HomeMy Public PortalAboutTransportation and Public Safety Commission - Minutes - 2017-04-15 - Regular1 TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING MINUTES APRIL 12, 2017 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Nimri called the Transportation and Public Safety Commission meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL 3. CN 61 PRESENT: Commissioner — Clift, Redmond, Stratis, Blatt, Nimri ABSENT: Commissioner — None EXCUSED: Commissioner — None ALSO PRESENT: Public Safety Supervisor Ariizumi and Deputy Zuniga. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Clift led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. PRESENTATIONS Joey Yu and Anusha Silla, Youth Committee. Joey and Anusha presented the results of their online survey regarding traffic concerns from Temple City High School students. According to this survey 80% of the students reported a concern with traffic congestion and safety on streets surrounding the school especially during high peak hours i.e., student drop-off and pick-up times. The couple conducted an additional survey during the Lights on Temple City event and residents reported safety concerns along Las Tunas Drive. The report is that Las Tunas Drive is a narrow street and cars parked along the street create dangerous situations when bicyclists and drivers exit their vehicles. Vice Chairman Blatt provided suggestions to alleviate this problem. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Commissioner Stratis made a motion to close public comments, seconded by Commissioner Clift and unanimously carried. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVAL OF MINUTES — Regular Meeting of March 8, 2017. Commissioner Clift made a motion to approve the consent calendar, seconded by Commissioner Redmond and unanimously carried. Transportation and Public Safety Commission Minutes April 12, 2017 Page 2 of 6 7. PARKING CITATION HEARINGS A. HEARING IN PERSON 1. Lawrence Li Citation No. TC194777 Commissioner Clift made a motion to dismiss the citation and the motion failed for lack of a second. Commissioner Redmond made a motion to uphold the citation seconded by Commissioner Stratis and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioner—Redmond, Stratis, Blatt, Nimri NOES: Commissioner — Clift ABSENT: Commissioner — None ABSTAIN: Commissioner — None Citation No. TC 194777 was upheld. 2. Yu Chun Chang Citation No. T010006215 Commissioner Redmond made a motion to dismiss the citation with a $25 administrative fee, seconded by Vice Chairman Blatt and unanimously carried. Citation No. T010006215 was dismissed with a $25 administrative fee. 3. Dorman Nelson Citation No. T030004088 Chairman Nimri made a motion to dismiss the citation, seconded by Commissioner Clift and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioner — Clift, Redmond, Blatt, Nimri NOES: Commissioner—Stratis ABSENT: Commissioner — None ABSTAIN: Commissioner — None 57[iii[:fi7►[.>�C�BIiI�I�L[iF:F:3nF1;I�'i1:� Transportation and Public Safety Commission Minutes April 12, 2017 Page 3 of 6 51 5. Dorman Nelson Citation No. T020002085 Vice Chairman Blatt made a motion to uphold the citation, seconded by Commissioner Stratis and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioner — Redmond, Stratis, Blatt, Nimri NOES: Commissioner — Clift ABSENT: Commissioner — None ABSTAIN: Commissioner — None Citation No. T020002085 was upheld. Dorman Nelson Citation No. T020002054 Commissioner Redmond made a motion to uphold the citation, seconded by Vice Chairman Blatt and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioner— Redmond, Stratis, Blatt, Nimri NOES: Commissioner— Clift ABSENT: Commissioner — None ABSTAIN: Commissioner — None Citation No. T020002054 was upheld. C:�.911'i7fiFT7 Citation No.T020002085 Commissioner Clift made a motion to uphold the citation, seconded by Commissioner Stratis and unanimously carried. Citation No. T020002085 was upheld. 7. Lilian Mitchell Citation No. T030004402 Vice Chairman Blatt made a motion to dismiss the citation, seconded by Commissioner Clift and unanimously carried. Citation No.T030004402 was dismissed. 8. Lance Goin Citation No. T030004377 Commissioner Stratis made a motion to dismiss the citation, seconded by Commissioner Redmond and unanimously carried. Citation No. T030004377 was dismissed. Transportation and Public Safety Commission Minutes April 12, 2017 Page 4 of 6 9. Lance Goin Citation No. T030004513 Vice Chairman Blatt made a motion to dismiss the citation, seconded by Commissioner Clift and unanimously carried. Citation No. T030004513 was dismissed. B. WRITTEN DECLARATION 1. Michael Knowing Citation No. T010006284 Commissioner Clift made a motion to dismiss the citation, seconded by Commissioner Redmond and unanimously carried. Citation No. T010006284 was dismissed. 2. Frank Li Citation No. T030004057 Commissioner Stratis made a motion to uphold the citation, seconded by Commissioner Clift and unanimously carried. Citation No. T030004057 was upheld. 3. John Sok Cy [ i :I i C.7 i1► [.� C�X3�I�I�L y f �.R3 Commissioner Clift made a motion to dismiss the citation, seconded by Commissioner Stratis and unanimously carried. Citation No. T030004123 was dismissed. 4. Silvia Corado Citation No. T040010266 Vice Chairman Blatt made a motion to uphold the citation, seconded by Commissioner Stratis and unanimously carried. Citation No. T040010266 was upheld. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — None 8. NEW BUSINESS — A. DISCUSSION OF REQUEST FOR PARKING SPACE MARKINGS ON WOODRUFF AVENUE The Commission discussed the parking concerns and recommendations for Woodruff Avenue between Golden West Avenue and Kauffman Avenue presented by Lynn Best, President of the Historical Society at the March 8, 2017 Transportation and Public Safety Commission Meeting. Transportation and Public Safety Commission Minutes April 12, 2017 Page 5 of 6 Lynne P. Best, President -Temple City Historical Society. MS. Best is requesting the City install stall markings on the north side and south side of Woodruff Avenue to prevent bumper to bumper parking of vehicles and to extend the red curb west of the Historical Society driveway on the south side of Woodruff Avenue to alleviate line of sight issues. The Commission directed Public Safety Supervisor Ariizumi to research if the area of Woodruff Avenue qualifies as a business district and if so what policy and standards exist for installing marked stalls. 9. COMMUNICATIONS — None 10. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Bob Hussen, Temple City Resident. Mr. Hussen reported that the traffic signal at the intersection of Temple City Boulevard and Garibaldi Avenue is cycling green for traffic on Garibaldi Avenue east and west when no vehicles are present to drive through that direction. Commissioner Clift made a motion to close public comments, seconded by Vice Chairman Blatt and unanimously carried. 11. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS — Public Safety Supervisor Ariizumi reported that the citywide cul-de-sac field inspection for street sweeping signage is complete. The findings were that of the 88 cul-de-sacs citywide, 7 cul-de-sacs lack the "Beyond this Point" sign plate and 5 cul-de-sacs lack the 'Both Sides of The Street' plate. Staff is waiting for the additional signage to be delivered and once received will be added to the maintenance crew schedule for installation. Supervisor Ariizumi will inform the Commission once the signage installation is complete and will provide them with an updated street sweeping schedule list. 12. COMMISSION ITEMS SEPARATE FROM THE REGULAR AGENDA A. COMMISSIONER CLIFT — Reported that it appears someone independently added concrete speed bumps in the alleyway south of Las Tunas Drive between Sultana Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard. According to Commissioner Clift the concrete is falling apart and does not appear to be done by a professional. B. COMMISSIONER REDMOND — Asked if the City would be able to install signage or add markings on Lemon Avenue at the City border so that drivers can identify the City border for enforcement purposes. He announced that he will resign his seat on the Commission at the end of this fiscal year. Transportation and Public Safety Commission Minutes April 12, 2017 Page 6 of 6 C. COMMISSIONER STRATIS — Announced that he will not be re- applying for a seat on the Commission in July 2017. D. VICE CHAIRMAN BLATT — Asked if the Hecla Street cul-de-sac will be changed to a same day street sweeping schedule on both sides of the street rather than a two-day street sweeping schedule due to the short length of the cul-de-sac. Public Safety Supervisor Ariizumi clarified that Hecla Avenue will be converted to a same day street sweeping schedule on both sides of the street and that the signage will be updated to reflect the change. E. CHAIRMAN NIMRI —Would like to know if additional signage can be added to existing street sweeping signage on all City streets, excluding cul-de-sacs, that will indicate that the day of the week on the sign applies only to that side of the street. Public Safety Supervisor Ariizumi recommended the item be agendized for formal discussion. 13. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Stratis made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Clift and unanimously carried. The Transportation and Public Safety Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:40p.m. Chairman ATTEST: Publi Safet u