HomeMy Public PortalAboutR 00:28400-284 Date ot Adoption PI,IOFESSI()NAI. SERVICES CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SER~ ICES WI|EREAS, there exists a need 1'o4' professional services to provide additional coordination and inspection services in connection with the Cooke Avenue Sex~ er Rehabilitation and Pershing Avenue Scx~ er Separation; and WIII~]I,fE:\S, pLlrsuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:II 5(Ii(a) professional ser,.iccs are exempt from the reqLfiremcnls of conapctitivc bidding; and line local finance officer has ccertified that funds arc a,,ailable. N()~N, THEI,IEFORE lie IT RESOLVI~;I), that Mayor and Council of thc Borough of Cm'tcrct does hereb> approxe the appoinm~cnt of Killam and Associates a ll/;ixilHtlm cost of l/et to exceed $5200.00 billablc per attached liE, IT I,'URTIII?J{ RESOLVED. that tine N'h 5o' t ad Borougln clerk arc hereby autho~ izod to execute said contract. IT IS I~'UI,~THER RESOLVIu'I), that thc contract is awarded witlnout competitive bids in accordance ~xith N.J,S.A. 40A:ll-5(l)(a) duc to thc specialized and professional nature el' thc services provided. Adopted th~s 7 day of September. 2000 and Certified tls a true copy of the ori~inaI on September 8. 2000. KATiiLEEN M. BARNEY, RMC/CMC Municipal Clerk RECORD O17 COUNCIL VOTE COLNCILMAN CRILLEY FAZEKAS O'BRIEN YES NO X X X NV A.B. I COUNCILMAN i Y-ES : NO I NV X i QUINONES SANTORO SOttAYDA X Indicate Vote AB - Absent NV Not Voting XOR - Indicates Vote to O;crrutc Veto aer ,\ctoprc,~ at a mcctmg of the Municipa! Counci] _September 7, 2000 '"~'-,'"/,, --' ;-2,", /("/ .... BOROUGH OI; CARTERET 20 COOKE AVENUE CARTERET, NE~¥ JERSEY 07008 HIS AGREEMENI'. made tiffs ~' ' . · 7 day ot September 2000 By and bctwccn: Killam Associates 100 Wilhmbrook Road (druid, N. J. 07728-969q And Ibc Borough of Carteret a municipal corpora/ion, having ils Principal office at the Bnrnugh Hall 61 Cook( A~ enuc, Cart(ret. Ncw Jersey, &s per Resolution Number 00~284. ItiE CONTRACTOR docs her(by agree to perfbrm thc following PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TO PROVIDE ADDITONAL COORDINATION AND INSPECTION SERVI(?E IN CONNECTION WITH THE COOKE AVNEUE SFWER REtIAB AND PERSHING AVE. SEWER SEPARATION. NOTTO :X( EED $5.200.00 According to thc terms set fbrth in RESOLUTION THE INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT ON THE REVERSE OF THE PURCHASE ORDER SitALL BE L£MiTED TO THE VENDOR'S NEGLIGENT OR WRONGFUL ACTS. TIlE BOROUGtl does hereby agrcc to pay the _Contractor thc sum set forth in Resolution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hercundcr set their hands anti seals or cat sed these presents to bc signed hy th(ir proper corporate ofricers and their corporate seals to be hcrclo affixcd, the (lay and year writlen abnx c. WfFNESSETH Kathleen M. Barney Municipal Clerk N~cho]as M. DeN~chi]o,~.E. Pres/dent Jmnes Failacc Mayor