HomeMy Public PortalAbout15) 8C Public Hearing Levy of Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District AssessmentsDATE: TO: FROM: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM June 20 , 2017 The Honorable City Council Bryan Cook, City Manager By : Tracey L. Hause, Director of Administrative Serv ices AGENDA ITEM 8.C. SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING-RESOLUTION NO. 17-5256 ORDERING THE LEVY OF CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2017-18 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council : 1. Rece ive presentation from staff; 2 . Open the public hearing ; 3. Receive public input; 4 . Close the public hearing ; 5. Adopt Resolution No . 17-5256, ordering the levy and collection of assessments for FY 2017-18 . BACKGROUND: 1. On June 19 , 1979 , the City Council of Temple City adopted Resolution No . 79-1825 form ing the Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District (District) and confirmed assessments for the first time in FY 1979-80 . 2 . On April 23 , 1995 , after giving direction to staff to analyze the assessment methodology, the City Council received an Executive Summary that exp lained the recommended methodology changes and provided examples of the effects of the different alternatives . The City Council directed staff to make the approved changes to the District for the FY 1995-96 . Notices were ma i led to a ll property owners outlining the changes to the methodo logy and stating the assessment amount proposed for each property and that a Consumer Price Index (CPI ) C ity Council June 20 , 201 7 Page 2 of 4 escalator was included in the District. The changes were approved after a formal publ ic hearing . 3. On November 5 , 1996 , California voters approved Proposition 218 , also known as "The Right to Vote on Taxes Act". The City was able to continue to levy assessments at the current rate for the C itywide Lighting and Maintenance District since Proposition 218 allowed certain exemptions for existing assessments. However, any increase in the assessment , including the addition of a CPI escalator, would require a ballot be mailed to each property owner subj ect to the assessment , and that a majority of property owners returning the ir ballot must approve of the increased assessment. Further, Proposition 218 required that the local agency distinguish between general and direct benefit and shall only assess for direct benefit. At that time, the parks assessment was considered to be a gene ral benefit. 4 . On July 1, 1997, the City discontinued assessments for park maintenance operations . The park maintenance program is currently funded through the General Fund . 5 . Pursuant to the 1972 State Lighting and Landscape Act, an engineer's report must be prepared for each fiscal year in wh ich assessments are levied and collected for the City's Lighting and Maintenance District. The eng ineer's report identifies eligible program expendit ures , establishes the Lighting and Maintenance District's operating budget, updates individual property assessments , and documents the City's compliance with all applicable laws . 6 . On March 7 , 2017 , the City Council adopted Resolution No . 17-5238 orde ri ng the engineering firm of Harris & Associates to prepare the required Engineer's Report for FY 2017-18, pursuant to the 1972 State Lighting and Landscape Act. The engineer's report identifies eligible program expenditures , establishes the District's operating budget, updates individual property assessments , and documents the City's compliance w ith all applicable laws . 7 . On May 16 , 2017 , the City Council adopted Resolution No . 17-5252, declaring the City's intention to levy and collect Lighting and Maintenance District assessments for FY 2017-18 and establishing the time and place for hearing public objecti ons . 8 . On June 8 , 2017 , an amended notice declaring the City's intention to levy and collect Lighting and Maintenance District assessment for FY 2017-18 was publ ished in the Temple City Tribune . ANALYSIS: The Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 allows the establ ishment of assessment districts by cities for the purpose of providing certain public improvements which include Cit y Cou ncil June 20 , 201 7 Page 3 of 4 construct ion , maintenance and serv icing of street lights , traffic s igna ls, landscap in g , and park and recreation facilities. The 197 2 Act also requires that maintenance assessments be levied according to direct benefit rather than according to assessed va l ue . The City Counci l formed the Temple City Ci tywide Lighting and Ma i ntena nce District on June 19 , 1979 and confi rmed assessments beginn i ng in FY 1979-80 . Each fisca l year , the City Counci l considers a resolution to levy and collect assessments necessary to fund ex ist i ng District programs . Utilizing the direct benefit assessment methodo logy established in 1995 , each year the City supplements revenue generated by the existing District to finance the cost of providing maintenance and operation of a street l igh t ing system and to cover the costs of providing maintenance and operation of the traffic signals in the City. T hese assessments also cover the cost of ma intaining the median and parkway landscaping in the City. Annual Program Cost Summa ry and Budget Deta il The Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 requires the preparation of an Engineer's Report each fiscal year for whi c h assessments are levied and collected . In general , the Engineer's Report determ ines eligible program expenditures , updates i ndividual property assessments , an d documents the Ci ty 's compliance with a ll applica bl e la w s . Assessment Rate Formulas The Ad Valorem tax (i.e ., ta x based on the assessed va lue of real estate or personal property) revenue is used exclusively to fund t he street lig ht ing program , traffic signals , and related capital improvements . All residential p roperties a re equally assessed for Citywide maintenance programs . Comme rcial , industrial a nd i nst itutional property assessments are determ i ned by total area (ac reage) based on an equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) formu la . T he average single-family residential parcel in Temple City is approximately 7 ,200 square feet or one (1) EDU , wh ich is appro ximately six parcels per acre . Therefore , commercia l, industrial and institu ti onal properties are assessed at an amount equa l to s ix res identia l parcels per acre . Church properties are assessed 75 % of the commercial rate , w hich is equivalent to 4 .5 EDU 's per acre . City Council June 20 , 201 7 Page 4 of 4 The followi ng table shows the summary of the annual assessment for each zone : SUMMARY OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS PER EDU Benefit Benefit Benefit Benefit Asmt Rate Ca tegory of Benefit Zo ne A Zone B Zone C ZoneD Citywide landsca ping , traffi c X X X X signal , media ns and pa rkway Citywide Street Lighti ng X X X X Direct Street Lighti ng X X X Rosemead/Las Tunas Medians X Ci ty Center Parkways X Total Asmt ($/EDU) FY 14-15 $25.03 $25.03 $45.51 $79.82 Tota l Asmt ($/E DU) FY 13-14 $25 .03 $25.03 $4 5.51 $79.82 Note : An "X " in the tab le above ind icates the category of benefit included in each Zone . The total assessment per zone is the sum of the assessments for each category of benefit. CITY STRATEGIC GOALS: ($/EDU) $25 .03 $0 .00 $0 .00 $20.48 $54.79 As a resul t of the City Council accepting the Eng i neer's Report for the Temple C ity Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District for FY 2017-18 and adopting Resolution No 17-5256, the City will further the Strategic Goa l to promote Good Governance. FISCAL IMPACT: Approva l of this agenda item will allow the City to continue the process to set the assessment rates for the FY 2017-18 Lighting and Maintenance District and generate an estimated $330 ,000 in assessment revenues . The General Fund will supplement a portion of the remaining costs of approximately $334 ,390 , providing funding for the citywide street lighting , tree maintenance , and traffic signal maintenance programs . ATTACHMENTS: A. Resolut i on No . 17-5256 B. Engineer's Report for Temple City C itywid e Lighting and Maintenance District - FY 2017-18 ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION NO . 17-5256 A RESO LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE C ITY, CALIF ORNIA, ORDERING THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF ASS ESS MENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2017-18 WITHIN THE CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT, PURSUANT TO THE STAT E LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND AUTHORIZING THE ADDITION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FEES TO THE TAX BILLS W HEREAS, the City Council of the City of Temple City, on May 16 , 2017 , adopted Resolution of Intention No . 17-5252, to levy and collect assessments for FY 2017-18 within the Citywi de Lighting and Maintenance District, wh ich resolut ion was pub lished as required by law and witnessed by proof of pu blication on file in the office of the City Clerk; and , WHEREAS, as a result of an error in t he notice of the Public Hearing in Resolution of Intention No . 17-5252, the City Council of the City of Temple City, on June 6, 2017 , readopted adopted Resolution of Intention No. 17-5252, to levy and collect assessments for FY 2017-18 within the Citywide Lighting and Ma intenance District, which resolution wa s published as requ ired by law and witnessed by proof of publication on file in the office of the City Clerk ; and , WHEREAS, the City Counci l has received and considered evidence , in cluding oral and written testimony regarding the ju ri sd ictional facts in th is proceeding and the necessity for the proposed work and benefits to be derived there from ; and , WHEREAS, the City Counci l has the authority to establish and order the coll ection of the proposed assessments; and , WHEREAS, the County of Los Angeles is responsible for entering special assessment fees on the tax bills , which the County collects on the C ity's behalf pursuant to the genera l services agreement between the City of Temple City and County of Los Angeles and in accord ance with Government Code Sections 51800 and 29304; and , WHEREAS, under the terms of sa id agreement , the City of Temple City requests the County of Los Ange les enter the City's special assessment fees on the tax bills for the C ity . NOW, TH EREFO RE, the City Council of the City of Temple City does hereby resolve as follows : SECTION 1 . T he City Cou ncil of the City of Temple City approves the report filed by the eng ineer. SECTION 2. T he p ubl ic interest and conven ience requ ire the ordering of the levy and collection of as sessments for FY 2017-18 . There for e, the C ity Council he reby orders the levy and collect ion of assessments within the Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District. SECTION 3. The adopt io n of this reso lution constitutes the levy of the assessments as set forth in the eng ineer's report for FY 2017-18. Resolution No. 17-5256 Page 2 SECTION 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and d irected to file a certified copy of the diagram and assessment with the Auditor of the County of Los Angeles no later t han the th ird Monday in August 2017. SECT ION 5 . The City Council hereby requests the County enter City special assessment fees collected by the County on the City's behalf, on the tax bills for the City. SECTION 6 . T he City Cle r k shall certify to the passage and adoptio n of this resolu ti on . PASSED , APPROVED , AND ADOPTED on th is 20th day of June, 2017 . Mayo r ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM : Peggy Kuo , City Clerk Eric Vail, City Attorney I hereby ce rt ify that the foregoing resolution , Resolution No . 17-5256, was du ly passed , approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Temple City at a special meeting held on the 20th day of June 2017 , by the following vote: AYES : Council member: NOES: Councilmember: ABSE NT: Counci lmember: ABSTAIN : Councilmember: City Clerk ,--- ENGINEER•s REPORT for TEMPLE CITY CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Fisca l Yea r 2017-18 for the City of Temple City Los Angeles County, California April 20 , 2017 B Harris & Associates City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF TEMPLE CITY CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT April 20, 2017 Page i The und ersigned res pe ctful ly submits the e nclosed report as directe d by the City Counci l. DATED : April20, 2017 B I Ha rris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District ENGINEER'S REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2017-18 TABLE OF CONTENTS Apri l 20, 2017 Pag e ii Subm it ta l and Acknow ledgmen t s ................................................................................... i Introduction .................................................................................................................. iii Report ........................................................................................................................... 1 Part A -Plans and Specifications ............................................................................ 3 Part B -Estim ate of Cost ......................................................................................... 5 Part C -Assessment Roll ......................................................................................... 6 Part D -Met hod of Apportionment of Assessment ................................................ 7 PartE -Property Owner List ................................................................................. 13 Part F -Assessment Dist ri ct Diagra m ................................................................... 14 B I Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District INTRODUCTION April 20, 2017 Page iii The purpose of this report is to set forth finding s and eng ineering analysis for the Temple City Citywide Lig hting and Maintenance District for the 2017 -18 fiscal year. This District, utilizing d irect benefit assessments , (1) supplements revenue generated by the existing 1919 Act Temple City Munici pal Lighting District to finance the cost of providing mai nte na nce and operation of a st reet lighting system and covers the costs of providing maintenance and operation of the traffic sig nal s in the City, and (2) covers the costs of mainta ining the median and parkway landscaping i n the City of Temple City. The City Counci l of Temple City adopted Resolution No. 79-1825 on June 19, 1979, wh ich formed the Temple City Citywide Lighting and Ma intenance District and confirmed assessments for the first f isc al year, 1979-80. Following the completio n of the District p roceedings for FY 1994-95 , the City Council d irected staff to analyze the assess ment methodology. The purpose of the study was to ve r ify that properties were being assessed in proportion to the benefit received . An Executive Summary explaining the finding s, detailing recommended methodology changes , and providing examp les of the effects of the different alternatives w as completed and submitted to the Ci t y Cou ncil. On Apri l 23 , 1995, the City Cou nci l received t he Executive Summary, approved the recommended changes , and d i rected staff to make the approved changes to the District for FY 1995-96. Notices were mailed to all property owners outlining the changes to the methodo logy, and stating the as sessment amount proposed for each p roperty and that a CP I esca lator was i ncluded in the District. The changes were approved after a formal protest hearing which wa s held prior to the pas sage of Proposition 218. Fo llowing the passage of Propo sition 218 i n Novembe r, 1996, the City has been able to continue to levy as sess ment at the current rate since Proposition 218 allowed certain exemptions for existing assessments . However, although the City adopted the inclu sion of a CP I esca lator prior to the passage of Prop. 218, following the pas sage of Prop. 2 18 any increase in the assessment, inc l uding the additi on of a CPI escalator, will require that a ballot be mailed to each property owner subj ect to the assessment, and that a majority of property owners (weighte d by asse ss ment amou nt) retu rnin g their ball ot must app rove of the increase in the as sessment. In addition, any other changes needed to compl y with the requirements of Proposition 218 would have to be made at that time. This report reflects those changes and covers the le vy of annual assessme nts for t he 2017 -18 fiscal yea r. Il l Harris & Associates~ City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District ENGINEER'S REPORT PREPARED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 SECTION 22500 THROUGH 22679 OF THE CALIFORNIA STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE FISCAL YEAR 2017-18 April 20, 2017 Page 1 Pursuant to Part 2 of Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California , and in accordance wit h the Resolution of Initiation, adopted by the City Council of the City of Temple City, State of California, in connection with the proceed i ngs for: CITY OF TEMPLE CITY CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT hereinafter referred to as the "Assessme nt District" or "District", I, K. Dennis Klingelhofer, P.E., the authorized representative of Harris & Associates, the duly appoi nted ENGINEER OF WORK, subm it herewith the "Report" consisting of six (6) parts as follows: PART A PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Plans and specificatio ns for the improvements are as set forth on the lists thereof, attached hereto, and are on file in the Offi ce of the City Clerk and are incorporated here i n by reference. PARTS ESTIMATE OF COST An estimate of the costs of the proposed improvements, inc lud ing i ncidenta l costs and expenses i n co nne ction therewith, is as set forth on the lists thereof, attached hereto, and are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference . Ill Harris & Associates. City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District PARTC ASSESSMENT ROLL April 20, 2017 Pa ge 2 An assessment of the estimated cost of the improvements on each benefited lot or parcel of land with in the Assessment Di st ri ct. PARTD METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT The method of apportionment of assessments, indicating the proposed assessment of the net amount of the costs and expenses of the improvements to be assessed upon the severa l lots and parcels of land within the Assessment District, in proportion to the estimated special benefits to be received by such lots and parcels. The Assessment Roll is filed in the Office of the City Clerk and by reference is made a part he reof. PARTE PROPERTY OWNER LIST A list of the names and addresses of the owners of real property within this Assessment District , as shown on the last equa l ized roll of the Assessor of the County of Los Angeles . The list is keyed to the records of the Assessor of the County of Los Angeles , wh ich are incorporated herein by referen ce. PART F ASSESSMENT DISTRICT DIAGRAM The Diagram of t h e Assessment District Boundaries showi ng the exterior boundari es of the Assessment District, the boundaries of any zones within the Assessment Di strict and the l ines and dim ensions of eac h lot or parcel of land within the Assessment District are on file in the Offi ce of the City Clerk and in co rporated herein by reference . B I Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District PART A PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Apr il 20 , 2017 Page 3 The installation of pl anting, landscaping, irrigation systems, lighting and the construction of ap pu rtenant faci lities to be operated, serviced and maintained within the City of Temple City, i s generally described as follows : DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2017-18 The facilities to be constructed , maintained and serviced are the streets and sidewalks with i n the Dist r ict, including st r eet l ighting, traffic signals, street trees, median and parkway, landscaping and hardscaping. The District will supple ment revenue generated by the existing 1919 Act Temple City Municipal Lighting District, an d will fund costs in connection with the Di strict maintenance and servicing including, but not limited to, personnel, electrical energy, water, materia ls, contracting services , and other expenses necessary for the satisfactory operation of these facilities . Reference is made to Part "D" of this report for a discussion of the Zones of Benefit and the facil ities associated with them which are serviced and ma intained . The improvements are described as follows : Landscaping and Appurtenant Facilities Facilities incl ude but are not limited to: Landscaping, planting, shrubbery, trees, irrigation systems, hardsca pes, fixtures, sidewa lk maintenance resulting from landscape growth and appurtenant faciliti es, in public street and sidewalk rights-of-way, medians, parkways and ded icated easements within the boundaries of said Assessment Distri ct. Lighting, Traffic Signals and Appurtenant Facilit ies Facilities include but are not limited to: Po les, fixtures, bu lb s, conduits, con ductors, equipment including guys, anchors, posts and pe destals, metering device s and appurtenant facilit i es as required to provide lighting and traffic signals in public str eet and si dewalk rights-of-way and dedicated easements within the boundaries of said Assessment District . Il l Ha rris & Associates. City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District Ap ril20 , 2017 Page 4 The public lighting system shall be maintained to provide adequate illumination. The traffic signal system shall be maintained based on the City specifications and current industry standards. Elec tricity f or street lights and traffic signals shall be furnished, and it shall be adequate fo r the intend ed purpose. Rates for power sha ll be those authorized by the California Public Uti lities Commission . Maintenance means the furnish i ng of services and materials for the ordinary and usual opera t ion, maintenance and servicing of the landscaping, public lighting fa cilities and appurtenant facil it i es within the public street ri ght-of-way, includ ing repair, remo val or replacement of all or part of any of the landscaping, public li ghting faci li ties or appu rtenant facilities; providing for the life, growth , health an d beauty of the landscaping, includ ing cu ltivation, irrigation, trimming, spraying, fertilizing and treating for disease or injury; the remov al of trimm ings, rubbish, debris and other solid waste; and the cleaning, sandblasti ng and painting of walls and other improvements to remove or cover graffiti. Servic ing means the furnishing of water for th e irr igation of the landscaping and the ma in tenan ce of any of the public lighting facilities o r app urtenant faci lities with in the street righ t -of-way and the f urnishin g of elect ri c e ner gy for th e publi c li ghting faciliti es, l an ds caping or appurtenant facilities. The plans and speci fi cat ions for the improve ments, showing the general nature, location, and ex t ent of t he improvemen t s, are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are by reference here in made a part of this report. B I Ha rris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District PART B ESTIMATE OF COST April 20, 2017 Page 5 The est i mated cost of the construction, operation, servicing and maintenance of the street and sidewalk improvements fo r f isc al year 2017 -18, as described i n Part A, are summarized herein and described below. A ll costs incl ude admin i stratio n and utilitie s where applicable. I ITEM COST ESTIMATE I. ANNUAL COSTS STREET LIGHTING AND TRAFFIC SIGNALS STREET LIGHTS $359,930 TRAFFI C SIGNALS AND SAFETY LIGHTING $156,500 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $0 TO TAL EXPENDITURES $516,430 COLLE CTIONS/( CREDITS) APPLIED TO LEVY 1919 ACT AD-VALOREM REVENUE ($990,000) RESERVE COLLECTION/(TRANSFER ) $0 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS ($990,000) BALANCE TO LIEVY FOR LIGHTING $0 II. LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS LANDS CAPING Citywide Trees and Medians $641,350 Rosemead/las Tunas Median Maintenance $10,000 Ro semead Bou levard $44,000 City Center Parkways $24,000 TOTAL LANDSCAPING $719,350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $0 VEHIC LES AND EQUI PMENT $0 TOTA L EXPENDITURES $719,350 COLLECT IONS/( CREDITS) APPLIED TO LEVY RESERVE COLLECTION/(TRANSFER ) GENERAL FUND CO NTRIB UTION / LOAN ($392,217) CONTRIBUTION FROM GAS TA X $0 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS ($392,217) BALANCE TO LEVY FOR LANDSCAPING $320,133 Ill. TOTAL TO BE ASSESSED COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGE $7,000 APPLIED CHARGES TO LEVY $327,133 IV FUND BALANCE INFORMATION FUND BALANCE 7/1 $1,465,695 INTE REST $1,500 TRAN SFER FROM GENERA L FUND $0 PROJECTED YEAR END FUND BALANCE 6/30 $1,467,195 The 1972 Act requires that a spec ial fund be setup for the revenues and expenditures of the District. Funds ra ised by assess ment sha ll be used only fo r the pu rpose as stated herein . A contribution to the Distr ic t by the City may be made to reduce assessments, as the City Council deem s approp ri ate . Any balance or deficit remainin g on July 1 must be carrie d over to t he ne xt fisca l year. Il l Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District PARTC ASSESSMENT ROLL April 20, 2017 Page 6 The proposed assessment and the amount of assessment for Fiscal Year 2017-18 apportioned to each lot or parcel, as shown on the latest roll at the Asses sor's Office are contained in the Assessment Roll on file i n the office of the City Clerk of the City of Temp le City, which is incorporated here i n by reference. The description of each lot or parcel is part of the records of the Assessor of the County of Los Angeles and these r eco rd s are, by reference, made part of this Report. Il l Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District PARTD METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT GENERAL April 20, 2017 Page 7 Part 2 of Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code , the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, permits th e establishment of assessment di stricts by cities for the purpose of provid ing certain public improvements whic h includ e the construction, maintenance and servicing of street lights, traffic signals, landscaping an d park and recreational facilities . Sec t ion 22573, landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 requires that maintenance assessments be levied according to benefit r ather t h an according to assessed val ue. This section states: "The net amount to be assessed upon lands wit hin an assessment district may be apportioned by any formula or method which fairly distributes the net amount among all assessab le lots or parcels in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by each such lot or parce l from the improvements ." Because assessmen ts are levied on the basis of benefit, they are not a tax, and, therefore, are not governed by Artic le XI I lA of th e California Constitution. The Act permits the designati on of zones of benefit within any individual assessment district if "by reason of variations in the nature, location, and extent of the improvements, the various areas will receive different degrees of benefit from the improvements." (Sec . 22574). Thus, the 1972 Act r equires the levy of a true "benefit assessment " rather than a "s pecial tax." The Act also permits certain parcels to be exempt from assessment. Excepted from these assessments are areas of all publicly owned property such as: pub lic streets, public avenue s, public lanes, public roads, public drives, public courts, public alleys, all publ ic easements and rights -of-way, all public parks, green belts and parkways, and all public property being used for public purposes, as well as utility owned property. Also exce pted from these assess ments are common areas in multiple lot/unit developments; undeveloped lots and parce ls that are of such size and/or config uration and loc ation that the City 's current zoning and subdivision laws prohibit beneficia l deve lopment and usage . PARCEL CLASSIFICATION All parcels in the City ofT em pie City derive specia l benefit from the street lighting and traffic signal system, general landscape maintenance in the streets and sidewalks, arterial highway media n maintenance on Sa nta Anita Bouleva rd , Bald win Avenue, Rosemead Boule va rd an d Las Tunas Drive, and arteria l parkway maintenance on Las Tunas Drive (City Center Parkwa y Improvements). The intent of t his report is to establish a methodology tha t fairly distributes the cost in relation to the special benefits rece ived . = I Ha rris & Associates - City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District April 20, 2017 Page 8 Although frontage is an established means o f assessment, the Equivalent Dwelling Unit method is usually seen as more appropriate and equitable for la nd scape and lighting districts, as the benefit to each parcel from the improvements being maintained extends beyond the front of their property; therefore, assessments are apportioned as a function of land-use type and size. This may be more clearly shown by taking an example of a co mmercial property on a "flag lot." Two parce ls may be essenti a lly the same size , but under a frontage method of assessment, one parcel would be assessed more than the other. This provides an assessment spread to the two commercial properties which is not commensurate with the benefit each of them receives . The si ngle-family parcel has been selecte d as th e basic unit of ca lcu lation of assessments and is defined as one Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU). A methodology has been deve loped to calculate the EDUs for other residential uses and for non-residential parcels , as described below. • Residential. All r es idential uses a r e assessed 1 EDU per dwelling unit. • Commercial/Industrial . Commercial, Industrial and Institutiona l parcels are converted to EDUs based on the lot size of each parcel of land . In converti ng these properties to EDUs, the factor used is the City o f Temple City's ave r age si ngle family res id ential lot size of 7,200 square feet, which is approxi mately 6 lo t s per acre. Th erefore, commercial/ind ustrial parcels are assessed six (6) EDUs per acre. • Churches . The City Council has ordered that church-owned properties receive a 25 percent reduction to the asses sment rate. Therefore, church properties with residential uses are assessed 0.75 EDUs per dwelling unit. All other church pro perties are assessed 75 percent of the commercial/industrial rate, which calc ul ates to 4.5 EDUs per acre. Th e land use classifica tion fo r each parcel has been based on the Los Angeles County Assesso r 's Roll. SPECIAL BENEFIT DETERMINATION Property values in a community are individually increased when public infrastructure such as street lights and traffic signals, and landscaping facilities are in place, improved, operab le, safe, clea n and maintained . Street Lighting and Traffic Signals The proper function ing of street lighting and traffic signals is imperative for the welfare and safety of the public and p roperty throughout the City . Proper maintenance and servicing of the street lighting system benefits properties within the District by providing proper i llumination for ingress and egress and safe t rave li ng at nig ht. Properties w ithin the Di strict also be nefit from the proper functioning of t he District's traffic signa l system . Proper operation of the st reet light and traffic signal systems is imperative to p ubli c convenience , orde rl y traffic flow, e nhanced congestion management and safety. Improved secu rity, fuel conservation, protectio n of property from crime and vandalism , and reduction of traffic accidents, are specia l and direct benefits to all properties within the City; lighting B I Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District Apri l 20, 2017 Page 9 benefits are directly related to public safety and property protection and therefore i ncrease property values. Street Landscaping The City maintains trees and miscellaneous shrubbery t hroughout the City. The trees and shrubbery are located within the public right-of-way. These trees and shru bbery provide an aesthetically pleasing environment, shade, beautification, and according to some authorities, air purification and so und attenuation . These pos itive attributes increase the va lue of all properties throughout the Cit y. There are two types of spe cial benefits: Ci tywi de Benefits and Loca l Benefits. CITYWIDE BENEFITS Special benefits that are rece ived by all parcels in the City are co nsidered Citywide Benefits , and the associated costs of these benefits are sp r ead equally , based on Equivalent Dwelling Units, to all parcels within the District. City-wide Benefits that en hance the value of all properties w ithin the District include landscape maintenance thro ughout the City, the ope ration an d maintenance of t ra ffic signals, and street ligh ting and median maintenance on the major thoroughfares, which are the ma in travel ways of the City. LOCAL BENEFITS Special benefits that are considered local benefits correspond to higher lev el s of improvements to parcels in the im mediate area . The associated costs of these be nefits are spread equally over the local area, based on Equivalent Dwe lling Units . • Local Lighting Streetlights adjacent to or near a parcel of la nd provide a special and direct Local Benefit to that parcel. The added secur ity, reduction in traffic acc idents and increased aesthetics benefit the surrounding parcels and thereby enhance the value of the parcels. All parcels with streetlig hts in thei r vici nity re ceive a Local Benefit. • Rosemead Boulevard and Las Tunas Drive Medians Th ese improvement s are located along Rosemead Boulevard, from Broadway to Herm osa, and Las Tun as Drive, from Muscatel to Sultana, and consist of median improvements i ncluding land sc api ng, irriga tion and hardscape. Th e improvements are l ocated on maj or arterials, and the re fore provide benefit to all parcels within the City. However, the comme r cial properties directly adjacent to these improvements recei ve a direct Local Benefit in addition to the Citywide Benefit, due to economic enhancement B I Harris & Associates . City of Te m ple City Citywide Ligh t ing and Maintenance District Ap ril 2 0, 2017 Pa g e 10 relating to parkway beautificat i on and increased desirability of the surroundings which provides additional increases in property value . Because the improvements provide a Citywide Benefit and a Local Benefit, it is proposed that the costs for maintaining and servi cing these improvements be d ivided so that half of the cost is spread Citywide and ha lf of the cost is spread to the local area of benefit. • Cit y Ce nt e r Par kway Improvemen t s These i mprovements are located along Las Tunas Dri v e, from Cloverly to Kauffman, and consist of parkway improvements including ra ised planters, automatic irrigation, street trees, deco r at ive li ghting fixt ures, tree grates, benches, and hardscape . The improvements are located on major arterials, and therefore provide benefit to all parcels within the City. However, the commercia l properties d i re ct ly ad j acent to these improveme n ts receive a direct Local Benefit in addition to the Citywide Benefit, due to economic enhancement relat i ng to parkway beautification and increased desirability of the surroundings which provides additional increases in property value . Because the im provements provide a Citywide Benefit and a Local Benefit , it is proposed that the costs for maintaining and servicing these improvements be divided so that half of the cost is spread Citywide and half of the cost is spread to t he local area of benefit . ZONE CLASSIF ICATIONS A system of zones has been developed to identify the specific benefit each parcel receives . The zones are as follows : Zone A -This zone includes all properties receiv i ng a local lighting benefit. They are assessed for local li ghting, as well as the Citywide Benefits . Zone B -This zone incl ud es all properties t h at receive only Citywide Benefits . Zone C -Rosemead Boulevard/Las Tunas Drive Med ia n Lands cap ing. This zone i ncludes all commercial parcels abu tting t he Rosemead Boulevard/Las Tunas Drive medians. They are assessed the Rosemead Boulevard/Las Tunas Drive Med i an Loca l Benefit, as well as t h e Citywide Benefits and Direct Lighting Benefit. Zone D -City Center Parkway Imp rovements . This zone includes commercia l parcels abutting the City Center Parkway Improvements. They are assessed the City Center Parkway Improvement Loca l = I Ha rris & Associates. ------------------------·-- City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District Benefit, as well as the Citywide Benefits and Direct Lighting Benefit. INVENTORY OF PARCELS April 20, 2017 Pag e 11 The following information was obtained from the Los Angeles County Assessor's Roll and the City of Temple City. Dwelling Land Use Parcels Units Acres EDU Exempt 179 n/a n/a Single Family Reside ntia l (SFR} Parcels 8,700 5,700 n/a 8,700.00 Multi-Fami ly Residential (MFR} Parcels 911 3,033 n/a 3,033 .00 Commercial/Industrial 401 n/a 148 .09 888.54 Churches 42 11 30 .38 144.97 TOTAL: 10,233 8,744 178.47 12,766.52 The distribution of ED Us per Zone is as fo ll ows: Zone EDU A 9,504.27 B 2,968.25 c 248.35 D 45.65 Total 12,766.52 ASSESSMENT SUMMARY The following table shows the summary of the annual assessments for each Zone of Benefit. Benef1t Benef1t Benef1t Benef1t Asmt Rate Category of Benef1t Zone A Zone B Zone C ZoneD ($/EDU) Citywi de landscapi ng, t raffic X X X X $25 .03 signal , medians, and parkway Citywide Street Lighting X X X X $0.00 Di rect Street Lighting X X X $0.00 Rosemead/Las Tunas Medians X $20.48 City Center Parkways X $54.79 Total Asmt ($/EDU) FY 17-18 $25.03 $25 .03 $45.51 $79.82 Total Asmt ($/EDU) FY 16-17 $25.03 $25 .03 $45.51 $79.82 An "X" in the tabl e above ind icates t he ca tegory of benefit included in each Zone. The total assessment per zone is t he sum of the assessments for each catego ry of benefi t. Ill Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District April20, 2017 Page 12 Because the 1919 Act Ligh ting Maintenance District revenue covers the entire FY 2017-18 street lighting and traffic signa l budgets, there are no st reet lighting assessments . SAMPLE CALCULATIONS Samp le calculatio ns for various land use types in Zones A and Bare provided in the table below. Total Land-Use EDU Calculation ED Us FY 2017-18 Asmt SFR 1 DU x 1 EDU /DU = 1.00 $25 .03 Condom ini um 1 DU x 1 EDU/DU = 1.00 $25 .03 3-Unit Apartm ent 3 DU x 1 EDU/DU = 3.00 $75.09 10-Unit Apartment 10 DU x 1 ED U/DU = 10.00 $250.30 Y. acre Church Y. ac x 4.5 EDU/ac = 1.13 $28 .16 1 acre Chu rc h 1 ac x 4.5 EDU /ac = 4.50 $112.64 1/8 acre Com/ln d 1/8 ac x 6 EDU/ac = 0.75 $18 .77 Y. acre Co m/lnd Y. a c x 6 EDU/ac = 1.50 $37.55 Y2 acre Com/l nd Y2 ac x 6 EDU/ac = 3.00 $75.09 1 acre Com/lnd 1 ac x 6 EDU /ac = 6 .00 $150.18 5 acre Com/lnd 5 ac x 6 EDU/ac = 30.00 $750.90 B I Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District PARTE PROPERTY OWNER LIST April 20, 2017 Pa ge 13 A list of names and addresses of the owners of all parcel s w ith i n this Distri ct is shown on the last equalized Property Ta x Roll of the Assesso r of the County of Lo s Angele s, which by r eference is hereby made a part of t h is re port. This li st is keyed to t he Assess or's Parcel Numbers as sh own on the Assess ment Roll on file in t h e Office of t he Clerk of t he City of Te mpl e City. B I Harris & Associates* City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District PARTF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT DIAGRAM April 20, 2017 Page 14 The boundaries o f t he Distri ct are coterm inous with the boundaries of the City of Temple City. A diagram showi ng t he ex t e r io r boundaries of the District, the bou nda ries of any zones within the Assessment Dist ric t , an d the li nes and d ime nsions of eac h lot o r parce l of land within the Dis trict is on f il e in the Office of th e City Cler k and incorpo r ated herein by reference . The l ines and dimensions of each lot or parce l withi n the Dist r ict are those l ines and dimensions shown on the ma ps of the Assessor of t he County of Los Angeles for the fiscal year to which th is report applies . The Assessor's maps and re co rd s are incorpora ted by reference here i n and made part of this report. Il l Harris & Associ ates .