HomeMy Public PortalAbout09) 7G FY City Budget - Fourth Quarter Budget AmendmentsAGENDA ITEM 7.G. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: June 20 , 2017 TO: The Honorable City Council FROM: Bryan Cook , City Manager Via: Tracey L. Hause , Administrative Services Directo r By: Lee Ma , Accountant SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2016-17 CITY BUDGET -FOURTH QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requested to authorize staff to revise various budgeted appropriations for the FY 2016-17 City Budget as indicated in Attachment "A " to ensu re revenue estimates are accurate and actual spending levels are within budgeted appropriations during the curren t fisca l year . BACKGROUND: 1. On June 21 ,2016 , the City Council approved the FY 2016 -17 City Budget. 2 . On July 5, 2016, the C ity Council re -appropriated the remaining of the $50 ,000 of from FY 2015-16 to FY 2016-17 for the workstation remodel in the Community Development Department. 3. On August 16 ,2016 , the City Council approved an add itional $77 ,500 for the Temple City Veterans Memori al Project funded by the Park Acqu is ition Fund . 4 . On November 15 , 2016 , the City Council approved the first quarter budget amendments in the amounts of $32 ,200 in appropriations and $168 ,700 in re- appropriations from the General Fund ; $14 ,000 in appropriations from the Gas Tax ; and $1 ,810 from the Lighting/Landscape District Fund . 5 . On January 17 , 2017 , the City Council approved the second quarter budget amendments adjustments , additional app rop riations of $95 ,000 and add itional re- appropriation of $45 ,000 from the Genera l Fund unappropriated Fund Balance ; $162 ,350 re-appropriations from FY 2015-16 to FY 2016 -17 for the Live Oak Park Walking and Jogging Path Project ($100 ,000 from 51h Distri ct Excess Fund Grant, ------------------------------------------------------------------~----- City Council June 20, 2017 Page 2 of 3 $41 ,850 from Park Acquisition Fund , and $20 ,500 from General Fund); and $25 ,000 for the estimated revenue and appropriation in the Community Development Block Grant Fund for housing rehabilitation loan repayment. 6. On February 21, 2017 , the City Council approved the FY 2016-17 Mid-Year Budget adjustments in the amount of $73,530 from General Fund for various expenditures for Parks & Recreation Programs and Capital Improvement Projects . 7 . On March 7 , 2017 , the City Council app roved $215 ,000 from the General Fund , unappropriated Fund Balance for the Prim rose Property tenant relocation assistance. 8 . On March 21 , 2017 , the City Council authorized the City Manager to appropriate $20 ,000 of unallocated Community Development B lock Grant funds to the City's Handyworker grant Program . ANALYSIS: Throughout the fiscal year, staff monitors revenues and expenditures and makes recommendations for revised revenue estimates and ad justments to appropriations quarterly. For the fourth quarter budget amend ments , staff is recommending revenue and appropriation adjustments in Attachme nt "A " be made at this time to ensure actual spending levels in individual line items are within budgeted appropriations as of June 30 , 2017 . CITY STRATEGIC GOALS: The City Council is requested to authorize staff to revise various budgeted app ropr iations for the FY 2016-17 City Budget. This action will further the City's Strateg ic Goal to promote Good Governance. FISCAL IMPACT: This item has an impact on the FY 2016-17 City Budget. If the City Council approves the recommended revenue and appropriation adjustments, an additional $2 ,037 ,800 ($1,950 ,0 00 of which is the City's share half of the project cost with Los Angeles County Commun ity Development Comm is sion to expand and renovate the Temple City Library), will be added to the General Fund appropriations , with an offset of $603 ,000 in revised revenue estimates . Adjustments of $12 ,1 00 for grant reimbursement to the 92/96 Park Bond Maintenance and Serv ice s and $100 ,000 grant reimbursement to the 51h District Excess Grant Fund are required . Also , a net reducti on of $10 ,000 in the Gas Tax Fund is needed . City Council June 20, 2017 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT: A. FY 2016-17 Fourth Quarter Revenue and Appropriation Adjustments Revenue Description Bu1ld1ng Permit Fees Encroachm ent Permit Fees Code Enforcement Fees Court Fines 92/96 Park Bond Maintenance and Services Intergovernmental Total Revenue Ad justments Department/Program Reappropriations C1ty Manager Project Development Costs Building Private/Speci al Cont Servs Parks Ma intenance I Facilicities Ma intenance & Repa ir Pttrking Admmistration Speci al Equipment Maintenance General Government Build ings Overtim e Mecha nical Maintenance General Maintenance Total General Fund Appropnatoon Adjustments Co mmunoty Develop ment -Public Works Curb Addressing Street Mai ntenance Sidwalk Maintenance Total Other Fu nds Appropriation Adjustm ents Account Number 01-82Q-33-3303 01-82Q-33-3306 0 1-82Q-33-3313 01-850-36-3601 41-83Q-34-3417 SS-83Q-34-3428 Account Number 01-910-42-4280 01-93Q-54-423 1 01-940-59-4510 0!·9SQ-67-4530 01-97Q-8 1-4150 01-97D-81-4259 0 1-9 7D-81-4260 21-96o-74-4266 21 -96o-75-4257 21-96o-76-4258 ATTACHMENT A CllY OF TEMPLE CllY FY 2016-17 FOU RTH QUARTER BUOGIT ADJUSTMENTS Origonal Budget Amount 725,000 200,000 50,000 500,000 14,500 140,000 1,629,500 Original Budget Amount 360,000 45,000 3,270 32,000 12,600 9,42 5 462,295 10,000 10,000 15,000 35,000 Proposed Adjustment 165,000 32,000 15,000 391,000 12 ,100 100,000 715,100 Propos ed Adjustment 1,950,000 50,000 8,200 4,600 10,000 4,000 11,000 2,037,800 (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) (10,000) Revised Budget Amount Explanation 890,000 Revenue exceeded budget. 232,000 Revenue exceeded budget. 65,000 Revenue exceeded budget. 891,000 Add1 t ionalamount to City due to bail forfeiture from dependant's failure to appear in court. 26,600 Add1t1onal grant reimbursement f or Uve Oak Park Facilot ity maintenance. 240,000 Reappropriate 5th District Excess Grant Fund1ng from Fiscal Yeor 201S·16. 2,344,600 Revised Budget Amount 1,950,000 410,000 53,200 7,870 42,000 16,600 20,425 2,500,095 20,000 5,000 25,000 Explanation C1ty's share of half the project cost With los Angeles County to el(j)and and renovate the Temple City library. Expenditure offset by building permit fees . Repaor freezers, lighting syst ems and pa 1nt1ng the picnics shelters and the Perform1ng Arts Pavilion . Cred it card proc~sin& fees for online parkma permits purchase. Staff to work overtime t o repair sidewalk. Cost for time sensitive uprade to City Hall security system. Cost for time sen sitive uprade to City Hall security system. Reappropriate funding to purchase asphalt for street maintenance. Addit1onal funding t o purchase asphalt for street repa irs . City has not hired a contractor to work on sidewalk maintenance