HomeMy Public PortalAbout16) 8D Public Hearing Proposed FY 2017-18 City BudgetDATE : TO: FROM : ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM J une 20, 20 17 T he Ho no rable City Council Bryan C ook , City Manager By: Tracey L. Hause , Administrative SeNices Director AGENDA ITEM 8.0 . SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING -ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR {FY) 2017-18 CITY BUDGET AND FIND THAT THE CITY IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 66000 RECOMMENDATION: Th e City Cou nci l is requ e sted to : 1. Receive presentat ion from staff; 2 . Open the pu b lic hearing ; 3. Receive public inp ut ; 4 . Close the public he aring ; 5. Based on public comments and City Council discuss ion , direct staff to make changes, if necessary, to the Proposed FY 2017-18 City Budget document ( Proposed Budget); and 6 . A dopt Reso lution No . 17-5261 (Attachme nt "A"), approv in g the Proposed FY 2017-18 City Budget a nd maki ng t he findi ng th at the City is i n compliance with Government Code Section 66000 . BACKGROUND: 1. On January 1, 1997, Senate Bill (SB) 1683 made certain changes to Assembly B ill (A B) 1600 settin g f orth a standard in which fees imposed on development projects are to be measure d . Government Code Section 66000 requires the C ity Council to review the A B 1600 report which shows compliance with the p rov isions . 2 . On May 4 , 20 17 , staff submitted t he Proposed FY 2017-18 City Budget document to th e C ity Co un cil. City Counc il June 20 ,2017 Page 2 of 8 3 . On May 9 , 2017, the Budget Ad Hoc Committee began the ir review of the Proposed Budge t. 4 . On May 19 , 2017 , the Budget Ad Hoc Committee continued their review of the Proposed Budget. 5 . On May 30 , 2017 , the City Council he ld a Budget Study Session . Staff presented an overv iew of the Proposed Budget and programs for each Department. 6 . On June 8 , 2017 , a Notice of Public Hearing for the adoption of Proposed City Budget and that the City is in compliance with Government Code Section 6600 , were published in the legal notice section of the Temple City Tribune . ANALYSIS : WHERE WE HAVE BEEN: In comparison to other Southern California mun icipalities , Temp le City weathered the economic downturn fairly well , having experienced stable growth rates in property values. However, because local sales tax revenues have flat-lined in the last severa l years and the dramatic changes in the retai l market has reshuffled the region 's loca l sa les tax base . There is also a general sense that econom ic growth both locally , regionally , and nationally w i ll either s lowdown or have sustained leve ls of slow growth , hence requiring the City to prudently manage expend iture and program growth . To fund its programs and activities , the City uses multiple resources-among wh ich include state and federal transportation revenues and various grant monies . But the chief operating fund out of which the City pays for general services and activities is the General Fund , comprised primarily of local tax revenues , license and permit fees , charges for services , and interest on investments . And in any g iven yea r when the City experiences revenue surpluses and unspent allocations , they are set aside as savings i n the General Fund Reserves (GFR). Over the last several decades , the City was able to accumulate a s ignificant GFR. Even with the use of reserves this year, the City has an extraordinarily healthy leve l of reserves at 111 % of operating expenditures . While there is not a requ ired level of reserves , having a reserve level at 111% or above is considered to be very healthy for most government agencies . It is anticipated that in FY 2017-18 the City 's General Fund will not run the level of surplus as in prior years , hence not adding additional resou rces to the GFR. MOVING FORWARD FY 2017-18: The FY 2017-18 City Budget, serves as the gu id ing document for the delivery of services for Temple City. Because of prudent prior decisions by the City Council , conservat ive and thoughtful revenue projections , the City is in a strong financia l position . In preparing the Budget staff took careful consideration making adjustments and modest increases City Council June 20 , 2017 Page 3 of 8 where necessary to provide the services required , and where possible manag ing the increases in expenditures so that the immediate and long term ab ility to meet the City 's obligations is not comprom ised . This budget is not entirely, but somewhat depe ndent, on the growing res id e nti a l real estate market and resident ial development fees . Wh ile reve nues have remained consistent for the last couple of years , if the residential real estate market and associated activ ities decline , further adju stments may be nece ssary in the future . The City still f aces the issue of long term deficit s in in frastructure , building and equ ipme nt costs . A key challenge in developing this year's budget is the operation a l deficit pos ition of the Landscape and Lighting District which this year is being subsidized by the Genera l Fund . This created the cha llenge of closing a General Fund operati ng deficit of over $300,000 while ma inta ining the existing level City services . Cost structures in the C ity 's Parks and Recreation budget have a lso created a challenge , but with the cre at ivity of st aff evaluating programs and services , the City will still be pro vidin g a robust level of commun ity services . The question is always ra ised duri ng budget time : "Is your budget balanced?" The answer to this question is not as straightforward as it first appears . Fo r t h is proposed budget, basic General Fund operational revenues slightly (by $106 ,300 or less than 1%) exceed operational expenditures . But , if you count replacement costs and other long- term liabi li t ies (fun ding for the deprecation of C ity assets , i.e ., roads , bu il d ing s , and other in frast ructure , etc .), the C ity is in a long-term financia l deficit. As discussed in prior budget messages , Temple City is not an anomaly in having long-term fin anc ia l challenges , but luckily be ing a contract city we have the flexi bil ity to co nstructive ly address iss ue s both i n the short term and the long -term . In order to balance a budget , there are si x key areas in which to draw from : 1) Labor and Operational Costs , 2) Use of One-T ime Funds (Deficit Spending), 3) Internal Efficiencies , 4 ) Service Reductions , 5) Revenue Increases , 6) Improveme nt in the Local Economy/Economic Development. These areas are challenging to tac kl e , because some of these factors are controllable , and some are not, for example , the City does not control CaiPERS rates , revenue increases are limited , and the use of one-time-funds s hould not be used fo r on-going expenses . Econom ic Development is a longer term endeavor whereas increases in revenue develop ove r years and not in a single budget cycle . The City has actively and productively dealt with the Labor and Operations costs as we are in the second year of a prudent two -year labor agreement with the City 's barga ining unit. Negotiations with our labor partners will begin i n January 2018 At this point in time , with the City being fully staffed and the p rojection of revenue growth being less than 2% annually , the City has rea ched its organization capacity for the current level of se rvices provided with its on-going resources . The following summary highl ights major e lements of the proposed FY 2017-18 C ity Budget and the manner in wh ich Staff proposes to address City's services . These item s summarize several major changes and key initiatives included in the document: City Council June 20 , 2017 Page 4 of 8 GENERAL FUND: Appropr iations are 3.3% less than the pr ior fiscal year; the primary component of decrease is the one-time expenditures for the trans iti on of the Primrose properties and the retroactivity of CaiPERS contributions for part-time employees . Projects funded from General Fund Reserves include : • Community Development -General Plan ($283,500 -Economic Development); • Administrative Services -Upgrade of Financial Software ($11 , 1 00 - Technology Replacement) • Management Serv ices -5800 Temple City Boulevard Parking Lot ($300 ,000 -Economic Deve lopment); and • Community Development-Las Tunas Drive Study-($1 90 ,000-Econom ic Development). Another key difference in this year budget in comparison to prior years is in the City 's Lighting and Landscaping District, which funds the maintenance of trees and parkways and has historically been funded by assessments levied annually. For a number of years , the assessments have fallen short of operationa l costs by approximately $330 ,000 with a portion of this deficit funded through Gas Tax mon ies . This budget includ es a recommendation to transfer $334 ,390 from the General Fund operating budget to begin to mitigate this deficit, rather th an using Gas Tax funds , wh ic h if used this year would put the Gas Tax fund in a negative fund balance. The transfer will allow for both the negative balance in the assessment district to stabilize for one year, and prevents the Gas Tax fund for going in future negative fund balances . Staff will be evaluating how the new transportation funding approved by the legislature , may be an option to add re ss th is shortfall in fund ing in the future . Staff will return to the City Counc il at the mid - year budget adjustment once these new revenue sources are fully implemented to discuss future considerations for long-term use of funds to address . OTHER FUNDS: Gas Tax-The significant downturn in Gas Tax subventions (which began in FY 2015-16 with a reduction of approximately 20 %) remains largely due to falling gasoline prices and reduced consumption as well as "true ups" under the fuel tax swap system . Howeve r with the passage of the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 by the California Legislature , it is anticipated the Gas Tax subventions will double . While the City will not see the entire increase in FY 2017-18 , additional resources over th e next 10 ye ars will allow add ition al road maintenance projects in the future and it may a lso address the City's Lighting and Landscaping District's operating shortfall discussed above . This budget includes $1 ,750 ,000 of repaving and street rehabilitation efforts be funded with Measure R, Measure M (recently passed by the Los Angeles County votes), and City Counc il June 20 , 20 17 Page 5 of 8 Proposition C to address repav ing and street rehabilitat ion efforts as iden ti f ied in the Pavement Management Program . This will not cover the nearly $20 mill ion in backlog repa irs and construction and nearly $3 million in ongoing ma intenance cos ts to keep the C ity's roads in good condition . STRATEGIC PLAN: T he City's Strateg ic Plan deve loped in January 2015 identifi ed key program and policy a reas fo r the City to focus its efforts on over t he follow ing five years . The Overa rching Goals of the Strategic Plan were identified as follows : Good Governance (GG ) Pub li c Health and Sa fety (PHS ) Qua li ty of Life (QL ) Susta inable Infrastructure (SI) Economic Development (ED ) C it izen Education and Communication (CEC ) Currently , all staff reports and req uests for City Coun ci l consideratio n identify and t ie back to these strategic goals . Identified at the time were 16 areas developed in part from other Master Plans and program documents , which wou ld assist the City in g ui ding the al location of resources . The fo ll owi ng are so me th e in itiatives and on-go ing efforts t hat the proposed FY 2017-1 8 wi ll address within th e iden t ified program areas. It shou ld be noted that the Strategic Plan is a guide, and does not fully account for all of the day to day ope rations of the City , but rathe r focuses on outstanding in itiatives and issues tha t may be both t ime ly and long -term in nature . S ince t his Strategic Plan is now almost 2 1'2 years old , it w ill be revis ite d to address current and updated needs of the co m mu ni ty a nd organization . Top Priority Programs as presented in Strategic Plan Communications (GG; CEC): • Produced three times a fiscal year, Connect but evaluate the context of other communication platforms ; • Ma inta in active presence on Social media with Faceboo k , Twitter, lns tag ram and Ne xtdoor, Webo an d Wechat ; • Ma inta in and improve cab le channel postings ; • Ma inta in ad placements on Rosemead Blvd dig ital s ign ; and • Refinin g improvements to City webs ite . Economic Development (GG; QL; ED; CEC): • Continue to engage San Gabriel Valley Econom ic Partnership at local level wi t h Business Visitations and services ; • Continue discussion of Las Tunas bea utifi ca t ion (without street scape a nd la ne configuration), evaluation of BID , and Downtown Park ing update ; • Reuse of the Primrose Properties ; and City Council June 20 , 2017 Page 6 of 8 • Continue to work with businesses to assist i n facilitating development, including assistance from City Staff through development process . Water Conservation/Storm water (51): • Conti nue with extensive monitoring efforts with Storm water Permit comp li a nce ; • Appropriate $66 ,500 for a capital project to fund storm water capture components to appl icable and to appropriate projects (st reet improvements , park ing lots , other publ ic projects); • Conti nue to seek partnerships in conservation efforts , inclu ding landscap ing of front of City Hall with Upper San Gabriel Valley Water District; • Continue water reduct ion efforts at all City facilities and properties, with a target of additional savings ; and • Eva luate catch basin in sert insta llations , based upon updated monitoring data and analys is. General Plan (GG; QL; ED ; CEC): • Conti nue with current timeframe and budget for Genera l Plan and Zon ing Code Update (Currently on -track and within budget ). Parks and Open Space (QL ; PHS): • Completion of a Senior Master Plan ; • Comp lete re-roofing of C ity Corporate Yard ; • Continue and evaluate use of private school and church fac ili t ies for Parks prog ramm ing ; and • Final ize agreement and work collaborative ly with the County concerning Li brary expansion and renovat ions . Pavement Management Plan (51): • Program and use of $1 .7 million in Measure R and other transportation fund i ng for street repav ing , and prioritize based upon updated Pavement Management Assessment ; • Resurface Temple C ity Blvd , to address pavement issues on a major arte ri al through the City ; and • Contin ue annual inspection of pavement. Emergency Preparedness (GG; PHS; QL): • Continue CERT training for interested community members ; • Continue to provide project specific EOC training for new staff members , re tra in current staff in bas ic EOC every two years ; and • Contin ue maintenance schedules of EOC equipment and systems . CDBG Program (GG; QL ; ED): • Continue efforts to ensure that drawdown requirements are met ; • Continue the policy of using CDBG reserves to expand the use of current programs and services ; and City Council June 20 , 2017 Page 7 of 8 • Eva l uate and reevaluate current programs and services and how they address the needs of the community; • Evaluation of business development ; and • Homeless services funding . Energy Action Plan (51): • Continue effort with San Gabriel Valley Coalition of Governments i n participat ing in Energy wise programs ; and • Install and purchase LED and other efficiency measures w ithin City property and City equ ipment. Second Priority Programs as presented in the Strategic Plan Law Enforcement Strategy (GG; PHS; QL; CEC ): • Conti nue with successful Area Watch program with Area Capta i ns , and Area Neighborhood Watch meetings , continue to adjust program as needed to address current needs and concerns ; • Continue translation of crime statistics and distribute through multiple out lets ; • Continue pro-active policing efforts including targeted patrols (burglaries ) and use of Motor deputy (Traffic enforcement); and • Conti nue team approach to Law Enforcement, City staff attendance at month ly Law Enforcement meetings , Ne ighborhood Watch , and regular City Executive team meeting with Capta in , and Assigned Sergeant. Public Art Program (QL): • Reconstitute the Public Arts Program with a Standing Comm ittee and community members . Street Lights Master Plan (51): • Evaluate the use of funding and financial capacity of the assessment dist rict and Ad Va lorem assessment to leverage and use both fund ing sources fu ll y ; and Traffic Calming Master Plan (51): • Continue to identify opportunities to ins tall feasible and appropriate t raffic calm i ng measures in conjunction w ith street resurfacing and other street projects ; and Civic Center and Library Upgrade (QL, 51): • Complete agreement with County for joint fund ing of Temple City Lib rary expansion and renova tion ; and Third Priority Programs as presented in the Strategic Plan Sewer Master Plan (51): • Staff still evaluating the needs and issues with Sewer Master Plan . The City Council is presented with a budget that both addresses the needs for the community and does so in a prudent fiscal manner. Over the next several years it will City Council June 20 , 2017 Page 8 of 8 be important that the City continue to cautiously watch econom ic trends and their imp act to local revenues . The City's focus on prudently managing resources while at the same time compensating employees and managing service agreements in a reasonable manner will be a key element as to the City's financial sustainability. BUDGET ADOPTION REQUIREMENTS: Pursuant to Section 901 of the City Charter, the City Counci l is required to conduct a public hearing prior to the adoptio n of the Proposed FY 2016-17 City Budget which includes the proposed revenues and corresponding expenditures . In addition , the City Council must review the compliance with provisions of Government Code Section 66000 (AB 1600) for development fees . SB1683 made certain changes to AB1600 , the Mitigation Fee Act. AB1600 was originally passed in response to concerns of the development community that local agencies were imposing development fees for purposes unrelated to development projects. AB1600 set forth a standard against which fees imposed on development projects are to be accounted for and spent. The City Council is requested to review the attached report (Attachment "D") which shows compliance with the provisions of Government Code Section 66000 (AB 1600) for development fees . CITY STRATEGIC GOALS: By adopting Resolution No . 17-5261 , approving adopting the Proposed Budget, the City Council will promote or further the City's Strateg ic Goal of Good Governance . FISCAL IMPACT: Adoption of the FY 2017-18 Proposed City Budget will ensure that the City's operations continue with funding appropriations for various programs and initiatives between July 1, 2017 and June 30 ,2018 . As part of the FY 2017-18 Mid-Year City Budget update, staff will include alternatives for replenish ing the reserves (i .e ., Technology Reserve) including discussions of internal service funding processes and/or designating of a portion of the annual General Fund surpluses , if any, back into reserves . ATTACHMENTS: A. Resolution 17-526 1 Adopting the FY 2017-18 City Budget B. Proposed FY 2017-18 City Budget C . AB 1600 Compliance Report ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION NO. 17-5261 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMP LE CITY, CALIFORNIA, ADO PTING THE C ITY BUDGET AND A PPR O PRIATIN G REVENUE OF THE CITY FOR THE FIS CAL YEAR (FY) 2017-18 A ND FINDS THAT THE CITY IN IS COMPLIANCE WITH GOVE RNMENT CO DE SECTIO N 66000. WHEREAS , in accordance with Section 901 of the City Charter, the City Manager has prepared and submitt ed to the City Council a proposed budget for FY 2017-18 starting Ju ly 1, 2017 ; and util izin g the most accu rate available income estimates and the most fe asible combinat ion of expenditure class ification by fund , organization un it, program , purpo se or activity and object; WHEREAS , th e City ha s held a notice publi c hearing in accordance with Section 901 of the City Charter at which the time City Council reviewed, modified as necessary and considered the proposed budget; WHEREAS, the City Council has dete rm ined that it is necessary f or the efficient management of the City that certai n sums of revenu e of the City be appropriated to the various departments, programs and activities of the City ; WHEREAS, AB 1600 established the Mitigation Fee Act (Government Code§ 66000 et seq .), wh ich sets forth a standard against w h ich fees imposed on development projects are accounted for and spent. The Ci ty Cou ncil is re quired to review deposits on an annual bas is . NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City ofTemple City does hereby reso lve , determine and order as fo llows: SECTION 1. A ce rtain document, w hich includes all reserves , revenues , appropriations and transfers , is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Temple City being marked and designated "Adopted Budget, FY 2017-18". Sa id document, as prepa red by the City Manager and amended by th e City Council was adopted for the fiscal year commencing Jul y 1, 2017 . SECTION 2. Th e foll owing sums of money are hereby appropr iated from the reve nue of the City of Temple City to the following named d epartm ents, programs and activ ities of the C ity for expenditure during the FY 2017-1 8: SECTION 3. From and after the effective date of t he budget, t he several amounts stated there in as proposed expenditures , s hall be deemed appro priated to t he severa l departments, offices and agencies fo r the respective objects a nd purposes therein sta ted. All appropriations shall la pse at the end of the fiscal yea r to the extent that they s hall not have been expended or lawfully encumbered . BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM TOTAL EXPENDITURES MANAGEMENT SERVICES City Council ............................................................................................................................... $1 78 ,290 City Manager ............................................................................................................................... 835 ,280 City Manager (Temple City Library Renovation and Expansion Proj ect with LACCDC ) ....... 1,500 ,000 City Attorney ................................................................................................................................ 362 ,000 City Clerk ..................................................................................................................................... 327 ,560 Resolu ti on No. 17-5261 Page 2 of 3 Public Safety Division Law Enforcement ..................................................................................................................... 4,445 ,020 Traffic Engineering ........................................................................................................................ 37 ,31 0 Emergency Services ................................................................................................................... 153,540 Parking Administra ti o n ................................................................................................................ 319,985 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Support Services ......................................................................................................................... 137,180 Personnel .................................................................................................................................... 974,230 Accounting ................................................................................................................................... 624 ,580 Purchasing .................................................................................................................................. 295,450 PARKS & RECREAT ION Recreation/Human Services .................................................................................................... 1,310 ,860 Public Transportation .................................................................................................................. 758 ,970 Parks-Maintenance/Facilities ................................................................................................ 1,093 ,410 Trees and Parkways ................................................................................................................... 664 ,390 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Enhancement Division P lanning ....................................................................................................................................... 918,730 Building ........................................................................................................................................ 715,790 Housing ....................................................................................................................................... 233,870 Community Preservat ion ............................................................................................................ 532,500 Infrastructure & Maintenance Division Admin istration and Engineering .................................................................................................. 690,420 T raffic Signal Mainte nance ......................................................................................................... 156,500 Traffic Signs & Striping Maintenance ......................................................................................... 117,460 Street & Sidewalk Maintenance .................................................................................................. 3 79 ,800 Solid Waste Management... .......................................................................................................... 1 0 ,11 0 Street Lighting ............................................................................................................................. 359,930 General Government B uildings .................................................................................................. 269,900 Parking Facilities ......................................................................................................................... 100,630 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES .......................................................................................... $18,503 ,695 VEH ICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM ................................................................ $4 0,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Pa rks-Maintenance I Facilities ................................................................................................. $60 ,000 T raffic Signal Mainte nance ...................................................................................................... 2 ,264 ,550 Street Construction I Maintenance .......................................................................................... 2 ,181 ,500 General Government Build ings .................................................................................................. 135,000 Parking Facilities ......................................................................................................................... 3 15,0 00 TOTAL CAP ITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ............................................................................... $4,956 ,050 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR FY 2017-18 ............................................................. $23 ,4 99 ,745 Resolution No. 17-5261 Page 3 of 3 SECTION 4 . The adopted reserves , revenues , transfers in , transfers out and appropriations are reflected on the "Statement of Estimated Fund Balances" for FY 2017-18 . SECTION 5. The budget as approved shall be filed with the City Clerk and 1 0 copies shall be make available for public rev iew. SECTION 6. The City Council finds that the City is in compliance with the provisions of Government Code Section 66000 (AB 1600) for development fees . SECTION 7 . The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adopti o n of this resolution . APPROVED AND ADOPTED th is 20th day of June, 2017 . MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM : City Clerk City Attorney ----------~~--~-------·· ---------------~-------- ATTACHMENT B CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PROPOSED BUDGET FY 2017-18 OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOM CHAVEZ Counci lm ember CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 CYNTHIA STER NQUI ST Mayor W I LLIAM MAN Mayor ProTem NANETIE FISH Co unc il member BRYAN COOK City Manager TRACEY L. HAUSE Adm inist r ative Services Director City Treasurer LEE MA Accountant VINCENTYU Council member (This p a ge inte nti onally l eft blank) CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET MESSAGE lETTER OF TRANSMITTAL BUDGET SUMMARY CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS BUDGET GUIDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CITY OFFICIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 COMMISSIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ORGANIZAT IO N CHA RTS ...................................................................... 5 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 FULL TIME POS ITI ON SC HEDU LE BY PROG RAM ................... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 FU LL TIME POSITION SCHEDULE BY POS ITI O N ................................................... 14 PART TI ME POSITION SC HEDU LE BY PROGRA M.................................................. 1 9 FULL TIME PERSONN EL COSTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 PART TIME PERSO NNEL COSTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 FUND SECTION FUND TYPES AND DESC RIPTION S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 FUNDING SOURCE ABBREVIATIONS ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 STATEMENT OF EST IMATED FU ND BALA N CES FY 2016-17.......................................... 25 STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED FU ND BALANCES FY 2017-18.......................................... 26 GENERAL FUND BALA NC ES RESERVED AND UNR ESERVED AT 6 -3 0 -18 ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 INTERFUND TRANS FERS FY 2017-18... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 REVENUE SECTION ESTIMATED REVEN UE FUNDS -BY SOURCE ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 REVENUE FUNDS-USES AND SOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 EXPENDITURE SECTION CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017 -2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS APP ROPR IATI O NS LIM IT (GA NN INITIATIVE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 EXPEN D ITU RE A PPROPR IATI ONS BY FUND IN G SO U RCE..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 EXPE N DIT UR E A PPROPRI AT IONS BY PROGR AM ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 DEPARTMENTAL PROGRAMS MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 47 City Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 City Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Ci t y Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 El ections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Ci t y Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISON 73 Law Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 T raffic Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 Eme rgency Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Parking Administ ra t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 93 Suppo rt Se rvices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Pe rso n nel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Acco u n t ing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Purch asi ng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 113 Recreation/Human Se rv ices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Pub lic Transpo rtat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Par ks -M aint enance/Fac i liti es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 T r ees and Parkways.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 31 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT 137 Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Hou sing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Commun ity Prese rvation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE 155 Administration and Engin eering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Traffic Signal Mainten ance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Traffic Sign s & St riping M ai ntenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Street & Sid ewa l k Maintenance .................................................................... 169 So lid Wa ste Managem en t .................................................................... 173 Street Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 General Governm ent Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Parking Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT INT RODUCT I ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 CAPITALIZED FIXED ASSETS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 CAPITALIZED FIXED ASSET LI ST INGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 CAPITAL IMPROVEME NT PROGRAM I NTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 FUND IN G SOURCE DESCR IPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 FUNDING SOURCE SUMMARY.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 95 PR OJECT COST SUMMARY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 PROJECT DETAIL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 PROJECT RECAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 (This p age inte ntion a lly left blank) CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017 -2018 BUDGET SUMMARY (This page intentionally left blank) CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 BUDGET GUIDE The bu dget docu ment se r ves two di stin ct purposes. One purpose is to prese nt th e City Cou n cil an d public with a cl ear picture of the se rvi ces that t he City provides. Th e other purpose is to provide City Ma nagement and Staff w ith a financial and operating p l an that conforms w ith generally ac cepted accounting principl es for t he City of Temple City, t he Successso r Agencies to t he fo r m er Temp le Ci ty Redevelopment Agency and Hous i ng Auth ority, and th e Co mmunity Development & Housing Authorit y. The BUDGET ME SSAG E sum m arizes t h e m ajor changes in th e bu dget. The BUDGET GUIDE desc ribes the variou s sections o f the budget. Th e BUD GET SUMMARY provides an overview of the City's or gan iza tion an d staffing fo r each program. The FUND SECTION p r ovides a summary of t he va ri o us fund b alances. The REVEN UE SECTIO N provides a sum ma ry of the resou r ces avai lab le. The EXPEN DITURE SECTIO N provides a su mmary of the programs propose d for th e City. Prog r am goals, on-go i ng oper ations and line it em d etails provide fu r ther informatio n for each program. The VEHICLES AND EQUIPMEN T SECTION lists th e vehicl es and eq ui pm ent to be replaced for FY 2017-18 . The CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM li sts the cap ita l improvemen t plan for FY 2017-18. To find an y of this inform ation, plea se refer t o the TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1 (This page intentionally l eft blank) 2 WILLIAM MAN Mayor Pro Tern TOM CHAVEZ Cou n cil member CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 CITY OFFICIALS CITY COUNCIL CY NTHIA STER N QUIST Mayor MANAGEMENT TEA M BRYAN COOK Ci t y Manager TRACEY L. HAUSE NANETTE FISH Councilmember V IN CENTYU Council member Administr ative Se r v i ces Di r ector I City Treasurer CATHY BURROUG HS Di r ector of Parks & Recreatio n STEVE LAWSON Pa rks & Recreati on Manager BRIAN S. HAWORTH Economi c Development Manager I Assistant To The Ci t y Manager PEGGY KUO City Clerk BRYAN ARIIZUM I Public Safety Su perviso r M ICHAEL D. FORB ES Com munity Deve l opment Director SCOTT REIMERS Pl anning Man ager 3 Serge Haddad Helen M ar ston John Co r des Albert Leu n g To m O'Leary Donna Georgine Lance Baroldi Kr i stel Haddad Joanne Ro sso Cynth ia Van ce CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 201 7-2018 COMMISSIONS PLANNING COM MISSIO N Chairman V ic e-Chair m an Commissioner Commission er Commissioner PARKS A N D RECREATIO N COMMISSION Chairma n Vice-Chai rm an Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner TRANSPORTATIO N & PUBLI C SAFETY COMMISSION Ousama Nim r i Douglas Blatt Jim Clift Danny Redm ond Ni ck Stratis Agnes Mok A m anda Lee Anusha Si ll a Brandey Lee Char lie Dodge YOUTH COMMITIEE 4 Ch ai rman Vice-Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Ch rist ie Wong Daniel Grima ldi Jessica Huang Joey Yu Nata lie Scigliano CITY OF TEMPLE CITY I FY 2017-2018 I Parks & Recreation Commission Electorate City Council City Manager I Planning Commission City Attorney Contrac t I Transportation & Public Safety Commission J Youth Committee I CITY OF TEMPLE CITY FY 2017-2018 City Manager City Clerk Assistant to the City Manager Deputy City Clerk Management Analyst -_.__ Administrative Public Safety Assistant to the City Supervisor Council and City Manager Intern PT Office Assistant I PT Parking Control Officer Parking Control Officer PT -t-r- I Parking Control Officer Parking Control Officer PT PT '--'-- I Admin istrative Services Community Park s & Recreation Director Development Director Director t--- I I Personnel Analyst Accountant CITY OF TEMPLE CITY FY 2017-2018 Administrative Services Director I I I I Accountant I I Accounting Technician Information Technology Contract 00 CITY OF TEMPlE CITY FY 2017-2018 Community Development Director Management Secretary Analyst - Office Assistant II f- Planning Manager City Engineer and Maintenance Lead Building Official Worker Contract Associate Pl anner Associate Planner Maintenance -f--Worker Management Maintenance Analyst Secretary Worker --- Building/Housing Building & Code Assistant Inspector Ill f-- Senior Code Building & Cod e Compliance Officer Inspector I f-f- Building & Code Office Assistant I PT Inspector I PT I-'- CITY OF TEMPLE CITY FY 2017-2018 Parks & Recreation Director Administrative Coordinator - Parks & Recreation M anager Park Patro l Officer Par k Patr ol Officer PT f.-PT Park & Recreation Park & Recreation Coordinator Coordinator Lea d Tree T rimmer Senior Recreation Senior Recreation Tree Trimmer ~ Leaders PT t--Lea d ers PT t-- Re creation Leaders Recreation Leaders Tree Trimmer r-II PT -II PT - Recreation Leaders Recreation Leaders Tree T rimmer PT I PT I PT -f--'--- Rec r eation Aides Recreation Aides PT PT -'-- Park Maintenance Le ad Worker Par k Maintenance ~ Worker Par k Mainte nance Worker - Park M aintenance Worker r- Park Maintenance Worker PT '-- CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE ADOPTED FY 2016-2017 MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT · City Co u ncil City Manager City Attorney Electi ons City Cle r k ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Support Services Pe rsonnel Accoun ting Pu r chas ing PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Recreation/Human Serv i ces Pub lic Transportatio n Pa r ks -Maintena nce/Fac i lities Trees & Parkways COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division Pla nning Building Housi ng Public Safetv Division Law Enforcement Traffic Engineering Animal Control * Emergency Services Community Preservat io n Parking Admi nistration Public Works Division Administration & Eng in eering Street Clea ning* Traffic Signa l Maintenance Traffic Signs & St ri pi n g Mai ntenance Street Mai ntena nce Si d ewalk Mai ntenance * So l id Waste Manageme nt Street Lighting Maintenance Division Ge neral Government Buildings Pa r king Fac i lities Graffiti Abatement * *Ani ma l Control combined with Community Preservation Program . Graffit i Abatement combined w ith Law Enforce m ent Pr ogr am . ADOPTED FY 2017-2018 MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT City Council City Manage r City Attorn ey El ections City Clerk Public Safety Division Law En f orcement Traffic Engi n eering Em ergency Services Parking Admini stration ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Suppo rt Servic es Perso n ne l Accounting Purchasing PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Recrea tio n/H uma n Services Public Trans p o rtatio n Parks -Maintenance/Faci lities Trees & Pa r kways COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Community Enhancement Division Planning Building Housing Co mmun it y Preservation Infrastructure & Maintenance Division Adminis tratio n & En gineer ing Traffic Sig nal Mai nten ance Traffic Sig ns & Stri pi ng Maintena nce Street & Side w alk M ai ntenance So lid Waste Man agement Street Lighting General Go ve rnment Bu il dings Parki ng Fac ilities Street Clean i ng and Sidew alk M aintenance combin ed w it h a new renamed p rogram, from Street Maintenan ce in FY 2016 -17, to Street & Sidewalk Mainten ance Program in FY 2017-18. 10 CITY O F TEMPLE CITY ADO PTE D BUDG ET FY 2 017-2018 FULL TIME POSITI ON SCHEDU LE BY PROGRAM PROG PROGRAM FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 NO. STAFFING POS ITION POSITI ON POSITION MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4 2 CITY MANAGER City Manager 1.00 1.00 1 .00 Econom ic Developm en t Manager/Assistant to the City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Ex ecutive Assis tant to the City Manager 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistan t to the City Council/City M anag er 1.00 Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4 .00 4.00 45 CITY CLERK City Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Cle r k 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 61 LAW ENFORCEMENT Public Safety Supervisor 0 .10 0.10 62 TRAFFIC ENGINEER ING Public Sa fety Supervisor 0.05 0.05 64 EMERGENCY SERVICES Public Safety Supervisor 0.70 0.70 67 PARKING ADMINISTRATI O N Public Safe ty Supervisor 0.15 Parking Control Officer 1.00 1.15 ADMI NISTRATI VE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 46 SUPPORT SERVICES Director of Admi nistr ative Services 0.25 0 .25 0.25 Personnel Analyst 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.75 0.75 47 PERSONNEL Director of Ad m inistrative Services 0.25 0.25 0.25 Personnel Ana lyst 0.50 0.50 0 .50 0.75 0 .75 0.75 4 8 ACCOUNTING D irector of Administrative Services 0.45 0.45 0.45 Accountant 1.00 2.00 2.00 Accounti ng Tech n ician 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.45 3.45 3.45 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 57 RECREATION/HUMAN SERVICES Director of Parks & Recreation 0.40 0.40 0.45 Parks & Recr eat ion Manager 0.60 0.35 Parks & Recr eation Superisor 0.60 Administrative Coor di na t or 0.30 0.30 0.30 Parks & Recrea tion Coordinator 2.00 2.00 1 .90 3.30 3.30 3.00 58 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION D irector of Pa r ks & Recr eation 0.10 0.10 0.10 D irector of Ad m i n ist rative Services 0.05 0.05 0.05 Administrative Coord in ator 0.35 0.35 0.30 0.50 0.50 0.45 11 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADO PTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 FULL TIME POS ITION SCHEDULE BY PROGRAM PROG PROGRAM FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 NO. STAFFING POSITION POSITION POSITION 59 PARKS -MAINTENANCE/FACI LI TI ES Director of Parks & Recr ea t ion 0 .25 0.25 0.30 Pa rks & Rec reation M anager 0 .40 0.30 Pa rks & Rec r eati on Superisor 0.40 Administr ative Coordinator 0.25 0.25 0.20 Parks & Rec reatio n Coordinator 0.10 Park Maintenance Lead W orker 1.00 1.00 1.00 Park Maintenance Worker 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.90 4.90 4.90 83 TREES & PARKWAYS Director of Parks & Re creation 0.25 0.25 0.15 Parks & Rec rea tion Manager 0.35 Administrat ive Coordinator 0.10 0 .10 0.20 Tree Trimmer -Le ad worker 1.00 1.00 1.00 Tree Trimmer 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.35 3.35 3.70 COMMUNITY DEV ELOPM ENT DEPARTMENT 53 PLANN ING Community Development Director 0.25 0.25 0.25 Planning M an ager 0.50 0 .50 0.45 Associate Pl ann er 2.00 2 .00 1.90 Secr etary 0.40 0.40 1.00 Office Assistant II 0.20 0.20 Management Analyst 0.70 3.35 3.35 4.30 54 BUILDING Community Development Director 0.20 0.20 0.20 Planning Manager 0.50 0.50 0.25 Building Inspector 0.80 Building an d Cod e Inspector Ill 0.80 1.00 Building/Housing Assistant 0.85 0.85 1.00 Secretary 0.60 0.60 Office Assistant II 0.20 0.20 3.15 3.15 2.45 55 HOU SING Community Develop men t Director 0.05 0.05 0.05 Planning Manager 0.05 Associate Pl anner 0.10 Building I nspector 0.20 Building and Code Inspecto r Ill 0.20 Building/Housing Assistant 0.15 0.15 0.40 0.40 0.20 61 LAW ENFORCEMENT Community Development Director 0.10 0.10 Public Safety Supervisor 0.20 0.20 Management Analyst 0.20 0.20 0.50 0.50 63 ANIMAL CONTROL Management Ana lyst 0.10 0.10 Secretary 0.25 0.25 Office Assista nt II 0.20 0.20 0.55 0.55 12 CITY O F TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 FULL TIME POSITION SCHEDULE BY PROGRAM PROG PROGRAM FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 NO. STAFFING POSITION POSITION POSITION 64 EMERGENCY SERV ICES Communi ty Development Director 0.10 0.10 Public Safe ty Sup ervisor 0.40 0.40 Management Analyst 0.10 0.10 0.60 0.60 65 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION Community Development Director 0.10 0.10 0.15 Planning Manager 0.25 Senior Community Preservation Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 Community Preservation Officer 2.00 Building and Code Inspector I 1 .00 1.00 Management Analyst 0.10 1.10 0.20 3.20 3.20 2.60 67 PARKI NG ADMINISTRATION Public Safety Supervisor 0.20 0.20 Parking Control Officer 1 .00 1.00 Management An alyst 0.20 0.20 Secretary 0.40 0.40 Office Assis tant II 0.20 0.20 2.00 2.00 71 ADMINISTRATION & EN GINEERIN G Community Development Director 0.20 0.20 0.30 Public Safety Supervisor 0.10 0.10 Management Analyst 0.10 0.10 1.10 Secretary 0.25 0.25 0.90 Office Assistant II 0.20 0.20 0.90 0.85 0.85 3.20 74 TRAFFIC SIGNS & STRIP ING Maintenance lead Worker 0.30 0 .30 0.30 Maintenance Worker 0.40 0.40 0.80 0.70 0.70 1.10 78 STREET UGHTING Public Safety Supervisor 0.10 0 .10 Management Analyst 0.10 0 .10 Secretary 0.10 0.10 0.05 Office Assistant II 0.05 0.30 0.30 0.10 81 GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUI LDINGS Community Development Director 0.05 Secretary 0.05 Office Ass istant II 0.05 Maintenance lead Worker 0.40 0.40 0.40 Maintenance Worker 0.30 0.30 0.60 0.70 0 .70 1.1S 82 PARKING FACIUTIES Management Analyst 0.10 0.10 Maintenance lead Worker 0.30 0.30 0.30 Maintenance Worker 0.30 1.30 0.60 0.70 1.70 0 .90 TOTAL FULL TI ME POSITIONS 39 .00 41.00 41.00 Note: law En f orcement, Traffic En gin eering, Emergency Services and Parking Administration Program s moved to Management Services Department In Fiscal Year 20 17-2018. 3 ACCT N O. POSITION PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4106 CITY MANAGER 42 City Manager 4109 ECONOM IC DEVELOPMENT MANAGER/ ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER 42 City Manager CITY OF TEMPLE CI TY AD O PTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 FULL TIME PO SITION SCHEDU LE BY POSITION FY 2015-16 ALLOCATION 1.00 1 .00 4107 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER (FY 2015-17) ADMINISTRAT IVE ASSISTANT TO THE CITY COUNCIL/CITY MANAGER (FY 2017-18) 42 City Manager 1.00 4172 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 42 City Manager 4108 CITY CLERK 45 City Clerk 4111 DEPUTY CITY CLE RK 45 Ci ty Clerk 4132 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPERVISOR 61 Law Enforcement 62 Traffic Engineering 64 Emergency Services 67 Parking Administration 4134 PARKING CO NTROL OFFICER 67 Parking Administration ADM IN ISTRATIVE SE RVICES DEPARTMENT 4112 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR 46 Support Se r vices 47 Perso nnel 48 Accou nting 58 Public Transportation 4110 PERSONNEL ANALYST 46 Support Services 47 Personnel 4114 ACCOUNTANT 48 Accounting 4175 ACCOUNTANT 48 Accounting 4115 ACCOUNTING TEC HNICIAN 48 Acco unting 14 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 .25 0.25 0.45 0.05 1.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 FY 2016-17 AL LOCATION 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.25 0.45 0 .05 1.00 0 .50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 FY 2017-18 ALLOCATION 1.00 1 .00 1 .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.05 0.70 0.15 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.25 0.45 0.05 1.00 0.50 0.50 1 .00 1.00 1.00 1 .00 ACCT NO. POSIT ION PROG RAM PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 4122 DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION 57 Recreation/Human Services 58 Public Transportation 59 Parks-Maintenance/Facilities 83 Trees & Parkways CITY OF TEMPlE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 FULL TIME POSITION SCHED ULE BY POS ITION FY 2015-16 ALLOCATION 0.40 0.10 0.25 0.25 1.00 4123 PARKS & RECREATION SUPERVISOR {FY 2015-16) PARKS & RECREATION MANAGER (FY 2016-18) 57 Recreation/Human Services 0.60 59 Parks-Maintenance/Faci l ities 0.40 83 Trees & Parkways 1.00 4124 ADMIN INSTRATIVE COORDINATOR 57 Recrea tion/Human Services 0.30 58 Public Transportation 0.35 59 Parks-Maintenance/Facil ities 0.25 83 Trees & Parkways 0.10 1.00 4127 PARKS & RECREATI ON COORDINATOR 57 Recreation/Human Services 1.00 59 Parks-Maintenance/Faciliti es 1.00 4147 PARKS & REC REATION COORD INATOR 57 Recreation/Human Services 1.00 4140 PARK MAINTENANCE LEAD WORKER 59 Parks-Maintenance/Facilities 1.00 4 136 PARK MAINTE NAN CE WORKER 59 Parks-Maintenance/Facilities 1.00 4137 PAR K MAINTENANCE WORKER 59 Parks-Maint enance/Facilities 1.00 4138 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 59 Parks-Maintenance/Facilities 1.00 4143 TREE TRIMMER LEAD WORKER 83 Trees & Parkways 1.00 4141 TREE TRIMMER 83 Trees & Parkways 1 .00 4 142 TREE TRIMME R 83 Trees & Parkways 1.00 15 FY 2016-17 ALL OCATION 0.40 0.10 0.25 0.25 1.00 0.60 0.40 1.00 0.30 0.35 0.25 0 .10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 FY 2017-18 ALLOCATION 0.45 0.10 0.30 0.15 1 .00 0.35 0.30 0 .35 1.00 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.20 1.00 0.90 0.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ACCT NO. POSITION PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPM ENT DEPAR TM ENT CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 FULL TIME POSITION SCHEDU LE BY POSITION FY 2015-16 ALLOCATION 4117 COMMUNITY DEVELOP MENT DIRECTOR 53 Plann ing 54 Building 55 Housing 61 law Enforcement 64 Eme rgency Services 65 Com munity Pr eservation 71 Ad ministrat ion & Engineering 81 Gener al Government Buildings 4118 PLANNING MANAGER 53 Planni ng 54 Buildi ng 55 Housi ng 65 Commu nity Prese rvation 4148 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 53 Planning 55 Housing 4149 ASSOCIATE PLAN NER 53 Planning 4119 SECRETARY 53 Pl anning 54 Building 4131 BU ILDI NG INSPECTOR (FY 2015-16) BUILDING AND CODE INSPECTOR Ill (FY 2016-18) 54 Building 55 Housing 4120 BUILDING/HOUSI NG ASSISTANT 54 Building 55 Housing 4132 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPERVISOR 61 law Enfor cement 64 Eme rgency Services 67 Parking Administrat ion 71 Administ rati o n & Engineering 78 Street lighting 16 0.25 0.20 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.20 1.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.40 0.60 1.00 0.80 0.20 1.00 0.85 0.15 1.00 0.20 0.40 0 .20 0.10 0.10 1.00 FY 2016-17 ALLOCATION 0.25 0.20 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 0 .20 1.00 0 .50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.40 0.60 1.00 0 .80 0.20 1.00 0.85 0.15 1.00 0.20 0.40 0.20 0.10 0.10 1.00 FY 2017-18 ALLOCATIO N 0.25 0.20 0.05 0.15 0.30 0.05 1.00 0.45 0.25 0.05 0.25 1.00 0.90 0.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ACCT NO. POSITION PROGRAM CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 FULL TIME PO SITION SCHEDULE BY POSITION FY 2015-16 ALLOCATION COMMUNITY DEVELOP MENT DEPARTM ENT (Co ntinue) 4134 PARKING CO NTRO L OFFICER 67 Parki ng Administration 1.00 4130 SECRETARY 63 Animal Control 0.25 67 Parking Administration 0.40 71 Administrati on & Engineering 0.25 78 Street Light ing 0.10 81 General Government Buildings 1.00 4171 SENIOR COMMUN ITY PRESERVATION OFFICER 65 Com mu nity Preservation 1 .00 4133 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION OFF ICER (FY 2015-16) BU ILDING AND CODE INSPECTOR I (FY 2016-18) 65 Community Pr eservat ion 1.00 4145 COMMUN ITY PRESERVATION OFFICER (FY 2015-17) 65 Community Preservation 1.00 4173 MANAGEMENT ANALYST (FY 2017-18) 71 Administrati on & Engineering 4116 OFFICE ASS ISTANT I (FY 2015-16) OFFICE ASS ISTANT II (FY 2016-18) 53 Pla nni ng 0.20 54 Build ing 0.20 63 Animal Cont r ol 0.20 67 Parki ng Administr at ion 0.20 71 Admi ni stratio n and En gineer i ng 0.20 78 Street Lighting 81 General Government Buildings 1.00 4139 MAINTENANCE LEAD WORKE R 74 Traffic Signs & Striping Mai ntenance 0.30 8 1 General Government Buildi ngs 0.40 82 Parking Facilities 0.30 1.00 4146 MAINTENANCE WORKER 74 Traffic Signs & Striping Maintenance 0.40 81 General Government Buildings 0.30 82 Parking Fa cilities 0.30 1.00 17 FY 2016-17 ALLO CATION 1.00 0.25 0.40 0 .25 0 .10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 .20 0.20 0 .20 0.20 0.20 1.00 0.30 0 .40 0 .30 1.00 0.40 0.30 0.30 1.00 FY 2017-18 ALLOCATIO N 0.90 0.05 0.05 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.05 0.05 1.00 0.30 0.40 0.30 1.00 0.40 0.30 0.30 1.00 ACCT NO . POSITION PROGRAM --------------- CITY OF TEMPlE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 FULL TI ME PO SITIO N SCHEDULE BY POSITION FY 2015-16 ALLOCATION COMMUNITY DE VELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (Co ntinue) 4174 MANAGEME NT ANALYST 53 Plann ing 61 Law Enforc ement 0.20 63 Animal Contr ol 0.10 64 Emergency Services 0 .10 65 Co mmunity Preservation 0.10 67 Parking Admin i stration 0.20 71 Adm i nistrat ion & Engineering 0 .10 78 Street Light ing 0.10 82 Parking Faci lities 0.10 1.00 4176 MAINTENANCE WORK ER 74 Tr affic Signs & Striping Maintenance 81 Genera l Govern ment Buildings 82 Pa rking Faciliti es TOTAL FULL TIME PO SITION S 39.00 18 FY 2016-17 AL LOCATIO N 0.20 0.10 0.10 0 .10 0 .20 0.10 0.10 0.10 1 .00 1.00 1.00 41.00 FY 2017-18 AL LO CAT ION 0.70 0 .20 0.10 1.00 0.40 0.30 0.30 1.00 41.00 PROGRAM STAFFING MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER Office Assistant I Management Intern CITY CLERK Office Assistant I PARKING ADMINISTRATION Parking Control Officers ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTING Accountant Finance Intern PARK S & RECREATION DEPARTMENT RECREAT ION/HUMAN SERVICES Recreation Leaders Recreation Aids Senior Leaders Parks & Recreation Intern PARKS -MAINTENANCE/FACILITIES Park Maintenance Worker Recreation Leaders Senior Leader Park Patrol Officers TREES & PARKWAYS Tree Trimmer CO MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING Office Assis t ant I COMMUNITY PRESERVATIO N Building and Code Inspector I PARKING ADMINISTRATIO N Parking Control Officers PARKING FACILITIES Maintenance Workers TOTAL PART TIME POSITIO NS CITY OF TEMPlE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 PART TIME POSITION SCHEDULE BY PROGRAM FY 2015-16 POSITION 0.30 0 .30 0.25 1.00 1 .00 2.00 27.00 14.00 2.00 1.00 44.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 2.00 10.00 1.00 1.45 3.00 2.00 64.00 Note: Parking Administration Program moved to Management Services Department in Fi scal Year 2017-2018. 19 FY 2016-17 POSITION 0.30 1.00 1.30 0.25 1.00 1.00 27.00 14.00 2.00 1.00 44.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 2.00 10.00 1.00 1.45 1.00 3.00 63.00 FY 2017-18 POSITION 0 .80 1.00 1.80 0.20 3.00 27.00 14.00 2.00 43.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 2.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 61 .00 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017 -2018 FULL T IME PERSONNEL COSTS A DOPTED ADO PTED ADOPTED PROGRAM 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 MANAGEMENT SERV ICES DEPARTMENT 41 City Council 43 ,200 43,200 43,200 42 City Manager 431,875 429,460 443,820 4 5 City Clerk 157,005 167,860 173,600 Public Safety Division * 61 Law Enforce ment 44,100 48,390 9 ,640 62 Traffic Engineering 4,820 64 Emergency Services 55,125 60,240 67,460 67 Parking Adm inistration 135,995 142,445 86,820 ADMI NISTRATIVE SERVI CES DEPARTMENT 46 Support Services 74,985 77,255 78,800 47 Personnel 74,985 77,255 78,800 48 Accounting 207,005 294,115 302,230 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 57 Recreation/Hu man Resources 221,230 240,870 231,710 58 Public Transportation 47,785 49,365 46,420 59 Parks-Mainten ance/Facilities 304,175 318,175 331,170 83 Trees & Parkways 226,295 232,735 251,870 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Communi!Y Enhancement Division 53 Planning 30 1,305 313,250 386,030 54 Building 256,980 250,640 209,090 55 Hous i ng 32,780 30,260 22,670 63 Animal Control * 33,105 34,765 65 Community Pre servation 230,885 220,700 2 10,820 Inf r as tructure & M aintenance Divis on 71 Administration & Engine ering 68,875 72,395 228,980 74 Traffic Signs & Striping Maintenance 41,325 43,205 59,970 78 Street Lighting 21,700 23,770 6,110 81 Genera l Government Bui l dings 43,105 44,820 71,410 82 Parking Fac il ities 42,710 90,295 50,400 TOTAL FULL TIME PERSONNEL COSTS $3,096 ,530 $3,305,465 $3,395,840 • Public Safety Division moved to Managemen t Services Department in FY 2017-18 from Community Development Department. An imal Control Progr am combin ed with Community Preservation in FY 2017-18. PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4 2 City Manager 45 Council Suppo rt Public Safety Divisi on * 67 Parking Administration ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 48 Accounting PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 57 Recreation/Human Resources 58 Pub lic Transportation 59 Parks-Maintenance/Facilities 83 Trees & Parkways CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDG ET FY 2017-2018 PART TIM E PERSONNEL COSTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Community Enhancement Division 54 Bu il ding 65 Community Preservation Infrastructure & Maintenance Divison 82 Parki ng Facilities TOTAL PART TIME PERSONNEL COSTS ADOPTED 201 5-16 $11,230 5,400 120,975 79,975 393,320 9,880 256,580 30,290 29 ,640 57,800 $995,090 ADOPTED 2016-17 $33 ,430 6,765 117,475 21,640 429,055 10,130 279,725 35,600 57,455 36,675 $1,027,950 ADOPTED 2017-18 $48,370 7,000 105,165 411,770 11,670 286,650 32,460 22,170 39,500 $964,755 • Public Safety Division moved t o Management Services Depa rtment in FY 2017 -18 from Community Development Department. Animal Control Program combined with Com munity Prese rvation in FY 2017-18. 21 (This page inte ntionally left blank) 22 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-201 8 FUND SECTION (This page intentionally left blank) CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 FUND TYPES AND DESCRIPTIONS The accounts of th e City are orga niz ed on the b as is of fund s and account gr oups, eac h of which is cons id ere d a sepa rate acco u nt ing entity. The operations of each fund are acco un ted for with a sepa rate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, f und equity, r even ues an d expenditures or expe nses, as appropriate. Government r esources are alloca ted to an d accounte d for in ind ividu al funds bas ed upon the purposes fo r which they are t o be spen t and the means by which spe nding activities are co ntrolled . The various funds and acco unt gr ou ps ar e prese nted as follows: GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES General Fund The General Fun d is th e general operatin g fund of the City . It is used to accou nt for all f i nanci al resou r ces exce pt those required to be acco unted for in another fund . Speci al Revenue Funds Specia l Revenu e Fu nds are use d to accou nt for th e proceeds of speci fi c reven ue sources that are legally restricted to expend it ures for spec ified purposes. Debt Service Fund The Debt Service Fund accounts for the acc umu la ti on of resources, and the payment of ge ner al long-term debt princ ip al, interest and r e lated costs . Capital Projects Fund Th e Capital Projects Fund is used to account for finan cial resources to b e used for the acquisition or construction of major capital faci lities and projects. PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES Internal and Agency Funds The Internal Service Fund is use d to account fo r goo ds and services p rovided by one department to other depart- ments on a cost-reimbu rse m en t basis . FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES Trust and Ag ency Funds Trust and Agency Fun ds are use d to account for assets held by the governmental entity acting in a fiduciary capacity, either as a t ru st ee o r as an agent. Th ese funds, though generally considered as one fund category, ar e classified into two fund types . The trust f und is often established by a formal trust ag r eement that places restri ctions on the use of the fund's assets. An agen cy fund, w h ich may al so be es tablished by formal ag r eement, is custodial in n ature. ACCOUNT GROUPS General Fixed Assets Account Group The Ge ner al Fixed Asse ts Acc ount Group acco un ts for all property and equipment of the City. General Long-Te rm Debt Account Group The General Long -Term Debt Account Group accou nts fo r the outstanding principal balance of long-term debt expected to be financed from governmenta l fund types . 23 Fund No. 01 11 13 15 16 17 19 21 24 27 28 29 30 33 36 37 41 43 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 1111 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 FUNDING SOURCE ABBREVIATIONS Funding Source Gene ral Fund Reserved Rece ived from CaiTrans Economic Development Traffic Safety COPS Law Enforcement Block Grant (Brulte) Proposition A Proposit ion C Used Oil State Offi ce of the Traffic Safety Grant Gas Tax (2105, 2106, 2107, 2107.5) Proposition lB Community Development Block Grant Loca l Transportation SB82 1 I Transportation Development Act Air Quality Management District MeasureR Sewer Reconstruction Highway Safety Improvement Program Surface Transportation Program -Local 1992196 Park Bond State Recycling I Litter Funds Park Acquisition Lighting/Landscape District Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Conges tion M itigation and Air Qua lity Public Art s Fund Bicycle Transportation Account Safe Ro utes To School Environment Protection Agency 5th District 2015 Excess Funds Grant Measure M 24 Abbreviati on GF GF RESVD GF-CT GF-Eco Dev TS COPS PROP A PROP C Used Oil OTS GT PROP lB CDBG SB821ITDA AQMD MR SR HSIP STPL 92196 PB ST REC PA LILD SAFE LU CMAQ PAF BTA SR2S EPA DEFG MM CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED FUND BALANCES AS OF JUNE 30,2016 A ND JUNE 30, 2017 FUND ESTIMATED T RANSFERS ESTIMATED ESTIMATED EST IMATED TRANS FE RS EST. FUND BALANCE REVENUES IN EXPENDITURES EQUIP/VEH RE P CAP ITAL I MPROVEMENT PROJECT OUT BALANCE July 1, 2016 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 June 30, 2017 GENERAL FUND Committted 3,500,000 3,500,000 Ass i gned 12,392,864 619,860 260,000 CIP 11,513,004 ** Unassigned 3,852,017 14,010,170 500 13,943,910 * 77,000 94,930 CIP 3,746,847 No n spendable TOTAL DESIGNATED GENERAL FUND 19,744,881 14,010,170 500 14,563,770 77,000 354,930 18,759,851 RESERVED Ci t y Loa n (Chamber) 3,600 500 GF DESG 3,100 City Loans (Homeowners) 56,775 56,775 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 19,805,256 14,010,170 500 14,563,770 77,000 355,430 18,819,726 SPECIAL REVENUE FU N D Traffic Safet y 112 10,000 10,000 112 State COPS Grant (Brulte) 1,932 100,000 100,000 1,932 Proposition A 796,204 751,120 709,950 837,374 Proposition C 459,414 540,100 75,000 CIP 924,514 Used Oil 5,004 15,000 10,115 9,889 State Office of the Traffic Sa f ety Grant 10,000 10,000 Gas Tax (2105,2106,2107,2107.5) (162,801) 766,000 574,075 13,200 15,924 Asset Seizures 729 729 CDBG 403,400 403,400 Local Transportation SB821 Ai r Qualit y Improvement 169,424 45,100 14,270 200,254 MeasureR 1,325,736 411,000 800,000 CIP 936,736 Parking Concession Fund 10,000 10,000 Affordable Housin g Fund 157,000 157,000 Sewer Reconstruction 634,226 80,000 714,226 Highway Sa f e t y Improvement Progra m 1,217,460 20,000 CIP 1,197,460 Surface Transp. Program-Local 437,300 437,300 Measure M 1992/96 Park Bond 26,600 26,600 Sta t e Re cycling/Litter 1,111 10,000 11,111 Park Acquisition 287,869 40,000 258,300 CIP 69,569 Lighting/Landscape District Assessment Fees (1,931,022) 300,000 487,480 (2,118,502) Ad Va l orem Tax 3,079,802 941,500 562,505 9 ,810 CIP 3,448,987 Pub lic Arts Fund 119,420 20,000 99,420 Safe Ro utes To School Environmental Pr otection Agen cy 112,445 112,445 Bicycle Tran sportati on Account (BTA) 197,245 197,245 5th District 2015 Excess Funds Grant 240,000 240,000 CIP TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE 5,066,605 6,541,825 2,918,395 13,200 1,403,110 7,273,725 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1,758,040 1,758,040 TRUST FUND 172,533 1,000 173,533 INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Oth er Post Employment Benefits 1,251,579 1,251,579 Self Insurance Fund 305,650 305,650 TOTAL All FUNDS 26,601,623 20,552,995 1,758,540 17,482,165 90,200 1,758,040 1,758,540 27,824,213 * Included $450,000 paid t o Los Angeles County Community Development Commissi on for t he Temple City Library Renovation and Expansion Project. ** $100,000 Set Aside for the Green Street NPDES. 25 GENERAL FUND Co mmittted Assigned Unassig n ed No n spendabl e TOTAL DESIGN ATED GENERAL FUND RES ERV ED City Lo an (C h a m ber) City Loa n s (Homeowners) TOTAL GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REV ENUE FUND Traffic Sa fe t y State CO PS Gra nt (B rulte) Pro posi t i o n A Pr opositio n C Use d Oil State Office of the Traffic Safety Gran t Gas Tax (2105,2106,2107 ,2 107.5) Asset Sei zures CDBG Local Tra n sportati on SB821 Air Qu ality Im provemen t Measu reR Parki ng Co n cessio n Fund Afforda b l e Housing Fu nd Sewer Reconstruction Highway Sa fe t y Im p rovement Prog ram Su rface Tra n sp . Progr am -Local Measure M 1992/96 Park Bond State Recycli ng/Litter Park Acq u isi t i on Lighting/Land scape Di strict Assessm ent Fees Ad Valorem Tax Publ ic Arts Fu n d Safe Ro utes To School Envi ro n m e ntal Protection Agen cy Bicycle T ra n sportati o n Account (BTA) 5th Di str ict 2015 Excess Fu nds Grant TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND TRUST FUND INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Oth er Post Employment Benef it s Self Insu ra nce Fund TOTAL All FUNDS EST. FUND BA LA NCE July 1, 2017 3,500,000 11,5 13,004 3,746,847 18,759,851 3,100 56,775 18,819,726 112 1,932 837,374 924 ,514 9,8 89 10 ,000 15,924 729 200,254 936,736 10,000 157,000 714,226 1,197,460 437,300 11,111 69,569 (2,118,502) 3,448,987 99,420 112,445 197,245 7,273,725 173,533 1,251,579 305,650 27,824,213 ES T IMAT ED REVENUES FY 17-18 14,264,260 14,264,260 14,264,260 10,000 115,000 760,500 54 0 ,10 0 10,000 6,000 773,000 230,000 45,100 411,000 80,000 400,000 14,500 10 ,000 40,000 330,000 9 91,5 00 4,766,700 500 19,031,460 CITY OF TEMPLE ClrY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2 01 8 STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED FUND BALANCES AS OF JUNE 3 0, 2017 A N D JUNE 30, 2018 TRANSF ERS IN 500 500 500 4 ,956,05 0 4 ,956,550 ESTIMATED EXP ENDITURES FY 17-18 296,100 15,657,960 * 15,954,060 15,954,060 10,000 100,000 758,970 10,110 6,000 503,260 230,000 41,270 14,500 330,000 545,525 2,549,635 18,503,695 * Incl uded $1,5 00,00 to be paid t o Los Angeles County Co mmu nity Dev el opm e nt Co m mission for t he Te mple City Li b rary Re n ovatio n and Expa n sio n Project. * FY 2017-1 8 Net Gen e r al Fund Operating Ba lance is $106,300. 26 ESTIMATED EQUI P/VEH REP FY 17-18 40 ,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 ESTIMATED CA PITA L IMPROVEMEN T PRO JECT 3,051,050 1,905,000 3,051,050 1,905,000 T RANSFE RS OUT 490,000 CIP 436,500 CIP 926,500 500 G F DESG 927,000 1,229,790 CIP 750,000 CIP 1,197 ,460 CIP 4 37,30 0 CI P 4 00,000 CI P 15,000 CIP 4,029,550 4,956,550 EST. FUN D BALANC E June 30, 201 8 3,500,00 0 10,726,904 1,877,147 16,104,051 2,600 56,775 16,163,426 112 16,93 2 838,9 04 23 4,824 9,779 10,000 285,664 729 204,084 597,736 10,000 1 57,000 794,226 21,11 1 94,569 (2,118,5 02) 3,894,962 99,420 112,445 197,245 5,461,240 174,033 1,251,579 305,650 23,3 55,92 8 N -..J CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PROPOSED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 Est i m at ed Gen era l Fund Balances -Jun e 30, 2018 Committed Emeraency/Dfsasters Liquidity OPES (FY 2012-U) Local Economk Uncertainty Assigned Fleet Mana cement Lease and Maintenance Procram Facilities Manacement P3 Muterplan Council Ch11mber Remodel· Accounted for In OP Technolocy Replace ment Document lrmclnlnc Automation of personnel processes Community Development Permit Softw1re UPCrade of Pentamatlon (Financial) Software Economic Development Rosemead Blvd Enhancements (FY 2012·14) Accounted for In C1P 5800 Temple City Bou levard (FY 2012·13) Spent Prior Year 5800 Temple Oty Boulevard (Demo and Site Prep FY 2013-14) Spent Prior Ye; Primrose Property GenerJI Plin Update (2 Years) las Tunu/Rosemud Specific Plan Economic Development St~tecv f fve Year Stnteck Plan Las Tunas Drive Study Te mple City Bouleva rd Parklnc lot Opportun ities for One-Ttme Expenditures Housinc Element Sl&n Code Update Complete Ne!chborhood ln ltatlve Historic PreseMtion Ord in ance Analysis of Waste Manaaement Contract Anolysls of Publk: Sofoty Contr>ct Bwlntss Usence SoftwJre Upcndt Green water NPOES $ s $ PriorYurs Appropraitions 50,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,450,000 4,500,000 400,000 400,000 4,000,000 (150,000) (310,000) 3,540,000 200,000 (91,000) (15,000) (110,000) (16,000) 8,000,000 (1,000,000) (1 ,050,000) (1,276,175) (750,000) (6SO,OOO) (25,000) (40,000) (200,000) (550,000) 2,458,825 4,600,000 (15,000) (55,000) (40,000) (30 ,000) (50,000) (50,000) (40,000) 4,320,000 2 1,700,000 s s s s s Expended Prior Yea rs ( 1,000,000) (1,000,000) (150,000) (310,000) (460,000) (60,318) (1 5,290) (66,000) (141,608) (944,964) (1,029,328) (92,283) (1,268,420) (725,070) (28,280) (23,682) (4,112,027) (1 5,870) (3 6,694) (40,937) (93,501) (5,807,136) Budgeted Reserve Spendlns FY 2016-17 Estimated Reserve Spendlnc FY 2016-17 (5,000) s (5,000) Estimated Reserve Fund Balances June 30, 2017 3,500,000 400,000 400,000 3,540,000 (5,000) s (5,000) s 53,392 (1,025,990) 5 (600,000) (200,000) (10,000) (550,000) (250,000) (1,775,990) (860,000) 3,027,973 (l4,860) s (14,860) (100,000) (114,860) (l4,860) 4 ,491,639 (1,895,850) (879,860) 15,013,004 Proposed Spending FY 2017 -18 (1,500) 11100 (U,600) (283.500) (190,000) (300,000) (773,500) (100,000) (100,000) (886,100) Estlmiited Reserve Fund Balances June 30, 2018 3,500,000 400,000 3,S40,000 40,792 2,254 ,473 $ 4,391,639 14,126,904 (This page inten tion a lly l eft bla nk) 28 TRANSFER IN AMOUNT General Fund 500 Capital Improvement Fund 436,500 490,000 1,229,790 750,000 N 400,000 1.0 1,197,460 437,300 15,000 4,956,050 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 4,956,550 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017 -2018 INTERFUND TRANSFER SUMMARY TRANSFER OUT GF (Reserved) General Fund (Reserved) GF General Fund GF -ED Prop C General Fund (Economic Development) MeasureR Measure M Proposition C HS IP STPL MeasureR PA Measure M Highway Sa f et y Impr ovement Program Surface Transporation Program-Local Park Acqu isi t ion TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS AMOUNT 500 CIP 436,500 GF 490,000 CIP 1,229,790 CI P 750,000 CIP 400,000 CIP 1,197,460 CIP 437,300 CIP 15,000 CIP 4,956,550 TRANSF ER IN General Fun d Capita l Impr ovement Fund 60-990-90-9005 w 60-99 0 -90-9005 60 -990-9 0 -9090 6 0 -990-90-9047 TRANSFER OUT General Fund (Reserved) General Fund 01-990-90-9168 General Fund 01-990-90-9168 Pr oposi tio n C 16-990-90-9168 MeasureR 30-990-90-9168 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017 -2018 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 500 Reimbuseme nt to th e City for Chamber of Comme r ce loa n 175,000 Citywide Upgrade Traffic Street Signage 66,500 Catch Ba sin Inse rts 55,000 Rebui ld the Roof of the Ci t y Ya rd Buildings 10,000 Senior Ma st er Plan 35,000 Renovation of Live Oak Park Community Center Office 80,000 City Hall Interior Enhancement __ ___;;1;.;;;5.:..;.,0:...:0:...:0_ City Parkin g Lots Lan dscape Enhancement 436,500 190,000 Las Tunas Drive St udy 300,000 Temple City Boulevard Parking Lot Project 490,000 629,790 Upgrade Traffic Signals on Te mple City Blvd. an d Other Safety Improvements 600,000 Street Resurfacing per Pavement Manageme nt Plan (Ph ase 4) 1,229,790 750,000 Street Res urfaci ng pe r Pa ve ment Manageme nt Plan (Phase 4) w- TRANSFER IN Cap ita l Improvement Fund 60-990-90-904X 60-990-90-9093 60-990-90-9079 60-990-90-9075 TOTAL INT ERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFER OUT Measure M XX -990-90-9168 Highway Safe ty lmpr. Program 36-990-90-9168 Surface Transp Prog r -Loca l 37-9 90-90-9168 Pa rk Acquisition 46-990-90-9 168 CITY OF T EMP LE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017 -2018 AMOUNT DESCR IPT ION 400,000 Street Resurfacing per Pavement Management Plan (Phase 4) 934,560 Upgrade Traffic Sign als on Temple City Blvd. and Ot her Sa f ety Improvements 262,900 Upgrade Traffic Signals Citywid e and Install Other Safety Improvements 1,19 7,460 437,300 Upgrade Traffic Signals on Temple City Blvd. and Other Safety Improvements 15,000 Resurface Fo ur Tennis Court s at Live Oak Pa rk 4 ,956,550 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 ESTIMATED REVE NUE FU NDS -BY SOURCE ACTUAL ADOPTED EST IMAT ED A DO PTED Budget % 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Change PW/Engi nee r ing Fees 59,321 50,000 4 2,000 45,000 -10.0% 01-84 0-35-3512 1,627,626 1,507,170 1,449,170 1,474,260 -2 .2% FINES, FO RF EITU RES AND PENA LT IE S Cou rt Fines 303,524 891,000 791,000 47S,OOO -46.7% 01-850-36-3601 USE OF MON EY lnter es t -LAIF 01-860-37-3701 In t eres t-Securities 97,663 115,000 115,000 100,000 -13.0% 01-860-37-3702 Interest-Others 01-860-37-3703 Inte rest-CD 87,548 85,000 85,000 100,000 17.6% 01-860-37-3704 Interest-Corporate Bonds 01-860-37-3705 185,211 200,000 200,000 200,000 0 .0% OTHER AB939 Reimbursement 15,273 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.0% 01-870-38-3807 Rec yclab le Revenue 24,969 35,000 35,000 25,000 -28.6% 0 1-870-38-3809 Re ntal Income 84,241 65,000 65,000 32,000 -50.8% 01-870-38-3811 Sa le of Ci ty Property 01-870-38-3813 Other Reimbursement 195,325 100,000 100,000 100,000 0.0% 01-870-38-3815 Do na t io ns 14,100 12,000 12,000 12,000 0 .0 % 01-870-38-3816 Sundry 6,499 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 01-870-38-3817 CRA Ad min Reimb 24,293 25,000 01-870-38-3818 L/LD Admin Reimb 22,599 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.0% 01-870-38-3819 Loa n Repaym ent 01-870-38-3823 387,299 238,000 238,000 220,000 -7.6% TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE 14,047,190 14,128,170 14,010,170 14,264,260 1.0% SPEC IAL REV EN UE FUNDS TRAFFIC SAFETY 8,612 25,000 10,000 10,000 -60.0% 11-850-36-3602 SLESF STATE COPS GRA NT (BR ULTE ) 114,618 100,000 100,000 115,000 15.0% 13-830-34-3402 INTEREST 13-860-37-3701 114,618 100,000 100,000 115,000 15.0% 34 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2 017-2018 ESTIMATED REVEN UE FUNDS -BY SOURCE ACTUAL ADOPTED EST IMATED ADOPTED Budget % 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Change PROP A TRA NSPORTATION 652,228 640,000 640,000 660,000 3.1% 15-830-34-3406 BUS PASS SALES 97,366 110,120 110,1 20 100,000 -9.2% 15-840-35-3507 INTEREST 435 1,000 1,000 500 -50.0% 15-860-37-3701 750,029 751,120 751,120 760,500 1.2% PROP C TRA NSPORTATION 539,575 540,000 540,000 540,000 0.0% 16-830-34-3407 INTEREST 152 100 100 100 0.0% 16-860-37-3701 539,727 540,100 540,100 540,100 0.0% USED OIL INTERGOVER NMENTAL 9,686 15,000 15,000 10,000 -33.3% 17-830-34-3428 TRAFFIC SA FETY GRANT 6,000 10,000 10,000 6,000 -40.0% 19-830-34-3422 GAS TAX 210 5 185,878 206,000 206,000 212,000 2.9% 21-830-34-3408 GAS TAX 2106 113,078 111,000 111,000 133,000 19.8% 21-830-34-3409 GAS TAX 2107 241,137 282,000 282,000 275,000 -2.5% 21-830-34 -3410 GAS TAX 2107.5 6,000 6,000 6,000 0.0% 2 1-830-34-3411 GAS TAX 2 103 148,861 160,000 160,000 146,000 -8.8% 21-830-34-3437 INTEREST 1,353 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 21-860-37-3701 690,307 766,000 766,000 773,000 0.9% CDBG 165,301 403,400 403,400 230,000 -4 3.0% 27-830-34-3412 Lo an Re pa ymen t 63,284 25,000 -100.0% 27-870-38-3823 Program Income 27-870-38-3824 228,585 428,400 403,400 230,000 -46.3% LOCAL TRA NSPORTATION SB 821 28-830-34-3413 INTEREST 28-860-37-3701 AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 46,083 45,000 45,000 45,000 0 .0% 29-830-34-34 14 INTEREST 119 100 100 100 0 .0% 29-860-37-3701 46,202 45,100 45,100 45,100 0.0% 35 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 ES TIMATED REVENUE FUNDS -BY SOURCE ACTUAL ADOPTED ESTIMATED ADOPTED Budget% 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Change MEASURER 406,000 410,000 410,000 410,000 0.0% 30-830-34-3436 INTEREST 1,924 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 30-860-37-3701 407,924 411,000 411,000 411,000 0.0% PARKI NG CONCESSION 31-840-35-3511 AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND 19,095 32-840-35-3513 SEWER RECONSTRUCTION 161,500 80,000 80,000 80,000 0.0% 33-840-35-3502 HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 56,082 1,217,460 1,217,460 -100.0% 36-830-34-3428 SURFACE TRANSPORTATION 437,300 437,300 PROGRAM -LOCAL 37-830-34-3429 Measure M XX-XXX-XX-XXXX 400,000 1992 PARK BOND FUND 92/96 PARK BOND MAINT/SERVICE 24,94 3 26,600 41-830-34-3417 26,600 14,500 -45.5% STATE RECYCLING/LIITER FUNDS 9,771 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.0% 43-830-34-3424 PARK ACQUISITION FUND 61,932 40,000 46-840-35-3504 40,000 40,000 0.0% LIGHT IN G/LANDSCAPE DISTRICT ASSESSMENT FEES 325,798 300,000 47-810-32-3213 300,000 330,000 10.0% AD VALO REM TAX 989,960 940,000 940,000 990,000 5.3% 47-810-32-3214 INTEREST 1,579 1,500 47-860-37-3701 1,500 1,500 0 .0% 1,317,337 1,241,500 1,241,500 1,321,500 6.4% HIGH PRIORITY LEGACY USER 48-830-34-3443 CONGEST ION MITIGATION AIR QUALITY 18,109 49-830-34-3444 PUBLIC ARTS FUND 18,243 51-840-35-3514 BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION ACCOUNT 52-830-34-3445 197,245 36 CITY OF TEMPlE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 ESTIMATED REVENUE FUNDS-BY SOURCE ACTUAL ADOPTED ESTIMATED ADOPTED Budget% 20 15-16 201 6-17 2016-17 2017-18 Change SAF E ROUTES TO SCHOOL 53-830-34-3 446 ENVIRONMENT PROTECT A G ENCY 54-830-34 -3447 5TH DIST RICT 2015 EXCESS FUNDS GRANT 140,000 240,000 -100.0% 55-830-34-3428 TOTAl SPECIAL REVENUE 4,488,702 6,284,580 6,541,825 4,766,700 -24 .2% TRUST FUND INTER EST-OTH ERS 554 1,000 1,000 500 -50.0% 62-860-37-3703 DONATION 2,500 62-860-37-3816 3,054 1,000 1,000 500 -50.0% SE lF IN SURANCE FUND AB939 RE IM BURSEMENT 44,651 65-870-38-3807 44,651 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 18,583,597 20,413,750 20,552,995 19,031,460 -6 .8% 37 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 REVENUE FUNDS -USES AND SOURCES There ar e basically two types of reven ue funds ma in ta in ed by the City-restrict ed and unr es t rict ed. The restricted funds, such as Gas Tax and Traffic Sa f ety, are derived from specia l revenues and may only be expended for specific purposes. The unrestricted General Fun d may be used for any State or local purpose. The r efore, the overall fina ncial well-being is reflected largely by the Gene r al Fun d balance. It is in th e in t erest of the City to spend restricted money when possible ra th er than unrestricted, th us leaving as much of th e su rp lus as possible in t he Genera l Fund. GE NERA L FUND The General Fund is the largest of all sources of revenue available to the City. The General Fund is composed of revenue derived f rom a number of ar eas, the major sources bei ng Sales and Use Taxes, Property Taxes, In-lieu Taxes, and interest on investm ents. Enabling legislati on was passed in 1969 wherein the revenue received from the In-lieu Tax, which was semi-restricted, is now considered a General Fund revenue source and may be used for any State or local purpose. Sa les and Use Tax Estimated 2017-2018-$2,000,000 Th e Bradley-Burnes Uniform l ocal Sales and Use Tax law of 1950 has p rovided one of the largest revenue sou rces ava ilable to local governm ent. On all retai l sa les, the City receives one cent for every dollar spent in the City. Property Tax Alloca t ion Estimated 2017-2018-$3,200,000 Pursuant to SB 709 (Ch. 1211, Statutes of 1989) "no and low-property-tax" cities receive a property tax transfer from the County by applying a tax rate of 7 cents per $100 of the current assessed property value. Interest on Investments Estimated 2017-2018 -$200,000 The City's cash management system is designed t o accurately monitor and forecast expenditures and revenue, thus enabling the City to inves t f unds to the fullest extent possible. The City attempts to obtain in the highest yield obtainable as long as i nvest me nts meet the criteria established for safet y and liquidity. SPEC IAL REVE NU E FU NDS These funds account for the pr oceeds of specific revenue sources that are lega lly restr icted to expenditures for limited pu rposes. TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Estimated 2017-2018 -$10,000 This fund consists of revenue received from fines and forfeitures for violation of the Motor Vehicle Code. This money can only be spent for the following: maintenance and construction of streets, traffic regulation and control devices, traffic enforcem ent, accident prevention services and equipment, compensation of cr ossing guards, and sidewalk construction, repair and maintenance. 38 PROP A TRAN SPORTATION FU ND CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 Estimated 2017-2018-$660,000 Proposition A, effective July 1, 1982, increased the County Sales Tax by one-ha lf cent to provide funds exclusively to benefit publi c transi t. Twenty-five perce nt of these fund s are allocated to muni ci pali ties based on pop ulation. Cities have the year of receipt plus three addition al years to whi ch to ex pend the funds. Any unused funds may be excha nged for other cities' Gene ral Fund. Exp end itures related to fix ed route and paratransit services, Trans portation Demand Management, Transportation Systems Management and fare subsidy p r ograms that exclusively benefit trans it are all eligible uses of Pr o po si tion A Loc al Return funds. PROP (TR ANSPORTATIO N FUND Estimated 2017-2018-$540,000 Proposition C, effective November 6, 1990, increased t h e County Sales Tax by one-half cent to provide funds to benefit public transit. Twenty percent of th ese funds are alloca t ed to municipalities b ased on population. Cities have the year of r ece ipt plus three addi tional years in whic h to expend the fund s. Proposition C funds also provides an expended list of eligible project expenditu r es in cluding Congestion Management Programs (CMP), bikeways and bike lanes, street im provements sup porting pu blic t ransit service, and Pavement Management System projects. Proposition C funds cannot be exc han ged for other funds. STATE GAS TAX FUNDS GT 2105 Fund (included GT 21 03) Est i mated 2017-2018 -$358,000 Section 2105 of the Streets and Highways Code provides that each City in the State sha ll be apportioned a su m equal to the net revenue derived from 11.5% of the Highway Use rs Tax in excess of $.09 per gallon, based on population. In FY 1991-92, the eligibi lity for Section 2105 funds, r equired the City to maintain expenditure levels for roads from the General Fund at the average of those expenditures made during the 1987-88, 1988-89 and 1989-90 fiscal years. Th is requi r ement has si nce been eliminated. (This r evenue category here also included any revenue for the Traffic Co ngestion Relief/Gas Tax Swap from the State.) GT 2106 Fund Estimated 2017-2018-$133,000 Sec ti on 2106 (a) of the St reets and Highways Code provides that each City in the State shall receive a fixed monthly apportionment of $400 ($4,800 yr.). In addition, under Section 2106 (b), payment to Temp le City is es timated on a pe r capita ba sis . GT 2107 Fund Estimated 2017-2018-$275,000 Sec tio n 2107 funds are all oca t ed by the Sta t e t o cities on a populat ion ba sis. Th ese moni es are used for street improvements. Payme nt is est imated on a per cap ita ba sis. GT 2107.5 Fund Estimated 2017-2018-$6,000 An apportionment of $6,000 will be made to the City in Fiscal Year 2017-2018. This apportionment is used for engineeri ng and ad ministrative expenses in respect to City streets. CDBG FUND Estimated 2017-2018-$230,000 Comm unity Deve lopment Block Grant Funds are rece iv ed from th e US Housi ng and Urban Development. These fu nds are distributed t o the City of Temple City by the Los Angeles County Communi ty Development Commission. CDBG funds for the FY 2017-2018 have been earma rk ed for housi ng rehabi li t ation, handyworker program, youth schola r ship, lead based pai nt aba t em en t , as bestos t es ting & r emoval program s and r elat ed administr ative costs. PARK ACQ UISITION FUND CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 Estimated 2017-2018-$40,000 Effective October 17, 1990, the Zoning Code, as amended, required the payment of $500.00 per unit on any new dwelling constru cted in the City. Funds collected are expen ded sole ly for t he acquisition or improvement o f neighborhood or community parks in general co nformance with priorit ies estab lished by the General Plan . LIGHT IN G/LAND SCAPE DISTRICT Estimated 2017-2018-$1320,000 The City consolidated several county lighting districts into the City-wide Temple City Municipal Lighting District in 1969 to provide a unified lighting sys t em for the tota l comm un ity. With passage of Proposition 13, the property tax rev enue availab le to pay the costs of lighting was decreased subst antially. In order to m aintain existing street lighting and maintenance levels, the City created a special assessment district pursuant to the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. The Lighting District was amended in Fiscal Year 1991-92 to add other eligible programs, including trees and pa r kways, pa rk maintenance and traffic signa l maintenance. The lighting district revenues are collected through a property tax to pay the costs of energy and maintenance. A new method for determing the annual assessme nt was approved for FY 1995 -96. This method, which is the Equivalent Dwelli ng Unit, is more appropri at e and equitab le for lighting and landscape districts as fairly distributing the cost of the district in relation to the benef its received. In Nove mb er 1996, the vo t ers approved Proposi tion 218 which is the Right To Vote on Taxes. For the City of Temple City this meant that, as of FY 97 -98, the Parks Program would no longer be eligi ble to be funded by the Lighting/Landscape District. As a result of the elimination of this program f r om the District, the an nu al assessment for FY 1997-98 was reduced f r om $52.35 per equ ivalent dwelling unit to $25.03 per EDU and remains the same for FY 2017-2018. Zone A, residential Zo ne B, re si dential Commercial, industrial and institution al Churches $25.03 per EDU (Equivalent Dwelling Uni t ) $25.03 per EDU (Equivalent Dwelling Unit) converted to ED Us based on the lot size of each parcel which is then assessed at six six (6) EDUs per ac r e. church properties with residential uses are assessed .75 ED Us per dwelling unit, all oth er church pro perties are assessed 75 perce nt of the commercial/industria l rate which ca lcu lates to 4.5 ED Us per acre. 40 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-20 18 EXPENDITURE SECTION (This page intentionally left blank) CITY OF TEMPL E CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 ARTICLE XIII -B OF THE CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION (GANN INITIATIVE) Effective July 1, 1980, Proposition 4 (Gann) put a limit on the City's expenditures from tax revenues based on 1978-79 appropriations that is adj usted each succeeding year by Consumer Price In d ex and population changes. Non-Proceeds of Tax es (Fines and Forfeit ures and User Fees) were not subject to this limit. In 1989-90, Proposition 111 w as passed, which cha nged the base year to 1986-87, and allows cities to adjust their limit annually by either the ch ange in the Ca li fornia per capita income or t h e pe r centage change in growth in total assessed valuation due to non residential construction. For population changes, cities now have the option of using eith er the percentage increase of the City or the pe r centage increase of the entire county. The Jaw also allows for the exc lusion f rom the limit of "qualified capital outlay" which includes any appropri atio n for f ixe d assets costing over $100,000 The 2017-2018 budget expe n d itures are well within the statut ory li mit. It sho uld be noted that future revenues exceeding the limitation requ ire a return of the excess to the taxpayers or a substan t ial portion of such excess will be forfeited for State uses. COMPUTATION OF APPROPRIATION LIMIT 2017-2018 AP PR OPRIATIONS LIM IT 2016-17limit (1 ) Per Cap ita Income and County population change factor applied to 2016-17 appropri ations limit 2017-2018 appropriations limit APPROPRIATIO NS SUBJE CT TO LIMIT AND APPROPRIATIONS MARGIN Proceeds of Taxes Less Exclusions : Qualified Cap ital Ou tlay Appropriation s Subject to Lim it Appropriations Margin $ 19,352,151 1.0428 $ 20,180,423 $ 11,264,600 1,894,790 $ 9,369,810 $ 10,810,613 (1) Rec alcuted as a result o f Proposition 111 and in accordance with guidelines of the League o f Ca liforn ia Cities . Formal adoption for the FY 1991-92 recalc ul ated appropri ations limit was approved by the Ci ty Council o n July 2, 1991. 41 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 EX PENDI TU RE APPROPRIATIONS BY FUND ING SOURCE ACTUAL A DOPTED ESTIMATED A DOPTED Budget % PROGRA M 2015-16 2016-17 20 1 6-17 2017-18 Change GENE RAL FUND City Co unc il 155,068 178,915 178,915 178,290 -0.3% City M anager 816,592 906,395 801,660 835 ,280 -7.8% City Ma nager (Library Project) 1,950,000 450,000 1,500,000 -23.1% City Attorney 456,947 382,000 382,000 362,000 -5.2 % Elections 85,875 48,000 Ci ty Clerk 285,6 32 324,825 296 ,99 5 327,560 0.8% Law Enforcement 3,880,800 4,196,475 4,189,845 4,329,020 3 .2% Tra ffi c Engin eering 3 4,164 40,000 40,000 37,310 -6 .7% Emergency Services 104,660 113,995 112,720 1 53,540 3 4.7% Parking Administration 30 6,858 408,385 407 ,805 319,985 -21.6% Support Services 129,529 136,600 133,295 137,180 0.4% Perso nnel 742,831 1,045,285 1,026,195 974,230 -6 .8% Accounting 513,755 611,510 599,770 624,580 2.1 % Purchasing 187,259 260,730 227,530 225,085 -13.7% Recreatio n/Human Servi ce s 1,138,431 1,237,485 1,202,130 1,283,860 3.7% Parks -M aint/Facilities 952,064 1,044,040 1,008,175 1,078,910 3.3 % Trees and Parkways 334,390 Planning 828,110 1,609,655 1,121,035 91 8,730 -42.9% Buildi ng 1,028,457 877,410 822,925 715,790 -18.4 % Housing 3 5,217 42,600 42,450 30,870 -27.5% Com mun ity Preservation 406,046 575,905 55 6,870 532,500 -7.5% Administration & Engineering 541,268 474,550 466,860 684,420 44.2% Solid Waste M anagement General Government Bldg 245,041 297,270 285,960 269,900 -9.2% Parking Facilit ies 118,282 167,080 1 62,635 100,630 -39.8% 12,907,011 16,966,985 14,563,770 15,954,060 -6.0 % 42 PROGRAM TR AFF IC SAFETY Law Enforce m e nt STATE COPS GRA NT FU ND Law Enforcement PROP A TRANSPORTATION Public Transportation USE D OIL GRANT Solid Waste Management STATE OTS GRANT Law Enforcement GAS TAX FUNDS 2105L2106L2107 L2107 .5 Admi nistr ation & Engineering Tr affic Signs & Striping Maint . Str eet & Sidewalk Maintenance Trees an d Par kways CDBG Housi ng Recrea tion/Human Services AQM D Purchasing CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 EX PEND ITURE APPROP RIATIONS BY FUNDIN G SOURCE ACTUAL 2015-16 8,500 120,000 745,352 15,273 6,000 6,000 142,476 320,617 130,703 599 ,796 143,502 21,797 165,299 37,301 ADOPTED 2016-17 25 ,000 100,000 852,830 10,115 6,000 142,565 341,900 135,210 625,675 377,000 26,400 403,400 14,270 ESTIMATED 2016-17 10,000 100,000 709,95 0 10,115 6,000 84,065 34 8,800 135,210 574,075 377,000 26,400 403,400 14,270 A DOP TED 2017-18 1 0,000 100,000 758,970 10,110 6,000 6,000 117,460 379,800 503,260 2 03,000 27,000 230,000 41,270 Budget% Change -60.0% 0.0% -11.0 % 0 .0 % 0 .0% -17.6 % 11.1% -1 9 .6% -46.2% 2.3% -43.0% 189.2% PROGRAM 1992/96 PARK BOND Parks-Maintenance/Facilities LIGHTIN G AND LANDSCAPE DIST. Pu rchasing Traffic Signal Maintenance Street Lighting Trees and Parkways PUBLIC ARTS FUND City Manager TOTAL PROGRAM EXPE ND ITURES CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 EXPE NDITURE APP ROPRIAT IONS BY FUNDI NG SOURCE ACTUAL 2015-16 24,943 15,310 179,074 3 43,272 578,764 1,116,420 6,806 15,752,701 44 ADOPTED 2016-17 26,600 21,595 136,500 394,010 556,480 1,108,585 20,000 20,1 53,460 ESTI MATED 201 6-17 26,600 21,595 156,500 384,410 487,480 1,049,985 20,000 17,482,165 ADOPTED 2017-18 14,500 29,095 156,500 359,930 330,000 875,525 18,503,695 Budget% Change -45 .5% 34.7% 14.7% -8.6% -40.7% -2 1 .0 % -100.0% -8 .2% PROGRAM MANAGE M ENT SERVICES DE PAR TME NT City Council City Manager City Manager (Library Project) City Attorney Elections City Cle r k CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 EXPE N DITURE APPROPRIATIONS BY PROGRAM ACTUA L ADOPTED ESTI MATED 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 155,068 178,915 178,915 823,398 926,395 821,660 1,950,000 450,000 456,947 382,000 382,000 85,875 48,000 285,632 324,825 296,995 1,721,045 3,848,010 2,177,570 MANAGEME NT SERVICES DEPARTM ENT-PUBLIC SAFETY Law Enforcement 4,015,300 4,321,475 4,299,845 Traffic Engineering 34,164 40,000 40,000 Emergency Services 104,660 113,995 112,720 Parking Administration 306,858 408,385 407,805 4,460,982 4,883,855 4,860,370 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Support Services 129,5 29 136,600 133,295 Personnel 742,831 1,045,285 1,026,195 Accounting 513,755 611,510 599,770 Purchas ing 239,870 296,595 263,395 1,625,985 2,089,990 2,022,655 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMEN T Recreation/Human Services 1,160,228 1,263,885 1,228,530 Public Transportation 745,352 852,830 709,950 Parks-Maint/Facilities 977,007 1,070,640 1,034,775 Trees and Parkways 709,467 691,690 622,690 3,592,054 3,879,045 3,595,945 45 A DOPTED Budget % 2017-18 Change 178,290 -0.3% 835,280 -9.8% 1,500,000 -23.1% 362,000 -5.2% 327,560 0.8% 3,203,130 -16.8% 4,445,020 2.9 % 37,310 -6.7% 153,540 34.7% 319,985 -21.6% 4,955,855 1.5 % 137,180 0.4% 974,230 -6.8% 624,580 2.1% 295,450 -0.4% 2,031,440 -2 .8% 1,310,860 3.7% 758,970 -11.0% 1,093,410 2.1% 664,390 -3 .9 % 3,827,630 -1.3% PROGRAM CO MMUNITY DEVELOP MENT DEPARTMENT COMM UNITY ENHANCEMENT Planning Building Housing Community Pr eservation COMM UNITY DEVELOPM ENT DEPA RTMENT INFRASTRUCfURE & MAINTENANCE Administration & Engineerin g Traffic Signal Maintenance Traffic Signs & Striping Maint. Street & Sidewalk Maintenance Solid Waste Management Street Ligh ting General Government Bldg Parking Facilit ies TOTA L ALL PROGRAMS CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 EXPE ND ITURE APPROPRIATIO NS BY PROGRAM ACfUAL ADOPTED ESTI MATED 2015-16 2016-1 7 2016-17 828,110 1,609,655 1,121,035 1,028,457 877,410 822,925 178,719 419,600 419,450 406,046 575,905 556,870 2,441,332 3,482,570 2,920,280 547,268 480,550 472,860 179,074 136,500 156,500 142,476 142,565 84,065 320,617 341,900 34 8,800 15,273 10,115 10,115 343,272 394,010 384,410 245,041 297,270 285,960 118,282 167,080 162,635 1,9 11,303 1,969,990 1,905,345 15,752,70 1 20,153,460 17,482,165 ADO PTED 2017-18 918,730 715,790 233,870 532,500 2,400,890 690,420 156,500 117,460 379,800 10,110 359,930 269,900 100,630 2,0 84,750 18,503,695 Note: Equ ipment replacement an d capital improvement projects are accounted for in a separate section of the budget. Budget % Change -42.9% -18.4% -44.3% -7.5% -31 .1% 43.7% 14.7% -17.6% 11.1% 0.0% -8 .6% -9.2% -39.8 % 5.8% -8 .2% CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 DEPARTMENTAL PROGRAMS (This p age inte ntionally l eft blank) DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FY 2017-18 : Ado RESOURCES ALLOCATED Pers onnel Cost s 0 enses PROGRAM FINANCING Gene r al Fu nd Pub li c A rts Fund r am Financin • Genera l Fund • Public Arts Fund 3,203,130 100% ACTUAL 2015-16 4 7 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Pro gram 41 : City Co unci l Est abli sh es City pol icy. Program 42: City M anager Implem e nts City pol icy. Program 43: City Attorney Advises on legal m atte rs. Program 44: Elections Co n ducts munici p al electi ons. Progra m 45 : City Clerk Provides reco r ds m anagement. FY 2017-18: Ado ted Resources Alloca ted 97 1,470 30% • Personnel Costs • Operating Expenses 3,203,130 $ 3,203,130 (This page intentionally left blank) 48 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Program: Ci ty Council Account : 01-910 -41 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To establ ish poli cy and determine th e most effective use of limited resources th at meet community and organizational needs . BUDGET SUMMA RY Person nel Cos t s nses KEY PROGRAM GOAlS 1. Evaluate and adop t City ex p end itures th at st rengthen an alread y strong fisca l posit i on. 2. Establish City priorities for implementation and accou ntabi lity. 3. Support civic engagement opportunities that foster com munity and neighborhood vitality. 4. Rep r esent City i nterest s sk i llfully on regional iss ues. 5. Meet all re quirements of the Br own Act and r ecently adopted City Council protocols . KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Meeti ngs held . 1/ Ordinances and r esolutions passe d . 2/ Budgets prepared and adop ted . Agend a actions t aken. 1,2/ Ad hoc and standing committee meet ings requiring staff support. FO OTNOTES : 1/ Includes Successor Agency, Community De ve l opment and Housing Authority, and standing committees. 2/ Includes, but is not limited to City Co unci l, Successor Agency, and Community Development and Housing Authority meetings. 49 ADOPTED 2017-18 72,830 105,460 178,290 ADOPTED 2017-18 178,290 $ 178,290 ADOPTED 2017-18 30 62 1 3 40 25 EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSO NNEL COSTS ACCT. 4101-5 Council M embers (5) 4320 Hea lth In surance 4340 PERS Retirement 4350 M edicare Tax 4361 Total : OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT. 4410 M eeting Expense 4420 Travel & Conference 4425 Memberships 4440 Telephone 4465 Special Department Sup plies 46 10 Sis t e r City Program 4640 Special Events 4670 Commun Promotions Total: ACTUAL 2015-16 4 3,200 23,496 5,727 568 ACTUAL 2015-16 2,744 1 8,329 32,993 7,136 2,431 10,855 5,142 so 3,500 30,000 37,190 8,820 2,500 10,500 4,500 7 500 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Program: Account: City Council 01-910-41 ADOPTED 2017-18 3,500 30,000 38,140 8,820 2,500 10,500 4,500 7,500 105,460 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-910-41 CITY COUNCIL SALARIES AND BE N EFITS 4101-410 5 Ci t y Council ($720/mo. x 5 members x 12 mos.) 43,200 4320 Hea lth Insurance (Medical, dental and vision) 21,640 434 0 PE RS Retiremen t 7,360 4350 Medicare Tax 630 4361 Life/Disa bility Insurance (Moved to Account 4 7-4361) - -' TOTAL 72,830 M A IN TENAN CE AND OPERATIONS 441 0 M ee ting Ex p en se County Supervisor Breakfa st 500 Misc. expenses (e.g., outside meeting engagements, water, etc.) 3,000 I TOTAL 3,500 4420 Trave l & Confe r ence For conference regis t ration, hotel, meals and transportation TOTAL 30,000 4425 M e mber ships Council Membership CDA, CACEO, ICS C 1,250 Subtotal: 1,250 Governance Memberships California Contr act Cities 4,200 League of Cali fo rnia Cities 14,420 League of Ca lif ornia Citi es: Los Ange les Ch apter 1,340 San Gabriel Valley Counci l of Governments (40%, Prop A 60%) 6,850 San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnershi p 5,560 Southern Ca lifornia Counci l of Governments 3,750 Subtotal: 36,120 Other M embe rshi p Si ster Cities International 620 U.S./Mexico Sister Cities 150 Subto ta l: 77 0 TOTAL 38,140 51 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTI ON 01-910-41 CITY COUNCIL 4440 Te lephone Cell phone and iPad data charges ($140/mo. x 5 members x 12 mos.) I TOTAL 8,820 4465 Sp e ci al De partment Supplies Books and gener al supp lies 800 letterhead, badges, photos, placards 500 Pla q ues, proclamations, certificates, f lowers, r ecognitions 1,200 r TOTAL 2,500 4610 Si ster City Program 1 TOTAL 10,500 4640 Specia l Events Annual Reorganization 2,000 Council/Commissioner BBQ 1,000 State of the City Address 1,500 ~ TOTAL 4,500 4670 Community Promotions Community meeti ngs, sponsorships and outr each 5,500 Youth Committee 2 ,000 TOTAL 7,500 52 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Program: City Manager Account: 0 1-910-42 STATEMENT O F PURPOSE To implem ent Council policy an d priorities, advise the Cou ncil on reliable methods of responding to community needs, ensure or ganizational and fiscal management, and promote th e philosophy of continu ous improve ment. STAFFING SUM MARY City Manager Econ. Dev. Mgr./Asst. to City Manager Exec ut ive Ass istant to the City Manager Ad m in is t ra t ive Assistant to th e CC/CM Management Analyst Part-Time Po sitions BUDGET SUMMARY Person nel Costs 0 enses FUNDING SOURC ES Gene r al Fu n d Public Arts Fund KEY PROGRAM GOALS ACTUAL 2 015 -16 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1. Implem ent Council policy in an expeditious manner and within th e resources available. 2. Sub mi t an an nual budget reflect ing Council priori t ies and commun ity need s. 3. Coordinate Council meeting activities and municipal function s. 4. Manage directly the City's eco nomic development, redevelopment and public information activities. 5. Deve lo p, implement an d m onit or an intra and ci t ywi d e performan ce -based work program . KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Agenda reports reviewed and app roved. Departments supe rvised . Community inquiries resolved or referred . 53 ADOPTED 2017-18 637,070 1,698,210 $ 2,335,280 ADOPTED 2017-18 2,335,280 $ 2,335,280 ADOPTED 2017-18 311 4 633 EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL COSTS ACCT. 4106 City Manager 4107 Executive Assista nt to the City Manager 4107 Admin. Asst. to CC and CM 4109 Econ . Dev. Mgr./Asst. to City Manager 4172 Management Analyst 4150 Overtime 4161 Part-Time 4310 Opti onal Benefits Program 4320 Heal th I nsurance 4340 PERS Reti rement 4350 Medicare Tax 4361 Life/Disabili In sura nce Total: OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT. 4231 Professional/Contract Services 4280 Project Development Cost 4405 Mileage Re i mbursement 4410 M ee ting Expense 4420 Travel & Conference 4425 Membershi ps/Subs criptions 4440 Telephon e 4465 Special Dept. Sup plies 4670 Commu Promotions Tota l : ACTUAL 2 015-16 192,258 38,809 1 26,409 126,430 5,498 64,295 117 4,000 33,430 3,290 34,850 97,570 ACTUAL 2015-16 345,034 282,790 1,950,000 5,400 5,400 1,229 1,450 3,908 6,000 1,525 932 54 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Program : Account: City Manager 01-910-42 $ ADOPTED 2017-18 190,000 59,290 128,950 65,580 4,000 48,370 2,470 33,760 97,510 7,140 637,070 ADOPTED 2017-18 179,850 1,500,000 5,400 1,450 4,500 1,230 780 1,500 3,500 1,698,210 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION 01-910-42 CITY MANAGER SALARIES AND BENEFITS 4106 City Manager (CM) 190,000 4107 Administrative Assista nt to the City Counci l and City Manager 59,290 4109 Asst. to City Manager (ACM) 128,950 4172 Management Analyst (FTMA) 65 ,580 4161 Part-Time Office Assistant (23 Hrs/Wk) 26,840 Managemen t Intern (29 Hrs/Wk) 21,530 4150 Overtime 4,000 4310 Optional Benefits Program 2,470 4320 Health Insurance 33,760 4340 PERS Retirement 97,510 4350 Medica re Tax 7,140 4361 Life/Disability Insurance (Moved to Accou nt 4361) - TOTAL 637,070 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4231 Private/Specia l Contract Se rvices City Magazine (CO NN ECT) Art and desig n 31,000 Copy development and editing 7,700 Postage and distribution 10,250 Printing 31,000 Subtotal: 79,950 Econo mic Development Chamber of Commerce 70,000 Advisory Servi ce 20,000 Subtotal: 90,000 Other Grant writing services 2,500 On -call design, copywriting and ma r keting services 6,000 Translation Services 1,400 Subtotal: 9,900 TOTAL 179,850 55 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-910-42 CITY MANAGER 4280 Project Dev elopment Co st Funding agreeme nt with Los Angeles County Commun ity Deve lopment Commission for the Temple City Library Renovation and Expansion Project (General Fun d One-Time Expenditure f or tota l co st of $1.95 M ill ion, $1.5 M illion carr ied over from the las t fiscal year) I TOTAL 1,500,000 4405 Milea ge Reimbursement Contractual Auto Allowances CM ($300/mo. x 12 mos.) 3,600 ACM ($150/mo. x 12 mos.) 1,800 I TOTAL 5,400 4410 M eeting Ex p ense Public agency lias ion 100 San Gabriel Valley City M anager Ass ociation 350 Staff Meetings, sem inars and workshops 1,000 TOTAL 1,450 4420 Travel & Conference Allotment for confer ence registration, hotel, meals and trans portation 4,500 ' TOTAL 4,500 442 5 Memberships/Subscriptio n s California City M anager Foundation 400 In ternational City Manager Association 200 International Cou n cil of Shopping Ce n ters 200 Municipal Management Association of Southern California 230 San Gabriel Valley City Manager Associat ion 100 Oth er 100 I TOTAL 1,230 4440 Tel ephon e Cell phone service ($65/mo. x 12 mos.; for ATCM} TOTAL 780 56 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION 01-910-42 CITY MANAGER 4465 Sp eci a l Departme nt Suppli es Books and office supplies I TOTAL 1,500 4670 Community Promotions Special projects and programs TOTAL 3,500 57 (This page intentionally left blank) 58 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Program: City Attorney Account: 01-910 -43 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To advise th e City Council and the City Manager in all leg al m atters pertaining to City operations; to r epresent the City b efore courts of law and admi nistrat ive agencies; and to negotiate on behalf of the City where required by the City Counci l. BUDGET SUMMARY ses FUNDING SOURCES KEY PROGRAM GOALS 1. Provi de general legal advice to the City Council an d City Manager. 2. Represent the City in litigat ion matters not covered by the Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JP IA ). 3. Prep are and review resolutions, ordi nances, contract s and othe r legal doc u ments. 4 . Provide l egal advice to Ci ty Manager regarding personnel iss u es. ADOPTED 2017-18 362,000 $ 362,000 5. Con du ct legal trainings and oth er educational program s to meet statutory requirements and re duce ri sk of liability. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Advice and legal opinions provided (formal and informal). Cases defended. Legal documents prepared or r ev iewed . Personnel matters addressed. Traini ngs provided. 59 ADOPTED 2017-18 286 2 572 20 4 EXPENDITURE DETAil PERSONNEL COSTS OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT . 4234 City Attorney 4 24 3 Sp ecial Counse l 4405 Mileage Reimbursement 4410 M eeti nse 60 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Program: Account: City Attorney 01-910-43 ADOPTED 2017-18 $ - ADOPTED 2017-18 220,000 140,000 2,000 $ 362,000 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-910-43 CITY ATTORNEY MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4234 Ci ty Attorney Co ntracted legal services TOTAL 220,000 4243 Special Counse l TOTAL 140,000 4405 Mileage Reimbursement Travel costs TOTAL 2,000 61 (This page intentionally left blank) 62 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Program: El ections Account: 01-910-44 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To conduc t all City general municipal and special elections i n accordance w ith th e City Charter and California Elections Code, and serve as Filing Officer for required disclosure statements. BUDGET SUMMA RY Personnel Costs nses ADOPTED 2017-18 $ - KEY PROGRAM GOALS 1. Plan, su p ervise and conduct the City's general munici p al and specia l elections. 2. Offer informational support to City Council candidates. 3. Comply with all regulations and timelines esta blished by the Ca lifornia Elections Code . 4. Recruit and supervise polling pl ace officers; secu re adequate polling places. 5 . Provide voter registration, vote r outreach and verification services to residents. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Number of reg istered voters serve d. Number of permanent Vote-By-Ma il voters serve d. Number of notices and news r eleases issue d. 63 ADOPTED 2017-18 15,777 5,703 26 EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL COSTS ACCT . 4150 Overtime 4163 Part-Time: Seasonal OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT . 4218 Elect i on Services: LA Cou nty Registrar 4231 Pri vate/Special Con tract Services 4245 Election Services: Martin & Chap man 4246 Precinct Board Wages 4405 M ileage Reimbursement 4410 Meeting Expense 4450 Postage 4465 Specia l Department Supplies 4470 Leg al Advertising 4490 Training 4590 Pol l ing Place Rentals 4670 Commu Promotions ACTUAL 2015-16 64 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Program : Accou nt: Elections 01-910-44 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 I ACCT. NO. I 01-910-44 DESCRIPTION ELECTIONS I SALARIES AND BENEFITS 4163 Part Tim e: Seasonal Election Night staffing _! TOTAL - MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4218 Election Services: LA County Registra r Voter ver ifica tion, precinct consolidation, street index, VIMS token renewal etc. TOTAL - 4231 Private/Special Contract Services Advisory services (on-call) Courier services (to County Recorder) TOTAL - 4245 El ection Services: Martin & Chapman Supplies, ballots an d vote counting Translation of public notices TOTAL - 4246 Pr e cinct Bo a rd W ages Polling place insp ectors and clerks ( 6 precincts) Training $30/ea, 6 Inspectors@ $160, 24 Pollworkers @ $110 I TOTAL - 4405 M i leage Reimbursement - TOTAL - 4410 M eeting Expen ses Election Day-Pollworker and sta ff TOTAL - 4450 Posta ge Vote-by-mai l ballots TOTAL - 4465 Sp ecial Departm ent Supplies Nominee Packet Su pplies Binders, dividers, paper TOTAL - 4470 Lega l Advertising Public notices (election counting, nominees an d polling places) Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese TOTAL - 65 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-910-44 ELECTIONS 4490 Trainings Po ll worker training r TOTAL - 4 670 Community Promotions Candidate orientat ion workshop Voter outreach -update info on banners and polling location indicators TOTAL - 66 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Program : City Clerk Account: 01-910-45 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To record t he official actions of th e City Council, exec ute and maintain all official City documents and legislative history, and respond to internal and ext ernal records and info rmation requests. STAFFING SU MMA RY FTEs City Clerk Deputy City Clerk Part Time Po sition BUDGET SUMMA RY Personnel Costs 0 es FUNDING SOU RCES KEY PROGRAM GOALS ACTUAL 2 015-16 1.00 1 .00 1. Prepare, record and archive accurate legislative actions of all City Counc il proceedings. 2. Prepare, publish and post all legal notices as requ ired. 3. Oversee local require m en t s established by th e Fair Political Practices Comm ission. 4. Initiate an efficient and access i ble records database. 5. Re spon d w ithin time constraints to all su bp oe na s and r equests for public records. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Prepare and post City Council ag endas, meeting high l ig hts an d minutes. 1/ Streamline records destruction process and increase de struction of obsolete records. 2/ Prepare, post and publish legal n ot ices. 1/ Ethics training and annual filing of Fair Political Practice Commission 's Statement of Economic Interest filing. 3/ Respond and provide public reco rds as requested by public. FOOTNOTES: 1/ Includes Succe ssor Agency, forme r Redevelopment Agency and other au th o r ities of the City Council. ADOPTED 2017-18 261,570 65,990 327,560 ADOPTED 2017-18 327,560 $ 327,560 ADOPTED 2017-18 150 150 4 0 85 150 2/ Records are de stroyed in accordance with the City's records retention sche dule; metric provides number of destroyed boxes that contain obsolete record s. 67 EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL COSTS ACCT . 4108 City Clerk 4111 Deputy City Clerk 4150 Overtime 4161 Part T ime 4310 Optional Benefits Program 4320 Hea lth Insurance 4340 PERS Retirem ent 4350 Med icare Tax 4361 Li OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT. 4231 Professional/Cont ract Services 4405 Mil eage Reimbursement 4410 Meeting Expen se 4420 Travel & Conference 4425 M embers h ips/Subsc r iptions 4440 Telephone 4445 Printing 4465 Special Department Supplies 4470 Legal Advertisi ng 4490 Train i ACTUAL 2015-16 113,033 54,077 2,621 10,0 34 1,336 18,31 5 24,570 2,536 Total: ACTUAL 2015-16 41,426 75 271 3 ,291 806 1,15 2 Total : 68 109,560 58,300 2,500 6,765 2,465 21,650 42,510 2,53 0 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Progra m: Accoun t : City Clerk 01-910-45 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-910-45 CITY CLERK SALARIES AND BENEFITS 4108 City Clerk (CC) 111,750 4111 Deputy City Cle rk (DC C) 61 ,850 4150 Overtime 3,000 Meeting an d special event coverage (as needed, for DCC) 4161 Part Time 7,000 Office Assistant (6 Hrs/Wk) 4310 Optional Benefits Program 2,470 4320 Health Insurance 22,920 4340 PERS Retirement 49,960 4350 Medica re 2,620 4 361 Life/Disability Insu ran ce (Moved to Account 47-4361) - l roTAL 261,570 MAINTENANCE AND OP ERAT IONS 4231 Priva t e/Special Contract Services Codification and Reco rds M gmt. Annual hosting (online municipal code) 500 Code su pplements 1,750 Record s destruction (sh r edding) 1,000 Meeting T apings and W ebcasts City Council meetings 22,248 ($927/mtg. x 2 mtgs./mo. x 12 mos.) Additional special meetings 5,562 ($927/mtg. x 6} Other Services Council Cham b er Audio/Video Equipment M ai ntenance 1,000 Advisory services (on-call) 5,000 Citywide Document imaging (back sca nnin g) (funded by GF Reserve) 1,500 ECMS Ann ual Software M ain t enance and Support 5,500 Courier Service 250 Cable Services ($600 x 12) 7,200 TOTAL 51,510 69 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 I ACCT . NO. I 01-910-45 DESCRIPTION CITY CLERK I 4405 Mileage Reimburse ment Mileage reimbursement (for CC & DCC) TOTAL 600 4410 Meet i ng Expense Professional association meetings City Clerk Association Monthly Meetings for CC & DCC $40 x 2 x 4 320 M isc. expenses (e.g., food, water, etc.) 100 I TOTAL 420 4420 Travel & Confer ence Allotment for two conference regi strations, hotel, meals and transportation TOTAL 4,000 4425 M emberships/Subscriptions City Clerks Assn. of California 200 International Institute of Municipal Clerks 300 National Notary Association 150 American Records Management As sociation - California Association of Clerks & Elected Officials 250 TOTAL 900 4440 Telephone Cell phone service (for CC) ($55/mo. x 12 mos.) TOTAL 660 4445 Printing Council packet production 100 4465 Special Depa rtment Supplies Office supplies 750 Record Management /Filing Supplies-pressboard folders and pendaflex 750 Meeting books and permanent record paper -1 realm and 1 binder 500 Records Destruction Supplies -banker boxes 200 Publication and manuals 100 Notary bonds and stamp - TOTAL 2,300 70 CITY OF TEMPlE CITY BUDGET WORKS HEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-910-45 CITY ClERK 4470 l ega l Advertisi ng Public noti ces (ordinances, hearings, etc.) l TOTAl 2,500 4490 Tr aining Annual certifications TOTAl 3 ,000 71 (This page intentionally l eft blank) 72 DEPARTME NT SUMMARY FY 2017-18: Adopted Progra m Financing RESOURCES AUOCATED Pe r sonnel Cost s PROGRAM FINANCING General Fund Traffic Safety Fund 1/ Sta t e COPS Gran t Fund 2/ 98% • General Fund • Traffi c Safet y Fu nd 1/ • State COPS Grant Fund 2/ • State OTS Grant Fund 3/ 73 PUBLIC SAFETY Progra m 61: law Enforcement General law and traffic enforcement. Program 62: Traffic Engin ee ring Vehicular traffic impact analysis & r elated svcs. Progra m 64 : Emergency Se rvices Emergency response planning and fa cili ties. Program 67: Parking Administration Parking permits and enforcement. FY 2017-18: A dopted Reso urces A llocated 370,695 • Personnel Costs 93% • Operating Expenses 4,839,8S5 10,000 100,000 6,000 $ 4,955,855 4 .18 4 .18 (This page intentionally l eft blank) 74 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Program: l aw Enforcement Account: 01-950-61 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To prov ide co m prehensive ge neral law and t raffic enforcement services thro ugh a contract with th e l os Angeles Cou nty Sheriff's Department. STAFFING SUMMARY Commu nity Developm ent Director Publ ic Safety Superv iso r Management Analys t Part-Time Positions BUDGET SUM MAR Y Personnel Co sts 0 ses FUNDING SOURC ES General Fund Traffic Safety Fund 1/ State CO PS Grant Fund 2/ State OTS Grant Fund KEY PROGRAM GOALS Total : Tot al: A CTUAL 2015-1 6 0 .10 0 .20 0.20 ACTUAL 2015-1 6 3,880,800 8,500 1. Effectively m an age Sheriff's Department contract t o provi d e law enforcement se rvic es . 2. Remove graffiti as q u ickly and effici ently as possib le . 4/ 3. Work with Sh er iff's Department to administe r the Neigh bor hood Watch Pro gram and t o track graffiti m a r ki ngs and locations. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Neigh borhood Watch meetings h oste d . City Council Law Enforcement Summa ry meetings held . Graffiti removed same day or d ay after being r eported . FOOTNOTES: 1/ Fu nds School Crossing Guard Program. 2/ Citizen 's Op t ion f o r Public Sa f et y (COPS) gr ant f unds ava il ability det ermined yea r to year . 3/ Office ofTraffi c Sa f ety (OTS) fu nd s for t he Every 15 Minut es pr ogr am are availble ever y 2 years. 4/ Gr affiti Abat ement Services are curren t ly provided by a priva t e contr actor, Graffiti Co ntrol Sys t ems, Inc. (GCS ). 75 ADOPTED 2017-18 14,600 4,430,420 4,445,020 ADOPTED 2017-18 4,329,020 10,000 100,000 6,000 4,445,020 ADOPTED 2017-18 10 10 100% MANAGEMENT SERVIC ES Program : Account : EXPENDITURE DETAI L ACTUAL PERSO NN EL 2 015-16 ACCT . 4117 Commun ity Development Director 13,790 4132 Pub lic Safety Supervisor 18,353 4174 M anagement Analyst 1 2,728 4310 Optional Benefits Pro g r am 425 4320 Health In sura nce 6,020 4340 PERS Retirement 5,3 96 4350 M e dicare Tax 4361 In surance Tota l : A CTUAL OPERA TI NG EX PENSES 2 0 15-16 ACCT . 4231 Prv/Spc Contr act Services 84,960 4249 OTS Grant Expense 6,000 4262 Graffiti Abatement 41,598 4410 M eeting Expense 1 ,769 4440 Tel ephon e 966 4465 Special Dept. Supplies 1,454 4490 Tr aining 4 4530 Special Eq u ipm ent Maintenance 121 1,880 4640 Special Events 8,185 6,500 4710 General Law Enforcement 3,015,852 3,230 ,705 4730 Law Enf. -Special Services 106,956 130,770 4 740 Pri son er Care 6,973 10,000 4750 Supplemental Law En f orce Services 680,593 725,115 4795 Misc. Law En for cement Activities 266 7,500 Tota l: Notes: Program 84 (Graffiti Abatement) was eliminated from the budget. Gra ffiti abatement services was added to Program 61 (Law Enforcement ) i n account number 4262. 76 Law Enforce ment 01-950-61 ADOPTED 2017-18 85,680 6,000 50,000 2,400 360 3,850 1,880 6,500 3,368,580 134,190 10,000 753,480 7,500 $ 4,430,420 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO . DESCRIPTION 01-950-61 LAW ENFORCEMENT SALARIES AND BENEFITS 4132 Public Safety Supervisor (10%) 9,640 4310 Optional Benefit s Pr ogram 160 4320 Health Insurance 1,690 4340 PERS Retirement 2,970 4350 M edicare Tax 140 4361 Life/Disability Ins ur ance (Moved to Accoun t 47-4361) - t TOTAL 14,600 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 423 1 Private/Spe cial Contract Se rvices School Crossing Gua r d Program 180 school days x 28 hrs x $17 /hr ($10,000 Funded with Traffic Safety Fund) 85,680 I TOTAL 85,680 4249 OTS Gra nt Ex p e nse Every 15 Minutes Pr og r am at Tem ple City H.S. TOTAL 6,000 4262 Graffiti Abat e m ent Graffit i removal contract service Pressure washing sidewalks on Las Tunas Dr . and Civic Center Suppleme ntal gr affiti abatement i TOTAL 50,000 4410 M ee t ing Ex pen se M onthly Sher iff's p erso n nel/City officials meeting I TOTAL 2 ,400 4440 Telephone Cell Phone for Sheriff's Sergea n t TOTAL 360 446S Sp eci al De p a rtment Suppl ies Office supplies Neighborhood Wat ch decals Crime prevent ion vi d eos, publications and promotional give-a-ways Traffic safety coloring books, bicycle safety helmets, and misc. safety items i TOTAL 3,850 4530 Sp ec ia l Eq uipm e nt M ainte nan ce Mobile rada r /lidar unit scheduled calibra t ion & maint & repairs S.M .A.R.T unit preventive maintenance an d r epairs 800 Wireless data connection to portable message trailers (3) 1,080 TOTAL 1,880 77 ACCT. NO. 01-950-61 4640 Sp ecial Events CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 DESCR I PTION LAW ENFORCEMENT Neighborhood Watch, Business Watch, National Night Out-Refreshments, give-aways, entertainment, literature 4710 4730 Gen eral Law Enforcement Four general law enforcement units (56 hours per week (AM/PM/EM) @ $436,675 per unit x 4 (includes 10% liability insurance) One general law en fo r cement unit (40 h ours per week (AM/P M /EM) @ $311,855 per unit (includes 10% liability insurance) Three traffic law enforcement units (56 hours per week (AM/PM/EM) @ $436,675 per unit x 3 (includes 10% lialibity insurance) Law Enforcem ent -Special Services LASD Public Safety Vehicle: 2 @ $9,145; all maintenance and fuel in cl u ded Camellia Parade-Traffic Control 200 deputy hours@ $89.70/hour (generalist -time and one half rate) Camellia Festival -Patrol/Security Services 100 deputy hours@ $89.70/hour (generalist-time and one half r ate) 24 sergeant hours@ $108.75/hour (se rgeant -time and one half rate) Christmas Parade 20 deputy hours@ $89.70/hour (generalist -time and one half rate) Christmas Holiday Patrol 24 deputy hours@ $89.70/hour (generalist-time and one half rate) 4th of July Patrol-Fireworks Suppression 24 deputy hours@ $89.70/hour (generalist-time and one ha lf rate) Motorcycle Deputy I Directed Enforcement 775 hours @ $89 .70/ h our City Council Meetings: 72 hours@ $89.70/hour (generalist-time and one half rate) Tran sporation & Public Safety Commission Meetings: 48 hours@ $89.70/hour (generalist -time and one half rate) 78 ~ c TOTAL 1,746,700 311,855 1,310,025 TOTAl 18,290 17,940 8,970 2,610 1,795 2,150 2,150 69,520 6,460 4,305 TOTAL 6,500 3,368,580 134,190 CITY OF TEM PLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO. DESCRI PTI ON 01-950-61 LAW ENF OR CE M ENT 4740 Prisone r Care Subsistence for persons in custody at Temple Sheriff's Station arr ested pursuant to TCMC vio lations I TOTAL 10,0 00 4750 Supple m ental law Enforcement Services Three Ded ica ted Deputies (40 hours per week) @ $283,555 per unit x 2 (includes 10% liability insurance) 567,110 @ $186,370 per unit x 1 (includes 10% liability insurance) ($100,000 funded by COPS Grant) 186,370 One Servic e Area Sergeant (No Charge) TOTAL 753,480 4795 Misce llane ous law Enforce m ent Activities Equipment, training and oth ers as needed Neighborhood Watch Flyer Di st r ibution TOTAL 7 ,50 0 79 (This page intentionally left blank) 80 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Program: Traffic Engineering Account: 01-950-62 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Program provides the technica l resources necessary to p erform special vehicular traffic impact analysis studies for commu n ity d eve l opment projects, and ensures compl iance w ith State mandated Congestion Manage ment Plan (CMP) requirements . ACTUAL STAFFING SUMMARY (FTEs) 2015-16 Public Sa f ety Supervisor 0.00 Tota l : 0.00 BUDGET SUMMARY Personnel Costs 1/ 0 enses FUNDING SOURCES KEY PROGRAM GOALS ADOPTED 2016-17 0.00 0 .00 ADOPTED 2017-18 0.0 5 0 .05 ADOPTED 2017-18 7,3 10 30,000 37,310 ADOPTED 2017-18 37,310 $ 37,310 1 . Perform t r affic and engineering surveys as necessary i n response to safety co n cerns and ide ntify appropriate m itigation. 2. Provide traffic engineering ex pertise to review traffic studies and identify traffic im pacts for City capital improvement projects and private development projects. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Traffic and engineering surveys completed . Projects an d traffic studies reviewed. FOOTNOTES : 1/ Traffic Engineering Services i s currently p rovided t hrough a contr act agreement with Transt ech Engineering. 81 ADOPTED 2017-18 3 2 EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL ACCT . 4132 Publ ic Safety Supervisor 4310 Optional Ben efits Program 4320 Hea lth I nsurance 4340 PERS Retirement 4350 M edicare Tax OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT. 4236 Traffic Engineer i ng 4237 Traffic Su ACTUAL 2015-16 ACTUAL 2015-16 82 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Program: Account: Traffic Engineering 01-950-62 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-950-62 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SALARIES AND BENEFITS 4132 Public Safety Supervisor (5 %) 4 ,820 4310 Optional Benefits Program 80 4320 Health Insurance 850 4340 PERS Ret irement 1,490 4350 Medi care Tax 70 r TOTAL 7,310 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4236 Traffic Engineering Special projects ~ TOTAL 20,000 4237 Traffic Surveys Traffic surveys and cou nts (esti mated) TOTAL 10,000 83 (This page intentionally left blank) 84 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Program : Emergency Services Accou nt: 01-9 50-64 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To provide the r eso urces n ecessary to esta blish an effective emerge ncy re s pon se prog ram design ed to save liv es , protect p r ope rty and maintain th e contin uity of loca l govern ment. AITUAL STAFFING SUMMARY 2015-16 Com munit y Deve l opment Direct or 0.10 Public Safety Supervisor 0.40 Management Ana lyst Part-Tim e Po sitio ns Total : AITUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 2015-16 nses Total : AITUAL ADOPTED FUNDING SOURCES 2015-16 2016-17 Gener al Fun d 104,660 113,995 Total : $ 104,660 $ 113,995 KEY PROGRAM GOALS 1. Co mplete update of the Eme rgency Operations Pla n (EOP ). 2. Conduct a tab le-top ex ercise si mu lat in g activation ofthe Emergency Operations Center (EOC). ADOPTED 2017-18 102,230 51,310 153,540 ADOPTED 2017-18 153,540 $ 153,540 3 . Co ntinue th e Community Emerge ncy Response Tea m (CERT) program an d organization Advance CERT vo luntee r s to ass ist the City in an emergency. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES EOC exercises conducted. CERT cla ss es held . 85 ADOPTED 2017-18 1 2 EXPENDI T UR E DETAI L PERSONNEL ACCT. 4117 Co mm unity Develop m en t Di rector 4132 Public Safety Supervisor 4 174 Management Ana lyst 4310 Optional Benefits Prog r am 4320 Health I nsurance 4340 PERS Retirement 4350 4361 Insu ranc e OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT . 4231 Prv/Spc Contract Serv ices 4259 Mech anical Maintenance 4405 Mileage Reimbursement 4410 Meeting Expense 4420 Travel & Con f erence 4425 Memberships/Subscriptions 4440 Telephone 4455 Uniforms 4465 Sp ecia l De pt. Supplies 4490 4530 nt Maintenance Total : Total: ACTUA L 2015-16 13,790 36,706 6,364 500 7,183 8,118 784 ACTUAL 2 0 15-16 2,985 98 2,194 4,257 1,041 1,299 MAN AGEMEN T S ERVIC ES Progra m : Accou nt: Emergency Se rvices 01 -950-64 Notes: AQ MD p ermit fees for eme rgency generators was removed from General Governme nt Buildings (81-4 259) and adde d to Emergency Servi ce s(64-4259). Automatic Ext ernal Defribill ator (AED) and Bla ckboard Con n ect (Em er gency Notif ica tion Sys t em) mainten ance we r e removed from Gene r al Government Buildings (81 -4530) and adde d to Emergency Services (64 -4530}. 86 CITY OF TEMPlE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO . DESCRIPTION 01-950-64 EMERGENCY SERVICES 4132 Public Safety Supe rvi sor (70%) 67,460 4310 Optional Benefits Program 1,150 4320 Health Insurance 11,840 4340 PER S Retiremen t 20,800 4350 M edicare Tax 980 4361 Life/Disability In su ran ce (Moved to Accou nt 47-4361) - TOTAl 102,230 MAINTENANCE AND OP ERAT IONS 4259 M echanica l M ainte n a nce Emergency generato r maintenance 5,500 AQMD permits fo r emergency generators -annual fee 920 I TOTAl 6,420 4405 Mileage Reimbursem ent Mileage reim b u rse m ent for required use of p rivate vehicles TOTAl 140 44 10 Meeting Expen se Refreshments for mo nthly volunteer meetings, special events an d regional and local area emergency preparedness meetings I TOTAL 540 4420 Trave l and Conference California Emerge n cy Services Association (CESA) Annual Training & Conference I TOTAL 3,000 4425 M emberships/S ubscriptions Area D Office of Emergency Services (annual membership fee) California Emergency Services Association Satel ite phones Direct TV for EOC TOTAL 6,000 4440 Te leph o ne Cellphone for Public Safety Supervisor TOTAL 660 4455 Uniforms Uniforms and accessories for Public Safety Supervisor and CERT volunteers TOTAL 3,000 87 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION 01-950-64 EMERGENCY SERVICES 4465 Sp ecial Department Suppl ies Volunteer Recogniti on luncheon Em ergency tools, fire extinguishers, food r eplac em ent, medical/first aid supp lies an d miscellaneous emerge ncy and office su pplies. Public educatio n mater ial s and printing fo r staff emergency serv ices Training and community disaster preparedness programs CERT Program ,-TOTAL 10,000 4490 Training Training for eme rgency response v olunteer personnel Community earthquake preparedness program Tr aining for City staff, Council & Commissi oners r TOTAL 2,700 4530 Specia l Equipm ent M aintenance Fire extinguisher annual maintenance 1,000 First Aid Station-City Hall, City Yard 2,000 Automatic External Defribrillator {AED)-City Hall & Civic Center 850 Community & Em ergency Notification Sys t em Agreement -Blackbo ard Connect 15,000 TOTAL 18,850 88 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Program: Parking Administ ration Accoun t : 01-950-67 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To prov id e t he n ecessary re sources to m ana ge ve h icl e p ar ki ng e nforceme nt ope r atio ns, including p arkin g permits, citation d at a p r oce ss ing, p en alty assessment collection, and citation hearin gs. STAFFING SUMMARY Office Ass ist a nt II Sec ret ary Pa r ki ng Contr ol Officer Pub l ic Sa f ety Supervisor Management A nalyst Part-Time Po si t ions BUDGET SUMMARY Pe rso n ne l Co st s 0 nses FUNDING SOUR CES Gene r al Fund KEY PROGRAM GOALS Tota l : $ ACTUAL 2 01 5-1 6 0 .20 0.40 1.00 0.20 0.20 ACTUAL 2 01 5-16 30 6,858 306,858 $ ADOPTED f·:')i'~ 2016-17 F--:·...., ~~Ol S...Z 4 08,3 8 5 :.=.:.::J.Jf. ;.:~ m>7J8115 408,385 s· ·-... -~1;sos 1. Complet e i mplementation of online parking permit sy st em to improv e custo mer service. ADOPTED 2017-18 246,555 73,430 319,985 ADOPTED 2017-18 319,985 $ 319,985 2. Evaluate p arking co ntrol program including cos t s a nd re ven u es to d et ermine if changes are warranted. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES An n ua l overnight parkin g pe rmits issu ed. Par ki ng c itatio n appeal s cons ide red by Transportatio n and Publi c Safe t y Commission. 89 ' ADOPTED 2017-18 800 120 EX PENDITUR E DET AIL PERS O NNEL ACCT. 4116 Office Assi stant II 4130 Sec retary 4132 Public Safety Supervisor 4134 Parking Co ntrol Officer 4174 Management Analyst 4150 Overtime 4161 Part Time 4310 Optional Be n efits Program 4320 Health In surance 4340 PERS Retirem ent 4350 Medicare Tax 4361 In sura n ce Total : OPERAT ING EXPENSES ACCT. 4212 Pa rkin g Administration 4415 Vehicle Operation 4 425 M embersh ip & Subsc riptions 4440 Telephone 4455 U niforms 4465 Special Dept. Su pp lies 4490 4530 ment Maintenance Total: ACTUAL 2015-16 10,277 26,084 18,353 69,222 12,728 2,089 73,482 1,665 23 ,311 1 6,281 2,714 581 ACTUAL 2 015-16 40,962 26 290 1,040 1,054 2,096 38 90 115,975 3,290 26,335 37,140 3,770 160 MANAGEMEN T SERVICES Program: Accou nt: Parking Ad min. 01-950-67 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION 01-9S0-67 PARKING ADMINISTRATION SALARIES AND BENEFITS 4132 Public Safety Supervisor (15%) 14,460 4134 Parking Control Office r 72,360 4161 Part Time-Parking Control Officers 105,165 29 Hrs x 52 Wks x 3 positions 4150 Overtime Overtime for Transportation & Public Safety Commission Meetings 3,000 4310 Optional Benefits Program 1,890 4320 Health Insurance 16,540 4340 PERS Retirement 30,390 4350 Medicare Tax 2,750 4361 life/Disability Insurance (Moved to Account 47-4361) - I TOTAL 246,555 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4212 Parkin g Administration Citation Processing Center-Data Ticket Monthly lease and support for handheld ticket writers Annual softwa re license for handheld ticket writers Paper rolls for handheld ticket writers Manual citation ticket stock I TOTAL 60,000 4425 M ember ships/Subscriptions Membership in Ca lifornia Public Parking Association for staff and commissioners 175 State Controller's Off $25/annually 25 TOTAL 360 4440 Telephon e Cell phones for Parking Control Officers (4 ) I TOTAL 1,440 4455 Uniforms TOTAL 1,980 4465 Sp eci al Dep artment Supplies Overnight parking permit stickers 850 Temporary Parking M achine paper 800 Miscellaneous sma ll tools/equipment/office supplies 4,730 TOTAL 6,380 91 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION 01-950-67 PARKING ADMINISTRATION 4490 Training Training classes and seminars for commissioners/staff _C TOTAL - 4530 Speci al Equipment Maint enance Annual Tra n sac tion Pro cessing fee 495 Annual software maintenance program 495 A n nual maintena nce agreement for the temporary parking permit machine 1,200 Monthly server hosting for the temporary parking permit machine program 1,080 Annual online report services TOTAL 3,270 92 DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FY 2017-18: Adopt ed Program Fi n ancing RESOU RCES ALLOCAT ED Personnel Costs PROGRA M FI NANC ING General Fund 97% Air Quality Management District Li gh ting & Landscape District Self Insu r ance Fund PE RSO NNEL (FTE) ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • General Fund •AQMD • L/LD ACTUAL 2015-1 6 93 Progra m 46: Support Se rvices Supports workforce needs. Program 47: Perso nnel Manages i nsurance programs. Pr ogr a m 48 : Accounting Tracks City financials. Prog r am 49: Purchasing Acquires supplies and services. FY 2017-18: Ado t ed Res ources A ll ocated 1,074,170 53% • Personnel Costs • Operating Expenses 957,270 47% 4.95 4.95 (This p age inten t i onally le ft bl ank) 94 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Program: Account: Support Services 01-910-46 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Program includes all personnel and employee relations and functions: recruitment, selection, training, evaluation, affirmative action, administration of the classification and pay plan. STAFFING SUMMARY Person nel Ana lyst Admin Services Director BUDGET SUMMARY Personnel Costs 1/ nses KEY PROGRAM GOAlS To t al: ACTUAL 2015-16 0.50 1. Continue establishing best practices for Human Resources . 2. Ensure go od relations are estab lished with the Temp le City Employees' Association. 3. Provide a framework for succession p lann ing. 4 . Set-up training/classes for empl oyees for personalized development. 5. Monitor progress based on each i ndividual Employee Develop ment Plan. KEY WORKlOAD MEASURES Maintain personnel records for all full and part-time employees. Review and process annual employee evaluations and employee development pl ans. City-wide training classes. 95 ADOPTED 2017-18 104,460 32,720 137,180 ADOPTED 2017-18 ------~ $ 137,180 ADOPTED 2017-18 40/47 40/47 3 EXP ENDIT UR E DETAIL ACTUAL PER SO NN EL 2 0 15-16 ACCT . 4 110 Perso nn el A nalyst 37,118 4112 Ad m i n Servi ces Di rector 39,038 415 0 Overt im e 535 43 10 Option al Benefits Pr ogram 617 4320 Health Insurance 7,715 4 340 PERS Ret irement 6,549 4350 M ed icare Tax 4 361 Li fe/Di sa bi li Insu r ance Total: ACTUAL OPERATING EXPENSES 201 5-1 6 AC CT. 4231 Pr ivate/Special Con t ract Servi ces 7,171 4410 M ee t ing Ex pense 36 4420 Travel & Conference 2,042 4425 M embers h ips/Subscription s 7,1 74 4465 Sp ecial Dept. Sup pli es 847 4475 Classified Advertising 867 4 490 Tr ai ni ng 5,216 4495 Recruitment/Testing 4 685 s ·ects To t al : 96 ----------------------. --~--- 3,000 6,8 15 1,700 3,000 8,000 3,100 7,000 ADMINISTRAT IVE SERVICES Pro g ram: Accou nt : Su pport Se r vi ce s 0 1-910-4 6 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSH EET FY 201-2018 ACCT . NO . DESCRIPTION 01-910-46 SUPPORT SERVICES SALARI ES AND BENEFITS 4 110 Personnel Analyst (SO %) 38,810 4112 Adm i nistrative Services Director (25%) 39 ,990 4150 Overtime 1,000 4310 Optional Benefits Program 1,030 4320 Health Insurance 10,280 4340 PER S Retirement 1 2,210 4350 Medicare 1,140 4361 Life/Disability Insurance (Moved to Account 47-4361) - f TOTAL 104,460 MAINTENANCE AND OP ERATION S 4231 Private/Special Contract Services NeoGov Annual Lice n se Fee TOTAL 2,700 4244 l egal Services Contract l ega l services (as necessary) I TOTA L - 4410 M eet i n g Ex p e n se Miscellaneous meeting expense ~ TOTAL 100 4420 Trav e l & Co nfer e nce CaiPelra Conference 2,500 CJPIA Confe r ence Registration (includes lodging an d meals) 800 Subs istence (2 days @ $50) 100 Transporation 100 TOTAL 3,500 4425 M e mbe rsh i p s/Subscripti ons Gateway Publ i c Em pl oyment Con sortium 3,220 Employee Assis tance Program -3,600 TOTAL 6,820 4465 Sp ecia l Depa rtme nt Su p plies Bu siness Cards/Bu si ness Card Shells 500 Nam e plates, badges & City seal s 300 Miscellaneous 200 TOTAL 1,000 97 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 201-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-910-46 SUPPORT SERVICES 4475 Classified Advertising Pasadena Star News, SGV Weekly, JoB TRAK, LA T imes, Jobs Available, ICMJ\ Western City, etc. I TOTAL 500 4490 Train i ng City-wide for employee training ,-TOTAL 8,000 4495 Recrui tm ent/Testing Physical exams, fingerprinting, lunches for oral boards 2,500 Hepatitis B vaccinat ions 600 r TOTAL 3,100 4685 Special Projects Employee Recognition (Years of Service) 1,000 Employee Recognition Program 6,000 TOTAL 7,000 98 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Program: Personnel Account: 01-910-47 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Program includes ri sk management functions for general city liability and workers' compensation insurance, all-risk property insurance through the California Joint Po wers Insurance Authority (CJP IA }, all employee benefits and insurance plans. STAFFING SUMMARY Personnel Analyst Admin Services Director BUDGET SUMMARY Per sonne l Costs 0 FUNDING SOURCES Genera l Fund Self Insurance Fund KEY PROGRAM GOALS Total: 1. Ensure adequate coverage and loss control measu r es. 2. Ensure safe practices city-wide. 3 . Monitor em ployee benefit and insurance plans. 4. Monitor and review Workers Comp . Pr ogram. ACTUAL 2015-16 0 .5 0 ACTUAL 2015-16 742,831 5. Monitor and review contract with California Public Employees Retirement Sys t em . KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Review and proce ss monthly billing for employee benefits. Annual review of City's Risk Management LossCAP program. Worker's Comp claim s a r e monito r ed for treatment of i njured employee and f ollow-up. Secure Special Events Insurance coverage as needed. 99 ADOPTED 2017-18 435,290 538 ,940 974,230 ADOPTED 2017-18 156 1 3 5 EXPE N DI T UR E D ETAIL PERS ON NEL ACCT. 4 110 Perso nn e l An alyst 4112 Adm in Services Director 4150 Ov ertim e 4305 Bo nu s Pay 4310 Optio na l Be nef it s Prog ram 4315 Sec t io n 125 4320 Hea lth In su rance 4321 Other Post Employment Be nefits 4330 Unemp loyment Compensa ti on 4340 PERS Ret i r em en t 4342 PE RS Po rtfolio Manageme nt Fees 4 350 4361 Ins u ra nce OP ER ATIN G EX PENS ES ACCT. 4362 W o rk er Ca m p/Ge ner al Li a bi lity 4410 Meeti ng Expen se 4425 M embers h ips/Su bsc r i ptio ns 4465 Spec ia l Dept Supplies 4490 Tra i nin g 4695 Ed ucati o n nse Total : ACTUAL 2 0 15-16 37,117 39,038 31,237 89 1 800 (1,708) 162,734 20,480 (1 7,870) 13,256 A CTUAL 2 0 15-16 433 ,624 118 1,582 202 100 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVIC ES Prog ram: Acco un t: Personn el 01-910-47 ADOPTED 2017-18 38,810 39,990 1,000 40,850 1,030 1,200 10,280 197,370 10,000 12,210 7,200 1,140 74,210 435,290 ADOPTED 2017-18 528,790 100 1,500 550 5,000 3,000 538,940 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-910-47 PERSONNEL SALARIES AND BEN EFITS 4110 Personnel Ana lyst (SO%) 38,810 4 112 Administrative Service s Director (25 %) 39,990 4150 Overtime 1,000 4305 Bonu s Pay 40,850 4% Unique Bonu s Skill (four em p loyees ) 12,760 Biligual (eleven employees) 13,200 Stand By I Call Back (seven employees) 8,750 Ed ucation Incentive (four employees) 6,140 43 10 Op tional Benefits 1,030 4 315 Section 125 (12 @ $1 00/mo.) 1,200 4320 Hea l th Insurance 10,280 4321 Other Po st Em ploym ent Be nefits 197,370 Retired Employees Med ical (28) 178,320 Medical admin charge 2,200 Dental (21) 10,890 Vis ion (2 1) 5,960 4330 Unemployment Com p en sation 10,000 4340 PE RS Retirement 12,210 4342 PERS Portfol io Management Fees 7,200 4350 M ed i care Tax 1,140 4361 Life/Disability In su r ance 74,210 Li f e Ins urance -Assurant (5 Councilmenmbers and 4 1 em ployees) 8,280 NOT E: $180/an nu all y p er employee Disabil i ty Insurance -As surant (41 em p loyees) 65,9 30 (Includes short-term an d long-t erm d is ab ilities) TOTAL 435,290 .1U.1 CITY OF TEM PLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FV 2017-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-910-47 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE AND OP ERATIONS 4362 Worker Compensation/Gene ra l lia bility Workers' Compensation-CJPIA annual co ntribution 185,620 General liability-CJ PIA annual contribution 275,300 All Risk Property, incl uding Earthquake -CJP IA 50,000 Automobile-CJPI A (projected est.) 8,000 Environmental Insurance 7,000 Notary Insurance (2 @ $100) 200 RFD Commercial Crime Program (CJPIA Commercial Blanket Bond Program) 1,500 Workers' Com p ensation & RFD amount for this Program 1,170 I TOTAL 528,790 4410 Meeting Expense Miscellaneous meeting expen se I TOTAL 100 4425 Memberships/Subscriptions Hazmat Com p liance-Data Safety Sheets Be st's Insuran ce Rating Guide (CD-ROM with hard copy) ~ TOTAL 1,500 4465 Sp ecial Department Su pplies Employee safety vi d eos, brochures an d poster s I TOTAL 550 4490 Training Safety workshops as required by law: First Aid, CPR & Preventive Disease Tr ansm ission , and AED training for all fu ll-time and part-time employees TOTAL 5,000 4695 Edu cation Expense Education/Tuition reimbursem ent program TOTAL 3 ,000 102 L ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Program: Accounting Accou nt: 01-920-48 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To plan, organize, coordinate and administer the accoun t ing and auditing function in accordance with GAAP. STAFF ING SUMMARY Admin Services Director Acc o u ntant Accounting Technician Part-Time BUDGET SUMMARY Pe rso nn el Costs FUNDING SOURCES ACTUAL 2015-16 0.45 1.00 1.00 ADOPTED 2017-18 417,520 207,060 624,580 ADOPTED 2017-18 624,580 $ 624,580 KEY PROGRAM GOALS 1 . Comp lete monthly and annually financial accounting records and r eports. 2. Process bi-weekly payroll records and checks. 3 . Process semi-monthly v endor r eco rds (warrant registers) and checks. 4. Receive and reconcile monthly bank and treasury statements. 5. Review the preparation of the State Controller's Report, the Street Report and the Statement of Indebtedness. 6. Plan and cooordinate the external audits for the City. 7. Coo rdina t e and ensu r e p ro p ose d and adopted budget s are prepared by Jul y 1 of each fiscal year. 8. Pre p are staff financial reports t o Counc il (quarterly budget amendments, petty cash and visa card reports). 9. Maximize the investment of all available cash and manage the investment portfolio per Investment Policy. 10. Co mpre hensive Financial Pl a nni ng KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Agendas and staff reports prepared for City and Agency. 1/ Coordinat e, review, print and dist ribute proposed & adopted budget books annually. Ga t her d ata, p repare an d p ro duce a Comprehensive Annual Financial Repo rt (CAFR). 2/ Distribute manditory tax forms (W2 & 1099M) to employees and vendors annually. Audits conducted annually. 3/ Long Range Financial Plan. Complet ion of financial software conversions. FOOT NOTES : 1/ Includes petty cash, visa card, monthly treasurer's report, quarterl y budget amendments, & annual budget preparation reports. 2/ The CAFR is part of the con tract services w ith new auditing firm. 3/ Single audit, MTA audit, Gas Tax & CDBG and annual City audi t. 103 ADOPTED 2017-18 60 45 1 230 5 1 2 EXP ENDIT UR E DETAIL PERS ONN EL A CCT. 4112 Admin Services Di recto r 4114 Accountant 4115 Accounting Tec h nician 4175 Accoun t an t 4 150 Overtime 4161 Part Ti m e 4310 Optiona l Benefits Prog r am 4320 Hea lth In surance 4340 PER S Re ti re m ent 4350 4361 In su r ance OP ERA TIN G EXP ENSES ACCT. 4231 Private/Special Co ntract Services 4 232 Revenu e Au dit Se r v ices 4233 Audit Services 44 05 M ileage Reimburse m ent 4410 M eet ing Ex p ense 4420 Tra vel & Confe rence 4425 Memberships/S ubsc ripti on s 4440 Telephone 4460 Office Suppl ies 4465 Special Dept Supp lies 4480 Bank Charges 4490 4530 ent Maintenance Total: ACTUAL 2015-16 72,890 90,051 48,995 1,295 64,741 1,917 18,012 17,621 3,797 ACTUAL 2 015-16 2 1,040 13,099 57 ,963 2,063 480 385 515 914 245 62,597 250 104 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Program: Acco unt : Accounting 01-920-48 ADOPTED 2017-18 71,990 91,510 58,030 80,700 4,000 3,660 41,050 62,200 4,380 $ 417,520 ADOPTED 2017-18 18,800 15,000 55,000 1,800 600 2,300 970 1,500 1,500 60,000 1,000 48,590 $ 207,060 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDG ET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION 01-920-48 ACCOUNTING SALAR IES AND BENEFITS 4112 Administrative Services Director {45%) 71,990 4114 Accountant 91,510 4115 Accounting Technician 58,030 4175 Accountant 80,700 4150 Overti me 4,000 4310 Optional Benefits Program 3,660 4320 Health Insurance 41,050 4340 PERS Retirement 62,200 4350 Medicare 4,380 4361 Life/Disability Insurance (Moved to 47-4361) - TOTAL 417,520 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4231 Private/Specia l Contract Services PBB Center for Priority Based Budgeting 6,000 Gov Invest 11,000 CaiPERS GASB68 Reports 1,800 TOTAL 18,800 4232 Revenue Audit Services Sales Tax Revenue Audit Documentary Transfer Tax Aud its TOTAL 15,000 4233 Audit Services Annual Audit State Reports Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Expense TOTAL 55,000 4405 Mileage Reimbursement Auto allowance per Contract Agreement for Admin Srvs Director ($150 x 12 months) TOTAL 1,800 4410 M eeting Ex pense CSMFO Bi -Monthly Meetings and other TOTAL 600 105 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 I ACCT. NO . I 01-92 .... DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTING I 4420 Travel & Conference CSMFO Annual Seminar, CMTA Annual Seminar, or CaiPERS Education Forum (Director and Accountants) Registration 35 0 x2 700 Subsistence (2 d ays @ $50) 100 X 2 200 Tr ansportation 200 X 2 400 Hotel (2 nights @ $250) 500 X 2 1,000 I TOTAL 2,300 4425 Memberships/Subscriptions California Society of Municipa l Fi nance Officers (CSMFO) 110 California Municipal Treasurers Association (CMTA) 160 Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) 700 I TOTAL 970 4460 Office Supplies HP LaserJet Ente r pr ise M605 Printer 1,500 I TOTAL 1,500 4465 Special Department Suppli es Check Order, Cash Register Supplies, 1099 Envelopes Miscellaneous Office and Computer Supplies TOTAL 1,500 4480 Bank/Payroll Charges Checking Account Merchant Account (Visa/Master Card Charges) Section 125 Account Payroll Processing Ch a rges Armored Truck Services TOTAL 60,000 4490 Tra ining Sem inars/workshops for CMTA, CSMFO, Payroll Cert ification and other trainings for the Accountant and Account Analyst I TOTAL 1,0 00 4530 Speci al Equipment Maintena n ce Sungard Accounting Software Upgrade (Funded by GF Reserve) 11,100 1TI6 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKS HEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-920-48 ACCOUNTING 4530 Su ngard Annual Mai ntenance Four J's Report Writing 2,300 Proliant/Smart Array 1,080 Optio DCS Phone Support 390 Sungard ASP and Payroll System ($2,510 x 12 months) 30,120 Progressive Solution f or Cash Register 3,600 TOTAL 48,590 107 (This page intentionally l eft blank) 108 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Program: Purchasing Acco unt: 01-920-49 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Responsib l e for planning, directing and controlling the purchasing, duplicating, printing and mail service for the City. A CTUA L ADOPTED STAFFING SUMMARY (FT Es ) 2 015 -16 2016-17 Pa rt-Ti m e BUDGET SUMMARY Personne l Costs enses FUNDING SOURCES General Fun d e District KEY PROGRAM GOALS Tota l: Tota l : To tal: 0.00 0 .00 A CTUAL 2 015-16 A CTUAL 2 015-16 187,259 0 .00 0 .00 1. Ensure t hat all City Ordinances and Municipal Codes are adhered to concerning the purchasing act ivity. 2. Continue to or der and stock all n eeded office suppl ies fo r City departments. 3. Identify, tag and maintain all fixed assets. 4. Manage copiers and vehicles leases and service maintenance agreements. 5. Maintain res p ons i bility for all o utgoing mai l and ens u re meter is always re pl enishe d . 6. Replace office and special equip m ent at end of usefu l life. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Daily and annua l outgoing mail . 1/ Copiers maint ained. 2/ Fixe d asse t s i nventory & depreciat i on . 3/ Orders place d for replenishing water , t oner, paper, office, & mise supp lies. FOOTN OTE S: 1/ Includes annual mass mailing for business l icenses, dog licenses, renewal notices, permits, special events, warrants, parking permit & recreation classes. 2/ Copiers located at City Hall, Live Oak Pa r k, and Annex Building. 3/ Fixed assets are tagged (labeled) when purchased. Inventory for additions and deletions are performed annually in preparation for d e preciation. 109 ADOPTED 2017-18 0.00 0.00 ADOPTED 2017-18 225,085 41,270 29,095 295,450 ADOPTED 2017-18 75,000 6 ann u ally 60 EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL ACCT. 4161 Pa rt-Tim e OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT . 4231 Private/Special Contract Service 4415 Ve h icle Operation 4425 Memberships/Subscriptions 4445 Prin ting 4450 Postage 4460 Office Supplies 4465 Spec ial Dept Supplies 4510 Maintenance & Repa i r 4520 Office Eq u ipment Maintenance 4530 Specia l Equipment Mainten ance 4580 ment Rental ACTUAL 2015-16 Total : ACTUAL 2015-16 50,404 25,388 225 1,263 10,315 12,034 1,441 58,464 68,714 11,622 Total: 110 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Program: Account: Purchasing 01-920-49 ADOPTED 2017-18 93,370 45,000 230 5,000 18,000 20,000 1,800 53,150 42,000 14,900 2,000 295,450 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 I ACCT . NO. I 01-921)-•• DESCRIPTION PURCHASING I MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4231 ' Privat e/Special Contract Service City lease vehicles (including r epair and maintenance) 57,505(GF) 14,270 (AQMD) 21,595 (L/LD) I TOTAL 93,370 4415 Veh icl e Op eration Fuel for Hydrid Vehicles (AQMD Fund) 27,000 Fuel for Trees & Parkway Program Vehicles (L/LD Fund) 5,000 Fue l and Maintenance Service for City Tractor (L/LD Fund) 2,500 Fuel for Vehicles not funded by AQ MD (GF) 9,000 Gasoline for Mowers, Ed gers, etc (GF ) 1,500 ~ TOTAL 45,000 4425 Membership s/Subscriptions Sams Club Annual M embership ($100 flat fee for credit li ne+ 1 member@ $30 + 4 additional cards @ $15 plus tax) TOTAL 230 4445 Printing Copier Paper Outside Printing I Engraving ( Engraving, letterhead, envelopes, ann u al budget covers) I TOTAL 5,000 4450 Po stage Replenish meter, 3 rd clas s bulk, 1st class bulk, postal box rental, Overnight letters, pu b lic notices, cert/return receip ts, Friday mailings Annual Acctg/Permit Fee I TOTAL 18,000 4460 Office Supplies Office Max, Viking Office Products and oth er vendors Office Supplies: City-wide calendar purchase, fax machine supplies, writing pads, pencil s/pens, typewriter ribbons, calculator t apes, etc. Computer paper, ribbons, laser printer, monitor, drum units, softwa re programs, laser printer developer an d miscellaneous items TOTAL 20,000 111 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WOR KSHEET FY 2017-20 18 I ACCT . NO. I 01-92<>49 DESCR IPTION PURCHASING I 4465 Sp eci al Department Supplies Lunch Room Supplies r TOTAL 1,800 4510 Maintenance & Repair Equipment maintenance Management Information Sytems (MIS) Service (460 hrs x $102.5/hr) 47,150 Annual hosting fee and cloud servi ces for Website 6,000 I TOTAL 53,150 4520 Offi ce Equ i pm ent M ai ntenance Mail Machine, Electronic Scale-Pitney Bowes Phone System-ATI/SBC Copiers Lease for City Hall (2) I' TOTAL 42,000 4530 Sp ecial Equipm ent M ainte nan ce Anti-Virus Rene w al, Fortinet Firewall Support Telepacific Communications Telephone equ ipment maintenance Warranty Service Contracts: Backup software $2,000 annually Server (Domain Controller) I TOTAL 14,900 4580 Equ i pm ent Rental Posta l Machine Reset Meter Fee TOTAL 2,000 112 DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 14 500 330,000 ~% 9% 0% 2 7 70% • General Fund • •CDBG • Proposition A • 1992/1996 Pa r k Bond • Ughting & La ndscape District • Gas Tax Fund • Fees & Charges funds approximately $615,000 RESOURCES ALLOCATED Personnel Costs PR OGRAM FINANCI NG Ge neral Fu nd CD BG Proposition A 1992/1996 Park Bond Li ghting & Landsca pe Dist. Gas Tax PERSONNEL (FTE) ACTUAL 2015-16 2,090,495 21,797 745,352 24,943 578,764 13 703 113 PARKS & RECREATION Progr am 57: Rec./Human 5vc Coordinates recreation programs Prog ra m 58 : Public Tran s. Coo r dinates public t r ansit programs Program 59: Pa r ks-Maint/Fac Operate & maintain park facil. Prog ram 83: T rees & Parkway s Maint ai n s City's urba n forest • Personnel Costs • Operating Expenses 36.79 36.79 (This page intenti onally left b l ank) 114 PARKS & RECREATION Program: Recreation/Human Services Accou nt: 01-940-57 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To coordinate programs, services, and activities that contribute to Temple City residents' quality of life inclu d ing youth adu lt and senior programs as well as community special events. STAFFING SUMMARY Director of Parks & Re cr eat io n P & R Su pervisor P & R Manager A dministrative Coordinator P & R Coordinator Part Time Po sitions BUDG ET SUM M ARY Personnel Costs es FUNDING SOURC ES Ge n era l Fun d 1/ CDBG KEY PROGRAM GOAlS ACTUAL 2 01 5 -16 0.40 0.60 0.00 0.30 2.00 1. Plan and provide a va riety of quality recreatio n programs for the co mmunity. 2. Coo rd i nate Pa rks and Recreation Commission me et in gs an d activities . 3. Coordinate community special eve nts. 4. Review and process youth sc holarshi p and Camell ia Tru st Fund applica tions an d fund i ng request s. 5. Coord inate City's vo luntee r program . KEY WORKlOAD MEASURES New r ec reatio n programs pl ann ed/offered . Agendas, m inutes, staff reports written, reviewed, and approved. 2/ Commu n ity special events pla n ned and conducted. Yo uth Sc holarsh ip applicat ions r ev iewed and p rocessed . Vo l unteer service hours co ordin ated. FOOTNOTES: 1/ Fees & Charges funds portion (approximately $684,000 in FY 2017-18). 2/ Includes City Council and Parks & Recreation Commission. 115 $ $ ADOPTED 2017-18 773,390 537,470 1,310,860 ADOPTED 2017-18 1,283,860 27,000 1,310,860 ADOPTED 2017-18 20 120 18 125 8,000 EXPENDITURE DETAil PERSONNEL ACCT. 4122 Director of Parks & Recreation 4123 Parks & Recreation Supervisor 4123 Parks & Rec r eation M anager 4124 Administrative Coordinator 4127 P & R Coordinato r 4147 P & R Coordinator 4150 Overtime 4161 Part Time 4 162 Part Time -Rec . Lea ders 4164 Part Time -Rec . Aides 4 165 Part Time -Senio r Leaders 4310 Optional Benefits Progr am 4320 Health In surance 4340 PERS Retirement 4350 Medicare Tax 4361 Life/Disabi In surance OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT. 4216 Contract Srvc -Pu bli c 4272 Recreation Specialist s 4405 Mileage Reimbursement 4410 Meeting Expen se 4420 Travel & Conference 4425 M em bershi ps/S u bsc ri pti ons 4440 Telephone 4445 Printing 4455 Uniforms 4460 Office Supplies 4465 Special Dept. Supplies 4490 Training 4580 Equipment Rental 4617 TC Unified Schoo l District 4618 Rental Facilities 4630 Ann ual Events 4680 Promotional Items 4690 e ACTUAL 2015-16 58,585 42,679 22,972 56,992 45,248 18,242 5 ,865 284,204 83,887 48,939 2,724 30,716 Total: ACTUAL 2015-16 5 ,500 123,096 1,800 15 6,398 3,642 2,301 13,787 730 1,978 6,403 246 2,253 41,967 Total : 116 58,280 7,075 45,965 23,105 58,425 48,020 20,000 16,955 261,755 87,375 62,970 3,780 3 4,180 53,465 8,865 20 9,000 3,600 2,400 19,150 2,500 2,000 10,450 PARKS & RECREATION Program: Account: Recreation 01-940-57 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-18 ACCT . NO . DES CRIPTION 01-940-57 RECREATION/HUM AN SERVICES SALARIES AND BE NEF ITS 4122 Director of P & R (45%) #1 66,870 4123 Parks & Recreatio n M anager (35%) #1 36,700 4124 Administrative Co ordinator (30%) 23,560 #1 -Administ ration (20%) #10 -Volunteers (10%) 4127 Parks & Recrea tion Coordinator (90%) 53,640 #5 -Classes (40 %) #6 -Seniors (40 %) #7-Special Events (10%) 4147 Parks & Recreation Coordinator 50,940 #3-Teens (25%) #4 -Playgrounds (25%) #7-Special Events (10%) #8-Sports (25 %) #9 -Day Camp (15%) 4150 Overtime 22,920 #1-Administration 3,000 #7 -Special Eve nts 19,920 4161 Part Time -Parks & Recreation Intern #1 -Administration 4162 Part Time-leadership 255,130 #3-Tee ns 47,820 #4 -Playgrounds 102,810 #5-Classes - #7 -Specia l Events 14,600 #8 -Sports 46,800 #9 -Day Camp 43,100 4164 Part Time-Aides 94,110 #4 -Playground s 39,650 #5 -Classes - #7 -Special Events 5,950 #8-Sports 32,130 #9 -Day Camp 16,380 4165 Part Time -Senior leader 62,530 #3-T eens 11,320 #4 -Playgrounds 10,610 117 CITY OF TEM PLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-18 ACCT. NO . DESCRIPTION 01-940-57 RECREATION/HUMAN SERVICES 4165 #5-Classes 3,690 #6 -Senio r Citizens 5,170 #7 -Special Events 5,920 #8-Sports 21,520 #9 -Day Cam p 4,300 4310 Optional Benefits Pr ogram 3,700 4320 Health Insura nce 34,890 4340 PERS Retirement 59,890 4350 Medicare 8,510 4361 Life/Disability Insurance (Moved to Account 47-4361) I TOTAL 773,390 MAINTE NANCE A ND OPERATIONS 4216 Contra ct Sv s Public -Seni or Lun ch M a nager #6 -Senio rs I TOTAL 6,000 4272 Contract Service-Recreati o n Sp ecia list s ItS-Classes ' TOTAL 120,500 4405 Mileage Reimburse ment #1 -Administration I TOTAL 1,880 4410 M eeti ng Exp e ns e #1 -Administrat ion I TOTAL 500 4420 Travel & Confer e nce Commissione rs {2) and Staff {4) will be allotted $1,500 per year for conferences. They can choose a conference from below, or any other conference ovoilable to them. #1 -Administration A. Ca lifornia Par ks & Recreation Society Conference Southern Cali fornia, March 2018 -$1,500 B. Californi a Joint Powers Insurance Authority Conference/Academies Various $975 TOTAL 9,000 ll!S CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-18 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-940-57 RECREATION/HUMAN SERVICES 4425 M embe rships/Subcriptio ns #1 -Administration I TOTAL 4,150 4430 Publications #1 -Administration I TOTAL - 4440 Tel ephone #4 -Playgrounds TOTAL 1,500 4445 Printing #1 -Administration 12,000 #3-Teens 1,400 #4-Playgrounds 1,400 #6-Senior Citizens 1,000 #7 -Special Events 4,000 #8 -Sports 1,400 #9-Day Camp 400 i TOTAL 21,600 4455 Uniforms #1-Administration I TOTAL 2,500 4460 Office Su ppl ies #1 -Administration TOTAL 2 ,500 4465 Sp eci al Department Supplies #1 -Administration 2,000 #6-Senior Citizens 1,000 #7 -Special Events 6,000 #10-Volunteers 4,750 TOTAL 13,750 4490 Training #1-Administration r TOTAL 1,000 4580 Eq ui pme nt Re nta l #7 -Special Events 1,2 00 ~ TOTAL 1,200 l EI CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-18 ACCT. NO . DESCRIPTION 01-940-57 RECREATION/HUMAN SERVICES 4 617 Temple City Unified School Di strict #4 Faci lity Use Fees -STARS Club 54,000 #8 Facility Use Fees -Youth Sports 25,100 TOTAl 79,100 461 8 Rental Faci lities #4 Superstars Dance 6,700 #8 Youth/Adult Sports 9,200 TOTAl 15,900 4 630 Annual Ev ents #6 -Senior Citizen s 1,000 #7-Special Events 122,430 #10-Vol u nteers 8,0 00 j TOTAl 131,430 4 680 Promotiona l It em s #1 -City apparel & giveaways ! TOTAL 2,500 4690 Sp ecia l Progra m Expense #3-T eens 13,570 #4 -Playgrounds 1 7,9 70 #5 -Classes 500 #6 -Senior Citizens 26,630 #8 -Sports 40,390 #9 -Day Cam p 23,400 TOTAl 122,460 1 20 PARKS & RECREATION Program: Public Transportation Account: 15-9 40-58 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To coord ina t e public transit services including Dia l-A-Ri de, sale of bus passes at a reduced rate for resi dents, bus shelter maintenance, and recreation excursions utilizing Proposi ti on A funds. STA FF ING SUMMARY Admin Se rv ices Director Director of Parks & Recreation Administrative Coordinator Part Time Po sition BUDGET SUMMARY Personnel Costs ses KEY PROGRAM GOALS Total: ACTUAL 2 015-16 0 .05 0.10 0.35 1 . Manage, supervise an d promote t he Dial-A-Ride program inclu d ing processing of new members. 2. Work w ith the M etropolitan Transportation Authority, review subsi dy amounts and coordi nate the sale of reduced fare passes. 3. Manage private service contr acts relative to Public Transportation. 4 .Coordinate youth and adu lt exc ursions as part of the Recreational Transit program . KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Dial-A-Ride applications processed . Community inquiries res olved or re f erred . You th and adult excursions coordinated . Bus shelters in spected FOOT NOT ES: 1/ Bus Pass Sales funds a portion (approximately $88,710 in FY 2017-18). 121 ADOPTED 201 7-18 0.05 0.10 0.30 ___ __:0:.::.25 0.70 ADOPTED 2017-18 77,790 681,180 $ 758,970 ADOPTED 2017·18 758,970 $ 758,970 ADOPTED 2017-18 125 150 35 250 EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL ACCT. 4112 Admin Services Director 4 122 Direct or of Pa r ks & Rec r eation 4124 Administrative Coordi nator 4 161 Pa rt Time 431 0 Optional Benefits Program 432 0 Hea lth Insurance 4340 PE RS Retire ment 435 0 Medicare Tax 436 1 Ins uran ce OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT. 4233 Audi t Services 4274 Dial -A-Ride 4275 Recreation Transi t 4278 Bus Passes 4 425 Member shi ps/S ubsc ri pti ons 4440 Te lephone 4465 Special Dept. Supplies 45 40 Bus Shelter Ma in tenan ce 4541 Bu s Shelter ACTUAL 2015-16 5,185 9,832 15,188 1,615 816 ACTUAL 2 0 15-16 800 429,072 54,230 136,808 9,938 726 7,752 122 7,840 14,570 26,955 10,130 700 5,725 11,050 650 060 455,000 55,000 150,880 10,270 600 1,000 10,600 PARKS & RECREATION Prog r am : Acco unt: Public Trans. 15-940-58 ADOPTED 2017-18 8,000 14,860 23,560 11,670 620 5,540 12,910 630 $ 77,790 ADOPTED 2 017-18 800 485,000 50,000 122,180 10,300 900 1,000 11,000 681,180 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-18 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 15-940-58 PUBLIC TRANSPORTAT ION SALARIES AND BENEFITS 4112 Administrative Services Director (5%) 8,000 4122 Director of Parks & Recreation (10%) 14,860 4124 Administrative Coo rd inator (30 %) 23,560 4161 Part Time 11,670 4310 Optional Benefits Program 620 4320 He alth Insurance 5,540 4340 PERS Retirement 12,910 4350 Medicare 630 4361 life/Disability Insu ran ce (Moved to Account 4 7-4361) I TOTAL 77,790 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4233 Aud it Service Audit of Prop A Ac cou nt (Portion of Prop A revenue not to exceed $800) I I TOTAL 800 4274 Dial-A-Ride Contract to operate City's Dial -A-Ri de Service I TOTAL 485,000 4275 Rec re ation Transit Youth & Family Excursions 25,000 Adult Excursions 25,000 r TOTAL 50,000 4278 Bu s Pa ss es MTA Bus passes & tokens sold to residen t s at a reduced rate I TOTAL 122,180 4425 M emberships/Subscriptions San Gabriel Valley COG (60% of membership cost) I TOTAL 10,300 4440 Te le phone Phone line for bus pass TAP cards I TOTAL 900 4465 Special Department Supplies Includes receipts, laminating supplies and other misce llaneous supplies I TOTAL 1,000 1 23 ACCT. NO. 4540 4541 15-940-58 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-18 DESCRIPTION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Bu s Shelter M ai ntenance Clean & repairs helters on a scheduled basis ($25 x 30 x 12 months) 9,000 Structure repair s, painting, etc. 2,000 TOTAL 11,000 Bu s Shelter TOTAL 124 PARKS & RECREATION Program: Parks-Maintenance/Facilities Account : 01-940-59 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To provide t he resources r eq ui red to operate and maintai n the indoor and outdoor facilities at Live Oak Park and Temple City Park. STA FFING SUMMARY Director of Parks & Recreation Administr ative Coordinator Parks & Recreation Supervisor Parks & Recreation Manage r Parks & Recreat ion Coordinator Pa rk Maintenan ce Worker Park Maintenance Lead Worker Part Time Positions BUDGET SUMMARY Personnel Costs enses FU NDING SOU RC ES KEY PROGRAM GOALS ACTUAL 2015-16 0.25 0.25 0.40 0.00 0.00 3.00 1. Provide comprehensive, landscape, janitorial, and maintenance services fo r Temple City and Live Oak Park including exte ri or and in terior fa ci l ities. 2. Coord in ate public use of the commu nity facilities inclu ding th e Community Center, Annex, Picnic Shelte r s, Tennis Courts, Ath l etic Fields, and Performi ng Arts Pavilion. 3 . Manage pri vate service cont r acts relative to the par k facilitie s. 4. Perfo r m monthly inspections of park facilities and provide daily enforcement for code viola t ions. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Park inspections performed . 3/ Reserva t ions processed . 4/ Specia l p r ojects (CIP) managed or supported . FOOTNOT ES : 1/ Rental fees f unds a portion ($72,000 in FY 2016-17). 2/ Partially funds personnel and benefit costs for Parks & Recreat ion Sup ervisor. 3/ Includes formal facil ity and playground inspections as well as routine park ins pections. 4/ Includes community center, picnic shelters, tennis courts, and Pe r forming Arts Pavi lion re se rvations . 125 ADOPTED 2017-18 798,700 294,7 10 $ 1,093,410 ADOPTED 2017-18 1,078,910 14,500 $ 1,093,410 ADOPTED 2017-18 150 1,400 2 EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL ACCT. 4122 Direct o r of Parks & Recr ea t ion 4123 Par ks & Recreation Supervisor 4123 Pa rks & Recreation M anager 4124 Administrative Coordinator 4127 P & R Coordinator 4136 Park Maintenan ce Wo rker 4137 Park Maintenance Worker 4138 Pa rk Maintenance Wo rker 4140 Park Maintenance Le ad Worker 4150 Overtime 4161 Part Ti me Park Maint Worker 4162 Part Time-Rec. Leaders 4164 Part Tim e-Rec. Aides 4165 Part Tim e-Senior Leaders 4166 Part Time -Park Patro l Officer 4310 Optiona l Benefits Pro gr am 4320 He alth Insurance 4340 PERS Retirement 4350 4361 Ins uran ce OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT. 4252 Janitorial Services 4259 Mechanical Maintenance 4260 General Maintenance 4415 Vehi cle Operation 4435 Utilities 4440 Tel ephone 4455 Uniforms 4460 Office Supplies 4465 Special Dept. Supp lies 4490 Tra i ning 4510 Maintenance & Repair 4530 Special Equipment M aintenance 4550 Small Tool Replace m ent 4580 E ent Rental ACTUAL 2015-16 36,61 6 28,453 19,144 53,1 53 54,279 46,655 63 ,005 15,751 31,368 136,884 2,575 10,244 74,040 3,977 53,426 39,291 7,191 736 Total : ACTUAL 2015-16 47,926 15,653 9,655 4 130,002 18,232 4 ,982 756 27 ,750 884 36,350 1 ,649 510 Total: 126 54,415 54,415 56,960 61,525 15,000 36,285 151,720 2,870 10,865 77,985 6,700 59,500 73,390 8,165 7 65 121,500 21,000 7,500 1,500 32,400 1,000 45,000 1,500 800 PARKS & RECREATION Program: Account: Parks-Maint. 01-940-59 ADOPTED 2017-18 44,580 31,460 15,710 5,960 55,510 55,510 58,120 64,320 12,000 37,190 150,600 6,000 11,530 81,330 6,990 65,850 87,730 8,310 798,700 ADOPTED 2 017-18 48,060 10,000 9,800 128,000 21,000 7,200 1,850 34,250 750 30,000 1,500 800 1,500 294,710 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-18 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-940-59 PARKS-MAINT/FACILITIES SALARIES AND BENEF ITS 4122 Director of Parks & Recreation (30 %) 44,580 4123 Parks & Rec r eation M anager (30 %) 31,460 4 124 Administrative Coordinator (20%) 15,710 4 127 P & R Co ord in at or (10%) 5,960 4136 Park Maintenance W orker 55,510 4 137 Par k M ai ntenance W orker 55,510 4138 Park Maintenance W orker 58,120 414 0 Park Maintenance lead Worker 64,320 4150 Overtime 12,000 4161 Part-Time -Park M aintenance Wor ker 37,190 4162 Part Time -leadersh ip 1 50,600 4164 Part Time -Rec Aides 6,000 4165 Part Time -Senio r Lea der 11,530 4166 Part T ime -Park Patrol Officers (2) 81,330 43 10 Optional Benefits Program 6,990 4320 Health Insu r an ce 65,850 434 0 PERS Retirement 87,730 4 350 Medicare 8,3 10 4361 Li fe/Dis ability Insura nce (Moved to Accou nt 47 -4361) ' TOTAL 798,700 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4252 Jan it o rial Se rvices Monthly maintenance -Comm. Cntr. 31,200 LOP exterior restroo ms 7,140 M onthly mai ntenance -Annex 9,720 TOTAL 48,060 4259 M ec h an ica l M ainten an ce j TOTAL 10,000 4260 Gen eral M ainten an ce W eed Abatement Services 1,500 Pest Control 300 Alarm, Fire, CCTV Syst em Monitoring 4,000 Fire Supression System In spection & Monitoring 1,600 127 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-18 ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION 01-940-59 PARKS -MAINT/FACILITIES 4260 Charbroiler Fee -SCAQMD 200 Health Permit Fee -Concession Stand 300 Control Link Fee-Musco 700 Fire Extinguishe r l nspection/Srvc 200 Industrial Waste Pumping Service & Fees 1,000 I TOTAL 9,800 4435 Util i ties Ed is on International (esti mated) 78,000 Southern Californ ia Gas (estimated) 2,000 Cal -American Water/Sunnyslope Water (estimated) 48,000 1-TOTAL 128,000 4440 Tele phone Local & long distance service, ISDN, Intern et 17,400 Ce llular phones $250/mo x 12 mo 3,600 I TOTAL 21,000 4455 Un iforms Maintenance personnel uniforms 4,000 Maintenance personnel-rain and sa fety gear 1,000 Purchase of Par k & Recreation personnel staff shirts 1,200 Park Patrol Office rs uniforms 1,000 r TOTAL 7,200 4460 Office Su p pli es Miscellaneous office supplies 1,500 FAX machine 350 r TOTAL 1,850 4465 Sp ecia l Dep artment Suppl ies Miscellaneous su pplies 23,500 Tab les & chairs (Ann ex & Comm Cntr) 3,000 Compact Top Dresser 4,900 Rotary Ha mmer 750 Compact Wrench & Drill 350 Drill Kit 750 Tri mming Saw 500 Hedge Trimmers 500 r-TOTAL 34,250 4490 Trai n i ng TOTAL 750 128 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-18 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-940-59 PARKS-MAINT/FACIUTIES 4510 M ainten ance & Rep air Water irrigation system maintenance & re p ai r 5,000 Vandalism repai r s 1,000 General plumbling & electrical repairs 5,000 Landscape mater ials-plants & trees 4,500 General r epa irs 12,500 Repa i rs to moveab le walls 2,000 l TOTAL 30,000 4530 Sp ecia l Equipment Mainten ance Maintenance & repairs to lawnmowers, edgers, & other power equ ipment I TOTAL 1,500 4550 Sm all To ols Shovels, rakes, b r ooms an d general tool r epla ce me nt I TOTAL 800 4580 Equipment Rental TOTAL 1,500 129 (This page intentionally l eft b l ank) 130 PARKS & RECREATION Prog r am : Trees & Parkways Acco un t: 47-970-83 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To p rovide th e reso urces necessary to maintain the City's urban forest cons ist ing of approximately 5,500 trees in the R0 \/1 p u blic parks and p ublic parki ngs. STAFFING SUMMARY FTE s Di r ector of Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Manage r Administrative Coordinator Tr ee Tri mmer -Leadworker Tree Trimm er Part-Time Tree Trimmer BUDGET SUMMARY Personnel Costs 0 FUNDING SOURCES Lig ht ing & Land scape District Ge ner al Fu nd Gas Tax Fund KEY PROGRAM GOALS Total : Total: ACTUAL 2 015-16 0.25 0.00 0.10 1.00 2.00 $ $ 1. Prov id e comprehens ive t r ee ma inte nanc e service s in cluding i nspec tion, trimm i ng, re mova l, and planting . 2. Coord inate contract land sca pe maintenance se r vices for street m edians. 3. Manage private service co nt r acts relative to Tr ees and Par kways. 4. Eval uate and re spond to ci t izen tree maintenanc e se rvice r eq uests. 5. Provide 24-hour emergency tree maintenance se rvi ces. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Citizen r eq uests receive d an d processed. Trees t r i mmed 1/. Trees planted 2/. Meetings with p r ivate con tractors to insure comp liance . FOOTNOTES: 1/ Includes trimming by City crew an d contract crew for FY 2017-18 2/ Includes plantings by City cr ew and contract crew for FY 2017-18. 131 ADOPTED 2017-18 391,900 272,490 664,390 ADOPTED 2017-18 330,000 334,390 664,390 ADOPTED 2017-18 600 2,500 100 12 EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL ACCT. 4122 Di rector of Parks & Recreation 4123 Par ks & Rec r eation M an ager 4124 Administrative Coo rd inator 4141 Tree Trimmer 4142 Tree Trimmer 4143 Tree Trimmer Lea d Worker 4150 Overtime 4161 Part-Time Mtnc. Worker 43 10 Optional Benefi t s Pro gram 4320 Health Insurance 4340 PERS Retiremen t 4350 M edi care Tax 4361 Life/Disabi Ins urance Total: OPERATING EXP ENSES ACCT . 4254 Tree Trimming (Con tract ) 4260 General Maintenance 4261 Tree Removal 4264 M edian Maintenance 4415 Vehicle Operation 4425 Memberships/Subscript ions 4435 Utilities 4440 Telephone 4455 Uniforms 4465 Special Dept. Supplies 4490 Training 4510 Maintenance & Repair 4530 Special Equipmen t M aint. 455 0 Sm all Tool Replace m en t 4660 Tree Planting 4960 Administrative Cha To ta l: ACTUAL 2 015-16 41,431 19,270 7,700 59,445 64,260 52,960 53,400 69,222 70,950 3,382 4,000 30,130 35,600 2,309 4,480 59,123 36,755 149,874 52,310 1,921 2,335 3,105 ACTUAL 2015-1 6 68,448 1,355 13,345 78,042 1,362 230 29,735 50,000 1,706 1,800 2,505 4,00 0 4,407 4,350 679 1,000 190 2,500 1,223 2,250 36 400 132 PARKS & RECREATION Program: Account : Trees & Pkwys 47-970-83 ADOPTED 2017-18 22,290 36,700 15,710 50,350 54,460 72,360 3,000 32,460 5,140 43,620 53,060 2,750 $ 391,900 ADOPTED 2017-18 88,000 1,000 20,000 81,250 600 49,000 1,440 4,000 3,000 1,000 1,500 6,800 400 7,000 7,500 272,490 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-18 ACCT. NO . DESCRIPTION 47-970-83 TREES & PARKWAYS SALARIES AND BEN EFITS 4122 Director of Parks & Recreation (15%) 22,290 4123 Parks & Recreation Manager (35%) 36,700 4130 Administrative Coordinator (20%) 15,710 4141 Tree Trimmer ($25,175 Funded with General Fund) 50,350 4142 Tree Trimmer ($27,230 Funded w ith Gene ra l Fund) 54,460 4143 Tree Trimmer Leadworker ($36,180 Funded w ith General Fund) 72,360 (50% of Tree Trimmers salary will be funded w it h General Fund) 4150 Overtime (After hours service/emergency calls ) 3,000 4161 Part-Time Tree Trimmer (29 hrs/wk x 52 wks) 32,460 4310 Optional Benefits Program 5,140 4320 Health Insurance 43,620 4340 PE RS Retirement 53,060 4350 Medicare 2,750 (50% of Tree Trimmers benefits w i ll be funded with Genera l Fund $37,125) 4361 Life/Disa bility Insurance (Moved to Account 47 -4361) -~ TOTAL 391,900 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4254 Tree Trimming Scheduled Citywide t re e maintenance-4 year trim cycle -3 districts per year Trim Ficus and Palms o nce per year -'-TOTAL 88,000 4260 Gen era l Ma i ntenance Chemical eradication services (estimated) I TOTAL 1,000 4261 Tree Removal Removal of dead, diseased or hazardous trees Debris remova l and re p lace with clean fill dirt 100 trees x $95 per site I TOTAL 20,000 4264 Median Maintenance Baldwin, Santa Anita, Las Tunas & Lower Azusa Median Maintenance/Contract -$15,250 Rosemead Blvd. Median Maintenance/Contract -$54,000 Special Services/Repai rs-$12,000 TOTAL 81,250 133 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-18 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 47-970-83 TREES & PARKWAYS 4425 Memberships/Subsc riptions International Society of Arborist (ISA) Street Tree Seminars Arbor Foun datio n Society of Municipal Arborist r-TOTAL 600 4435 Utilities Edison International (estimated) Southern California Water (estimated) Cal-American Water (estimated Sunnyslope Water (estimated) Golden State Water (e stimated) SGWD (estimated) Corporation Yard Edison Internationa l (estimated) Southern California Gas (estimated) So uthern California Water (estimated) r TOTAL 49,000 4440 Telephone Cell phone usage (Lead Tree Trimmer and two Tree Trimmers) additional cell phone accessories r TOTAL 1,440 4455 Un i forms Tree Maintenance Pe rsonnel uniforms r TOTAL 4,000 4465 Sp ecial Department Supplies Safety equipment Saws, cha in saws, sa w chains, bars and oil Tree stakes, ties, shov els, rakes, and brooms r TOTAL 3,000 4490 Training Training workshops, seminars, conferences and related reference materials Training for Class B Driver's License [ TOTAL 1,000 4510 Mai ntenance & Repair Water irrigation system repairs (estimated ) Organ ic landscape material for La s Tunas Drive La Rosa Maintenance Facility (SO% of estimated costs) TOTAL 1,SOO 134 CITY OF TEMP LE CITY BUDGET W ORKS HEET FY 20 17-18 A CCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 47-970 -83 TRE ES & PAR KWAYS 4530 Spe cia l Equipment M aintenance Maintenance and repair cha i n saw, hedge trimm er, motorized equipment brush ch ipper belt & blade sharpening, hedge trimmer, hydraulic tool, generator Cutter Tooth -Bru sh Chipper ($250) Annual AQMD permit fee required for brush chipper operation Rhino Liner for Chippe r Truck ($4,800} TOTAL 6,8 00 4550 Sm all Tool Replacement TO TAL 400 4580 Equ i p ment Renta l ~ TOTAL - 4660 Tree Pla nti ng Replacement trees fo r removals resulting from disease, storm d amage, natu ral deteri oration, citizen servi ce requests and community development projects TOTAL 7,000 4960 Administrat ive Ch arges Reimbursement for general fund d irect and indirect costs associated with managing the program budget TOTA L 7,500 135 (This page intentionally l eft blank) 136 COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 203,000 RESOURCES ALLOCATED Personnel Costs PROGRAM FINA NCI NG General Fund Successor Agency to the CRA CDBG PERSONNEL {FT E) • Genera l Fund •CDBG ACTUAL 2015-16 137 Program 53: Plan ni ng Guide physical and economic develeopmE Program 54: Building Building permiting and inspection Program 55: Housi ng Preserve and improve housing Program 65 : Community Prese rvation Code enforcement and compliance FY 2017-18 : Ado ted Resources Allocat e d • Personnel Costs 1,209,420 50% 2,197,890 203,000 $ 2,400,890 10.76 10.76 (This page intentionally left blank) 138 COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT Program: Planning Account: 01-930-53 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The Planning program ensures development is consistent w ith the adopted General Plan , encourages commercial revita lization and ensures a high qu ality of life f or t he community. STAFFING SUMMARY Office Assistant II Commu nity Dev Director Planning M anager Secreta ry -Comm. Dev Associate Planner Associ ate Planner M anagement Analyst Part-Time Po sitions BUDGET SUMMARY Personne l Costs FUNDING SOURC ES KEY PROGRAM GOALS Tot al : Total : ACTUAL 2 015-16 0 .20 0.25 0.50 0.40 1.00 1.00 0.00 ACTUAL 2015-16 380,399 1. Com plet ion of General Plan Update and Crossroads Specific Plan 2. Substantial progress on Zoning Code Update KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Planning Commission cases processed Site Plan Reviews cases process ed Custome r s served at t h e public counter 139 $ ADOPTED 2017-18 549.470 369,260 918,730 ADOPTED 2017-18 918,730 $ 918,730 ADOPTED 2017-18 40 80 3,200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL ACCT. 4117 Community Dev Director 4118 Planning Manager 4119 Secretary -Comm. Dev 4148 Associ ate Planner 4149 Associa t e Plann er 4116 Office Assistant II 4174 M anagement Analyst 4150 Overtime 43 10 Optional Benefits Progr am 4320 Health Insurance 4340 PERS Reti r ement 4350 Medicare Tax 4361 Life/Disabil Insurance Tota l : OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT. 4231 Prv/Spc Contract Services 4271 Prv/Spc Program Contract Services 4405 M i leage Reimbursement 4410 M eeti ng Expense 4420 Travel & Conference 4425 Memberships/S ubscripti on s 4440 Telephone 4445 Printing 4450 Postage 4465 Sp ecia l De pt Su ppl ies 4470 Legal Advertising 4490 Trai ni ng 4530 Special Equipment Maint 4790 Business License Enfo rcement Total: ACTUA L 2015-1 6 34,474 60,020 26,629 82,468 84,157 10,277 ACTUAL 2 015-1 6 37,586 345,465 1,800 57 2,327 2,564 1,560 264 47 4,991 140 COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT 34,930 60,780 27,280 89,70 5 89,705 10,850 75 ,000 1,040,8 50 2,000 400 11,900 6,370 1,560 1,000 2,000 Program: Account: Planning 01-930-53 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDG ET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 I ACCT. NO. I 01-93Q-53 DESCRIPTION PlANNING I SALARIES AND BENEFITS 4 117 Community Development Director (25%) 38,350 4118 Planning Manager (45%) 55,790 4119 Secretary -Comm Dev 69,580 414 8 Associate Pl anner (90%) 79,180 4149 Associate Planner 91,490 4174 Management Analyst (70%) 51,640 4150 Overtime 6,000 4310 Optional Benefit s Program 6,120 4320 Health Insurance 62,470 4340 PERS Retirement 83,250 4350 Medicare 5,600 4361 life/Disability Insurance (Moved to Account 47-4361) - TOTAL 549,470 MAI NTENANCE AND OPERAT IONS 4231 Prv/S pc Contract Services Project Reviews by Transtech (Reimbursable) 12,000 Architectural Consulting Services 25,000 I TOTAL 37,000 4271 Prv/Spc Pro g r am Contract Se rvices General Plan Upd ate and Cr oss roads Spe cific Plan 280,000 (funded by General Fund Reserve; carried over from last f is ca l yea r ) Fil ing of legal notices related to General Plan Update and Specific Plan 3,500 ~ TOTAL 283,500 4405 Mileage Re imburseme nt Auto allowance for CD Director per contract 1,800 Staff use of person al vehicles for City busi ness 200 I TOTAL 2,000 4410 M ee t i ng Expense Supplies and mi sce llaneous costs for comm unity meetings TOTAL 1,000 4 4 2 0 Travel & Conference Attendance at conferences by planning staff and Pla nning Commissioners TOTAL 6,000 141 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FV 2017-2018 I ACCT. NO. I 01-931>-53 DESCRIPTION PlANNING I 4425 M em berships/Subsc riptions American Planning Association and American Institute of Certified Planners 3,100 (individual membe rships for planners, Planning Manager, and CD Director) r TOTAL 3,100 4440 Telephone Cell phone allowance for CD Director an d Plann ing Manager per contract 2 @ $65/month l TOTAL 1,S60 4445 Printi ng Plotter Supplies r-TOTAL 500 4450 Postage (Moved to Acco unt 49-4450) I TOTAL - 4470 Lega l Advertising Planning department legal notices I TOTAL 6,000 4490 Training Tra ining and conferences for planning staff r TOTAL 6,000 4530 Special Equipment Mainte nance Hdl business license software annual licensing fee 10,000 HdL business license software e-check processing fees 700 ESRI GIS softwa re annual maintenance fee 900 r TOTAL 11,600 4790 Bu siness License Enforce m e nt Background Checks to LA County Sheriff (reimbursab le) TOTAL 11,000 142 ---------------------------------- COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT Program: Bui lding Acc ount: 01-930-54 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The Bu ildin g prog r am administ e rs Building Pl an Ch ec ks, Bu ilding Per mit iss uan ce and perform s Build ing Inspection s. STAFFING SUMMARY Co mmunity Dev Director Planning M anager Sec retary-Comm. Dev Build ing/Housing Assistant Building In spect or Bui lding and Code I nspector Ill Office Assis t ant II Part-Time Position BUDGET SUMMARY Pe rso nne l Cos t s enses FUNDING SOURCES KEY PROGRAM GOALS ACTUAL 2015-16 0.20 0.50 0.60 0.85 0 .80 0 .00 0 .20 1. Cros s-tra in office staff on bu sin ess processes to e nh anc e custom er se rvi ce 2. Cross-t rain ins pectors to increase efficiencies in bu i ldin g and com munity preserva tion KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Building permits issued. Custo m ers served at th e publ ic coun t er. 143 ADOPTED 2017-18 302,430 413,360 715,790 ADOPTED 2017-18 715,790 $ 715,790 ADOPTED 2017-18 2,000 3,2 00 EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL ACCT. 4117 Community Dev Di rector 4118 Planning Manager 4119 Secretary-Comm. Dev 4120 Bu ilding/Housing Ass ist ant 413 1 Bu ilding Inspecto r 4131 Building and Code Inspector Ill 4116 Office Assistant II 4150 Overtime 4161 Part Time 4310 Optional Benefits Program 4320 Health In su r a nce 4340 PERS Retirement 4350 Medica r e Tax 4361 Life/Disa bil Insurance Total : OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT . 4213 St at e Buil ding Fees 4217 LA CO-Indu strial Waste 4231 Prv/Spc Contract Services 4425 Membersh ips/S ubscriptio ns 4440 Telephone 4465 Special Dept Su ppli es 4490 4530 ment Maint enance Total : ACTUAL 2015-16 27,579 60,020 39,943 57,646 46,916 10,277 40,235 2,197 28,739 25 ,602 3,963 4,068 ACTUAL 2015-16 12,242 30,559 587,208 12,431 687 4,005 144 COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT 27,940 60,780 40,920 5 7,975 57,455 3,660 39,175 55,825 4,470 490 10,000 35,000 360,000 2,065 360 Program: Acco unt: Building 01-930-54 ADOPTED 2017-18 10,000 25,000 360,000 500 360 7,000 2,000 8,500 413,360 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 I ACCT. NO. I .,_ .. o-54 DESCRIPTION BUILDING I SALARIE S AN D BEN EFITS 4117 Community Dev el opment Director (20%) 30,680 4118 Planning Manager (25%) 31,000 4120 Building/Housing Assistant 69,580 4131 Building an d Code Inspector Ill 77,830 4150 Overtime 750 4161 Part Time Office Assistant I (19 Hrs/Wk x 52 Wks) 22,170 43 10 Optional Benefits Program 2,220 4320 Health Insurance 26,670 4340 PERS Retirement 38,180 4350 Medicare 3,350 4361 Life/Disability In su rance (Moved to Accoun t 47-4361) - l TOTAL 302,430 M AINTENANCE AND OP ERATIONS 4213 St at e Building Fees State Strong Motion and SB 1473 (Gree n Bu ilding) Fees (reimbursable) TOTAL 10,000 4217 LA Co-Ind ustrial W as t e L.A. County Industrial Wa ste Inspections _! TOTAL 25,000 4231 Prv/Spc Contra ct Services Bu ilding Plan Check and Building Official services (revenue offset) ~ TOTAL 360,000 4425 Member ship/Subscriptions ICC & CA LBO M em bershi p I TOTAL 500 4440 Te l ephon e Cell phone for ins pector@ $30/month TOTAL 360 4465 Sp ecia l Departm ent Suppli es Office supplies for building, planning, and community preservation I TOTAL 7,000 4490 Trai n in g Training and certification I TOTAL 2,000 145 CITY O F TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-930-S4 BUILDING 4530 Specia l Equipment Maintenance Quickbase building permit database 25 users @ $300/user 7,500 Microsoft Office 365 10 users @ $100/user 1,000 TOTAL 8,500 146 COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT Progr am: Housing Account: 01-930-55 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The Housing program implements programs to prese rve an d improve t he City's affordab le Hou sing stock, and also impl ements programs to p rovi d e en ergy improvements to th e general h ousi ng stock ci tywide . Co mmunity Dev Director Planning M anager Ass o ci ate Planner Bu ilding/Hou sing Asst Bu ilding Inspector Bu ildi an d Code ector Il l BUDGET SUMMARY Pe rs on ne l Costs ns es FUNDING SOURCES Ge nera l Fund CDBG EECBG KEY PROGRAM GOALS Tota l : Total : ACTUAL 2015-16 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.20 ACTUAL 2015-16 35,217 143,502 $ ADOPTED 2017-18 30,870 203,000 233,870 ADOPTED 2017-18 30,870 203,000 233,870 1. Administer Commu nity Deve lopm ent Block Grant pr o gram and ensure that funds are spen t within required timelines . KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Hou si ng Rehab ilitation Lo an Prog r am proje cts completed Han dyworke r Grant Program projects completed 147 ADOPTED 2017-18 2 8 EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL ACCT. 4117 Community Dev Directo r 4118 ·Planning M anager 4120 Building/Housing Asst 4131 Building Inspector 4131 Building and Code In spector Ill 4148 Associate Planner 4310 Optional Benefits Program 4320 Health Insurance 4340 PER S Retirement 4350 4361 Insu rance OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT . 4231 Prv/Spc Contract Services 4405 Mil eage Reimbursement 4410 Meeting Expense 4930 Housing Rehab Loans 4932 Misc. Loan Expense 4935 Grant ense ACTUAL 2015-16 6,895 10,173 11,729 233 2,702 2,640 414 ACTUAL 2015-16 29,202 148 COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT Program: Account: Housing 01-930-55 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 I ACCT. NO. I 01-930-55 DESCRIPTION HOUSING I SALARIES AND BENEFITS 4117 Community Development Director (5%) 7,670 4118 Planning Manager (5%) 6,200 4148 Associate Planner (10%) 8,800 4310 Optiona l Benefits Program 210 4320 Health Insurance 2,260 4340 PERS Retirement 5,400 4350 Medicare 330 4361 life/Disability Insurance (Moved to Account 47-4361) - L TOTAL 30,870 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4231 Prv/Spc Contract Services lead-Ba se d Paint and Asbestos Te sting & Abatement C18 -0S __! TOTAL 48,000 4930 Housing Rehabilation loans C18 -03 This category provides fund s for rehabilitation projects for low income residents. Maximum of 35,000 per household _I TOTAL 70,000 4932 Misce llaneous loan Expen se C18 -03 TOTAL 500 4935 Grant Expense C18 -04 Handyworker Grant Program, Maximum of 10,000 per household TOTAL 84,500 149 (This page inten t ionally l eft blank) 150 COMMUNITY ENHANCEMEN T Program: Community Pres e rvation Account : 01-950-65 STATE MENT O F PURPOSE Community Preserva t ion investigates complaints abo ut Municipal Code vio lations relating to health, safety, business licen se, nuisances, housing, and zoning. STAFFING SUMMARY Office Assistant II Secretary Management Analyst Community Development Director Planning Manager Com munity Pr eservation Officer Build ing and Code Inspector I Senior Community Preserva tion Officer Management Analyst Part-Time Positions BUD GET SUMMARY Personnel Costs Op er at ing Expenses KEY PROGRAM GOALS Total: $ ACT"UAL 2015-16 0.20 0.25 0.1 0 . 0.00 2.00 0.00 ACT"UAL 2 015-16 243,560 162,486 406,046 1. Quick ly and effectively r es pond to community comp lai nts ADOPTED 2016-17 363,2 00 212,705 $ 575,905 2. Achieve voluntary com plian ce by working w i th residen t s without issuing citations 3. Con duct targeted and p roactive enforcement KEY WOR KLOAD MEASURES Community preservation cases opened Percentage of cases opened proactively by inspectors Percentage of cases abate d witho ut citation 151 ADOPTED 2017-18 326,650 205,850 $ 532,500 ADOPTED 2017-18 532,500 $ 532,500 ADOPTED 2017-18 1,250 75% 95% EXP ENDITU RE D ET AIL PERSONNEL ACCT. 41 16 Office Assistant II 4130 Sec retary 4174 Ma nagement Ana lyst 4117 Commun ity Development Director 4118 Plann ing Man ager 4133 Community Preservation Officer 4133 Building an d Co de In spe ctor I 4171 Senior Community Pr eservation Officer 4173 Management Ana lyst 4174 Management Ana lyst 4150 Overtime 4161 Part Time 4 310 Optional Benefits Pr ogr am 4320 Health Insurance 4340 PERS Retirement 4350 4361 In su ran ce OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT. 4214 Animal Control 4238 Contract Legal Serv ices 4420 Travel & Confere n ce 4425 Memberships/Subscriptions 4440 Telephone 4445 Printing 4450 Postage 4455 Uniforms 4465 Special Dept Supplies 4490 Training 4530 Special Equipment M aintenance 4640 Special Event Total : ACTUAL 2015-16 10,277 16,303 6,364 13,790 54,152 87,329 6,364 7,401 ACTUAL 2015-16 135,000 17,502 310 877 556 619 430 7,192 COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT 53,425 81,490 38,295 7,520 4,000 18,675 3,620 Program : Account: Comm. Pres. 01 -950-65 $ ADOPTED 2017-18 23,010 31,000 58,940 83,120 14,750 4,000 39,500 2,510 25,700 40,490 3,630 326,650 No t es: Pro gram 63 (An imal Control) w as eli minat ed f ro m t he budget. Ani mal control se rvices w as added to Program 6 5, Acco unt 4214. 152 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO . DESCR IPT ION 01-950-65 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION SALA RIE S AND BENEFITS 4117 Community Development Director (15%) 23 ,010 4118 Pla nning Manager (25 %) 31,000 4133 Building an d Code Inspe ctor I 58,940 4171 Sen ior Community Pre servation Officer 83,120 4174 Management Analyst (20 %) 14,750 4150 Overtime LASD meetings and assistance/monthly weekend enforcement/neigborhood watch meetings 4,000 4161 Part Time -Buil d ing and Code Inspector I 39,500 4310 Optional Benefits Program 2,510 4320 Hea lth Insurance 25,700 4340 PERS Retirement 40,490 4350 Medicare Tax 3,630 4361 Life/Disability Insurance (Moved to Account 47-4361) - I TOTAL 326,650 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4214 An i mal Control San Gabriel Valley Humane Society@ $15,8 16.32/month TOTAL 189,800 4238 Contract legal serv ic es City Prosecutor ' TOTAL 7,000 I 4420 Travel & Conference Code enforcement conferences and training i 1,000 4425 M emberships/Subscriptions CACEO Membership 4 @ $85 ~ TOTAL 350 4440 Telephone Cell phones for Community Preservation Officers 3 @ $30/month I TOTAL 1,100 4445 Printing Community Outreach M aterials TOTA L 1,800 153 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION 01-950-65 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION 4455 Uniforms I TOTAL 1,800 4490 Traini ng Seminars and workshops TOTAL 3,000 15 4 INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE Progr am 71 : Administration and Engin ee ring Maintain Ci ty infrastructure. Progra m 73 : Tr affic Si gn al M ai nten a nce Maintain and operate traffic signals. Program 74: Traffic Signs and Striping Maint. Maintain an d r eplace signs and street marking. Prog ra m 7S: Street & Sid ewa l k Maintenance Swee p, r epair and res urface p u bli c st r eets, all eys and sidewalk. DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FY 2017-18 : Ado RESOURCES AL LO CATED Per son nel Cos ts PROGRAM FINANC ING Ge neral Fund Gas Tax La ndscape & Lig hting Dist r ic t Used Oil Grant 1,054,950 51" • General Fund • Gas TaK •landscape Ughting District • Used Oi l Gra nt A crUAL 2015-16 155 Program 77: Sol id W aste M anageme nt Tr as h and recycling pick-up an d programs. Pro gr am 78 : St r eet lighting M aint. and utility provision for street lights. Program 81 : General Government Bu ild i ngs Operate and maintain Ci ty buildings. Pro gr am 82: Parking Fa ci lit i es M aintain City parking lots. FY 2017-18: Ado t ed Res ource s All oca ted 616,840 30" • Personnel Costs • Operating Expenses 1,054,950 503,260 516.430 10,110 $ 2,084,750 6.45 (This page intentionally l eft blank) 156 INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE Program: Administration & Engin eering Account: 0 1 -960-71 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Th e Admi nist rati on & En gineeri ng program provid es t he person n el and techn ical re sou rce s to mai ntain and improve t he Ci ty's physical infrastructure. STAFFING SUMMARY FTEs) Community Dev Director Office Assis t ant II Public Safe ty Supervisor Secretary Management Analyst Partnme BUDGET SUMMARY Personnel Cost s n ses FUNDING SOURCES Gas Tax 2 107.5 General Fund KEY PROGRAM GOALS ACTUAL 2015-16 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.25 1. Com plete improvements under Highway Safety Improvement Program grants. ADOPTED 2017-18 331,620 358,800 690,420 ADOPTED 2017-18 6,000 684,420 690,420 2. En sure co mpliance with t he N ational Pollutant Di sc har ge Elimination System (NPDE S) and Enhanced Watershed Man ageme nt Pr ogram (EW M P}. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES CIP projects completed NPDES annual training con ducted 157 ADOPTED 2017-18 2 1 EXPENDITURE DE T AIL PERSO NNEL AC CT . 411 7 Co m m unity Dev Directo r 4116 Office Assistant II 4132 Pu blic Safety Supervisor 4130 Sec r etary 4173 M anagement A nalyst .4174 Management Analyst 4310 Opti onal Benefits Progra m 4320 Hea lt h Ins urance 4340 PER S Retirement 4350 Medicare Ta x 4361 Li Insurance Tota l: OPERATING COSTS AC CT. 4231 Special/Private Contract Services 4239 Engineering Services 4277 N PDES 4420 Tr avel & Conference 4425 M em b ershi ps/Subscriptio ns 4465 Special Dept Supplies 4490 Tra i ni Total : ACTUAL 2 0 15-16 27,579 10,277 9,177 16,303 6,364 691 9,778 ACTUAL 2015-1 6 1,265 318,041 136,572 86 836 158 INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE 7,520 1,235 11,325 14,380 1,0 50 57 5 Program: Account: Admin & Engineer 01-960-71 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO . DESCRIPTION 01-960-71 ADMINISTRATION & ENGINEERING SALARIES AND BENEFITS 4117 Community Deve lopm ent Director (30%) 46,020 4116 Office Assi stant II (90%) 49,800 4130 Secretary (90%) 60,200 4173 Management Analyst 65,580 4174 Management Analyst (10 %) 7,380 4310 Optional Benefits Program 4,190 4320 Health In surance 41,820 4340 PERS Reti rement 53,310 4350 Medicare Tax 3,320 4361 Life/Dis ability Insurance (Moved to Account 47-4361) - I TOTAl 331,620 MAINTENANC E AN D OPERATIONS 4239 En gi n ee ring Se rvices City eng ineer services including design, engineering, inspection, and project management I TOTAl 250,000 4277 NPDES Contracted Services and Programs Watershed/TMDL/NPDES Permit As sistance 10,300 Annual Report and Presentations 5,000 Ill ic it Di scharge Detection and Elimination Program 2,000 Development Construction Program Inspections and Training 14,200 Pub lic Agency Activities Program Training 1,300 Industrial and Commercial Faci li t i es Program and Inspections 12,600 Public Information an d Participation Program 3,200 City Share of Regional Programs Trash TMDL DGR Study and Report (if necessary pending Regional Board decision) 15,000 Annual UlAR Monitoring Fee 18,000 UlAR Trash Monitoring and Repor ing Plan 5,000 Annual MS4 Perm it Fee 18,000 TOTAl 104,600 4420 Travel & Conferen ce Public Works Training/Conferences TOTAl 1,500 159 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION 01-960-71 ADMINISTRAT ION & ENGINEERING 4425 M embe rships/Subscriptions Memberships for Publi c Works Organizations I TOTAL 500 4440 Tele phon e ~ TOTAL - 4465 Sp ecial Departm e nt Supplies General office supplies r TOTAL 700 4490 Tr a i ni ng Training for Public W orks personnel (wor kshops, seminars & co nfere nces) TOTAL 1,500 1 60 ----------- INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE Program: Traffic Signal Maintenance Account : 47-960-73 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Provide the energy and maintenance services required to operate the City's 28 signalized in terse ction s and ten additional signalized intersections that are shared with the State of California, Los Angeles County, and City of Arcadia. ACTUAL STAFFING SUMMARY {FTE s) 2015-16 0 .00 Total: 0 .00 ACTUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 2015-16 Personne l Costs ses Total: ACTUAL FUNDING SOURCES 2015-16 Lighting & Landscape District 179,074 Tota l: $ 179,074 KEY PROGRAM GOALS ADOPTED 2016-17 0.00 0 .00 ADOPTED 2016-17 136,500 $ 136,500 ADOPTED 2017-18 0.00 0.00 ADOPTED 2017-18 156,500 $ 156,500 1. Work wit h Lo s Angeles County t o ensure that all traffic signals are maintained cons istent with i ndu stry standards and safety requirements. 2. Work with Lo s Angeles County to id entify and correct deficiencies in signa l operation or timing. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Traffic signals maintained. 161 ADOPTED 2017-18 39 EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT. 4216 Contract Service-Public 4435 Utilities 4960 Ad m inistrative Cha es ACTUAL 2015-16 162 INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE Program: Account: Traff. Sig. Maint. 47-960-73 ADOPTED 2017-18 120,000 35,000 1,500 156,500 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKS HEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 47-960-73 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4216 Co ntrac t Service -Public Maintenance of all traffic signals under contract with L.A . County Department of Public Works TOTAL 120,000 4435 Utilities Southern California Edison -electricity to op er ate traffic signals TOTAL 35,000 49 60 Administr ation Reimbursement for general fund direct and indirect cost associated with managing the prog r am budget TOTAL 1,500 1 63 (This p age inten t i on ally l eft bla nk) 164 INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE Prog r am: Traffic Signs an d St r i ping Maintenance Account: 21-960-74 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Program provides the resources r equired to perform ro utine and emergen cy ma intenance, the repairing & replacemen t STAFFING SUMMARY Maintenance Lead Worker M aint enance Worker BUDGET SUMMARY Pe rso nn el Costs enses KEY PROGRAM GOALS Total : ACTUAL 2015-16 0.30 1. Install new Stop signs as app r oved by City Council and other traffic signs as necessary. 2. Paint new street markings and r epaint existing m arkings as necessary. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Sign and t r iping requests completed 165 ADOPTED 2017-18 84,060 33,400 117,460 ADOPTED 2017-18 117,460 $ 117,460 ADOPTED 2017-18 100% EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL ACCT . 4139 Maintenance Lead Worker 4146 Maintenance Worker 4176 Maintenance Worker 4310 Optional Benefits Progra m 4320 Health In su rance 4340 PERS Retirement 4350 4361 OPERATING COSTS ACCT. In surance 4255 Striping/Pavement 4266 Curb Addressing 4465 Special Dept Supplies 4510 Mai ntenance & Repair 4630 Annual Events ACTUAL 2015-16 21,166 20,568 166 INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE Program: Accou nt: Traf Sig/St ripe Maint. 21-960-74 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION 21 -960-74 TRAFFIC SIGNS & STRIPING MAINTENANCE SALARIES AND BENEFITS 4139 Maintenance Lead Worker (30%) 21,710 4146 M aintenance Worker (40%) 19,880 4176 Main tenance Worker (40%) 18,380 4310 Optional Benefits Prog ram 1,810 4320 Health Insurance 13,590 4340 PERS Retirement 7,820 4350 Medicare Tax 870 4361 Life/Disability Insurance (Moved to Account 47-4361) - TOTAL 84,060 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 42 55 Striping/Paveme nt Ma intenance and repair of street striping an d painting, and curb pa inting TOTAL 5,000 4266 Curb Addressi n g TOTAL - 4465 Sp ecia l De partme nt Supplies Paint/striping tools and materials ; TOTAL 400 4510 M ai nten ance & Rep air Sign maintenance, repair, and replacement i TOTAL 10,000 4630 Annua l Eve nts Street Closures & Traffic Control Sing Tao 4,000 Lights on TC 7,000 Camellia Festival 7,000 TOTAL 18,000 167 (This page inte ntionally left blank) 168 ---------------- INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE Program: Street & Sidewalk Maintenance Account: 21-960-75 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Program provides the resources req u ired for the maintenance and repair of all public streets, alleys, and access easements. ACTUA L ADOPTED STAFFING SUM MARY (FT Es) 2 015-16 2016-17 0.00 0 .00 T otal : 0 .00 0.00 BUDGET SUMMARY Personnel Costs nses FUNDING SOURCES Sewer Reconstruction Fund Gas Tax 105 KEY PROGRAM GOALS 1. Provide comprehensive stree t and sidewalk inspection, maintenance, and r epair. 2 . Sweep all co mmercial streets t h ree times per week an d all other streets once per week. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Streets inspected annually. Streets swe pt weekly. 169 ADOPTED 2017-18 0.00 0.00 ' ADOPTED 2017-18 100% 100% EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL ACCT. OPERATING EXPENSES ACCT . 4216 Contract Se rvice-Public 4231 Prv/Spc Contract Services 4256 Street Cleaning 4257 Street Maintenance 4258 Sidewalk Maintenance 4440 Tele one ACTUAL 2015-16 To t al: ACTUAL 2015-16 110,2 83 204,474 4,905 100 Total: INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE Program: Acco u nt: Street & Sidewal~ Maintenance 21-960-75 Notes: Program 72 (Street Clean ing) and Program 76 (Sidwalk Maintenace) were eliminated from the budget. These services were added to Program 7S with new program named Street & Sidewa lk Maintenance. 170 ----~~------------------------------------------ CITY OF TEMPL E CITY BUDG ET WORKSH EET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO . DESCRIPTION 21-960-75 STREET & SIDEWALK M A INTENANCE MAINTENANC E AND OP ERATIONS 4216 Contract Service -Public L.A. County Department of Public Works contract services Street inspections and pothole repair 50,000 Catch basin inspection and cleanout-dry season 2,000 Catch basin ins pection and clean out-wet season 6,000 Drainage facilities insp ection and cleanout 2,000 On-call emergency repair services 30,000 Sidewalk inspection and repair 40,000 TOTAL 130,000 4256 Street Clea ning Athens Services-weekly street swee p ing@ $17,900/month (esti mate) I TOTAL 214,800 4257 Stree t M aintenance Materials and equip ment for pothole repair and other in-house street maintenance TOTAL 20,000 4258 Si d ew alk M ain ten ance Sidewalk repair and r eplacement by priva te contractor as needed TOTAL 15,000 171 (This page intentionally l eft blank) 172 INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE Program: Solid Waste Management Account: 01-960-77 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The Solid Waste Management Pr ogram provides the resources required to effectively administer the City's solid waste disposal and source reduction services. STAFFING SUMMARY (FTE s)-NONE 1/ BUDGET SUMMARY Personne l Costs nses FUNDING SOURC ES General Fund Used Oil Grant KEY PROGRAM GOALS ACTUAL 2 015 -16 1. Administer Athens contract to ensure that excellent cu sto mer service is provided and resident need s are addressed. 2. Work w it h Cal Recycle to ensu r e compliance with st ate laws related to diversion, mandatory commercial recycling, and other iss ues. 3. Administer Used Oil Payment Program by conducting public outreach and provid ing used oil containers. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES State law compliance. Businesses in compliance with m a ndatory recycling re qu ir ements. FOOT N OTE S: ADOPTED 2017-18 100% 100% 1/ Solid waste pick-up and recycling service is currently provided by Athens Services for both residential and non-residential properties. 173 EXPENDITURE DETAil OPER ATIN G EXPENS ES ACCT . 4231 PRV/SPC Contract Services 4241 SRRE Program 4605 174 INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE Program: Account: Solid Waste Mgmt. 01-960-77 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION 01-960-77 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4241 SRRE Prog r a m Preparation of Sold Waste Reduction and Re cycling Element ·- I TOTAL - 4605 Re cycl ing Prog r a m {Fund 17} Used Oil Payment Program -education and materials for used oil r ecycling TOTAL 10,110 175 (This page inte n tionally l eft blank) 176 INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE Program: Street ligh t ing Accou nt: 47-960-78 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Program provides comprehensive maintenance servi ce s and electrical power r eq ui red to operate the City 's street light ing syste m. The cos t for a portion of th e safety lighting mainte na n ce an d re p ai r is shared with other bord ering jurisdictions. STAFF ING SUMMARY Office Assis tant II BUDGET SUMMARY Pers on n el Costs enses KEY PROGRAM GOALS ACTUAL 2 015-16 0.00 0.10 0.10 ADOPTED 2017-18 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 -----0.10 ADOPTED 2017-18 9,430 350,500 359,930 ADOPTED 2017-18 359,930 $ 359,930 1. Work with Lo s Angeles County and Southern Califo rn ia Ed ison to ensure that all street lig hts are f u nctional an d properly maintain ed. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Street lights fu ncti onal and maintained. 177 ADOPTED 2017-18 100% EXPENDITURE DETAIL PERSONNEL ACCT . 4116 Office Assistant II 4130 Secretary 4132 Public Safety Supervisor 41 74 M anagement Analyst 4310 Optional Ben efits Progra m 4320 Health Insurance 4340 PERS Retirement 4350 Medicare Tax 4361 Li fe/Disa b i Insurance OPERATING COSTS ACCT . 4240 Assessment District Eng 4271 Prv/Spc Pr gs Contract Srv 4510 Ma intenance & Repair 4570 Energy & Maintenance 4960 Adm ini str ative Cha ACTUAL 2015-16 6,521 9,177 6,3 64 25 0 3,846 2,710 298 178 INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE 6,560 9,690 7,520 495 Prog r am: Account: Stree t Lighting 47-960-78 ADOPTED 2017-18 9,000 2,000 35,000 300,000 4,500 350,500 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION 47-960-78 STREET LIGHTING SALARIES AND BENEFITS 4116 Office Assistant II (5%) 2,770 4130 Secretary -Public Works (5%) 3,340 4310 Optional Benefits Pr ogram 160 4320 Health Insurance 1,610 4340 PERS Retirement 1,460 4350 Medicare Tax 90 4361 Life/Disability Insurance (Moved to Account 47-4361) - TOTAL 9,430 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4240 As sessme nt Distr ict Engineer Annual Lighting an d Maintenance Assess m ent District Update i TOTAL 9,000 4271 Private/Special Progra ms Contract Services Underground Service Alert (Dig Alert) services , I TOTAL 2,000 4465 Special Department Supplies General office sup plies I TOTAL - 4510 Maintenance & Rep air Maintenance and r epair services under contract w ith L.A. County Department of Public Works Supplies for repairs performed by City staff TOTAL 35,000 4570 Energy & Maintenan ce So Cal Edison streetlight maintenance, repa ir, and electricity costs r TOTAL 300,000 4960 Administrative Charges Reimbursement of general funds direct and indirect costs associated w ith managing the program budget TOTAL 4,500 1 79 (This page intentionally l eft b l ank) 180 INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE Program: General Gove rnment Build ings Account: 01-970-81 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Program provides the resources required to opera te and mai ntain City Hall , Civic Center and th e Emerge ncy Operations Center, which includes co mprehensive mechanical an d janitorial services, general facility maintenance, and utility sys tems. STA FF I NG SUMMA RY Communit y Dev Director Office As sistant II Secretary Maint Lead Worker Maint Worker BUDGET SUM MARY Personnel Costs 0 es KEY PROGRAM GOALS Tot al : Tota l : A CTU A L 2015-16 0.00 0.00 0 .00 1. Provid e comprehensive maintenance and r epair se rvices for all City facilities. 2. Effective ly manage building maintenance co ntract s including janitorial se rvices and HVAC syste m s. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Issues add r essed and repairs made in a tim ely manner. 1 81 ADOPTED 2017-18 120,880 149,020 269,900 ADOPTED 2017-18 269,900 $ 269,900 ADOPTED 2017-18 100% EXPENDITURE DETA IL PERSO N NEL A CCT. 4117 Community Dev Director 4116 Offi ce Assis t ant II 4130 Secretary 4139 Maint Lead Worker 4 146 M aint Worke r 4176 M ain t Worker 4150 Overtime 4310 Optional Benefits Program 4320 He alth In surance 4340 PER S Retirement 4350 4361 Insurance Total: OPERATIN G EXPENSES ACCT. 4252 Janitori al Services 4259 M ec h anical M ai ntenance 4 26 0 Gene r al Maintenance 4425 Memberships/S ubscri ptions 4435 Uti lities 4440 Te lephone 4465 Speci al Dep t Supplies 4 505 Primrose Property Expense 4510 Maintenance & Repair 4530 Special Equ i pment Maint 458 0 E ent Rental Tota l : ACTUAL 2015-16 28,221 15,426 539 6,644 4,580 608 ACTUAL 2015-16 23,179 13,950 7,756 1,399 65,083 2,004 18,497 8,213 22,567 25,503 110 18 2 IN FRASTRUCTURE & MAINTE NANCE Program: Acc ount: 24,000 12,600 9,425 1,350 50,000 1,080 16,000 7,560 5 2,200 25,850 540 Gen. Gov. Bldgs. 01 -970-81 ADOPTED 2017-18 7,670 2,770 3,340 28,940 14,910 13,780 20,000 1,850 14,420 12,160 1,040 $ 120,880 ADOPTED 2017-18 24,000 15,870 9,720 1,750 50,000 1,080 13,000 30,000 3,000 600 149,020 CI TY OF TEM PLE CI TY BUDG ET WO RKSHEET FY 2 0 17-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 0 1-970-8 1 GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILD INGS SALAR IES AN D BENEF ITS 4117 Community Development Director (5%) 7,670 4116 Office Assistant II (5 %) 2,770 4130 Secretary (5%) 3,340 4139 Maintenance Lea d Worker (40%) 28,940 4146 Maintenance Worker (30%) 14,910 4176 Ma intenance Worker (30 %) 13,780 4150 Overtime 20,000 4310 Optional Benefits Pr ogram 1,850 4320 Health Insurance 14,420 4340 PERS Retirement 12,160 4350 Medicare Tax 1,040 4361 Life/Disability Insurance (Moved to Acco unt 47-4361) - I TOTAL 12 0,880 MAIN TE NA NC E AND OPERAT IONS 4252 Ja ni tori al Se rvi ces Janitorial Services for City Ha ll, Community Room, and Civic Center @ $1,932/month I TOTAL 24,000 4259 Mecha n ical M ai nten anc e HVAC system maintenance La Rosa Yard 2x ann ually@ $184 370 HVAC system maintenance City Ha ll, Community Room, and Civic Center 6x annually@ $91 2 5,500 HVAC system repa irs as needed 10,000 TO TAL 15,870 4260 Ge n e r a l M aintena nce Alarm services City Ha ll, Civic Center, La Ro sa Yard @$57 /facility/month 2,100 Pest con t r ol services City Hall an d Las Tunas Drive @ $560/month 6,720 Pest control servi ces La Rosa Yard @ $75/month 900 r TOTAL 9,720 4425 M ember ships & Su bscr i pti ons Charter TV subscri pti on for City Hall @ $145/month 1,750 r TOTA L 1,750 183 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDG ET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO. DES CRIPTI ON 01-970-81 GEN ERA L GOVERNMENT BU ILD INGS 443 5 Uti lities City Hall and Civi c Ce nter electric, gas, and w ater I TOTAL 50,000 4440 Telep hon e Cell phones for 3 maintenance workers @ $30/month 1,080 I TOTAL 1,080 4465 Specia l Dep artm ent Sup plies Cleaning, janitorial, and sanitary suppl ies 8,000 Miscell anous supplies 5,000 ~ TOTAL 13,000 4505 Primrose Prop erty Expe nse Mainten ance and r epair of Primrose pro perties I TOTA L - 4510 M ainten ance & Rep air L.A. County an nua l b ackflow device testing an d certification 500 Haz ardous and electronic waste dis posa l 13,000 Facilities repair an d maintenance supplies and services 16,500 [ TOTAL 30,000 4530 Sp eci al Equ ipment M ainten an ce Ros emea d un derpass pump station ma intenance and repair ! TOTA L 3,000 4580 Equ i pment Rental Dr inkin g water se rv ice for City Hall TOTAL 600 184 INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE Program: Parking Facilities Account: 01-970-82 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Program provides the resources required to maintain the City's four public parking districts, which include seven vehicle parking lots. STAFFING SUMMARY Maintenance Lead Worker Maintena n ce Worker Management Analyst Part Time BUDGET SUMMARY Per sonnel Costs enses FUNDING SOURCES General Fund KEY PROGRAM GOALS ACTUAL 2015-16 0.3 0 0.30 0.10 ACTUAL ADOPTED 2015-16 2016-17 118,282 167,080 1. Provide comprehensive maintenance and repair services for all City parking lots. KEY WORKLOAD MEASURES Issues ad d ressed and repa i rs ma d e in a timely manner. 185 ADOPTED 2017-18 0.30 0.60 0.00 0.00 ---- 0.90 ADOPTED 2 017-18 70,850 29,780 100,630 ADOPTED 2017-18 100,630 $ 100,630 ADOPTED 2017-18 100 % EXP ENDITUR E DETAIL PERS ONN EL ACCT . 4139 Maint Lead Worker 4146 Maintenance Worker 4176 Maintenance Worker 4174 Management Analyst 4161 Part Time 4310 Optional Benefits Program 4320 Health Insurance 4340 PERS Retirement 4350 Medicare Tax 4361 Insurance OPERATI NG EXPENSES ACCT . 4415 Veh i cle Operation 4435 Ut il ities 4440 Te l ephone 4455 Uniforms 4465 Special Dept Supplies 4490 Training 4510 Maintenance & Repair 4530 Special Equipm ent Maint 4550 Small Tool Re lacement ACTUAL 2 01 5-16 21,166 15,426 6,364 34,477 553 Total: ACTUAL 2 01 5-16 6 11,669 978 3,731 2,128 814 5,260 To t al: 186 INFRAST RU CTURE & MAINTENANCE Program: Acco u nt: Parking Facilities 01-970-82 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY BUDGET WORKSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT . NO. DESCRIPTION 01-970-82 PARKING FACILITIES SALARIES AND BENEFITS 4139 Maintenance Lead Worker (30%) 21,710 4146 Maintenance Wor ker (30%) 14,910 4176 Maintenance Worker (30%) 13,780 4310 Optional Benefits Program 1,480 4320 Hea lth Insurance 11,090 4340 PERS Retir ement 7,150 4350 Medicare Tax 730 4361 Life/Disability In surance (Moved to Account 47-4361) - I TOTAL 70,850 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 4435 Uti l i t ies Southern Califo rni a Edison Sunnyslope Water ~ TOTAL 15,000 4440 Telephone I TOTAL - 4455 Uniforms Maintenance w or ker un iforms 3 @ $1,000 3,000 M aintenance worke r bo ots 2x annua ll y 3 @ $150 900 I TOTAL 3,900 4465 Special Dep artment Supplies Herbicides, trash bags, water hoses Ra in gear, gloves & disposal gloves Safety equipment I TOTAL 4 ,000 4490 Training L.A. County b ack f lo w t ester certifica t ion 300 American Backflow Prevention Association membershi p 80 I TOTAL 380 4510 Maintenance & Re p ai r Maintenance and re p air of lighting, lan dscap i ng, irrigation, sig ns TOTAL 4,000 187 CITY O F TEM PLE CITY BUDGET WOR KSHEET FY 2017-2018 ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION 01-970-82 PARKING FACILITIES 4530 Specia l Equipment M aintena n ce Power equipment maintenance and repair r TOTAL 2 ,000 4550 Sm all Too l Re place m e nt Hand tool maintenance, repair, and replacement TOTA L 500 188 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT --------------------~---- (This p age intentionally l eft bla nk) CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-20 18 VEHICLES AND EQUIPM ENT PROGRAM Introduction This progra m provides a project ion of costs for the rep lacement of City-owned vehicles a nd equ i pment, which a lso includes new acquisitions. A co m pre hensive assess m ent of the Ci t y's exist ing fi xe d asse t s i nventory w as perfo rm ed to eva lu ate t he co nd itio n of al l veh i cles an d equipment. The information derived f ro m this study was use d t o formulate the rationale and crite r ia f or the rep l ace ment of City veh icles and equipment. Elements Th e p r ogram docu ment s co nsist of severa l e le m e nts, i nclud i ng a adopt e d Fi scal Yea r 2017-18 bu dget deta il for ve hi cle an d eq ui p m ent expend itures, a d e p artm enta l cos t summary and a co mplet e inventory of rep l acement it ems . The Bu dget Expenditure Detail itemizes total capita l outlay for vehicles a nd equipment by classification. This el em ent also ident ifies the specific items t o be replaced and new acquisitions pro po sed for Fiscal Year 2017 -18. These items appea r in o r de r of Departme nt Pr ogram and include estimated costs . Th e Cost Su m m ary d eta ils th e t ot a l vehicle and equ ipm ent expenditures p roj ected f o r Fisca l Yea r 2017 -18. The rep lace - m e nt sc hedu le is cove r ed i n th e f i na l eleme nt and includ es a co m ple t e li st ing o f a ll anticipated ve hi cle and equ ipm ent r eplaceme nts. Su mmary T he inte n ded pu r pose of th is prog r am is to p rovi de the City Council w ith a m ec han ism desig ne d to faci litat e pol i cy d ecis io ns regard i ng t he acqu isition a nd re place m ent o f City-o w ned ve hicl es a nd equ ip ment. Th e Veh i cle a nd Equ i pm e nt Re placement Pr og r am w ill be revise d an nu all y to refl ect various cha nges, su ch as ann ui ty ad just ments an d t he ad d ition of new it ems. 189 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 DEPARTMENT: EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT DIVISION: EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM: VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT ACCOUNT NO: XX -980-XX-XXXX I SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES I ACTUAL ADOPTED ESTIMATED ADOPTED 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 PERSONNEL ---- OPERATING EXPENSES ---- CAPITAL OUTLAY 244,663 90,200 90,200 40,000 TOTAL 244,663 90,200 90,200 40,000 FUNDING SOURCE General Fund 40,000 190 DEPARTMENT: EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM: VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT ACCT. NO. 4820 4830 4840 ACTIVITY PERSONNEL TOTAL PERSONNEL OPERATING EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXP CAPITAL OUTLAY Veh icles Office Eq uip ment Special Equip m ent TOTAL CAP OUTLAY TOTAL PROGRAM CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 EXPENDITURE DETAIL ACTUAL 2015-16 191 97,708 91,572 55,383 244,663 244,663 DIVISION: EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ACCOUNT NO: XX-9XX -XX-XXXX ADOPTED 2016-17 17,000 60 ,000 13,200 90,200 90,200 ESTIMATED 2016-17 17,000 60,000 13,200 90,200 90,200 ADOPTED 2017-18 10,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 MANAGEMENT SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY law Enfor cement PARKS & RECREATION Parks-Maint/Faci l it ies COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building Street Mainten ance General Government Bldgs -Ve hicle -Vehicle -Office -Sp ecial -Office Ve hicle Office Sp ecia l CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 CAPITALIZED FIXED ASSETS DESCRIPTION 1 Traffic Incident M an age m ent Response Tr ail er 01-94Q-59-4820 1 4WD Utility Vehicl e with Dump Bed 01-94Q-59-4820 COD Office Redesign 01-930-54-4830 1 Multiquip Ra mmer 1 Tow Behind H ot Wat er St eam Cl eaner 21-960-75-4840 Technology Upgrade 01-97Q-81-4830 TOTAL CAPITALIZED FIXED ASSETS TOTAL CAPITALI ZED FIXED ASSETS BY TYPES Ge n eral Fund Gas T ax TOTAL CAPITALIZED FIXED ASSETS BY FUNDING SOURCES 19 2 GF GF GF GT GF GF GT ADOPTED FY 2016-17 17,000 17,000 30,000 30,000 3,200 10,000 13,20 0 30,000 30,000 90,200 17,000 60,000 13,200 90,200 77,000 13,200 90,200 ESTIMATED FY2016-17 17,000 17,000 30,000 30,000 3,200 10,000 13,200 30,000 30,000 90,200 17,000 60,000 13,200 90,200 77,000 13,200 90,200 ADOPTED FY 2017-18 10,000 10,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 1 0,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT · PROGRAM (This page intentionally left blank) CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRO GRAM Introduction The Capital Improvement Program is a mu lt iyear workplan designed to facilitate policy decisions based on a citywide capital needs assessment and corresponding fiscal analysis. One of the prima ry goals is to maximize the effective use of available financial resources that are required to proper ly maintain and enhance certa in publicly owned property. This includes infrastructural systems, general government buildi ngs, park lands and other appurtenant facilities. The intended purpose of this document is to provide the City Council with a mechanism for se lecting capital improvements, establishing workplan priorities and determining funding sources. Elements A description of the various funding sources is contained in the first section of the rep ort. This in formation is followed by a revenue summa ry and an expenditure detai l. The final element is com pr ised of a comprehensive project inventory. Projects are listed categorically by program. The project detail also includes a brief explanation of the work to be performed, total estimated cost and recommended funding sources. Priorities For FY 1995-1996, the Council Subco mmittee established five priority ca tegories. The categories are: 1 . Esse ntia l -These are projects with direct public safe ty or high risk liability implications such as, installation of curb and gutters where there are none or which badly need replacement, intersections without street lights, replacement or repair of sidewalks with more than 1.5 inches of elevation from tree roots, etc. 2. Nece ssa ry -This catego ry could best be described as, "It does not have public sa f ety implications and is not mandated but really does need to be done". These are projects such as re-roofing the multipurpo se building and the La Rosa maintenance facility or replacement of an HVAC system. 3. M and at ed -These are ADA projects. 4. Routine -These are preventive ma i ntenance projects su ch as painting, cape an d slurry, and carpeting. Th ey are scheduled on a fixed interval but subject to annua l rev iew. 5. Discretionary -The se are optional projects. Examples are the f iel d lights at Oak Avenue School, upgrading parking lot li ghts , installation of reflectors on streets, construction of additional bathrooms at Live Oak Park, and the pavilion. Summary The Capita l Improvement Program is revised annually to reflect variou s changes in the workplan, such as the status of incompleted projects (carry-overs), priority adjustm ents, funding revisions and th e addi t ion of new items. A deliberate effort has been made to minimize the use of General Funds wherever possible. The predetermined format of this report is not intended to preclude the City Council from making any program adjustments. The workplan is subject to change and structured to be utilized by the City Council as a functio nal management plan. General Fund CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUNDING SOURCE DESCRIPTION Th e General Fund is the primary so urce of revenue availabl e t o the City . Gene r al Funds are derived from state subventions generated by sales and u se taxes an d interes t accrued on City in ves tments . General Funds are unrestricted and may be used for any p urp ose by the local juris diction. Proposition C Fund Proposition Cis t he 1/2 cent sa les tax for public t ransit t hat w as approved by the the county voters in November 1990. Collection of the tax began in April1991. The procee ds are to b e used for Conge stion Management Programs (C MP), b ikeways and bike lanes, street improvements sup porting public transit service and Pavement Management System projects to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, efficently operate and impr ove condition of the streets and freeways utilized by public transit. Gas Tax Fund Proposition 111 and State Constitutional Amendment 1 of 1990 provided for an increase in the state gasoline tax. A portion of t he additional revenue collected is reallocated to counties and cities for street and highway programs. These reve nues were restricted and requi r ed the City to expend Ge neral Fund s for street and highway improvements in an amount no less t h an the ave r age "maintenance of effort" (actua l cost s) establishe d during FY 1987-1988, FY 1988-1989 and FY 1989-1990. The maintenance of effort requirement was suspended for FY 1992-1993 through FY 2001-2002. The requirement wa s suspended pe r manently during FY 1996-1 997. SB821 Fund The allocation of funds to cities provides for construction of p edestrian or bicycle faci lities, provided a plan ha s been develo ped for improvements. These funds are also allowed to be used for ADA required curb cuts . Sewe r Recons truction This fund accounts for specia l fees collected t o be used fo r sewer line replacement. Park Acq uisition Fund The City has a Park Acquisition Fund w hich requires the payment of $500 pe r unit on any new dwelling constr ucted within the City. Funds collect ed are used exclusively for the acquisition o r im provement of commun it y pa rks, in general conformance with the priorities establ ish ed by the City's General Plan. Ligh t ing & Landscape Fund The City consolidated seve ral county lighting districts into a municipal lighting district in 1969 to provide a Citywide lighting program. Lighting District revenues are collected through a property tax (Ad Valorem) to pay for lighting, energy and maintenance costs. With the p assage of Pro p osi tio n 13, property tax revenue was decreased subst antially. The City created a special assessmen t district pursuant to the provisions of the 1972 St ate Landscape & Li ghtin g Act in order to maintain and improve existing street lighting. The Lighting Di strict was amended in Fiscal Year 1991-1992 to add other eligible programs, in cluding trees and p arkways, park maintenance and t r affic signal maintenance. 194 Funding Source General Fund General Fund -Economic Development Proposition C MeasureR Measure M Highway Safety Improvement Program Surface Transportation Program local Park Acqu isi t i on lighti ng/Landscape Di strict 5th Di strict 2015 Excess s Funds Grant TOTAL CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADO PTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 CAPITAL IMPROVEME NT PROGRAM FUNDING SOURCE SUMMARY Abbreviations G F GF -ED PR OP C M R MM HSI P STPL PA L/LD DEFG 195 FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Budget 411,930 750,000 704,790 1,500,0 00 1,217,460 437,300 269,350 9,810 240,000 5,540,640 FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Estimated 94,930 2 60,000 7 5,000 800,000 20,000 258,300 9,810 240,000 1,758,040 FI SCAL YEAR 2017-2018 Proposed (Included Reap p ro r iation) 436,500 490,000 1,229,790 750,000 400,000 1,197,460 437,300 15,000 4 ,95 6,050 Project Expenditures Parks -Maintenance I Facilities Traffic Signal Maintenance Str eet Construction I Maintenance General Government Buildings Parking Facilities TOTAL CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-201 8 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT COST SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2016-201 7 ~ Estimated 559,660 518,110 2,369,480 104,930 1,966,500 835,000 95,000 50,000 550,000 250,000 6,540,640 117681040 FISCAL YEAR 2017 -2018 Reappropriated 10,000 2,264,550 431,500 45,000 300,000 310611060 Adopted 50,000 1,750,000 90,000 15,000 1,9061000 .... 1.0 -...! CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT DETAIL P16-01 Live Oak Park Walking and Jogging Path P16-02 Temple City Park Veteran's Monument Pl7-0l Renovation of Las Tunas Drive Lighting P17-02 Senior Master Plan Pl7-06 Resurface Six Courts at Live Oak Park (Three Tennis Co urts and Three Basketball Courts) P18-0l Resurface Four Tennis Courts at Live Oak Park Pl8-02 Renovation of Live Oak Park Community Center Office Recap of Funding Sources TOTAL C lP -PARKS-MAl T I FACILITIES (E)= Essential (N) =Necessary £ri2rity (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) CITY OF TEMPLE CI TY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 F I SCAL YEAR 2016-2017 M212~!i E~timi!.!&d 240,000 DEFG 24 0,000 20,500 GF 51,850 PA 38,300 312,350 278,300 197 ,500 PA 200,000 9,810 LILD 9,810 20,000 GF 10,000 20,000 PA 20,000 40,500 GF 10,000 269,350 PA 258,300 9,810 LILD 9,810 240,000 DEFG 240,000 669,660 618,11 0 (M) = Mandated (R) =Routine DEFG PA PA LILD GF PA GF PA LILD DEFG PARKS-MAl TE ANCE I FACI LITIES A CC T. NO. 60 -98 0-69-4810 F I SCAL YEAR 2017-20 1 8 ReaQQrQQrjated 10,000 GF 10,000 GF 10,000 Adopteg 15,000 PA 35,000 GF 35,000 GF 15,000 PA 60,000 (D)= Discretionary CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PRO J ECT DETAIL P15-06 Upgrade Traffic Signals on Temple City Blvd. (N) between El Camino Real Avenue a nd Ellis Lane, and other safety improvem e nts P15-07 U pgrade Traffic Signals Citywide and install (N) other Safety Improvements R ecap o f F unding Sources TOTAL CI P-S TRE E T CLEANI NG CI TY OF TE MPLE CI TY AD O PTED B U D GET FY 2017-2 018 F I SCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Adopted Estimated 934 ,56 0 HSIP 70 4,790 Prop C 75,000 437,300 STPL 2,076,650 75,000 282,900 HSIP 20,000 9 930 GF 9 930 292,830 29,930 9,930 GF 9,930 704,790 Prop C 75,000 1,217,460 HSIP 20,000 437,300 STPL 213 691480 1041930 (E)= Essential (N) =Necessary (M) =Mandated (R) =Routine Prop C HSIP GF GF Prop C HSIP TRAFFI C S I GNAL MAI NT ENANCE ACCT. NO. 60-98 0-73-4810 FISCAL YEAR 2017 -2018 Reappropriated Adopted 934,560 HSIP 629,790 Prop C 437,300 STPL 2,001,650 262,900 HSIP 262,900 629,790 Prop C 1,197,460 HSIP 437,300 STPL 21264 1660 (D) = Discretionary ~ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT DETAIL N2.. £r.o.i.ill P12-04 Ci tywide Upgrade Traffic Str eet Signage P13-02 Repaving of Streets per Re-assessment Pavement Management Plan (Phase 1-3) Pl4-07 NPDES Storm Water Management Project P17-03 Las Tunas Drive Study P18-03 Street Resurfacing per Pavement Management Plan (Phase 4) Recap of F unding Sources TOTAL CI P-STREET CO STRUCTI O /MAl (E)= Essential (N) =Necessary ~ (M) (E) (E) (D) (D) T. CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 F I SCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Adopted Estimated 200,000 GF 25,000 1,500,000 MR 800,000 66,500 GF 20 0,000 GF-ED 10,000 266,500 GF 25,000 200,000 GF-ED 10,000 1,500,000 MR 800,000 1196 61600 8361000 (M) = Mandated (R) =Routine GF MR GF-ED GF GF-ED MR STREET CONSTRUCTION I MAINTENANCE ACCT. NO. 60-980-76-4810 FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 Reappropriated Adopted 175,000 GF 66,500 GF 190,000 GF-ED 750,000 MR 400,000 MM 600,000 Prop C 1,750 ,000 241,500 GF 190,000 GF-ED 750,000 MR 400,000 MM 600,000 Prop C 43116 00 11 76 0 1000 (D) = Discr e tion a ry N g CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT DETAlL P14-11 Rebuild th e Roof for the City Yard Buildings P17-04 City Hall Space Planning Project Pl8-04 City Hall Interior E nhancement Recap of F unding Sources TOTAL CIP -GEN GOV'T BLDGS (E)= Essential (N) = Necessary ~ {D) (D) (D) CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-2018 FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Adopted 45,000 GF 50,000 GF 95,000 GF 95,000 Estimated 50,000 GF 50,000 GF 50,000 (M) =Mandated (R) = Ro utine GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS A CCT. NO. 60-9 80-81-4810 FISCAL YEAR 20 17-2018 Reappropriated Adopted 45 ,000 GF 10,000 GF 80,000 GF 45,000 GF 90 ,000 GF 45,000 90,000 (D) = Discretionary CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT DETAIL P 17 -0 5 Te mpl e City Bo ulevard Parking Lo t Projec t PlS-05 City Parking Lots Landscape Enhanceme nt R e cap of Funding Sources TOTAL CIP-PARKI G FACILITIES (E) = E ssential (N) = Necessar y (D) (D) (M) =Mandated CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-201 8 FISCAL YEAR 2016 -2017 Adopted Estimated 550,000 GF -ED 250 ,000 GF-ED 55 0,0 00 GF-ED 250 ,000 GF -ED 550,000 250,000 PARKING FACILITIES A C CT. NO. 60 -980 -8 2-4810 FISCAL YEAR 2017 -2018 Reap propriated Adopted 300 ,000 GF -ED 15,000 GF 15,0 00 GF 30 0,000 GF -ED 300,000 15 ,000 (R) = Ro utine (D) = Disc retionary N 0 N Project Number P12-()4 P14-07 P14-11 P15-06 P15-07 P17-02 P17-03 Pl7-0S P18-01 P18-02 P18-03 P18-()4 P18-05 Description Citywide Upgrade Traffic Street Signage NPDES Storm Water Management Project Rebuild the Roof of the City Yard Buildings Upgrade Traffic Signals on Temple City Blvd. between El Camino Real and Ellis Lane and other Safety Improvements Upgrade Traffic Signals Citywide and Install other Sa f ety Improvements Senior Master Plan Las Tunas Drive Study Temple City Boulevard Parking lot Project Resurface Four Tennis Courts at Uve Oak Park Renovation of Uve Oak Park Community Center Office Street Resurfacing per Pav ement Management Plan (Phase 4) City Hail interior Enhancem ent Oty Parking lots Landscape Enhancement Total CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2017-18 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT RECAP General General Fund Fund Economic Dev Prop C MeasureR 175,000 66,500 S5,000 629,790 10,000 190,000 300,000 35,000 600,000 750,000 80,000 15,000 436,500 490,000 1,229,790 750,000 Park Measure M HSIP STPL Acquisition Total 175,000 66,500 55,000 934,560 437,300 2,001,650 262,900 262,900 10,000 190,000 300,000 15,000 15,000 35,000 400,000 1,750,000 80,000 15,000 400,000 1,197,460 437,300 15,000 4,956,050 ATTACHMENT C AB 1600 COMPLIANCE REPORT SEWER RECONSTRUCTION (Amounts reported are from Adopted Budgets) FY 1991-92 $11 ,198 -Eng ineering desig n for sewer reconstruct ion on Broadway from Rosemead Blvd . to En cinita FY 1992-93 $6 ,616 -Sewer reconstruct ion on Broadway from Rosemead Blvd . to Encin ita FY 1993-94 $116 ,673 -Sewer Reconstruction on Broadway from Rosemead Blvd . to Encinita FY 1997-98 $20,000 -Construction of new sewer li ne as part of the project of the new fa cility at Live Oak Park FY 1998-99 $2 ,1 00 -Citywide Sewer Capacity Study FY 1999-00 $50,000 -C itywi de Sewer Capacity Study $97 ,000 -New sewer system on Goldenwest (This project was a budget amendment in October 1999 in FY 99-00 ) FY 2000-0 1 $41 ,950 -Citywide Sewer Capac ity Study FY 2001-02 $110 ,000 -New sewe r system on Cra ig lee FY 2003-04 $20 ,000-Add 'l funds for new sewer system on Cra iglee $85 ,000 -Blackley/Oiive Sanitary sewer improvement FY 2004-05 $200 ,000 -Sewer Upgrade for Moratorium Area FY 2007-08 $84 ,760-Bla ckley/Oiive Sanita ry Sewer Improvement $75,000-New Sewer Master Plan Funds loaned from the General Fun d Funds loaned from the General Fund Funds loaned from the General Fund Funds loaned from the General Fund Funds loaned f rom the General Fu nd Funds loaned from the General Fund Funds loaned from the General Fu nd $300 ,000 -Upgrade Sewer Line on Longden from Rosemead to En cinita FY 2008-09 $40,000-New curb and gutter o n Long den and Lem on FY 201 0-11 $1 00 ,000 -Add 'l funds for Upgrade Sewer Line on Longden from Rosemead to Encinita FY 2014-15 $10,000-Citywide Sewer Master Plan Update PUBLIC ARTS (Amounts reported are from Adopted Budgets) FY 2014 -15 $25 ,000 Public art at Live Oa k Park Page 1 of 3 AB 1600 COMPLIANCE REPORT PARK ACQUISITION (Amounts reported are from Adopted Budgets) FY 1988-89 $8 1,196-LOP Improvements : -Purch ase of four concrete picn ic tab les Re-roof concession stand Purchase of a luminiumplan king to prelace wooden planking on picnic tables and benches Installation of additional concrete decking in picnic shelter area Replace four exterior doors on Recreation Bldg . LOP development & bldg e xpansion -re location of mai ntenance storage shed , construction of restrooms and conve rsion o f the multipurpose room to a community re creation facility FY 1989-90 $139 ,130-LOP Improvements: -Repa inting of exterior surfaces of aud itorium fa cility -Installation of indoor/outdoor carpeting in the Recreation Office -Replacement of 4 exterio r doors of the Auditorium Bu il d ing -Installation of 2 co nc rete picnic tables -Replacement of Pony Glider play appa ratus FY 1990-91 $3,427 -T. C. Park and LOP Improvements: -Purchase of 2 concrete tras h receptacles for T C Park -Repa int i nterior su rfaces of Auditoriu m facility at LOP -Replacement of wooden fort pla y apparatus at LOP FY 1992-93 $22 ,655 -LOP and TC Park Improvements : -Deve lop a rchitectural plans & specif ication s for the renovation of water irr igation system at LOP and TC Park -Renovate water irrigation system at LOP , including convers ion to an electric system FY 1993-94 $5,466 LOP Improvement -Develop plans for con struction of a new facility at Live Oa k Pa rk $44 ,000 LOP Improvement -Install exterior lighting system for tennis courts #1 , 2 and 3 $90 ,000 LOP Improvement -Renovate water irrig ation system, including conversion to electric system FY 1994-95 $20 ,000 LOP Improvement -Reroof and repair Li ve Oak Park Multipurpose Room FY 1995-96 $1,385 LOP Improvement -Renovate wadi ng pool $1 14 ,000 -LOP Improvements -Repair and slurry s eal asphalt surfaces -Construction of new Li ve Oak Pa rk Fa cility FY 1997-98 $142,000 LOP Improvem ent-Construction of a new Live Oak Park Fa ci lity FY 1998-99 $22 ,070 -LOP I mprovemen ts: -Repair and Slu rry seal all asphalt surfaces -Resurface Tenn is Courts -Resurface Basketball Courts -Refurbish public restro oms located at maintenance bldg $3 ,500-TCP Improvement -Installation of additional bandstand brick display s FY 1999-00 $26 ,500-TCP and LOP Improvements : -Repa ir and Slurry seal all asphalt surfaces -Refurb ish public restrooms located at maintenance bldg $18 ,972 -LOP Improvements (approved by budget subcommittee) -ADA Drinking Fountains -Pads for A DA Drinking Fountai n -Replace 5 Barbec ue Grill s -Install Coin Machines(Basketball ) -Upgrade Pool Drains Page 2 of 3 AB 1600 COMPLIANCE REPORT PARK ACQUISITION (Con't) FY 2000-01 $24 ,000 TCP Improvement -Repair and slurry seal all aspha lt surfaces $92 ,650 -LOP Improvements : -ADA Dri nk ing Fountains -Resurfac ing of basketball courts -Walkway lighting -Installation of roll-up door for maintenance shop FY 2001 -02 $36 ,800-LOP Improvements: -ADA Drinking Fountains -Rep lace baseball fencing -Picnic Shelters $11 ,000 TCP Improvement -Relocate electrical panel FY 2002-03 $6 ,000-LOP Improvements : -Submeter for field li ghts -Tenn is court wind screens $10 ,250-LOP Improvements (This proje ct was a budget amendment i n February 2003 in F Y 02-03 ) -Athlet ic field renovation -Picnic shelters FY 2003-04 $1,800 TCP Improvement -Temporary power at picn ic shelters $1,700 LOP Improvement -Push-button contro ls for tennis courts FY 2005-06 $8 ,750 -Security Lig hting for Live Oak Park FY 2006-07 $16 ,250 -Add 'l funds for Security Lighting for Li ve Oak Park $70 ,500-Repair vinyl flooring at Live Oak Park Community Cen ter FY 2007-08 $25,000-Security Lighting for Live Oak Park $35 ,000 -New Infield for North Bas eba ll Diamond at Live Oak Park FY 2009-10 $30 ,000-New Walkway Lighting for Temple City Park $30 ,000 -Renovation of circular planter at Live Oak Par k FY 2010-11 $10,000-Add 'l funds for Renovation of circular p lanter at Live Oak Park , Temple City Park , and Monument Sign project $30 ,175-Add'l funds for Renovation of circu lar planter at Live Oak Park , Temple City Par k , and Monument Sign project FY 2011-12 $27 ,000-Add'l funds for Renovation of circu la r planter at Live Oak Park , Temple City Park , and Monument Sign project FY 2015-16 $80 ,000 -Live Oak Park Walking and Jogging Path FY 2016-17 $10,000-Live Oak Park Walking and Jogg ing Pa th $120,000-Temple City Park Veteran 's Memorial FY 2017-18 $15 ,000-Resurface Four Tenn is Courts at Live Oak Park Page 3 of 3