions. etc.): 081!.0< N:unes orDBEs Solid ltd Do te o.flllltul Solicitation SEE ATTA CHED Follow Up Methods 3lld Do tes Pac•lf..l Ju•• !f . !01! OIOO[A StiAU COMPUTE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENT~ Arm PACifS IN SEC liON ~c RIOOEA'S PROPOSAL E.s:~"hli-·B aTY Of TEIR.E OTY. t.oi.F<JIHIA IIDilfiG NfJ OOHIRACT ooa.t.EHTS. PlN<S NIO SPEaflCATlOHS HSF\.~ T1WFlC SIGIW. UPGRAOES. SIGHS NtD 011£11 SAFETY U' AI Vl>lfi:»S LOCATlOHS aTY PROJECT n P15-47.-Caftl ..... Sl d 110 DB£ laf•..-art.a .c..d Tah~ [lfert C Tht noms ofworlc Wblcb 1ht bodd<r made >vallable1o OBE f1tti!S ancludlllg. wbere •ppropn>te. any~ dowo of the conlnct woo: i1ems (includ"'' lho>< 11CDU DOnllally porlonued by the b1dd<r W11h ,,. .,.., f01t.s) m1o economkally fe>Sible \11111110 bru11•1e OBE p>ttinpo1ion. h " the bidder's rnponsibiliry 10 dtmoDS!r.l1e thai wfficien1 work 10 facilir.1e OBE ponicip•rioo ""' made available to OBE ti.nru . lten\S of Work Bidder NomWJy Breakdo\\n of Ptrforms ~<m Items {Yi?l) SEE ATIACH ED Amoun1 (S) P<n:eotag< Of Coolr.ICT D. The IWDH. >dclre.sn and pbooe numbcn of rqected DBE firulS. 1he re:asons for the bidder's r'JectiOO of the OBEs . the ti.nru selected for tb>t wert (pic-anacb copo., of quotesll:om the ti.nru Ul\"Oived). and !be price di!T<rentt for eocb OBE If lh< s<lccted firm " oot • DBE: Nomtt. :lddrestes and pboct OWlbers of reJected DBEs and tbo '"""" for the bidder's feJtcllOO of the DBEs N:unes . addresses :md phoot numbers of 6nns selected for the"""' >hovt E Etrons tn>dt to ossist in terested OBEs in obtoitlinB bonding. lws of credit or insut:lnce. 211d 211y techni~ assislancc or information rebted to !he pLw. specifications and requirement s for the wort whatb wu pro\ided ro DBE.s.: SEEATIACHED ,.,. )f..2 J ... :t,!tl! oa 1:-t.- I\100£R \HAU COMPL£TE ANO SUP.MIT All DOCUMENT!. AND PAG£~ IN !I!CTION l OIODEH !I PROPO!IAL~ Poae:CA7 aTY Of TEMPl.E aTY. CA~S<~~NA 8llCthG NfJ OOHlRACT D0CUMEH1S. Pl»>S NfJ SI'ECIACATlOHS HSF\.~ TlWfiC SlGIW. UPGRAOES. SIGHS I>WJ 011£11 SAFETY IMP AT VI>RI:»S LOCATlOHS 0TY PROJECT 10; P1S<I7.-CGn>d PogtiOd 110 [s&.!~h u .s 08[ laf•r•atM• • C..4 Tahlt llfert F Etroru lllo1de to u<ist mt<res!ed DBEs in obtaining necewry equiptnenl supplies. ma t<ri:als or rcl>ted ossistance or sen ices. excluding supplies and equipment the OBE suboontrac to r purcbastt nr leasn from the prime contr.l ctnr or it• :offiliate: S EE ATTACHED G Tbc n:to~es of •i<"C•tt. Oft!onwtioau nr J!loups cont>e~ed to p<0\1de assllt.lllet Ill eoot>cting. reaultiJ18 and WlliS DBE firms (please anacb copoes of req\lests to ag<netes and any tnpoDSC$ rc<:tived. 1 e. lists. lnt.,.t poge do\\"lllood. tic ): N>m< of Ae><r Otpmz;>noo Method. Datt of Coot>CI Small Business Administration Fax I 04/16/2017 No response Eogjnepdog Cnnlcadnr' Association ~~y Jr\d /1A/?n17 No response The NaUonal Association of Minoritv Cootractors 04/18/2017 . .No resoonse H. Ally >ddltioDol d>ta to ruppon a demoostralooo of good Clitll elrOi!s (IM addi~ sb<t-10 If ne=wy) :<OTE . USE ADDffiONAL SHEETS OF PAPER IF NECESSARY OB 1!.01 ,. •• u.-J Ju•• :,, !11: m.!ni,JU'·'"'"b'4''''·M•i''!:IMII'·'''.J.Iiii$i#'''UJ.'¥!d&i't'l'iiu.h'M'U!.J.!i·iiQ !.l4·h4 ,.,.: C.48 ,_. ... ,_,...,. .... "~ r~•}-• ........ , ..... ........__, ..... '<" Mt t t "~ ll·l ~·. U.el~....,_tt"MWr iUHt .... ,_OHLI \&tl/~t _,..,t_..l_,....__, ...... .,. .... ,.._..,u _ _. ...................... .._CM_J~a.--- •-... •W•"..._a ..... ._ ...... ,.._.,.., c'WtttD)!D ~•ysr b' "'''tftrr: ,_ r--- .. - f-- ~,_,...... .... ,-.--..-...=""·=o.~·-'=-= ... =-_J ____ --- ··-.,_ ·-It ~l~= .,,_ ~ ,._ _,._ ···-,_ l --...,, __ .,.._ ,._ .. ,., -- !" ~ ! I. I I 1 I i t I ! I r ( f .. I II giA ~51 oJI ;~ ~ l~fi ll~l hie iiU i ~ 1.-.JA..,......,_.._,~ ._,...,_I!~ .....,.., U..-'s.w-nn"" lOll ... 'O'·M f.:l Ealillttk ll-8 Bidd~·~ U.C ef t•r.r..~ (DIC ••f N .... o 1 1:1 A•wl ,.._., Jtt•<---t-1~1 • ..... • .... • ..... -''_. ...... .........,. •• ..,,_ Dftt _ _,........._. ... ....__. ....... ,., ... ,.......-.~ "-'l'rfl-• "CP''/ht:"'*«•mtrwceJe.m=Senrlts'•'..,.,Mkw!MM••••rttllnfwm ... ......,..-., .... S....)Io llfl _(_t/f~~-.SC.C..II .. t/_,.._C_(>_e(._S..e/CO......_a _... ..... ....... ..._ ............ _....__ ..... ""'---" .......... •-.__...,.,_...,._IO~w/lhrT ... I_U.,~IIaDI:I • ....__ _ _: U:..~~-"i'::-.~=:-r•-== .. :-:.or•-==-r•-.-r-,-= .... :::-~--:-=:o:-=-=,-, ......... -:::,.:-I '-"'-= ~~~ _.., r-~ r--"-. ("" MfW r--·-.,,_ r--··-.. -.,_ ··-~ ,,, ...... r--·"-·~--~~-•l it .... ··-·n- c.. ....... r--··-•ho.-.. .. , ...... -.... ,._.I~_....,.._.,., ll~w/._,.,._.,.,. , .... ~, ~,.,. ~ ~ ,. ~ . z ~ I i I f i I I " ~ II 3i' hi ~!~ ~~ ~ (H~ ~~~~ !el; iU t;_.Wbk ll·B Bkld•t'• Lbt oftokHttMtOt cost •114 NM~DBE) ""•elw.dol.:llJI'<'--c•...._._,......_..w_,.,....~ __ ...,..,........,.. ..... s.wa..-et~.--. ... ~ ..... ~ •.uc-...... lqtMD 8t l>tW lj,..,,. Q ml!wC!Jt.g'!enSt:ftl?act..,-wfY!I'WC!lsntrt!'l"l¥1! a....._. ..... r .... '--l'.llei*'C•ei,.......~_,~,IAiei .. ,_.,_C__,C..,.el._.s-etC....,_,•......._ .. ........,..,_•,......,NIIIf.d..__ .... _.~_...__..._.__._.ei_~IO~Jei .. T ... ._ .... SIUOI ~· I ,...._ ................... ._ ---........ -- r----- r--- - - - - _._. -··- I' ·~-<$11 ..... ~u.....,._ .u ...... c10-.. _ ·-.u-... M ,,_ ··-. ,,_ "-··-•• 1 ...... .,._ ·-411 ...... ··-•SI-··-.. M_ ,._.tel l ~,.,. ~ ~ ,.. ~ .. z ~ I I I r [ I " ! II ~~~ IU ~r ~~~~ h!~ il5! h~J iU or.. bouot "'""' 27,2017 CITY OF W<Pl£ C11Y. CALIFORNIA BI001NGAHD CONTRACT OOCUI.EHTS. PI.ANS AHO SPfCFICATIOOS HS1Pl-SJ65(009) TRAFFIC SlGNAl UPGRADES. SIGHS AHO OTHER SAFETY fJP 'T VARIOOS LOC.TIOOS C11Y PROJECT 10: P1S.07, Doo."""'Ccwllrd Plgt ~ al170 6 . Subcontractlns Roquost (Exhibit 16 B) Calpromax Engineering, Inc. 650 N . Rose Drive #186 Cfl'T.\IICOITATI Placentia, CA 9287o SUO<ONTJW:1 .. ....... .....,.,., ..... tHC!O< • 1HAIC. ..,._.IUAO()II(US ...... ,, .. Cal .... .,.,... • -HUNMIII"1 .....,.,.,...,, .. ' I ) c ' ) ................. _ _,_" . n..,...._ ................ ~ .. --..,·----' El'lltlblt i A-8 SubfoDtnC"tl•a R!t!Uttl \i";,i~;;:~·Lncatinn~ T<>mn l<> r.itv OHTIV.CTNUIAIIIEIII P15-07 ,,.~~~~_:cT~~~ HSIPL--DUCfUilWOitKWh!H LUS~ AMOUNTIASCD 100" OfW~ .IYICXIHl'fVCTlD CNTICIC) ......... . . ·~ ..-:•~ .......... .....-...... _-~ ... --.,. ........................ .,....,_--. .._-~-....... __. ........... ~-....... ""'"'moo'"""''""'~ , .... 05/0212017 l $jNOaJr....,_t ll".,_lr..,.._. Jlf .,...111t.$ ...... 1111 h11'\111~) ,.~ .............. _.c ............ _ ..... ., ... ...._...,...\ •TIICII .... t l •ll ,, __ ,.,, 1 .... P•c• lofl J~o~lf lOII BIDDER SHAll COMPUT£ AND SU8"-11T All DOCUM£fllf\ AND PAGE\ IN SECTION ~c BIOOER ~PROPOSAL .. P•a•: c.s2 em Of TEMPlE CIIY. C.IUFOAAIA Dolt-...... 11.2017 B!DOINGN({() COHIRACTOOCUI<ENTS. PWISN({() SPECf'ICATlOHS HSIP\.~1 TlWfiC SIGNAI.lJ'GAAOES. SIGHS N({() OTMER SAfUY II.P AT VARIOUS LOCA T10HS em PROJECTlD: P1~7.-Crid Pogo 15<11170 Lonl Auhluu ProndYr•' \hu .. t E~blbll16.-8 Subcoo l1'11ctlnJ Rtqunt I NSTRUCTI O~S All flrs t-tla Sltbco utroctorJ must br lrJd11drd uu a Julttuntrnrtl"g rTqJU•s t. tkfort subcornmctma 'mrlc ~t:tru. the c('uUraCl(ll' \\111 )ubm1t '*n l'lfi rin~tl ~uhcontrncttng rt-qii<S i lExhit'lu 16...0) in lk.-...~ncc \\ ith eonlntct speciftealion ..... A fin nppn:wol.cl~ RE rri\lniJo lh~ original lo the 4-"0nlm~..·tor and comple1c:* !he rctnaiuin~ distri~ttion "' li"W on Ill( boct("'n of the fonn. W'h t n an c.nliu 11nn ($ 'nhoontr'l'k•fed. show 1hc commc10r'' bid prk:c \Vhtn I pont on of OR itc1U i$ subcoocracttd. dtscribt !ht poniOU II~ l.hoW the pn'C't'1'HtC<" of !he bid Item and \'8lue Tbl' rorm h not bt u•td for 'ub:nlrurton' or\ubrontrneton ud D8£J. OIDOCR SIIAll COMNETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS A,..O PAGES IN SfC"TION C RIDDER S PROPOSAl" Pa&o: C.53 r----Jelt "tti'W'I•y Lll•tl .. •-4 ---~­..... _ --- (Miw.~ .......,l .........,.OG HOU~ll\ eHD:JOIU !10 .\1~ oOt..._,._..Or.H ......... JO •...O.-...,IIC)~ Dateksuect~'l7.2017 CITY Of ID4PI.f ClTY. CAUfORHIA BiDOING AND CONTRACT OOCUMEHTS. PlANS AND SPECFICATO<S HSU'l-63M(009) T!WFIC SIGNAllR'GAADES. SIGNS ~D OTHER SAFETY U' AT VARIOOS LOCATO<S CITY PROJECT 10: Pl$.07. -Coord l'og<67 oll70 EXHIBIT 16-Z .\lonlbh· OD E TruckJn! \'~rinc.l k.n FonnCP-CEM 2404 (f)(NEW 121991 MONTHLY DBE TRUCKING VERJ FFICA TI ON Th~ lop of Fonn CEM-14~ff) rontam .. ~ bo~es to put in the ConUtt~:l Nu rnba'. the Monlh o f the rt'ponint~ pc-noU and lhe Year of the reponing peri<X.I. The Foon CEM -:!404{F} h.u 3 column 1 o em~r !he n:t1ne ofrhe Tmd: Omter, the DBE Ccn. No. (i f OBE ~.:en ifial) nnd the Name and Ac.ldrt~s of lhe trucking company. Tile Fonn CEM-1404(f) also o:-quim the Truck No. :uxi !he Coljft)mi:. Highwoy P3tt\ll C'A 1\'t). Fonn CEM-2404(Fl i.~ to be submitted J'lrior 10 the 15" of c~it nll~th and mu.:.t sl\l1W the doll.iJr amount pAid to the DBE tAAking compnny(i) for truc kins "'urt 1)1-'ffonned by DBE ~o-crtilied tn1da nnd for :my fees orcOtmUssion~ or nonD BE IAA"kl> utiliz~ nch nn uh on the proj«t. The :unoum paid 10 each truckins company is to b< cmcred in the t."'iuntn ca lled "Cnmmission or An'lll\tnt Paic.L'' in ftt.!~o'('lrd:utce \\ith I he Sp«ial Provisions S<ction S-I .X. P:.)'lncm infomuuion is dcrh•cd usinath<' followina:: 1.) 1 ~ fllf the trUckina sm·icl.'1. pro\'ided by the DBE u.sm~ trucL:) 11 0\\11S. operates nnd msnre s. 2.) IOQI!-. Cor the tnaclcine scr\'k~" pt't'l\'idcd b)' the trucL:s h~a~tJ from ('I( her DBE 1\mts. J .) The f«-or conuni ... sion paitJ to nnnOBEs for lhe lc~se of tl'lk:k!.. The Primed~ not ~.:ch·c I~\ cred it for these sm·i~~ bccoUSc: they are not pro\'ided by a DBE rotttp:lny. The tot31 doiW figure oftlu~column is tll bt pl:11:ed in the box bbcled "'Tot3l Antount PA id.-The t.!O iumn '•Date Paid .. rtquires o dat~ that eac:h uucking comptlny is ~id for ~rvicts rc::ndered. The nc:tt column I..'Ofllnins in(orm.'ltion thou must be: compl~ted if a lebc llfl11.1l@C'I11Cnt i~ npplt .. :nblc. Locuted at the bott01n of the form i$ o spa.:~'"' pm the: nl\ttlc: of the "Pri~ Conrn.ctor:· their ··Business Address" nnd their "'Business Phone No."' At the bouom of 1M tOm1tbere is a ~pocc for the Ca;mnctor \K desiznC"C "Contru..:ll'f' Rc ptb<'lliii U\'e''i S•S,tl~ru~. T1tk nnd Otlte" ccnifyautt thn1 the infonn:IIJon fli'O\ided 011 the (onn is complc1< and corr<et. P•&•16-lll Aucu\1 11. 200-4 LPr04-Cil BIDDER SHALL COMPL£1f AI\ID SUBMIT All DOCUMENT~ AND PAGfS IN SECJION "C BIDDER'S PROPOSAL'' Pare: c.ss t¥hiiiii111·T f'l:l.lol a..,.....t·tUU••»• •rot.•"' .. ,.,.., •~ t.,...,~ rDill••• flr.1-Tl.-r s.w .. ar.c"~..nr--- ......... -- 1 HSIPL ·.56.SftJDq'J 1· mT""bF ,~,., .. u c,, i ' •r. 'N< ._l;;...rn N · RD<< Z:,. ff/1~. P{o,ccn1t0., <!'I~ 'o-.:.:.::..._-___ • __ + _____ .. _= ___ -_-__ ... ______ i---"::_=-=--r-.:.._'""· '"'-.."---r---*=--t.;:.:.....,=~==-=-r·:_""::=·-11 .. ~ I & t 0 ~---r---------------t-------------------r-----+-----t----4-----+-----~1~0 ~---r---------------+-------------------r-----+-----+----4-----+-----~l[~ ~--~-----------+-----------------r-----r----~---r----~--~~1{ H ~---r---------------t-------------------r-----+-----+----4-----+-----11 ~9 r----r---------------+-------------------r-----+-----+----,_----+-----11 ~a I' I ,,_ -o.to._-.. --:-.z:-_..._,"'":"'" ... __ :. -... ---·-----..... -.. - ·~ I "'"-.. /( XA,;,. .. Nr ltn?U,.,.mq 1 ~":5/oz/.uq I~'""""''"'~IIIK---.mi---III'I'MI ~III£a--OIII· ·-I O.O...,'I'Ial '------·--·-·--·--.... ltWI ..... IlUl ____ ,,..,..,., ____ _ ..___IIllO•--... .._ U-1• r•r••r1 J•lr U,lOU i ~ "' CrTY o; TEMPI.£ QTY. c.I.I'ORNIA lllliJHG NCJ ca<TRACT llOCUM£JITS. P\NI'l NCJ SPEaf1CA 1lOHS HSIPI..&J65(00!1}11WR: SIGNAL UPGAAC£S. SIGNS M!l OTHER SAFETY Ill' AT VAAIOOS l OCATlOHS Q1Y PROJECT I>: P l~l.-Coo>d Pogo 69ol170 El lllblll7·f Fl .. l Rrpon-t'tllluHoa of OIJ.IIdt .. DIIJfd o a ,lttl'\\ £nlrrprl .. , (0 8[) u \1 fl nt·T~SU~OD I ACIOn INSTRUCTIO:'\S-FI NAl. REPORT-UTil.IZATION OF DISA.D V AIVT ACED BUSIN ESS ENTERPRIS ES (DBE ) A.'ID FIR ST-TIER SU BCONTRACTORS 1. LO<"R I Ag r nrr Conrr a<1 ~u mbtr -Enter the: LO!r.:DI Agency conlractnunlh<r or Jdtnlifitt. 2. ftdrrMI-Aid Proj f('f NumbrJ·-Enter !he FNcr.d-Aid Proj t.-ct Numb.:r. 3. Lo('fl l Agrnc y-Enter the name ofrhc loc:~l or rcg ionnl l'lgcncy thnl is r\mJ.inp d1< t.:C'Inlra.:t. 4. Contnlrt Complrtlon Dft ft • En1 ~ tht date the con lrnct w;n cmnplctcd ~-Cont.--rtor/Con:rulfllnt-Enh:r the conlrnctor1consultan!'! linn nome. 6. Buslaru Addr u s-Enter the l'OC\tractorh:onsult:tnt':lil bu~tneu 11ddrc,.s. 7. Fl n.e l Co uu,.rr Am o uot • Entcnhc lotallinal tunouru tOr lhc con tmct 8. Conrn.rf ltrm r"'umhtr . Enter contruct it~m fl>l' w«k. scn•1c«. or n\atennls supplttd prl'4\itkU. Not appliabk fori.'OttJuluuu contracu 9. Otatrtprton or Wo r k. Stt'\'l<'t», or :\l nftrb ls Supplied • Enter deM:ripcion of work. kn'1~cs. or mnt<na ls provil.kd. lnditllt all \vork 111 be pcrfonnC'\1 by DBEs mdm.lmp work JXt(onnc:d hy The primt eonti'3Ctorlc:o~ultnnl'• own fortes, if the prime: is a DOE. If I OM• of the item'" 00110 be pc:rformcd or 1\nnishcJ by 1!1< ODE. do:scribc the <><a<l po nion 10 be pcrt'onno~ or ft1mishcd ~y lhc DBE. 5« LAPM Chtlpter 9 to cktenninc bow to counttiK p:~rticip.,lioo oi'DBE !inns. 10. Comp111)' :'i"nlt 111m.l Buslnrss AddrTSs -Enter til< nome. GddrC'SS, nnd ph()tl< numba ufall subconlmc:ted oontractoi"'Siconsuhlllts. Also, enter the pnme contrnctor/consultnnt's name and phone:: number, if the prime i!. a DBE.. II. 08£ Ct l110 cM fia n ~umllt r • El1tc:r the DBE'~ Cmilicahtlll ldmttficntitltl Number lc:a\·c bhmk if subcontmctor is noc • OBE. 12. Co nrn t.ct P•ymt nls-F.ntcr the ~•hcontrneltd dol lor amount nfthc: work pc-rfomtc:d or sc:rv1cc: prov,UeJ lncludt the: pnme rontractor/con>uhHnllfthe pmnc: is a DBE. TI1c: Non4 0 BE 1.·olunu1 it u~c:d to enter the dollar \'Uiuc: of work performed by linns thn t fll'( not•.:crtified DBE ur for work nll c:r n OBE lxcomc: .. ckC<flt li«< LJ. DMtr Work Comp lt trd . En ter tJte dntc: the subcunlrnclorls\I~"'mu l tant's llan work WftSl'Ompl ctc:d 14. OMit or flnH I Ptymt nl · Enter the date \\hen the: prime l'Ontrnl'IOfl\.'\)fiSUitunt m;~<k the fin.11 payment to th(' SUbc:Ontl'm.'tor/-.;ubc:onJUIInnl for the pn11ion a( work tistcd IS bc:m~ l'UIIIpletnJ 1~. Ort gl n111l DOE Commhmtnt Amoun t · Ent<r the "Totll l Clatmc-d DBE Purt!Cipotmn Oo11nrs " frum E.'lubiiS IS-GIll' IG-02 forlhc rocurocl. 16. Tol'ld . Enter the stun oft he "'Conl.r:lct P11yn~ts" Non·DBE aud OBE colurnns. 17. Contrutor/Consult·lllnl R rprt~toiHth·t 's SlgnfttU rt'-The ~rwn l"\lm plnmg the fo m1 on beh::~lf of the l'Ontrnctor/l'Oniultont's fi nn nnJSt sip.n the ir na111<. 18. Co afNJCI OI'/Cont:ultlll nl Rrprrn niAfin·s Ntmt -Enter thC" ntml C' of th C' p:n:on prq)Qnng and sign in~ the form 19. Phonr • Cnter tl)( a~a codl' and tdc:phon< numb<rofthe penon s tgmng the fom1 . 20. DAit ·Enter the date th(' funu is signed by the contmttor"s pr<partr. 21 . LoC'1l A ftl'nf)' Rtpr~untatl n'!i S ign~tturt • A Loco I As c:nc:y Rtpr\.'!Kfllatlvt must ):l~n lhelr nRmc to IXtnfy 1hat the: contntellng rccun.ls a.nd Oll·~ite performance of Ilk DOE(Il hu b«n moni ton:<l. 22. Loca l AgtnC)' Rr p rrstnfath•t's .'iam r-Enter the: nnme of the Locnl Ae:enl')' Rc~C'11IIUJ\'< Jtgmngth(' fonn . lJ. Pt1onr -Enter the area 4.'U!.k and tclq>honc: nwnbc:rof thc: person 111pnmp the fonn . l4. Dsur • Enter the: date the funn is signed by the L!X;al Agent)' Rc:pn:·u:ntiiiJ\'C P•a•l •r 1 J llt)'lJ. ZO I!' m.hli ,giiW iti.!&JQ!il iV'·l'":@i l«,!tt :!.!iii$WI~J4f!•l@diil~Jii.l!i!.1pi H1:!:!!iiiA iJ :IQ•?$i Poco: c .s? : ;;: ~ l l i , ; ~ .. ~ Dolt--17.2017 Q1Y o; ID'J'l.E CITY, CAUFORHIA BOOING AND CONTRACT llOO.itoiENYS. P\NI'l NCJ SPECI'ICA T10HS HS1PI.-6J65(009) TlWfiC SIGNAI.l.W'GRADES. SIGHSANOOTHEFI SAFETY 1M' AT VARJOJSLOCATlOHS CrTY PAMCT ll: Pl~l. Doomttn!Conoa Pogo lOolllO 9. Disadvantaged Business Enterprisos (DBE) Certification Status Change (Exhibit 17 O) . a . "' 0 ~ E ... v w 1.) "'· .. a e ~ l" ~ A I I s I J :_j i :! -~ In ~ ~ J c: . ~ ;; ... ~ u ] '" CD " e ::J ~ ~ "' ~ ~ CD " ... 1.) ~ ~ ~ Q ~ t "" ,..._ "' ~ IL H!i ~ ~ J Ji ~ ~~ ~~ ~ !f :_ ~ .. 1 iJ !)I ~ i<i. .~ ~~ - J :..... ~ t: e. "' J l ~ w ~ ~~ ~ J ~ 1•1 ~ ~ ~ .5 BIDDER ~HALL COMPlETE liNO SUBMIT 1\LL OOCUMtNTS AND PAGES IN SECTION C OIDO[R'S PROPO'tAl" Pace: C. 58 Dill -IIW> 71,2017 aTY OF IDCI'l£ aTY, c.u'ORHA 9l)[)IHG NID CONTRACT oocu.EliTS. FUNS NfJ SI'ECIFICA T10HS HSIPl-5365(0091 TIWf1C SIGIW.IJ'GRAOES. SIGNS A.~ OiliER SAFETY IMP AT VAAIOOS LOCATIOHS CIIY~CTD:P1s.G7,-~Page71d 110 [,\b..,lt 11.0 Dbad,·u t•"tcl But.I MH ElltTrht~ (08[) Cffltnurlo• St•tat\ Chapt IN ST RUCTIO:'\S-DISADVA:<T AGE D BL'SI:<ESS E:<TERPRJSES (DBE) CERTIF ICATIO N STAT US CHA.'\'GE I. Lon I Agt nc~· Contr~tct Numbu-Enter the Local Agency co ntrnct numb...-ror nl~tUilicr. 2. Frdrnti~Aill Projr cr Nu mber -En ter the f ¢Cierni-A id Project Numb<'r. 3. LocAl Agtnc~·-En ter the nome of the loc:tl or re~iouo l agency th ut i:o~ fundin g the t.:<'ntrl\cl. 4. CooU"Mct Co mpl rtiou 0 JII tr-Enter tnt d:ttc:: the ~.-on unct \\'tiiS 1."0mp kt~d. ~. Conrr·M ct or·/Consult~t n f ·Enter the rontrnctor/ronsultMt'$li nn nnmc::, 6. BuJiur u Add t'U!i-Enter the contractor/oonsuluuu 's busirl<'ss nddrns. 1. Final Contrut Amou nr ·Enter the 101 nl linal rsmoun t forth<: cont ract. 8. ContrM« htnt Numbr r • Ent C'r t\'lf1tract ncm for work. services. or 1n.1tai:t l~ supplied prov ided NO( •wh~oblc: tOr consul tAnt t.'Oillracts 9. 0 8£ ContMc:t l nfo r nuulon • En t<r 1hc ll.'U'Ilt', oddft'Ss, nnd photk' munbcrt,fnll DBE ~ubcanlnatt.etl contractorsleonsuhanll. 10. DBE CmiO~rlon N u01 b~r -Entt'r lh< DBE 's Ca1ifka11on ldcnlllic:.llon l\tUll~r II. Amount P•ld \Vldl~ C t rtifif'd ·Enter the IK'IOOI OOilar value: of the \\Ork pcrfonm:d by those "bcontrOC'tofslsubcomuhonh. during the tunc penod they arc l'fftificd DS a DB E. 12. Cm lflc•tioDIDtttrtitkadob Da rt CLt nrr At tach~)· Emt r cnl..:r the do te of the D«cnific:d lonlctter sent out by the Offi\.'c o( BLU~no ... ami &."QQtomic otlf'Offimiry (OBEO) or the dat e oftltc Ccn1 IK•uion C<nilil·ate nuu lcd out by OBEO . IJ. Coromtnu • If needed. provide-any adcil tiorul informottion m dus S«Uon ~dinp :my oflhc ahu,·c cenirtca~ton ltatus c h:mgcs. 14. Confi'JI C'IOr/ConJU it•nt R t (U'f'SfUI Arin'J Signfi iUI't-The person c:ornplcltnplhc rorm on bch:!.IC of the C'OntractorleoM•Itant's firm must stgn their n:un< I ~ Conrncror/Consa lt•nt Rtprt'St'ftt JUin's Na n•~ ·Enter the name o(the p«'M.lll prcp:v-mz a.ntJ sign in~ the fonn. Hi. Pbont . Enter the •r~ code a.rut telephone:-numhc r tlfl he penon Sl@lllng th~ rortn 17. DMI'f . Entn the cb lc th< rom\ IS Signed by the contractor's prcpnrcr. 18. Loul A gtn c~· Rtpr tstotRrh·t 's Slguftfurt -A Local A9<"ncy RcpreKnti\Ci\'c muat Jlgll thc1r lt:ante to ~.:ertify th•u the l'OU i r::lttlng r<l-urd:s and UJHitc rerronnanC"C of the DBEts) lt.1S been rnun ll~rcd 19. Loc~t l AittD C) Rt'pr ncnfMth·t 's ~•mt ·Enter tht nank' nfth e Loc:nl A{t("flcy Rcpr«entat iw signinp: the form. 20. Phon t • Enter the Df('Q L'Ode and telephone numbe r of th e pm on sisni ng th e fonn . 21. 0 At't . Enter the dn tt ttl\.' (Olll115 ~igned by th~ l ocnl Age ncy Rrpn.'\CIItnli\'e . P•a "J ofJ Julr .u. 111~ 0100£R SHAll COMPLET£ Ar>IO SUBMIT All DOCUMft~TS AND PAGfS IN 'i(CTION C BIDDERS PROPO~Al Pace: C.S9 GOOD FAIT H EFFORT O UTREACH REPORT Web Bu ll et i n Focus A d Calpro ma x Enginee r i ng Co mpany is s eeki ng Quotes & S u b -bids from Qualif ied & Ce rtif ie d DBE FIRMS Puoblhed A{X f 7. 20 I 7 0 4 43 PM by OBEsOultNCh &1s.fless Enl.,-prt$tl Mmorlly & Focu1 Wtb &n.111r www.OBfiOu1,.8Cit.comiFocu• andt.tpkuon M•y02.20170 1:00PM Calpromax Enginee ring 650 N. Rose Orlvo PlecenUa , ORANGE California 92870 Ph: 71 4·573-4599 Fu: 714-<45!1-7088 Pr imary Pr oj ect Estimating Contact; Estimator: Estima tor Pho ne: 714·573-4 599 Email: ProJ ect Name: TRA.FFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS A.T VARIOUS LOCATIONS Project Location: Awarding Agency Owner: Contract Number. Bi d Out Dettffimt: Temple C.ly, LOS ANGELES Counly. CA., 917110 Cl1y Of Temple City PIS.07 May 02,2017 @ 1:00PM Minority & BE Fi rm s Partic ipation Goa l % Required OB E: 4•4 Outreac h Desc ription CAlPROMAX ENGINEE RJNG 1o bldd01g 1l1il ptajoct as a Prime Geno<ol Conlnoctor. We ore o<llvoly ... king IUI><onlta'*'t1 ond aupt)lian qUOC N on .. &ndea from qualified & eertffied OBE conltae\Orl or suppftert. Plans end specs lte eYibblt b your review once you request them Ot lend an Interest In this profoct. Your quote should be tent to OUf otfk:e prior 10 lhe bid dlltel'dme ~r U'lia ad. For assls1anc:o wllh bonding, lnlunl.-, or~-of aod~ c:ontaa our olflce. PO<IIons of W0<1< for 1hl ptCject lndudo (but ore noc Hmltod lo) 1he lollcwing: !WET SAND BLAST AND REMOVE EXISTING\nMARKJNG AND STRIPING, INSTAll THERMOPLASTIC PAIHT STRJPIN G,\nCROSSWALK AN D PAVEMENT MARKINGS,REMOVE EXISTI NG AND INSTALL NEW\nSIGNS. SIGN POSTS PER CA M\ITCO.,REMOVE EXISTI NG 8" 3 SECTION VERTICAL\nVE HICULAR SIGNAL HEAO AND CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECTION VERTICAL\nVEHICULAR SIGNAL HEAO, COMPLETE1nW!TH MOUIITS, HOUSING, VISORS AN O\nBACKPlATES. THE INSIDE OF SI GNAL\nVISOR S (HOODS), THE ENTIRE SU RFA.CE OF\nLO\NERS AND FIN S, AND THE FRONT\nSURFACE OF BACKPlATE$ SHAll HAVE A\nOULL BLACK FINISH. BA.CKPI.ATE S SHAll BE'<>POWOER COATE D ALUMINUM, CO!.OR\nSHAlL BE FLAT BLACK. BORDERS SHALL BE\n51NCHES WIDE , CONSTRUCT SOLAR POWERED RADAA\nSPEED FEEDBACK SIGN SYSTEM J Outreach Tonns & Requ irements ·To view or oblaln p .. na, a~ ca. and protect document. FIRMS lhOlJd corttad. the CONTRACTOR to get required protect rMOUree. VI • The COIITRACTOR wiD provide FIRMS, K requested, v.1th requkod ossls..._ln bondtng,ln...,.,..,\n .Ouotu per ptajoct bid llems rnuat be aubmil*' before th4t due bid dlltl end time to elow proper evaluatbn.VI ..Quoles ere required to be In eccordanoe wfth profed plana, opoco, ond good lor 1ho enh con1r0ct dunlllon.\n • lhe projec:llo • ~ wage public job. The FIRM'o quote muot conalder o1l tenns retet.ct to preYI6lg weg .. tenne.\n ·FIRM S mu1t possess and meinteln e c:urr.nt oonnaor bnse.lntui"'J"'c., and worker compo,...llon ~during tho ptCject In· FIRM S muot be CUF "Com-U Hful Function" 10 lho por11dpotfon goat 1o ac:cep<od towarda lho Good Ftlllh Ellort.\n ·100% payment bond and porlormonce bond lor 1ho IIJiomouruof lho iUboon~Od pr1ot may be ""!.nd In .fiRMS !hot 1\/bmlt 1holr quole o><pllclly oc:know!edge and ogr .. ., d above terrM and re-o.\n • Wo""' an equal opj)Or1unl1y ornpoyer. We do no1 d1oa1mlno:e ogolnst any qutlllflod conlroctOfO, -· auppl-ln ·Tho frn1 muo1 be roglstered With ~ ot JnduaU1al Reldon and lhould have a CU'T'enl OIR nurnbet. GOOD FA IT H EFFO RT OUTR EACH REPORT Web Bulletin Trade Ad -~17.2017084JPIJb)'OOEsOIA,.__nEtU_r_W.b_I.,_OOE.OWWocn«>m/T,_ond.,_, Oll l.llyln20170 IOOI"J Calprome Engm.,.. ong 650 N. Rose Orlve Pnmary T'roJ.-ct EadmetJng Contact: Placentia , ORANGE Califomlo 92870 E5lnnDtor E Aima tor Ph 714·573-1599 PhoM 71 4·573-4599 Fax: 714-15!1-7088 Em:ul Projoct NGMC! TRAFFIC SIOHAL UPGRADES, SIGHS NIO ontER SN"ETY IMI'AOV!MEHTS AT 1/AAIOUS LOCAT10NS r,o act Loc~t on T-Clly ,LOS ANGELES C<lo.wOy, CA. 81710 Award nQ A 1cnc.y Ownl Conlract N Jfl"ber Bid Du& Oaten me City OF T-COy P1 S.07 Mlly 02.2017 0 1:00 Plol CALPROMAX ENOINCERINO It bicldlnO INIIIfOject u 1 P!lme Gene<111 Coftlroctat We •• OCINely -.ng IUI>oonltoc:tor end ...,.... _ .. .., .. ,_ ,,... quolollod & ..,.,.,.., oee _Ot...,.... ____ .. _Iori"" --you-lhomatMndon_ln ... PfOI«<. y...,quooolhOUiclbo ... IOo..w-priOtlolhoblddat-.,. por lhll od Fat--l>ondW>g. inounlnoo, or._ d crodllccn4aCI---soiWOt1llorlhollfOjectinc:lude (bul oro noll -IO)Ihe folowlng (WET SANO BLAST AND REI.IOI/E EX15nNG'<IMI\RKtNGIINO STRIPING,INSTALL THERMOPLASTIC PAINT STRIPING,InCROSSWALK AND PAVEMENT MAAKINOS,REMOI/E EXISTI NG AND INSTALL NEW\nSIONS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCD .REMOVE CXISnNG r 3 SECTKJN 1/CRTlCAl.lnVEHICUI.AA SlGHAl HEADANOCONSTRLICT 1TSSECTION 1/ERnCAllni/EHIC\JLAA SIOHAL HEAD. COMPI.ETEinWITH 1.40UNTS. HOUSIHO, VISORS ANOWlACKPI.ATES. THE INSIDE OF SIOHALinVISORS (HOODS~ TIE ENTIRE SURFACE OFinlOUI/ERS AND riNS, AND nte FRONTinSUAFACE OF BAaU'I.ATES SHAll HAllE AlnDUU BlACK FINISH IIACKPI.A TES SHAll IIEW'OWOER COATED ALUMINUM, COL ORin SHAll BE F1.A T BlACK. BORDERS SHALL 8Ein5 INCHES WIDE COfiSTRLICT sa..AR POWERED RAOARinSI'EED FEEOe.ACK SIGH SYSTEM ) -To view 0t ObiUI pions, opea, end prcjocl-. FIRMS -oontod ""CONTRACTOR 10 got reqwocl- moutat In • Tho CONTRACTOR wll prll'lldt riRMS. W --~ -........ l>ondW>g.ln ........ ln .a.-per proloct bod M..,.. muo1 be oubrmlod beloro lho duo bod ---lo-..-..-.~n.a.-. .... ~oo be In --projoCI plono. opeco, end VOOd lor lho -· con4rod dur-In-Tho project It • pre....-.g-..-jOb Tho FIRM't quo40 rnust ..,.,_II lotmt retaiOOIO provoling wegot aenm.\n ·FIRMS mutl PQII"I lnd ~ 1 evrront contrtoaor bnso. In~. and watkOf c:ompenNtiOn cover-oo during lho ptojod In • FIRMS rnuot be CUF -com,.,.,.;o1 UseiiA FunctiOn" oolho potlldpolion gaol It occepOed-lho o-1 FIIOth Eflorlln ·1~ PG)'fMN bond end~ bond lor lho lui...-ol .... -price moy be~ In ·FIRMS ~~~o~.-~~~o~rquoooeJCI)IIdly~ond-lool ---~1n-Wo.,..onequal~ ...,.,..,..,w, ... ,.. __ ..,. __ --IUIIIIIfonln -The firm ...... be mglol--~ollncMIIIoiR_oncl_ho"" ac:ut'*'ltOIR,..,..,..,., GOOD FAI TH EFFORT OUTREACH REPORT Busi ness Category Report OUT REA CH IN FO . OUTREACH BY ON BEHALF OF PROJECT NAME CONTRACT NO. BID DUE DATE GOAL REQUIRED PAVCO SPECIAL TIES, INCORI'ORA TED G & C COUIPNCNT CORP SUPER SEAl & STRIPE. INC A A A ELECTRICAL SUPPI. Y, INC APEX UNIIIERSAL, INC OMEGA PACIFIC CLECTRICAL SUPPlY INC CIAAAELE ElECTRIC WORKS INC IN-LINE FENCE & IWUNG CO .• INC MET CO 10 1\ZCO 11 JM FIBER OPTICS, INC. 12 AMLAND COOP 13 RAPER ELECTRICAL DISTRIBVTORS CORP 14 FRANCISCO ElECTRIC SUPPI. Y 15 Aa.IE SAFETY & SUPPI. Y CORP 18 GR SUNDBERG, INC 11 GlOBAL ROAD SEALING. INC 11 STATEWIDI! STRII'ES,INC It EAST BAY SIGN CO .• INC 20 UNITED TRAFFIC SeRVICES & SUPPI. Y, INC 21 UNDO INDUSTRIAL CI.ECTRONICS 22 TIE EXIT UGHT CO . INC 102 820 2003 4815 1025 - 13824 14089 14906 15174 21:!06 24042 27039 27178 30511 JIOCIO 31176 32232 327M 33824 34023 34037 0Bf~<N1r ~<h In \WNJ dbBSC>Ulrt'lttfl com Cllprom:Jr Et1CJ111f\er''l!l TRI\FFIC SICNI'l lif'ORI\OES SIGNS 1\NO OTHEH SAFETY IMPHOV[MENTS AT VARIOUS LOCA TIOI·IS P'S-07 05-0~·20 •7 I 00 -1 DBE BUSINESS CATEGORY . • ~~~~ DBE SIGN STRLICTVRE ,ROADSIDE SIGN D8E ELECTRICAL & SIGHALS SUPPUER oee SIGN STRLICTVRE .ROADSIDE SIGH oee ELECTRICAL & SIGHALS SUPPliER oee Trotllc SVtpng, "'""""0""' rrotroc: Conlnll --s~ DB£ ElECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPI.ICR D8E ELECTRICAL & SlONALS SUPPUER D8E PAI/Et.IENT WIRKINO D8E ELECTRICAL & SKINALS SUPPliER OOE ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPliER D8E ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPliER D8E THERMOPLASnt: TRAFFIC STRIPING & MARKING ,PAJNTED TIW"~IC STRIPING & MARKING ,PAVEMENT MARKING OOE ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPliER DOC ELECTRICAL & SlONALS SUPPliER DOC CONSTRUCTKJN AAEA SIGNS oee THCRMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPING & !.lARKING ,PAIN1 ED TRAFFIC STRIPING & MARKING .PAI/E .. ENT MARKING oee PAI/EMENT ....rllONG D8E Tl-tERt.IOI'I.Ant: TRAFFIC STRIPtHG & MARKING ,PAINTED TRAFFIC STRIPINO & MAAKING oee CONSTRUCTION AREA SKINS DOE SIGH ITRUCTVRE DOE ElECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIER DOE ElECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIER GOOD FAI TH EF FO RT OUTREACH REPORT 23 NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC 24 MERITEK ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 25 SAMI'S EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES 21! ESO&C, INC. 27 FULL TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE, INC. 28 MURlliY TRANSPORTATION 29 SIGNS PORTAL 30 PSC CIRCUITS. INC. 31 BIG VALLEY ASPHALT 32 A CONE ZONE. INC 33 AMERICAN UTILITY PRODUCTS 34 CATCO SERVICES 35 BAY AREA LIGHTWORKS,INC. 34396 34479 35345 35742 35972 38283 36558 36647 36878 36950 37242 37334 36 T.O . ELECTRIC 37580 37 TRAFFIC LOOPS CRACKFILLING. INC 38033 38 GSJ UTILITY SUPPLY & SERVICE 38438 39 HI.VOLTAGE SPLICING CO., INC. 39153 40 NORCAl GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 39231 CORP 41 A AND M SALES 39283 42 HERCA TELECOMM SERVICES, INC . 39391 43 DBA LOGISTICAL ENTERPRIS ES 39438 44 QUALITY EQUIPMENT RENTAL 39787 45 ALBERT wn.SON & ASSOClA TES 40292 46 LIGHT SPEED RESOURCES 40425 47 MACO SECURITY PRODUCTS 48 A PLUS SIGNS, INC. 49 WESTERN TRAFFIC SUPPLY, INC. 50 LUMENSOURCE LLC 5 1 NUNO IRON & MFG. INC 52 ONE TIME UTILITY SALES. INC 53 TRI·VALLEY CONTRACTING, INC. 54 LIGHT DUTY ELECTRIC 55 BLUE CABLE INC 40455 40592 40681 40734 40834 40854 41297 41409 41963 OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE DBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE DBE OBE DBE DBE DBE OBE OBE DBE DBE OBE OBE OBE OBE DBE OBE OBE OBE OBE DBE ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIER ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIER ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIER ELECTRICAl & SIGNALS SUPPLIER CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS ,SIGN STRUCTURE .ROADSIDE SIGN SIGNAL ROADSIDE SIGN ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIER PAVEMENT MARKING SIGN STRUCTURE ,ROADSIDE SIGN SIGN STRUCTURE ELECTRICAl & SIGNALS SUPPLIER SIGNAL & LIGHTING ,SIGNAL ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIE R PAVEMENT MARKING ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIE R ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIER SIGNAL & LIGHTING ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIER ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIER ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIER CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIER ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIER SIGN STRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIER SIGN STRUCTURE ELECTRICAL & SIGNALS SUPPLIER PAINTED TRAFFIC STRIPING & M ARKING ,PAVEMENT MARKING SIGNAL & LIGHTING SIGNAL & LIGHTING GOOD F AITH EFFORT OUTREACH FAX TRANSMISSION REPORT OUTREACH INFO. OUTRE A CH BY ON BEHALF OF PROJECT NAME CONTRACT NO. BID DUE DATE GOAL REQUIRED FAX TRANSMISSION STATUS REPORT DBEsOulreacn. Inc www.dbesoulreach com Calpromax Eng1neering TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES. SIGNS AND OTHER SAFE TY IMPROVEMENTS AT VAR IOUS LOCATIONS P15-07 05-02-2017 13 00 4% DBE NO FIRM NAME TYPE PHONE NO. FAX NO. SEND DATE TIME STATUS ~ BlUE CABLE INC LIGHT DUTY ELECTRIC TR~VALLEY CONTRACTING. INC ONE TIME UTILITY SALES. INC NUNC IRON & MFG. INC LUMENSOURCE LLC WESTERN TRAFFIC SUPPLY, INC. A PLUS SIGNS, INC. MACO SECURITY PRODUCTS 10 LIGHT SPEED RESOURCES 11 ALBERT WILSON & ASSOCIATES 12 OUALITY EQUIPMENT RENTAL 13 DBA LOGISTICAL ENTERPRISES 14 HERCA TELECOMM SERVICES. INC . 15 A AND M SALES 16 NORCAL GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CORP 17 HI-VOLTAGE SPLICING CO. INC. 18 GSJ UTILITY SUPPLY & SERVICE 19 TRAFFIC LOOPS CRACKFILLING, INC OBE OBE DBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE DBE OBE OBE D8E 760-214·2730 925-787 ·1 003 714·953-5700 !31·388.()513 621!·57().9333 925-2411-1654 559-27~700 51 0-655-1 043 909-2711-5582 559-392-1124 951·94().5941 925-2811-1086 4oe.aa&-<1335 925-8311-7979 582-404-1113 714-520-4026 8111-861-nss 760-757-4939 688-872-4 450 714·953-5720 831·380-9976 62tl-570.97n 925-2411-111&3 5511-275-7482 51().652-7648 91 5-381-ftOCS 909-91!11-1576 688-839-9857 925-954-6501 4011-9611-1650 925-83&-7978 714-520-4027 Apr 17 ,2017 Apr 17,2017 All< 17,2017 All< 17,2017 AfJf 17,2017 Apr 17.2017 All< 17. 2017 All< 17, 2017 Apr 17, 2017 Apr 17,2017 All< 17.2017 1\pf 17.201 7 All< 17.2017 1\pf 17,2017 1\pf 17,2017 Arx 17,2011 1\pf 17.2017 Apr 17.2017 Apr 17,20 17 19:10 19:12 19:12 19 13 19:15 19:16 19:17 19:22 19:19 19:21 1921 19:25 19:29 19'26 19:27 19'28 19:30 Success Suc.cess Sucooss Succeu Success SUC'Cess Fal ed Success Success suc:cess Succen Flied Success Succoao GOOD FAITH EFFORT OUTREACH 20 T.O. a.ECTRJC 21 BAYAREA UGHTWORKS. INC 22 CA TCO SERVICES 23 AMERICAN UTiliTY PROOUCTS 24 A CONE ZONE. INC 25 BIG VAlLEY ASPHALT 26 PSC CIRCUITS. INC 27 SIGNS PORTAl. 28 MURTHY TAANSPORTAn ON 29 FUU. TRAFFIC t.WNTENANCE. INC 30 ESO&C. INC. 31 SAM\'S EQUIPMENT & SUPPliES 32 MERITEK ELECTRONICS C<lru'ORATION 33 NORTHERN INDUSTRIAl ELECTRIC 34 THE EXIT UGNT CO. INC 35 UNGO INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS J6 UNITED TRAFFIC SERVICES & SUPPl V. INC. 37 EASTBAVSIGNCO. INC. 38 STATEWIDE STRIPES. INC 39 Gl06AI. ROAD SEAI.JNO. INC 40 GR SUN06ERG, INC 41 ACt.4E SAFETY & SUPPlY CORP 42 FRANCISCO ELECTRIC SUPPlY 43 RAPER ELECTRICAl. DISTRIBUTORS CORP 44 AMLANO CORP 45 Jt.4 FillER OIPTICS. INC. 46 AZCO 47 METCO 48 IN-LINE FENCE & RAIUNOCO .. INC 411 ORIMEl.E ELECTRIC oeE OBE OBE 08E OBE OBE OBE OBE oee OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE oee OBE OBE oee oeE oeE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE oee OBE OBE oee 760-353-4913 4 1~·2336 51~S5-4401 8211-335-2753 1151-734-8535 881~7-6837 582..01·2458 21~3811-924 1 71474-*45 1151-52o-IIHO ~7811-2778 5511-252-0354 562·1148-2236 53ll-246-2388 76o-5911--3948 821l-8311-12114 112&-1181-673& 4 1 5-43 1 -&112 851l-580-e887 71 H93-08-t5 707-825-0668 8111-299-5100 510.989-66114 551H176-3449 4011-9211-31149 ~ 2011-94:1-2452 4 1 5-4 56-0922 761).7811-0282 51 I).QG.1150 760-35~913 41Wzuoe6 51~S5-4401 82&-33s.8797 1151-734-2887 661~ 562..01-2455 8 18-ea&-, 501 71 .. 77~820 951-52().11!180 8~24~13 559-251-1119 582·11411-2248 530-2411-2388 7eo-5118-394 1 626-a30-12117 ata...Mt--47"8 415-431-8053 8511-58().0158 71"893-004& 707-825-0603 818-642-0783 510.1189·5896 551H1711-51174 40&-~34 .. 1109-e211-1HO 2011-11434037 415-455-111180 76o-78i-06811 51 CHI20-, 55 ""'11, 2017 ""'11. 2011 ""'11, 2011 ""'11. 2011 ""'11. 2011 ""'17, 2011 ""'11. 2011 ""'11. 2011 ""'11. 2011 ""'17. 2011 ""'11. 2017 ""'17, 2017 ""'11, 2011 ""'17. 2017 ""'17, 2017 ""'11, 2017 Apt 17,2011 ""'17, 2011 ""'11. 2011 ""'11, 2017 ""'11, 2017 Apr 17,2017 Ap. 11,2017 ""'17, 2011 ""'11. 2017 ""'11. 2017 ""'11. 2017 ""'17. 2017 ""'11, 2017 ""'17, 2017 19:31 19:33 19:37 19:.3<4 19:.35 19:3& 10:'1 19:42 19:38 19:39 19:40 19:42 19:43 19:44 19:48 19'48 1~45 19;48 19:47 19:48 19:50 11t51 19:52 111:53 18:58 1859 19:00 19:04 1901 1i:02 Sucx:eoo -· F--· -. -. Folod Fa!ed Failed -. s ....... Succell Faled Suc:ceoa F- F- f- Sucoost Sucx:en Succoo& SUCC*II S ucce11 Succets Success Folod Succou SUCCOII FoliC! SUCCM& Succnt GOOD FA ITH EFFORT OUT REACH WORKS INC . 50 OMEGA PACIFIC ELECTRICAl. SUPPlY INC. 51 APEX UNIVERSAl., INC 52 A A A ELECTRICAl. SUPPlY.INC 53 SUPER SIEAI. & STRJPE. INC 54 G & C EOUIPMENT CORP. 55 PAYCO SPECIAL TIES. INCORPORATED OBE oee OBE OBE OBE OBE 510.23&-3520 582•944-&78 32~721-2700 IIOS-624-7345 310.516-6715 6 111-422·9204 510.2311-8188 582-944·22118 32~721-5>137 IIOS-624-7428 Jlo-5111-5046 819-427·1820 ""'17, 2017 ""'17, 2017 ""'11. 2017 ""'11. 2017 ""'11. 2011 ""'17. 2011 19~ succe .. 19;1)5 Succ:eu 19CMI SuteeSI li:07 Succe.u ·~ Success 19:09 Suc:eeu GOOD FAITH EFFORT OUT REACH OUTREACH INFO. OUTREACH B Y ON BEHALF OF PROJECT NAME CONTRACT NO. BID DUE DATE GOAL REQUIRED EMAIL STATUS REPORT E-Mail Report DBEsOUireach, Inc . ..-.dbosoul roach .c:om Calpromax Enginoor1ng TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS P1S.07 0~2-2017 13:00 4'.4 DBE NO FIRM NAME TYPE PHONE NO Email . SEND DATE TIME ,AVC:O SP!CW.TES. IHCORJ'ORATm G & C EOUI'UEHT CORP SUfiER S!Al 6 S'TftiPE. fNC D8E D8E A A A ELECTRCAL SUPPl V. 08E INC APEX UNIVERSAl. INC ODE OMEGA PIICII'IC El.ECTRICAI. ODE SUf'PI. y IHC. Cllt1W£LE ElECTRIC WORKS 08E INC iN.UNI!: FENCE & RAILI.NG CO , D8E INC MET CO tO AZCO t 1 JM FleER OPTtCS, tHe. 12 AMt.ANO COftP 1 S AAPER El!CTRK:AL OfSTR18UTORS COAP _. "'ANClSCO RfC TRtC SUI'f'I.Y t5 '-CUE SAFElY & SUPPI. V COIV' tt OASU"'ffSERG.iNC. 17 Gl08AL ROAD SEALING, NC II STAT!WIOE: STRJPES. INC 0000 FAITH EFFORT OVTRCACH ooe 08E DOE 08E D8E DOE 08E C8E DllE """ ttt-42242G4 I 1~ I • )'CD bl.l ,., 17.:1017 31WIW715 ~com /VIf17, 2017 ~24-7lot5 ~~ Apt17,2017 ..__ 562-944-tlfl ~-«WW'! Apl17,2017 5to-~ 11: •Oc ,..,...com /!,pt17,2017 510-820-11150 ~~ Apt 17,2017 -780-719-0282 ,.,....,._...com Apt 17,2017 m-943-2452 ~·'*' AJw17 ,2017 sot-e2&-3A45 ~CO'I"' Ar-17,2017 4()8..829-541 ~~( /lt.pt17,2017 ~7~<1 ___ ...,.._ .., 17,2017 -. .... 61~ ...... --... ·-··-"" Alit 11 .2017 at•m-.stoo cencsec.o~ At~~ 11. 2011 "'·""" 707~ ~.biz Af,l17.2017 714-n:J..08.45 ~gnAOyehooCOfft Af/117, 2017 ~7 ~ 1141117.201 7 ,, .. , 1143 , ..... 1844 ...... 18.44 It' ... 11.44 ...... , ...... 1844 lk .... 113 GOOD FAITH EFFORT OUTREACH 20 UNITED TRAFAC SERIIICES & SUPP\.Y,INC. 21 LINGO lNOUSTRIAl ELECTROHICS 22 THE EXlT UGHT CO. INC 08E D8E 23 NORTHERN INOUSTRIAL OBE ElECTRJC 24 MERITEK ELECTRONK:S OBE CORPORATlON 25 SAM\'S EQUIPMENT & OBE SUPPliES 28 ESO&C, INC. DBE 27 FULL TRAFF.C MAINTENANCE, OBE INC. 21 MURTHY TAANSPORTATtON 2Q SIGNS PORTAL 30 PSC CiRCUITS, INC. 3 t 810 VAllEY ASPHAt. T 32 A CONE ZONE, INC 33 AMERICAN UTLrTY PRODUCTS 34 CATCO SERVICES :IS BAY AREA UGHTWORKS.IHC . 3e T 0 El.ECTRIC 37 TRAFfiC LOOPS CAACKFI.UNQ, INC 38 GSJ UTiliTY SUPPlY & SERVICE 39 H~VOL TAGE SPLICING CO .. INC . 40 NORCAL GENERAL. CONSTRUCTION CORP 41 AANO M SALES 42 HEACA TEL£COMM SERVICES. INC. •> D6A LOGISTICAL ENTERPRISES oee D8E oeE oeE OBE D8E 08E 08E 08E CBE CBE CBE CBE CBE 08E CBE U QUAliTY EQUIPMENT REHT AL OBE 45 AL.BERT wtlSON & OBE ASSOCIATES 41 UGHT SPEED ~CES OBE 47 MACO SECUfUTY PROOUCTS 41 A PLUS SIGNS, lHC. 0000 FA1Tlf EFFORT OUTREACH ceE C8E Apt 17.2017 Afll\7,2017 55\l-252.Q354 ~ .... ~. Apf17,2017 l r-.1 550-768·2778 NltiCtacltnde.com Apt 17. 2017 951~20-~ aamtnruiQ.ctoOsbcQ!Ob ,.,. n. 2011 el.ntt 714~74-4$45 MURTKYOMTCWORL.O. Afll17, 2017 ORO 2tl-3a-824t ~ .. tbcglobet.ne Afll17, 2017 I 582-101-2454 ~-com Afllt7, 2017 861·587-M37 ~ton!2CI)'ahoo.c Apt 17,2017 Acw 17,20\7 152&--335-7753 ......, ... nctraOgrnel.co Allt17, 2017 51Q.655...4401 ~liOOM1YiC .... com Aclt 17, 2017 ••:>822·23341 ~ ....... -.., 17.2017 ......... 7&0-3~913 ~-oe~ Apt 17,2017 714-520-4028 W'tlfldool) .. ~.nt Ntr 17,2017 I 582-404-\113 a.atld'fOgef-vtllty.com /v1f 17,2017 92s.&38-7979 keltrO~ Apt 17,2017 ~lldng.com 408-886-0335 noreiSgtflttlllc:onat.ruetlon Apr 17' 2017 Qyl/loo.com 825-.2-1086 aandmaatM.rnay.U.O;m Apr 17,2017 ol.com Sl51 -g41)..5941 hedor CllttlonQI'Iercatel ,., 17.20 17 """""'com ~92·1124 dennlleOiog~llc:M'\I«pt Apt17,2017 lsOLcom gog..275-5582 ~ AIJI17,2017 --909-483-4!78 d'lldiO~ co A9t 17,2017 559-27$-0700 ~t43011C)ncom AIJ!f 17,2017 18:4-4 18:U 18:44 18:H 18:44 1844 18 44 18.44 18 44 1844 1844 18.4 .. 18.4<t 18;44 11:44 18:44 18'44 18.44 18:44 1844 213 GOOD FAITH EFFORT OUTREACH •• WESTERN TRAFFK; SUPPLY, OOE 925-24V..1 8$4 e!banezOwwtemnfflc.c AfJII 17,2017 18:44 INC. 110 l\.IIIIEHSOURCE llC OOE 828-570-v:333 lt•.....O ................... A;lt 17.2017 18.44 •• NUNO IRON & MFG ... c OOE .., 1 -W-0111 s ~com ~17,2011 11 •• 52 ONE TWE UTUTY SALES, INC OOE 714-953-5700 _.......,com """"17, 2011 , .... 53 TRl.VAll£Y COHTRACllNG, oee 925-717·1003 ~-CO A{'ll 17, 2017 18•44 INC. .. l iGHT DUTY aEC'rRJC DeE 7.214 -2730 -~ /l.fll17,2017 18:44 11c.com •• BLUE CABLE INC DeE 818-559-Sot SC M&-~.-Qbfu.ceble.com Arx 11,2011 18 .4.(1 GOOD FAITH EFFORT OtiTREACH 313 GOOD FAITH EFFORT OUTREACH Phone Call#1 Report OUTREACH INFO . OUTREAC H BY ON BEHALF OF PROJECT NAME CONTRAC T NO. BID DUE DATE GOAL REQUIRED PHONE CALL LOG#1 STATUS REPORT DBEsOulte"d' l1h .. •"/IN\v d!ltsoulrt:rt :h Wtn C~ll>rOrm• EngoMenng lRAHIC SIGNAL UPGRADES. SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCAT IONS P15-07 o5-02-21J 11 11 no 4 DBE NO FIRM NAME TYPE PHONE NO. C o lllt DATE Parson Bidding · A A A ELECTRICAL SUPR. Y,INC 08E 323-721-2700 ""'20. 2017 -NoiS... Commenl s Left a~ n\1111 with ptOfect end bkt de\attS A ANDMSALES DBE 92S-286-IOM Apr 20,2017 vcleemail Not Sl6e Comments Left • vclee molwi111 ptojed and bid detolh A CONE lONE, INC 08E 951-73-1-9535 ""'20. 2017 ..... No Comment s Nol-.g A PLUS SIGNS, INC. D8E SS$-275-0700 ""'20. 2017 luoiM Nol Sure C o mments Thoy -1101-. w !hoy •• -.g or 1101 ACME SAFETY & SUPPLY CORP DBE 518-~100 Apo-20, 2017 all>oly No Comments Not bidding !\l.BERT WILSON & ASSOCIATES DBE 909-<1~575 ""'20, 20 17 volcomall Not s .... Comm ent s Left o vo1co mol w1llt pn>joc:l ond bid detaill AMERICAN IIT11.1TY PRODUCTS DBE 52&>335-27~3 ""'20, 2017 -Hoe s ... o C omme nts Left o YOoc:e molw1111-ond bod- MILANO Coru> 08E 4011-929-3~1 ""'20, 2017 -Not Sun Comments Loft o-. mol wtfl ptqoc:t ..s bid- APEX UNIVERSAL_ INC D8E 552·94•·•575 Apo-20. 2017 -NOISOIO C omments Left • ..-mol-pn>joc:I..Sbld detoh 10 AZCO DBE 209-943-2452 ""'20, 2017 aclmln No C omments Nol bidding II 8A Y AREA LIGHTWORKS. INC. 08E 4 ts-822·2331 Apo-20, 2017 -Not SUN Comments Loft • ..-.,.. .. pn>joc:I..S bid- 12 BIG VALLEY ASPHALT DOE M1-S87·5a37 ""'20. 2017 -NoiS.... C o mment5 Lelia vclee mol-PfGieei..S bid- 13 SlUE CA8lE INC 08E 51 1-56t-5050 A(Jf 20.2017 -"" GOOD FAITH EFFORT OUTREACH Comments Not bidding 14 CATCO SERVICES OBE 51<Hl55-4401 Ap<20, 2017 phon& busy Not Sure Comments pllcne busy 15 CIRJMELE ELECTRIC WORKS INC. OBE 51()..820-1150 Apr20, 2017 voice mall Not Slife Comments left a vofce mall with proJect and bid detaUs 16 DBA LOGISTICAL ENTERPRISES DBE 55!1-392·1124 Apr20, 2017 voicemall Not Sure Commen ts Left a voice man wtth ptojectand tM:i details 17 EAST BAY SIGN CO .• INC. DBE 415-431-8882 Ap< 20, 2017 admln No Comments Not bidding 18 ESO&C.INC. DBE 650.76&-2778 Ap< 20, 20 17 voicemall Not Sure Comments Left a YOlce mai with project and btd details 19 FRANCISCO ELECTRIC SUPPLY DBE 5 10.96!1-5894 Apr20, 2017 vdcemall NOI SUfi Comments Left e voice mal with project end bid det.ll11 20 FULL TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE. INC. OBE 951·52().9990 Apr 20, 201 7 krog No Comments Not bidding 21 G & C EQUIPMENT CORP. OBE 310.515-6715 Apr 20.2017 votcemall Not Sure Comments Left a voice mall with project and bid detaUs 22 GLOBAL ROAD SEALING, INC OBE 71 4-89~5 Apr 20,2017 Not Sure Comments Left a voice mall wllh proJect and bid deta il s 23 GR SUNDBERG. INC. OBE 707-825-6565 Apr 20,2017 No Comme nts Not bidding 24 GSJ UTIUTY SUPPLY & SERVICE OBE 562-404-1 t 13 Apr 20,2017 phone dldnt ring Not Sure Comments phone did not ring len a vok:emal. 25 HERCA TELECOMM SERVICES. INC . OBE 951·940.5941 Apr 20.2017 No Comments Not bidding 26 HI-VOLTAGE SPliCING CO .. INC. OBE 925-833-7979 Apr 20,2017 madlsson No Comments Not bidding 27 IN-LINE FENCE & RAIUNG CO .. INC DBE 76().78!H>282 Apr 20. 2017 No C omments Not bidding 28 JM FIBER OPTICS, INC. OBE Feb 20.201 7 mertene No Comments Not bidding 29 UGHT DUTY ELECTRIC DBE 750.214-2730 Apr 20. 2017 phone rang Not Sure C omm ents phone rang ooukt not lea ve voicemaiL 30 UGHT SPEED RE SOURCES OBE 91&-381-60« Ap< 20, 2017 robin No Comment s Not bidding 31 UNGO INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS DBE 82&-833-1294 Ap< 20, 2017 voicemall Not Surt Comments Lett a voice me n wf'lh project end bid dtliUs 32 LUMENSOURCE LLC DBE 62&-570.9333 Ap< 20. 2017 jeffrey No GOOD FAI TH EFFORT OUTREACH Comments Not bidding 33 MACO SECURITY PRO DUCTS OBE Comments Le ft a voice mall wfth pro}ec:t and bid detaits 34 MERITEK ElECTRONiCS CORPORATION Comments Phone no t In service 35 M ETCO OBE DBE Comments Len a votoe mail with project and bid details 36 MURTHY T RANSPORTATION Comment s Phone not 1n service 37 NORCAL GENERAL CONST RUCTION CORP Comments Not bidding 36 NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC Comments Not bidding 39 NUNO IRON & M FG. INC Comments Not bidd ing 40 O MEGA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL SUPPLY INC. DBE OBE OBE OBE OBE Comments They are not sure If they are bkSdlng or not 41 ONE TIME UTILITY SALES, INC OBE C o mments They are no t sure If lhey are bkld!ng or not 42 PAYCO SPECIAL TIES, INCORPORA TEO Comments Not bidding 43 PSC CIRCUITS, INC. Comments phone ra ng coutd not leave vdcemaJt. 44 OUAUTY EQUIPMENT RENTAL OBE OBE OBE Comments Left a voice maR with project and bid detaJis 45 RAPER ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS CORP OBE Comments They are not sure If they are bktdlng or not 46 SAM\'S EQUIPMENT & SUPPUES DBE Comments Phone not In seMce 47 SIGNS PORTAL OBE Comments phOne wa s busy could not ktave vol cemaU. 48 STATEWIDE STRIPES, INC OBE Comments Not bidding 49 SUPER SEAL & STRIPE.INC OBE Comments Not biddW.g 51 ().655.1 043 Apr 20.2017 562·948-2236 Apr 20, 2017 415-455-9922 Apr 20, 2017 7 1 ~74·0545 Apr 20,2017 4011-880-0335 Apr20. 2017 53().24&-2366 Apr 20, 2017 831~385-0513 Ap< 20.2017 5 10.23e.e520 Ap< 20,2017 714-953-5700 Ap< 20 ,2017 6 1!1-422·9204 Apr 20,2017 562-801-2456 Ap< 20, 2017 909-27&-5582 Ap< 20.2017 559-875-3449 Ap< 20. 2017 55!1-252.0354 Apr 20. 2017 213-369-9241 Ap< 20, 2017 Apr 20, 2017 1105-524·7345 Ap< 20. 2017 Phone not In service voice mall Phone not In service jenny kathy prlocilla brian devo phone rang vok:eman ac:lm ln Phone not In service phone busy pouly Not Sure NA Not Sure NA No No No Not Sure Not Sure No Not Sure Not Sure Not Sure NA Not Sure No No GOOD FAITH EFFORT OUTREACH so T.O. ELEClRIC OBE 760-353-4913 Apr 20, 2017 voice mail Not Sure Comments Left a voice mau with projact and bid details 51 THE EXIT LIG HT CO, INC OBE 760-598-3948 Apr 20, 2017 voice man Not &to Comments Lett a voice mall wkh project a'"' bid details 62 TRAFFIC LOOPS CRACKFlU.ING , INC OBE 714-52().4028 Apr 20, 2017 mary No Comments Not bidding 53 lR~VALlE Y CONTRACTING, INC. OBE 925-787-1 003 Apr20, 2017 votceman Not Sure Comments Lett a voice man wllh project and bid details 54 UNITED TRAFFIC SERVICES & DBE 626-961-5736 Apr20, 2017 Jessica No SUPPLY, INC. Comments Not bidding 55 WESTERN TRAFFIC SUPPLY, INC, OBE 925-249-1 854 Apr 20. 2017 IISIIt No Comments Not bidding OUTREACH INFO. GOOD FAITH EFFORT OUTREACH Phone Call#2 Report ORE•OulrHacn, Inc. www db!!soulr&,lth com Calproma< Ergi nePr>ng OUTREACH BY ON BE HAL F OF PROJ ECT NAME TRAFF I C SIGNAL UPGRADES SI GNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATI ONS CONTRACT NO. BID DUE DATE GOAL REQUIRED PHONE CALL LOG#2 STATUS REPORT P15-07 05-02-201713.00 4%DBE NO FIRM NAME TYPE PHONE NO .. CaiiM2 DATE . Person • Bidding•: A A A ELECTRICAL SUPPLY. INC OBE 32J.n1-2700 N>r25,2017 Ivan No Comments : Not blddW1g AANOMSALES OBE 925-286-1086 Apr25, 2017 'lOla! moll Not Sure Comments : Loft o -.. moll wtlh project and bid dotoll A CONE ZONE. INC OBE 95 1-734·9535 Apr25. 2017 mll<e No Comments : Not bidding A PLUS SIGNS, INC. DBE 559-275-0700 ""'25. 2017 ka)'lel No Comments : NOI bidding ACME SMETY & SUPPLY CORP OOE 619-299-5100 N>r26. 2017 oahclly No Comments : Not bidding ALBERT WILSON & ASSOCI.'\ TES OOE 909-<4&3-4&76 N>r25, 2017 -..man Not Sure Comments : Left e -'""' wtlh project and bid dttoh AMERICAN UTILITY PROOUCTS OOE 62&-335-2753 N>r25. 2017 YOioemaU Not Sure Comments : left e voice mal wtth protect and bid cfetels M1lANDCORP OOE •08-929-3949 N>r25,2017 vc~oomaa Not Sure Comments : Loft a -., mol wtlh project ond bid deiDio APEX UN1VERSAL. INC OOE 562-94•-8878 Apr 25. 2017 -·~ Not Suro Comments : left a wioe mail with proied end bid detala 10 lo.ZCO DBE 2011-943-2452 ""'25, 2017 -No Comments: NOI-Ing 11 BAY AAEA LIGKTWORKS .INC OOE 41W22·2335 ""'25, 2017 .oleo melt Not Su<e Comments : left • Y'Ok.e mel wfth profea end bid oetala 12 BIG VALLEY ASPHALT OBE 881-687-5837 ""'25. 2017 """""'"" Not Sure Comments : Loll a -., moll wifh project and bid deftb 13 BLUE CABLE INC OBE 8 11!-559-5454 Apr 25.2017 frlda No GOOD FAITH EFFORT OUTREACH Comments : Not bidding 14 CATCO SERVICES DBE 51<HI5S-4401 Apr 25,2017 YO!cemai! Not Sure Comments : Left a voice men with Pf01ec:t and bid detaUa 15 CIRIMELE ELECTRIC WORKS INC . DBE Apr 25. 2017 NotSute Commen ts : Left a vofoe mall with project and bkJ deta~a 16 DBA LOGJSnCAL ENTERPRISES DBE Apr 25,2017 voice mail Not Sure Comments : Left a votce maD with protect and bid delafts 17 EAST BAY SIGN CO •• INC. DBE 415-431-8882 Apr 25 . 2017 admln No Comments : Not bidding 18 ESO&C, INC. DBE 650-766-2778 Apr 25, 2017 voice mai l Not Sure Comments : Left a voice mall with project and bkl deta~s 19 FRANCISCO ELECTRIC SUPPLY DBE 51 ().969-5894 Apr 25, 2017 YOieeman Not Sure Comments : Left a voice mau wtth proJect and bid dtl8Ds 20 FULL TRAFFIC MAIN TENANCE, INC. DBE 951-526-9990 Apr25, 2017 krog No Comments : Not bidding 2 1 G & C EQUIPMENT CORP. DBE 31().515-<>715 Apr 25, 2017 joy No Comments : Not bidding 22 GLOBAL ROAD SEAUNG, INC DBE 714-893-{)8.45 Apr 25, 2017 Jerri Not SUre Comments : They are not sure if lhey are bidcftng ~not 23 GR SUNDBERG, INC . DBE 707-825-<>585 Apr 25, 2017 ron No Comments : Not bidding 24 GSJ unLJTY SUPPLY & SERVICE DBE 562-404-1113 Apr 25.2017 phone dldnt ring Not Sure Comments : phone did not ring could not leave volcemaU. 25 HERCA TELECOMM SERVICES, INC. DBE 951·94().5941 Apr 25, 2017 Ylrglnla No Comments : Not bidding 26 H~VOLTAGE SPLICING CO., INC. DBE 92~11-7979 Apr 25,2017 No Comments : Not bidding 27 IN4.1NE FENCE & RAIUNG CO., INC OBE 76().789-0282 Apr 25.2017 gory No Comments : Not bidding 26 JM FIBER OPTICS, INC. DBE 909-8211-3445 Apr 25,2017 marlene No Comments : Not blddlrQ 29 LIGHT DtJTY ELECTRI C DBE Apr 25,2017 Not Sure Comments : Left a voice me !l 'With project and bid detaBs 30 UGHT SPEED RESOURCES DBE 91JI.36H!04-4 Apr 25,2017 robin No Comments : Not biddi ng 31 UNGO INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS DBE 62J1.83JI.1294 Apr 26.2017 Not Sure Comments : Le n e voice maU wltr. prqec:t and bid detaus 32 LUMENSOURCE LLC OBE 6211-57().9333 Apr 25, 2011 jonray No GOOD FAITH EFFORT OUTREACH Comments : Not bidding 33 MACO SECURITY PRODUCTS OBE 51().855-1043 Comments : Left a voice malJ wtlh project and bid detalls 34 MERITEK ELECTRONICS CORPORATION Comments : Phone not in sel"'llee 35 METCO OBE 562·9411-2236 OBE 415-455-9922 Comments : Le n a voice mail with protect and bid detaUs 35 MURTHY TRANSPORT AnON Comments : Phone not In seMce 37 NORCAL GENERAL CONSTRUCnON CORP Commenb : Not bidding 38 NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC Comments : Not bidding 39 NUNO IRON & MFG. INC Comments : Not bidding 40 OMEGA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL SUPPLY INC. Comments : Not bidding 4 1 ONE TIME UTILITY SALES. INC OBE 714-674-0545 OBE 408-886-0335 OBE 53().2411-2366 DBE 831·386-0513 OBE 51().23JI.8520 OBE 71 ... 953-5700 Comments : They are not sure If they ate bidding ~not 42 PAYCO SPECIAL TIES, INCORPORATED Comments : Not bidding 43 PSC CIRCUITS, INC. OBE OBE Comments : phone rang coufd not leave voic;;emaU. 4-4 QUALITY EQUIPMENT RENTAL Comments : wtn aend Quote 45 RAPER ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS CORP Comments : Not bkktlng 46 SAMI'S EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Comments : Phone not In service 4 7 SIGNS POR T AI. Comments : phone busy 48 SIGNS PORTAL Comments : phone busy 49 STAnEWIDE STRIPES, INC Comments : Not bidding OBE OOE DBE DBE OBE OBE 619-422·9204 582·801·2456 909-275-5582 559-875-3449 559-252.()354 21~3a9-9241 213-369-9241 Apr 25.2017 Apr25, 2017 Apr 25,2017 Apr 25,2017 voice mail Phone not In service voice mall Phone not in service Apr 25, 2017 jenny Apr 25, 2017 Apr 25,2017 pris c:Uia Apr25, 2017 Apr25, 2017 brian Apr 25, 2017 dave Apr 25, 2017 phone rang Apr 25, 2017 jenny Apr 25, 2017 Apr 25,2017 AP< 25 , 2017 Apr 25,2017 Apr 25,2017 kolth Phone not In service phone busy phone buoy pauly Not Sure NA Not Sure NA No No No No Not Sure No Not Sure Yes No Not S ure Not Sure No GOOD FAITH EFFORT OUTREACH 50 SUPER SEAL & STRI PE, INC DBE 8(15.524-7345 Apr 25.2017 rob No Comments: Not bidding 51 T.O. ELECTRIC DBE 7110-153-4913 Apr 25.2017 lony No Comments : Not -.a 52 THE EXIT LIGHT CO, INC DBE 7~394& Apr25, 2017 ...-.... NotS~n Comments: Lollo ...-.,.. wtlh ptOject end bid dtla!o 53 TRAFFIC LOOPS CRACKFILLING. INC DBE 714·520-4028 Apr 25.2017 ,_., No Comments : NOlbiddll1g 54 TRI-V,A.LLEY CONTRACTING, INC. DBE 92>787-1003 Apr25, 2017 YOicemaU Not Sure Comments: Left • voice mal with protect and bid dela:la 55 UNITED TRAFFIC SERVI CES & OBE 626-1l81-5738 Apr 25.2017 jes.UCO No SUPPLY. INC. Comment&: Not bidding 5& WESTERN TRAFFIC SUPPLY. INC. DBE 92S-249-1&64 Apr25, 2017 loollo No Comments : NOl bidding Cal promax Engineering BID INVITAT ION CONTRACTOR: BUSI NESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM : C•lpromax Engineering JM FIBER OPTICS, INC. 150 N. Rose Ortve .PI.acontla.CA.,t1710 PHONE : 71~3-4581 1311C1 RAMONA AVE., SUITE A.CHINO,C A.t171 0 PHONe : 909-&28-3-«5 FAX : 71~9-70&& MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESTIMATOR : &Umator PH : 71•-473-45119 EXT : PROJECT INFO. FAX : 909-82&·11190 FIRioiiDI21301 e·m•ll; Jros.o.Jmttberoptlca.com PROJECT OUTREACH FAX Calpromax Engtn .. rtng It aHklng Quotes & Sub-bids from Quallfled & Ctrtlfttd OBE Firms: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SKlNS A N D OTHER S AFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARtOUS LOCAnoHS BfdDaLeiTltM: PfotKt Loudon: Aw•rd!ng Agency: Cont,..ct Ho.: ao.JR-trod: PRQJECI OUITREACH DESCRI PTION 2017/0412t 13:00 PM T""ple City, lOS ANOELEI County, 11710 CA CttyOFTemp61Ctty P15-G7 DBE :4% CAl.PROMAJC ENGINEERING II bldd'lng lhll pto;td 11 1 P'rtrN G«waa Con1rec:tol' We lt't ~ loHking tu~ l nd .u~ QUOt .. on al lredes from QWIJied a cenJftad MSE llld WBE c:cntrada's or tupphra. P1lnt t nd IP«:: 1re aval.lble tor ,.cur~ on01 )'OU request them ot Nnd an irterut h this Pf'Oteet. Your quote thOlMl be sent 10 01.1r omco prtor to IN tiki ~me per this ad. MY auiatance 'lll(th bonding, "turanee. or lnes of credit c:ontlct OYr oflllce. Pottlonl of wen: lot' the project lndude (but are not lml".ed to) the folbwlng: [WET SAND BLAST AND REMOVE EX~T ING MARKING AND STRIPING,INSTAU THERMOPV.STlC PAINT STRIPING, CROSSWALK AN O PAVEMENT MARK!NGS.REMOVE EXISTING AHO INSTAlL NEW SIGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO .. REMOVE EXlSTlNG I " 3 SECTION VERTICAL VEHICUlAR SIGNAL HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECTION VERTtCAL VEHICULAR SIGNAL. HEAD. COMPLETE WITH MOUNTS, HOUSING, VISORS AND BACKP\.ATES. TliE INSIDE OF SIGNAL I/ISORS (HOODS~ THE ENTlRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND FINS. AND THE FRONT SURFACE Of BACKPlATE$ SHALL HAVE A OUU BLACK FINISH. BACKPlATE$ SHALL BE POWDER COATED ALUMtNVM, COLOR SHALl. BE FLAT BlACK. BORDERS SHALL BE 5 INCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN SYSTEM) TIERMS & RE9UIRMENTS -To vtlw0100Win ,.,_, apeca, 4WMI pn:JfKt docunen&. FaRM S should CICIIf'l&ed e.. CONTRACTOR Ia gee ,.ql.ftd prqiCl moun:. ·The CONTRACTOR wtl ~FIRMS , I ~u.cs. wflh ~ .-.z.nca In belndftg, ~ -ouotM ~protect bid Hema mu.t be tobmttltd ~ .,.. due bid dllt lnd lime 10 dow propw ..,,~ ..avote. .,. rwq&.ired ~be WI t CCOfdlnol oMth prq.c:t pl-. ~. and good for tit enUre eonlt'Kt duration.. ·The ptqeclls 1 pr ...... lng wege public Job. The FIRM'a quote must consider d twmt related to pt'e'lllng w.ges Ierma. -FIRMS must posseu and mllnctln a c:~nt conttactor lcense, lnaunnc., and 'W'Oftl:tt c:otnptntttkw'l cov.,..ge duh'IQ lhe protect -FIRMS mutt be CUF "Commerdal Usefu l Furdion"10 tt. participation geM~ I Ia acc.pltd towan:ls tht Good Faith E!fort. -100% ~yrnM bond and performenca bond tot the IIJJ amount of lhl ~ prb may be reqund. -fiRMS lhlt Sl..lbtniiiMII' quotae~ ~ anct 1Qt'H to al abow tttm• and rttpontlblftltt. -W•.,. an eqlolll oppottun)ty ~ Wa do noc ~ ~ wr; quelltitcS c:onlt"'CttO'', tuboontr.c:tcn. aupp&n -TMh mu.-be rwQ!t:wedwll'l ~ r:J ~W'illl Retadon IWid lf'lclutj lw¥e a~ DR.~. RESPDNSD & RETIURN D YES we •• ~In lhla prctact. Wed FAJC. a queM btbtll'lt bid '*'-dett & ~ O NO we .,. not .,.....l:ltd 11'1 tNs prcfKL ._Corloc<Nomo &~·--------Ooto: _____ _ PleaH check one bo•.Fax Back thla ah"l wfth requested lnfom'latlon Mfore bid due date & time to: Fax: 714-459·7088 Calpromax Eng ineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM: Cttpromu EnglnHrlng AZCO 150 N. Roee Dftw .Ptt~e.nU.,CA,t1710 PHONE : 714~11 2250 STEWART STREE7,19,STOCKTON,CA,I5205 PHONE : 201 ... 3·2-U2 FAX : 714-451·7081 FAX : 201...U-4437 MAIN CONTACT : Admin FIRM ID.15774 ESTIMATOR : Eatlmttor e-m~n: llrtv.raOpecbetl.net PH : 714-573-4511 EXT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. CllpromiX Englneer1ng Is ltlklng Qu ot .. & Sub-bid s from Q ualifie d & Ctr1 1nt d OBE Firms: TRAFFIC StGNAL UPGRADES, SIGN S AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVIEMfHTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS IUd D•taiTlme: Projtet Loettlon: Awwdtng Agency: Cont.rKt Ho.: 2G111041211l:GO PM Temple City, LOS ANGELES County,l1110 CA CllyOFTomploCIIy P1S.07 Goll-DBE :4% PROJECT OUTREACH DESCRIPTION CAlPROMA.X ENGINEERING is t:1kk:1n0 INs proftCl n 1 Prime GenatM Connc:lof. We lttldNtty M~ -.J~ a-Id ~UPP•ra quote~ on 1l ltldes from ~ & cenlfted MBE lnd wee contrKtor1 or supp!Jon,. pte,. end IPKI ,,.. lvdab141 tor 'f04Il reY6ew once )'OU ~ !hem or Mnd tn lntlfntln this ptqect. YrNt quo4t lhoiJd be .. nt to cu office prb 10 Lh• bid d1tel'linw ~ tMI ld. FOt tW.tanc» With bondlng, lntun~nce, or Ones of credit con1m our otnc1. PorUont of wo1c: for the ptOjlc:llnc:Sudt (but art 1'101 amtt.c! 10) the lot!ow.og: [WET SAND BLAST AND REMOVE EXISTING MARKING AND STRIP1NG,INSTALL THERMOPlASTIC PAINT STRIPING, CROSSWALK AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS.REMOVE EXISTING NfD INSTALL NEW StGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MVTCO .. REMO\IE E.XISTlNG 8" 3 SECTlON VERTICAl VEHC\AAR SIGNAl HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 1r 3 SECTION VERTtCAI. VEHICULAR SIGNAL HEAD, COMPLETE WrTH MOUNTS. HOUSING, 1/lSORS AND BACI<P\ATES THE INSIDE OF SIGHAL IIISORS (HOODS~ THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND FINS, AND THE fRONT SURFACE OF BACKPlATE$ SHAlL HAVE A OUU. BlACK FINISH. BACKPlATE$ SHAU BE POWDER COATED AlUMINUM, COlOR SHALL BE RAT BlACK. BORDERS S1<AU. BE 5 1NCHES WIDE, CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEOIIACK SKlN SYSTEiot I TERMS & REQUIRMENTS ·To~ Of ob4M'I plent. 'Plea. tnd Pfofed ~ FIUAS llhc:Ud conc.ad ._CONTRACTOR k) get requftd projld rMCM"CC • The CONTRACTOR d ptO'II4drl FIRMS, If t'IQUIMO, whh ,..._, ~ ~ bonclng, nsur.nc.. .ouo... per proiec.t Dkl KIIM must bltUbfriUIG blb1l N ca. bid da~ and tmt &o llow prop~~ ewtudan ..ouote. .,.. requhCI iO be k'l ecx:otdance w\1'1 protect cQnt, 5PI(:5. and good for 1M enife contrld dvreUOn. • The preted It 1 prl¥ailing W1V1 public: )ob. The FIRt.rl quote must c:alSider 11 lwn\1 r.lllld k) PfiVIIHng wages tlf'ITIL • FIRMS must possess end mtlntN'Ie c:urrent ~rldof bnse,lnsl.nncl, .n<t WCHbf eornpen .. tion awer•ge dlA"inp 1M project • FIRMS ITI.IIt be CUF "Commtrcill UathA Fundlon"IO ln. pttUdpallon oo-f llecctplld toYilldt ttw Good Faith Ertort. ·100% pt)'rMO!bond end ptf'lonn~nce bond fotU\t U tmounl of the alibconttact ~tnty bl reQtJfect. ·FIRJ.tS 1twt submit their quo41t•pfk:ltty ~ tnCii agr .. tolllboYe &ltml Mel,.~. • Wt.,. an tqUtl oppotU\Iy ~· W• do not~ e;t1nat.,.,. q~ conlrldcn,aubcoonctott. tuPP&tra ·Thl Drm ft'lilnt b1 ~ wll'\ 0.~ of~ fWMion n thauld...,. I amM OIR nun'lblt RESPONSD & RET1JRH I'J YES.,.. ... m.r..1e11 ., eN. protld. We wll FM t ~belen "' bid Ch.ll d ... & lrnl. U NO ...... nol~lnlh•prctecl _c......_, _________ _ Dole _____ _ Pie••• check on• box,Fu Back this ahHt with requett K lnform1Uon before btd due d•t• & lime to: Fax: 71 4 -459·7 088 Calprom .. Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSIN!SS E.NTERRPRISE FIRM : C1lpromu Engineering METCO 150 N. Ro .. Drtv1 ,Piacentla,CA.t1710 PHONE : 714-673-4511 2115 FRANCISCO BOULEVARD, fAJ,SAN RAFAU,CA, .. 901 PHONE : 41~55-9122 FAX : 714-459·71181 FAX : 415-4S54HO FIRM ID.14i<ll MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESTIMATOR : Eellmator •·mall: c.martlnttGrMt co-usa.com PH : 714-573-4591 EXT : PROJ ECT OUT REACH FAX PROJECT IN FO. C1!promax Eng ineering Is seek ing Quot u & Sub-bids from Cu1llfltd & Certlne<t DB E Firms: ProJ•et N•mo: TRAFFlC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT YARtoUS LOCAT10NS Bkt D•tornm•: P,oje<t loudon: Awtrdlng Agency: ConltKt No.: Goel Required: PROJECJ OUTREACH DESCRIPTlON 2G1T10C12113:GO PM Tempa. City, LOS AHGEL!S Co...,ty, 11710 CA Ctty Of Temp .. City P1U7 DB E : 4% CAI.PROMAX EHGtNEEAJNG la WdlrcJINI prated IS 1 Prltne Genttlll Connc:tOf We .,. ~ ~ 11Jb.oon11Wdort end ~ q...otlt on .a uadet trom ~ ' oerlflo(l M8E end "HBE conttadon or suppler:l. Pt.na Wid specs ere evailtbll lor your review once )'OU ,..quest them or send.., interest In lhls projec:t. Your queM llhould be sent to cu otric;e ~to liM bid dltaltinw per this M. For 1Qbtancl With bonding, Insurance, or lkles of a edlt oonlllct ow otrlcl. POI'tiont o1 WOI"it tot the prefect tndudt (W lrt not lmii.IO 10) lhe follooMng: (WET SAND BlAST AND REMOVE EXISTING MARK1NG AND STRJP1NG,INSTAU. THERMOPLASTIC PA;NT STRIPING, CROSSWALK AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS,Ra!OVE E.XJSTING AND INST All NEW SIGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MVTCD.,REMOVE EXISTING 8" 3 SECTION VERllCAL VEHCULAR SKiNAL. HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECTION VERTICAl VEHJCI.A.AR SIGNAL HEAD. COMPlETE wmt MOUNTS. HOUSING, VISORS AN D BACKPLATES. THE INSIDE OF SIGHAL 1/lSORS (HOODS~ THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND FINS, AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF BAO<Pl.ATES SKAU 1-tAVE A OUL.L BLACK FINISH. BAQ(Pl.ATES SHALL. BE POWDER COATED AlUMINUM. COLOR SIW..l BE RAT lll.ACK.IIO!IDERS SI<AU. BE 51NCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWEJIEO RADAR SPEED FEEOIIACK SIGN SYSTEM( TERMS & REQUIRM ENTS ·TO ....... Oioblliln~ • .,.ca.ll'ld Pf'Otld~ FIRMS llhOI.dd oonttd l'liCOH'TRACTOR ID gel~ proflc:treiOI.II"Ce. ·The CONTRACTOR_. ptO¥Ide FIRMS, I~. \IICCh requftd 1~ t'l tiOndlng. ~ ..0U0... Plf profect b6d ..,_ trMN bl aubmiUid blbe Lhl ""-bid di\II!Pd lime ID dow ptoper ~- ..Qudes .,.. ~ k) be ~ ec:c:ons.nc:e wtd'l ptCftd. pltns, specs, snd good lor the enw. oonltact dlnbcn. • Tht prajec:t is • ~ w.gt pubic )ob. The FIRM"s QUOI.I must conskf• al terms ,.It tid 10 prevaldng waoes Ierma . ·FIRMS mutt pot.Mu and mllnt.lln 1 OMrtnt oonltactor lictnse, i nsur~nc:t. tnd WOfttlf eompti"!AIIon coverage duri"!Jih• project • FIRMS must be C\JF -comrnerdal UMIW Function• IICl the panidptlkln gotllt Ketplld ~dt tM Good F1iU'I Effort. ·100"' paymenl bond tnd perlom\1~ bond tOt lhl full an'IO\M"'t of h llUbc:onttaCC ptlct mty be~- ·FIRUS INIIUbmlt tr'lllt QUOtl t xpHc:jdy ldcnowttdgt l nd agree 10 II lboYe lenTit lnd ~s • Wt Itt Ill eq .... opporlJnly ~. WI do not dcacttmlnll.l ""llntt 1ny (IUiiltftld con\radorl, IUboontnc:lor$,. supp6trs ·The tnn must be NOflt.rld wll\ Olpwmsnt 01 k'lcblrial fWaUon and ShoUld twYt I euttW!t OIR nufi'IDit RESPO NSD & RETURN rtYES .,.. w. W...s*l .-, IN• PfOtiCL We wtl FAX • qur:u tJetcln 1'111 t*t dUe diM' llmt L NOW'Ihnol~.,lhltll'f'Citlel RlsOOM!bll CorUct Ntmt & Slignl'-"--------Do:.-_____ _ P 51ue check one box,Fax B1ck lhla &hilt with requested lnform1Uon before bid due: d1t1 & time to: Fax: 714-459-7088 Calpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINI!SS I!NTI!RRPRISE ARM: Calpromu EnglnHrtng AMLANDCORP 150 N. Rose OrNe ,PiacenUa.CA,I1710 PHONE : 714~H 3161 KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD,SAN JOSE,CA ,t5132 PHONE : 40I .. :zt-31Mt FAX : 71U51·7011 FAX : 401-:ztl-4344 MAJN CONTACT : Admln FIRM 10124042 ESTlMA TOR : Ettlmator a-m ell: kavtnphlnQamlandeorp.c.om PH : 714-673-4511 EXT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT I NFO. Calpromax EnginHrlng It tttklng Quotes & Sut).bld t from Q ualified & Certlfled DBE Firms: Prottct Ntmt: TRAFAC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT YAAtoUS LOCATIONS BldDtteiTimt: -Location: A,.rcttno Ageney: Contnc:.tNo.: GoaiRequlrod: PRQJECJ OUTREACH DESCRIPTION 20171041111l;CID PM Ttmplt City, LOS ANGELES County, t171D C A CllyOfTom ... City P\5-07 DBE : 4% CALPROMAX EHGINEERING" bidding thtl protlct eat Prme ~ Conllector We ate Kt)vefy MMinQ ~ enclliUI)CIIIeft quot• on II ndM from q\lllllecl & c:enllled MBE ltld W8E oon&tlldonl or~ PlaM Mel tpKI tre r411ble b' )'QUI'~~ )'OU 19QUIIt INm 01 Mncl sn lnaei'NI In !HI ptqecL YOlM' quote af'louAd be Hn! 10 our otla prior to lhe bid dat./Umt per this ad. For a&llas.net ¥WM Dondi'IO. Nurance. or !Inn of credit contac:t co.. omc.. Porliont of W011t lor the pt0tect IMiudt (but art not llrritt d to) th• klllowblg: [WET SAND BlAST AHD REMOVE EXISTING MARKING AND STRIP1NG.INSTALL THERMOPLASTIC PAINT STRIPING, CROSSWALK AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS,REMOVE EXIsnNG AND INSTALL NEW SIGNS. SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCD .. REMOVE EX&STlNG a· 3 SECTION VERllCAL VEHICULAR stGtW.. HEAD AHO CONSTRUCT 1T 3 SECTlON VERTICAl. VEHICULAR SIGNAL HEAD, COMPLETE WJTH MOUNTS. HOUSING, V\SORS ANO ~TES. THE INSIDE Of SIGNAL VISORS (HOOOS}. THE EHT5R E SURFACE: OF LOUVERS AND FINS. AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF BACKPl.ATES SHALL HAVE. A OlA..L BLACK FINISH. BACKPlATE$ SHALL BE PO'NOER ~TED AL.Uirof.NUM, COlOR SHALL BE FLAT BLACK. BORDERS SHALL 8E 5 1NCHES WIOE. CONSTRUCT SOL.AR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEOBACK StGN SYSTEM) TERMS & REQUIRMENTS -To ....... Otobtain plant, tp!Ka, Md Pf'Otect doa.ment. F~RMS aholid c:orUc:t fit CONTRACTOR to get~ pro,ed tetoi.'U • The CONTRACTOR d ~ FIRMS. II rtQUttttd, with req..ftcl lttisW'Ice in bonding.~ .0UCU. per profect bi:I!Wnt mu-IC btlaubmiltd before lht dua b.cl d8!e end Ume 10 8low propef tVIktlltlon. ..Quota ... reqked to be in ~ wUh ptCifed plllrw. .ptc:a. and good lot lhe Wlh conv.ci dl..nlion. • The profect Is 1 prevalfng wege public job. The FIRM' a qJOtt mnt consJder llltltmt reiated to prevalng w1ges term&. • FIRMS must potsest and m.lnt.tln • eurr~ connctof letnM, lntuttinct, tnd 'II'OfW comptntetion coYetage durlng the proJec:t • FlRMS mu•t be CVF "Com~ UtoM Funeuon· so 1ht ptni::ipttion g0111s .c:ctpttd I.OWit'Cit lht Good F11'lh Effort. ·100% peyment bond t nd pertom.nce bond lor lht lul •mount of lht tubconllac:t p1ct m1y bt ,..qw.d. -FIRMS ht Slbmll ~ QUOWexpldlfy aoknow$tdQt 1M agret 10 II aboYe tenna and ,.tpOMI)IIIte. • Wt.,.. an equM ~ emp~orer. We do not diKrirnhMt .prm any Q....r.d OOfWIC:IOtl. ~. tuppllitra ·The 1tm tn.~~l bt ~ ..Ceft OtpW1m«<l oflil"'du:Wiil Rt&tfon 1nCS lhOl*l haw t c:unwt1 DIR fU'nb« RESPONSD & RET\JRN r YES we: 1t9lrmerHlecl in Ht ~ Wt ..e FAX a quote btk:nllhe tMd due dlle' t.tne l..JHO wt wt not Jnt...t.s k'l ... ~ RtiPQI'IIible ContKI Namt' Si;nltwt -------- o.. ... ______ _ PS.ast check one box,Fax Bact!; this shMt wtth requested lntorm•tJon be tort bid dut datt & time t o: Fax: 714-459-7088 Calpromlx EnglnHrlng BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSIN!SS £NTERRPRISE ARM: Celpromax Englnttrlng ACME SAFETY & SUPPLY CORP 150 N. Rose OrWe ,PJ.ac tntJa,CA.I1710 PHONE : 714-67:t.-45H 1611 WEST AVE,NATIONAI. CITY,CA,t1150 PHONE : 61t·;z,H100 FAX : 71.._.5g..70.SI FAX : 11 .. 542-0713 FIRII 10130511 MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESTIMATOR : Estimator •Mall: ean0ae4acmesafetys upply.com PH : 714-673,.511 EXT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Calpromax Engineering It t ttklng Quotes & Sub-bids from Quallfled & CortiRed OBE Firms: Protect Namt: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADe&, stGHS AND OTHER SAFeTY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARJOUS L OCATIOHS BldDtttfTimt: Protect Locetlon: Aw1rdlngA.gtncy: Contr.et Ho.: GNIRequl.-cl: PROJECT OUTREACH DESCRIPTION 201710412. 13:00 PM Temple City, LOS AHGELEI County, 11710 CA ChyOfT.., ... City P11-07 DBE :4% CALPRONAX ENGINEERING ts btdclirG this preted n 1 Prtme Gtr1tn' Cont'eclot We ttt ac:dYety Mek.ng tutH:ontrKCOt& lind tuppltrs quotes Of\ ell tra6et ll'tlm qw~!lfttd & otRl"*l MBE 1t1C1 WBE ~or .supplltrl. Plant and tptCt we •VIIIat*l lor )"0'.3' ~once you~ hm Of Mnd., lnterett In 1Ns profect. YOioJI QIJOit thoulcl bl tent to our o~ prb to the bid dltellime Plf tNs ad. For euJstMct with bonding. lnlurlnct, or lines ol credit contad out ol'l'lot. PorUons of work for the pro1ect lnctudt (but are I'Kitlmlted to) the folo'Mng: [WET SAND BlAST AND REiioiOVE EXISTING MARKING AND STRIPit.'G,INSTALL THERMOPlASTtC PAINT STRIPING, CROSSWAlK ANO PAVEMENT MARKIHGS,REMOVE E.XlSn«l AND INSTALL NEW SKiNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO.,REMOVE EXISTING a· 3 SECTION VERTlCAI. VEHICUlAR SIGNAl. HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECTlON VERTICAL VEHICULAR SIGNAL. HEAD, COMPLETE WITH MOUNTS, HOUSING. V1SORS AND BACKPLATE$. THE INSIO€ OF StGNAL V!SORS (HOODS~ THE EN'TlRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AHO FINS, ANO THE FRONT SURFACE OF IIACI<PI.ATES SKAll HAVE A DUU BlACK FINISH BACKI'lATES SHAll BE POWDER COATED ALUMIN UM. COLOR SHALL BE RAT BlACK. BORDERS StW.L. BE 5 INCHES WIDE, CONSTRUCT SOLAR POWERED RA..OAA Sf'EED FEEDBACK SfOH SYSTEM) TERMS & REQUIRMENJS -To ¥lew orotlt*' plaN, apec:s. and Pft'ttctdocu'ntnt. flRMS thoulrS c:onlld lhe COH'TRACTOR aotet recJ'*-d prctect ,.to.rOt · n. COHTRACTOR wl ~ FIRMS. It requteMld, wit'! rtqulred .... \enol In bondhg, k'l~ . ..Quotn PI' ptqtd bid llatM muM bt ~ bttcn lht due bid Illite Mid &me .., ..,.,.. pt'OPef' evtillltlon . .ouotet art requtrtd to bt i'IIOC:Of'denct IMi\ PI"'f4tct pltM, aptCS, and gooCI tot the tnllrt oontt'lld durldon. • Tht ptejtc:t Is a prevding w.g• publle )oe. The FIRM's QUCU rfi.ISl eonslder 19 lttml rtllatt<l to prt ..... ng Mget tarTr'IS. -FIRMS must pouna tnd m.lntaln • eurr.nt eonnc:tor licenM, lnsutt~nc:•. 1nd W'Oftcw ccmpensation ~~ during the projee1 ·FIRMS must be CUF ·eommorclll Utt~ Function" to the partidpttion goaJ II acetpted towards !he Good Faith Et!ort. ·100% peyment bond tnd per1ormtt'ICI bond fOt the ..,. amount of 1ht subc:ontrad prtot fMY be reqt.~lrod. -FIRMS that Wbtnlt lhW QUOtt ~ ~ II'Kt IOJ"H tD d aboYIItn'ftt t ncl rttpont!Oifllel.. ·WI.,. an~ oppo!'Uiity ~· Wt do not~ lgaintt .ny Q~ oonncton, IUbc:ontradOtl, ~ -nt.l'lm musa be rtQIIdtrtd -.4th Otpar1mtnt of lndul1ttll Reltdon tncllhotAcl hew t QJMftt OIR number. RESPONSD & RET\JRN 0 YES Wll ar. .,'-'-'*' rn .. ~ Wt w1l FAX a queM bttore 1'1 bllll dut dtll 4 11mt O NO we are not ~wd 1n INs~ ~~NWM &~----------------D ..... ______ _ PJ.ut cheek ont box.Fax Bac.k thlt shett with r.qu .. ttd kltonnatlon before bid due d ate & llmt to: Fax: 714-459-7088 Colpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM: Calpromax Engln..nng 150 H. Ro .. Drtv• ,PluenUa.CA.t1710 PHONE : 714-573 ... 599 RAPER ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS CORP 1713 ACADEMY,SANGER,CA,93157 PHONE : 55H75-3449 FA.X : 71.-451·7011 FAX : 559-875-5974 MAIN CONTACT: Actmln FIRM 10127039 ESTIMATOR : EaUmator •·malt: ktlth_hawky~rdOr*Pt,.leetric.com PH : 714-573 ... 599 EXT: PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Calpromax Engineering It tHklng Quotes & Su~lds from Quallflad & Certlflad DSE Firms: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGHS AND OTHER SAFeTY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS Bid Datei'Tlmtl: PrtJIKt Loudon: Aw~rdlnv Agency: Comr.ctNo.: OoM Rtq~,tlrM: PROJECT OUTREACH DESCRIPTION 2G171G4/21 13:00 PM hmp .. Ctty, LOS ANGELES County, 11710 CA Ctty OF Ttmpte City P1S.07 DBE :-4% CAL.PROMAX ENGiotEERtNG It~ INs profKt u t Pfftnl a.n.r.l Contraaor. Wt .. ec:ltY.ry aeetmg II.IO<:onl~Kkn end~~ 0t1 II ~ lrom queUed & cetfllect M8E enc1 W8E c:omt.aors or tupClllenl. Plllnlancl speea ere I\"'IJeb&e lor yo~.W te'Atw once you ,.qiJMI e.n 0t Mnd en lnlet'ttt r. 1hl:t ptOftcL Yf¥ quolll ~ ~ ..,l 10 WI oil<» prtor &o thl t.s dltet'he pet INii 8d. For ~ wfth bondhQ. ~ 01._ o' aecS a:wUd our olftca. Pa1lons ol wc:wt lor h r:wo;.ct lndude (biA .,. notltniled 110) I'Jt ~ (WET SAND 8lAS1 AHD REMOVE EXISTlNG MARKSNG ANO STRIPING,INSTALL TMEIWOPlASTIC PAIH'T STRIPING, CROSSWAU< AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS,AEMOVE EXISTifG AND INSTAll NEW SIGNS, SlGN POSTS PER CA MUTCD .. REMOVE EXIST1NO a· 3 SECTtON VERTlCAl VEHtCI..l.AA SlGHAL. HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 1T 3 SEC110H VERT1CAL VEHtCU1..AR SIGNAL HEAD, COMPlETE WTTl1 MOUNTS. HOUSING. VISORS N¥J BACKPI.ATES. THE lNSlOE Of SIGNAl VISORS (HOODS~ THE EHTIRE SURFACE Of lOUVERS AND FIHS. ANO THE FRONT SURFACE Of 8ACIU'l..ATES SIW.l HAVE A OUU B1..ACK FINISH. 8ACIU'l..ATES SIW.l BE POWDER COATED AlUMINUM. COlOR SHAll. BE FlAT BlACK. BORDERS SHAll. BE $INCHES WOO£. CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED RAOAA SPEED FEEDBACK SIGH SYSTEM I TERMS & REQUIRMEHTS -To.t.w01Cibtalln pWie. ~. enc1 ~ dOament. FtRMS ~ c:ontad tt• CONTRACTOR eo get~ prof«;~ reaaurca. ·The CONTRACTOR w11 PfO'Yide fiRMS. M requested. wfth req\.bcJ ~In bondr.g, nutara. ..QucMt P« ~ bid ltetM muel be MJbmiUed bebe !he due bid date and time 10 dow ~ ~Uon. -<Nolet Itt reqund 10 bllln ~ <Mth ptofed plana, specs, and good tor 1M entire c:ontttet dut11lon • The ~" 1 ptevllllng Wlgt public tob . The FIRM's quote must conlicSer al lenni rell:led to preVII~ng weg .. ltllml. -FIRMS mutt posun and m•ln'-ln 1 current contractor license, Insurance. and wert.• compensMion ooYetage during lh1 pro/ed ·FIRMS must bl CUF "Commerdal Unful Function•10 1hl PlttidPition goal Is accepted IOWardl 1M Good Feith Effort. -100% peyment bond lnd perfonnltnoe bond foe lhe full amount ofU. subc:ontrad price m11y bt ttqutred. -FIRMS Nt aubmlt thM QUC(I IJiplldfy tcknowttdge lr'ld l gt" 10 I B lbcwe Ierma lnd roti)Onlbllioa. • We.,. an IQUM ~ em~. We dO not cttcriminllt agallllt any q~ c:onttld«<, aiJbCOnlrldofa. IIJPC)IIrs ·The Inn mull be "'0•*-d wt th o.p.rtment ol Mdultrild Retation and lhol.*t ha¥1 1 current D IR numblf RESPONSD & RETURN r YES w. 111 ln111Mtld In lt .. profKL Wewll FAX 1 quot1 belore 1M bid Ckled1ll 5 1im1. LNO we~Hei'IOt'*'"l«<ln'*pt'Ofe<:l R--CoftlodHI""'&Slg_o _______ _ Fax: 71 4-459-7088 O.te. _____ _ Calpromu Engineering BID INVITATION FROM : TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS EHTERRPRISE ARM: C1lpromu Engineering PAYCO SPECIALTIES, INCORPORATED 550 N. Rott Ottve ,Piactniii,CA.,t1780 PHONE : 714·573 ... 599 120 NORTH SECOND AV E,CHULA VISTA,CA,91910 PHONE : 119 ... 22 .. 204 FAX : 714-'58·7011 MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESTIMATOR: Etllmator PH: 714-573..t588 EXT : PROJECT INFO. FAX: 119 ... 27·1820 FIRM IDI102 e-maH: rebecciQpayco.blz PROJECT OUTREACH FAX Calpromax Engineering Ia s eeking Quotes & Sub-bids from Qual iRed & Cor11ntd OBE Firms: Prot1ct N1m1: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMEKTS AT Bid D1tt/Tim1: Pr$Ct LOCIUon: Awlrdlna •ncy: VARIOUS LOCAT10NS 2017104126 13:00 PM Tempa. Clty,LOS ANGELES County, 117t0 CA ctty OF T•mpM: City ContrKt No.: P15-07 Gool RoquiNd: OBE : 4% PRQJECT OUTREACH DESCRIPTION CAI..PROMA.lC EJrfGU<fEERINO II bidclng 1'111 profect n 1 Prfml Genlfal Conndcw. We •• 8Ciively ~ ~ 1nC1 ~ra quot11 on &J ndH Wm qud.led & Cllllt&d UBE and Vt'8E oonndcn cw supp1tn.. Pt1m and spec:s_.. av.llblllor your N'Mw one. you ~nllhem cw ...-.:1 an lnlentst h dis Pftlfect. YOJt quole $toAd ~ ..... 10 01J1 oflc;:e pnor to the * dltdnt ow VIII N. For asU.III'tCI \~~nth bonclng. ~. 01 ..... ol c:rwdt COI"'UUct c::u oftiol. Patlons of work for the pro;.ct h:Jud• (but ate not li'nled eo) ht ~: [WET SAHO BLAST AN D RENOVE EXlSTlNG MARKlHG ANO STRlPIN'GJNSTAU THERMOPl.ASTIC PAlNT STRJPlNG, CROSSWALK AHO PAVEMENT MMKANGS,REMOVE EXtSTlNG AHD ~STAll NEW SIGNS, SJGN POSTS PER CA MVTCD .. REMOVE E.XtSntQ a· 3 SEcnON VERTtCAL VEHIC\.l.AR SIGNAl HEAD ANO CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECTION VERTlCAl VEH.ICtA.AR SKlNAL HEAO, C~.Pl.ETE WITH MOUNTS, HOUSING, vtSORS AND BACKPLATE$. THE INSIDE Of StGNAL VISORS (HOODS). THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND FINS. AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF BAO<f'lATES 5HAU. HAVE A DUlL BLAO< ANISH. BACKP\.ATES SHALL BE POWDER COATED ALUMINUM. COlOR SHAU. BE FlAT BLACK. BORDERS SHAll BE 5 INCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SClC.AR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEE08ACK StGN SYSTEM I UBMS & REQUIRMENTS -To ¥tew or Obtain plflt\1, IJPIQ, 11'1<1 protect docuMnl. ARMS a.I'Q.Ad con&ea Ill CONTRACTOR eo Ott ~ P4"'ftd t'MIOUr'Ce • The CONTRACTOR wll pnMde FIRMS. il requeatecl, ""'" reqwld 11111Lanel ln bond~. ~. .avotn Plr ptOfect bid 1tem1 n'll.fM be ~ld belen U'le due bkt dale Md Uml to dow proper .v~tu.Uon • -Ouotu Itt rtqUhci10 be In tceetdanc:e wllh protect pltna, specs, llld good lor lhrt entire contnKI d~o~taUon. • The pttJttct II 1 ~ding WIQ• public Job. The FIRM'I quote truSt cona161r d Jetmt ttlaltd 10 Pftl'lll ng ""'0" ttrma. • FIRMS mull potHII and malntaln 1 currem conttKtot litWISI, Insure nee. and wonter compent1tl0n c:ovet'IO• $Jtlng thl p~ • FIRMS mull be C\JF "Commerdll Untul Function" so the partjclpaUon QOII is ICCipttd levrratd• thl Good F1 ill'l Etfort. -tOO% peymen1 bond •nd PlrlOfmlnce bond for l.he fufl wnount or lhl subconlrld price rMY t1e t'l!quiteod. -FtRMS tt'llt aubmlt their CM>tt oxCI'IIchty ~lind e;ree to al abcwe Ierma tl'l:l ~. • WI 11'1 an tQUal 09POf'll,lnly employer. WI do not c:!llcttmJnlte ag.u.t lf'll/ quaUfted con~. IUbe:on~ IIUPPll.,l ·The 8tm mual be r.gttl..-.cl 'ftilh o.,artmtnt ol tndl.ntttal! R*don .nd ahoufd he'll 1 current OIA number R ESPONSD & RETURN n YES wt .. lnttf'Mtld In lhl.s protec:l WI will FAX a queM beb1o "-tlld diJol cflll & lime U HOwo .. noo-IOdlnllllo- Re~ CoiUc:t NIIM & ~nall.n' _______ _ Oet.-______ _ Plena check ona box.fu Back this ah .. t wtth requettad lnform1Uon bafo,.. bkS due d1t1 & time to: Fax: 714-459 -7088 C•lpromu: Englneertng BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR : BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE fiRM: Calpromu l!nglneertng FRAHCISCO ELECTRIC SUPPLY 150 N. Roee Drtve ,PtacenUa,CA,I1710 PHONE : 71•·573-45H 7151 CAPWELL DRIVE,OAKUND,CA.t<UI PHON : 5104H.Sit4 FAX : 71U51-7011 FAX : 510.aii-5HI FIRM 1Df27171 MIJN COfrrfTACT : Admin ESTIMATOR : Eltlmalor •~D: rranclaooele+bcglobal.net PH : 71.-573-4599 !XT : PROJECT O UTREAC H FAX PROJE CT IN FO . Calpromu E nglnttr1ng Ia atlklng Q uott l & Sub-bids from Qu alified & Certified OBE Flrmt : Project Name: TRAfFtC SIGNAL UPGRADES. SIGNS AND OTMER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS BkiDttefTlme: ProJect Loatlon. Awe nftnoAfeMY: Conttact No ~ Goel"-quiM: PROJEC T OUmEACH DESCRIPTION 201710412113:00 PM TempAe Clly, lOS AHO ELES County, 11110 CA Chy Of Temple City Pts-47 DBE :4% CAI.PROMAA EHOIHCERINO 'a bktdlng cNi1 project es e Pft'M Genet-Ill Connctof. Wt.,. ~ ... ~ IUb-oonti'IKIOn end"-"'*"~ on II Ind .. !rom~ & ~ ~ae and WBE OOf'irKICn or suppt~ers. Ptllnl 1ne1 spea .,. ~tot~,......_ once rou t'IIQUelll ~ Ot Mnd en ._..... ar. lfU PtOicL Your QUOte ~ be: ..,. 10 cu ot1o1 p1of 10 lM bAd d4llM!ml '* fU .ct Fot ~ wit\ bonclnl. t.nnct. or 1Mt of ad OOf'Uct t» o6:e Pon1ons d ~ b lhl ptgflcl h:Ldt; (but .. not bled 10) fM ~ (WET SAND 8I..A5T AHO REN0YE EXJSTlHG MA.RKIHG AND STRIPING.I'o!STAU.. TKERMOPl.A$TIC PAINT STRPtNG. CROSSWALK ANO PAVEMEN'T MAAKIHGS.RE>IOVE EXISTlHG N<D INSTALL NEW SIGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO.RENOVE EXISTING I' S SECllON VERTICAL vatCU..AR S1GHAL HEAD NflJ CONSTRUCT 1r 3 SECTlOH VERl'lCAL VEMCUl.AA SIGHAl HEAD, COMPlETE WI'TH MOUHTS. HOUSING. V1SMS AHO IIAO<PlATES THE "'SIDE 01' SIGNAl VISORS (HOOOS~ THE ENTIRE SURFACE 01' LOUVERS AHO F .. S. AHO THE FROHT SURFAC! 0# BAOCPLATU SHALL HAVE A 01.A..L BLACK Ff.IISH. BACKPLATE& SHALL BE POWDER c::oATED ALUMlHUM. COLOR SHALL BE flAT BlACK. BOROE.RS Stw.l. BE 51HCtES WlOE. CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEE08ACK SIGN SYSTEM I TERMS f, REOU!RMENJS ·To ll'lewtlllobtaln .,..,.._ lll)tf»..,..., ~docurnen(. FIRMS shol.iGCIIliNaClht COHTRAC'TOR _, ,.t ,.q"*-d pro6ect rHOUrCe • Tht COtiTRACTOft wllllfO"lt''dt riRMS. w ,....~ _. r.qulr.c e~Mt~nee 1n bonding. ~Nuntnce ...OUC:..t '* Pftlltecl bid lema mwl be al.lbmlt&eci!Mbe the M tad dM end lrne k) llllow proper t'leNrion -OucMt .,. reQUi'1C1 to be ar. acc:ord.nc:t wtfl projtc:t p11n1. wees. Wid Q00C1 tot 1M rire conuact ck.nllon. • Tht prof«:~ Is • '"""' .. wt91 putlle Job. The FIRM'• queM tT'IWI conlld.., d terms retaled 10 Pf"llllng we;. *""'· • FIRMS must pot'"' end mtb'ltlk'l • current mntrectot license, ~. end worQr oomptntllflon CO¥et'IQI dutlng lhl PfOtect • FIRMS mu ll be CUF •CornmtfdaJ UH NI Funetlon" so the ~tlon goells aoctpted IOWirdtlhe Good F1llh Erion. ·100'11. pl'f!T'IInt bond and parfOmlanCe bond tor 1ht fiA amount a Ill subCOr\ttld prite tn~y De~ ·FIRMS INIIUbmlt IPitlr CMMe expldty Kknti'Medge end 19M to d fl»oote t..-rns and rttponabiiU.t . We.,. an tQU1i1 ~em~ We dO I'IIOt ~ ageftll. ant q\HIIiled CIOt'Meaott.IUbconHc:lcn. ~ ·The r.m,..,.. be tegialated 'flflll'l ~of WN~Irill RNidon 1nd lhOUid t.-.1 cur,.,. OtR ~ RESPONSD & RETURN r YES .,. are"ttomMd ln IN1 ~ Wtwll FAX e quott' betrn ht bid du. daM & ~ L NO.,. .,. noc .,....,_1ed 1n INt ~ R-CooU<IN ... & -'"-------- DolO ____ _ Plea .. c~k one boa.Fix B1ck th• lhHI with rwqu.sted lnfONI'IstJon btfor. bid due dele & lime to: Fax: 714-459-7088 Colpromox Englneor1ng BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM : C1lpromu l!nglnHt'lng APEX UNIVERSAL, INC ISO H. Rote Ortvt ,ptacentla,CA,t1780 PHON E: 71.-473-451t 11 033 FOR!ST PUCI!,SANTA FE SPRINGS,CA.IOI70 P HONE : Hl ..... -4111 FAX : 71 4-4SI·70n FAX : 512 ..... ·2211 IIAIN CONTACT: Admin FI RM 1011025 EmMA TOR: l!.atlmalor PH : 71 • .a73-408 EXT : t-mall: Jan.t.Qapexmar1<tr.com PROJECT OUTREA CH FAX P ROJECT INFO. Calpromu Engineering 11 aHklng Quotes & Sub-bids from Qu•llned & Cortlflod 081! Firma: TRAFFlC SIOHAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTH£R SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARJOUS lOCATtONS lidO.~: P-LocoUOft: Awo..tlngAeonq· ConlnKtNo.: -~--= PROJECJ O UTREACH OESCRIPTION 2017104121 'lJ:.GO PM T.mpte Cfty, LOS AM OEL£S County, t17to CA City OF Temp&. City Pt$-07 DBE : •% CAl..PAOMAX !NGaNES.tHQ .. bblnQ Ws profld IS a P1tme Ge...,., Conlrldof We 11t1 ~ Mtlldng ~ lnd tuppllws qt.,IOt.e on Ill ncs.. ~ .....,_ & Cll'decl MBE end W8E ~or tupl:lltrl. Pllnl lnCI "*".,. l'l'lllat* lor l"'" ~once )'OU ,.quet1 a.m or Mf'ld en ._... In lhM ~ Yc:u quoa. .,...., be ..,... 10 cu c6» pc1Dr to r. bAd ~ 5* .. 8C1 Fot a.ul~ wllh ~. linlurat'a, or i'WI ot crecll. CCitllld cu ollc:e. Pcrionl of wottt b h projlld 5ndWt (bulltt not knied 10) N lroftDwWig: (WET SAND 8I.ASl AHO REMOVE EXJST1NO MARKJHO AND STRJPIHG,,.,STAU. T11ERMOP'l.ASTl PAJHT STRtPtNG. CROSSWALK AJiO PAvatENT ~S.R£»0\'£ EXrsT'I«l AHO lHST AU. NEW SKJHS. SJGN POSTS PER CA MIJTCO...REMOY1: ElOS1lHG r l SECTlON vamcAl VDOCULAR SIGNAl HEAD ANO CONSTRUCT 1T 3 SEC1lOH VER1lCAl VEMCUlAR SIGHAL HEAD, COt.IPt.ETE WfTH MOUNTS, HOUSING. VI-S AND BACI<I'\ATES. THE INSIDE 01' SIG'IAI. VISORS (HOOOS~ n<E ENME SURFACE 01' LOUVERS AHO FINS. AND THE FROHT SURFACE Of BA()(PlATES SHALL HAVE A DULL BlACK FIHtSH. BACKP\.ATES SHALL BE POWDER COATED ALUMINUM. COLOR SHALL BE FlAl lkACK. BORDERS SHALL BE 51NCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED RADAR SPUD FEEOIIACK SIGN SVSlEMI TE RMS & RgQUIRM E NTS • To,..._ 01 obtUt p61n1, IC*:I. Md Protla docUMrll FIRMS ~ ClOI'UCI fM CON"T'RACTOR 10 gel r.quhd pn)ject rwaourc:.. ·The CONTRACTOR wtl Df'OWidt FIRMS. II ~sled."""" I'IQUhd ltttNI"'CC _., bordng ...... ,nee .OUOC. PI' protlcl bid lllfM mutt b1 tubmlhd bebt 1M CU. tlid dMt ltld lme "' llllow ptapet ev.NIIdon ..OUOW. .,. teqlAred to be 5n ~ wtl'l ptofed pii:J'II.,. spes. end good tor h '"*t conne1 dwellon • • The Pf'Ottd II I l)rt'V*'o -.ge putllilc Job TlM FIRM's qwte rnutl c::onskMt .. *ms rM!ed 10 P~WYaltlno w.gM Ierma. • FIRMS mutt potMtt 1nd matrtaln 1 CUtTent con.,-l dol' k ense. Insurance. and WQI1(er comptntltbl c:ovwage dl.ling the project ·FIRMS must b1 CUF "'Comtnefc:lal Ut efut Funclion' to the pertlclpetlon goal It ICCeQted klwlt'dtlhe Oooct Filth Erron.. -1 ~ p.~ymen\ bond lind pwfottntnce bond tot the fuleiTIOUlt oiV.IUbc:onlrlct ~)rice may be r.quftd. ·FIRMS ht sutlmll'* QUOit explldty ~·and agru to d •~ lenM end~ • We.,. an eQuef ~ emptoyr., WI do not~~ llf'1 ~ contredota. IUbc:onltt«ora.supol\tB ·The...,..,...... bt .-.giiWited with [)epetvntN of ~!All Rellidon Mid thO&*',_.... 1 OMfMI DIR numbet RESPONSO & RETURN 0 YES we .. "*''ttld trl .. ~ We _. FAX 1 queM betcn Itt bAd ctw Mle & *"'t O NO ..... not~lttHsprqec:t R-CooUcl-I Signolon -------- Fax: 7 14-459-7088 ""'·------- Calpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRtSE FIRM: Calpromax Engineering OMEGA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL SUPPlY INC. 150 N. ROit Or'he ,Ptacen Ua,C A,I1710 PHONE : 71.~3-4519 611 SOUTH ITH STREET .. OOA.RICHMOND,CA.to~ PHONe : 510·2341-11520 FAX : 71~59-7081 MAIN COKTACT : Admin ESnMATOR : Estimator PH : 71•··573-4599 EXT : PROJECT IN FO. FAX : 510.2341-11161 FIRM IDft561 ..mtll: ta.wteQomegtpactflc.c.om PROJECT OUTREACH FAX Calpromax Engineering Is seeking Quotes & Sub-bids from Qu1llned & Ctl11flK DBE Firms: Prolecl N•m•: TRAFFlC ~GNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY tMPROVEMENTS AT YAfUOUS LOCATIONS BldDetefflm•: Prof4H;Cloc:.I.Uon: Awlrdlftt Agency: 2{)17104121 13:00 p,.. Temple City, LOS ANGELES County,lt110 CA City OFTUtplt City ContrKt No.: P\5-07 Goo! R...,llod: DBE : .% PROJECT OUTREACH DESCRIPTION CN..PR0MAX ENGINEERING .. blckllng lhh prottd 111 Prme Gener-.1 Conttadof Wt 1re ecfvety Meking alb-a:l'\tnKtorland IU~ QUO(tt on 11 lrwdu from qudt.d & cer11ec1 MBE lftd WBE ~etors ot topp6ers, Plant lnCIII)KIIrt .. a~~~bla tar your re.,.... once you ftiQUtit.lhem ot Hnd en Interest In this PfClfect. YOVI QUOM 1hould be Mn1 to 01X oftict prior to lht bid dlteltime per lhil .S. For .... tenet wllh bond ng . IMutlnce, or lines of cred!l eontac1 our otnoe. Pottlonl ol 'NOB lor the protl~;t "'dude (but trl not lml*l to) lhe toaowing: (WET SAND BlAST AND RENOVE EXISTING MARKING AND STRIPING,INSTALL Tl-IERMOPLASTIC PAINT STRIPING, CROSSWALK AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS,REMO\IE EXtSTING AND INSTALL NEW SIGNS. SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTC D .. REMOVE EXISTlNG 8' 3 SECTlON VERTICAL VEHIC\.l.AR SIGNAl HEAD AND CONSTRUCT tT 3 SECTION VERTICAL VEHtCULAR SIGNAL HEAD. COMPLETE WJTH M OUNTS. HOUSING, V\SORS AND BACKPlATE!. THE INSlDE Of SfGNAL VlSORS (HOODS), THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AJoiO FINS, AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF BACI<PlATES SHALL HAVE A OUU. BLACK FlNISH. BAQ(pLATES SHALL BE POWDER ~TEO ALUMINUM, COLOR StW.1. BE FLAT BlACK. BORDERS SHALL BE S tHCHES W10E. CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED A.AOAR SPEED FEEDBACK SKlN SYSTEM) JeRMS & REQUI Rr.IENJS -To .......,orootaln pWI&, te*t.lnd JWO)ect ctoa.mn, ARMS lhoi.Ad c:onwc:t 1M COHTRACTOR to get fliQUIIred ptqect .-..owce • Thl CONTRACTOR wt1 proWie FiRMS, r requt-*1. with t~.cJ ~ In bonding, inlu.....-.c:e .Quoin per Pftltecl bid -..rns tTIJIC tMt ~ belate h due bid da:e and Mme to alow prcpw t....-uon. .Quota ~n ~to be In IOCOfdanot \Mth PfOted p.,.., ~. end good for h entire ccnu.ct d\ndon. • The prefect It: • pre'¥lllnv wage pubic Job TM FIRM't quote must contldel' •11 tannt rt&lltd to !)t11vdlng w1gn letml. • FIRMS must possess tnd m~lnla1n • cuntnt oontriCUW ktnse. insur•nc•. end wotKer comptn .. tion ~rage during V'le proftd • FIRMS musl bo CUF 'Commen::tal U..M Func:Uon' ao lt'le partk:ipalbn goal II accepted towltd1 the Good Faith Effort. ·100'1. peyment bond end pttfronnenco bond lot the t\Jitmounl ot lhe IWC:onliKI pttce IT'II'f be /'eQ\Ii:«<. ·FlRNS ttwttublrit ~QUOte oplldlty Kknow*'Oe end agree 10 eJ lboYt terms end ~tlu. -Wtlft In tq;a!opponunltytmpiOytt. We dOnotdilc:tmlnaleligl:lnst t/'Y'fqwlftecl c:onnc:tors.IU~ ~ ·The h\ mutt be r.g!Mrwd wi1h ~ o1 ~Relation tnd lhoulcl,....... a eutrtnt OtR nun"btt R ESPONSD & RETURN rYEs we .. ~ In 1M prcftcL We wtl FAX 1 quc1tt bllote N bid a. date & btnt. L NO ,. .,. nollrMtested In lhll pteftct. -~N...,.& Slgno .. o,,._ -------- Dolo: ______ _ Plene chec:k one box,Fax Back this sheet w ith requeatad lnformttlon before b i d due dtte & time to: Fax: 71 4-459-7 088 Calpromax Engi neering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR : BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM: Ctlpromax Engln .. rtng G & C EOUIPMEKT CORP. 650 H. Roae DrlYe ,Placenlla.CA.t1780 PHONE : 71.·573-1599 1175 W. RE DONDO BEACH BlVO. FAX : 710-159-7081 MAIN COKTACT : Ac!mln EST1MATOR : Es:Umator PH : 71•·573-1519 EXT : PROJECT INFO. I207,GARDENA.CA.to2•7 PHONe : 310-a15-11715 FAX : 310-515-5006 FIRM 10n20 e.mtll: geneOgtndccorp.com PROJECT OUTREACH FAX Calpromtx Englneer1ng 11 •••king Quotes & Sub-bids from Qu11lfled & Certlfled OBE Firms: Project N•rM: TRAFFtc ~GNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROYEMENlS AT VARI OUS LOCAnONS 8ktDet:W'I"'ll'M: Protect Loudon: Awardlnt AQtnqo: Contract No.: Oo.IRI>quhct PRQJECT OUTREACH DESCRIPTION 2017104126 13:00 PM Tempft Chy, LOS AHGEL£S Ccnm ty, 11710 CA City Of Temple Ctty 1'1$-07 DBE :4% CALPROMA.X ENGINEERING it tJidd,ng thll proflc:l: ts 1 Prime Gentr11l Conr.aor. WI art ldMty seeking tub-con~ lnd sui)C)IIers QUOtes on II Irides trom qu.ufted & ctNltd MB E and "NBE OOI"'trrc:torl: Of tupphrl. Plans and IC)tellrt , .... !!IDle fort )'OUt r&Yiew onee you request them or tend en ln&eresl In this ptojKI.. YOIIK quot. should be ..,.. 10 our oll5ot prior 10 thl tMd dalellime per thb .S. For eSibt.nce with bonding. ~turance, or lines or aedlt eontKt our otftcl. Poolons of work br the proj'ect lndude (but ere noc llmfted to) the foUowing: (WET SAND BLAST AN D REMOVE EXISTING MARKING AND STRIPING,INSTALL THERMOPlASTlC PAINT STRIPING, CROSSW"LK AND PAVEMENT MARKJNGS,REMOVE EXJSTING AND INSTALL NEW SIGNS, SIGN POSTS PER C.A MUTCO.,REMOVE EXiSTING r 3 SECTtON VERTJCAL. VEHICULAR SIGNAL HEAD AN D CONSTRUCT 12' 3 SECTION VERTlCAL. VEHIClA.AR StGHAL HEAD. COMPLETE WlTH MOUNTS. HOUS&NG, VISORS AND BACKPLATE$. THE &NSIDE OF S.ONAt. VISORS (HOODS). tlte ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND FINS, AHO THE FRONT SURFACE OF BAO<.Pl.ATES SHALL HAVE A OUU BlACK FIHISH. BAO<P\.ATES SHALL BE POWDER COATED AlUMi NUM , COlOR SHAll BE FlAT BLACK. BORDERS SHALL BE 5 INCHES WIDE, CONSTRUCT SOlAR PO'NERED RAOAR SPEED FEEOBAO< SKiN SYSTEN ) IJ;RM S & REQUIRMENTS ·To vi1w or oba.5n pltn:t, 1P1C5. and protect 40cumtnt. FIRMS shcUd oont.ac1 f'll COHTR.ACTOR "' get ~ pn;!ftct reeovrct • The CONTRACTOR wit ~ FIRMS. If fiCIUIIl4ICI, ..tth reqund 1..-.nc. _, b0nc11n0. ..... roa ..ouo&M PI" proj«:: bid ii«M rnnt be~ bekn the due bkt deW and *"' 10 dow PI"'C*' evakl•llon .Quote~ .,.. reqund to bt ., ac:cotdenct wfl'l prqeca plena, apte:&, tnd good for 1M lnlir9 conttKt dUnOOn • .. The prot-dIs a ~IYII!hg wage pubic Job. The FlfUI'a quote must c::cntlidw a l ltnN ,.111\td 10 prev•AW!g ~~ Ierma. ·FIRM S musl: possess and INiintaln a currant contlador lcense.lnsurance, and WOlter c:ompenutlon c:cwer•g• dur1ng the prq.a ·FI RM S mutt be CUF 'Commttdll UMiul F~·IO the particlpellon gollllt ~ towltdl the Good Faith Effort. ·100% peymont bond and petb'metlce bond klr lht ful •mount of the IUbconll'td prb m.y bt required. .fiRMS lhM Mlbmlt their quott expftdlty acknowitdge lnCI tgrteiO ., lboYe IMmt Md ~des. • Wtart., ~oppotWf'lley tmpiO)'tt. Wt do not cbc::rtri\r.e ~~ga!nst eny quelled con~. auboon~. ~,.. ·The 1rm musl be reg!Wnd wM Otlpartrnent ot lndut~ Retellon and lhalAd ~ a OMTM D&R I'IUinber RESPONSD & RETURN C YEs we ar.lnl.ttltted inti• proftc:t. Wewll FA:J. • QUO'.t babette bid due dett & lknt. C NO we.,. not inlefMied in .,. ptOfeCt. R8IPOf'lllitM Ccriad. Ntmt & Slg,.Ue:'-------- Do:.: ______ _ P)tu.t ch.ek OM box.Fax Btelc thlt ahttt wtth requ .. te d 1nrorm1Uon before bid due date & Um t to: Fax: 71 4-459-7 088 Celpromax Englnoertng BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSIN ESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM : Calproma• Engl neartng SUPER SEAL & STRIPE, INC 650 N. Ro .. Ortve ,Piaetntla,CA,9171SO PHONE : 714·573 .. 5911 3 10 A 8TREET,FILLMORE,CA,U015 PHONE : 105-524-7345 FAX : 71 4 .. 51·7011 FAX: IOS.524-7421S MAJN CONTACT: Admln FIRM 1Di12003 EmMA TOR : Esllm•t« e -ma il: bAndiOtupenta landatrtpe.com PH : 714·573 .. 591 EXT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Calpromu EnglnHrtng ls s ee king Quotos & Sub-bids from Quallfled & Certified DBE Firms: Project N•me: TRAffiC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AHO OTHER SAFETY tMPROVEMENTS AT 81dD8taiT1me: Pn>foet ........... Awarding Agency: VARIOUS LOCATIONS 2017104/H !S:OO PM Tem,._ Ctty, LOS ANGfLES County, 11710 CA CltyOfTem ... City Contract Ho.: Pt 5.07 Gool Roqutrod : DBE : 4% PROJECT OUTREACH OESCRIPDON CALPROMAX ENGtNEERlNG 11 t*Sdlng lhft ptoft<:l11 1 Pntne General Conlr.c1or. Wa ,,. ac:tNely Mtklng ~ end a~JPCi*-quolM on aft trade~ 1rtwn qualfted & cerfted MBE and wee c:onnaot~ Of auprpl1ln Pterw tne1 a;peca; .,.. eve~•ble lor 10" rr.4tw Ol"a )'OU r.quete ....,.. 01 Sind '-" lnl.ltttt in 1'111 c:wcttct Y0411 QUeM II'Qid be tent 110 our otDr;:. prior 110 &he O'd d•ellme per UW ad. For •~ with boftdlng, iNLnt\te, «InN~ crtdil c:cntad 0411 ot11c1 Pcriont o1 work fot the profld lnctucle (tU .. nee lmled to) fte lc:lllowirtg: (WET SAND BLAST AND REWOVE E.XlSTlNG MARKING AND STR1P1NG,lNSTALL TKERMOPl.ASllC PAINT STRIANG, CROSSWALK AND PAVENEN'T MARKJNGs.REMOVE EXfS~G AND INSTALL HEW SKlNS. SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCD .• REMOVE EXlSTING 8* 3 SECTtON VERTlCAL VEttClA.AR ~ HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12"' 3 SECTlON VEATICAl VEHIC\A.AR SIGHAL HEAD, COMPlETE WITH MOUNTS. HOUSlNG, VISORS AND BACt<Pl.ATES THE aNSIOE Of SIGHAI.. VISORS (HOODS), THE ENTlRE SURFACE Of LOUVERS AND FINS, AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF BACKPL.ATES SHALL HAVE A Dll..L BLACK FINISH. BACKPlATES SKALl BE POWDER COATED ALUMINUM, COLOR SHALL BE FLAT BlACK. BORDERS SHALL BE 5 INCHES wtOE. CONSTRUCT SOLAR POWERED AAOAA SPEED FEEDBACK SfGN SYSTE" I TERMS & REQUIRMENTS -To "'-w01 ob&8ln .,..,_,~pec;~, and prq.ct docum4t'll. FIRMS stQAd con&KIIhe COfrrl'TRACTOR 10 Q'JI rtQUftcl prqecti'MOUI"CL -The CON'TRACTOA wll pi"'Oo4de FIRMS , I f'lq\lttttd, ......, rtq,lked 1.ult$an0t ln bOnding. lnlutlnce.. --Oudel per protec:1 bid "-ns muM bl .wn'l11ltoCt ~ 1M due bid dllll af'd lime 10 ..,_ prcp8f lVI~ .ouoc.s.,. ~to beln ecx:orda'K:e wtll'l ptq1ct '*"'· speea, and good for &he ....,. c.ontr.et duradon. • Thl ptqec:t 11 1 pr~ .-.ge pubic: job 1M FIRM's queM must CIOI'Itii<W II lenni rallied to preva~ ~ terms. • FIRMS musl poutst and melnt&ln a c:urr.n1 eonltldor lcenM, nsur.nce. tnd wcrier compenNiion ~· &.wing the PI'Oiec:t -FIRMS mu•l b1 CUF "Comme~ Useful Funcllon" to the peJtlclpallon goel l:l teeePied VNal'tts the Good Ft lth Etktt. -tOO% P""*"' bond ard petionnatw:e bond fell' 1M ful arnounl ollhe ·~ priet m.ty bl required. -FIRNS 1\al amm.tlhelrqi.IO(II uplidly ~and~ 11011 abo¥1 lttmt M:S ~ts. • WI IN en eQUII ~ ~. Wt do not dilo'tn*\ate egabt anyqualned concradof'l, aubconraeto"', ~ • The lrm .,.,.. be repttttod Wllh Ortpentnent ollndw*"" Rl4tlioft and $hoUid he\1'1 • o..wenl DtR nurr.btt RESPONSD & REDJRN n YES w. n lnl.....wd In 1t'u5 proitd.. WI wll FAX I QUU bttln 1M tlild CIU. CIIW & *"e. lJ NOwtl!tnot~le<l lnll'litPf'CIIecl RHponaltl .. Con&.la Ntme & ~nlhlrl: _______ _ 0.11: _____ _ P ltl .. eheck one box.,Fu BKk thla aheet with requesttd ln f«mltlon before bkt due dale & Ume to: Fax: 714-459-7088 BID INVITATION FROM: CONTRACTOR: C1lpromax l!nglneortng TO: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM: A A A ELECTRICAL SUPPLY, INC 1014 S. M ONTEBELLO C atpromax Engtneertng S50 N. Ros o Drive ,PII e antla,C A,91780 PHON!: 714·57~589 FAX: 71 4-459-7018 BOULEVARD.MONTEBELLO,CA,906-IO PHON! : 323-721·2700 MAIN CONTACT: Admin FAX : 323·721·5-437 ESTlMA TOR : E1Um11or FIR" 101411 5 PH : 71.-57,..5911 EXT: ..-man: a••UOe•rthllnk.nel PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. C1lpromax EnglnHrlng Is seeking Quoits & Sub--bi ds rrom Q ualified & Certified DBE Firma: Prottc;t N1me: TRAFFlC SIGJtAL UPGRADES, SIGN S ANO OTHER SA FETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARlOUS LOCATIONS Bid DtleiTlme ; ProiKt Loudon: Awarding Ag.nc:y: Contract No .: Goel Rtqulr.c:t: PROJECT OUTREACH DESCRIPTION 1111~ 11:GO PM TemP'e Chy, LOI ANGI!UI County, 117&0 CA Ptl-07 OBE:4% CALPROMAX ENGtNEERJNG '-bidding W. projed 11 1 Prtme G.,.,. Contr.c101. Wt are ldive!y IMilhg tub-col'lti'KtOI'$ end l~tt quolet on d ne~es .-om qllliir!ed & c:ettilled MBE and WBE COtttradon « ~ PIMs end spec:~; art 1VIil.a. tot your re'wiew once you requesc ehtm 01 MtiCI en inWIII W'l H s l)tCjecL Yourquoe,t al'o.lkt be Mnt\0 ca.roflcl prior 10 the bid~ PI" lhla ed. Foe'·~ with bcnfing, tlsurtn01, ot hs ol cndt c:ontld ca.r ol'lict. Potdont of watt lor thl ~ hducle (W ,,. not lmhd to) N lolowfn;· (WET SAND Bt.AST AND REMOVE EXISTtNG MARKJNG AND STRi PlNG,INSTALL lHERMOPLAST1C PAINT STRIPING, CROSSWALK ANO PAVEMENT MAIO(IiGS,REMOVE EXISTlNG AND INSTALL NEW SIGNS. SIGH POSTS PER CA MUTCO.,RfMOVE EXISTJroiG a· 3 SECTlON VE.RltCAL VEHtCUl.AR SIGHAL HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12"' 3 SECTION VERnCAL VEHICUlAR SIGNAl HEAD. COMPLETE WJT1i MOUNTS, HOUSING, V1SORS AND BACi<PLATES. THE INSIDE OF StGNAL. VlSORS (HOODS), Tl-iE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND FINS, AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF BACKPLATES SHALL HAVE A DUll BLACK FINISH. BACt<PlATES SHALL BE POWDER COATED ALUMINUM. COlOR SHALL BE FlAT BLACK. BORDERS SHALl BE 5 INCHES WIDE, CONSTRUCT SOLAR PO"NERED RAOAA SPEED FEEOOACK SIGN SYSTE"I TERMS & REQUIRMENTS -To .,.._«~..,.., epee~, end CWOf8Cl C1ocUment. FIRMS shoiACI c:cncect ,_ CONTRAClOR toQtt fiQUireCI ~ "tQ.:I'Ce. -n.CONTRACTORwii-FIRMS.M_.... ..... ,-.......... In-lnQ . ........._ -OI..Iotes pet prc:+ect blcl hms must be .wrnm.c:t befcrt lhl due bid 0.\1 lind *""-eo*" P'Oi* 8VIIuetion -oucw "' required 10 be In aecon:Jtnc:.e With projed p(ans, specs. lncf good lot lht .,..11,. octltrld dvtltb\. • The profed II 1 ptl'flllng wage pubk jcb. The FIRM' a quote mutt con•k*' II c.rms reltted 10 preva!lng wtges terms. -FIRMS mutl pou.eu and maintain • current conttae10r lice.nst, insurance, 1nd ~~~ comptt1salion cov~• during lhe proj&Ct -FIRMS mutt b1 CUF "Commerdat Usetul Func:doft•so the perticipeUon goel II Kelf)ted ~~ thl Good Ftlth Effort. -1oo-4 peyrnent bonellnd pertotmanoe bond bthllull amount~ the~ pric:t tn~ybe requlrtld -FIRMS thlt .ubmll U*r quote u pldly ecknowledg1 1nd agree 10 d abo¥t tltmlltiCI ru~s. -we .. an eq• oppcrtun1ty ~-We do not~ egarr.t .ny QUIIIeG conncaan. svbconndon, tuppleB 4 The t.rm mus~ bt """*ed -J.1h 0tpeJ1men1 o1 ""--..._. ~_, end ItO*! ,..,.. 1 GlnWII DIR ru"tlbtr RESPONSO & RETURN D YES we ~nlnttruted ~ lhh: PfOitd, We wll FAA a quo4e bt.,_ *he bid due dllll & wne. C. NO wtlltnot lnieresled tn U'dl pn:Jfed.. Responsible Conua NttT'II & Slgn.~ture~-------- Ple111 chtek one box,Fax Beck this shMI with requnttd lnlorm•tlon before bid due dati & time 10: Fax: 714-459-7088 Colpromu Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS EIITERRPRlSE FIRM : Calpromu: EngtnMfing CIRIMEI.E ELECTRIC WORKS INC. ISO N. Rou Ortve ,PiaeenUe,CA..91710 PHONE : 71o&.a73~5H 607 MARINA WAY SOUTH,RlCHMONO,CI\,94804 PHONE : 510.e20·1150 FAX: 71o&,..51·7011 FAX : 510-620·1155 FIRM 10.13624 MA IN COIITACT : Admin ESTIMATOR : Eatlmetor o--mell: jclrlmolo@cfrlmeleelectrt~com PH : 714-57~99 EXT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. C1lpromu Engineering Ia anklng Quotu & Sub-bids from Quellfled & Certlfl.cf OBE Firma: Protect N•me: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTH ER IAII'ETY IMPROVEMEHTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS Bid OtteiTlme: Pfolect Loc1Uon: Awarding Afenc:r. ContnetNo.: 0011 Requnct: PROJECT OUTREACH DESCRIPTION 20 1710412e 13:00 PM Temp&. City, LOS ANGELES County, t1710 CA City OF Tem.pte City P11-07 DBE :4% CALPROMAX EHGIHEERING It llkklng Vft prtJfed IS 1 Prfme GeMf.a Connctot. We we ~tty Mlikt'lg ~ W1d tupplers ~ on II ndft lrom ~ & c:er1llhd M8E. tnd WBE connctcn or supplten. Plena lind~.,..~ let your te'Atw one. you twqUelllhem or send .., '"'-"t n tNI prq.ct. Ycu quote should t. Ml'll m cu otll:a prior 10 IN bid ditdN per N 8d. Few aui&&8nce wiUt bonCiing. ~. or .,., ot Ct'ICiil conteet CU' olftea. Porbts o1 wail: tor 1t1a prcfecl h:Lde (bA .,. 1'\d bled k») t.e tolooMng . (WET SAND BlAST NIO REMOVE EXJSTMi hiAAKifG ~ STRI"'NG,INSTAll THERMOPLASTIC PANT STRIPING, CROSSWALK AND PAVEMENT MA.RKf.IGS,REMOVE EXaSTWG ANO INSTAll NEW SiGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MlllCO.,R.EMOVE EXIST»«l I" 3 SECTION VERTICAl VEJ«:lA...AA SiGMAL HEAD AHO CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECT10N VERTlCAl VEHICULAR SIGNAL HEAD. COMPlETE wrTli MOUNTS. HOUSlNG. VISORS AJ<O 8AC1<l'LATES ll<E .. SIJE OF SIGNAL VISORS (HOODS~ THE ENTlRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AH O Fll<S. AHD lliE AAOHT SURFACE OF BACKPlATE$ SHALL HAVE A OUU BlACK F rNtSH. BAO<.PLATES SHALL BE POWDER OC)ATEO Al~NUhl., COlOR SHALL BE f1.A T BLACK BORDERS SHAU. 8E 5 INCHES WIDE. COHSTRUCT SOt.AR POWERED RADAR SPEEO FEEDBACK SIGN SYSTEM I TERMS & REQUIRMENIS -To ...t.w or obtafn pa.,., JPICI,IItld proltc:t ooo..ntnt. FIRMS llhot.dd canted 1he CONTRACTOR to gel ,..q"*.ci ~ retOUtCe ·The CONTRACTOR wll ~FIRMS, It~. wM ~.cl euls&lnct in I::IOnding,lnlurtnce .Q\.Qtl w o~ !:*1 hem• muM~ .wmittecl Mb• the due bid dl11 and Ume kJ eOow OtOPif .... ~~u~tlon. -Ovoll1.,.. r.qw.ct to~ In ICCOf'danca liliWI project pUns, specs, end good rot the tnllre contrltl duretlon. ·The projec:llt: 1 ptevdng wtgl public: )ob. The FIRM'I ~~ m.nt ~f ell t.erm1 rt141ttclto Pf'l'llr.lng Wig II 16fmt. • FlRMS mutt poue11 end mtlnteln • Q.lrTent oonlradof lcense. Insurance. end 'NO'"'* compentetlon ~· during It'll proj.a ·FIRMS'"'*~ CUF "Commercial U..fut Func:tion"to the pattldpa!lon goat is aocepled tawardslht Good Feith Effort. -1CIO% Plytntnt bone! and Plf'lotmane. bond for th e full amount or lhl •ubconlrKI ptb rmry be rec;ulrec:J. -FIRMS lhlt ~Ubm.tlhelr QUO\t e•ptic:IVy ~e and egr .. IO all above terms Md tHPOMiblltle•. ·We llfl en eq.-~ tn"'PPoy«. We do not difa\'nlnllte 11911n11 1ny Que~ cantrldOI'I. IUbeOftW"'C*))"', ~ ·The firm nut b1 te;llteted wifl Dlpel1metlt ollndut.wtll R ... Uon and lhould r...,. 1 Cl.lfftnt OlA nurntMI RESPONSD & RETURN rYES we lf'l t'ltetntld In HI projecL We wll FAX 1 quote belen the bid dl.le diM 6 bme. L NO WI.,. not IFUtMtld In .. P"lfecL R~ eont.cl Nltnt & SIQNtur.: _______ _ DotAl: _____ _ Plene cheek oM bo•.F•• S.ck this ahHI wfth requested lnform~~tlon before bid due d1l1 & time to: Fax: 714-459-7088 Colpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM : TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM: CeJpromax Engineering ISO N. Aott Ortve ,Piae.ntle.CA,t1710 PHONE : 714-ST.I-4511 IN.UNE FENCE & RAIUNG CO., INC PO BOX H37,RAMONA,CA,I20G5 PHONE : 760-789.0282 FAX : 714-451·7018 MAI N COIITACT : Admin ESTIMATOR : E1tlm 1tor PH : 714-573-4519 EXT : PROJECT INFO. FAX : 110·71f..0518 FIRM 10.14081 -.mall: JulleQinllner~ll.com PROJECT OUTREACH FAX Calpromex Englneertng II '"king Quotea & Sub-bid s from Quelttlld & Certified DBE Firma: ProJtct Heme: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIG NS AN.O OTHER SAfETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS lOCATlONS Bid Datii'Time: PrvjeCJ lCKatlon: Aw•rdlnt Aftncy: 201710412t 11:00 P M Tempte Clty,lOS ANGELES County, tt110 CA City Of Templtl Ctty Contract No.: P11-07 0..1 Requltod: DBE : 4% PRQJEC! OUTREACH pESCRIPTION CAl..PROMAX ENGlNEEAING it blclclng INt ~ • a PrfrN Gerwal Conndot. We .,. ac::ttWIIy ... lOng l ub-contrlctots ll"'d tu~ QUOtes on II nd• tom ~ 6 ~ M8E Met WBE c::cnb'KCorl 0t ~ PW'II and IPICIItiiVIAebiiiOt )'QUI' Nvt1w once you nquest lhem ot send _, .,..,._. h INI prq.ct. Your quote l.hcdd ~ Mnl to Cltll otlk::e pnor ~ tM bid 0 1....._ Pff' INs l d. Fot 1~ wth boncmg. mutancl, or lnM ol c:rtcit c:ontect 01.1' olfaee. Por'llolw ot wcw1t lor I'll prq«t h::b!e (but n not lrnled '0) IN ~: [W'El SANO BlAST ANO REMOVE EXJSTlNG lAA.RKJNO AND STRIPL"iG,lNSTAl.l THERMOP\.ASTlC PAINT STRIPING. CROSSWAU< ANO PAVEMENT MARKINGS,AEMOVE EXISTlHG AHO INSTAll NEW s.GNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO ,REMOVE EXISTING r 3 SECTKlH VERTICAl VEHtCUl.AR SIGNAL HEAD ANO CONSTRUCT 12'" 3 SECllON VEATlCAl VEHIClJt.AR StCHAL. HEAD, CC»dPLETE W1Tl1 ...OUHTS. HOUSWG, V$)A.S AND BACKPlATE$. ntE INSIDE OF StGNAl VlSORS (HOOOS,_ lli£ ENTlRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS N.m FfNS, AND lliE FROtfT SURFACE OF BACKPlATE$ SHAll HAVE A Dl.Ll BtAa< FlHISH. BACKPLATE$ SHALL BE POWOER ~TEO AlUMINUM , COLOR SHALL 8E FlAT BlACK. BORDERS SHAU 8£ S INCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOLAR POVt'EREO RADAR SPEED FEED8ACK StGN SYSTEM! TERMS & BEQUIBMENTS ·To-Aew oroblalln ptane, e.pea, and pn:JfKt documlnl, FIRMS st.outd contacllhl CON'TRACTOR to get I'IQUhd profed resource. ·The CONTRACTOR wfl Pf'OYkle FIRMS. U r.qu .. tld, wfth ,equired astlstence ln bondhg. lnt4Kence .O...OWI F* pteftd bkl l1em1 mull be aubn'IIUed befOf'llM CIU. bid o.le end tine 10 tlow proper IVIIullion .Quote I ert r.q~ to blln ltiCCifdancll wi1h protect pane, epee., end Qood tor 1M .,lire conttKt d......uon. • The profec;t II I prevellng w.ge pubic: job. The FIRM 's ~ott must cormder 111.-ml f'lllled to ptiVtllng Wlgll terme • FIRMS mutt po11111 end tn11lntaln • c:utTeN oonlrKI.ot lcense, lnsurenee. and worlcer componsalfon c:ov~• duMQ the profed ·FIRMS must bt CtJF ·eommerd~ UMM Functlort so the P*'tidpellonpllecceptecl kl'Nan:ls the Good Fatth Eifert ·100"" J)t)'mtnt bOnd e ncl pertonnenc:e bOnd for the fiJI amoi.I1C ol the tubconli'KI pt1ca mey be requlrtd. ..$1 RMS lhll ""bmit »*t quote I JIQtidlf)' ~and •" to aD above t1nm and ruponllb8\ln. ·Wear. en equel opporWnty tm~. We do not ~te egli'llttny quallilel conltiCtOfl, aubconVICIOB, eupptere ·The I'm mull~ reglltefed ....4th o.penment or ltldutb'ttit Reildon ancllhautd naw • o.m.m CIA I'Nmblt RESPONSO & RETURN rYES wt .. lnltf•ltd In aNt project. We we FAJ< 1 quote~ the t1.c1 due dliM 6 time LNO wetn~not~tniNeptOfect. .._.,.ConiOCI ...... & Slgno .... _______ _ Qo1o· _____ _ P1111e check one box,fax Beck thl a a heet wfth requested lnformeUon before bk:t d ue dlto & lime to: Fax: 714-459-7088 Calpromax Eng lnettrtng BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BU SINESS EHT!RRPRISE flAM: Cllpromax Englnuring SIGNS PORTAL SSO H. Rote ~o ,Piact niii,CA.91780 PHONE : 714.-47~511 11387 RELAX LANE,PACOIMA,CA,91331 PHONE : 213-319-82A1 FAX : 714-<51·7081 FAX : 811-tl8·1501 FIRM IDI38213 M AIN CONTA C T : Admin ES'OMATOR : Ettl m1tor e -ma il: e lgnaporttiO ebcgtotMI.net PH : 714·573-<599 EXT : PROJ ECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Cal promu Engineering Is seokl ng Quotes & Sub~lds from Cu11if1ad & Certlned DBE Firm•: ProJed Name : TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGN S AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVENJENTS AT VARK>US LOCATlONS Bid DateJTlrM: Project L.oc.Uon: Awvdlng Agency: Contrlc.t No.: Oo1l R"vlr.d: P ROJECT OUTREACH DESCRIPTION 20 17104125 1S:OO PM Tt.nplt Ctty, I.OS ANGELES County, 11710 CA a ty OF Temple City P14-01 DBE :4% CA1.PR0MAX ENGINEERI NO It tMcScDng lh6t ptOjed 11 1 P rime o.n.ra1 Connetot. We are .alvely Hiking ltJb.c:on~ and aupp88,. quotes on tllradM 11om QUIIifled & et:ttlltd MBE and \VBE OCW'IUaaots oc supphtta. PM~ lind tpee1 .,. evalllble lot yow review once you requelol tl'wM or ...:1 111 lntnst tt lhfl l)rojtd. Vour QUOte ~~ be aertt to our otra prior 10 the bid 41Lt/1!me per thil ld. For asslstance with bonding , ln.~W~~nce. or linn of ad COfuetOUt oi'I'\Ce. Ponionsof woR for 1M prolec:tJnc:h.ld t (W l te not llnVt.ct to}the loOc:lw.ng: fWET SAND BLAST AND REMOVE EXJST\NG MARK&NG AN D STRlPING.INSTAll THERMOPl.ASTtC PAIP'n STRIPING, CROSSWAlK AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS,R EMOVE EXISTI'fG AND INSTAI..l NEW SIGNS. SIGN POSTS PER CA. MUTCO.,REMOVE EXISTING 8" 3 SECT10N VERTlCAl VEHtcutAR SIGHAL HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 1T 3 SECTlOH VERTlCAl VEHICU\.AR SIGNAL HEAD. COMPlETE wrTH NOUNT S, HOUSING. VlSORS AND BACKPI..ATES. THE IN~OE OF SIGNAL VlSORS (HOOOS), THE E~IRE SURFACE OF lOUVERS AN D ANS, AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF 8ACI<P\.ATES SHAll HAVE A OUU BlACK FlNISH. BACKPlATES SHAU. BE POWDER COATEO AlUMINUM, COlOR SHAll 8£ FlAT BLACK. B ORDERS SHALL BE 5 INCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOLAR POWERED RAOAA SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN SYSTEM I TERMS & RliQUIRMENTS ·To...tewOtobltln ..... tPKa.IW\d protKI OoG.ment. ARMS lhoulclc:onl.lc:t V'leCOHTRACTOA to DIM r.qund project rtiJOIUI"'t. -1hl CONTR.ACTOA wtl ~FIRMS, W t'lqUMt.CS, Yi(th .-.quftd 1~ ~ bondl'ng.lntl.nnct • ..ouot.s Ptt PI"'ltd biO M4mt mwc be aubmlu.ct before the dut bid dtt.t tnd *"-to ·~ PfOC* t¥1lullk:r'l. ~ .,.. rtqUHd 10 be In ec:con:t.nc• wfl'l ~qed pa.ns. tpee~. and good b N enllte conVICt duret.on. -The proJtd 11 1 pr...,... wage public Job. The FIRM's QUIO(I must c:cnU;jw all termt r.llltd 10 ~ w.g:es letma. • FIRMS must poueN end malntatn • CUtTe nt contnlctot licen se, lnstnnce.. lnd WOf1«N' compent8tlon CO'Itnllge during the P'ofed • FIWS mua.t be CVF "Commttdll Vtl rul Fl.mtlon• 10 the p artlc:fpatlon goells acceplecl towen:it the Good F-'U'I Effort. -lao-A payment bonG 1nc1 ~ra bond tor lht: IIJI amount of the s ubconlrld Pfke n-.y be requited. -FlAW S U.tsubmk lhelt ~ t•pMdfy ~and agree to •II •~ IMmt end reapont ibtllt.ea. • We ,,.. en ~ opportunty ~ W• do noc dtlc:tfrnln1t1 •ntl l"'f "'-'~~ CIDI'Itraetorl, l libc:OntraetOrl, tupphrs -The, tnu'tC be ~lered wtlh ~ ollndulltW Re!lllctl lind tnould twve 1 cum~nt OIR number. RESPONSD & RETURN r VES we w. ~loed In INs ptOftd. WI wll FI\X t QUI* betore h bid clJe dell & lme. L NO ...... notlnWMtld In""' ptef.et. Respontlllt CorNet Name & 81g,.lure: _______ _ Ooto: _____ _ Ploato ch•ck on• box,Fu Bltk t hla aheet with requ .. tt d lnform•tlon b1foro bid due d •t• & limo to: Fax : 714-459-7088 Calpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM : C•lpromn En{llnH ring GLOBAL ROAD SEALING , INC 650 N. Rot t Drlvt ,Piectntlt,CA,t1780 PHONE : 714.a73 .. 599 10832 DOROTHY AVE ,QARDEN GROVE,C A,UI-43 PHONE : 714-tl3.()1-45 FAX : 714-<51-7088 MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESTIMATOR : !aUmat Of PH : 714·57~ .. 519 EXT : PROJECT INFO. FAX : 714.J93-ot45 FIRM IDI31176 t •mlll: trlla .~tQyahoo .com PRO J ECT OUT REACH FAX Cllpromu: EnglnNrlng 11 seeki ng Quot u & Sub-bids from Qu alified & Cort!Ood DBE Firms: PrvjodNimD: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AN D OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS A T VARIOUS lOCATIONS Bkf Dlttlnmt : ProJec:t Locetl on: Awlrdln g Agen cy; Contreet No.: Ooll RequJred: PROJECT OUI!U!ACH QESCRIPDON 2011/04128 13:00 PM TtmP'o City, LOS AHGELfS County, 1 1710 CA City OF Ttmptt Clly P15.07 DBE:4% CALPROMAX ENGINEERI NG It blctdlng thit pt'Oftct" 1 Primt 0_.11 Convectot. WI.,.. KUvtty Mttdng tub-contrKtors 1ncl ~Quotes on alii tradel from ~atltd & etnifted MBE Md WBE c:otlndofl or IUI)9IItrl. Ptlnt Wid s pees Ill tvtUiblt lot your rwkwt once you requetC lh•m or nnd •n lntettll In Chit l)fOject. You qwte &houSe~ be sent lo our ofke 1)1'101 k) 1M bkl d•l.nlrne Ptt thlt ld. Fot esslt*'Ce wtth ~. lnsuranct, orlnea of a tdil oont1ct ou olflu. Portions of 1i¥0t11: lew the proitd lnc:tuiM (Dut art not hittc:I IO) lht kllowing: (WET SAN D BlAST AND REMOVE EXlSTING MARKJNG AND STRJPING,INSTAU THERMOPlASTIC PAfNT STRIPING, CROSSWALK ANO PAVEMENT MA.RKIHGS.REMOVE EXtSTlNG AND INSTALL. NEW SIGN S, SIGN POSTS PER CA MUlCO • .REMOVE EX.ST1NG a· 3 SECTION VERTtCAL. VEHCULAR StGNAl HEAD ANO CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECTlON VERllCAI. VEHJCUlAR SfGNAL HEAD, COMPLETE wmt MOUNTS, ~NG . VISORS AHD BACKPl.ATES THE INSIDE OF SIGNAl. VISORS (HOODS). THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOlNERS AND FINS. AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF B.ACKPlATES SHALl HAVE A DUll BLACK FINISH. BACKPlATE$ SHAU. BE POWDER COATED ALUMINU M, COI.OR SHALL BE FLAT BLACK. BORDERS SHALL BE 5 INCH ES WIDE, CONSTRUCT 50\..AR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEOBACK StGN SVSTEMJ TERMS & REQUIRMENTS ·To !~Cow ot obealn plenJ, tp~Q. end prolitd doamtnl, FIRMS al'lol.6d concaa 1M CONTRAClOR 110 ;et r.quhd proJect rtiOI.It'C». -Tr1t CONTRACTOR wll ~ FlRMS, I requt~td. wflh rwqulntd eul.c.not ~ bOnc.fM'IO, Nurlnu. -Ouc":Ut "'' prq.c;t bid items '"'"' be swmia..d before tnt due t.s deW end 11rn1 k) dow proper twWUon. ~.,..required to be W'l ~ wflh proftc:$ pltnt. 'Pf'CI.Ind good lor lht .,n contrtcl dl.ftllon. • Tht prcfacllt e priYdng w.ge potlfic Job. The FIRM's quoce lftiSI. conalc* II !Arms rel•led to prevallng wages lltTT\1.. -FlRMS l'l'liJII posM tt and maintain • Cl.a'Ttnt contrtcl()( license, in1urene:•. 1ncl WOI'1t-• ~tlon OOYarege during lhe project ·FIRMS rrutl be CUF -cotntnerdll USt M Function' so the pat1ic:ipe tion got! Is tceepl6d cow.rds the Good Feith Etfon. -100'% t>t)'fnent bcncltnd pecionnlnca bond few tht lui amount or VM IIJbc:onnc:t pt1ct mey be required. .fiRM S IJ\et tubmll \heir QUat• eKc*tlfy Kknowlldgt •nd ~ \o t l abov-e t.nnl •nd tupon.rblilllt. -We ere en eq\HII opc!OrtU'"'Y ·~"' W• do noe dls<:ttmlnate ao-!nst eny QUIIIfttd contreciOfS. IUbconttaaota. tupplltrt ·The fml mutt bt rt11Q16It rtd with Dtpenmtnt ol lnd'Usbill RelltiOn•ncJ thOukl,...,.. t curr.nt OIR nuntbtr RESPONSD & RETU RN n VES we are lnleretltd 6ft !Nt prof«:L Wt wl FAX a QUOte btfotlt\1 bid Cl.ll d•t• & btnt. L NO we .,. not lntefnflMj "" lhls project. RuponeJbllt Contact Nlmt & Signeture: _______ _ Dett: ______ _ PI•••• c hock one box,Fix B ack th b sheet with ,..quea ll d Information b•fort bid due da1e & tim• to: Fax: 71 4-459-7088 BID INVITATION FROM' CONTRACTOR' C.lpromu: Engln .. rtng TO' BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM' STATEWIDE STRIPES, IHC Cetpromax Engineering ISO N. Ro.t Drtvt ,ptaeentt.,CA,I1710 PHONE: 714·573-&511 7320 MISSION GORGE ROAD,SAN DIEGO,CA,U120 PHONE '151.UO.eaa7 FAX: 71.WSI-70U FAX ' 158·560-4151 FIRM 10.32232 MAIN CONTACT : Admin EST1MATOR : E1Umator a-maH: dawn@ltatawtd••trtp ... com PH : 71,~73~5tl EXT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJE CT INFO. Calprom u Eng!n .. rtng II a .. klng Quotes & Sub-bids from Qualified & Ctr11ntd OBE Finns: Project Ntm•: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFI!:TY IMPROVEMEKTS AT VARK>US LOCATIONS BktDatatnma: ProJ•ct Loudon: Awarding Agenq: Contrtct No.: 0011 R..,tNd: PROJECT OUTREACH QESCRIPT!ON 2017104121 1l:OO PM T•mpl• Cly, LOS AHGELES County, 11710 CA City OF Temp&e City P15-G7 DBE : '% CALPROMAX ENGINEERING .. ~ l"'it proflld .. a PnTie GeNrat Connctor. W•.,.. ~Clive~)' ... king tub-contttcecn and auppltrt quotH on .. lntdee tom~ & catllhd MBE and W9E IXJI'lttac:kn or~ Plana and spea a .. IVIIIebM b' )OM,........ once )'OU t.,qlmit l'llm or Hnd .n .....,_, In ,. pto,ecL YW~ quott lhCdcl bt Sltll to our oftce prtor to the b.s data.'llma PI' VQ ad. For utltttnce wtlh bl:lndng, fnMitance, or In• o1 crtdil COtUc:l cur ollct. P~ of wert tor,. PfCitd lnc::tude (W .,. noc lnUciiiD) fM ~:(WET SNlO BLAST A.NO REMOVE EX1ST\NG MARKING AND STRlPtNG,IHSTAU. THERMOPLASTIC PAINT STRIP1NG, CROSSWALK ANO PAVEIAENT MARKlNGS,RaiOVE EXlSTING AND INST AU. NEW SKiHS, saGH POSTS PER CA MUTCO..REMOVE EXI$T1NG 8' 3 SECTtOH VERTlCAl VEHD.IAR StGHAI. HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECTlON VERT'JCN.. VEHtCU\..AR SIGNAL HEAD, COMPLETE WITH MOI..MTS, HOUSING, VISORS AND BAO<Pl.ATES. THE INSlOE Of SIGNAL V1SORS {HOOOS). THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOlNERS NCl FINS. AND THE FRONT SUftFACE OF BACKPlATE$ SHALL HAVE A 0\.U.. BlACK FINISH. BACKPLATES SHALL BE PONDER COAT!O ALUMIHUN, CCilOR SHAU. 8E RAT 8tACK. BORDERS StW.L BE 5 INCHES WID€. CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED RAOAA SP£EO FEEDBACK SJGH SYSTEM I TERM S & REQUIRMEN TS -lo view« ob\lln pans, apaca, and ptq.a doc:utMn\, FIRMS trQAd COI"'WCCIhl CONTRACTOR 10 gat requfrad pnlfad ,..outea ·Tho CON7RACTORwll-FIRMS, H 10<1-.---_..,..In--.. .()uolef '* l)tOjed bid Items mutl be IUbmitled belor. th• due bki date ...:t litnt 10 a lOw PfOI* avaluaUon. -OucM1 .,. rte~uhd to bt _, ~nee wit! ptOject plans. specs. and good lew the entir• contraet duration • Tha pro!td II • pm<aling wege put)le job. The FIRM's QI.JOie mutt CCW"'Siccer an te~ms rellted 10 pravdlng oqge~ 'enns • FIRMS mlttl potiHI and tnelntllln a currant c:ontradof iclna•. lnlurance, 11M wothr cornpanslltloo eovafll~ durlng lhe profl(;t • FIRMS must be CUF 'Commefdll V..lul FLM'te11on' so \he participation ;oal ts ~~~::apt.d \owardl the Good Filth Ertott. ·100% p1yn"'lftt bond and perlOfmlllCI bond lor the U tmou'lt ollha 11.1bo0n1tad ptb may be r.quhd. -FIRMS !Nt ltbn'lt IM!r QUOI.Iexplcitty ICirJ'IOWiedgtlnd agree to all abO¥• 1erms ent1 respontbiU" • We .,.. In eql*l opportunly .mp~Gy•. Wa do noc dlwtm:IMte tglftt llt'f qual'*! con&rec:&ors, tul:leol'ltrllet0t1, aupplttt • The &m mutl b1 ragllt.,._, wtth O.pertrnenl ci lncM!rW Re•tlon and sl'lol.dd h.lvt t CUfl'tnl DIR numbat RESPONSD & RETURIN rYES wa era lmeretted In lhk profacL W1 w1 FAX 1 queM bekn 1M~ due dale & limt L NO .... .,. no( '"*-a.clln .,. ptq«l Ooto ·------- Ptealt cMck one box,Fu Back this ahHt with r~u•sted lnrorm1Uon befor• b id due datt & lime to: Fa x : 7 14-459-7 088 CalprorNix Engineering BID INVITATION FROII' TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM: Catpromu EnQinHrlng GR SUNDBERG, INC. 850 N, Ro.e Drive ,P1ectntla,CA,I1710 PHONE : 7U.eT3 ~5H 5211 BOYD ROAD,ARCATA,CA,U521 PHONE: 707.e2H515 FAX : 714~51·7088 MAIN CONTACT : Admin EST1MATOR : Eatlm110r PH : 71ol-573~5t9 EXT : PROJECT INFO. FAX : 707 .e2s.e5u FIRM 10131010 e-ma il: f"lnd)'Cgrltnc .blz PROJECT OUTREACH FAX C1lpromex EnglnHrtng Is aHklng Quct81 & Sub-bids from Q ulllfled & C•rtlrled OBE Firms: Project Nam•: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OniER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT 81d 011.rrtrne: ProJ•et Loc.•Uon: Awtrdl"ll Agency: Cont.rKt No.: GOIIIR~Yirad: PROJECT OUTREACH DESCR!PJION VAR IOUS LOCAnONS 20t7J041211l:OO PM Tampla City, LOS ANGELES County, t1710 CA City OF T•mple City P1S.07 DBE :4% CAI..PROMAX ENGINEERING .. bldclng lNe prcjeclas a PIYM Genatal Conlr8C*:W We .. .::ltvely ..... lt'lg ~and aupCIIM quoMa on • nctu tram qu,alhd & cen.fied MBE and wee c::onhdcn or ~ Ptent anct ~pee~ .,. avlbtda lor 'fOVI reWew once )'0\1 rwquast cn.n or MtiCI en .,._.,lin rn Pftltad. Y011 quaCe II'IOukl bt aari to o.or oflce prior to the bid csatdnt pat ChJI ad. F« ahi.ltanct wflt'l bonding, intuma, « lnl of trl(ft c:otUd 011 office. Portions of work for the protect h:kldt (but are notlmitlld 10) lha foao¥Mg: (IN'ET SAND BlAST AND REMOVE EXISTlNG MNtKINO ANO STRIPINGJNSTAU THERMOPLASTtC PAJNT STR IP~. CROSSWALK AND PAVS!.ENT MARKINGS .REMOVE EXISTlNG AHO tNST AlL NEW SIGHS. SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO .. REM()Yf;. EJC.ISTIHG 8'" 3 SECTKIN VERT1CAL 1/Ette\AAR SIGNAL HEAD ANO CONSTRUCT 12' 3 SECTION 1/ERTlCAI. VEHICUlAR SIGNAL HEAD, COMPlETE WITH MOUN7S, HOUSING. Vl90RS AND BACKPLATE$. TliE INSIDE Of SIGHAL VSSORS (HOODS}. THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS ANO FlNS, AND lliE FRONl SURFACE Of BACKPL.ATES SHAU. HAVE A OUI.L BLACK FINLSH. BAQ(f'LATES StW..L BE POWDER COATED ALVMINUM . COlOR SHAlL BE FlAT BlACK. BORDERS SHALL BE 5 INCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEOBACK Sl GN SYSTEM! TERMS & REQUIRMENTS ·To oAaw 0t obWn plenl, ~. lnd protec:t docunent, F1RMS aho\*f CICifUd Ch• CONTRACTOR 10 g~t ~ ptefKI reiOU'ce. • ThoCON7RACTORwll-FIRMS, M _..,_-r--tonco In boncl>lg • .,.,_ -<lu«N pw PfOiect bid ltetnt rm.rte tle stbntutd !:*en the due tiki date and em. to elow prcpet ..... ludon. .aucKM m requfnd to bt In~ wi1h project ptans, specs, and good for 1M .,~;,. conCfllct d!lldon ·TN pro;.ct II I pr .... tlling WIQI putllc: jOb. The FIRM"s QUOll must consider all tenns tllaled IO prevellng wages ttrms. ·FIRM S must PQSM$1 and maii\Uiin I c:utrent conlraaor licenM, inslnrv;a, and WOfUr oomptnllliOn 00\lltllge d...tl"g !he projiC1 • FIRM S mull til CUF -commerdll U.Otul FunciJon' so lhe pettk::6patlon goal il accepttcl towatdl the Good Faith E'kltl. • H:IOoiiJI, peymeN bond lnd performanc:e boncJ for IM Ml a n'ICMJIII 0( the IUbc:Oftll'llc: prb may bt r.jUhd. ·FIRMS thlit sut.wnlt tl'ltlr quote expldlly adcnow!ed;• and a"•• to aJ above terms and rttponalblidat • W• a,. 1n tq\1,.. oppcrt~nl!y ttnployw. W• do not dlt c:M*"II Jgalntt any QIJI!ified c;on1r'Kt0f1;, subcon1rldor1. ~ ·The 1rrm mutt bt reg~ wfl'l ~~ ollndut \111 Ra&ltbn and should twv.a cutr.m DIR """'bet RESPONSD & RETURN r: YES we wt lr*rtlltcl ln tNt protac:l We wtl FAX 1 quote btfofe lht bid cile eMile & wne. lJ NOw. ~ not WUrel~ In lhlt ptOjad. RltC)CinlltM Contact Hatnt & Slgr.ture: _______ _ Doto. _____ _ Pte11• check one box,Fu B1ck thll sh"t w1th requeated lnfonnatJon btfora bkl due d.lte & Urn• to: Fax: 714-459-7088 Calpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM : TO: CONTRACTOR: B USINESS E NTERRPRJSE ARM: C•fpromax EnglnHring I!AST BAY SIGN CO .. INC. 150 N. RoM Ortve ,Piac~Ua,CA,I 1 710 PHONE : 71~_.519 207 11Tll STREET,SAH FRANCISCO,CA,I.103 PHONE: •15-431.el82 FAX: 7U~5t·7011 FAX : •1s.-S1·t053 FIRM 10132711 MAIN CONTACT: Admin ESTIMATOR : EsUma1or e-maU: c:hr'laUna@bordendeeal.com PH : 714-<57~599 EXT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. C1lpromax Eng ineeri ng It INking Quotll & Sub-bi ds from Qualified & Certified OSE Firms: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS A.NO OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEM ENTS AT VA RIOUS LOCATK>NS II!Ud O.t.nlme: Prottc1 Loatioft: Aw1 n1tng A,genc:y: ContrectNo..: Golll Required: PROJECT OUTREACH QESCR IPTION 2017104121 13:00 PM Templil Clty, LOS AHGEL£S County, lt710 CA P15-07 DBE :4% CAL.PROMAX ENGINEERING II bidding ltf1 ptOjed .. 1 Prh1e General Cor'*IC&Or Wt •eld1Yely tMUng ~ lncl ~ QVOI.tJ on dndtslrtlmqualifJfd & cw1it!td MBC end WBE c:onncunor ~Plant lnd tpt<:tltt 1¥ahblil froJ )'OIA' ~once you NQW •IIhem or Mnd an lnWtnt In this pro1ect. Your quote JhOIAd be Mnl r.o our otb prior to the bid d1teltime pw this ld. For ntl•~ wllh bOI'Idng, Wtsurancll, orlne$ofaeditiXW1Wd.OAJt ct&.. PortiOns of work forthl prq.ctlnc::tvdt (but.,.. notlmhd to) the folaowtng: [WET SAND BLAST AND REMOVE EXISTIN G MARKING ANO STRIPING.INSTALL THERMOPLASTIC PAINT STRIPING. CROSSWALK AN D PAVEMENT MARKJNGS.REMOVE EXIST1NO AND INSTAll NEW SIGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO .. REMOVE EXISTING 8" 3 SECTION VERTICAL VEHtC1Jl.AR SIGNAL HEAO ANO CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECTION VERTlCAL VEHICUlAR SIGNAL HEAD, CONPLETE wrTM MOUNTS. HOUSING, VISOAS ANO BACKPLATE$. THE INSIDE OF S.GNAL VISORS (HOOOS). THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF lOUVERS ANO FINS. AND THE FROHT SURFACE OF BACKPlATE$ SHAll HAVE A OUU. 8L.ACK FVIIISH. BAa<PlATES SHAll BE PO¥/DER CO,..TED ALUMINUM, COLOR SHAU. BE FlAT BLACK. BOROERS SHALL BE 5 ..,CHES WIDE. COHSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED R.AOAA. SPE£0 FEEDBACK SIGH SYSTEM I TERMS & REQUI RMENJS ·To~«~ .... ~~piCa. and pnJfKl docu'ntnl. FaRMS~ COtltec:l..._ CONTRACTOR flO get~ prtlfKt ,..IOutC. • The CON'TRACTOft .a pnMdt FIRMS, if r.ca~ted. wtlh rwcp.ftd au~Nnot In bond~. murwa ..Quotts pet ptDfecl b.d Mms mutt be tubmftlecl bt-1M Cl~.~e I:*J dille end *nil r.o elow proper •~ .QueM, .,. ~hd r.o be in 1c:cote1ance will prctta plans. aptCS, w good fof tht entl,. contraet di.Kidon • ,..,. prq.r;t b a prava!lb'lg wa.;e pubic tcQ. Tht FIRM'l quott muM ccnMf« Ill *""' ratlted to Pflvellng wages larms. • FIRMS ITIIJJI posseJS .,-.c~ mU!Ialn a currenl c::omr.c:sor license. lnllnnce, and worker oomptn11Uon ~cUing the pro:ect • FIRMS must be CUF 'Commtrdtl U"hA Function' ta the particlpeticn goal is aocepled IOWardl the Good Faith Effort. ·1 DO-. peymen1 bond tnd perlonn&noa tJOnd tor lht flA ttnOIA'II ollht tlbCOnltKI price may bt required. ·FIAMS lhlt IUbrril thtlr quell u plafy K~ and .;ret ao .. abOYa .. tmiii'ICI mi)CW\JibllliaJ. • we..-aanequaiOI)p(WU'Ily~.WadoMC~taagainltany~con~su~.~ ·The 8tm I"''UUt be r.g'-terwd wfth ~of lnckllll1al Retadon and thOutd tww • ClltNtll OtR ~ RESPONSD & RETURN L YESweww~., N ptOfKl We w!ll FAXaquot~ababe "-!:lid O...C:S.te & lmt U NO ... are noc i'Urtllild In ... cwotacL R"-ConlociNomo& sq. ... _______ _ o.:.· _____ _ P l .. u dlack one boa,Fu Back thll aheat wtth requested lnform1tlon b t lore bid dut dete & tlme to: Fax: 714-459-7088 Cal promax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CO NTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE ARM: Cllpromu: EnglnHrlng SAMI'S EQUIPMENT & SUPPLI ES 6$0 N. liMo Df1¥o ,PiaconUa,CA,I1710 PHONE : 7 1<-67~519 sese COLUMBIA DR S.,FRESNO,CA,IJ727 PHONE : 559·152~35< FAX : 71•.-sl -7011 FAX: 551·151-111 1 FIRMIDt 3«71 MAIN CONTACT: Admi n ESnMATOR : Estimat or .-.maU: .. msequlpmentQeomcasLMI PH : 714-<573 .. 599 EXT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Calpr omax Engl nnrfng Is IHklng Quotes & Sub-bl eSs from Quallfted & Certln.ci OBE Firma: PToJKt Namo: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT 81d Dat.t1lme: Protect Location: AwardlneApncy: ContrKt No.: Go .. ~qulred: PROJECT OUTREACH PESCRIPIJON VARIOUS LOCATIONS 201710CI'll1l:OO PM TM~ple Ctty, LOS AHGEU!S County, lt710 CA CltyOFTe"'llloCity P15-t7 DBE :4 % CALPROMA.X ENGINEERiNG Is bicktlng fils~ .. 1 P11mt Gantnd Conlrle10f. We art~ seekfng aJb.co'ttraaors 8nd .uppfien quotes on a1 tradn 1tom c;udr.d 1 C*11fttd MBE •nd wee CXM'IItlctotJ or suppftws. Pllna a1e1 ~are evWblt lor your ~once )IOU r.quast them or send an intefest n thlt profec:t. YfloJr qucto ~ be Mnl 1o our ottc:e pr'lor r.o tM bid dattl'irnt per this ad. For nliJIInDt with bonding, hsutance. Ollines ol credit oontld our otra. Portions ol WOtk lor the proJKllndude (but art not lirl"'bd to) the loDDW;ng: (WET SAND BlAST ANO REMOVE EXISTtNG MARKING AND STRIPING,INSTAll THERMOPLASTIC PAINT STRIPING, CROSSWALK ANO PAVEMENT MARKINGS,R£MOVE EXISTINO AHO INSTALL NEW SIGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MIJTCO .• REMOVE EXISTtNG 8' 3 SECTtON VERTICAL VEHClA.AR SIGNAl HEAD ANO CONSTRUCT 12' 3 SECTION VERT1CAI.. \IEHICIJlAR SKJNAL HEAD. COMPLETE WITH MOUNTS. HOUSING. VISORS AND BACKPlATES. THE INSIDE OF SIGNAL vtSORS (HOODS). THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF lOUVERS ANO ANS , ANO THE FRONT SURFACE Of BACK~TES SHALL HAVE A DULL BlACK FINISH. BACKPLATES SHAll BE POYIDER COATEO ALUMINUM, COlOR SHAU. BE FlAT BLACK. DOROERS SHAll 8E 5 INCHES W10E. CONSTRUCT SOLAR POWERED FtAONt SPEED FEED8ACK SIGN SYSTEM I TERMS & REQUIRMENTS ·To...-.or cblain pllm, apec:a. and protacl ~ARMS Jhc:w.ld c:cntec:lW. CONTRACTOR r.o get requiNd pt'OftClreaoutCII • • The CONTRACTOR wll Pt0W;tt FIRM$, W ,.quttttd, with raqund •.ut.tnoa ln bOnding, ~Muranot . -OudM par prc;ac:t bid ltllml ""'* bt aubmille<l bebw lhe due bid dale aneiiii'M (10 •Jow ptoptr ~ • -Ouotel -. requftd r.o be 1n IO:OI'dtnct Wll'l r;wct.c~ pWII. apec:a. and good for 1M tnW. ocntrKt d\.ra~ • • Tha ptqect II a prtv~lllng ~· pvbllc; Job. The FIRth quote must CXli'\JkSIW al lermt re!.lled kl pr0'11111ng waoes tetTN • • FIRMS m utt pouen and mtJ!'Itall'l 1 current OOflttlc:tot leen:M, Insurance, tnd wotktt c:ompensalion c:overape dl.rlng the proj.et ·FIRMS mutt be CUF "Commetclll Uutul Function' so the partldpttlcn goal it accepted IOWirdt the Good Faith E,.-ort, • 100"4 ptyment bond and plffom\lnc:t bond tot the lui arTIOI.r'lt of lht tubc:onttlct prkla tnl)' be reqw.ct. ·FifWS !hat submit their quoit txplk:fty ~· Md agree to tl 1~ ~end responstJIIUIJ . • We art~ .,.. equal oppcnmlty ampqw. We do not~ ~~g.,_. eny quatlfled contt'1(;10t'S, IUbe:Onlrldor'S. M~ppiars ·The llrm mutt be registered wllh 01pt1tment ollncMirial Roa.tion end should tltYe 1 ~ OtR nl.lfTiblr RESPONSO & RETURN 0 YES we .. k'Mtnteel .-a Hs protlc:l Wt will FAX I QUDC.O before "' bid due dale & ...... Cr NOwe.,..not ln~lnthtaptDtact. R.._ ConlociNomo & Slgnobn. _______ _ DolO: ______ _ Plena check one box,Fu Back thl• sheet wtth request ed lnf ormaUon before bkt due date & tlmt to: Fax: 714-459-7088 Calproma.x Engineering BID INVITATION FROM : TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSIN ESS eNTERRPRJSE FIRM: Cllpromaa Engineering 650 N. Ro .. Ortve .PIIcentii,CA,t1780 PHONE : 71.-413-45V9 NORTHERN INDUSTRIAl ELECTRIC 2035 RADIO LANE,REDDING,C A,I6001 PHONE : 53o-z•e-:U66 FAA : 71.-458-7081 FAA : 530-206·2366 MAIN CONTACT : Admin FIRM 10130386 ESTlMATOR : Eatlm1tor ..mall: n le01Q tbcglobll.n•t PH : 714.573-4588 EXT : PRO J ECT OU T REACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Cllpromu E nglnHrtng Ia seeki ng Quote& & Sub-bi ds from Quallft.d & CertiRed OBE Firms: ProJ.ct N•m•: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRAD ES, SIGHS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS Bid OaleiTlm•: ho}Kt Loc.tlon: AwatdlngAg~: 20t71041211 3:00 PM TtmP'e City, LOS AN GELE S County, 1 1110 CA Ctty OF T•mpl• City Contrwe.t No.: P15~7 Goll R•quii'H: OBE : 4% PROJECT OUTREACH QESCRIPTION CALPROMA.X ENGINEERING It ~ thlt profeeC •• a PrWne Oen_,.. Conlr.aof. We ~tt• ectlvely HP-W\o sub-ccntrldorl: and IUPP'ilrt quotn on 111 V~Ms from QUIII\ecl & cendild MBE end WBE oonncton or aupplterl. PIIMit'ICI tpec:.t ttl 1\'ti .. blllor yow nMew onot you r*"""' IMm or Mnd en Interest In Ws pro1ec:t. Yru quote ahoiJd be MM to OU' ol'ecl prior to the bkl ct.ttrlliml per this ld.. For ast.lstMCt with botdnel. insut~nce, or 1nes ot ctedh conlad OYr oft'cl. Pofdons ol woO: tor the ~ lrduc:le (bullt'l nd lrnlled 10) lhe kllo¥Mg: (WET SAND BLAST AND REMOVE EXISTING MAIOONG AND STRIPING.INSTAU. THERMOPLASTIC PAINT STRIPtNG, CROSSWALK AND PAVEMEKT MARKINGS.REMOVE EX~ ANO INSTAll NEW SIGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MVTCO.,REMOVE EXISTlNG 8" 3 SECTION VERnCAL VEHICULAR SfGNAL. HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECT)QN VERTICAL VEHtCUlAR SIGNAL HEAD. COMPLETE WfTH MOUNTS, HOUSING , VISORS AHO OACKPLATES THE INSIDE OF SIGNAL. VISORS (HOODS), THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AHO FINS. AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF BACKPLATE$ SHAll HAVE A OVLL BLACK FINISH BACKP1.ATES SHALL BE POWDER COATED ALUMINUM, COlOR SHALl. Be A.AT BlACK. BORDERS SHAU. BE 5 INCHES WIOE. CONSTRUCT SOLAR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEOBACK SIGN SYSTEM) TERMS & REQUIRMEN!S -To*"'cw ClbUIIn ~. apec:a. and prolec;tdocum•nt ~S lf'ICMIId~ the CONTRACTOR .a get r.qu&t.d profectre~. -Thl CONTRACTOR_. ptO'I'Idl FIRMS, If~. w.ltt .-.qutr.o nlltwa ln IIOndltlg, NutMcl .c:tuo&M Pit PfOied tid "*"-InUit be sutwntu.:l belon lh• due b&d de• and .m. ao dow PfCIC* evMirion. ..Quotes.,.. rlql.lhd 10 brlln KCIOtdancl wilh prefect plana. apec::s. and good for 11'11 entire oonu.et ck.nUon. -Thl ptOfed b; • prevaltng wege pubiC Job. The FIRM's quo&e mutt consld• el terms ,..,ld to pri'VIIIIng "9ft ttm'll. • FIRM S must poueu end rna!ntaln 1 CUfTe N c:ontr.aor lcense. mtnnoe, and wortter COI'TtPIMatlon COYefaQe <Min; the PfOied • FIRMS mutt be CUF 'Commercial UHI\A FI.W'dion· 10 the partic:lplllon goal I• aoctp(ad IOWIId$ lN Good Faith El'fon. -100% P~ymen~. bOnd and J*tfOfr'I'\MCI bond lorlhti fuO amountoflhewbclonvaa !)I'Q rneybt ~- ..fiRMS 'lhltiiAiml thetf 01011 ~~and egrnto .. above llf'mtand rUQOnlbiiUe .. • We are an~ opportunity-"'~ Wt do not cftK:ttmNte ag~~lnM eny quiiUl.O oon~ tWoonlt'aQorl. ~rs • The fttm ti'IUII be NgtateRd ..tth Deptnment of lnduttrltll R.ledon llr1d ~ MY~ 1 turn~nt OIR I'IUti"'IHt RESPONSD & RETURN r YESwe8flirMrul.ld In ftdt~ We wll FAA I quolebelln lhe bid dU•dlte & lime L NOwennot lrW"ted In thAt profect. Re$poneiH ConlKI Namt & ~··~-------"""'------ Pie .. • ch•ck one bo•,Fu B•ck thft shut with requos te d ln form•tlon before bid due d ate & tJme to : Fax: 714-459-7088 Calpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FI RM : Catpromax Engtnoertng UNITED TRAFFIC SERVICES & SUPPLY, INC. 850 N. Roll Drive ,Pf1Contla,CA,V1710 PHONE : 71.-573-45V9 FAX : 71.-458-7061 MAIN CONTACT :Admin ESTIMATOR : E.Jtlm~tor- PH : 71•·573 .. 519 EXT : 1•000 1!. VALLEY BLVD., CITY OF INDUSTRY,CA,917.6 PHONE : 626-1161-5736 FAA : 611-861 _.7•1 FIRM 1013312• •~•II: dor.Ounttedttatflc.net PROJ ECT OUTRE A CH FAX PROJ ECT INFO. Calpromax Engineering Ia INking Quotes & Sub-blda from Quallfl•d & Cert1 ned OBE Firma:: Project Neme : TRAFFtc SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS Bid DatWTtm•: ProjoC:C LocaUon: Awarding Agenty: ContrK1 No.: Go•l R~ul,.d: PROJECT OUTREACH QESCB!PDON 20t7104/21 1:);00 PM T•mplo Chy, LOS AHG!L!II Coun'1, 11710 CA City OF Temple City P 1S.07 DBE :4'1o CAI..PROMAX ENGI NEERING fa bldclng lhll ptajlela$ a PMle ~ ConlrKSOr. W• .,. ac:tM.Iy ae•klng t1Jb.c:onttactots ti'ICI tuPPtt.,. QUCIIet on Ill trades fromqu1taed & certfftld MBE and WBEcontraetors 01 supptt.-.. Plant end apecs Itt lt\'tfllblo tor your~ once you request 1hlm cw Mnd an lnlernl In thl:& proJect. Your qwte lho4.lld be Hnt k:l our oftke prb 10 lhl bid dlteltlm.e per lnls lid. For •ssJstanee with bondng. Nutanoe. orhnNofcrllditCIOI'ltactout otlce. Por1ion1 olwortc lot' the profed lndude (bl.a ar. net i'nlted 10) lhe lolcM(ng: (WET SAND BLAST MID REMOVE EXISTING MARKING AND STRIP'ING,INSTAI.l TliERMOPlASTIC PAINT STRIPtNG. CROSSWAU< AND PAVEMENT MARKIHGS.RENOVE EJClSTtNO AND INSTALL NEW StGNS, SIGH POSTS PER CA MUTCO .. REMOVE EXIST\NG a· 3 SECTION VERTlCAl VEHJCI.IL.AR StGNAL. HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12"' 3 SECTION VERTlCAL. VEHK:Ul.AR SIGNAL HEAD. COMPlETE wrTH MOUNTS. HOUSING. VISOAS NID BACKPLATE$. THE INSIDE OF SIGNAL VISORS !HOODS~ THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND FINS. NID THE fRONT SURFACE Of 8ACI<P\.ATES SHAL L HAVE A OUlL SLACK FINISH 8ACKPL..ATE$ SHALL BE POWDER COATED ALUMINUM. COlOR SHAll DE FlAT BlACK. BORDERS SHALl BE S INCHES WIOE, CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED RAOAA SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN SYSTEM I TERMS & RE9UIRMENTS ·To .......,. or obtal.n p&IM. apea. end profKt document. FIRMS lhoUd conl.ld the CONTRACTOR to ;et required profect resource. ·The CONTRACTOR wtl pnMcle FIRMS, K fiQUIM..:I , with r6ql.klld 1tli11Ma tn IXw'dng. i'\tuttftC&. -Cluote• per prafec:t tMi it_.. rrA..t be aubrfttl«< before the due bid date .nd awn. to • .._ proper I'VIIJUaUon. ~· .,, reqtifed 10 blln .oooro.w::. with project p&lnt, spec;:a, and good tor lhe .,er. conlrac:t dl.nllon. • The prafea it • ~wage I)Ubllc. )ob. The FIRM's quottl must conaider II terms related to ~ wages twrns . • FIRMS must pouau end malnta!n 1 curtont contractor license, IIUl.dnce, and WOftc:et CIOt'n~tlon coverage <luring lhe pro)eet ·FIRMS mu•t be CU F "Ccmmerdel U.Orut f unction• so the patticfpallon got! is ac:eeP'ed IOwllt'dsltte Good FeHtl Etrort. ·100'4 payment bond and perbmerc:e bond for lhe rut amount ol the Mlbconnct price may bl requited. -FI RMS N •ubmft U'let qvc(e ~ ~· end agree10 .a 1bo¥e letm1 end re•pon&lbiiiUes. • We~r~ an equal opponun!ty empkJyer. We do not dita'tmlnat• tgalnst tny ~lifted c:cntrKiOt'l.. klbclonu-.ctoi"S, tupp8enl ·Theh'lmut!blr-oilteredwtth~ofltlduQtel~lltldahouldNtvl a currentCMR~. RESPONSD & RETURN rJ YES wen 11'\Wt.-ctln lhhi pratiCl WI d fAX. I quote blfofelhl bldl CkJe dll.l & lime 0 NO wt .. notlnt.,. .. ted In ttl'-PfOtiK:l Respon~Jble Conlad Name & S5gnetwe: _______ _ Plene check ono box,Fu: Back this lhMt w it h requested Information be rare bid due date & tltne to: Fax: 7 14-459-7088 Calpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRIS E A RM: Calpromn Engln .. rlng ESO&C,INC. eso N. Rose Ortve .Piacentla.CA,t1780 PHONE : 71.w73-4519 1419 BAYSHORE HWY., SUITE 131.BURLIHGAME,C ... I4010 PHONE : S50-7H·2nS FAA: 714-451-7018 FAA : 150-240-0413 MAIN CONTACT : Admin FIRM 101135345 EmMA TOR: Estimator e-mell: n M-ctHdlndc:.eom PH : 71 4·573-4591 EXT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Ct lpromax EnglnHrtng It IHk ln; Quo l tl & Sub-bids from Quallfled & Certified OBE Firma: Prottct N1m1: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SKlNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCAnONS Bkl Olt.nltnt: ltrclfed Loudon: AWJidlngAgenc;y: 201710-4126 13:00 PM Ttmpa. Cfty, LOS ANGELES County, 11710 CA City OF T.-nple Ctty Conlt'Kt N~: Pt 5-07 Gool Roqul'"": OBE : 4% PRQJECJ OUTREACH RESCRIPTION CALPROMAX ENGINEERlNO tt bidding &Nil OtOjKC u 1 Pntne o.r..r.l Conndor Wt .,_ KCfvely Meki'Q IUb-con~ .nd wpptieta q~ on an ndes tram qu~~fted & cenift.cl MBE end W8E c:onnc:tcn or tupplln. Pt.r. and ~peca ert l'vai'-bte for )'OW r.vlew ~ rou ~·t !hem or Hnd '" lnt.rnl In tNt ptOfec:L Your QUOte aNMcS be Mnl to our oMoe prior "' !.he bid dat61\lme per this ad. For ,_.~ with bonding, ln.urana~, or hts o1 cndlt t1)fliact our otf'lc::e, PorUcn: of work for the~ ndudt (but tte not~ to) the fcGowing: (WET SAND BC.AST AND REMOVE EXIST1NO MARKiNG AND STRIPING,I NSTALl THERMOPLASTIC PAINT STRIPING, CROSSWALK AND PAVEMENT MARKtNGS,REMOVE EXISTING ANO INSTALL NEW SIGNS. SIGN POSTS PER CA MliTCD.,REMOVE EXISTING 8'" 3 SECTION VERTICAL VEHtCUt.AR SIGH.AL HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 1T 3 SECTION VERTK:AL VEHICUlAR SIGNAL HEAD. COMPLETE WITH MOUNTS. HOUSING, VISORS AND BACKPI..ATES. THE INSIDE OF StGNAL VISORS (HOOOS), THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF lOUVERS AND AHS, AND THE FRONT SURFACE Of BACKPL.ATES Stw.l HAVE A OUll BLACK FINISti BACKPlATE$ SHALL BE POWOER COA.TEO AlUMfNUM. COLOR SHAU. BE F\AT 8LAO<.. &OROERS Stw.l BE~ INCHES WI>E. CONSTRUCT SOlAA POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN SYSTEM) TERMS & REQUIRMENTS -To 'flleworobWn p.na, apece, end~~ ARMS IJ'IoUicS c:onuct fM CONTRACTOR Joteot ~ ~ ~. ·The CONTRACTOR wll ~FIRMS, W ~~.will~ tsi<tl.tnee If\ bOtldinO. Nut'WIC .. ...QucUs '* profed bid !Ums man~ be sUbtnlll<l befoN lhe due bid dltt tnclli'M to dow prop4M' t,...,_tloft -0uo1e1 .,. ttq..ired 110 be If\ eoc:ote1enot wtlh prefect p&.rw, specs, end good few lht enllre connel ct~.w.uon. • Tht ptefta Ia • prtvellng wegt pubic fob. Tht FJRM's QUOtt fftiSl oonsJdet .. l~ 1tttltd 10 prev.-na wages ttrmt. • FIRMS musl possess ....::1 tMinlaln • c:utrtnt contractot lcense, imc.nnct, tnd wortttt ccmpenutlon t»ttragt dul'tng the ptOjtCt • FIRMS muJt be CUF "'Commtfdtl Unful Func:uon· so lhe per'lieip.ltion goal Is tctel)ted ~· tht Good F;llth Etbt. ·1 cxrr-payment bond end pel1on'nance bond tor lht ful emoun1 ot the ll.bc:Ot'lltaCl PfQ mtY bt requi red -FIRNS lhltlol.brillhtlt quote t;.tpkity tct.nowltdgt lt'ld tgrM 10 .. eboVt ltnnl tnd '"pontlblilltt. • Wt ,,.., tqU111 QWOB.!nly ~-Wt do nat~ agliret eny qu~ oontrxton, tubcontrtdorl, JUPI)itrs • Tht r.m rnnt bt ~ wfCh o.p.rmtnt d tncMttW Rttttlon tnd shculd hive • ~ DtR ~ RESPQNSD & RETURN C YES" -~ k'I Nt proftct. Wt .. FA:A • .,_ befDtt,. bid dut dl*e & lmt U NO" .... nol ..... lifd ~ .. ptQftcL Rft90nllt*tCOtMCI Nttne I Signltur .. _______ _ Dot•·------- P~tM chck one box,Fu Back this shtel with requested lnfonnttlon before bid due dale & time to: Fax: 714-459-7088 Calpromax Eng lnHrtng BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS EHTERRPRISE FIRM: Calpromu Engineering 150 N. RoH Oth-e ,PIIC~tla.CA.t1710 PHONE : 714-673 .. 519 FULL TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE, INC. 217 LEWIS COURT,CORON ... CA.I2112 PHONE: 95H2MUO FAX: 714-451-7011 FAX : 151-520·19110 FIRM 10135742 MAIN CONTACT : Admin e.mMATOR : EaUmttor t-mtll: atmmysalgadoQsbcglobal.net PH: 714-.57H5U EXT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Calprornax Englntortng Is tHklnljl Qu otas & Sub-bids from Q ualified & Certlfled DBe Firma : ProJect Nlmt: TRAFFIC SIGNA.l UPGRADES, SIGHS AND OTHER SAFETY iMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCAT10NS Bid Datolllme: ProJKt l oc.aUon: AwvdlngA.Qenc:y: H1710412t tl:OO PM Ttmptt City, LOS ANGELES County, 11110 CA City OF Ttmpft Cl!y Contnlct No.: Pli-07 Gool-: OBE :4 % PRQJECT OIITREACH D ESC RIPTION CAlPROMAX ENGINEERING '-bfddlnO Chis profed 1t t P'rtmt Central ContrtciOr Wt lrt ~ MeklnQ ~ tnd tuppltrt quot" on al ltadtt from qudhd & ottUfttd MBE end W8E contrtCIOfl or WP .... Piant tnd IIPICIIIR tvtlltblt b 'f04Jf reWrw on~» you ~st thtm Of MnCI an lnleres11n thb profed. Your quote thould be sent to wr ollk:e prior to ~ tMcS ct.toltlme per !hit td. For eaaislance with bonding, In surance, or l!net olc:redltcontact o..offtee. Portlonsoi'NCW1c kJr the projec:llndUde (but Itt not tamlted to) the followlt'lg: (WET SAND BLAST AND REMOVE EXISTING MARKING AND STRIPING,INSTALL THEA.MOPLASTlC PAINT STRIPING, CROSSWAlK AND PAVEMENT MAIOONGS,REMOVE EX~T1NG AND INSTAll NEW SIGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO.,REL10VE EXISTING a· 3 SECTION VERTICAL. VEHICU.AR SIGNAL HEAD ANO CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECTlON VERTtCAL VEHICIJl.AR SIGNAL HEAD. COMPLETE WITH MOUNTS, HOUSlNG, VISORS AND 8ACKP\.ATES. TliE INSIDE OF SIGNAl VISORS (HOODS). THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND FINS, AHO TliE FROKT SURFACE OF BA.CI<P\ATES SHALL HAVE A DULL Bt...ACK FIN ISH BACKP\.ATES SHALL SE POWDER COATED ALUMINUM , COlOR SHALL BE A.A T BLACK. BORDERS SHALL BE 5 lNCHES WIDE, CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWER£0 RADAR SPEED FEEDBACK SfGH SYSTEM) TERMS & R EQUIRMEN!$ ·TO v'ew or ClbWn .... SDKS,Inc:l PfOitc:t dOcUntnl. FIRMS thould conc..c:t lhl CONTRACTOR to QM r.quhG Ptq.ct ,.sowct. • Tht CONTRACTOR w11 proYidt FtAMS. II rttp.M~sted , wt1t1 "*'-*td tatitttra _, bord"'I, lntUttnca. 4uotM P1f proJtd bid l~«ne mutC be aubrnlt\td btb• tht due bkS ct.tt t n d lkM to -'ow proper .._..lu•tlon. ..QuciM ttt required to bt _, acc:ordtnot Wllh pratec:t plans, specs. tnd good lor lhe tnll,. connct dl.n1ion. • The proj.c:t Is • prtvtllng wage publk: job. The FIRM't ~· m.n.t eonaldtf tH Ieima ,..ted lo prevaJing ~ lrllmt . ·FIRMS must poueu and mafntl!ll 1 cu..,..nt c:ontta.cw lctnM ,IR$U1111'1Ct, t nd wotktr compensation covtnge di.IMg ti'Mt project • FIRMS must bt CUF "Commerdtl UMful Function• 10 the parUcipabon goal II aec:~ tow~ lhl Good Ftith Effott. -100~ peyrnent bond tnd pettorm.not bOnd fot lht hAl amount of tt.subaMlltKt prtct mey be requhd. -FIRMS thM tubmll their quote ppOcity ~ tnd •liJ'H kltlf aboYt Wtmttnd ruponalblhltt . • We.,. '" equal opPGf1U'IIly tfi'IClllortr Wt do ncM dbcrltnlnatt agtfnst any qulllil'ltd conii'ICIOra. IUbconnc:ton, ~ ·TI\t.-rn mustbt ~ wft'l ~ollndla~ R~ lind JI'IC:IUtd N¥1 I QIMI'II.CMR ~ RESPON SD & RETURN r YES we .. lni«MMId in 1hil ~ Wt _.FAX 1 QUO(t ~ lht bid dW «<ett ,S. imt [J NO """ .,. not ln*"ttd In U. prq.ct. -eo.-Homo & Signature _______ _ Oeto ____ _ PI•••• cheek one box.Fo Back thlt ahttt with requested lnformaUon before bid due dttt & time to: Fax: 7 14-459-7088 BID INVITATION FROM: CONTRACTOR: Calpromu l!ft$1Mertng TO: BU~N ESS ENT!RRPRISE FIRM: lliE ElUT LIGHT CO, INC Colpn>mu Englneertng 850 N. Ra.e Dr1Y1 ,Piacentla,CA.t1780 PHONE : 714·573-4 598 3525 DEl MAR HEIGHTS RD IJOC,SAN DIEGO.CA,t2130 PHONE : 710-611-3141 FAX : 71~HOII FAX: 710·511·3141 MAIN CONTACT : Admin FIRM IOJ3.<037 ESnMA TOR : Elllmator .-man: JcOtxiUighlco.com PH : 71 C-47).4511t 100': PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Ctlpromax Englnaet1ng It tttklng Quotes & Sub-bids from OUIIIflad & Cartlned DBE Flrmt: TRAFFIC SIGN.AL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAF£T'Y IMPROVEMENTS AT VARtoUS LOCATtOHS Bid Dat.nlme: Ptofrtc.t loctdon: Awtrdlng Agency· 2017104126 13=00 PM T1mple City, LOS AHOELEI Cow\ty, t1110 CA Chy Of Tempt. Chy ComtKt No Ptl-07 0ooJ ·-DBE : 4% PRQJI!CJ OUTREA CH DESCRIPTION CAl...PROMAJC fNO&HURJHO. b6ddlrV ltis pr$Q a 1 P11rne Gw.rlt Conndot We.,. acLIYtlly ...U. ~and~ CIUOM Of'l 11 ncs.tram QUilled & otnlle4 W8E. .nc~ wee~ or __.,. Plant end .-..,. ...,...... 1ar 'fOil,...._ OI"'Cle you ~ '*"' or ltlnd .., ......_. In ,. proftcL Vow Q1..IOel ahodd be Mnl to ow ollc:. prb 10 lw bid cSaWint '* 11'111 .cl. For ~ w!Wt ~ nturwa, 01 ._of crtdl oon111e1 ow cA:11 Portarw of 'IJii1ICR lor .. prcfed ~ (tM.,. nol.,.,.._, to} I'M taiDM'Ig. (WET SNfO 9LAS1 AHO REMOVE EXI$TING MAAl<JNG AND STRJPING,IIISTAU. TNE.RioOOPI.ASTIC PAIHT STRiPING. CROSSWAU< AND PAVEMENT ~EMOY'! !X*STlNG AHO IHST All NE.W SK\NS, SJGN POSTS PER CA MUTCD . .REMOVE EXISTING r 3 SECnoN V£Rl1CAL VfHIC\OA ~-HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12' 3 SECllON IIERl1CAL VEHICUlAA SIGNAl. HEAD. COMPlETE WITH MOUNTS. HOUSING, VISOIIS AHO IAO<P\ATES lliE INSilE Of ~NAI. VISORS (HOODS~ THE EHTIRe SURFACE Of LOUVERS AND FINS. AND THE fRONT SUAFN:.! Of BACKPtAT£5 SHALL HAVE A 0UU. BlACK FINISH. BACKPI..ATES SHALL 8E POWDER COATED ALUMINUM. COlOR SHALL 8E flAT BLACK IORO£RS SHAll BE 51NCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCl' $Ol..AR POWERED RADAA SPEED FEEDBACK $tGN SYSTEM I TERMS & REQUIRM!!HTS -To .._ 0t 0bt11n p6ent.. '""· lft4 ptOjeC:t docum .... FIRMS ti'IQAd cont.ICI "-COHTRACTOR Do-t~ protect resource. • The COHTRACTOR wll proW:Ie FfU,&S, If~ • ...;u, t'lqUhd .-...not k'l D0nC1n0. ~· -0uotte 1* Pfotea btd .._,,muM be~ be*".,. M bkS d .. ...-ctllrM to 1low prcper ~ -Ouoltt .,. reQIIAted to bt ... ICCOf'CSinc» wUtl proftc:t pllns., ~-and good for lhl ~ CICiftW'Kt dl.nllon • Tht prqea It a ~ weot pubic Job. The FIRM'• quote mnt contkfef Ill tetmt r.llt.S so prevetang w.g" *"" • FIRt.4S must popeu and maintain 1 cun"" oomr.dof !ic:enH . inluranc:e. end YI'Of1ciW ~nNIJon COII'traQt dUMQ lht PfOfKt • FIRMS rntAo1 bt CUF "CorrvnerdM UMtut Func:don" ac lha pattldpetlon goalilt<:Ctpllid to¥tlfdt the Good Ft fth Errort. ·100ft PIY"*'Il bone! lnd ~ bond for 1M ful 1mount of 1M aubc:on~ ptb mty be required ..fiRMS U\II~Wt'nk lhtlrQUOII t lq)Udfy ~ ancll"" 10 t l aboYe l.em'IS tnd rtiC)OnllbiiUel -We w. _., ..-t ~ ~ WI do not d!KMWte -s~llnlt eny qu~~!if'led con~ • .ubconUKiott. ~ • The 1tm ~ be ~wed wlth o.p..nm.na ol ~ fWadon and lhCMd ,..... I OM~ DIR nutnl;l4l' R ESPONSD & RETURN C'YES we.,. ~In INt profed. Wtwll FAX tQUCta~ 1-. bid due dlle I *ne lJ NO ,..,.IICIC...,_tltd~lht.prq.c:t. R.-c:-c.N .... ,~--------oooo _____ _ Pl4iatt chtcll. one box,Fa.x Back thi s eh"t with requeat.cl lnlormatlon ~l cwe bkf due date & time to: Fax: 71 4-459-7088 C•lpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE fiRM: Catpromax Enetneertng UNGO INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS UO N. Ron Ortvo ,PIIoentlo,C A.tt180 PHONE : 7 1C-473 .. 5tl 355 W. SIERRA MADRE B LVD.,SIERRA MADRE,CA,ti02C PHONE: 521 .. 36·1 214 FAX : 71445 .. 7081 MASH CONTACT : Admin ESTIMATOR : EoUm.oto< PH : 71 4473 .. 5111 100': PROJECT INFO . FAX: 821 .. Sf·l 217 FlR M IDJ3.<023 a-ma ll: Ungo~arthllnk.net PROJ ECT OUTREACH FAX CatpromiJC Engineering ta seeking Quotes & Sub-bids from Qualified & Certlfled OBE Firma: TRAFAC SIGNAL. UPGRADts, SIONS AND OTH ER S A FETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCAnON$ l ld O.ttntme: ProtKt Loutton. Awa~lngAg..-qo· Conu.ct Ho.: 2011tc412113:00 PM TlfnPI• Ctty, LOS AHQI!:L ES Co~o~nty , 11710 CA CIOyOFT ...... Chy P15-07 Go.J fltequlred• DBE : •% P RQJECT OUTR EAC H DESCRIPTION CAl..PR()MA)C ENOINEEAINO .. bidding .... Clf'Ottolt• 1 Ptmt Getwll Cotttnaot We.,.~~~~~ quot .. on 11 ...-~ram Ql.lllllcf a <*tlrtd MBE end wee Clll"'&rKkn 01 ~ ,..,_ n ..-:a.,. • ......,.. tar your review Q"'Ce ,au NC~UeM a.m 01 Nnd _, ......,._. ~ Chk prefect. Y011 quote stw:illkt ~ Mnt to CU' ctb p1cw _, 1he bid .,...,..,_ per 1'1111 ld. For anlstlnc:. -"" CKWdng. m.nr.. ... -ol ...... ---......... d ..... b ... ..,jod -tiM""""' ..... D) too-.,: (WET SA/<0 &ASl AND REMClY( ElCIST1NG o.wiKJNG AND STRIPING,IHSTAU. T>IERMOI'UST1C PAINT STRIPING. CROSSWAU< AND PAV(MEHT MARKJNGS.REMOVE EXI811NG AHO INSTALL NEW SIGNS. SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO..REMOY£ EXISNIG r :3 SECllOH VERTlCAL VEHICUlAR ~ HEAD AND COf<STRUCT 12' 3 SECTlOH I/ERT1CAL VE>OClA.AR SIONN.. HEAD, COO<PI.ETE WITH MOUNTS. HOUSING. VISORS AND IAO<P\ATES THE INSJOE Of SIGHAL VISORS (HOODS~ THE EHME SURFACE Of LOUVERS AND F .. S. AND Tl-IE FRONT &URFACI ~ 8ACKPlATES SHALl.. HAVE A OlAJ.. BLACK FINISH. IACKP'l.ATES SHAlL BE POWDER COATED ALL/MlHUM COlOR SHALL BE F\.AT !I.ACK BORDERS SHAll BE S INCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SCil.AR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEDBACK StGN SYSTEM) TERMS & REQUIRMENTS ·To W.Wor DbC.tr'l I*M, .,.._*'II~ doc:uMni. FIRMS lhc:dcS Cl:lf'ltld fMI COtiTRAClOR k:11 gel~ ptOflct ,.tol.ltOt ·Tllo COHTRACTOR ... _FB<S.•--.--u-ln~-- .OUO... pw PfCtKt bid Items mutt be M.lbml•ed brioN lht e1ut bid tt.tt tnd llrM to ..,_ (:II"'O))t tvtWIIon ..OUO.t are ,...._, 10 ~ In ~nee wtl'l projld pWta. JpeCS. lnd good b' 1M enlirt CCifW1tCt o.ndon • Tht projld it I~ W'O' PUblc)ob. The FIRM"s quote mutt conelder .. t.'ml rWtec:IIO ~ WIQ .. ~ • FIRMS muat poneu tncl m.htlln 1 curr.nt conll'K\0( lcenM. i'lsuranee. lind wcwktr OOt'I'IPfntation ~· dl.lttnQ lht profec:t ·FIRMS muat Dt CUF -c011"1t1"1tf(IIJ UHhA F~·so ttlo penleip.Uon ~~ IIICCePttcl toward IN Good Fei th Etton. ·100% Pl)'n\enl bond and P«fom'III'ICI bond Jot hlul t tnCM..rJt ol lht M,lbconltlitl ~""'I be requlr.d • -F IRMS lhll Mmlllhllt quote txpldfy ~lind agrn 1o e1 ebove temw end~ • Wt.,. 1n ~ OC)pOt'lunlty t~ Wt do not~ aga1nte.,., QU4IIi.6ed conwedon, aubcontf'acton, aupplwt ·The ftrm II'Mt be ~1tttfld wun ~of lnclusll1al ~t.lotland ~ ~ • c:urret'lt DIR runt. RESPONSD & RETURN n YES M .,. lntetet teclln lhll profecl. Wt wll FAX I quot.; belate tt. bid ~de .. & WM L HOwe t.re not.,...,..tedln.,..Pf'Oftcl R~ComldNtme l ~rwve. _______ _ o.oo· ______ _ Pt.ttt check one box,Fu Btc:k lhl:l ahftt with requuted lnform etJ on ~fort bid dut dttt & lime to: Fax: 714-459 -7088 Calpromax Englneertng BID INVITATION FROM' TO' BUS.NESS ENTERRPRISE FlRM: CONTRACTOR' Ca'Pfon\lx Englneerfng MERITEK ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 850 N. Ao .. DrtYt ,PtacentJa.CA .I1710 PHONE ; 714-57s-4599 1112A HAMDEN PLACE,SANTA FE SPRINGS,CA,tol70 PHONE ; 582-941-2231 F.U ; 71 4-4511-7018 F.U : 582·1141-2241 MAIN CONTACT : Admin FIRM IODUIO ESTIMATOR : &tlmai CW' •·mal l : ollvo!"QrMrlt ekusa.com PH ; 714-573-4599 EXT ; PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Ctlpromax Engineering Ia aHidng Quot tl & Sub-bleb from Quallntd & Ct rtlfled DB E Firms: Projetl Name: TRAFAC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VAJUOUS LOCAnONS 8ld o.u.tTlme: Projoct locotlon; A ...... lnt......., 20171G412113:00 PM Temp .. Ctty, LOS AHGELEI County, tt7t0 CA Cit)' OF Temple Cit)' Conltad No.: P 15-07 GNI R-; DBE ; 4 % PROJECT OUTREACH D ESCRIPTION CAL.PROMAX EHGINEERJNG It bldd.lng ht protrlct 11 I~ Gtner-.1 ~.We are tetMify IMkcng subocontrac:IOt1 and tuPPitrt ~ Ofl d trldM from quMI'Itd 6 <*t.rlod MBE end WBE ~or tupplltn. Plans and specs .,. tvetlabte lor )'OUr r.-A.w once )'OU requttl them or a.tnd ll'linlwat In lhis pn:!ftet. Your QUOll U'lould be Mtlt to our offa prior 101M bid dfteltjme per this ad. FOf ''tlt*"Ct wtltl tlondt1g, Nuranc:e. cw lnes of credl1 c:onted our otrlce. Portion~ ol wor1c lor lhe proJoc:t lndu<le (but are notlmlted to) lhe foUor.WI;: (WET SAND BlAST AND REMOVE EXISTING MARKING AND STAIPING,JNSTAU. THERMOPLAST1C PAINT STRIPING. CROSSWALK AND PAVEMENT MARI«NGS.REMOVE EXISTING ANO INSTAll. NEW SIGNS , SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO .. REMOVE EXISTING a· 3 SECTtON VERTtCAL. VEHICULAR SIGNAL HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12· 3 SECTlOH VERTICAL VEHICut.AR SIGNAL HEAD, COMPLETE wrTH MOUNTS, HOUSU'Kl, VtSORS AND BACKPlA TES. THE INStoe OF SIGNAL VISORS (HOODS). THE EHT1RE SURFACE OF LOUVERS NfO FINS, AND THE FRONT SURFAC£ OF BACKP\.ATES SHALL HAVE A OUU BLACK FINISH. BACKP\.ATES SHALL BE POYt'OER COATED AlUMINUM, COlOR SHAU BE FLAT BLACK. BORDERS SHALL. BE $INCHES W\OE, CONSTRUCT S0t..AA PO'NERED RAOAA. SPEED FEEDBACK SKiN SYSTEM! TERMS & REQUIRMENTS ·To Y11W ot ob&llln ~. ~ end pt0ftc:1 CloCut'rMtnL FIRMS shedd contact h CONTRACTOR to 0*1 required profec:t retOUree • Tho CON'TRACTOR '111111 prcMde FIRMS, I f'OQUIK&ed, -MV-1 reQUhcS Mlolttlnce ~ bond119, inlurttiCL ..QUIMI '* profod b¥ ........ ,.,.. be~ bofort the dul bfd date end 1Tl110 ·~ proper owluetian. .OI.JCUJ .,. requftd 10 bt In tMX.Otdanc:e w11h profod plans, specs. end good lot f\1 enUre oonu.ct ~ation. • Tl'le proi«t is a prevelhg w~ pubic job. The FIRM's quote mtnt conJidW t D ltrml ,.te!td 10 Pf......ang w.gu terms. • FIRMS muli possess tnd malntein • cu,.nt. c:ontrldOf ac.nn . 1Mura0C41. and WOt'JI.ar c:ompensallon cov.~e dunng Nl>rofect ·FIRMS must be CUF "Commardal UsthA Function" so the participation goa! II tc:eepttd tow8r<ltlho Good Feith Eflott. ·1~peymont bond and perlofmance bond torlhe k.dlemountofthe IIUbc::Cin&l'ac prQ may bt r•red. ·FIRMS thai aubtrillhtlr queM ex.plc:lty t~ and 11Qt'M to d a~ tarml and rtti)Oftl!biJII ... . We tteln equatoppcnri:y ~ We do noc ~ e;~nt eny qufta.d CQnW"adota. •~. ~ • The Inn m.el bt roglltlwed with ~ ollt1Chllwt.i Rttelan 8tld lhouid ht'lt a current C»R tw.llr'Oeor RESPONSD & RETURN f1 YES we .. anterwled" Hs pt'OfiCl Wo _. FAX t q\.IION belort 1\.t bid due 4a&o 6 lime L HOwearwnot~lnNtPf'CIIect. R-Cor<ad Namo& Slgnolln. _______ _ Dolo: ____ _ Please chock one box,Fex Btck thll aheot with requnted Information before bid due dete & limo to: Fax: 714-459-7088 BID INVITATION FROM: CONTRACTOR; Calpromax Englnoering Catprom ax Engineerin g TO: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM: MURTHY TRANSPORTATION ISO N. Ro .. Drive ,Piacentla,CA .t1710 PHONE : 714-57s-4599 2132 ALDER BERRY CT,FUU.ERTON,CA,I2135 PHONE ; 714-474-4545 FAX : 714 ... 51-7011 FAX : 714·n4-4620 FIRM 10135172 MAIN CONTACT ; Admin ESTIMATOR : Esti mator e-mail: MURTMYO MTCWORLO.ORG PH ; 714-573-45911 EXT ; PROJECT OUTREACH FAX P ROJ ECT INFO. Ctlpromax Engineering II aHklng Q u o tes & Sub-bids from Q utllfled & Certlned DBE F irms : TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS A ND OTH.ER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS lid Oatelllme: Ptt;!fod Locadon: Awannng Afenc:y: Contnc.tHo.: GNIR.crulred: PROJECT OUTREACH DESCRIPTION 201711WM 13:00 PM Temple City, LO! ANGELES County, 11710 CA. City OF Temp. City P1W7 DBE ; 4% CAL.PROMAX ENGINEERING II tMtdlng INa profrect .. t ~ G4tt..r Conltedof. We a111 acd'lllty IM1dng tub-c:onlractats tnd tuP911«1 quol11 on a!llrtde& lrom qUIIIiJIJed & OlrtJitd M8E and WBE conlrac:tors cw tuppf'-'1. Plant lnd looet tre tvt!!.eb&e b' )'OUT review one. you ,.quttl them ot Mnd WI itterntln tNt project. Your QUOP.I lhOUtd be Mnt to our otflc:e prior 10 lhl bkt o.ttlllme per this ad. For utls&anct wiU't bondhg, ln.su1*'!e:e, or fii'IIS of credit c:onltc:e our oMc:e. Portions of wort< for lhe project lndude (but ere not llm!ted kl) the lollow!ng: {WET SAND &AST ANO REMOVE EXlSTlNG MARKING ANO STRIPING,INSTAll THERMOP'L.ASTtC PAINT STRIPING, CROSSWAU< AN D PAVEMENT MARICNGS,REMOVE EXISTING AND INSTALL NEW SIG NS, SIGN POSTS PER CA. MIJTCO .. REa.tOVE EXISllNG e· 3 SECTION VERTlCAL VEHlCut.AR SIGNAL HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 1T 3 SECTlO N VEA:TlCAl VEHICULAR SIGNAL. HEAD. COI.IPLETE WITH MOUNTS, HOUSWG, VISORS AN D BACKPLATES THE INSIDE OF SIGNAL. V\SORS (HOOOS). THE EN'TlRE SURFACE OF LOVVERS AND FINS, AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF BACKPLATE$ SKAU. HAVE A DUll BLACK FA"'lstt. BACKPLATE$ SKAU. BE PO¥IOER COATED AL.UMINUW , COLOR SHAll BE FlAT BlACK. BOROERS SHALl BE 5 1NCHES wtDE, CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED RAONt SPEED FEEDBACK StGH SYSTEM I TERMS & REQUIRMENTS ·TO V..WOJotlt'*' plena, IQ«::, end~ doc:umtnl. F~ llhoUd con~ 1W CONTRACTOR k) pt rwquhd P"ltld roeouroe • The CONTRACTOR wll PfO'II4dt FIRMS. II requu\ld, wtlh tequh(ilull.tanct tn bonclng, INutanoL ..()u,c:Ms ptr proJect bid ltttns rr.m be Mtbmihd t*ore lh• due bk:t date end *nt to •low proper ~tiOfl. -Ouotn .. r.quhd lo be In acc:ordlnce ~ ptOjod pltnl. specs. and good for .... '"*' CCIIWicC d\ndon . • Thl profed " 1 provalllng wege pubac Job. The FIRM'e quota mUSI CD'IIidlf al llrml re61ttd 10 prr.oellng wagt~sllrml . ·FIRMS m~ttt possess end malnteln 1 curre nt mnttlldot lcense,lns1.1f11nce, and worltar oompentttlon coverage during !he profKl ·FIRMS mutt be CUF "Commercial u .. f\d Funetlon" to the pettlc:lpat»n gOIIIt 8CQ19ttd 10WII'd11he Good Filth Eliott •100... PIYrl*lt bond 1nd porlonnence bond lor tht tul atnOU"'t of !he stJbcontrlct prk:o m.y be r.qUred. ·FIRMS the! MA>mit lhek queM expldly tcMowtedg• and twH 10 all aboYI1«1'Ni lnd I1JIIpctllblltiet. ·We.,.., equal opportunly ~.We do nat~ .gawttt etrt quiMed OCJr*actort, subc:On~. aupp(et$ • Thel'.ml musa be tegl:slered wdth OepiHmtnl oi! lnd!AIAII Ra&don n lhcdcf hrooe • Q..lt'feftl CMR nun'Dif RESPONSD & R ETURN 0 YES ,.. ar. ~ i'I INt pn:lfKL We wl FAJ/. 1 quolt bt:Jcw. 1\.t bid due d ... 6 ........ L NO ........ nat lnlietMted In "* pq.ct. R--Cor<ad-& Sigrelww _______ _ 0.10: _____ _ PIIIH chtek one box,Fax Back thlt ahHt wtth requested lnrormttlon befor. bi d due datt & time to : Fax: 714-459-7088 Calpromax EnglnH rt ng BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSI NESS ENTE RR PRISE FIRM: Calpromu Englnoo<ing PSC CIRCUITS, INC. t SO N. Ro .. Drtvt ,Pia ce ntii ,C A..I 1710 PHO NE : 710473 .. 599 11 124 HA MDE N P l.ACE,S"NT" FE S PRINGS,CA,I OI70 PHONE: 5412-401 •24 51 FAX : 710 .. 51·7011 MAIN CONT"CT: "dmln ESllMATOR : Es tim a tor P H : 71 4-473 .. 511 EXT: PROJECT INFO. FAX : 5412-401-2455 FIRM ro.3&551 •matt: ••J .. C pteelreutts.com PROJECT OUTREACH FAX C1lpromu Englntt r1ng It aHklng Quotes & Sub-bids from O u•llfltd & Certified OBE firms : Projecl Name: TRAFFIC ~GNA L UPGRADES, SIONS AND OTHER SAF ETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOU S LOCAnONS Bid Date/Time: Projttll.oc<llon: Awerdtrtg~· 201710412t U:OD PM T~ple City, LOS AHG!:LE.S County, 11710 CA aty OFTempte City Conb'act No.: P 1 5-07 GNI ~..,...., DBE : 4% PRQJECT OUTRE AC H DESCRIPTION CALPR0MAX EHGIHEEAIHQ It bidding lhll ptaflld. .. 1 P,.,.. General Coi'*ICIOf. We ~~ ICfiYetr tHklng tub<OnlrKSOI'1 end~ QUO&n an II ncs.t !rom q....a.d & C«tMcc MBE end WBE a:Jnnctors « i1UPP1WL PIIN encl ~ .,. .......,.. tor ycu ,......._ CltU you .-.qutt~lhtm 01 Mnd., ~ rn HI CWOfecl. Ycu quot~t ahOuii:S be Mnlto curo.ac. PtiOr 101M biG~ per hi .s. F01 ~WAh~ ~.or.._ ol od c:ctUc1 cu otftce ~dwcwt lot lht ~ hc::lua (but.,. nolllrftted to) ht ~·[WET SAHO BlASl AHD REUOYE EJUST'INl MARKING AND STRIPiNG. STALl lliERMOP\.ASTIC PAIHT STRPJHG.. CROSSWAlK ANO PAVEMENT MAAKINGS llfMOYE EXlST1NG AND IHST loLL NEW SIGHS. SIGH POSTS PER C... MVTCO.REMOIIE EXIST1HG r 3 SECTlON IIEJITICAL VEHICU.M SlGNIL HEAD AJIO CONSTRUCT 12' 3 SECTIOH V£I<1"C,\L VEHICULAA SIGNiol HEAD. COt.I.Pt.ETE wmt NOUHT$, HOUSING, VISORS AND 8ACKPLATES. THE tNSIOE Of SIGNAL vtSORS (HOOO$), mE EHnR£ SURFACE OF LOlNERS N«J fiN$, AND TtiE FROHT SURFAC& Of IAQUI\ATES SHALl. HAVE A OUU. SLACK FlNISH. BAO<Pl.ATEI SHAll 8E POWOER COATED AlUMINUM. COLOR SHALL BE FlAT Ol.ACK. BOAOERS SHALL BE 5 tNCH£5 W10E. COHSTRUCT S0t.AA POW'ER£0 RADAR SPEED FE£08ACK SMlN SYSTEM I TERMS & R e Q UIRME NTS .To 'f'tew orOCMin pllnt,tpKt., .nc1 JWOteCl ~ FlRMS ahOIAd contiCl C. COHTAAC'TOR 10 get ,.quhd prq.ct ,.....-ce • The COHTRACTOft wll ptO'I40t FIRM$, II ~aN. wilh ~ 1.uhlttnceln bone.ng, Nui"'IQ ..Quain '* ptcfed bid "-"• mutl tM tubmlbd beloit IN duf t*l da!At end *"' 10 tJow P'OC* ..,...,.bot\. -Oualet .. ~.,be In~ wfth ptqea planl. tpeQ, end good lor.,. enlft conlrld Cknlion. • Tht protect t1 1 ....... ~ w-ot ~ totJ 11M F IRM't ~ IT'IJI( eonsldef .a larmt rellt.cl to pttYdlng w.v• terno. ·FIRMS mu14 pot.t"l ltld rN.In tlln I currenl ~ fieen M, lnsannc.. t nd WOI'ktt componutlon C::OVtragt dl.ring &he PIOfKt -FIRMS muet bt CUF "Commetdll UMiut Function" to the partidpabOn g'* II ICCt,ll'-<1 towMI tht Good Fel\h Eftorl -1 1)1)% ptymtnl bOnd '"" pertotmanc:e bond fof the tul amount of tht tubeonltad prb m.y bt rtqutr.d -FIRMS lhlt tubrni 1t1e1t quolt exptlclly ~ tnd agne 10 al abcwt t.tm11nd rttpontlblliUel • Wt .,.. en equal~ MIOioytr. Wt do~~ -aetnat •rrr QUIIIMed conndots.. wbconnc::tort. llJPPIIet1 -TM 1Wn mw1 De rt9iattfe'G wtl'l Oepenmenl ol Wldl.rsW\11 Relallon Md ~lei hr#t I CLitT.nt DtR runMr RES PON9 0 & R ETURN D YES we .,.~ In flit projtc:L Wt wS FAX 1 quoCt t>tb't 1M tNd EM c»Je' dtne O NO we .,.tiOt~lnlhltptafect. Ro-CorMCIN..,.&Signo .... _______ _ o. .. : _____ _ Ptt a lt check OM box.,Fu Bad~ thla ahHt wtth requeated Informa tion before bkS dut d.Ct & time lo: Fax: 714-459-7088 Colpromu EnglnMr1ng BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS I!NTERRPRI&e FIRM: Cal!)fOmaa enolnNttng AAND M S ALfS ISO N. Roae Drive ,Ptlceniii,CA,II1710 PHONE: 71HI7 3-'5H 2150 BUSKI RI< "VE NUE, SUITE 300,W ... LNUT FAX : 714 .. 51-7011 M-"N CONT ... CT: "dmln ESTIMATOR : l!.tUmalor CREEK,C ... ,I4517 P HON! : t2HII·1011 FIJ. : US-454 .. 501 FIRMill<f392U PH : 7 14·573 .. 5911 EXT : e-mail: undmlllea..mayentOgm~ll.com PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT I N FO. Calpromu Eng ineering Ia t otklng Quotes & Sub-bid s fr om Cu1 llfled & Cot11 flad DBE Flrma : Project H1m1: TRAFAC StGNAL U PGRADES, SIG NS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS lk:tDillri'Tlme: Project l.o<ollon: Awerdlng Agency: Z01T104121 1S:OO PM Templ1 Chy, LOS AN GELES County, t1710 CA Cll)' OF Tom ... Cll)' ContrKI No.: P1 $-07 Oeol Roq<ll.... DBE : 4% PROJECJ OUTREACH DESCRIPTION CALftR()NAX E~NaRJNO ltl:lldclng lhlt prof.a N 1 PrtrM Genet1ll C!onWICICir W..,. ~)' ~ ~ .ncl----quoin on a1 no.. from qual!ed' ~ M8E 8nd wee cont1w:1.cn or~~ .net~ ....... * tcw ytNI,....... once yOU ~sa'*" Of aend an II'Utfll ... l'lt P'Otld. Yt»t quo .. lhollcl be Mti 10OM ollct ptb ID h bid 4ltel'itN PI' ra acl Few IU.~ ~ ~ ~.or.,_ o1 01d COfQICI cu ollc:e. Pcdons of work b t. prqecl.lndude (W .. not.,.._. tD) 1\e tolo'w.l1g: [YIET SAHD BLAST ~0 REWOVE EXISTING MNOOHO AND STRIPING.JNSTALL TltERMOPt.ASTlC PAIHT STRJP'tNG, CROSSW"'-J< M'O PAVEMENT MAAKNGS.RENOV! EXlSTI"'I AND INSTALl NEW SIGNS, SJGM POSTS PER CA MIJTCO..REMOVE EXJSllfo-G I ' 3 SEC~ VERTlCAL VEHICULAA StGHAl HEAD AND COHS'TRUCT 17 3 SECTlON VERl1CAl VEHICULAR StGHAL HEAD, CON.PlETE W1TH MOUNTS. tt01JS1ro10. VISORS NfO BACKPlATE$ THE IHSilE OF SKlNAl vtSOft.S (HOOOS~ THe ENTRE SURFACE Of LOUVERS IHJ F ... S. ANO THf. FA0HT SUR, ACe: Ofl SACKP\.ATE.S SHAU. HAVE A 0t.A..L 8l.ACK FINlSH, BACKPLAT£5 SHALL BE. POWO£R COAT£0 A&..Ulo'INUM, COLOR &IWJ.IIE Fl-'T lllACK. BORDERS SHALL BE 51NCHES WIDE, CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERCD IIAOAA SPEED FEEDIIACK SIGN SYSTEM I T E RMS & RE QUIRM !JiTS ·To..WWorOCIUIIn ... IP«». MCIP'Oteel dcJa.lrMnl, FIJWSti'IOIAd ooract 1'111 CONTRACTOR 'D Ott~~ te~ ·The COHTAACTOA wt1 ptO¥Ide FlfttooiS,. teq~.Mited, ......tlh ,.quhd e~ In bondlng.lneurance ~· pelf PfOfect b6d Item. ,..,., be ~ before U'M ell.-bid datllr'ld *"-to llow proper ..... tuabon .QudN .,. requlfed 10 be In IOCOfdence With ptq.ct pterw. 'P'C&. and ;cod tot !he .nh contreet Cl\nlliOn • The prof«:: • • prewltng weoe pubic )ob The FIRM's quote must c:oneider e1 ..,.,, retia.! to pnwding we;es ~.erm~. • FIRMS mutl potMM tnd men\IJf\ • current contractor le~~mH. ln'l4nnce. end worker comptN"~SeUon COYettge eluting the Pf'O~ • FIRMS mutt bt CUF ~ommttrdll UHM Func:tion•IO the l)lt1idpl0on QOI!IIt eccepttcl tow'erdt the GooCI Feith EftCII'I. • IOOIJI. paynwu bond ena ~ bond lor 1he fulltnOWll oC lhlaubcontrKS price mey bt requk'tcl. -FIRMS V.ll.lbn*i &heir QUOte upldly ~end agr" to lllllove wme end ~t.•• • We .,. ., equtt ~ty '""*"""' We do not dbcrtmlnllt 1ge1n1t 1ft)' quelifted CIOr'l~ tubc:OnlntCIOtl.. supptitrs ·Then mutt M ~ wM ~ ot tnctutvtat RtletJon n lftelt.lki tww e cufT'Int on~ ~urNHtt R ESP ONSD & RETURN 0 YES w. .,.lnt«Mied In'* prvfKl We wll FAX e qucq ~"" t11e1 M diiM' *"'- C NOwe.,.'*WW..\eclln Nt~ Ao_ ... COr<acl N..,.,. & Slgnolln -------- o. .. _____ _ Pt .... c:hK k one bor.,ft:x Back thla aheet wfth requestK lnformttJon before bkl du. dl tt & tm. l o: Fax: 714-459-7 088 C.lpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM : TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRlSE FIRM: Calprotne"ll EnglnHring ALBERT WILSON & ASSOCIATES 850 N. Roe• Ortv e ,Piaeentla,CA.,81710 PHONE : 71 <-$73 .. 599 7811 HENBANE STREET,RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA,I1731 PHONE : 101-413 ... 178 FAX : 714-451-7011 FAX : 109-889·1576 FIRM 1011'0212 MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESTlMATOR : f ltlmetor .mall : c:hldiOalbertwlltonlra.c:om PH : 7141473"'!1itl EXT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Celpromu Englneet1n g 11 teeklng Quotes & Sub-bids from Quallfled & Certlfltd DBE Flrmt: Project Name: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Al VARIOUS LOCATIONS lkJ DettiTlmt~: Project Locttlon: Awa rding Agency: 2011104128 13:00 PM T.mpte Chy, L.OS ANGELES County, tntO CA CttyOFTemP'fCity Contr.c:l No.: P1 5-07 Gool R_l ... ; DBE : 4'4 PROJECT OUTREACH PESCRIPJJON CN..PROMAX EfrrfCMNEERING .. b6ddlng thll ~ u a Pnm. Genetal Conlredor We.,.~ ..... lng tl.lb-cD'IIt'Kb'a and~ QUOI.- otl .. ncs. ~ qUilled & ~ M8E lnd W8E CXJntrecaors CW' Mlpp6n. Plana tnG Specl attl rf.u.ble tor yovt f'e'YitW onet )'OU ~It lhem or Mnlf .., w.r.t In ia cwojed.. YtNt quote aholid be Mnl 10 cur otta prior 10 1M bid dlt.tJtirnt; per lh11 td. for' •~ will'! ~. ~. cw ..... of aedil CIDI'Uc:l tNt ot1ca. Pordonl of wert lot the prorect lnc:h.lde (W.,. not ln*d 10) t. folow&ng: [WET SAND 8LAST AHO REMOVE EXlSTlHG MARKING AND STRtPIHGJN-STAU THERMOPt..AS'ne PAINT STRPING, CROSSWALK AND PAVEMEHT MARKINGS,REMOYE EJUSTI«J AND INSTH.l NEW SIGHS, SKiN POSTS PER CA MVTCO .. REMOVE EXISTJrfG t" 3 SECTION VERTICAL VE.tiC\A.AR StGHAL HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 1T 3 SECnO~ VERTICAl VEHICUl.AR SIGNAL HEAD, COMPLETE wrrH MOUNTS. HOUSIHG. VISORS AND BACKPlATE$. THE INSIDE OF SIONAL VISORS (HOOOS~ THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOWERS AHD FIHS. AH D THE FRONT SURFACE OF BAQ(PLATES StW.I. HAVE A CM.U BlACK FINISH.. BAC)(PlATES SHALL BE POWDER COol. TEO ALUM-I~. COU)R SHAU. 8E FLAT Bl..ACJL BOROE.RS SHAU BE 5 INCHES W10E. CONSTRUCT SOl.AR POWERED AAOAA SPEED FEED8ACK SaGN SYSTEM) TERMS & REQUIRMENTS -To ¥few or obtain ~fit. 1pect,lnd protecldocWnenl. f iRMS lhNd contact d'le CONTRACTOR to~l ~ profeel~ ·The CONTRACTOR w1 ~ FIRMS.If '"'*lad• wilh requifed ...... nc:e In bonding, lnluranee. .Quain per ptOfKt bid 1\ems mutt be aubrnltled before Ehe dUll ~ dat.e and tme 10 ~ proper eval~. .Qucus are ~ k) be In ICCl01"danc:41 wilh ptefec::t pia,., specs, end good lor 1\1 wth contrKI dwellon ·The Pf'OI~ IS 1 prt¥dtng wagt pubtlc: job The FIRM't QUOCt mutt c:ontldw llltttml rell*l k> pttVIilng wegn Inns. • FIRMS mutt poa.HII end rnalnllln 1 eurrtnt oontttetor bnse, fN.urance. and~-compensation COYrel'lge during tt'lt proJect • FIRMS mutl be CUF "Commercci! Usefu l Funct.ion" 10 the pattlclpatlon ;oil It aectpted toward I the G~ fei\1'1 Effort. ·100% pe)'I'T'I8nl bOnd end perlormlnca bond let lhe tu1 amo..nt of the subcontract prtct may be reqult't<l. ·FIRMS ttll! IUbmlt thtlt ~ explldUy ecknowledge and a;retJ to .a above Ierma n rupone,lbiiUn. • We ate 111 equal opciOI'Wnlty employer. we do not di:K:rir~Wlete a;alntt any qUIIliftec! conli'KIOR. ~ .upptlet11 • The 1\'m mutt be f'tG!tt•rec wi1h o.p.NMnt ol anch•lrlel RUUon end .r.ould "-"' 1 current OIR nutnbel' RESPONSD & RETURN r YES wt IW'I ~ltH\ecl in tNt prcftct. We wll fAX I quote befote lhe bid dUI dllol & WTif ~NOweatt~no.W..t:.cllnU'IkptefiKL R._..., GoNdNtmo & Signa---------DolO ______ _ P1 e1se cMck one box.Fu Bac:k tNt 1 h"t with reques ted lnformetlon befot"e bk:l due datt & time to: Fax: 714-459-7088 Calpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CO N'IRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM: Ctlpromex Englneef1ng A CONE ZONE. INC 650 N. Ro .. Drtv1 ,P iec:t ntta,CA,I1710 PHONE: 714-573 .. 511 160 H. JOY STREET,CORONA,CA,I2171 PHONE : 151-7,._.535 FAX: 714 .. 51·706S MAIN CONTAC T: Admin ESTIMATOR ; E1tlmetor PH : 714-513 .. 519 EXT: PROJECT INFO. FAX : 951·734·2117 FIR M 10131171 e-ofTI•It: lllfneO~c:onnone.com PROJECT OUTREACH FAX Ca!promex Engineeri ng It .. eking Quote s & Sub-bids from Quellfl ed & Certified OBE Flrmt: ProJoct NaiM: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTH!R SAFETY IMP ROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOC AT1 0HS Bid Dot.nlme: Project Loc.adon: Aw•nOng Agency: COf\traei No .: Ooll RequltM: PROJECT OUTREACH PESCRIPTION 20171001 13:00 PM TtmpM City, L.OS ANGE LES Co~.anty, 11710 CA Ctty OF Templt City P15-07 DBE : 4'4 CAlPROMAX ENGINEERJNO Is bktc:lng llil oratecc 11 a Pnme a.r.tllll Cclnndor. We 1te ~ ~ J.UO.con.ltKI.on and ~ quotes on al ndelltom qut~ & c::enifted MBE and WSE c:onndiOrl or~ Pll.na 1nC1 tpeQ ... evlllote lot your~ one. you requatlhem or land an lnle,_ In \tis ~ YWI quote shodd be Mnl ~ our ollct pdar 10 the bid detdne per HI .ct F01 ~ wlh tlardng, mw.nc:.. CW' ..... at c:r.clt contac:1 our Ol"f'a. Portlons Dl woi: fot the ptOjecl hctuOe (but .. not l'nlttd 10) "-lrolowlng: (WET SANO BlAST AND RENOVE E.XlSTING MAAIONG ANO ST'RtPtNG.INSTALL THERMOPl.ASTtC PAJHT STRJPING, CROSSWAlK ANO PAVEUENT MARKENCS,REMOVE EXCSTING ANO INSTALL NEW SIGNS.~ POSTS PER CA MVTCD.,REMOVE EXlSTING r 3 SECTION VER11CAt. VEHICLILAA SlGNAL HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECTION VERTlCAl VEHtCUl.AR SklHAl HEAD. COMPlETE WfTli MOUNTS. HOUSING, \1\SORS ANO BACKPI..ATES. THE INSIOE OF SIGNAL VISORS (HOOOS). 1l1E ENTlRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND FINS, AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF BACKPlATE$ SHALL HAVE A DULL BI.ACI( FINISH BACKPLATE$ SHALL BE POWDER COATED ALUN INUM, COLOR SHAll. BE fl..AT BLACK. &ORDERS SHALL BE 5lNCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOl..AR POWERED RADAR SPEED F!.EDBACK SJGN SYSTEM I TERMS & REQUIRMENTS ·To vtew 0t obtain pftt'll, tPKt, and prefect doc:umllnt. FIRMS 11\outd c::om.c:llhe CONTRACTOR 10 vet ~Ired ptqec:t ~ ·The COHTRACTOR wO ptO'Ade FIRMS. If rtQutsted, wfth NqUked nslslance In bondhg, lnsl.l11nce . .o...ot.es I* ptafea bid lt.n\1 must be submft&ed befoN U'le due bid ~e and lime to aJow ~ tYIIutUon ~~ Ire rtqUhd 10 be In aceotdiOCI with prq.et ptana, spec:s, and good for lhe entire t;On\I'Kt duration. ·The proj.et .. e preY~Ing W'9t public: fob. The FIRM's quote mu5l coo skier all 1..-m:t I'IUied 10 prevallng wa~t termL ·FIRMS must poueu and malnlaln e cutl"ant conltedor atonse,fnsl.68nce, and worker c:ompenutlon coverage d1..'ring tnt profeet ·FIRMS mutt bt CUF "Commercial Useful Fundlon"JO trw ~Uon g01l is accepted lowants lhl Good Faith Efbt. -100,. paymenl bond and pertotrMnc::e bond I« the tuatmount ollhl •ubcontraa prlce m.y blr.qulred. -FIRMS \hal tubmh lhtft QUOI.t e.xplc:Wy ac:knorw''*'98 end a~PM 10 I D abOve 1811"1\t l ncl t'HI)On.tbllitles . • Wear• an equ.l ~nit)' etT'lCifoyolr. We do not dilc:rirr.lnate -va~nst -.y qUI~ contraaon.IUbc:OnVK&cn. aupplletl ·The Inn """'I be f-sl~ INith Oepetmtnlol k'dutlriet Ralttlonand lhoukl heYtl 1 current OtR number. RESPONSD & RETURN (" Y!S w..,. ~tetMied In M protect. We wll FAX a QUO'.e beb'e he bid CUt dale & time L NO we,,. notlnte,.stee~ In lhla pn:ljec;t. "-"'bit Conotcl Nt,. & Slgnt ... t .. _______ _ Oet.: ______ _ Pleut check one box,Fax Baek thlt sheet wtth requested Information before b id due date & tlme to: Fax: 714-459-7088 BID INVITATION FROM: CONTRACTOR: ColptOfnU Englnoo~ng TO: BUSIN ESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM; AM ERICAN UTlLITY PROOUCTS C•lpromax Englneerlng 850 N. Roll Drfw .Pie e.ntii ,CA,I1710 PHONE : 71·41~5H 1557 CANYON MI!ADOW S LAHE,OLEHDORA.CA,IH•o PHONE : 12f~35-27S3 FAX ; 71'~51-7011 FAX : t21-U5-t717 FIRMI~tiSO MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESnMATOR : &Um11or PH : 71•·S7l~59t EXT : 1-m11H : aanjay.pandy•Chml ll.con'l PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. CalpromiX Englnoor1ne I• ••eking Quote• & Sub-bldl from Qutllfl•d & Certified OBE Firms: Project N11M: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTH~R SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS A T VARtoUS LOCATIONS B'd Otte/Ttme: 20171001 13:00 PM ProJect Locadon Tempfe City, LOS AHOEl!l County, 11710 CA AwenlnJ Agenq . City Of T1mp6e City ContrKt No.: P1S47 Oool_,.. DB E : 4% PRQJEC! OUTREAC H DESCR IPTIO N CALPR0MAX EN04NE£RINO It~ lhll profea u a Prtml ~ Contredot. Wt.,. ~ ....... ~ Md...,.,.. quote~ Ott 11.,... ~rom qwJied & c.nlled MBE n wee ClOI'IIr:KllcQ 01 ~ Plilns Wid tC*CI .,.. .....,.. rot ,o.~ ,......_once you """"" .,_,. 01 Mnd en ~nt~qsl .,. Ht protecL YWt quo~e lhOI.*S be sent m <U oP.a prtDr ., the bid dMeiiiiM PI' .,. MS Fot eu.:sten~» wtet ~ In~ or._ clad c:ona.c:t our o11ce Portion~: cl wed br tt. prattd lnc:t.ee (buC .. not hied IOJ f'lt kllowtng. (WET SA.NO 8LAS1 AND REMOVE EXJSllHG MAJOOHG AHO STR.iPING.INSTALt 1MERMOPLASTtc PAI'Il STRIPtNO. CA;OSSWALJ( AHD PAVEMENT MARK»tGS,RENOVE EXIS1'1NG AND INSTN..L NEW SIGHS, SIGH POSTS PER CA MVTCO-REMOVE EXISTIHG e· 3 SEC'TlON VER'TlCAL VEtiCtJt.AR s.GHAl HEAD AHO CONSTRUCT 1T 3 SECllON VERTlCAL VEHCUI.AR SMlHAL HEAD. COMPlETE wrTH MOUNTS. HOUSIHO, VISORS AND IIACKPLATES T>i£ INSIDE OF SIGIW. VISORS IHOOOS~ THE (HTIR£ SURFACE OF lOINERS AHO FINS AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF IIAQCP\.ATES SHAll. HAVE A Dill BlACK FINISH.IIACKI'I.ATES SHAll. liE POWDER COATED AlU"INUiol. COLOR SHALL BE FLAT III.ACI<.IIOROERS SHALL BE 5 INCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEOBAC>< SIGH SYSTOII J!iRM S & R EQU!RME NTS ·l o ._,or otMI!rl_.., tPtC&. an4 cwoft<t dOCUnlnl. FIRMS snotAcl CIClRid 1M CONTRACTOR., 1M reqw.cs Pftlfect I'IICM'C'A • The OOHTAACTOA _. PfOw'dl FIRMS.~ requttlld, ~ rtqUftd nsls\lnOIIIn Dondlngi, w.nnce 4ucMi per prafed bid ILetnl muM be IIAift'lhd blllore 1M ellA bid dMI end !I'M to l low ~ e-YUMitiOn -OuoiM.,.. req'*'-d to be In eoCIOt"dlnol wll'l PtOied plllns. sptel. end ~ClOd lor "• tndr• OOfUtiCt cU•IJOA. • 1M ptcfec:lll I ~lk'lg WIOf puole job. The FIRM's QUOOI must~ .. *tnl reitWd to prev~ weo•• "'""'· • FIRMS mutt poqnstnd malnlltn • Cllmnl oonlrldOf lcense,lnsutti'ICe,llnd W!Oriler ClOI'flptn••tion c:cw•• durinsllhl proftct • FIRMS muat be CUF ~mtrdll UMful Ft.II'Ciian•to the ~tiOn QOI-111 80CIP'OCI k)wltdl lhe Good Faith Effort. ·100.. pa'f'l'*'l bond and ~ bond tot She ful tmo~Z~l dow 1ubc:ontnd JM1ee may be ,.qulrlld. .fiRMS tt.I~Ubt!Wt lhiU quo&e ••c*fly ~ tnd -ot" k) .. ~~bote tlfml enG ~tktt. .w11,...,equre~OOPOttUnl'(~ W•donot~~...,.queeiftlldoofW"IIICIIOf'-. ~·· ~ ·TMitm ,..,.,.,_ ,...,. 'III4Ctl ~of lndullffel ReletkJn W lhOM "-"" 1 Clln'tlnt DIR nutflbef. RESPONSD & REI\JRN rYES ~ .. ~ _, .. ptOfect W• wll FAX • qwte belen l'le b.a due d•• & lime L HO .... .,.. not ..... IWtld In .,. PfOfecl -c:c.--. Sognolwo _______ _ Dolo _____ _ Pie"• c heck one boa,Faa Back lhts shMt w ll h requested l nformtllon befor• bkl du• d a t t & Um• to: Fax: 714-459-7088 Calpromu Engi neering BID INVITATION F ROM : TO: CONTRACT Oil: BUSINESS EHTERRPRISE FIRM : Calpromax Englneertng BIG VALL£Y ASPHAL T 850 N. Rott Ottve ,PI.c:•ntli,CA,I1710 PHONE: 71~73~511 3510 BRIAN WAY,BAKERSFIELO,C A,U301 PHONE : 111-817-937 FAX : 71<4-45$-7011 FAX : 111..)21-t5f2 FIRM 101365'7 MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESTIMATOR : E1Um1tor e-m•h: donMwtWon52Qy•hoo.com PH : 7U 413 ~5H EXT: PROJECT OUT REAC H FAX PROJEC T INFO. Calpromax Englntoring II ••tklng Quot .. & Sub-bids from Quallfltd & Ctrtlfl~ OB E Firms: Pfo)ect N1me: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHI!!R SAFeTY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCAnONS Bid Dt telllrM. Protecfloutton: Aw•rdlng Agency' Contrac.t No,: OOIII .. equftd! PRQJECT OUTREACH DESCRIPTION 201710412t U :OO PM Temp .. Clfy, LOS AHO EU.S County, 11710 CA City OF Temple Chy P1S.07 DBE :4 % CAlPROMAX ENGINEI!RIHO .. bidding Hit pnllfea 81 a Prtrne o-r. Cor*KO We .,.. .c:Wvety Mt;kJnQ IJUb.co"'~ 8nd ~ CfiOt• on 11 '*'• 1rom q\lllled 6 Wbfiecl MOE and wee connacrt or ~ Plant and "*' .. ......_.. lew J'OUf 1.-Aew one. 10'1 rwqunau.m 01 MnC1 en.,.,..,.... 11 lhil PfOtect. Y011qucM ~be sent \o a.otlce p1or 1D ltle t*l ~ S* N td.. For....anc.wlh boncftng. ~. 01 11n11 of CAdi COtUd ow ol'lc:.. Poruons cl wed tot the profld ~ (bulll'l not hll8d to) N kllcloMng; [WET SAHO !lAST AHO REMOVE EXl$TlNG MARt0H0 AND STRlPIHG)NSTALL THERMOPlASTtC PA&HT STRIPiNG. CROSSWALK AHO PAVEMENT -OS,REMOVE EXISTING MO INSTAll HEW SIGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA "UTCO-REMOVE EXISTIHG I' 3 SfCTlOH VERTICAL VEH1CU1.Nt S1QN.O&. HEllO AHO CONSTRUCT 12' 3 SECTION VERTICAl. VEI<ICUlAA SIGNAL HEAD, COlo'~ W1TH MOUNTS, HOUSING, VISORS AND BACKPlATE$. T><E INSIDE OF SIGIW. VISORS (HOODS~ T>E ENTIRE SURFACI! OF LOINERS AHO FINS. AND THE FRONT SURFACE Of BAO<Pt.ATES SHALl HAV'E A OUU. II..ACK FIHlSH, IACKPl.ATEI SHALL BE PONDER COATED ALUMJHUM. COlOR SHAU. Bt FlAT ot.ACK. OOROERS SHAll BE 5 1NCHES WIDE, CONSTRUCT SOLAA POWERED RAOAA SPEED FEEOOACK SIGN SYS7EM I TERMS & BEQUIRME NTS ·lo \llew 01 obWin piMa, ..,.ce.lf'ld prottc:t ~ARMS lhOIM CIOI'Ud l'le CON'TRACTOft 10 get~ pnlfeCt I'IIC!Uf'Ce . TlloCOHTRACTORwii-FIAMS,W-.wllll_hd .......... ., __ ......_ -ouot•• pet ~ Oid llttnt mu.t M aYbmibd bMore lhe due bid de• end time 110 llow PfOS* ....,.bon -OuoiM M reQUhd to be i'l IICICOf"ddlnc: wil'l Pf'Ciec:t ptaM, JPIQ. snc:l QOOCillof .... eft~ OOI'IVKI ck.ntlon -The prq.cl II 8 pt't¥tlllng w10f pubic )Db. The FIRM'I quote ml.lat ~ .. ..,. retlted., ~ ~tl ltrrnt • FIRMS mutt PMMN •nd malntllfn a curr.nt c:ontr.dor lconM. lnannce. and WOfUf compei\NUon ~9• during tl'1e r;HOiec1 ·FIRMS mutt bt CUF -cotnmltclll UttM Func:Uon" to the pettldptdon ~oellt ~ bNatdt tnt Good Feflh Elton. ·100" payment bond .ncs pertonnenc:e bond lor lhe Nl arnowtt of fll tuboDtltrltt l)1cll rney bl ~ • ·FIRMS hi Mlbmh lhetr quote e.-lly ~~ .nd ~to .. lboYe ..,.,._ end MPOf\tlbiiiU.t • Wt .,. M IQUIII ~ ttnPbttf Wt do nol dlactfminete .;8it'l&l any-quelf\lld oonlt8CIOI'&, tubcotlll'ldOfs, ~ ·The 11tm ,_,.. t1t ttglttlltd \lllfth ~ o' 1""'--tnll RoleUon lind WWiuld Nw • c:utrWII 06R ~ RESPONSD & RETURN rYES .,. .,.. "'\er11 tllld In .... protect. Wt wtl FAX a q.IOC.I bebe ,_ ~ dUI dele & IWnl L NOwtMnol......,..ltdlnU'IAapn)jtd. R-OieConiO<IN..,.6 Sig....._ _______ _ D.,. _____ _ Pa.••• c:hec:k one bo•,Fu Bac:k thl• ~Mot with f~uest.d lnlormaUon b1fore bid due d1te & t lme to: Fax: 71 4-459-7088 C.lpromax Engineering BID INVITATION ~ROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS EKTERRPRISE fiRM: C.Jpromex l!nglnHf1ng CATCO SERVICES ISO N. Ro .. Dtt¥1 ,Piacentfa,CA,I1710 PHONE : 714-41'3-4Stt 22 MOSS AVE, SUITEA01 .0AKLAND.CA. .. I10 PHONE : 510-655-4401 FAX : 714-45t·7DII MAIN COKTACT : Admin ESTIMATOR : Estlmetor PH : 714·573-0SH EXT : PROJECT INFO. FAX: 510-655-4401 FIRM 101137242 e-mell: lnfoQeatCOIINIUI,C:Om PROJECT OUTREACH FAX Celpromu Engineering Is seeking Quotes & Sub-bids from Qualified & Certlfled DBE Firms: Protect Name: TRAFF1C SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAf'ETY IMPROVEMEHTS AT VAAtOUS lOCATlONS Bid Dete/Tlme; Protect loc.don: Awerdlng A9ency: Conlflcl No.: Goal Requlrd: PRQJECT OUJREACH DESCRIPTION 2017/0.4125 U :DO PM Temp'-Ctty, LOS AHOElES County, 11710 CA City OF Tempte City P1S47 DBE :4 % CALPROMAX EHGINEERIHG II bJdd'.ng tt'il PfOfld 11 1 Pmll Getwal Conndor. We ~teldfvolly ~~end~ QUCUs on II w.dM tom quelfled & ctnlfted M8E .m W8E ~ Ot tupplert. ~ tnd 'P'Q ere eweleble lor your teYtew once you r.que.lt l'lem or ,...-,d en lrUtett h HI profect. Y<M qur:Jte Jhoulcl be Mtt IG OJt ol'b prior lo 1he bkl dlllWIIrnl pet HI ed Fot ... IWICI wil'l boncftn;, ~. cw hs o1 cr.dil c:cntK1 ad' ollc.. Por11c::r. o1 work b h project lrd.de {but ere notlrnlld 10) 1M folowlng: [WET SAND BLAST N«J Ra&OYE EX1SffiG MARKING AND STRIPIHG,INSTAL.l THERMOPlASTlC PAlNl STRJPtNG. CROSSWAlK AHD PAVEMENT MARKIHGS,REMOVE EXISTING AND ~STAll NEW SIGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MlJTCO ,REMOVE EXISllNG e· 3 SECTION VERTlCAI. VEHtClJLAR SKiHAl HEAO AND CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECllON V ERTlCAl. VEHtC'Ul.AR SIGNAL HEAO. COMPt.ETE WfT11 MOUNTS, HOUSING. VISORS AHO IIACI<PI.ATES. THE INSIDE OF SIGNi\1. IIISORS (HOODS~ THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS NID FINS. AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF BACKP'l.ATES SHALL HAVE A DlU 8t.ACK fltflSH. BACKPlATES SHALL BE POWDER COATED ALUMINUM, COlOR SHALL BE FlAT BLACK. &ORDERS SHALL BE 51NCHES WlDE, CONSlRUCT SOt..AR POWERED RADAR SPEED fEEDBACK S4GN SVSTEN I TERMS & BEQUIBMENTS ·To .._ cw 0b1Mn plena. SC*'·· and ptoft<:t ooc:ument, FIRMS lhOukl c::orua 1M CONTRACTOR 10 get reqw.cl projotc:t ,.tOI.II"Ce ·The CONTRACTOR w11 ~FIRMS, it ,.q..alld, wiU'I rwquired eaaitl8net tn bondi'!O.Inwrenc:.. .QucUI per ~bid IWrne t1Wtt tMJ ~ bol011 tho due bid tim lind lmll to dow proper l't'II!Aiion.. ~~ .,. ~to be ~ eCCIOfdenoe wHh protoct plana, ~ end good for llle enUre c:onttwct d\leUon.. • The ptofed Ia • prevtftl'lg wage pub&: job, The FIRM's quote mu.t contkler 1111erm1 releled 10 prevel!ng wsgn 1erms. • FIRMS mutt PQSM:M end metntaln • current ~etor liCense, ~. and WOI'ktr ecwnpenuUon OOYII'IOO durino IN pto,lect ·FIRMS mutt be CUF "Comme~ UseM Function" 10 the PlrtidpeUon goelll kXleptld V.Vardl thl Good Feith Enort. ·I 00% peyment bond end perlonnanoe bond lor the M emount of thiiUboonlrad price mey be requiM. ·FIRMS U\f iiUbmM lhelt quoteexpldlty ec:knoWtltdge and apt~IO el abcwe lanniiWICI ~II. • Willi en equ.l oppottun-ty tfT\PIOY'W, Wt do not dilc:rirrinltl lglin$1 any q1J19ed con .. Ktorl, IU bcOnlrletOtt, ~t'l ·The h MUSt b1 tegiiWited with Oepwtment d lnctustrill Rt11don end lhCMd,..,.... 1 curBnC CMR numbtf. RESPONSO & RETURN r Y!S w. 1t1 .._, .. lfld In INI protect. Wt w'l FAX • QUCtl before"-bid due dill I &tne. U h'O _..,. '* lnCIAs\ld In INa PfQfKt. Re-Conlocl N..,. & SIQnelwe -------- o. ... _____ _ Pie .. • check one box,Fu Back lhla sheet w ith requut.cf lnforr'nlitlon .,.fore bkf due dete & time to: Fax: 714-459-7088 C1lpromu Engineering BID INVITATION FROM : TO: COKTRACTOR: B USINESS ENTERRPRISE fiRM: Celpromea EnglnHrtng BAY AREA UGKTWORKS.INC. 650 N. Rose Drtw ,P1euntla,CA.t1710 PHONE : 714-$73-45H 1410 YOSEMITE AVE.SAN FRANCISCO.CA.t4124 PHONE : 41 5422-2336 FAX : 714-458·7011 FAX : 4154224011 MAIN COKTACT : Admin FIRM 1Dt31334 ESnMATOR : Etttmator •melt: lgallmbaGbeyereellghtworks.com P H: 714·573-45H EXT : PROJECT O UTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Celpromex Englnoorlng ia s ooklng Quotos & Sub-bids from Qualified & Certlned DBE Firma: Project Name: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFeTY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATlONS Bkl DatiiTime: ProJecc Location: Awiltdlng Agency: Contract No.: GoaiR~red: PROJECT OUTREACH DESCRIPTION 1017104/21 1S:OO PM Temple Chy, LOS ANGELES Counry, 11710 CA Ctty OF Temple Ctty P 1$-07 OBE :4% CAt.PROtr.WC ENGINEERIHO II~ tNI: ptqta 11 1 Ptlme o.r.tlll Contncscw. We.,.. ec:lhoiJy lottlmQ IUb<:onltiCIOtl end IUPCJI*t quoces on II rndH fnwn quailed & Olftihd MBE W1d W8E oontracun Ot ~ Ptent end apecs ere ·~ fat yow r..-w once )'OU reQUnllhltn cw Mftd an lntetet t h tNI prated. Vr:u qUOle Shedd be sent 10 0411 otr!ce pt1ot to the bid dltlllfnl I*' INI ed. F01 aM!S1tlncl with bonding. ln.turwnol, ot .._ ol c:rd c:onuet our otlka.. Por1lonl ot wort tor the pro;ec:t ln::fude (bul.,. not irrited to) lhe ~ng: fWET SAND BlAST AND REMOVE E.XIST1NG MARKING AND STRIPlNG.tNSTAL.l THERMOPLASTlC PAINT STRIPING. CROSSWAlK AND PAVEMEHT a.&ARKlNGS,REMO\IE EXISTI\IG AND aNSTAU NEW SIGHS. SIGH POSTS PEA CA MVTCD .REMOVE EXlSTlNG a· S SECTION VERTICAL VEttCUI.AR StGNN.. HEAD AHD CONSTRUCT 12"' 3 SECTMJN VERT1CAL VEHICUI..AR SJGHAL HEAD, COMPLETE 'M1H MOUNTS, HOUSING, VlSORS AND BACKPlATE$ THE INSIDE OF SIGNAL V1SORS (HOOOS). 1lE Eh'TlRE SURFACE Of LOWERS AHD FINS, AND THE fRONT SURFACE OF BACKPLATE$ SHAll. HAVE A DtU. 8t.ACK ANISH. BACJ<Pt.ATES SHAll BE POW'OE:R COATED ALUMJHIJ M, COlOR SHALL BE FlAT BlACK. 80ROERS SHALL BE 5 INCHES WDE. CONSTRUCT SOLAR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN SYSTEM I TERMS & REQUIRMENTS ·To view or~,._,~. end prote.cl dOcu'ntnt FIRMS thOUid contac:t lha CONTRACTOR 11:1 get req,.,_, prottct ,.towce ·The CONTRACTOR wll PIV'ido FIRMS. W ............ wllh-.-..nco In bonding . ......,_ .ouoc. .. par .,q.ct ~ llltnl must bl wbmlnld bllort the ~ bid date and lime to allow propet ev...,_lion, .Quoc.n .. r~ to blln acc:orct.,ce wtfl prqect plans, s.peca, end good for 11'11 entire oontrKt ck .. bon . ·The protect ll 1 prevafti\g wege pubDc )ob. The FIRM"a quote mu.t conPdec eO terms releted to pr..,.ftlng wages llrmt. ·FIRMS m.~~t posHu end melntaln a current c:ontr.aor 5cense, insuranel, and waner ccmpenaiUon cxworege during the pro;eet ·FIRMS mull bl C\JF "Commmtclal Use~ Function" so the pattic:fpatlon goetls eot~ptld towards the Good FtHn Etfcwt. -10Ct% peyrntnt bond end perlonnence bond lor the 1u1 amount of the IUbCOntraCt price may be r.qulred. -FIRMS ltwtiUbmlt !hill quote expftdtly Kknewledge and egtte kl 11 ebo¥1 terms wd .-.pon&tilltln.. • W1111 an IQUII opponunlfy ~. We dO not dl:to1rnlnete ~ a~~y quall'.ecl conlrldofl. IIJbc:Cinttaczort. wpplers ·l"M firm lnUIIDI 1'19fstttld wi th Oepw1mtnt 01 n:tuslrill ReleUon end thoukl t\eve 1 curr.n1 OtR ~ RESPONSD & RETURN n YES wt are lnteteated k'lltU PfOtect. We wil FA)( I quote beb'e VI I !)ld ~dell & time. 0 NO we era not lni.INit tld In lt'llt proflct. -ConlodN..,.&'-"-·--------Oo!e ____ _ Pie .. • check one box,Fax Back thls stt.et w ith requested lnformetlon before bid due date & time to: Fax : 714-459-7088 Calprom•x Eng ineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACT OR: B USINESS E NTERAPRISE FIRM: Calpn.NN~e !ngln .. rtng T.O. ELECTRIC &SO N. Rote Orlve ,Piac:.nt,.,CA,t1710 PHONE : 71.473 .. 5tt 1 561 HOLT AVEN UI!.EL CENTRO,CA.1 22U PHONE : 710.)53 .. 1 13 FAX : 71 ... 51-7011 MAIN CONTACT : A dmin ES11 M AT OR : l!oilfn•lor P H: 71.-573 .. 5tt EXT : PROJECT INFO. FAX : 110.)5) .. 1 13 FIRM 10137510 ..,...all : tonyortJ4t -oetectrtc.c om PROJECT OUTREAC H FAX Ca lpromu Engineering b lOoki ng Q uotoa & Sub--bi ds from Quallfled & Cortlflad OB E Firm•: Pro}Kt Namo: TRAFFtc SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AN D OTHER SAFETY IMPR OVEMENTS AT VAIUOUS LOCATIONS BkfD•toiTlme: P-!Aulioft: AW1tdln9 Ag.ncy: Con.-.d Ho.: Goal R,e.qvftd. PROJ ECT oyTRE ACH OESCRIPIJON 2017104128 13:00 PM T•mpt. Clry,lOS AHGEL!I County,lt710 CA City OF T.mf* Chy P1 5-07 OB E : 4% CALPROMA.X EHOINEERIHO at bidding .... ~as t Prime Genital Cor'Wadof W. .,. ~ loMkJnO ~aclorl tnO """"" qucMt on d ~r.-!rom ~ & ~ W8E 1M WBE COI'IIIKIOtl or IUCIQirtts. Pllnllnd soac:a •-"' t vtdlble Sot )OM' rrMw once ygu ,..qv..c "'*" or Mnd WI~~ N OtOfaCl. Yt:MQU0161 aftOI.Ad be Ml"'ltoC:Uolb ptlor 101M Dtd Cletel'lme J*' .... ltd Fot t~wtlt tiOncft'lg. ~. 0t ..._ d cndl COI"MCl cu ~ Pot*nl of WCII1c kit l'le pro,ec:llndude ~but n nollml&ed 10) -.~a~ow~ng: rw£T SAND BlAST AND REiotOV£ EXl$TlNG MARK..a N<O STRIPING, STALL 1'HERMOP\AST1C PAINT SlltiPIHG, CAOSSWAU< AHO PAVEMENT MAAKJNGS.REMOYE !XJSTWO AHO IHSTAU NEW SIGHS, SXlN POSTS PER CA MUTCO ,RaofOV£ EX&Sl1NG a· 3 SECTlON VERTlCAl VEHICt..I..AR StGHAl HEAD N#O COH$TRUCT 17" 3 SECTlOH VERllCAL VE.HIClll.AA SIGNAl HEAD, c:::c:liMPtETE WITH MOUNTS. HOUSINO, VISORS ANO IIACKPLATEI nE NSU OF SIGNAl. V1SORS (HOODS~ THE ENTIRE SURFACE Of LOUVERS ANO FI•S. N<O THE FROHT SURFACE OfF 8.ACI<P\ATES SHAll KAVE A Ol.l..l BlACK FIHlSH. BACKPlATES SHALL BE POWDER COATED Ali.S*roUN UM. COl.ClA SKAL.l IE FlAT IM..ACK. IORO£RS SHAll BE 5 INCHES WlOE, CONSTRUCT SOl.AA POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN SYSTEM! TERMS & BEQUIRMENTS ·To._ or ClbUin cNM, "**-tnCS ~ dOC:umeN. flRMS &hGdd c:onwc:t tt. CONTRACTOR to 91M t'lq\lnd ~ I'WCIIIftl8 ·Tho CONTRACTOR ... -FIRMS, •-•lOCI. whh _ .. -llln<O In-· ......... .()t,.Qn pet protect bit lleml tnl!..le! tMI tuOmitied t.lote the dw tlid d8tec .nd lime to .tow proper e¥1Mttl0n .O..O..t .,. raqund 10 bo ~ ecciOfdttw:. wftt\ Pf'Cittcl ........ apeQ. end good lor ,_ ... canVIICt d.n&.on. ·The protect II a tnWinQ WIOf ~tab The FIRM't quott rr.Jit con~ dllfmt f'lll -'ed 10 pttv81rlg waget terms · FIRMS rnut l pontts lncl rne;nta~n a ~ c:ontrKSOr bnst , insurance, •nc:t WCW11;tt c:omPMt•IJon coveregt d\.lrlno tnt ptoftd ·FIRMS mual bt CUF 'Comman::fll UMM Funcclon' ao ltle p;t~rtic:ipltlon goal Is 8oc:epttd IOWtn:lt tht Good FIIUI Eltott. -1~ Ptymonl botMI tnd perlom\llnct bond tor lhe ful II"'''IUnl of the IUbconliKt price n'WIY bt tiQUktd. ..fiRMS thll autlni!ohWquott tXC)Idty ~and ~tgretiO .. iltMMI tennl tnd rtllpontlblltlet • W• ttt.,.. ~ ~ emptoytr Wt oo not cUtcr1nin ... tQ811in$t W"fc;ua!IAed con.-.eton, M~bconV'ItdOrt.IUPC)Ieta ·TM Inn Mill bt ~eNd w'lh ~ olln0utll181 RMIIID\ 8nd lhOUid,...... a ~ OCR number RESPONSO & RETURN L YES-..,. ~*'st.c~ ~"''~we .-FJ()( • qvc:q .,._,. blcl ctu. cs.•& tme L HOwet,.I'IOt~ln..,..~ RIIIIIPO"'Ible Conllcl NltM & SigMiurt -------- 0.10. _____ _ P5ttu chtc:k oM box,Fu Back this s hetl with rt'quHlad lntonn.Uon before bkl due dlta & Ume to: Fa x : 714-459-7088 Calpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM: C.lpromax EnGinHrlno eso N. Rote Orlwt ,PitcenUt,CA,I1710 PHONE : 71•-$73-4511 TRAFFIC LOOPS CRAC KFILUNO, INC 1115 W BALL RO.,ANAHEIM,CA.1210. PHON!: 71.-6:t0-4021 f AX : 71.-'51-7011 FAX : 714·520 .. 027 MAIN CONTACT : Admin FIRM IDIJIIOll ES11 MATOR : E•Umalot •""•II: traiii<"'-Osi><global.nal PH : 714-llll .. SH EXT: PROJ ECT OU TREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Ca lp romu E nglnoor1 ng Is lOOking Quol oa & S u b-bids from Ou•lifle d & CortUiod OBE Firms: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPORADE.S, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMP ROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS llld O.l.IIJlme: Pnatect Loudon; Aw•rdlno Agency~ ConnciHo.: O ot l ,.~lNd· PRQJECT OUTREAC H PESCRI PD ON 20 17/14121 13!00 PM Tempt• City, lOS AHGEL!I County, ttrtO CA City OF T•m pM City P1 5-07 OBE :4% CALPROMAJC EHOIHCERINO .. bktllnQ 1ft pro;.c:t at o Pnne GeneBI ~ We.,. edMfy ~ 1U0oconnc:Wn lind~ quote~ on II r.OM from~ & otnttad M&e Mel W8f. ~ 0t ~,...,. anc1 1C*1 ,,.. ~lor yQ11 revllrw~ ,w ~ 1Nm ot MncS 11'1 ~ ~ tNs oratecl YOUt queM .....,..., ba Mfi to OUt ol'lot ptlor 10 1he l*l ~ p. .. -., For ...wane. wUh bonc1ng. tn.uwa, cw Ina of crd COfiiiiKI our aflee. Ponlon$ olwc:lrk fer U. prolilc:l ta.oe (bul.,. no!.,._, 10) 1M~· (WET SAND BlAST ANO REMOVE EXtSllNO MNOOHO .A.NO STRlPSNG.IHSTALl TlER,_\K)f\ASTIC PAINl STRlPlNG, CROSSWALK NlO PAVEMENT MARKIHGS.REMOVE EXtSTlNO A/40 INSTAll NEW SlGNS. SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO ,RENOV£ EXIS11NG a· 3 SEC'TlOH VERTtCAL VEHJC\A.AR SIGHAL HEAD AHO CONSTRUCT 17" 3 SECTlON VERTlCAL VEtaCULAR SIGNAL KEAO. c::oMPl.ETE WITH WOUHTS, HOUSING. V1SORS AHO IIACKPLATU THE INSIDE OF SIGHAI. VISORS (HOODS~ THE EHTfiE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AHO FINS. ANO THE FAONT SURFACE OF IIACKPIATES SIW.1. HAVE A DUll BLACK FNISH. IIACIU'U\TES SHAll BE POWDER COATED AlUMINUM. COLOR SHAll 8! FLAT IILACI<.IIOROERS SHALL 8E 51HCHES WIDE. CONSTR1JCT SOLAR POWERED RAOAA SPEED FEE08ACK SIGN SYSTEM! TE RM S & REQU!RM ENTS ·To ... Ot obtain--.. tPK:t. and~ Ck:1o.1ment.. ARMS thOukl CCirUd "-CONTRACTOR to pl '"'*'" prcfK1 ~ ·Tho CONTRACTOR ... _ FlRMS.·-·--•NIJ<anoaln_ ........... ~ '* prq.ct Dtd ltttnt t'l'llltl bo t utltr\lhd before 1he due bid 4tte lind tm. to e1owrt1 prope~ ..... ~ -0uo1et n teqUhd 10 be In oClCCitdMce '1141'1 prcfec:l pWII;, ~. tnd good Jot lht enwt c:onvtee dllltion. • The ptqtet It • pr~ WIQt pubic job. The FIRM's quo1e rnuR COMI&Mt .. *"'-llltal~ 10 cnvdng ~ 1.-ms. • FIRM$ must PGSMN Met mllnt.ln 8 c:urr.nt conv.ctor lcent e, lniUOU1Ce, and 'IPOf\tt oompenulkln CIOYtQge duMg lhe pfOted • FIRMS mutt be CUF '"Commerdl.l Uaeluf Function" 10 lhe ~tion pill IICCOpted towltdt lhe Goocs Feith Ef'lort -t~ peymtt'll bond erG C*fOtmtta botiG tot lht tutl~tr~Dw~l d 1he a.tK:onUICl ptQ may be reqW.CS. -FiRMS U\lt llbnM hit quote e11pld0y ~e and egtM10 tlllbo¥t a.m. end~· • Wt are., eq\MI ~~·We do not~ egWIIt any que:lfted conhCICWI, ~~. tuppt1en ·The lrrft tiU4 be~_.,. o.p.wnenc of~ RNllon and should~ • cumrc OIA """"* RESPONS O & RETURN nYES ..,..,......._ln l'llt~ WeW'IIFAX.e~tHtbwl'lebtiOofieCS.ae&lrM LHO wae~not .,.....ted lnthlt~ Rupo'l8tblt eom.ctNeme I SIQftltu~e· _______ _ o .... ______ _ P ..... c:heck one box,Fu B•ck thls sheet wtth raqun tltd lnfonnaUon belore bid d ue d •te & lime to: Fa x: 71 4-459-70 88 Calpromu Englneertnv BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRlS~ FIRM: Calpromu EngiMtM'tniJ HI· VOlTAGe SPUCI NG CO •• INC. ISO N. Rott Drtvt ,Piecentlt,CA.t1780 PHONE : 71ot-17l""511 POST OFI'ICH BOX 152,DANV1LlE,CA. .. 52t PHON! : 125·UI·TI71 FAX : 71U51·7011 FAX : 125431·7171 ARM 10139153 MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESTIMATOR : E.ttlmator e--maM: kellyON<~Wobgt..,llc lng .com PH : 714.573 .. SH !XT : PROJECT OUT REA CH FAX PROJECT INFO. Calpromax Engineering It attkl ng Quot .. & Sub-bids trom Quallfltd & Ctrtlfltd OBE Flrmt: PfOttc:t Ntmt: TRAFRC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT Bid O.W'Jlme: -Loulloft: Awt"'lnt~ Contnct Ho.: Oo.t RequltM. PRQJECI OUTREACH DESCRIPTION VARIOUS LOCATlONS 2011104121 13:00 PM Temple City, LO S NIOEU.I County, t11t0 CA CltyOFT""'plo Cl1y Ptl-07 DBE :4% CA1..PR0MAX EHQIHEERINO t. bldclnQ Ht protKitt t PAN o..w.t Cot\t'ador Wt 111 ~ ~ Mlb-COniiKklr'a lncl ~ QUOCM on II W10N lr01' qudlecl & OMIIed WBE Md WBE ccnlrKiofl Of a:ppler$. P111N W1C1 spec.~ .,. t't'ellble b" 'fOJI ........ ('ll"a you I'IQW" hm or ..-.d an ..,..,.. In WI ptQfect. Ycu quote IMIAd be NrC ~ our olloe prior _, 1M ~ dMel\tM '* ,... ad. For aulUnce wilt bond.ng, ~.or 1nrn ol a.cM oorua o. oka. Potions o1 wor!t b lht ptofed h:IUde (llut .. Mill hied ~) !he '*"""..I"'D: (WET SAND BlAST AND RE.."'IVE EXJST1HO MARKING AHO STRIPIHG.WSTAU THERMOPt.ASllC PAINl STRIPING, CROSSWALK AHO PAVEMEHf MARKINGS.ROIOI/ EXISTINO NOD .. STAll HeN SIGHS. SIGH POSTS PER CA MUTCD JWIOIIE EXIST1HG a· 3 SECTlON 1/VtllCAl \IEHICU.AA SIGNAL H£AD AHO COHSTRUCT 1T 3 SECllOH VERTICAl ll9tQAAR SIGNAL HEAD. COUPlETE WITH MOUHTS. HOUS;HG. VISORS AHO IIACKPt.ATES THE 8'ISIDE OF SIGNAL VISORS (HOODS~ Tl<E EIIT1RE SUAFAC£ OF LOUIIERS AHO F .. S. AHO THE FRONT SURFACE OF aAQUI\ATES SHALL HAVE A DUlL SLACK FIHI&Ii BACKPt.A~S SHALL 8! POWDER COATED AL\JMI.NUN COLOR SHALL BE FlAT BLACK BORDERS SHALl. BE 5 INCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWER!D RADAR SPEED FEEOeloCK SIGN SYII'TEM I TERMS & REQU IRMEN!S -To.,_or otMin .... II*». rG protKidoQifnrlt(. FIRMS atoJdconlatl.._ CONTRACTOR '0 g.l requltM PtOfed retOt.VCt ·Tho COHTAACTOR ... -FIRMS. W ........... --.-...,.., -·.........., ..ouote • '* pn::lfed bid ft.emt mutt btl .wmiMd bMof'l tM due tiki O.tt eno lrne kllllow PI'OI* ..... Judon ..oClucMt.,. ~ 10 be In KC:Otder'ICII 'IIII'IV'I prqtd ~''*"-and good b !he entire oontrKtNti.IOn • The protKt II t f"VIft1Q W19f pubic )ob. The FIRM't QUOit mutt c::anu2tr al tttml t'N*' 10 pre-vtl\ng ~II t.trms. • FI RMS mu'lt PQSMII and mllln\lln I CUITtnt c:on&rKtor license, insurlnce. and weriltf' ~ COYtfltgl dl.ring lhe PfOted • FIRMS mutt b1 CUF "Comnwc:lat Uattul Funetlan ' so lht ~tJOn goet lt .ceePted towtrcft the GoCKl Faith Eftor1 -1~ peymenli bond and perlonNnc» bond lor tM 1\11 amount ol v. t ubCOntt1ct pnce may be r.qui.rlld. -FIRMS lhll Nltlillhllt QueM u plldlty ~and tgrM to Ill~...,_. end m~UM. • Wear. tn eqUII~y ~ Wt 6o t'IOC ~ egllnlt ant quilled oonlttdort, IM.Iboonttackn, ~ ·The lml,.,.. be,..,.., wiU'I ~ cllnd\IN'\el RMJon end sho&*IIVW 1 cutfWII OIR ~ RESPONSD & RETURN C 't'ES wt .. .,.,.,_.'"HI protM:t. Wt .. 'AJ< 1 QUOit Mlote,.. bid due._ & llrM. O NO we.,.noc~'".,.Pf'OfecL Ro-~Homollllvno11ft _______ _ Dole. _____ _ PIHM check oM box,Fu S.ek th'-sMet with requ .. ted ln tonna tJon berort btd due dttt & ttme to : Fax: 7 14-459-7088 C•lpromu Englneertng BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSIN ESS I!NTERRPRISI! ARM: C.lprom•• !.nglneertng GSJ UTILITY SUPPLY & SERVICE ISO N. Rote Ortn ,PiecenUa,CA.t1710 PHON I! : 71 ... 73 -4 591 1•ses S. VAllEY VI~ AVI!NUI! fZ,SANTA F~ FAX : 714 .. 51·7011 MAIN CONTACT : A dmin ESTIMATOR : EaUmetor PH : 714~~~~ eXT : PROJECT INFO. SPRINGS,CA.10170 PHONI!: 5U ~I).C.111l FAX : Ul-351·1250 FIRM 10131431 e -ma lt: ••nd>'Og•J-ut lllty.com PROJECT OUTREACH FAX Ca lpromu EnglnHrtng Ia INking Quotes & Sub~lds from Qua lined & Certlfl od DBE Firms: Protect N1me: TRAFFtc stGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OniER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT Bfd Dat.mme• ProfM;t l oudon• Aw•Nilnt Agltftey. ConUKI No,: Goal Requlr.ct· PROJECT OUTREAC H DESCRIPTION VARIOUS l OCAnONS 2017104121 13.:00 PM Temp .. Ctry, LOS ANGELES County, 11710 CA City OF Tomplo City ,...., DBE :4% CALPROMAX ENGIIICEFUNO .. bldcQno U'lh PfOiKt u 1 PTme General Cot'*.aor We .... ldYity ~ IIUb-eon~ ld'ld -..~ Q\dln on al tl8dM lram quellled I cenifted MBE end WBE c:ot'VIC:tOtS ot ~-P&eN Met eoeca 1t1 ~ b ycu ~once you ~tt lhem ot Mnd en lrUt..t " Ht pn:ftd. YfiiM qLCJte lhcdd be sent k> our ofkll prtor 110 lhl bid dl:et'IIN '* "'" 14 Fot ~~ will ~. n....nc.. 01.._ ol c:rldl canlad cu oftlcl. ~ ol wort: kw b proiect ~ {tlul_.. nollmlled 10) 1M lolow!ng: {WET SA.NO BlAST A.HO REMOVE EXJSTWofG MARI<tNO AND STRIPING,INSTALL lHERMOPlAST1C PA.IHT STR PING, CROSSWAU< ANO FtAVEMEHT "-'RR<lNGS.REMOVE EXISTING AHO INSTAll HEW SIGNS. SIGH POS11I PER CA MUTCO..RfM()IIE EXlSTlhG I " 3 S€CT10H VERllCAl VEHICUlAR SKJHAL HEAD AHO CONSTRUCT 1T 3 SECTlON VER11CA.I. VOUC\A..AR SIGHAL HEAD, COMPlETE WIDI MOUNTS. HOUSIHG. IIISORS AHD BACKPlATE$ THE INSIDE OF SIGNAl VISORS (HOODS~ THE OI"TIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AHO FINS. AHO THE FRONT SURFN:E. OF BACKPlATE$ SHAU KAYE A DUll BlACK FINISH. ft.ACKPLAT£5 SHALl BE. POWDER COATED AlUMJNUM. COLOR SHALl BE FlAT III.ACK. BORDERS SHALl. BE S INCHES W10E. COHSTRUCT SOLAR POWeRED RADAR SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN SYST£M I TERMS & REQUIRMENTS ·To ... 01 obWn ... spea, 11M .,q.d CIOa.mWil. F'&RMS .no..Ad c:ontllellht CONTRACTOR 10OM NIQUitld ptqlcl tetoui"CII ·The COHTRACTOfll'1141 ~FIRMS, If r.aue•t«<, wtth ~lUis~ lrl bondJno,lnsurllt'a .Quotes per proteca bid "-"'• mutt be sUbmlu.cl before the due tiki des. and lhle to dow DI"'C* evaludon • .ouoc.s.,.. ~to be In ~ wHh Pf'Of«:t plana,~. end good torN enh conttact .,,Uon. ·The protecalt • pre-veiling wege pubk fob, The FIRN"Ii quote n'UII ccnllder Ill t.fml te&lt«<IO ,.v~ wwges tem~s.. • FIRMS mutt poNt• 1nc:1 malntelrl • o.nT'MI OOI'iractor llcens.e ,lMurenc.. 1n<1 WOfket" oomptnadon cxwwege dl.l'if'l9 the project ·fiRMS ~tl be CUF ~wdll Vtttul Function• so the palt.idpaUon go.lit eoeept«<10W..-dllhl Good Filth Etlot1. • 1 ()()'% ptyrnent bond end Pttfotm•noe l:lOftd lot 1M ful an'CUnt of lht l4.lbcoftttKI Clttcl mey be ,.qund ·FIRMS &hal tl.lbmil V\tlt queM expldlty ac:know$10gt 1M •;tee to I ll tboY-e WIT'It W tt~t ·We_,. an tQI,.III~·ty ~.WI dO not dilcrimlnl .. ~any QUIIiiftld ~. ~. ti..IPP'If'l ·TI'Ire ., ,.,.,.,. ,...,_, wtll ~~ rJ lndullnlf ~ lt'ld lhOukl ~ 1 C1M1M OIR nun'lbef' RESPONSD & RET\JRN D YES we .. lmttllted In '*~ We w11 FAA • quote bekn r.. bkS-...4ate & wn. O NO .. -.weAOCin~lnlhllptqec;l. -eono.a·-· Slg-.ro: _______ _ o... ____ _ Pill" ch.c:k one bo•,Fex Back thla lhHt with requested lnlormallon btrore bid due d ett & time to: Fax: 714-459-7088 Calpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM: C1lpromu Englnttrtng 850 N. Rott Ortvt ,Pitctntla,CA,t1780 PHONE : 714.573 .. M8 NORCAL GENERAL CONSTRUCT10N CORP 555 E CAPITAL AVE,MILPITAS,CA,8 5035 PHON E : 405-188-0335 FAX : 714 .. 59-7015 FAX : 401-Uit-1550 FIRM 10138231 MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESnMATOR : Eltlmltor e-mail: norcalgtnt rllconstruetlon(lythoo.eom PH : 714-sn.-SH EXT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT IN FO. C1lpromu Englntet1ng Is letklng Quotas & Sub-bleb from Qulllntd & Ctrtlflod OBE Firms: Proj tc:l Nlllne: TRAFFlC SIGNAL UPGRA DES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT BldDet.rnme: Projtc:l locellon: AWIIrdl nt Aoeney: VAfUOUS LOCATtONS 2011'/04121 13:00 PM Temple Ctty, LOS AHOEU!:S County, tt110 CA City OF TemP'~ City ConlrKI No.: Pt~7 Goal Raqlri...t: DBE : 4% PROJECT OUTREACH DESCRIPTION CAI...PROMAX ENGINEERING ... bidding INt profec;t tt t Pmle Gtnertl CootredOI'. Wt art tdiwly "ekinO autK:ontrKkn tnd aupplitrt QUCI(tt Of111!1 ndtt 1rom quelifted & oerUilod M8E and W8E c:oottlcscn or IU(Ipflera. PlaN •nd IPK' trt tvdlblt lor )'OUr te'tltw once you riQVM1 thtm or lend '" hWrftt ~ U. protect. Your quote should be serK 10 OUf oftlcl prtor 10 1M bid daltltlmt p« lhll ld. For aui..-nce with bonding. Insurance. 01 hs o1 aedll ccnliCl DUf otrlee. PDf1forw of wcw1t lor hi profec:t lndude (bu'lere not ltnded to} lhl toaowing: (WET SAND BlAST AND REMOVE EXISTING MARKING AND STRJPlNG,lNSTAU THERM OPLASTlC PAINT STRIPING. CROSSWAI.X AJrfD PAVEMEHT MARKINGS.REMOVE EXlSTING AND INSTAll NEW SIGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MVTCO.,REMOVE EXISTING r 3 SEC'TlON \IERTK:Al VEttell.AR SOW.. HEAD ANO CONSTRUCT 12· 3 5€CT10N VERTK:A.L. VEHICUlAR SIONAL HEAD, COMPlETE W1TH MOUNTS, HOUSING, VISORS AND BACKPt.ATES THE INSIDE OF SIGNAl V1SORS !HOOOS~ THE ENTlRE SURFACE OF LOlNERS AND FINS. AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF BAa<Pl.ATES SHALL HAVE A DUlL BLACK FINISH. BACKP\.ATES SHALl BE POWDER COATED ALUMINUM, COlOR SHALL BE FLAT 8LACK BORDERS SHAll BE 5 INCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOLAR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEOOACK $IGN SYSTEM I TERMS & REQUIRMENTS ·TO ~ 01 Obtalft P'lftt. ~C:**,ancl ptOied dOCu.,_.., FIRMS II'IOUd CCf'1tld 1M CONTRACTOR to gel ttiQW tcl prq.et r..ouna. • Tl'lt CONTAACTOft wll P'O'Me ~IRMS. ~ ,.q.....wd, 'Mth ~ 111b~ In boncnng, lnt.lnnct <l\.lotM per proled t*l ltieme tn.~tt be ·~tll4 b&>fort tht ctu. bid dllt 10(1 .m.to a]OoN proper l'\l'aluaiOn .o..ota.l .,. requhciiO bt In ICICIOt'dMc:e with ptojed pian~., apect.. and good lot' tht tnlft c:onttact cturatlon. • The pn:Jftct .. t pr~ WIQI pubic: )ob. Tht FIAM'I qucQ must ccntldiM' d Ianni related to preYalllng waga1 tenM. • FIRMS mu.t pos,seu and tn1lntain 1 OJmlnt C0f'ltr'K10r lcenn, inlur.nca. and worker compenuUon coventQI dur&ng lhe profed ·FIRMS must bt CUF 'Commtrdll UMhA Function' to tM p,~rtic:iplbOn ~it ac:ctpted towardt tht Good Fa hh Ertan. ·100% p,~yment boftd and peOOrmlnot bond kw lhe fulamoont cl tht aubc:orWKt prb tniiY be r~. .fiRMS IN\ 1Ubrrit lhelf queM tllpllc:ftty ~ tnd 191'H 10 d above tlf'mt lnd tttpontiJIItiM. • Wt ,,...,.. tqU11 ~ tmpk)ytf. Wt dO 1'10( cllcrtrni'\lt.t a;Allt eny qllllilled con~.tub00nfl*:101t, S141p6tf1 • The ftrm must be r.Qtta.rtd with Dt'*'"*"t of lndul.ltW A*' lion end ahould 1\tvt • Qllftnl OtR nul'l"'b«. RESPONSD & RETURN (""'1 YES wt a~tln!M'Iattd In ltlls l)f'OftcL Wt wll FAX t quota Dtb't U'lt tMd dut date & time l.J NO wt W t nolb'Mf .... cl 1ft 11111 ~ R--Co<U<tNaMO & SIOMI"'*-------- Dolo: _____ _ Pltut c:htck ont box,Fu Btek thlt thett with requetted ln torm•tlon before bid due dale & tJme t o : Fax: 714-459-7088 Calpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM: Calpromtx Engineering 850 N. Ro•t Drtve ,Piactntla,CA,t1180 PHONE : 714-573 .. 5ag HERCA TELECOMM SERVICES, INC. 1U10 BECK 8TREET,PERRIS,C A,I2570 PHONE : 851-940-51141 FAX : 71 ... 51·7011 FAX : 851-t.t0-5-'oS& FIRM 10131381 MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESTIMATOR : E.IUmator e-m1M: htetOf'.CUitllonOhereataleeomm.c:om PH : 71 4·573 .. 5H EXT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Calproma x EnglnHI'tng Ia '"king Quoltt & Sub-bld a from Ouallfltd & Ctrtlfl.ct OBE Firms: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS lOCAnONS ~dD•ItiT1m•: PToJectlo«~tlon: Award1ng A g .nc:y: Cont.r.et No.: Goal Required : PROJECT OUTREACH DESCRIPTION 2017JO.U'H1J:OO PM Temple Ctty.LOS ANGELES County, 1 1710 CA Cfty Of TempJt City P1 5~7 DBE :4 % CALPROMAX ENGINEERING It~ lhlt projeelll 1 Prtne General Contractor We ere adJYely teelti~ sub-Q:Inl~ end wppl~r. quotet on 111 nests from quel fltd & cen.fled MBE and WBE conndorl or suppllen. P'-nt lnd IPtCI ara avalttbte for your ~once you requett Ll\etn or lind an lnlMttl In INs ptaftct Your queue ShOl.td be Mnl k:l our ot1ce pl1or to lht bid dale/time per &hia ad. Fof nsiiUJnea 'Nith bot'ldlng. lntura.I'IC», or lneJ of credl1 conlld OL# oltlce. Portions of WOOl for the Pfoied lnck.idt (but.,. not IMtediO) l'le folow!ng: [WET SAND BLAST AND REMOVE EXISTlNG MARKING AND STRIPING.INSTAll THERMOPLASTIC PAINT STRIPING, CROSSWAlK AN D PAVEMEHT MARKINGS.REMOVE EXISTING AND INSTALL NEW SJGNS. SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO .. REMOVE E.XSSTlNG 8' 3 SECTtON VERTlCAI. VEHICULAR SIGNAL HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECT K)N VERTICAL VEHtCUl.AR SIGNAL HEAD. COMPlETE wrTH MOUNTS. HOUSING, VJSOAS AND BACKP\.ATES. THE INSIDE OF SIGNAL. vtSOAS {HOOOS), THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND FINS, ANO THE FRONT SUR FACE OF BACKA.ATES SHAU. HAVE A DUll BlACK FINISH, BACKP\.ATES SHAll BE POWDER COATEO ALUMINUM, COLOR SHALL BE FlAT BLACK. BORDERS SHAll BE 5 INCHES WIOE. CONSTRUCT SOlAR PO'HERED RADAR SPEED FEE08ACK SIGN SYSTEM) TERMS & REQUIRMENTS ·To""""' or Oblar6n """"· tj)ICI, Inc! prof.ct OOC:urMnt. FlRMS thOUcl contK* trot CONTR.ACTOA 10 gtl required profect teJOU'CI • Tht CONTRACT~ wl ~FIRMS.~ ttQUIItta<l, wtth requhd 1t~\lrlee In bOndJno, lnturanet ~ per p.oiect bJCI item~ muM be aubmllltc:l before lhe ctvt btcl data end lime 1o 11orw ptOp« ev-..'don. .(lua(es .,. teQUhd 1o be In ac:cotdlnca with profec:l ptent, spKa, 1nc1 good few lht aneirt oonlfeCt Guradon . • The ptqtd II I prtvdng wtgt put6: job. The FIRM's quote tT1Ua1 CXJnaldef II IWI"M ttttttd to pravelng wtQts tarm.. • FlRMS mutl poeseu and rntltl&tln t a.mont contractor llc:ense, lnslnnc.. end worbt CICJmPilNition OOYfllaga durinv tht project ·FIRMS rr.nt bt CU F '"Commtrdll UNful FuncUon"10 the partlcfpetlon goal Is ac:coptld IOwardt the Good Falh Enort. ·1 ~ peyment bond and pe~ bond lew the M amount of tht IUtloonltKt ptb may~ r.,qulrtd . ·FIRMS lhii !Wbmh lhtlr Q1,IOM tJipllclly ~~ and tQfH W> al lboYt ltn'M tfiCI rtsPMSibll"-' ·We are an eQUal oppottuM,. ·~· Wt do no1 dlso1n1Nte tg11ntt any qual&d ~. Nlbc:ontrtctcn. tupptief's ·The linn mutl be ttQIIIer.d \Jrltlh ~~ ullndostrial R ... tlon ltld thcMd ht'f'e 1 c:urent OIR number . RESPONSD & RETURN rYES M .. lnMrtMtd In ltWt pra6ec:t. Wt wS FAX I quota ~bt the bid '*"t dtlt & lifM U NOwe..-.~tC~tlntttttledlnltUproftc:t. Rtaponsfble Conltc:a Name & Signetu ... : _______ _ Dett: _____ _ Pleut cheek one box,Fax B1ck th le ahHl wtth requllttd l nfonnatlon before bad due dale & tim• to: Fa x: 714-459-7088 Colpromax Englnoe~ng BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: B USINESS ENTERRPRISI! FIRM: C1lpromu EngtnHrtng QUAliTY EQUIPMENT RE NTAL 150 N. ROM Drive ,P I.coniii,CA.1 1710 PHONE : 71<Wn-451t 13~ ROSe AVI!HUE,FOHTAHA.C A,U337 PHON!: 101·2714 512 FAX : 71 ... 5HO .. FAX :I .. _-tU7 MAJN CONTACT: Admin FIRM IDUI717 ESTIMATOR : ~ttl metor e-m1 11: q ullttyequlptMnt rentltQYihoo.c:om PH : 714-6'73-45tt EXT : PROJECT O UTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. C1lpromax Engineering II IHklng Quotll & Sub-bids from Qulllfled & Ce rtified OB E Firm a : ProJect N1me: TRAfflC SIGNAL UPGRADES , &IONS AN D OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCAnoHS Bid Dettlflmo: Prot-a Loutlon: Awltdlnt~· Con«ract No . Goel R.cautrM- PRQJECJ OUTREACH DESCRIPTION :017104121 t 3:00 PM Temp .. C Ry, LOS AHOE.L£1 Co unty, 1 1710 CA City Of Temple City P1Hf DBE :4% CALPROMAX E.NGIHEERINO It tlblng tNt prafed 11 1 PrVne ~ Conlradot We "' IICfVtt;' ...._~ M.IO-C!Onltldotl: 1nd ~ qucJCM on 11 lt1IC* 1rom queUtd a c.ftlled wee 8nd wee~ or wpp~ers. Pllnt ns tPKt .,. ..,.,... lor fOIII ,....., cnc:e ,_. NQUIHI '*" 01 Mt1C1 1ft ""-t h '* profltc:L Y0411 quote lhoYd be sent kt cu omc. r;rior kt 1M bid ~ I'IW thla 8d Few ~ w':lh bordn9, ~-0t ht ol ~ C\ICit'aa CM ollol ~ olwort lor tht I:JI"'fed ..._,.{but.,.. not lmlled ID) 1'4lallorrwinu [WET SAND 8LASl AHO REMOVE EXIST...O MARIQNO AHD STRIPlNG,lNSTAU. THERMOP\.ASTJC P.AJNT STRJP>NG, CROSSWALK AND PAVEMENT MA.fa(INGS.~ EXISTW«l AHO INSTALL NEW SIGNS, StGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO..REMOYE EXJSn«l I" :! SEC'TKlH VERTICAL VE.HtCli.Nt S1GHAL HEAD AHO CONSTRUCT 12" :S SECll()H VERTICAL VEHtCI.A.AR SMJ.NAL HEAO, COMP\.ETE WITH MOUNTS, HOUSING, VISORS AND IIACIU'\ATES THE INSIDE Of' SIGNAL VISORS (ltOOOS~ niE EHTIRE SURFACE Of' LOUVERS AND FIN$, AND THE FRONT SURFACE Of BAO<PLATES SHAll HAVE A DU.l BlACK FfNtSH 8ACKP\.ATES StW.L 8E P'O'M>ER COATED ALUWINUM, COLOR SHALL Ill! flAT 8lAC>t BORDERS SHAU.III! 51NCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEDBACK SIGfl SYSTEM I TERMS & REQUIRMg NJS -To *-or Obtain cMnt • ..,.., end ptqeddocunn.. FtRNS ahoutdQW'IteC:Ih CONTRACTOR to OM NQWed PfQied,.sourw -The COHTRACTOR .e ptOWSI FIRMS, I r.quested, 'llltd'l NqUftd euis11neie In bondlt'IQ, lnM.nnco .Q.Iole1 '* prq.a b6cl a.m. mutt N aubn'IIMd beb-. the dUe bkl a.te .ncs lrM to alow propet ...,~ .OUO.u .,. r.quhd k> bot h IOCIOfdW'Q wtf\ prq.c;~ plan&, •pee~. nf good lof ~ entlta conlleCt Nldon • TM ptqed II I prrtaMng wege pubic )Db, The fiRM't quoll mull c:on!Nder allt•mt ril&lted 10 PfiVMing WIQH """"· • FIRM S mutt ~-tnd nwlnwin 1 currant oontrK1or ficenao, lnRn.nc:e. and WOI'klt c:oml*'!lllion ~ dl.l'ing thl proJect ·FIRM $ mull be CUF 'Cornnwdll UMf\.11 Fundion•so the per1iclpltlon got~l It .aotpted IOWirdl lhl Goocl Fllll'l Erton. -1 ~ PIYI"'*'l' t10nc1 eno pe,rbmanc. bond lor 1M ful tmount ol thiiUbe:On~ prtc. INIY be requl~ -F~9 lhlt Mbmll Nk cr.JCM l llpidly ICknowledge and -ot"H to II tbe'wl ten'~"~& tl'ld ret~l -W111tt tnequeaOCI9(WtUnltye~ We do not~ IIQ8Nteny quelllitd oonet'ldorl. ~. ~ • T'he 1m1 ,...,., Dt reglltMeet ~ Otpenment ot ~ ~ Md aho.Ad r..w e current OtR numo.r RES PONSD & RETURN r YES ._. 111"1 ~"' Nl ptOjKt. We ..... FIIJ( a quota bltn ct~e bid ~ Ge" & !Wit C'f>IOwt~e.renotnatMtecr "'lhJ.~ R--c:..--& Slgno .. o. _______ _ Door ____ _ Pia .. • c M ck on• boJt.Fax Back t hlt thMt w it h ,..queetad lntonnallon MfOf'l bid due dale & time t o: Fax : 714-459-7088 CaJpromax Engineerin g BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CO NTRACTOR : BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM : Calp«wn u EnglnH~ng DBA LOGISncAL ENTE RPRIS ES 850 N. Ro .. Drlv1 ,P iacentJt,CA,I17tO PHONE: 7 14.sl~tt 4851 !. WI!ATHERMAKER,FRESNO,CA,U 703 PHONE : Ut-.392·1124 FAX : 714_.5 .. 7011 FAX : 151..34 7-41100 FIRM 100131431 MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESTIMATOR : l!ltlm1tor .-.m•ll: denn .. eQioglstJe~~lantorprl"s.~ PH : 714-5T3-45H EXT : PROJ ECT OUT R EA CH FAX PROJECT INFO. Cslpromu Englneor1ng lt lOOking Quot es & Sub-bids from Qusllned & Certlned DBE Firm a: ProJ•ct H•ma: TRAFFIC SSGHAL UPGRADES, SKiNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS atd O.lliiTime Pro)ecl LocaUoft; Aw•rdlng AetftCY: 20171'04121 U :OO ,M Tempt. Clry,lOS ANOEL£1 Counry, ttTIO CA Chy OF Tern,-Ctty Contrut No.: P1 5-07 0ooiA .. .......,. DBE : 4% PRQJ ECT 0\lTREAC H QESCRIPIION CALPROMAX EHOtNEERtNO te t*Sdlng 'HI pt'Ofld •• • Pftne G«wwt Conltec:tot We .,. ~y Mlk.nQ ~Vec:loi'W .-J ~ quotae. on 81 lnde1 !rom quellled & cet\hd MBE end wee cont~Ktcn or JUppfjeB. Pllnl tnet IC*:t.,. ~· lor ~ ~ onc::e )'011 ~ """" or send "" "-'fll n tn prataa. Ywr queM thcf.ld be Mnl 10 our ot1ct Pl1ot 10 lhl bid .,.......,. "' UW ed For ~ wlf'l bondFtg ~or rna. ol Cld cont1ct oc.r oft"ct. Portion~ ol WCII'k br l'le preted lndude (btA .,.. not l'rltad to) l'r1 ~ ['NET SAHD Bl.AST AND REMOVE EXJSTN3 MARiaNO AND STRI.PlNG,INSTALl THERMOPl.A$TtC PAIHT STR.IPING, CROSSWAlJC NolO PAV&EHT MAAKO<GS.REMOIIE EXISTING AND INS"T AU. NEW SIGNS. SIGfl POSTS PER CA M\TICO )IEMOIIE EXlSTlNG a· 3 SECTION 1/EJmCAL VEHIC\A.AR StOHAL HEAD AND COHSTRUCT 12" 3 SECnON VERTICAl va«:I.A.AR SN:;HAL HEAD. COMPlETE Willi MOUNTS. HOUSING, VISOftS AND IIACKPLATES THE INSIDE Of' SIGNAL VISORS (HOODS~ THE EJmRI! SURFACE Of' LOUVEAS AHO F><S. AND Tl-IE FRONT SURFACe OF BACXF\.ATES SHALL HAVE A DULL BlACK FINISH 8AO<PI..ATES SHALL 8E POWDER COATED ALUMINUM, CO.OR SHALL Be flAT ao..ctt BORDERS SHALl. BE 5 INCHES WID£. CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEOIIACI( SIGN SYSTl:M I TERMS & REQUIRMENTS ·To ..WW Of ObUin pttn..IOICt. 1M ~Cioeumltt. FiRMS thOUid OOI'l\ld ... CONTRACTOR ao gel reqWed prq.cit'HCIUfOI • Tht CONTRACTOft wtl ~ FIRMS, lr r~u"tecl, wllh tiQuhd t.tlb&anolln bonCJng. lnlwera -Ouolet per profacl bid llaml mu.c bl ~ Mba the due bid diU! and *tie to eiOw PfOC* ~ ~ .. 1rt f"fQ\\lttcc\o be WI~..., pn:Jfec:t ptans, apeca. and good lot l1e enW. oatWact ~ • The ptofla Ill e Pf'l'il fllng W-otJ pubic~. The FIRM'S (!Wte mutt contiOit .. latmt ,..;.~ *" pt~ wegn tetmt • FIRMS mute pot1M1 l nd ml11'1111n I CUITent c::onttaQOf klnll. lmutlinc., and WOI"tt.ef ~nMI.Ion ~r.ge duting lhl profod: ·FIRMS tnu&t bl CUF 'Comtnlfclal UH iul Function'IO the plltidl)ltion goellt ecceptld IOWI«<I ltte Goocl Fe ith Effort -100% paymw~l bond enc1 petfomwtncl bond kw th•lulamount of U'le w~ s:wtoe may be tiQUir.cl ·FIRMS 1hl4 tutwNt lt\tl.r quoe. ei.Pidly edtnowiedgl.nd egree ~ d tboYiltwml encl ~~~~~U.. • We .,. an IQUII opporU\Ity emploflr We dO not dhoimNte I IJINl eny queiMICI contredOI'I. ll.lboonlt'ldot'l, tl4)9lets .flMI Inn,..... be,...., <Mth ~of lnduttrill ~liOn.,.., lho.Ad MV1 a CUf'I"'M OIR I'IUtl'lb« RESPONSD & RfT\JRN rYES we .. lnl...ted In Na prajac:L W• wtt FI(X. • q\da be-.:.. Ita blcl cNt dille & tm1 LJ NO we_.. no1 ~"" IIW profecl ~~NMW&~~----------------Do~a _____ _ Ple11e chKk one boll,Fu B•ck th .. sheet with .-.quel led lniOfmatlon belore bid d~ date & tJ m e to : Fax: 714-459-7088 Ce lpromax Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIRM: Calpromu ll!nglneering BLUE CABLe INC 1550 H. ROM Ottve ,Pitcentii ,CA.t1780 PHOHE : 714-673-o5tl 7301 COLDWATER CANYON AVE tB,NORTH PAX : 71•-o5f·7011 MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESTtMA TOR : Eatlmator PH : 71•·573.0511 EXT : PROJ ECT INFO. HOUYWOOO,CA,I1105 PHONE : 111-551-545< FAX : 111-sl1·n5t FIRM 10f.41H3 Hnall: hellndiQbtoeeable.com PROJECT OUTREACH FAX Celp romu: Eng ineering 11 lttklng Quote• & Sub-bids from Qulllfled & Certified D8E Firma: TRAfFIC SIGH.AL UPORADES, SIGNS AHO OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATlONS llkf O.teiTltM: PrvjKtLoutlon: AWIIrdlng ,t,o.ncy Connct No.: Goolltoq ..... : PROJECT OUTReACH QE§CR irTJON 2011104121 U:OO PM Temple Ctty, LOS ANOELEI County, lt710 CA City OF Temple City , ... 7 DBE : •% CALPROMA.X ENGINEERING II~ .. ~ .. 1 Prime General Connc:tot We 1t1 ~ ....atnQ ~end~ queM~ on a1 .,_,.. tom qu~w..d ' ~ W8E enc1 wee c:ot~t.acn or~ ,..,. and IPICI .,. 8\'dlbll b yet~ ,..._ onot you teQUI'M lhlm or Mnd en .,..,...I 1'1 flit; ptqtd. Yow qurM lhcUcl be ..,.. 10 OJt ot1o1 prior 10 IN bkl d.....,.,. '* hi .c:l Few 11'--atancl ...,. boncl;ng. lnswwa. or iw ol CQdl oon&lct 04/1 c6e. PonioN cl wa11. fer tnt pte;~CtlnducM (biA .,. not lrNied 10) h k*lwlng. (WET SANn BlAST AHD REMOVE E.XIST'N) MARK~«) AND STJUPiit'fG.HSTAl.l. TltERMOPI.ASllC P.AlN'T STRIPINO. CROSSWALK AND PAVEMEirlT MARKHlS.A£N()Vf: EXISTirfO AND WST All NEW SIGNS, SIGH POSTS PER CA MUTCO • .REMOVE EXzsn..G a· l SECTtON VERT1CAL VE!ilCUlAR SIOHAl HEAD NfO COHsm.JCT 17 3 SECT10N VERT1CAl ve<ICUIAA SIGNAL HEAD. COfo<PlETE WITH """-'HTS. HOUSIHO. VISORS AHO IIACKPLATES THE INSIDE OF SIGNAL VISORS (HOOOS~ THE £lmR£ SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND FINS. AND THf FRONT SUR,AC! ~ IACI<P\.ATH SHALL HAVE A DULL ILACK A NISH. BACKP\.ATES SHALL Ill! POWDf.R COATED N..W.IIN'l.»A. COlOR SHAll. Ill! RAT BI.ACK. BORDERS SHAll. BE 51NCI<ES WIOE. COHSTRVCT SOlAR POWfRED AADAR SPE£0 FEED8ACK SIGN SYSTEM) TERMS & BEQUIBMENTS ·To Wlwot OCII-'n plilna. apea, Md pn:flct ctocunent. FIRMS al'lould COf'llad 111 CONTRACTOR to tel ~Ad~ t'NCU'tl. • TMCOH'TRACTOR .. _FIRMS.I ... -..... -.-.. -............ ~. PI' PRifld btd tlemt mu'M be t ubmttlld t:l4loN 1hl d\111' t:'d ... ll"'d lime 110 dow ptOPtf ..,..,.Uon. .Quote~ .,. ,.quQd lei be t'IICCOI'danel "'"" prcfec:t ... spec:s, and OOOd for .,. .... ww.a duration. ·The prafed Ill • pr~ wev-pubic Job. 1M FlRM"a quote ~ c:oMider d lermt rtl&lltd to prtvdng w1get *"'-- • FIRMS m.tlt PQtMM lndmNita.h eo.m.rt c:cntrwdotlcente. butance. lnd~eroomper~NIIon t#o/lfllgedtl1ng the profect • FIRMS mutt be CUf -comm.rdll UMiul Funa~oo • to lhll*'tldpttion goal b IOOIPtld toWW'dS lhe Good F1fl.h Erfott. ·100.. Plymenl band lnCI peltormlnce bond fot IIW fulllmOI.Wll ot lhiiiJbCOnlrld pt1ce ml'( bl reQuftd. -FI RM S lhlt ~their queM e.qllldly ~Met agrMIO d ebo¥'11erma •nd rtt~lt1lt ·We lf't 1ft equel ~ ~ Wt do 1'101 dl:lcrtmNte ~~g.nt any qUIIfled ~ .,bcorttradOtl.......,.,..,.. ·The lrm """" M ~ wl\t'l ~ ol ~-Rlllbon MS ahoUtd,...... a curttti OIR l'll.lt'fiMt RESPONSD & RETURN L YES we" lnWt....r WI HI prcjlcl. We ..... FAX 1 quo&e bebe l'le ~ dUI dltt & brM C NOwe .. nol............,., .. pt'Cifec::t. R~~NWN &S~~----------------Dolo ____ _ pteeH check ono bo.x.Fu 8ad!; lhl1 sheet with requnt.d lniCM'm.t ton before bid due date & time to: Fax: 714-459·7088 Colpromu Engineering BID INVITATION FROM : TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSIN!SS ENTERRPRIS! FIRM: C.lpromu EnglnHffng LIGHT SPEED RESOURCES 150 N. Rooo Drt.o ,Piocontlo,CA.t1710 PHON!: 71 .. 573.0"1 110. CORPORATE WAY 1222,SACRAMENTO,CA,I5131 PHONE : 11W81-IO>U FAX : 714"'51~7011 MAIN CONTACT : Admin !.ST1MATOR : &Umetor PH : 71.-sT).<Sft EXT : PROJECT INFO. FAX : t11~1H045 FIRM IOOMG<25 IH'ftiU: llghtapMdQdt•rwlre.net PROJECT OUTREACH FAX C•lpromu Englneertng Ia INking Ouotea & Sub-bid $ frvm Ou111ned & Certified OBE Finns: ProJect Name: TRAFfiC SIGHA.L UPGRADES, SIGHS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATtoNS Wd OelliTliM>: Project Location: Aw1rdlng Afenc:y; 2017104J'l11S:O O PM Temple Chy, LOS AHGEUI County, tt710 CA City OF Temple City ContrKI No.: P1 ~7 Cool Rlqwf... DBE : 4% PROJECT OUTREACH QESCRIPDON CALPROMAX EHOINEEAIHO .. biGdlng rw protec~• 1 Prime 0..... Cc:IMICIOr. WI .,. ~ tertk.lng IW-Conlt8dol't lnd tuPP11r1 quotn on lllllrldlllrom QUIIIIcl & ~ MBE ...:1 WBE c:ontrKicn or tuppliers. Ptant end apeca .,. ~ !lor your "*'* onct you i'IJOW.tt 1t1em or ...._, en ....,.... k\ .,... prqect. YOJI Quotl ......., be ~ 10 our oflc::e prb Kt I'MI bid Clltll*ne Pll HI ld. For ~ wiiPI bonding. -.....:.. or-o<crodl...-o..-.. -. .. _.lor ... --(biA ... no<,_ "I "" --.g.ty.U SANO BLAST AND RE.\101/E EJCJSTINO MARl<INO AND STliiPINO.INSTAll THERMOPLASTIC PM<I STRIPING. CROSSWALK AHO PAVEWEHT MARtUHGS.ROtOY£ EXISTI'IIO AHO lHST ALL t£W SIGHS. SJGN POSTS PElt CA t.t UTCO...RENOVE EXIST1NG IS" 3 SECTJ::>N VERTlCAL VEitCULAA SIGNAL HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 17 3 SECT10H VERT1CAL VEHIC\JI.AA SIGNAL HEAD, COMPLETE WITH MOUNTS. HOUSJ<G. VISORS AND IIACKPLATES THE .. SIDE Of' SIGHAI. V1SORS (HOOOS~ THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS NID FINS, AND THE FROHT SURFACE Df' llACI<P\.<TES SHAU HAVE A DUll BlACK F .. ISH IIACKPLATES SHAlL Ill! POWDER COAT£0 AI.UM.NU". COLOR SHAll Be FLAT &ACK. IJOAOEA$ SHALL BE 5 INCHES WilE, CONSTRUCT SCilAA POWER!O RADAR SPEED FEEOeACt< SIGN SYSTEI.I I !ERMS & RE9UIBMENJS ·To..._, otOO&atn p61t\t, IC»CC.Ind profKI ~ FlRMS lhO&Ad CDUct IN CONTRACTOR to get requQd ~ tnourct. • The CONTRACTOR we proWM FIRMS. r ~. 'MU'I ~ IIMtanc:e In bOnchftO. lntuttnce ..OUO..t per fM'Cted bki!Wmt '"""'' M tUCitMI.ICI belote ltll Q bkf dlta lnd *"t W ..,.,... 1W0C* ev.ll.lnon. ..Quolet .,.. ftCIUt1d 10 be In ac::cordMel wllh cwofed pfanl.. apecs. ltld good tor lie enlh contract durlllon ·The cwojld • • '"evdnO w1ge 1M*: )Ob The FIRM's QUOte must~-11 *"'' I'Mitd 10 ~ -o• Lermt. • FIRMS mutt potMII lnd INinlaln I eutrent COI'Iltador bl'l:ll, ln$F.QI'a, 1 nd \IIIICWI(W eomptf!Nib'l ccwet8QI dt.lr1ng li'll pt$d • FIRMS mutl be CUf •Commetdll UMIIA Fundlon• 10 the Plrtidpltlon p II ~Ceeptld too.vltcll Chi Good Filth Elton. ·100% P11f'MI"'I bond end perionn.anoe bond few lhl tull1moc,mt of the tubc::onnd pr\cltnly be req~ -FIRMS lhlllibnltlhelt qucq expldty ~ 1nd egr11 10 •• tbo¥1 tennt lnd ,...pandJINM ·WI Ill M IQUIII opoonunltyempk)ylf We do not~~ fllf'fq&NIIfted ~. ~ectcn. ~ ·The firm mutt be ~red w'th ~of tnou.WieJ Rel•lion enG ahoUicl hiMi a c:urr1t11 OIR rw.Hnblt RESPONSD & RETURN DYES we .. ~""''~ We wtl FAX • quote bekw9ltll I*' dUI dlt~ & lime. 0 fr'O we~te ncM"""-t*l .,_..prafect. A--~-& ...... ________ _ 0.10: _________ _ Ple•M check onre box,Fu B•ck thfl lhMt wfth rwquett*Ct ln formatlon before bid due date & time t o : Fax: 714-459-7088 Colpromu Engln .. rtng BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS EHTI!RRPRISE FIRM: c • ._. ~""J""''"" MACO SECURITY PRODUCTS 650 N. Ro .. Drtve .PIIcende,C,t..t1710 PHOH£: 71 44~5H o1505 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. WAY,OAKLAND,CA,t4109 PHOHE : 510.e55·1CW3 FAX : 711.59-7011 MAIN CONTACT : Admin f.STlMATOR : EotlmaiO< PH : 71147H5tt UT : PROJECT INFO. FAX : 510-t52·7641 FIRMIOUOU5 •m•ll: mapOan.n.t PROJE CT OUTREAC H FAX Cllpromu Enginee ring II IHklng Quotes & Sub-bi ds from Quallfled & Ctrtlfled OSE Firm I: TRAfFtC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VAIUOUS lOCATlOHS Bl:d o.t.mm.: ProJ~ locetlon: Awarding _...ncr 2017104121 tl:OO PM T.mpl• cay, LOS AHG£\..11 County, 11710 CA CltyOfTomploCity ContrKt No .: P15-07 Goal ~--OBE : 4% PRQJECJ OUTREACH OESCRIPIJON CALPROMA.X ENOa4EERIHO tt b60c1n0 ~ l)l'ojKt 11 a Prwne o.n.tw Cont:reaot. Wa.,. ec:d'ttfr ~ .,b-eonttKSGn .-Jd IUPCIItft Q...,.._ onllnctMII"om....-.cr 6~M8EenCIW8Ec:ordtKicltsor~PIInt..SIC*8 •re~Dtttotyour,..._Of'IC'»)I'OUr.qtJell11'1em cw MncS -" .,.,._, W'l tQ cwatecL YN quote lhi:IIACf tie .-IS .,_, t:N1 ollee prior 10 1M bkl Cl~ pet thlt ed. Fot ~ wlfl botdng. N!.'tWtOI, ot ._. o1 c:rd can11et 01Jt otle&. Por'lknl o1 work lor 1'111 PfOJICllndude (tlul.,. not l'nllltd to) IMi lraloMn;. [WET SAND !llAST AND REMOVE ElCISnNG MARKING MD STRIPINO.lNSTiol.l THERMOI'\AST1C PAM STRPINO, CROSSWAU< NfO PAVE}.IEH'T MAAK.I<QS,REMOI/E EXIS'TlHO NfO ..,ST AU NEW SIGHS, SIGN POSTS PER CA IAJTCO.RBIOVE EXJSn<0 r 3 SECllON 1/ERnCAL VEHICVl..AR St0HAL. HEAD AI«) CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECTJON VERT1CAl VEHICUlAR SIGNAL HEAD. COMPLETE WfTl1 MOUNT$ HOUSIHO. vtSOfiS MD IIACKI't.ATU T><E INS'OE Of SIGNAllltSORS (HOODS), THE ENTIRE SURFACE Of LouvatS MD FINS, AND THE FROHT SURFACE OF BACKPlATES SHALL HAVE A OI.A.L BlACK AMSH. BA()(PlATE$ $tW..L. 0£ POWDER COATED AL.Ut.I*H\JW, COlOR SHAU. BE FLAT IIIACK.IIOROERS SHAU BE 5lNCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOLAR POWERCD IWlAA SPEED FEEoeACK SIGN SYSTEM) TERMS & REQUIRMENTS -TovWwor abta&n.n..~CMQ.Itldprotlld doc:um."'t. FIRMS~ho!Jd contKih CONTRACTOR tooet r~ltd Clf"CCfKt t'MOUI"Ce ·l'hl CONTRACTOR w11 PfO'I4cM FlAWS, V ~'*t wUh ~\.lhcl ~'" bondng. ._,ntra .OUO.t I* IW'CittU • lltfM ...... biiM.Ibniea.d bMota 1he 0... b6d detelnd *"-kl elow PfOI*' ~t.on. ..Quotes .,. rtqWtd to bli In IICC:Ofdlnce ~ l)r(lflc:l pllns, tpeea. end good for hi tnWe oonu.ct ct.ndon • The pro~ •• Pl't"'lli'CI WIOI public tob.,.. FIRM's queM mull COI"'IIdlt t ll ler'n'ls ,..lltlt<I IO pttvalhg weo• ~ • FIRMS mu.a potHM Md mllnlein 1 o.nrent conliKklr bMt. nur.nct. end WC)fi(tr compenpt.IOn ~· dUring lhe proftct • FIRMS rnutl be CUF ~ UMiul F!.tnCllon"ao lhe petticipltion plls aooepled klwlrdl h Good Ft hh Effort. -100% PIIJ"*''I bond tnd ~bond few tnt tuD ltf'nOU'tt ol iN~ PfQ may bli ,..qulrtd ~RMS &httiUOmltthttrQUOte txl)ftcllly ~lind agr.-tod .t)O¥e ltnNI tnd ~ -WI 1r1 WI tqiMII ~ ~. Wt 00 1"101 ~ ~linst tnY qutli6M connc:eors, aubconnctors,IUPPietl -Tht h ""*be~ wil'l OlrplniMnt ollndullttM Ralll.otl end~,_..,. I curr.t11 OtR ~ RESPONSD & RfTURN r YES_.. .. ..._Iedlnn.~ Wtwii,AXt~btb'l .. otdduedl-.& .... L No ...... noc~lnthtsptqeet. -CorMCINamaa ~--------Ooto ______ _ P1tut check one box.Fu B.ck this thHI wtth requttttd lnformttlon bttore bkt due dtte & tlrM to: Fax: 7 14-459-7088 Calpromu Engineering BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS I!NTI!RRPRISI! FIRM: Calptomu Er.glnetring A PLUS SIGHS, INC 150 N. Roae Ortve ,PI1Ctnllt,CA,I 1710 PHON! : 11•·$13•518 0371 N. 8RAWL~,f R fS HO,CA.U722 PHON! : 551 •27U700 FAX : 71._.5f.7011 f AX : 559-275-7482 MAIN CONTACT : Admin FIRM IDIU0512 ESTIMATOR: l!.ltlmttor ...milt: ptchKo0100ttpn.com PH : 7 14473.5H EXT : PROJECT OUTR EACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Ctfpromu Engineering Is INking Quotes & Sub.Oid a from Qua lined & Ctnlntd DOE Flrmt : ProJttl N•mt: TRAFfiC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AHD OTHI!R SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VAR IOUS LOCATIONS Bid O.ttiTtmt: ProJtet LocaUon: A.wanftne AQ•ncy· 2017104121 13:CIO PM lllfT!pfe Ctty, LOS ANGELES County, 11710 CA Ctty OF Te mp&. City Con\lecl No.: P15-07 Goal Raqutrod: OBE : 4% PROJECT OUTBEACH DESCRIPTION CN..PROMA.X EHGINE!RINO It ~ INa profec:t N • Prbt o.n.r.l Contrtdat. Wt .,. ec4Miy IMkang IUb-oonttedoR lind 11110111et1 qwl" on II ndtl hrn Ql.lllltd & *"td MI!JI! end WBE c:ot*8dorl 01 IIUQPiet1. Pltnt lnd apea.,. ev.~•btll tor ycu rtview OI"CC you 1'9QUtlt lhetn or lind en arw.1 In ,.. cwqec:t. Yout QLIOle .tla&*i be ..,. 10 Ql oflce swb Ia lht tlkJ detellmt PI' U. ed. For ~ ..tlh bond*'lg. ~. 01 ...... ~ O'ecfll OCtiUCI a... otlce. PartJor. of wor:rt lor .. ptOred k1dude (1M .. noc llml:&ld Ia) I'll folloMng: fWET SANO BlAST AND REMO'VE EXrSnNO MAAIOHO ANO STRJPIN'G.INSTAL.L T1iERMOP\ASTlC PAI.NT STRft.IO, CAOS.SWAl.J( AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS,AEMOVE EXISTlNG NfO .. ST/oi.L NEW SIGNS. SIGN POSTS PER CA MU7CO . .A&OVE EXISTt<G r 3 SECTlON 1/ERnCAL VEHICI.UA SIGNAL HEAD AHO CONSTliUCT 12" 3 SECTION 1/ERnCAL VEHICUlAA SIGHAl HEAD. COW'LETE W\TN MOU I<T"S. HOUSiNG. "'5008 AlfO B.ACKPlATE.S lH! INSIDE OF SIGNAL V1SORS (HOODS ~ THE ENTRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND FIHS, AHD THE FRONT SURFACE OF IACKP\.ATES SHALL HAVE A DUll BLACK FINISH. IACKP\..ATES SHALL BE POWDER cc:>ATEO AlUMINUM, COlOR SHAU. BE FLAT BVoCK.IIOROERS SHALL BE SlHCHES wtOE. CONSTRUCT SOLAR POWERED \WlAA SPEED FEEOBACI< SIGN SYSTEM I TERMS & REQUIRMENJ8 -Te.,_ 0t abtlllft plitn:t, tC*t. and protKt ooeum.nt. FIRMS llhCUS 001'\\Kt N CONTRAC TOR 10 g4t1 ~ Cllf'Cted rMOUf'"C& • Tht CONTRACTOR wll PtOYiclt 'SAM$, If reQUIICec, wtth ~ 1.ut.tanc.., tlondlne. ..,.rw» ..Quo$M per pralea bid lttmt mutt bt .....,..., bt6cn the due bid dele lnd lrnt to IIIDw ptopeor twWlton. ~ .... t1qWhd to blln IOCOf'dar'a. prefect peen., s.piCS. and good.,.,. enift cannc:t durMioc\. • Tht projed II • pr~ w-ve pubic Job The FIRM'1 quote mull c:orttSdtf .. term~ ~ to J)l'W¥111ng wegetlermt ·FIRM S mull poiMss 1ncf maln\aln • c:urrent conttacklr lctnse. insuranet, and wotttt OOIT\PinHtlon oovtr8Q1 during U1t projecl: ·FIRMS mu&l bt CUF "'Commmfdll Uw tue FLW'ICtion"IO the patVclpiUon goll It tce:epl.tcl towlrcll the Good FtJlh Efton. _, 00% ptymtnl bond end ~ bond lor lht ful •moun& of U'lt Mlbconlrec& pritl tnl't bt ~. -FIRMS tn-t llbnh thelr queM h plldty ICknowtedgo end egrH to •I tbo¥t lenni tnd retpons!liiiUM. • We 1ft WIIQ\MOCIPO"Unfty~. Wt 00 not~ege:ln.a qQUa(AedCOM".ctota, M.lboon&rKtor't, I~ -Tht ltm ,.,._. b1i ,....,_, .-, ~ oltncuWI:I Rtllellon end stoAd heYt• c:um1n1 OtR numbtf" R ESPONSO & RETURN r vu,....,.~ln .. ~Wt .. FAX•quotebebehblddutde._l..,. U NO,... Itt Mt ..,_..led WI ""' ptqec:a. R-Contoc:tNama&S ________ _ Dllt: ______ _ PIN .. chtcio one box,Fn Back this &h"t With requuted Information btfore bid dut dtte & Umt to: Fax: 71 4-459-7088 Calpromax Englneortng BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENT!RRPRISE FIRM: Calpromax l!ngln.ettng LU MENSOURCE U.C 150 H. Ro.e Drtve ,P1acentla,CA.t1710 PHONE : 714-57) .. 519 2914 WESTVAL!.!Y 8lVD.ALIIAMBRA,CA.9111Ql PHON!: 121470 .. )3) FAX : 71...,..n88 FAX : 121-570•tm MAJN CONTACT : Admin FIRM 101-<07~ ESTlMATOR : EoUmoto< e-melt: )el'ter}Otumenaoure..bb: PH : 71~,.-,n EXT : PROJECT O UTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Calpromax Engineering 11 ... king Quotes & Sub-bids from Qualified & Certlntd DBE Firma: Ptojtcl Ntme: TRAFFIC SKiHAL UPGRADfS, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT I!Md08t.rrbne: Protect Loutlon: .,.,..,........., YARJOUS LOCATIONS 2CI\71041'21U:COPM T..,plo Clty.LOS AHGE1.ES c-oy, t1110 CA Clly OF To ..... Cloy ContrKI No P15-07 Goo! Ro""'...s OBE : 4'11. PRQJECJ OUTREACH DESCRIPTION CALPROMAX ENCUEERIHG '• bkkftng thh Pf'Ofed ta t PM!e Genere1 Convwor Wt .,. ~ ..-mo 8Ub-alntredof's tnd ~ QUO* on d ndft frQm Ql,llfifted 6 cenl*l MBE tnd WBE CIOI'tnaot1 01 ~ Pltnt tnd "*-' ~ tvel&tMe kw 'f04JI revt.w onc::e you ,..._.I them or .. net en ~ In ttft PfOtec:l. YOII quoW lhOold bot Mnt 10 our olftat priCit to IN btd dt\eltlme pet' He td. for I~ wfV'I bonding, lnlilfWCie. 01 ... of ad conc.c:t cu orftoe. Ponk:lnl of WOI'k.lor the protect lndude (bul .. not lmiWid 10) lhe lollowlng: (WET SANO 8lAST AHD REMOVE EXIS'ONG MARKING MID STRIPING,INSTALL THERMOPlASTlC PAINT STRIPING. CROSSWALK ANO PAVEMENT MARKINGS, REMOVE EXISTING ANO IHST All NEW SIGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO .REMOVE EXIST'f.IG s· 3 SECTION VERT1CAL VE.HICt.l.AR StGHAl HEAD AHO CONSTRUCT 12' 3 SECTlON VERTICAL V£1-tCU\.AA. SIGNAL HEAD, COMPlETE INI'1li MOUN'TS. HOUSNG, IIISORS AND BACKPI.ATES T><E INSIDE OF SIGNALIIISORS (HOODS~ T><E ENTIRE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND FINS. AND THE FRONT SURFACE OF BACKPt.ATES SHALL HAVE A DUll BlACK FINISH. BACKPI.ATES SHAll BE POWDER COATED M.UMIN\.t.t, ca.OR S>W.L BE FlAT BlACK. IIORDERS SHALl. BE 5 IHCIES WIOE, CONSTRUCT SOI.AR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEOIIACI< liKlH SYSTEM I TERMS & RE9U!RMENTS ·To ""or C111M*1 plilnl tC*S. _.., orqte:1 ~ FlRWS ahodiS ccn&ad ... CONTRACTOR 10 get~~ I'MOIICII ·l>oCOHTRAC'TOR ... -AAMS.w.....,.-.---.. -.......... ..auo.u '* praflct bid ts.nt I'RUtl De .ubtNied Dttcn the OtM tiki ... and *"-~ eiDw proptt......,..., .OUOC.1 .,.. ~ kt be~ acc:ons.nc:. ~ ptofed cMnt. apea, and good for h .,...,. connct durdon. . n. prqect It t prewlhg .-.;t pubic )Ob Tht FIRM't quote tTlUII ClOf'leidef II *'"' rttlltd 10 ptevllllng ~ letn'll. • FiRMS mutt pouett tnd m~~rm.ln e eutrtnt conltlctor bi\M. lnlu~. and wortltf QOmpentttion ooverage durlng "'-proJICC ·FIRMS must be CU F "'Cotnmetdtl Utef\.11 Function" to tht patlld~Uon gotllt aocepttd toYro"Jtdtlht Good Faith Effort. ·1oc:t% ptYfMnl bond end pettorrntnc::e bond for tilt fulamou'll ollht llbCOnttiCt Pl'1ol may Dl r.QU!rt<l. ·FifU.IS that tl.lbmJIIhtlrQUCM eX&)Idly ~e lnd agrM 10 .. ttiOfe lennt tnd ~ • Wt lttltl eQuel ~ ~ We do nat~ eg-. enyq~ CIO"'Wtaors tuboonnelort, 8Uppltrs .n. rrm """'"be~....,..~ otlndwlrW R.ttdlwtand aho.AcS t<.tw • ~ CMR,.,..,., RESPONSD & REDJRH rvts .. _..lnttretltd ~ .. P'OfiCI W•wll FAX a quo~~ botlortlhtblddwdlte&CL-nt L NO-. .. naclrtetetladlnii*'PfC!ttcl R-~-'Sitno""-------- Dolo _____ _ Pleue chKk one box,fell Btc.k thla sheet wlth requested lnformttlon before bid due dttl & Ume to: Fax: 714-459-7088 C.wlpromax Engtneer1ng B ID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS EHTERRPRISE FIRM: Calprontax Englne•rtng WESTERN TRAFFIC SUPPLY, INC. 150 H. RON OttYt ,Piacemla,CA.I1710 PHON!: 114-47H"9 ll42 VAt.l!Y AVENUE, UNIT M,PLEASANTON,CA,114511 PHONE : 125-201•1154 FAX: 714-451·7018 FAX : t25-24il-1113 FIRlollllf40111 MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESnMATOR: Eltlmttor .-met!: etbanezetwe-temtntflc.com PH : 714-57,.-,ti i!.XT : PROJ ECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Ctlpromu Engineering 11 JOtklng Ouoto1 & Sub-bids from Qulllfltd & Ctrtlfltd OBE Flnns: ProJKt Name: TRAFFlC SIOHAL UPCRAOES, StCN.S AHO OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT Bid Dl..,.,t: •.o!O<Il<> ....... : AwwdlntApncy: Conutct No.; Goal ReQUired! PRQJEC! OUTREACH OE5CR!PJION VAAIOUS LOCAOOHS 201710412.1 1S:OO PM T ...... Clly.LOS AHG!LEI Counoy, t1710 CA City 01" Tempe. C11y PU.OJ OBE:4'11o CALPROMAX ENGtHEERIHG It~ .,_ cwofect 11 t Prime o.twtl CotiV.aof. We tnt acw.l)' IMkJnQ ~~end t uoPitni OUOfitt on ,. nctet trom qlollllintd 6 Cllrtlit4 MBE tnd WBE c:ontradCn 01 ~ Pttnt It'd IPfCI .,. tvdtble b yow te\ltew once you reQUite lhtm 01 Mnd an ~ ., Vtfs ptqtc:L YtNt QUCKe 1hould be sent 10 our ot1ct ptlot 10 lhe btd dl~ P« &hll ecs. For •utatanQt w'JI'I bOnding, lnwrera, or lines ota.cll conwct ow omc.. PortioN: of WOt1t kJt U'lt profta lnduclt (but.,. I'IOI:Imited to) the lcftooMng: [WET SAND BlAST AHO REMOVE EXISTING MARKJNQ AHO STRlPlNG,INSTALl THERMOPlASTIC PAINT STRI~G. CROSSWALK AND PAVEMENT MARKNlS,REMOVE EXtSTIHO AHO INST AU. NEW SIGNS, SKlN POSTS PER CA MUTCO.,REMOVE EXISTING e· 3 SECT10N VERTtCAL VEHICtAAR SIGNAL HEAD AHO CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SEC'TIC>H VERTCAL VEHICULAR SIGNAL HEAD, COMPLETE wmt MOUNTS. HOUSING. V!SORS AND BACKPlATE!. THE lNStOE Of SIGNAL VlSORS (HOODS). TlE ENTtRE SURFACE~ LOUVERS A.NO FINS, ANO THE FRONT SURFACE Of BACKPlATE$ SHALL HAVE A DUU BLACK FINISH. ISAO<P\.ATES SHAU. BE POWDER ~TEO ALUM&NUM , COLOR S>W.1. BE FLAT BLACK BORDERS S>W.1. BE 51NCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOI.AR POWERED AAOAA SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN SYSTEM I TERMS & BEQUIBMEN!S ·TO._ or OOitln pllnt, tC**.. ..S prq.c;a 00CLmen1. FIRMS ahOIM CICif'QCI ... CC>rT'RACTOR ID vet NIQUnd prq.ct ,.80U"'CC TheCOHTRACTOR_.ptO'I'Idt P"IRMS,I~,....~a......._llrtbonct~.~ ..()ucMe '* profect bid hmt,.,.. De l!olbmltl.cl beb-..,. due .., dM and lht 10 llow prop.t ttYIWtlon .Quocft .. rtQUnct 10 bt In~ wif'l ptqea ptens. specs, and good lot IN entire conV'tCt dUrttlon. • The~ it a PN\'WIInQ wage pubic tob The FIRM'"1 Quale mual a:wwidtr Ill .......n1 related &0 ~In& ..,..., tenna. • FIRMS must poueu and maintain • wrntnt c:omr.caor lcense,ln&urtnee, tnd won..r oornpenNbon ~e duttng ttM pro1rtct ·FIRMS must be CUF "Commtrdee U..~ Fundlon"so the Plt'dcfptUon pill tc:cepltd lOWtfds the Good Ftlttl Etrort. ·100'1. Ptymtntbottdand perlrotmance bond b' the tuB tn'IO\ftof ttteaubc:orVIc:l Pl1ce may bt reQuftG. -FIRMS lhet IYbml their~ .. pldly tcknowltdgt end agrw eo .a tbow'l!en1'1111'C ,..potllltllilJes • We ... en equtl ~ emptcyer. We do not cfilcrtmN1e tgtNt 1ff1 QUIMJtd c::onnacn. tubconnaora. .upplleB ·Tltelrm ,_l bot reQbtertd w!lft ~ cllftdl.llll'llf RtMtlon tnd lhOtM ,_....a Cl.lft'tf'l OIA I'IUtt'lbet RESPONSD & REDJRN r YES ..... 1Mttt1tld ~ l'lll ~We _. FAX a quott beb't h bid cNt d ... & WM L HOwe art rQimetM*S In 1N11 PfOti'Cl R-""'-Nome & Slgnot'"--------0..0. _____ _ PltMe ehec.k one box.Fn Bac.k thla theet wi th requealtd lntormetlon Mrore b id due date & time to: Fax: 714-459-7088 Cal promo Englnnr1ng BID INVITATION FROM: TO: COHTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISI! flAM: Calpromea !ngtnHring NUNO IRON & MFO.INC 850 N. Roee Ottve ,PlacenUa,C.-..t1110 PHONE : 714·57l .. Stt 315 BIT'Tl!RWATER RD •• KI NO CITY,CA,UUO PHONE: 131~0.0513 FIJ.: 714-"51-7011 FIJ.: 131-38Ht71 MAIN CONTACT: Admin FIRM IDI40134 EmMA TOR : EaUmator e-mail: bJNnlolactnun~ron.com PH : 714473 .. 5tt I!.XT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. C1lpromax Englnoorlng It aoeklng Quotes & Sub-bids from Q ualified & Cel11fild DBE Flrmt: Projetl N•me: TRAFFIC ~GHAL UPORA0£1, liONS AHD OTHER SAFI!TY IMPROVEMENTS AT Bli0t\lrl1"1me: Profed Loc•.Uon; Awllldtne Agencr, conwact Ho.: Coa l Reqvlred PROJECT OUTREACH QESCR!P!ION VARIOUS LOCATIONS 20 17104128 U:OO PM Tt~mple Clty,LOS AHGELU County. 11710 CA City OF TMI .. Ctty P15-07 DBE :4% CAI..P'ROtroWC EHGI:NEERINO .. bidding Ht profrtc:t 11 1 Prime 0..... Contrec:o We .,. adWify """'e ~ l nd ~ qucMt on II ncJM ..-om Qt.ld8ed ' ~ M8E end W8E ~or~ Ptlnil end~ IIIIIVMIDM for yow,......._ ora you l'lqUNC "*" cw ...S 1ft nlwMt It U. Pftliec:t. Yt:M qwte lf'ledd be Ml'll '0 our ... l)l'lor to the bid deAeJirne pet .. eel. For IIU!oltQ wl.h ~. ~.or 1n1e olcr.cltCICI!Wd ~ ~ Portaocw olwait lew b ptefec:l ~(but are not lmlled 11011\41 ~(WET SAND BlAST AND REMOVE EXJ:STH) WNtK1H0 NfO STRIPINO,INSTAU. ntERNOPl.A$1lC PNNT $TRIPtNG, CROSSWALX AND PAVEMEHT IWO<lHC)SJtEMQ\1£ EXISTING AND IHSTAU. NEW SIGNS. SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO.J\DOOYE !XISTlNO r 3 SECTIOH 1/ERTIC.'L VEHC\A.AR StOHAL HEAD AHJ CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECllON VERTlCAL VEHtC\A.AA: SIGNAL HEAD. OONPlETE wrTli MCX.NTS. HOUSlNO. VISORS AND IIACI<I'\.ATtS THE INSIDE Of SIGNAl. VISORS (HOOOS~ nE EHTIRE SURFACE Of LOUVEIIS AND fiNS. AN D THE FRONT SURFACE Of IIACI<I'\.ATES SHALL HAVE A OUU. BLACK FINISH. IIACKPLATtS SHALL BE POWDER COl\ TEO ALUMI>IUM. COLOR SHALL BE FLAT BLACK. &ORDERS SHALL BE SIHCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOLAR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEED8ACK SIGN SYSTEM! TERMS & REQU!RMENIS -To ....._or otM1n pllne,, "*"• .nd prctMll csoc:un.n.. FlRMS Ww::dd Cl~Df'UC~._ CONTRACTOR"> 9ll reqWed ~ mouroe ·Tho CONTRACTOR -FIRMS. w.-.--.... ...,_ .. _......._ ~ .,_, PtCijrld boclk.M\1 lftUtt be t Ubfritst<l Mlore UMI dUt bid dafjt Wid -. '0 dow propet ~liOn ..OUO... .. t~ 110 be ~ acconlance .., prolect pAins, IPIQ. and good kw ''* "'*'-oonWec1 dt.nJJon -The ptojedlls 1 preq~ WIQt pubic Job The FIRM'J; qi.ICM mutt cot'lllider ellefmt releted 10 pttYIIng _.., t.nnl. • FIRMS mutl potMM end m~tntam 1 current COftCI'8dOt loente, lnSurenoe. lind worktr compensation c:ov«.gt during the ptojed. • FIRMS mutt be CUF -cotnmttdal UMful Funetkln" to lhe particlpltion p ill 10CIJ9ted IOwltG • lht Good Ftlth Etlot1. ·100% PI)'MMl bOnd end peftonnanc:e bond for lhl fl.dlttTlOWll ol the ll.lboc;Wrld price rN'f be r.qulttd. -¥1RMS Nt eubn'\llltlelr QUOte t JC plejtty ~ MC1 a.gree '0 II tbo¥t tMYI'W ancl tHPOMibiDI*I .w,~'" IIQUIJOCIIIOf\Unlty~. Wtcto notdl:tel1rr'*\lte ~Qfiin~t eny qullftedoon&rlc:IOt"l. ~. ~ ·The lrm mutt be t'tiQIIIIIMtd with ~~ ot lndut11111 R.RIIon and lhoukJ ........ curtnt DtR ~- RESPOHSD & RETURN rY£s """' •e "'*"-! tn Ha ~We wll FAX I quoce ~1M bid 0.. dllll & WM L NO .. .,. ............ ...,~n .. pratec:t. R_ ... C...IOd Notno6 SIQNuo .. _______ _ o.o. _____ _ PINH check one box.Faa Back thls ahetl w ith reque1ted lnformatJon before bid due d.tte & Ume t o: Fax: 714-459-7088 Ca lpromax EnglnMring BID INVITATION FROM: TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS !NTERRPRI SE FI RM: C.lpromu t!nglnMftng ONE TIME UTILITY SAI.ES, INC 150 N. Roat ortve ,PiacenUt,C"-11710 PHON! : f144TJ .. SU 501 GARFIELD STREET,SANTA ANA,CA.92701 PHONE: 714of53.s700 FAX : 71'""'5t~7011 MAIN COKTACT : Admin ESTIMATOR : l!t!UmatM PH : 714·573 .. SH I!.XT: PROJECT INFO. FAX : 7 14of53·f120 FI RM ID .. OIS4 e..mall: b f1e.nOonetlmeutiUty.com PROJ ECT OUT REACH FAX Ct lpromex Eng!neerlng 11 seeking Quotes & Sub-bids from Qua lified & Ctl11fitd DBE Flrmt: Protect Ntmt: TRAfFlC SIGNAL. UPGRADES, SIGNS AN D OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATJOHS Bkf Oet.nlrne: ProtKt loudon: AQicii"UA~y: 20t7100.1 U:OO PM Temple Chy,LOS AHO EUI County, 11710 CA Clty OF TWiple C l1y CoAlne:l No. P1S.07 Oool ... ut .. d. DBE : 4% PROJECT OUTREACH QESCRIPDON CAIJ>ROMAX EHOINEEAIHOit-""',.q.co •• P-Oonnl ~ wo .. --Jrogou-ond-- CW'III ndee ~runt QUIIIAed & C*IAed M8E. Wid W8E ~or~,_. ..s "*'.,......,._for your ,..._.once you~ f'lttn 0t llnCI ., ...,..,.. ~ thll P'cflct. Yo..-quote .t'ICdd t. sent to o.r omc:. prfar 10 lhe btl ~ pw at. .S. for ..-.a.nc. Wlh bonclhg. ~. 01 ..._ ol crd Ullnlld our alice. Portions ol wort lor lhl prq.ct ~ (W arw not......._, k>) IN kllowlng. [WET SAND BlAST NXl REMOVE EXtST1NG MARKJto!G AHO STRIPiNGJNSTAL.l THERMOPlASTlC PAI'fT STRlPIHO, CROSSWALK ANO PAVEMEh'T ~GS.AEMOVE EXJSTINO AND INST AU. NEW SIGNS. saGH POSTS PER CA MUTCO..REMOVE EXlSllNG r 3 SECTtON VERl1CAl VEHICULNI SIGNAl. HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SEC"OO• VERTICAL VEH1C1A.N1 SIGHAI. HEAD, COMPLETE WITH MOUNTS. HOUSING. VISORS AHO BACKPI.ATES. THE INSIDE Of SIGNAL VISORS (HOOOS~ nE EHTIAE SURFACE OF LOUVERS AND ANS, AHO THE FRONT SURFACE OF IIACKPLATES SHAU. HAVE A DIAI.III.ACK FINISH IIACKPLATtS SHALL BE POWDER COATED ALUI<INU>.I. COLOR SHAU. BE FLAT BLACK. &ORDERS SHALL BE 5 INCHES WIOE. CONSTRUCT SOLAR POWERED RAOAA SPEED FEED8ACK 8ION SYSTEM! TERMS & BEQUIRMENTS ·TO...._ Of~ plent, aprec;a, 1M~ dC:ICumenl. FIRMS lhoiAd ODI'Ud 1\1 COH'TRACTOA. k> OM~ ptCfec1 ,..~ ·The CONTRACTOR Wll pi'O'Ade FIRMS , II~ • ...,11h ~~In bondh;. !Mu,...-q -Ouc:in perprotec:l bid "-"• ""*be~ belortt "'ct....* dlte end.,.~ dow~~ .OUO....,. ~to be In e~ wt!h profred piaN. specs, and good lot lhl .wre c:onu.c& ~•don • The proJtc.t b • preotellng w.;e pubic job The FIRM's qooce must consider d !oem'\1 relet<td 10 cnv.JinQ wtQe&le>nna • FIRMS mut t potMU and tNiniiJn e currtl'll contreetor license, lntunlnet, and WOflef compenu tlon CCIYIH'IQI during lhe profect • FIRM S rTNII be CUF -commttd.t UMful Function' 10 the pertidpation goellt tewpttd f!OWIId t lhe Good F1ttt1 Effort. ·100'.11. peymenl bond 1nd pertotmanoe bond lot the lui tmount of the aubconUKt prtce mey bot requlr.<~. .flRMS lhlt tubtnft lhtlt QUO\I txpactfy ICknowttdge tnd egree kl •• •boYI tenne end '"~' ·We.,. 1ft equtf~~· Wt do noldlscrWr~lt ~ ttfT'Icw-Me<lc:onnaot1, ~ • .tupplelw ·The firm muM be,...,.. Wth o.p.tmenl ollndulti'W R.tttion ll"'d lhCIUid hl"'''t CI.WT'Itll DIR I'U'flbet RESPONSD & RETURN f1 ves ..... ~ tnW• project. we,. FAX e QueM blfoN,.. t*l Cklld ... ' wm.. L HO.,..,.noc.,..,..*lln.,.proft>ct. ~~NMM &SIQN~----------------or .. · _____ _ Plollt check one box,Fax Back this ahHt wtlh r.quesllel lnformaUon bel or. bid due datt & dmo l o: Fax: 714-459-7088 Colpromu EngiMerlng BID INVITATION FROM: TO: COIITAACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRIS E FIRM: Calpromu !nglnMrlng UGHT DUTT ELECTRIC 850 N. RoH t>rtv. ,PIIcenlla.CA,t1710 PHONE : 714-47,~511 133 SHADOW TREE DRIVE.OCI!ANSIDE.CA,I20SI PHONE: 710·21"27!10 FAA : 71<-451·70U FAA : 710·117~UI MAJN CONTACT: Admin FIRM 1Df41<01 e.mMATOA : !ltJmator '"'"Ill: ctMrmondQIIghtduty•lectl1c.com PH : 7r<.a73~511 EXT : PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJECT INFO. Calpromu EnglnHrlng It teoklng Quotes & Sub-bids from Quallflod & Ctrtlflod OBE Firms : Projut Nam.: TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, S'ONS A.NO OTHER SAFElY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS L.OCAnONS llld0.10/T1mo: Projeecl.oc.atloft. AwltllngAe-nq- ~1710o4/21t3:00PM T.ntple Ctty,lOS AHG El.el County, 11710 CA City OF Temp._ Ctty ContTect Ho.: P15-07 Goal A .. uUt<f OBE : 4% PROJECT OUTREACH QESCRIPT!ON CAlPROMAX ENOINEERIHO lt bidding tNt pratM2 u 1 Pttme ~ ContrtdOr We ,,. ~ ~ IUb-oDtWKtcn and eupplleta quotn on a1 .,...._from~ 1 Clltlfted M8E lind WBE CIDnllWc:lors or~ Pllnt end ,pecs ''' ..,.1* b )'OUf ,...,._once 'tOU teCIUMI hm Ot tend an ln&etatt 1111 1'111 ptqect.. YfNf QI.IOte tl'oJd be tent to cur o.'b _. to lht tjd dlldnl pet 1Ht ad. FOI aulll.wai ., bondfriQ. ~. otllnn ol crd COt'Ud our of'lc::e. Potlc:r'tt ol wort b' 1ht Pfot-ct lnc:Lde (bul.,. not ~ 10) ~• ~ [WET SAHO 8lAST N¥J REMOVE EJQSTlNG MARKING AND STRIPNlJHSTAll THERMOPlAS11C PAIHT STR~NG. CROSSWALK AN0 PAVBI.EHT ~ EX.IS"rWW AHO INSTAll NEW SIGNS, SIGN POSTS PER CA ...uTCO .• RENOVE VOSn«J e· 3 SEC110N VERnc:AL VEHICIJI..AA StGHAL H£AO AHO CCIHSTRUCT 12" l SECTION VERTICAL VEHICULAR SIGNAl HEAD, co-...PUTE WITH MOUHTS. t-+OUS»HJ. "'55ft$ AND IACKP\ATES TlE INSI>E OF SIGNAL vtSORS (HOODS~ THE ENTIRE SURFACE Of l.OU'VERS NID FIN.S, N«J THE FRONT SURF~ Of SACKPLATES SHAlL HAVE A DUll BlACK FINISH. BACKP\.AT£1 SHAU. BE POWDER COATED ALUMtNUW, CQ.Oft SHALL BE RAT ll.ACK.IOR:OERS SHALL 8E 51NCHES WIDE. CONSTRUCT SOlAR POWERED RADAA SPEED FEE08ACK SIGN SY!mMI TERMS & REQU!RMENTS ·To.....,_ 01 otiUin ,..,..,IP'Qi. and ptOfltd ~\.FIRMS .t1Nd c:onLKt 1M COHTRAC'TOA to OM requhcl pratlct t'HOU'Ce ·The COHTRACTOR d ptvWM ,IRMS, W I'IQUitMd , liiN'I ~ --~ k\ bondfn9.ln~ -Owtes pet prqec& bkt btMt tnl.fM be loUbi'NIItd belen w.e eM biCI de$t and ~ to dow PI'OJ* ......... tlon. .ouottt.,. ~ 10 be In~ wflh pn:ljec::l plaiW.. .speca. end good lot"' entire tonnc:t dl.ntlon. • The ptqect II a ~ we;. pubflc pb. The FIRM's QUOte rTPt conslder all tem\t rM!tciiO ~ W8QU t.-ma.. • FIRMS mutt QOIMN and maintain a c:urrenl oonl1actof llc.nse.lnsurtnet, eDd wcri.tf oompensatlon C~rNngt during tnt~ • FIRMS tT'IInt be CUF "Comrnwelal Ut.tut Funetkln" so the patticiipe tlon 900! It eteept~ IOWttdt lhe Good Faith Etton.. ·100... p;~yment bond end Ptrfonnenc. boneS lor tht fiA amount of the •~ Pfb mty 1>1 requlrtd. ·FIRMS N 11Ubri lhek quott t~ tc:~ ~ agr.e to al a~ ttnM Md ~!bllidet • Wt Iff M IQUII oppotV1Ity emplortr We do not dilcrimNte egelnat any quMitted ODnlrac:tcn. t~Jbconndota,. IUpple(t • 'The 1rm mutt be ,.wed MU\ OtcMtMttne tA lttduttnal R.talion t nd shoUld ...... I currw'll DIR nurrOet RESPONSO & RET!JRN ["YES ""' M ln..,.tttd ~ tw profeCt. We wit fAJ( I Q\IICM bek:n M ()jd due dMit & ~ U NO '1111'1 tl'l not lnlwM'" In '* prq.ct. R-OIICoollaN-& 811--------- Fax: 714-459-7088 o ... ______ _ Celpromax. Engineering BID INVITATION F ROM : TO: CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ENTERRPRISE FIR M: Calprornaa !.nglnHttna TRI·YALUEY CONTRACTl NG . INC. $50 H. Rote Ortve ,PiacenUa,CA.t1780 PH ONE : 714 4~5H 15 CHARU!S HILL CtRCLf,ORINDA,CA,14513 PHOHE : 125-717·1003 FAA : 714-<St-7011 FAA:III-112 ... 50 FIRMIDI41217 MAIN CONTACT : Admin ESTlMA TOR : C..UmttOt PH : 714-$7~591 fXT : ....,alt: landyCtrt'i'IUey attfplng .~om PROJECT OUTREACH FAX PROJEC T IN FO. Calpromax Engineering I• aeeklng Quote~ & Sub-bi d• from Quallfled & Cen.Jfled DBE Firms: Project Nemt: TRAFFIC SIGHAL UPGRADES, ~OHS AHD OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMEHTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIOHS BW Dal.tnme: 201'7104121 U~Q PM Ptola<t loutktn: T.mpla Ctry, lOS AHGEl.£1 County, tt710 CA Awanlh'l Alt'nq"' Ctty OF Tampfe City Con\rae:t No.: P1 W7 Gool Aequln<l: DBE : 4% PROJECT OUTREACH QESCRIPT!ON CAl..J'ROMAX EHOiN£EAJNO .. l:lldclng tit profec:l It 1 P11rne Genet111 Coi*KICW WI ,,. tc:ll.....,. ~ tutM:Ianlractocn and ~ queM• on d n<~•• tn:m QWIIacl ' cettMed wee anc~ 'NBE connc:tots or~ P1tN .,., "*' ... eveltb6l tat rour ~one. )'OU ~ them 01 frtlnC! tn lriittnt h W* ~ Your QUOte tJ'IoiAd De Mn1 ID 01J1 oect prfor Ia .... ~ diMIIfme pet lt'UI ad. For ...aaanc:. ~ tlell"ldnQ ~ 01.,._ of ctedll c:orua our office. Por'lklnl ol wotk tor 1t1e orqect lndudll (tM .. nell hted 10} lhe ~ [W'ET SAND BlAST AND REMOVE EXIST1NO MARK1N0 ANO ~G.tNSTAU THERMOPlASTlC PAI"'T STR~. CROSSWALK Nm PAVEMENT MARICJNGS.REMOIIE EX1S11NG AHD INSTAlL NEW SIGNS. SIGN POSTS PER CA MVTCD .IIEMO\IE EXISTlNG I" 3 SECTlOH VERTlCAL VEHCU.AA StGHAl HEAD AHO CONSTRUCT 1:r 3 SECT'IOH VER'11CAl VEtfQAAR StGHAL HEAD, C~PLETE wmt MOUNlS HOUSING, VISORS AHO BACKPLATE$ THE INSIDE Of SKiHAI. VISOflS (HOOOS),. THE EHnRE SURFACE OF lCXNEJtS AHO FINS AND T1ie FRONT SURFACE OF BACK.P\.ATES SHALL HAVE A CX.U. BLACK FINISH BACKP\.ATES $HALL BE POWDER COATED ALUMtH~. COlOR SHALL DC FlAT III.ACK. BORDERS SHAU BE 5 INCHES W10E. CONSTRUCT SOI.AA POWERED RADAR SP£ED FEEDBACK SIGN SYSTEM I TERMS & REQUIRM!:NTS ·lo wtew ot obtiWI J*N, 1PK' and profecl doc:vMn. FIRMS ~ ClOtQd W. CONT'RACTOA: to OM f"tqUhcc profed retOI.M'Ce. • 1bt CONTRACTOR wtl P'O'Mt FIRMS, If requuted, ..tl'\ reql.lhd IIUiel.lnot It! bOndltlg. 1\ll.fftta. -0uot1t pet Pftlfect bid !Mmt mutt bl ~ before tr. ck.le bid da\e and lime to ..SO. '"'* ..,.~ ..Qvol• .,.. rtQihld to bl W'l accon1IW'Ict Wlllilh project plans, tpiCI, and good lot 1n1 enw tof"'VKt cturellon • The projed It • prl'\'llllng w•ge publkl )ob. The FIRM's quote m.Jit conlkS., II ttnr. r.IMG 10 prevt Sng wegoeaterma · FIRMS l'l'l.ll l potNII and mtlntliln a CU"''tnn ocntrtctot bnst, lNurancti, and WOf1tor oomperw~Uon OOYnge ckl'lng lha p~IKI ·FIRMS mut l b1 CUF "COmmerdll Vt ttul Funwon· so lhe par11dpdon goel lleceop*' WJwlrdl the Good Felli'\ Efbt. ·1 OCW. peY'f*d bond ,,.., petformanct bond lOt lhe tu' amount of the autxcnttiCt rriol may bt raqultld. .fiRMS lhll....,. 1\ti' CI'IO!a al(pldly ~and egtM Ia tl ebo¥t a.m. and re.pone!tllltiet ·W• •ra an tel'* oooonunltY ·~·We do noc dllcrtrnlt'lllse ao-itW et"fqulltledCQnV!Idcn, ~ICWI. ~ • The h ""'*be ft91$tlfed wtlh ~ olk'ldualrtll Rall10n and IIIOI.IId MYe a CUI'I"MM DtR ruN>et RESPONSD & RETURN rves wt.,. ~In .. protecl. Wewtl FAA •QUate beloreh bkl Oolldate & *'- C NO we.,. not lnW__, In u... prqecL ~CooilaNNN I S~~~----------------Dol•·------ PM11e check one bo•.Fu Bac.k l hls ah .. t w1th requested lntormetton before bid due dalt & elm• lO: Fax: 71 4-459-7088 CALPROMAX ENGINEERING, INC . 650 N. Rose Drive, #186, Placentia, CA 92870 P: (714) 573-4599 F: (714) 459 -7088 cal promax@gmai l.com April19, 2017 The National Association of Minority Contractors (NAMC) P. 0. Box 4337 Los Angeles, CA 90043 Phone: (323) 296-8005; Fax: (323) 296-8381 Re: Req uestin g usbtance In o btaining Oiudvantaged Buslne.u Ente rp rise (DB E) s ubcont ractors & s uppliers Project Name: TRAFFIC S IGNAL UPG RA DES, S IGNS AND OTIIER SAFETY IM PROVEMENTS Project Location: VARIOUS LOCATIONS, TEMPLE CITY . CA Bid Due Date: April26, 2017@ I :OOpm Calpromax Engineering, Inc. is bidding this project as a prime con trac tor. We are actively seeking sul>-bids on all trades from qualified & cenified DBE su bcontractors & suppliers. Ponions of work for the project include but are not li mited to the following: I Striping & Signs I Traffic Signal I Radar Plan sand specs are available and can be requested by calling or faxing our office. The quote should be sent to our office atlcast4 HRS prior to the bi d date/time . Calpromax Engineering, Inc. will provide FIRMS, if requested, with required ass is tance in bonding and insurance. Quotes per project bid items mu st be subm ined before the due bid date and time to a ll ow proper evaluation. Quotes arc required to be in accordance with project plans, specs, and good fo r the entire contract duration. The projec t is a prevailing wage public job. The FIRM's quote must consider all terms related to prevaili ng wages terms. FIRMS must possess and maintain a curre nt contractor license, insurance, and worker compensation coverage during the project. FIRM S must be CUF "Commercial Useful Function" so the panicipation goal is accepted towards the Good Faith EITon.IOO% payment bond and performance bond for the full amount of the subcontract price may be required. The firm must be registered with Depanment of industrial Re la ti on and shou ld ha ve a current DIR number. FIRMS that sub mit their quote explicitly acknowledge and agree to all above terms and responsibilities. We arc an equal opponunity employer. We do not discriminate against any qualified contractors, subcontractors. suppliers. To view the project ad go to www .dbesoutreach.com/trade Please forward any information you may have regarding any DOE firms that might be interested in working on this project to our office via FAX at (714) 459-7088 or by emai l to calpromax@gmail.com Office Admin Ca!ProMax Engineering, Inc. DATE , TIME f"AX I'()~NAME DLRATI PAGE(S RESU.T lo()DE TRANSMISSI~ VERIFICATIQ-1 ~T 64/18 2.1:22 13232968381 e6: 6e: 46 61 Cl< STAHOARO EQ\4 Trio£ 64/18/2617 21:46 SER. H G6W585676 CALPROMAX ENGINEERING , INC. 650 N. Rose Drive , #186, Place ntia, CA 92870 P: (7 14 ) 573-4599 F: (714) 459-7088 calpromax@grno il.com April 19,2017 Engineering Contractors ' Associatio n (ECA) 2190 S. Towne Cen tre Pl., Su ite 3 I 0 Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone : (714) 937-5000; Fax: (714) 937-5030 Re : Re qu .. tl ng uslstonct in obtaining Disadva ntaged Bu s iness En terprise (DOE) s ubc ontractors & s uppli ers Project Name: TRAFFIC S IGNAL. UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Project L.ocation: VA RIOUS L.OCAT IONS, TEMPLE CITY, CA Bid Due Da te: April 26,2017@ I :OO pm Ca lpromax Engineering, In c. is bidding this project as a prime contractor. We are act ively seeking sub-b ids on all trades from qualified & cert ified DB E s ubcontractors & suppliers. Portions of work for the project include blltare not lim ited to the followi ng: I Striping & Signs I Trame Signal I Rada r Plans and specs are avai lable and can be requested by callin g or faxing our omce . The quote should be sen t to our omce at least 4 HRS pri or to the bid date/time. Ca l promax Enginee ring, In c. will prov ide FIRMS. if requested, with requ ired assistance in bonding and insurance. Quotes per proj ect bid items must be submitted before the due bid date and time to allow proper evaluation. Quotes are required to be in accordance wi th project plans, specs, and good for the entire contract duration. The project is a prevailing wage public job. The FIRM's quote must consid er all terms re lated to prevaili ng wage s terms. FIR MS must possess and maintain a cu rrent contractor license, insurance, and worker compensation coverage during the project. FIRM S must be CUF "Commercial Use fu l Functi on" so the participation goal is accepted toward s the Good Faith Effort. I 00% payment bond and perform an ce bond for the full amount of the subcontract price may be requ ired . The firm must be reg istered with Department of Ind ustrial Relation and shou ld have a curren t DIR number. FIRMS that subm it their quote explicitly acknowledge and agree to all above terms and responsibilities. We are an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate against any qualified contractors, subc ontractors, suppl iers. To view the project ad go to www.dbcsoutreach.com/tradc Pl ease forward any informa tion you may have regarding any DO E firms that might be in terest ed in workin g on th is proj ect to ou r omce via FAX at (7 14) 459-708 8 or by email to calp rom ax@gm ai l.com OmceAdmin Cal ProMax Engineering, In c. DATE , TIME FAX NO./NAME D..RATICJ-1 PAGE(S) P.ESU..T ~ TRANSMISSION VERIF I CATION REPORT 84/18 21 :89 17149375838 00: ee: 39 81 (J( STANDARD ECM TIME 84/1812817 21:18 SER. H G6W58587& CALPROMAX ENGINEERING, INC . 650 N. Rose Drive, 11186, Placentia, CA 92870 P: (714) 573-4599 F: (714) 459-7088 calpromax@gmail .com April 19,2017 Small Business Administration 200 W. Sanl8 Ana Blvd ., Suite 700 Santa Ana, CA 9270 I Phone: 714-560-7453 Fax: 202-481-2836 Re: Req uestin g IU!is tonee In ob toin lng DiJadvontogod Busi ness En terprise (DB£) subronlraelors & suppliers Project Name: TRAFFIC S IGNAL UPG RADES, SIGNS AND OTIIER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Project Location: VARIOUS LOCATIONS, TEMPLE CITY, CA Bid Due Date: April26, 2017@ I :OOpm Calpromax Engineering, Inc. is bidding this project as a prime contractor. We are actively seeking sul>-bids on all trades from qualified & certified DBE subcontracto" & suppliers. Portions of work for the project include but are not limited 10 the following: I Striping & Signs I Trafftc Signa l I Radar Pions and specs are availoble and can be requested by calling or faxing our offtce. The quote should be sent 10 our offtce atleast4 HRS prior to the bid date/time. Ca lpromax Engineering. Inc. will provide FIRMS, if requested, with required assistance in bonding and insurance . Quotes per project bid items must be submitted before the due bid date and time to allow proper evaluation. Quotes are required to be in accordan ce with project plans, specs, and good for the entire contract duration. The project is a prevailing wage public job. The FIRM's quote must consider all terms related to prevailing wages terms. FIRMS must possess and maintain a curre nt co ntract'Or license, insurance, and worker compensatio n coverage during the projec t. FIRMS must be CUF "Comm ercial Useful Function " so the participation goal is accepted toward s the Good Faith EfToot.l 00% payment bond and performance bond for the full amount o f the subcontract price may be required. The firm must be registered with Department of Indu strial Relation and should have a curre nt DIR number . FIRMS that subm it their quote explicitly acknowledge and agnce 10 all above terms and responsibilities. We arc an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate against any qualified contractors, subcontractors, suppliers. To view the project ad go 10 www.dbesoutrcach .com/trade Please forward any informa ti on yo u may have regarding any DBE firms that might be interested in working on this project to our offtce via FAX at (7 14) 459-7088 or by email to calpromax@gmail.com Offt ceAdmin Cal ProM ax Engineering. Inc . ATTACHMENT B Bid Analysis 1 . BID TABUlATION PROJECT N A M E: CITY OF TEMPLE CI TY, HSIPL-5365(009), TRAFFIC SIGN AL UPGRADES, SIGN S A N D OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEM ENTS AT V ARIOUS LOCATIO N S CITY PROJECT ID: P 1 5-07 BID TABULATION Enc Estimate Bid Item and Description Qty Unit Unot Prn I Total Pnc:e 1 lS Apparent Low Bidder 1 Apparent Low Bidder 2 Apparent Low Bidder 3 Cal proma• Engineering. PTM General Engineering California Professional AVERAGE BID VALUES Inc. Services, Inc. Engineering. Inc. Unit Prk• Tot,.l Price Unit Prict Total Price Unit P"c' Total Prlce UmtPrla Totll Prtce $6,000.00 $6,000.()( $5,200.00 $5,200.()( $9,600.00 $9,600.()( $6,933.33 $6,933.3 1 lS $15,000.00 S1 5,000.0C $14,064.00 S14 ,064.0C $16,562.00 $16,562.00 $15,208.67 S15,20B.67 REMOVE EXISTI NG AND I NSTALL NEW SIGNS, 3 SIGN POSTS PER CA MUTCO. 1 LS $15,000.00 $15,000.0C $11 ,500.00 Sll.SOO.OC $28.750.00 $28,750.00 $18,416.67 $18,416.61 HtMUVt tJ\J>III'IU ~ > )tl.IIUI'I VtHIII..Al. VEHICULAR SIG NAL HEAD AND CONSTRUCT 12" 3 SECTION VERnCAL VEHICULAR SIGNAL HEAD, COMPLETE WITH MOUNTS. HOUSING. VISORS AND BACKPLATES. THE INSIDE OF 4 ~~R~:~E ~:~~uv!~~~~S~, FI~~-E AN~=~ FRONT SURFACE OF BACKPLATES SHALL HAVE A DULL BLACK FINISH. BACKPLATES SHALl BE POWDER COATED ALUMINUM, COLOR SHALL BE FLAT BLACK. BORDERS SHALL BE 5 INCHES :wmF 18 EA $1,500.00 $27,000.00 $1,300.00 523,400.00 $900 00 $16.200.00 $1,233.33 $22,200.00 CONSTRUCT SOLAR POWERED RADAR SPEED 5 FEEDBACK SIGN SYSTEM 10 EA $8,00000 580,000.00 $11,000.00 5110,000.00 $11,80000 Sll8,000.0C 510,266.67 $102.6666 BID RANKING OTAL BASE BID AMOUNT CALCULATED BASED ON UNIT PRICES OTAl BID AMOUNT INDICATED BY BIDDER CALCULATION CORRECTIONS TO BID AMOUNT SUBM ITTED BY ONTRACTOR BASED ON CALCULATED BID AMOUNT 15 THE BIDDER QUAUFIED BASED ON REFERENCE PROJECTS SUBCONTRACTOR " AND AMOUNT SHOWN IN THE BID 1 $150,000.00 ES 18 46" Apparent low Bidder 1 $ $143,000.00 $0.00 $26,400 DC 52 26" Apparent Low Bidder 2 $11i4,164.110 $164,164.00 50.00 $8S,785 ()( Apparent low Bid der 3 $119,1U.OO $189,112.00 so.oo DID THE BIDDER MEET MAX 4~ SUB CONTRACTOR (MIN 51" MAX SUB" IS , """ No M/ORK BY PRI M E CONTRACTOR) REQUIREMENT 49·-· e> Detolled onoly>l>l> not beln1 g.;.;.,;,;,;~.;.;.~;.;.,;;.;;,;.~~~;:.;,;,;,;,~.;;,.;.;;..====---{1----------ll'----r-----U----~----jl conducted wit h t his bldder1t "'"•"" ,.._. i'<""'" 11•-• thlstlmo lr-----+-----~r-----r-----41 511~01 fJICOHTliACTORS 0:\Dropbox (Transtec:h Entlnurs)\JOBRECR0\201S\1S001 TCEL M ONTE HSIP PROJ(Cl 0[5 AND CMCI\WIP\10810 AN AlYSIS\0 810 ANALYSISBID TAB ULATION $165,425.33 LOW ES T UNIT HIGH EST UNIT 110 PRICE BID PRICE 55,20000 $9,600.00 $14,064.00 $16,562.00 $11,500.00 $28,750.00 $900.00 $1,500.00 $8,000.00 $1 1,800.00 1 of2 2. REVIEW OF APPARE NT LOW BID APPARE NT LOW BIO SUBM ITIED BY Calpromax Enalneerln&. Inc. APPARE NT LOW BID AMOU NT· _j $143,000.00 TEM REVIEWED/CHECKEO REVIEW RESULT CHECKED BY DATE REMARKS BID STAMPED AS RECEIVED PRIOR BID TIME: YES CTYaERK 5/2/17 BID BONO IN PROPER AMOUNT YES CTYaERK 5/2/17 f-.ooENDA ACKN OWLEDGEME NT YES 00 5/3/17 OTAL 810 PRICES CALCULATED CORRECTLY YES 00 5/3/17 ~UBCONTRACTOR AM OUNT $26,400 00 00 5/3/17 MIN PRI ME CONTRACTOR" REQUIREM ENT FOR WORK PER SPECIFICATIONS 5100% 00 5/3/17 PRIM E CO NTRACTOR" CALCULATED PER BID SUBM flTAL (THIS" MUST BE EQUAL OR MORE THAN ABOVE"): 8154" OD 5/3/17 BIDDER COMPLIES WITH MI N PRIME CONTRACTOR" REQUIREME NT YES 00 5/3/17 MAX SUBCONTRACTOR PERCENT PER BID 4900% 00 5/3/17 UB CONTRACTOR" CALCULATED PER BID SUBM flTAL (THIS" M UST BE EQU AL OR LESS THAN ABOVE "I: 18 46" OD 5/3/17 BIDDER COM PLIES WITH MAX SUB CONTRACTOR" REQUIREMENT· YES OD 5/3/17 RI ME CONTRACTOR LICENSE STATUS Collpromill.x Enam eerin&. Inc. 995933 JA 5/15/17 Print -out from CLSB W eb Pitie atuched (http //www cslb.a aov/1 UB CONTRACTOR LICENSE STATUS BCTrafflc: 877686 JA 5/15/17 Print-out from CLSB Web Pitie an oched (hnpl/www cslb.ca aov/1 PRI ME CONTRACTOR DIR REGISTRATION STATUS Cllprof'T\Iw: £nalneerlna,lnc. 1000028249 JA 5/15/17 Print out from DIR Web Paae ottached (hnps //efillna dlr ca eov/PWCR/Surch) SU B CO NTRACTOR DIR REGISTRATION STATUS: BCTrofflt 1000005503 JA 5/15/17 Print-out from OIR Web Page attached (https'//efi lln& dlr.ca .1ov/PWCR/Search) PRIM E CONTRACTOR DEBARM ENT STATUS FROM STATE CONTRACTS C.lpromu Enalneerlna. Inc NOT FOU ND IN ACTIVE DEBARRED LIST JA 5/15/17 Print -out from OIR Web Page attach ed (http://www dlr.ca.aov/dl.se/de~r html) UB CONTRACTOR DEBARMENT STATUS FROM STATE CONTRACTS BCTrafflc NOT FOU ND IN ACTIVE DEBARRED LIST JA 5/15/17 Print -out from DIR Web Paee attached (hnp//www dtr.ca.eov/dlse/debar ht ml) PRIM E CONTRACTOR DEBARM ENT STATUS FROM FEDERAL CONTRACTS <Afpromax Enaineer1na.lnc. NOT FOUND IN ACTTVE DEBARRED LIST JA 5/15/17 Print-out from SAM Web P~te anKhed (https//www sam aov/ponaVSAM/•1} UBCONTRACTOR DEBAR M ENT STATUS FROM FEDERAL CONTRACTS : BCTroffic NOT FOUND IN ACTIVE DEBARRED LIST JA 5/15/17 Print-ou t from SAM Web Paae attached (hnps://www sam aov/portaVSAM/•1) ~£F E R E N CE CHECK ACCEPTABLE YES ----·-· OD 5/15/17 -------- 0 :\Dropbox (Tt anst«h En~tn)\K)IIUCI\0\201!f\1S001 TC EL M ONTE HSIP PI\OJECT 0£5 AN D CMO\W IP\10810 AHALYSIS\0 BID AHAL'nJSREV1£W Of APPARE NT LOW 810 2of2 City ofT emple City Traffic Signals Upgrade, Signs and Other Safety Improvements at Various Locations HSIPL-5365(009) CONTRACT OR: CALPROMAX ENGINEERING , IN C. Offeror Information 1 SUBCONTRACTOR LIST 2 DIR REGISTRATION 3 REFERENCES 4 PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE QUESTIONAIRE 5 EEO/ AfFIRMATIVE ACTION/ NON-COLLUSION 6 BID SCHEDULE 7 PROPOSAL GUARANTEE BID BOND 8 NOTORIZED 9 B IDDER INFORMATION (CORPORATION) 10 NOTORIZED 11 COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATION 12 NON-COLLSION AfFIDAVIT 13 NON-LOBBYING CERTIFICATION 14 •DBE Goal Participation/Good Faith Efforts Documentation Offeror Information 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 ANALYSIS: ADDENDUM #1 ACKNOWLE DGEMENT ADDENDUM 112 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Total num ber Y : Total number N: BID EVALUATION BID ANALYSIS RE FERENCE CHECK CONTRACTOR LICENSE CHECK SAMS.GOV/ EXCLUSION CHECK DIR CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION CH E CK AM BEST RATING CHEC K Pag e C.4 C .9 C .5 C.37 C.39 C.2 C.1 0 C .10 Atc h. C .7 C .8-9 C.10 Atch. C.39 C .41-42 C .44-45 Atch. BID $ 143,000 y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y An analysis of the apparent lowest bidder Calpromax Eng ineering, Inc was conducted, including a review of their license, references and all federal documents. Calpromax Engineering, Inc. license is current and active. Reference checks revealed that the contractor's prior work was completed but had various reviews on their performa nce/work. It should be noted that no change orders were initiated by the contractor in previo us projects. ·calpromax Engineering provided supplementary DBE Documents; commi tt ing to a 4 % Contract DBE Goal Participation. This project has a 4% Contract DBE Goal Participation. It has been determined that Calpromax Engineering , In c is the low est, responsive and responsible bidder. H S IPL -5365(009) Calpromax Engineering Inc. Contact Person What was your Involvement on the job ? Performance/Quality/Delivery? (1 -10) the job completed on time? Was the job completed within budget? they looking for c hange ord e rs on the job? M aintenance or the job site/traffic & pedestrian co ntrol? w as thei r communicatio n? you willing to work with this contracto r in the future? REFERENCE CHECK Zariff Saykali I 310.822 .2396 R.E . 9/10 Yes No, but due to unforeseen issue. It was not initiated by contractor. Rlveralde County Country Club Dr. & Admla St. Traffic Signal & Lighting Project Ivan Mendoza I 562.254 .9351 Inspector 5/10 No. due to unforeseen issue. Yes Yes, but due to unforeseen issue . Yes, but due to unforeseen issue. It was not initiated by contractor. It was not initiated by contractor. 9110 5110 9110 6/10 Yes. workmanship is great. No C:\Use rs\J JOAQUIN\Desktop\Projects\TC\009 Various Loca ti ons\B id Review\REFERENCE CHECK Peter Tauscher 1 949.644 .3316 PM 7.5110 Yes No, but due to unforeseen issue. It was not initiated by contractor. Yes , but due to unforeseen issue . It was not init ia ted by contra ctor. N/A (no traffic control needed) 8110 Yes. but only on small contracts . CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD Contractor's License Detail for License # 995933 DISCLAIMER: A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relyi ng on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations. CSLB complaint disclosure Is restricted by law (B &P 7124 .6 ) If this entity Is subject to pubic CO"lllaint disclosure , a ink fo r CO"llle int disclosure wilappear below. Cick on the ink or button to obtain compla int and /o r legal action Information . Per B&P 707 1.17, only construction rela ted civil judgments reported to the CSLB are disclosed . Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractor ralls to CO"llly with the tenns or the arbitration . Due to workload, there may be relevant information tha t has not yet been entered onto the Board's license database . rrhis license is current and active. !All information below should be reviewed. Business Information CALPROMAX ENGIN EERI NG INC 650 N ROS E DR #186 PLAC EN TIA , CA 92870 Business Phone Nu mbe r:(94 9) 41 9-4 421 Entity Corporation Issue Date 08/20/2014 Expire Date 08/31/2018 License Status Classifications !A-GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR Bonding Information Contractor's Bond Data current as o f 5/5/2017 11:21 :25 A W This license fil e d a Contractor's Bond with AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMNITY COMPANY. Bond Number: 100313113 Bond Amount: $15,0 00 Effective Date : 07/0 1/2016 Con tra ctor's Bond History Bond of Qualifying Individual [The qualifying individual N IZA R KABBAN Y certified th at he/she owns 10 percen t or more of the voting stock/membersh ip interest !of this com pany; therefore , th e Bo nd of Qua lifying Individ ual is not req uired . Effective Date : 10/1 9/2016 Workers' Compensation !This license has workers compensation insurance w i th the STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND Policy Number:9148624 Effective Date : 12/16/2015 ~plre Date : 12116/2017 Workers' Compensation History I Personne l listed on this licen se (c urrent or disassoc iate d) are li sted on o th er l ice n ses. 51512017 Personnel Ust Home I Online Services I License Detai l 1 Personnel List Contractor's License Detail (Personnel List) Contractor License # 995933 Contractor Name CALPROMAX ENGINEERING INC Click on the person's name to see a more detailed page of I nformation on that person Personnel Currently Associated with License Name NIZAR KABBANY Title RMO I CEO I PRES Association Date 08/20/2014 Classification A Personnel No Longer Associated with License Name CHAD WESLEY STEVENS Title RMO Association Date 08/20/201 4 Disassociation Date 1 0/16/201 4 Classification A Additional Classification There are additional classifications that can be viewed by selecting this link. Name JOSE IGNACIO VE GA Title RMO Association Date 07/17/20 15 Disassociation Date 10/19/2016 Classification A Additional Classification There are add itional clas sifications that can be viewed by selecting t his link. https:/lwww2.cslb.ca.gov/OnlineServices/CheckUcenseiiJPersonneiUst.aspx?UcNL.m=995933&UcName=CAlPROMAX.+ENGINEER ING+INC 1/1 5/512017 C ontractor's Ucense Persomel Detail Home I Online Services I License Detail I Personnel List 1 Personnel Detail Contractor's License Personnel Detail Contractor License # 9959 33 Contractor Name CALPRO MAX ENGINEERING INC Name NIZAR KABBANY Title and Class History Title CEO/PRESIDENT Classification Association Date 08/20/2014 Disassociation Date 10/19/2016 Title RMO/CEO/PRES Classification A GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR Association Date 10/19/2016 Percent % Effective Date 10/19/2016 Bonding History https i lwww2cslb.ca.gov/OnlireServices/CheckUcenseiVPersonnei D etai l .aspx?licNum =995933&SeqN llllber=944432&1JcName=CALPROMAX +ENGINEER ... 1/1 IN o Search Results May 05, 2017 6 :47 PM SAM Search Results List of records matching your search for : Search Term : calpromax* engineering* inc* Record Status: Active Page 1 of 1 !No Search Results May 05, 2017 6:49 PM SAM Sea r ch R esults List of records m a tching your se arch for : Search Term : nizar* kabbany* Record Status: Active Page 1 or 1 Public Works Contractor (PWC) Registration Search Th1s IS a ltsttng of curr ent and acbve PWC reg istrations pu rsua nt to DlvtS ton 2. Part 7. Ch ap te r 1 (commencmg wi th secti on 1720 of the Californ i a La bor Code . Enrer ar/easr Q!1f search cnrena ro dtsp lay acttve reg iste red publi c works conrracror(s) march i ng you r se l ecttons Registration Yea r. PW C Reg i stration N umber. Contractor Legal Nam e: I Current Fi sc al Year: 2016/17 " ] I example 123456 7890 ~a lp ro m ax engineering Licen se N um ber: l_e_x_am__,_pl_e_12_3_4_5_6 __ ___,] contractor License Lookup County: ( Select County " J Se::uc h Resu lt s I I One registered contra ct or fo und 1 Details Lega l Name View CALPROMAX ENGI NEERI NG, I NC. Searc h • Re gistr ation County Numbe r Reset 1000028249 ORANG E :City PLACENTIA .... Registration Expiration Date Date 06/29/2016 06/30/2017 Public Works Contractor (PWC) Registration Search Th is 1s a ll stmo of current and act1ve PWC reo lstrabons pursuan t to D1v1s1on 2. Part 7. Ch ap ter 1 ccommencmg with sect1on 1720 of the Ca hforma Labor Code .) Enrer ar /ea sr ~sea rch critena to dtsplay actl\'e reg iste red p ublic works comracro r(s) marching your se l ec ilons Regi stration Ye PW C Registratl Contractor L eg Licen se Num bE County: Se3rc h Resu l t s o ne registered cor Details Legal Nam e View CALPR OMA)I legal Entity Information Workers ' Compensation legal Name CALPRO MAX ENGI N EERING, I NC. legal Entity Type CORPORATION Trade Name License Number(s) CSLB :995933 Mailing Address 650 N. ROSE DRIVE,= 186 PLACE NTIA, CA 92870 Physical Address 650 N. ROSE DR I VE,= 186 PLA CE NTIA, CA 92870 Email Address CALPRO MAX<Dl GMAIL.CO t-1 --------·------ Public Works Contractor (PWC) Registration Search Th1s 1s a hstmg of current and act1ve PWC registrations pursuant to D1v1s1on 2. Part 7 . Chapter 1 ccommencmg w1th sect1on 1720 of the Ca liforn i a Labor Code . Enre r ar /east one search cnte na to drsp lay actrve reg rstered pub lic works conrractor(s) match ing your selectrons Registration Ye PW C Reglst ra t l Contractor Leg Licen se N um b E County: Sea r c h Resu lts One registered cor Details Legal Name View CALPROMA > legal Entity Information 1 Workers' Compensation ·.··· .. ··,···.,,~~·~ Corpor~tion Number 46-3435636 President NI ZAR KABBAN Y Secret~ry Agent of Service N~me CALIFORNIA CORPORATE AGENTS Vice President CEO T re~surer Address 16830 VENTURA BLVD., SUITE 360 ENCINO, CA 91436 Public Works Contractor (PWC) Registration Search This 1s a listing of cu rren t and actrve PWC reg 1strat1ons pursuan t to Divis ion 2. Part 7. Chapter 1 Ccommenong with section 1720 of the Ca liforn ia Labor Code ) Enter ar least~ search cnreri a to display a ew e regtscered publtc works contracro r(s) match ing you r sel ection s Registration Ye PW C Registrati Contractor Leg ...... ,~~""':.• :.~\.,.. .. *~~ ..... ; ·::~,:·JtW~ lice ns e Numbe County: Sea rch Resu lts One registered cor Details Le gal Name View CALPROM A)c ' ,.. ~ . Do you lease employees through Professional Employer Orgzmization (PEO)? NO Please provide your current workers' compensation insurance inf ormation b e low : INSURED BY CARRIER Policyholder Name: I n surance Carrier: Policy Number: Polley Coverage d a tes : CALPROMAX ENG I NEERING, INC. STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND 9148624-15 Inception Da t e : 2015-12-16 Expiration Date : 2016-12-16 --~-..:..:...::.• .. ~A.M. Best Rating Services =: Rating Search: Search Advanced Search American Contractors Indemnity Company t1 l A.M. Best II : 0110 19 NA IC II: 10216 FEIN II: 954290651 Domi ciliary Address 601 S . Figueroa Street Suite 1600 Los A ngeles, CA 90017 United States Web : www .hccsuretv.com Phone: 3 10-649-0990 Fax: 310-6 45-9274 As signed to ,.,.~_, insurance companie s ~ that have, in our A++ opinion, a superior ability to meet their o ng oing in surance obligations. V1ew add1tional ~ ~~for thiS company Based on A .M . Best's a nalysis , 058633-Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc. is the AMB Ultimate Parent and Identifies the topmost entity of the corporate structure . V1ew a l is t o f operating Insurance entities in this structure. Best's Cred1t Ratings Financial Strength R a ting View Definition Rating : Affiliation Code: Fi nancial S i ze Category: Outlook: Action: Effective Date: Initial Rati ng Date : A++ (Supenor) g (Group) XV ($2 B1llion or greater) Stable Upgraded November 02, 20 16 Ju ne 08, 1998 Long-Ter m Issuer Credi t Rating View Definition Long-Term : Outlook : Action: Effective Date: Initial Rati ng Date: aa+ Stable U pgraded N ovember 02, 2016 Ju ne 28, 2005 u Denotes Under Rev1ew Be sl's Rating A.M . Best has p rovided ratings & analysis on lh1s company since 1998. Poweud by A.M. Best 's Global Jn sunmce Dat11base Best's Credit Rating Analyst Rating Issued by. A.M . Best Rating Services , Inc. Seni or Financial Analyst: Robert R aber Seni or Director: Gregory T. Williams D i sclosure Information ~ View A.M. Best's Rating Disclosure Form A .M . Best Uoarades Credit Rat ings of Houston Casualty Group Members and Affiliates November 02, 2016 Financial Strength Rating Long-Term I s suer Credit Rating Effective Date Rating Effective Date Ra ting 11 /2/2016 A++ 1112/2016 a a+ 10/22/2015 A+ 10/22/2015 a a 9/25/2014 A+ 9/25/20 14 a a 10/3/2013 A+ 10/3/2013 a a - 9/26/20 12 A+ 9/26/2012 a a - AMB Credit Reports AMB Credit Report (Download PD F)-includes Best's Financial Strength Rating and rationale along with comprehensive analytical commentary, detailed busi ness overview and key financial data . Report Rev ision Date: 12/1/2016 (represents the latest significant change ). Historical Reports are available in AMB Cred it Re port Ar chiVe View additional news, reports and products for this com pany . Press Releases Nov 02,20 16 Oct 22 ,2015 Jun 11 ,2015 Sep 25, 20 H Ocl 03. 2013 Sep 26, 2012 Aug10. 20 11 Oct15, 20 10 Mar 0 3 , 201 0 Aug 27,2009 Europe•n Union Di sclosures A .M . Bes1 Upgrades Credit Rati ngs of Houston Casualty Grpup Members a nd A ffihates A .M , Best Afftrms Ratings of HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc. and Its Subsidiaries A .M . Best Comments on Rattngs o f HCC lnsyrawe Hold•ngs. I nc. and Its Subsidiaries A .M . Best Upgrade$ ICR of American Contractors Indemnity and U nited States Syrety. A ffirms ICR of Houston Casually Groyp Members A .M . Best Affirms Rati!!Q s of HCC l n&urance Holdings, Inc. and Its Subsidiaries A.M. Best Affirms Rating s of HCC Insurance Hol dings, Inc . and Its Subs idi arie s : Upgrades ICR of HCC Life Insura nce Company A .M , Best U pgrades Issuer Credit Ra tings o f HCC lnsyrance Holdings, I nc. and Certai n Subsidiaries A .M . Best Affir m s Ratings of HCC Insurance Hold ings. Inc. and Most Subsidiaries; Upgrades Ratings of Certai n Subsidlj!ries A .M . Best Pla ce s Ra!lngs of HCC Insurance Cotppany Under Review A .M . Bes t Revises Outlook to Pos i ~ve for Issuer Credit Ra!lngs o f HCC Insurance H old ings, Inc. and Ce rtain Subsidiar ies Page size;~·~ 17 items •n 2 p a g e s A M aoSI. Europ. Ral"'!! SerY>co• Um<tttd (AIIBERS ) a subsod ary or AM Bul Rat ng SoM<es Inc •s a n E xtern~ Credu As .. u,..ntlnl~l•~on (EC"II"' lh<t Europ.an Unoon t EU I rt..roforo. C~ec 1 Ratongo ouued anc endonec by AI.18ERS ""''be usee lor rogulalory purposes rn lhe EU u per O.reche 2006 48/EC Austratian Olsdosures "'-A Bosl "sra.Pacrfoc lrnrled (AAl B!J>). Auo lrot.on Reg•Sierod BOCit "'""'btl !"RBN No 150375287) rs a ~""led habol•ly company """'pororod and dom•<•led"' Hong Kong A~lB!J> rs a wholesale"""'"""" Frnoncral SeNre eo (AFS) Licence !\older (.o.fS "'o 4 11055) under lho Corporatoons Act 200 1 Credtl Rorrngs emanaMg !rom A'-'BAP ore nol rntended for one must not be CSrllubuted to any person 1n Austlalr3 o ther than a v.hotesate c.hnl IS dtfrntd tn Chapter 7 o f the COfpotat;ons Act AMBAP dots not aulhonze Us Cred I Ratengs to be d,c;sem.nated by 1 thlld·party an a manner ihAI could reasonably be regerdtd as be1ng mlended to tn fW.nce a retatl client '" mak.·ng a dtc.rs10n •n relehon to a parltcular producl Of dass of f1nanctal product A..,.BAP Creo•t Rat~ngs are intended for ~holesa le cl enli onty , as defined ----------------------------------------------------- Po .... ~ud by A.M. But's G/obo/Jn.<urall u Dorab au Pog~ 2 ofJ Credll Raltngs doteJmtntd 1nd d•ssemtnated by AMBAP are the op1n1on of AMBAP only and not any tpectfiC credit analyst A._18AP Credrl Rallngs are slalements of opimon and not slatements of fact They are not recommendation& to buy hotd or sell any secunltes or any olher form o f nnanc;aal product tnc ludmg •nsurance policies and are not a recommendation to be used to make investment /purchastng dec•slons tmport1n1 No tice AM Bests Credtl Rattngs are tnd ependenl and obtectlvo optmons. nol statements of fad AM Besl •s not an Investment Adv1sor, does not offer investment advace of any kind. nor does the company Of its Ralings Analysts offer any fo•m of struct unng or f•nanc•al adv1ce AM Besfs credtl op1nlons are nol recommenclat10ns to buy. 5eU or hokt secur;t•es or to make an y other Wlve.stmanl dectStons For add tJonal tnform~bon regardtng the use and l•mrtattOns of Cred•t Rat1ng optnJOns as well a s lhe rating process, tnrorma40n requtrements and other rattng related terms and derinlltons. plea1e v~ Ul\der5tandJng Best's Credtt Rat.ngs About A~~ s .. , 1 Srle Map 1 Customer SeMCe I Member Center I Contact Info I CarrHIS I Te!ms ol Use I Prrvocy Polrcy I Securrly I legal & l tcensrng Regulatory Alia.-.-Form NRSRO-Code of Condu<t-Ra:rng Methodology-H'slorocal Perlormanu Data Copynghl C 20 17 AlA Bell Company Inc ond 'or rll olfrlllrtu All RIGHTS RESERVED Pow~ud by A.M. Bt!st 's Global lnsurlllfU Datab11s~ Pag~J nfJ ATTACHMENT C Contract to be Executed with Calpromax Engineering, Inc. CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT HSIPL-5365(009) TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES, SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS CITY PROJECT ID : P15-07 THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into th is _ day of _____ , by and between the CITY OF TEMPLE CITY , a Mun icipa l Co rporation located in the County of Los Angeles , St ate of California ("CITY"), and Calpromax Engineering . Inc., [a corpo ration/partnersh ip/l im ited liabi lity company corporation , located at 650 N Rose Dr #186 . Placentia , CA 92870 ("CON T RACTOR"), co ll ectively referred to as the Parties . RECITALS A. CITY , by its Notice Inviting Bids , duly advertised for written bids to be subm itted on or before on May 2 . 2017 , for the follow i ng : HSIPL-5365(009) TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES. SIGNS AND OTHER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS CITY PROJECT ID: P15-07 in the City of Temple City, Ca lifornia ("Proj ect"). B. At 1:00 PM (PST) on sa id date , in the Temple City Counci l Chambers , the b ids subm itted for the Proj ect were opened . C. At its regular meeting he ld on , the City Council of C ITY accepted the b id of CONTRACTOR for the Project as being the lowest responsive bid received and directed that a written contract be entered into with CONTRACTOR. OPERATIVE PROVISIONS NOW , THEREFORE , in considerat ion of the prom ises and of t he mutual covenants and agreements here i n contained , the parties do hereby agree as fo ll ows : 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. This Agreement cons i sts of the fol lowing documents ("Contract Documents "), all of which are made a part of this Agreement: (a) Notice Inviting Bids (b) Instructions to Bidders (c) Bid Form (d) Bid Proposal and/or Contract Proposal, as accepted, including the Certificate of Bidders' Experience and Qualifications and the List of Subcontractors (e) Information Required by Bidder (f) Notice of Award (g) Notice to Proceed (h) This Agreement (i) Verification of California Contractor's License U) Contractor's Certificate Regarding Workers ' Compensation (k) Security for payment (labor and materials) (I) Security for performance (m) Certificate(s) of Insurance (n) General Conditions/Specifications (o) Special Provisions (p) Plans and Standard Drawings (q) Prevailing Wage Scales (r) Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction , including subsequent addenda and supplements (s) Change orders issued by the City and signed by the Contractor pertaining to the Contract after the Contract is awarded to Contractor (t) All addenda issued by the City with respect to the foregoing prior to the opening of bids , including , Addenda Nos . __ _ (u) Other documents (list here or delete) 2 In the event there is a conflict between the terms of the Contract Documents , the more specific or strin gent provision shall govern . 2. SCOPE OF WORK. CONTRACTOR agrees to perform all work requ i red for the Project and to fulfill all other obligations as set forth in the Con tra ct Documents ("Work "). Except as specifically provided in the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR must furnish all of the labor, materia ls , tools , equipment, services and transportation necessary to perfo rm all of the Work. CO NTRACTOR must perform all of the Work in strict accordance with th e Contract Documents . 3. COMPENSATION & PAYMENT. CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to receive and accept the total amount of Hundred and Forty Three Thousand Dollars ($143,000), based upon those certain unit prices set forth in CO NTRACTOR's Bid Schedule , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A " and incorporated herei n by this reference , as full compensation for the Work . Said compensation shall cover al l expenses , losses , damages , and consequences arisi ng out of the nature of the Work during its progress or prior to its acceptance , including those for well and faithfully completing the Work i n the manner and time specified in the Contract Documents , and also including those arising form actions of the elements , unforeseen difficu lties or obstructions encountered in the prosecution of th e Work, suspension or discontinuance of the Work , and all other unknowns or ri sks of any description connected with the Work . CITY shall retain five percent (5%) of the co mp ensation until the provisions of Section 14 herein have been met. CITY hereby agrees to pay CONTRACTOR at t he time , in the manner, and upon the conditions set forth in the CONTRACT DOCUME NTS . 4 . UNAUTHORIZED ALIENS. CONTRACTOR prom ises and agrees to comply with all of the provisions of State and Federal law with respect to the emp l oyment of unauthorized aliens, including without limitation the Federal Imm igration and Nationa l ity Act (8 USCA 1101, et seq.), as amended . Should CO NTRACTOR employ one or more unauthorized aliens for the performan ce of the W ork , and sho u ld the Federal Government impose san ctions against the CITY for such use of unauthorized aliens , CO NT RACTOR hereby agrees to , and shall , reimburse CITY for the cost of all sanctions im posed , together with any a nd all costs , including attorney's fees , incurred by the CITY i n connection therewith . 5 . REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES . CONTRACTOR hereby represents and warrants that: (a) It is not currently , and has not at any time with in the past five (5) calendar years been , suspended , debarred , or excluded from participating i n , bidd i ng on , contracting for, or completing any project funded in whole or in part by program , grant or loan funded by the federal government or the State of California ; and (b) CO NTRACTOR currently has , and for the past five (5) calendar years has maintained in good standing , a valid California contractor's license ; and 3 (c) CONTRACTOR is registered with the Department of Industrial Relat ions to perform services on public works projects as required by Labor Code section 1725.5 . CONTRACTOR agrees to complete and execute any statement or certificate to this effect as may be required by the City or by any federal or State of California program, loan or grant utilized on this Project. 6. TIME TO PERFORM THE WORK. CONTRACTOR shall commence the Work on the date specified in the Notice to Proceed to be issued to CONTRACTOR by the Director of Public Works of CITY , and shall complete work on the Project within Forty- five (45) working days after commencement. 7. NONDISCRIMINATION . CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate in its recruiting, hiring , promotion , demotion or termination practices on the basis of race , religious creed , color, national origin , ancestry , physical disability, mental disability , medical condition , martial status , sex , age, or sexual orientation in the performance of this Agreement , and shall comply with the provisions of the California Fair Emp loyment and Housing Act as set forth in Part 2 .8 of Division 3, Title 2 of the California Government Code ; the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as set forth in Public Law 88-352 , and all amendments thereto; Executive Order 11246; and all administrative rules and regulations issued pursuant to such acts and order. 8. LABOR CODE REQUIREMENTS. (a ) CONTRACTOR is aware of and agrees to abide by the prov1s1ons of California Labor Code Sections 1720, et seq ., as well as Sections 1771 , 1773 , 1773.1, 1773 .6 , 1773.7 , 1774, 1775 , 1776 and 1777, pertaining to the obligation to pay prevailing wages with respect to the performance of work ("Prevailing Wage Laws "). Copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for holiday and overtime work for each craft are available upon request from the City. A copy of the prevailing rate of per diem wages shall be posted at the job site . If such posting is not possible , a copy sha l l be posted at the business of the CONTRACTOR. (b) CONTRACTOR acknowledges that under Cal iforn ia Labor Code sections 1810 and following, eight hours of labor constitutes a legal day's work . CONTRACTOR will forfeit as a penalty to City the sum of $25.00 for each worker employed in the execution of th is Agreement by CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor for each calendar day during which such worker is required or permitted to work more than 8 hours in any one calendar day and 40 hou rs in any one calendar week in violation of the p rovisions of Labor Code section 1810. (Labor Code§ 1813.) (c) CONTRACTOR must comply with Labor Code section 1771 .1 (a), which provides that CONTRACTOR is only eligible to perform the Work if CONTRACTOR is registered with the Department of Industrial Relations as required by Labor Code Section 1725.5 , and that CONTRACTOR may award subcontracts fo r work that 4 qualifies as a "public work" on ly to subcontractors wh ich are at the time of award registered and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Labor Code Section 1725.5. CONTRACTOR must obtain p roof of such reg istration from all such subcontractors . (d) CONTRACTOR , and any subcontractor engaged by CONTRACTOR , must pay not less than the specified prevailing rate of per diem wages to a l l workers employed in the execution of th is Agreement. (Labor Code§ 1774.) CONTRACTOR is responsib le for compliance w it h Labor Code section 1776 relat ive to the retent ion and inspection of payrol l records . (e ) CONTRACTOR must comply wi t h a l l provisions of Labor Code section 1775. Under Section 1775, Contractor may forfeit as a penalty to City up to $50.00 for each worker employed in the execution of the Agreement by CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor for each ca lendar day , or portion thereof, in which the worker is pa id less than the prevailing rates . Contractor may also be li able to pay the difference between the prevail ing wage rates and the amount paid to each worker for each calendar day , or portion thereof, for which each worker was pa id less than the preva il ing wage rate . (f) Nothing in this Agreement prevents CONTRACTOR or any subco ntractor from employing properly registered apprentices in the execution of the Agreement. CONTRACTOR is responsible for compliance with Labor Code section 1777 .5 for all apprenticeable occupations . This statute requires that contractors and subcontractors must submit contract award information to the applicable joint apprenticeship committee , must employ apprentices in apprenticeable occupations i n a ratio of not less than one hour of apprentice 's work for every five hours of labor performed by a journeyman (unless an exception is granted under §1777 .5), must contribute to the fund or funds in each craft or trade or a like amount to the Ca liforn ia Apprenticeship Council , and that contractors and subcontractors must not discriminate among otherwise qualified employees as apprentices solely on the ground of sex , race , re li gio n, creed , national or ig in, ancestry or co lor. Only apprentices defined i n Labor Code secti on 3077 , who are in training under apprenticeship standards and who have written apprentice contracts, may be employed on public works in apprenticeable occupations . (g ) CONTRACTOR sha ll defend , indemnify and hold the CITY, its elected officials , officers , employees and agents free and harmless from any cla im or liab il ity arising out of any failure or a lleged failure to comply with the Preva iling Wage Laws . 9. PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS. (a) CONTRACTOR shall , without disturbing the condition , notify CITY in writing as soon as CONTRACTOR , or any of CONTRACTOR 's subcontractors , agents or employees have knowledge and reporting is poss ible , of the d iscovery of any of the follow ing cond itions : 5 (i) The presence of any material that the CONTRACTOR bel ieves is hazardous waste , as defined in Section 25117 of the Health and Safety Code; (ii) Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing from those indicated in the specifications ; or, (iii) Unknown physical conditions at the site of any unusual nature , different materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of this character provided for in this Agreement. (b) Pending a determination by CITY of appropriate action to be taken , CONTRACTOR shall provide security measures (e .g ., fences) adequate to prevent the hazardous waste or physical conditions from causing bodily injury to any person . (c) CITY shall promptly investigate the reported cond it ions. If CITY, through its Directo r of Publ ic Works , or h is or her designee , and in the exercise of its so le discretion , determines that the conditions do materially differ, or do involve hazardous waste , and will cause a decrease or increase in the CONTRACTOR 's cost of, or time required for , performance of any part of the Work, then CITY shall issue a change order. (d) In the event of a dispute between CITY and CONTRACTOR as to whether the conditions materially differ, or involve hazardous waste , or cause a decrease or increase in the CONTRACTOR 's cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall not be excused from any scheduled completion date , and shall proceed with all work to be performed under the Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall retain any and all rights wh ich pertain to the resolution of disputes and protests between the parties . 10. INDEMNITY. CONTRACTOR shall assume the defense of and indemnify and hold harmless the CITY , its elective and appointive boards , officers , agents and employees , from all claims , loss , damage , injury and liability of every kind , nature and description , directly or indirectly ar is i ng form the performance of the Work , regard less of responsib il ity of negligence ; and from any and all claims , loss , damage , inj ury and li ability , resulting directly or indirectly from the nature of the Work covered by this Agreement, regardless of respons ib i lity of negligence . (a) CITY does not, and shall not , wa ive any rights aga i nst CONTRACTOR which it may have because of the acceptance by CITY or the deposit with CITY by CONTRACTOR , of any of the insurance pol icies hereinafter described in this Agreement. (b) The indemnity prov ided by CONTRACTOR shall apply to all damages and claims for damages of every kind suffered , or alleged to have been suffered , by reason of any of the Work by CONTRACTOR , or any subcontractor, regardless of whether insurance policies are applicable to any of the damages or claims for damages. 6 (c) The provisions of this section do not apply to claims occurring as a result of the City 's sole negligence or willful acts or omissions . (d) The provisions of this section will survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. 11. BONDS. CONTRACTOR , before commencing the Work, shall furnish and file with CITY a bond, or bonds , in a form satisfactory to the CITY, in the sum of one hundred percent (1 00%) of the compensation amount stated in Section 3 of this Agreement conditioned upon the faithful performance of this Agreement and a bond , or bonds , in a form satisfactory to the CITY, in the sum of one hundred percent (1 00 %) of the compensation amount stated in Section 3 of this Agreement conditioned upon the payment of all labor and materials furnished in connection w ith this Agreement. 12. INSURANCE. CONTRACTOR shall not commence the Work until CONTRACTOR has obtained all insurance required by the Contract Documents and such insurance has been approved by CITY as to form , amount and carrier. CONTRACTOR shall not allow any subcontractor to commence work on any subcontract until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor have been obtained and approved . (a) Workers' Compensation . CONTRACTOR shall take out and ma intain, during the life of this Agreement, Worker's Compensation Insurance (Statutory Limits) with Emp loyers Liabil ity Insurance (with l im its of at least $1 ,000 ,000) for all of CONTRACTOR 's employee s employed at the Project site ; and , if any wo rk is sublet , CONTRACTOR shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide Worker's Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees , unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by CONTRACTOR. If any class of employees engaged in Work under this Agreement at the Project site is not protected under any Workers' Compensation law, CONTRACTOR shall provide and shall cause each subcontractor to provide adequate insurance for the protection of employees not otherwise protected . CONTRACTOR shall i ndemnify CITY for any damage resulting from failure of either CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor to take out or maintain such insurance . CONTRACTOR shall submit to Agency , along with the certificate of Insurance, a Waiver of Subrogation endorsement in favor of the Agency, its officers , agents , employees and volunteers . (b) Comprehensive General Liability , Products/Completed Operations Hazard. and Contractual General Liability Insurance . CONTRACTOR shall take out and mainta in during the life of this Agreement such comprehensive general liability, products/completed operations hazard , comprehensive automobile liability and contractual general liability insurance as shall protect CITY, its elective and appointive boards , officers , agents and employees, CONTRACTOR, and any subcontractor performing work covered by th is Agreement , from cl aims for damage for persona l injury , including death , as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from 7 ----------- CONTRACTOR 's or any subcontractor's operations under this Agreement , whether such operations be by CONTRACTOR or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows : (i) General Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1 ,000 ,000) per occurrence ; (ii) Products/Completed Operations Hazard Insurance in an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000 ,000) per occurrence; and (iii) Contractual General Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1 ,000 ,000) per occurrence . General aggregate limits in an amount of not less than TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2 ,000 ,000) shall be cons idered equivalent to the required minimum limits set forth hereinabove . (c) Comprehensive Automobile Liability . CONTRACTOR shall take out and maintain during the life of this Agreement , comprehensive automobile liability insurance as shall protect CITY, its elective and appointive boards, officers , agents and employees , CONTRACTOR , and any subcontractor perform i ng work covered by this Agreement, from claims for damage for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from CONTRACTOR's or any subcontractor's operations under this Agreement , whether such operations be by CONTRACTOR or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows : (i) Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1 ,000 ,000) combined single limit per accident. (d) Proof of Insurance. The insurance required by th is Agreement shall be with insurers which are California Admitted and Best A rated or better. CITY shall be named as "additional insured " on the general liability and automobile liab i lity required hereunder, and CONTRACTOR shall furnish CITY , concurrently with the execution hereof, with satisfactory proof of carriage of the insura nce required , and adequate legal assurance that each carrier will give CITY at least thirty (30) days ' prior notice of the cancellation of any policy during the effective period of this Agreement. (e) Umbre lla or excess liability insuran ce . [Optional depending on limits required]. Contractor shall obta i n and maintain an umbrella or excess liabil ity insurance policy w ith limits that will provide bodily injury , personal injury and property damage liability coverage at least as broad as the primary coverages set forth above , including 8 ------------------ commerc ial general liabil ity and employer's li ab ility . Such policy or pol icies sha ll include the following terms and conditions : • A drop down feature requiring the policy to respond if any primary insurance that would otherwise have applied proves to be uncollectible in whole or in part for any reason ; • Pay on behalf of wo rding as opposed to reimbursement; • Concurrency of effective dates with primary pol icies ; and • Policies shall "follow form " to the underlying primary policies . • Insureds under primary policies shall also be insureds under the umbrella or excess policies. (f) Requirements not limiting. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this Section are not intended as a lim itation on coverage , limits or other requirements , or a waiver of any coverage normally prov id ed by any insurance . Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a g iven issue and is not intended by any party or insured to be a ll inclus ive , or to the exclus ion of othe r coverage, or a wa iver of any type . If the CONTRACTOR mainta ins higher li mits than the minimums shown above , the Agency requires and shal l be entitled to coverage for the higher lim its maintained by the CONTRACTOR. Any available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified minimum limits of insurance and coverage shall be available to the Agency . (g) Primary/contribut ing . Coverage provided by the CONTRACTOR sha ll be primary and any insurance or se lf-i nsurance or maintained by Agency shal l not be required to contribute to it. The li mits of insurance required herein may be satisfied by a combination of primary and umbrella or excess insurance . Any umbrel la or excess insurance shall contain or be endorsed to conta i n a provision that such coverage shall also apply on a primary and non-contributory bas is for the benefit of Agency before the Agency 's own insurance or self-insurance shall be called upon to protect is as a named insured . (h) Notice to Proceed . The CITY will not issue any notice authorizing CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor to commence the Work under th is Agreement until CONTRACTOR has provided to the CITY the proof of i nsu rance as required by this Section 12 . 13. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. The parties agree that it would be impractical and extremely difficult to f ix the actual damages to the CITY in the event the Project is not commenced and/or comp le ted on or before the dates specified for commencement and completion of the Project in the Contract Documents . The parties have cons idered the facts of a breach of this Agreement and have agreed that the liquidated damages sum hereinafter set forth is reasonable as liqu id ated damages in the event of a breach , and that said sum shall be presumed to be the amount of the damages sustained by the 9 CITY in the event such work is not begun and/or completed and accepted by the times so specified in the Contract Documents . The sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1 ,000 .00) shall be presumed to be the amount of damages suffered by the CITY for each day's delay in the starting and/or completion and acceptance of the Project after the dates specified in the Contract Documents for the start and/or completion thereof, and CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to pay said sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1 ,000.00) as liquidated damages for each day of delay in the starting and/or completing and acceptance of said Project beyond the dates specified in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS . Any and all such liquidated damages assessed shall be done in accordance with that certain edition of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction currently in effect on the execution date of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR CITY OF TEMPLE CITY CALPROMAX ENGINEERING , INC . By ______________________ ___ By ______________________ _ Date: Date: ------------------------------------------- 14. NOTICE OF COMPLETION. Upon completion of PROJECT and acceptance of same by the City Council of the CITY, the City Manager of the CITY shall cause to be recorded a Notice of Completion with the office of the Los Angeles County Recorder; and, after thirty-five (35) days from the date said Notice of Completion is recorded , the Director of Finance of CITY shall release the funds retained pursuant to Section 3 hereof; provided there have been no mechanics ' liens or stop notices filed against the Work wh ich have not been paid , withdrawn or eliminated as liens against said work . 15. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. In performing the Work, CONTRACTOR must comply with all applicable statutes, laws and regulations , including , but not l imited to , OSHA requirements and the Temple City Municipal Code . Contractor must , at Contractor's sole expense, obtain all necessary permits and licenses required for the Work , and give all necessary notices and pay all fees and taxes required by law, including , without limitation , any business license tax imposed by City . 16. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR is and will at all times remain as to CITY a wholly independent contractor . Neither the CITY nor any of its officers, employees, or agents will have control over the conduct of CONTRACTOR or any of CONTRACTOR's officers , employees, agents or subcontractors , except as expressly set forth in the Contract Documents . CONTRACTOR may not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers , employees, agents , or subcontractors are in any manner officers, employees, agents or subcontractors of CITY. 17. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 10 (a) Authority to Execute. Each Party represents and warrants that all necessary action has been taken by such Party to authorize the undersigned to execute this Agreement and to bind it to the performance of its obligations. (b) Assignment. CONTRACTOR may not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of CITY, which consent may be w ithheld in the CITY's sole discretion since the experience and qualifications of CONTRACTOR were material considerations for this Agreement. (c) Binding Effect. This Agreement is binding upon the heirs , executors , administrators , successors and permitted assigns of the Parties . (d) Integrated Agreement. This Agreement , includ i ng the Contract Documents , is the entire, complete , final and exclusive expression of the Parties with respect to the Work to be performed under this Agreement and supersedes all other agreements or understandings, whether oral or written , between CONTRACTOR and CITY prior to the execution of this Agreement. (e) Modification of Agreement. No amendment to or modification of this Agreement wi l l be valid unless made in writing and approved by CONTRACTOR and by the City Council or City Manager of CITY , as applicable. The Parties agree that this requirement for written modifications cannot be waived and that any attempted wa iver will be void . (f) Counterparts and Facsimile Signatures . Th is Agreement may be executed in several counterparts , each of which will be deemed an original , and all of which, when taken together , constitute one and the same instrument. Amendments to this Agreement will be considered executed when the signature of a party is delivered by facsimile transmission . Such facsimile signature will have the same effect as an original signature . (g) Waiver. Waiver by any Party of any term , condition , or covenant of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any other term , condition , or covenant. Waiver by any Party of any breach of the provisions of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any other provision, or a waiver of any subsequent breach or violation of any provision of this Agreement. Acceptance by City of any Work performed by CONTRACTOR will not constitute a waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement. (h) Interpretation . This Agreement will be interpreted , construed and governed according to the laws of the State of California . Each party has had the opportunity to review this Agreement with legal counsel. The Agreement will be construed s imply, as a whole , and in accordance with its fair meaning . It will not be interpreted strictly for or against either party . (i) Severability. If any term , condition or covenant of this Agreement is declared or determined by any court of competent jurisd iction to be invalid , void or unenforceable , the remaining provisions of this Agreement will not be affected and the 11 Agreement will be read and construed without the invalid, void or unenforceable provision . U) Attorneys ' Fees . The prevailing party in any action to resolve a dispute concerning this Agreement shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party the reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of such action. (k) Venue . In the event of litigation between the parties , venue in state trial courts will be in the County of Los Angeles . In the event of litigation in a U.S . District Court, venue will be in the Central District of California, in Los Angeles . (I) Notices. All written notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement will be deemed made when received by the other Party at its respective address as follows : To CITY: To Contractor: City of Temple City 9701 Las Tunas Drive Temple City, California 91780 Attention : _____ _ (Tel.) (Fax) Calpromax Engineering, Inc. 650 N . Rose Dr. #168. Placentia. CA 92870 Attention : Nizar Kabbany, President/Secretary (Tel.) 949-419-4421 (Fax) 714-458-7088 Notice will be deemed effective on the date personally delivered or transmitted by facsimile . If the notice is mailed, notice will be deemed given three days after deposit of the same in the custody of the United States Postal Service, postage prepaid, for first class delivery , or upon delivery if using a major courier service with tracking capabilities . Any Party may change its notice information by giving notice to the other Party in compliance with this section . 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed on the day of , 2 0_, by their respective officers duly authorized in that behalf. ATTEST: Peggy Kuo , City Clerk Date : APPROVED AS TO FORM : Eric S . Vai l, C ity Attorney 13 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, a m u nic ipal corporation By ________________________ __ __________________ , a [state t ype of entity] By _______________________ ___ By ________________________ __ CALIFORN IA ALL-PURPOSE AC KNOW L£DGM ENT tlltllltllttllltllltllltlllltllltllltllltlll*lll*lllltlllttlltllltllltllltlllltllltllttlll *lll A notary· publ i c o r other offiCer comp leting th is cenificate verifies onl y the identity of t he individual. who ~gned the dorument, t o which this certif1ca1te i s attached, and not the truttlful ness, accuracy, or va~idity of that document. State of ca liforn ia } County of l os Angeles On ____________ before me,.--------------------- person aUy appeared------------------------------- who proved t o m e o n t he basis of sat isfactory evidence to be the person (s) whose nam e (s } is/are subscribed t o th.e within i nstrument and ackn owledged to me that h e/she/they executed the same i n his/her/thei r authorized ca pac ity(i es), and that by his/her/their s ignature ~s ) on th e instrument the pe rsonts), or t he entity upon behalif of which the person (s) acted, executed the i nstrument. ~ certify under PENAL 1Y 0 F PERJURY under the laws of the State of california t hat the f oregoing pa,ragra ph ls true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official sea l. Sign ature----------------- ---------------------------OP TIO NA L---------------------------Though the rnfwma d on is not ~ired by Ia w, it may prove valuabl e to persons relying an the document and cooi d prevent fraucf.ulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Descri ption of .Attached Document T~eof TypeoFDoru~~=-------------------------------­ D~~mDa~=------------------­Nu m ber o f Pa ges: -------- Sig n er{s ) Other Th an Na m ed Above :--------------------------- Capacity{ies) Claimed by Signer{s) ~gne rs N ame: ____________ _ Signer's Name: ____________ ___ D Indiv idual D lncfi vi chJ a I D Corporate Officer-Title (s) : ______ _ D Partner D Limit ed D Gen erctl _l_ __. D Attorney in Fact o Corporate Officer -n t le (s }: ~;;;lj=:::ici D Pa rtner D U mited D General D Att orne y in Fact D Trustee D TrUIStee D Gu a rdia n or Conservator D Guardi an o .-Cortservato.- D Other: 0 Othe r :---------- Si gner is Represen ti n g1: Signer is Represent in g : ____ _ ::::::..: :::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::: ::·::::::::: .... ::::::::: :::::: :::::: '(::::::::: •.::::::::: ·:::::: :::::-::::::::: •.:::::: ::: ~:::::::::::: •.::::::::: ::·::::::::: ::-:::::::::..,::::::::: ::·:::::::::::;:::::::::::: ·:::::::::: ::·::::::::: ... ::::::::: ::·::::::::: CALIFORNlA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~··*'''*'''*'''*'''*'''*''''*'''*'''*'''*'''*'''*''''*'''*'''*'''*'''*'''*''''*'''*'''*'''*''' A notary publ ic or other offker completing this certificate verifies onl y the identity of the individual who signed the dowment, to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthful ness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of Ca lifom ia } County of los Angeles . On _______________________ befo~m~------------------------------------------ personally appeared-------------------------------- who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and adcnowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same i n his/her/their authoriz·ed capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, exeruted the instrument. I certify under PENALTY 0 F PERJURY under t he laws of the State of California that the fo~going paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and offtcial seal. Signature----------------- --------------------------OPD ONAL---------------------------Thovgh the informa6on is not required by law, it may prove va luabl e to persons relying o.n the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this Form to another document. Description of Atta~ Document Title of Type of Document:------------------------------ D~mentD~:-------------------Nu m ber of Pa g es : ---------- S~n~~~~r~anNam~Ab~e: ___________________________ ~ Capadty(ies) Claimed by Signer{s) Signer's Name:-------------- 0 Individual 0 Corporate officer Trtle(s)· - D Partner D limited D General I :1.. :JII 0 Attorney in Fact 0 Trustee 0 Gu ardian or Conservator 0 Other: Signer is Representin g: Signer's Name: ____________ _ D In di vi dual 0 Corporate Officer-Title(s): --------- 0 Partner D Limited D General ~--====- 0 Attorney in Fact D Trustee D Guardian o r Conservator 0 Other:---------- S igner is Representin g : _____ _ ;::::-::::::;:~;:;:;::-;:;:;::-;:;:;:. ;:;:;::-;:;:;:;::-;:;:;:;:.;:;:;:;:.;:;:;::-;:;:;::.;:;:;:;:.;:;:;:;:. ;:;:;: .. ;:;:;:;:.;:;:;:. ;:;:;: ;:;::::~:::;:;:;:;:.;:;:;:;:.;:;:;:;:.;:;:;:•.;:;:;: