HomeMy Public PortalAbout14) 8B Public Hearing Confirming the Factors used for calculating the Annual Appropriations LimitAGENDA ITEM 8.8. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE : June 20, 20 17 TO: The Honorable City Cou ncil FROM: Bryan Cook , City Manager By: Tracey L. Hause , Administrative Service s Director SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING -ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 17-5263 CONFIRMING THE FACTORS USED FOR CALCULATING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2017-18 RECOMMENDATION: The City Co un ci l is reque sted to : 1. Receive prese ntati on from staff; 2 . Open the pub li c hearing ; 3. Receive public input ; 4 . Close the public hearing ; and 5. Adopt Resol ut ion No . 17-5263 (Attachment "A "), confirming the factors used for calculating t he annual Appropriat ion s Limit (Limit) for FY 2017-18 . BACKGROUND: 1. In November 1979 , Proposition 4 was approved by the voters adding Article XIIIB , also known as the Gann Limitation , to the State Constitution to insure that limits we re placed on all state and local government appropria tions . These appropriations calculations must be approved by the City Council on an annua l basis . 2 . In 1980, the State Legislature added Section 9710 of the Government Code stating that the governing body of each City must establ ish , by reso lution , an appropriations limit for the fo ll owing year. 3. In June 1990 , the voters of California approved Propos iti on 111 which revised the annual adjustment factors applied to th e 1986-87 Li mit and each year thereafter. City Council June 20,2017 Page 2 of 2 4 . On June 8 , 2017 , Notice of the Public Hearing to establish the Limit subject to the California Constitution was published in the Temple City Tribune. ANALYSIS: Article XIII-B provides limits to the amount of tax proceeds state and local governments can spend each year. The limit for any fiscal year is equal to the previous year's limit, adjusted for population changes and the change in the U .S . Consumer Price Index or California per capital personal income, whichever is less. Staff has compl ied with al l the provisions of Article XI liB in determining the Limit for FY 2017-18 , and the City Council is required to confirm all factors used for calculating the Lim it by adoption of a resolution . For FY 2017-18, the California Per Capita Income and the population growth of the County were applied to the FY 2016-17 Limit. A Resolution confirming the factors used for calculating the annual Limit and the calculations (Exhibit "1" of the Resolution) determining of the Limit are included in this report . The City of Temple City's Limit for FY 2017-18 is $20 ,180 ,423 . The appropriations subject to the Limit per the Proposed FY 2017-18 City Budget is $9 ,369 ,810 . The City of Temple City is $10 ,810 ,613 below the Limit. CITY STRATEGIC GOALS : In order to be in compliance with California State law, adoption of Resolution No. 17-5263 by the City Council will promote or further the City's Strategic Goal of Good Governance. FISCAL IMPACT: Adoption of this Resolution does not have an impact on the FY 2017-18 C ity Budget. ATTACHMENT: A. Resolution 17-5263 ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION NO . 17-5263 A RESOL UTION OF TH E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMPL E CITY , CALI FORNI A CONFIRM IN G THE FACTORS USED FOR CALCULATI NG THE ANNUA L A PPROPRIATIO NS LIMIT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR (FY ) 2017-2018 WHEREAS, the voters of California in November, 1979 added Article XIIIB (Propos ition 4) to the State Constitution placing various lim itations on the appropriatio ns of the State and loca l governments ; and WHEREAS , the vo ters of California in Ju ne , 1990 mod ified A rtic le X III B by approv ing Proposition 11 1 and SB 88 (Chapter 60/90) w hich re vised t he a nnua l adjustmen t factors to be applied to the 1986-87 Li mit and each year thereafter; a nd WHEREAS , the decision as to which of the factors : a ) e ither the Ca liforni a Per Capita Income or the perce ntage change in the local assessment ro ll fro m the preceding year due to the addition of loca l non- resident ial construction in t he city ; and b) e ither t he city's own population growth or t he entire county ; must be done by a recorded vote of the City Council ; and WHEREAS , the C ity of Temple City has complied with all the prov isions of Article X I li B in determin ing the App ropriat ions Lim it for FY 201 7-18. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of T e mple City does reso lve , determine and order as fo llows: SECTION 1. The adjustment facto rs (the California Per Capita Incom e and the population growth of the Coun ty) a re to be applied to the FY 2016-17 Limit. SECTION 2. The accumulated growth in the calculation of these new factors are to be appli ed to the Approp riat ions Limit in FY 2016-17. SECTION 3. The A ppropria tio ns Limit fo r FY 201 7-18 shall be $20 ,180,423 for the City of T emple City as determ ined by Ex hibit 1, attached here to. SECTION 4 . The City Clerk shall ce rt ify to the adoption of th is resolution . APP ROVED A ND ADOPTED th is 20th day of J une , 2017. Cynthia Ste rn quist , Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FOR M: Peggy Ku o , City Clerk Eric Vai l, City Attorney EXHIBI T 1 ARTICLE Xlll-8 OF THE CALI FORNIA CONSTITU TI ON (GANN I NI TI ATI VE) Effective July 1 , 1980, Proposition 4 (Gann) put a limit on the City 's expenditures from tax revenues based on 1978-79 appropriations that is adjusted each succeeding year by Consumer Price Index and population changes . No n-Proceeds of Taxes (Fines and Forfeitures and User Fees) were not subject to this limit. In 1989-90 Proposition 11 1 was passed , which cha nged t he base year to 1986-87 and allows cities to adjust their limit annually by either the change in the California per cap ita income or the percentage change in growth in total assessed valuation due to non residential construction. For population changes , cities now have the option of using either the percentage increase of the City or the percentage increase of the e ntire county. T he law also all ows for the exclusion from the limit of "q ualified capital out lay" whic h includes any approp ri ati on for f ixed assets costing over $100 ,000. The 2017-2018 budget expenditures are well withi n the statutory limit. It should be noted that futu re revenues exceeding the limitation require a return of the excess to the taxpayers or a substantial port ion of such excess will be forfeited for State uses . COMPUTATION OF APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT 2017-2018 APP ROPRIAT IONS LI MIT 2016-171imit (1) Per Capita Income and City population change factor applied to 2016-17 appropriat ions limit 2017-2018 appropriations limit APPROPR IATIONS SUBJECT TO LI MIT AND APPROPR IATIONS MARGIN Proceeds of Taxes Less Exclusions: Qualified Capital Outlay Appropriations Subject to Limit Appropriat ions Margin $19,352 ,151 1.0428 $20 ,180,423 $11,264 ,600 1,894 ,790 $9 ,369 ,810 $10 ,810 ,613 (1) Reca lcu ted as a result of Proposition 111 and in accordance with gu idelines of the League of California Cities. Formal adoption for the FY 1991 -92 recalculated appropriations limit was approved by the City Council on Ju ly 2, 1991 . Page 2 of 6 Schedule of Calcu lations of Appropriations Lim it for Fiscal Year 2017-18 a) Revised Appropriation Lim it Ca lculation Increase Annual Base City or County In California A dj ustment App ropriations Fiscal Year Population G rowth Pe r Capita Income Factor Limit 1986-87 $5 ,097 ,81 1 1987-88 101.91% County 103.47% 105.45% 5 ,097,81 1 X 1.0545 5 ,375 ,642 1988-89 101 .62% County 104 .66% 106.36% 5 ,375 ,642 X 1.0636 5 ,717 ,533 1989-90 101.14% County 105.19% 106.39 % 5,717 ,533 X 1.0639 6 ,082 ,883 1990-91 101 .36% County 104 .2 1% 105.63 % 6 ,082 ,883 X 1.0563 6,425,349 1991-92 10 1.73% County 104.14% 105.94% 6,425 ,349 X 1.0594 6 ,807,015 1992-93 101.49% County 99 .36% 100.84% 6 ,807 ,015 X 1.0084 6 864 ,194 1993-94 101.42% City 102.72 % 104.18% 6 ,864 ,194 X 1.0418 7 151117 1994-95 100.79% City 100.71 % 101 .51 % 7 ,151 ,117 X 1.0151 7,259,099 1995-96 101.22% City 104 .72% 106.00% 7,259 ,099 X 1.0600 7 694 645 1996-97 100.63% City 104 .67% 105.33% 7 ,694 ,645 X 1.0533 8 104 770 1997-98 101.30% City 104.67 % 106.03 % 8,104,770 X 1.0603 8,593 ,488 1998-99 101 .39% County 104.15% 105.60% 8,593,488 X 1.0560 9 ,074 ,723 Page 3 of 6 Schedule of Calculations of Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2017-18 a) Revised Appropriatio n Li mit Ca lculation Increase Annual Base City o r County I n Ca lifornia Adjustment Appropriations Fiscal Year Popul ati o n G rowth Per Capita Income Factor Limit 1999-00 101 .78% County 104.53 % 106.39% 9 ,074 ,723 X 1.0639 9 ,654 ,598 2000-01 101 .75% County 104.91 % 106.75% 9 ,654 ,598 X 1.0675 10,306 ,283 2001-02 101 .66% County 107 .82 % 109.6 1% 10,306,283 X 1.0961 11 296 ,717 2002-03 101 .77% County 98 .73% 100.48% 11,296 ,717 X 1.0048 11 ,350 ,941 2003-04 101 .66% County 102.31% 104.01 % 11 ,350 ,941 X 1.0401 11 806 114 2004-05 101 .52% County 103.28 % 104.85 % 11,806 ,114 X 1.0485 12 ,378 ,7 11 2005-06 101 .50% County 105.26% 106.50 % 12 ,378 ,711 X 1.0650 13,183,327 2006-07 100.78% County 103.96% 104.77% 13,183,32 7 X 1.0477 13,812 ,172 2007-08 100.72% County 104.42% 105.17% 13 ,812 ,172 x1 .0517 14,526 ,261 2008-09 100.86% County 104.29% 105.19% 14,526,261 x1 .0519 15,280,174 2009-10 100.90% County 100.62 % 101 .53 % 15,2 80 ,174 x1.0153 15,513 ,961 2010-11 100.83% County 97.46 % 98.27% 15,513 ,961 X 0 .98 27 15,2 45,569 Page 4 of 6 Schedu le of C alcu latio ns of A pp rop riatio ns Limit f or Fi sca l Year 20 17-18 a) Revised Appro priation L imit Calcu lation In c rease Annual Base City o r County In Cal ifornia Adj ustment Appropr iations Fi scal Year Popu lation Growth Per Capita Income Factor Lim it 2011-12 100.38 % County 102 .51 % 1.029 % 15,245 ,569 X 1.0290 15,687 ,691 2012-13 100.38 % County 103.77% 1.042% 15,687 ,691 X 1.0416 16,34 0 ,299 2013-14 100.69% County 105.12% 1.059% 16,340 ,299 X 1.0585 17 ,296,206 2014-15 100.78% County 99 .77% 1.006% 17 ,296,206 X 1.0055 17,391 ,335 20 15-16 100 .82% County 10 3.82 % 1.047% 17 ,391 ,335 X 1.046 7 18,203,510 20 16-17 100.89% City 105.37 % 1.063% 18,203 ,510 X 1.0631 19,352 ,151 20 17-18 100.57% County 103.69% 1.043% 19,352 ,151 X 1.0428 20 ,180,423 Schedule of Calculations of Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2017-18 b) Past Appropriation Limit Calcu lation F iscal Year 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 City Population Growth 101 .72% 100.55% 99.19% 100.34% Increase In Consumer Price Ind ex 103 .04% 103.93 % 104.98 % 103.82% (1) Annual Adjustment Factor 104.80% 104.50 % 104.13% 104.68 % (1) The i ncrease in Cal ifornia Per Capita Incom e was used instead of the Consumer Price Index Page 5 of 6 Base Appropriations Lim it $5 ,097 ,8 11 5 ,097 ,8 11 X 1.0480 5,342 ,506 5,342 ,506 X 1.0450 5,582 ,919 5,582 ,9 19 X 1.0413 5,813 ,493 5,813 ,493 X 1.0468 6 ,085 ,565 Page 6 of 6 POPULATIO N GROWTH F iscal Yea r City County 1987-88 101 .72 % 101 .91 % 1988-89 100.55 % 101 .62% 1989-90 99.19% 101 .14% 1990-91 100.45% 101 .36% 1991-92 100.93 % 101 .73% 1992-93 100.93 % 101.49% 1993-94 10 1.42% 100.96 % 1994-95 100 .79% 100.75% 1995-96 10 1.22% 100.33% 1996-97 100.63% 100.48% 1997-98 101 .30% 101 .24% 1998-99 101 .37% 101 .39% 1999-00 101 .62% 101 .78 % 2000-0 1 101 .53 % 101 .75% 2001-02 101 .33% 101 .66% 2002-03 101 .69% 101 .77% 2003-04 101 .17% 101 .66 % 20 04-0 5 101 .89% 101.38% 2005-06 100.91 % 101 .18% 2006-07 100.09 % 100.78 % 2007-08 100.52 % 100.72% 2008-09 100.50 % 100.86% 2009-10 100.75 % 100.90% 2010-11 100.78 % 100.83% 2011-12 100.28 % 100.38 % 2012-13 100 .32 % 100.38 % 2013-14 100 .52% 100.69% 2014-15 100.44% 100.78% 2015-16 100.34 % 100.82 % 2016-17 100.89% 100.85% 2017-18 100.00% 100.57%