HomeMy Public PortalAbout09 September 18, 2014 Citizens Advisory Committee/ Social Services Transportation Advisory CouncilCOMM-CAC-00006 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE/ SOCIAL SERVICES TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COUNCIL www.rctc.orq AGENDA* *Actions may be taken on any item listed on the agenda 11:30 A.M. Thursday, September 18, 2014 County Administrative Center Conference Room A 4080 Lemon Street, Third Floor Riverside, CA 92501 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Government Code Section 54954.2, if you need special assistance to participate in a Committee meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (951) 787-7141. Notification of at least 48 hours prior to meeting time will assist staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility at the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — MAY 9, 2013 5. ADDITIONS/REVISIONS (The Committee may add an item to the Agenda after making a finding that there is a need to take immediate action on the item and that the item came to the attention of the Committee subsequent to the posting of the agenda. An action adding an item to the agenda requires 2/3 vote of the Committee. If there are less than 2/3 of the Committee members present, adding an item to the agenda requires a unanimous vote. Added items will be placed for discussion at the end of the agenda.) 6. CAC/SSTAC ORIENTATION Overview This item is for the Committee to be introduced and acquainted with the roles and responsibilities of the CAC/SSTAC. An Orientation Notebook will be provided. Citizens Advisory Committee/ Social Services Transportation Advisory Council September 18, 2014 Page 2 7. PRESENTATION OF VETLINK'S NEW ONE -CLICK TRANSPORTATION RESOURCE Overview This item is for the Committee to receive a presentation on the VetLink's New One -Click Transportation Resource. 8. PRESENTATION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2012/13 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ANNUAL COUNTYWIDE PERFORMANCE REPORT Overview This item is for the Committee to receive a presentation on the Riverside County Public Transportation — Annual Countywide Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2012/13. 9. CAC/SSTAC BYLAWS Overview This item is for the Committee to receive an overview of the CAC/SSTAC bylaws. 10. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND INFORMATION Overview This item provides the opportunity for the Committee Members and staff to report on attended and upcoming meetings/conferences and issues related to Committee activities. 11. ADJOURNMENT The next Citizens Advisory Committee/Social Services Transportation Advisory Council meeting is to be determined at a later date and will be held at the Riverside County Transportation Commission, County Administrative Center, 4080 Lemon Street, Riverside, CA 92501, Third Floor, Conference Room A. ' SIGN IN CITIZENS ADVlSORY COMMITTEE/SOCIAL Sl;RVICESTRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COUNCIL Thursday, September 18, 2014 11 :30 A.M. GUEST (PLEASE PRINT) SIGNATURE TELEPHONE OR E-MAIL 1 -z... eit.10' ,en _::i"iz":\ _ _ ____ _ HQo:..~c ~~-~ !1~~ _______ _ q ~ l ' 1??_i:_L~ 2 3 ······---J:'f'x:tr ~c~.:> ... .. . . '4-_ . -~L 'i51-061-__ (,,j~2-~r:;-~~~!)~ ~~~-i 2:-~~~~~0 tu~C'~s:~ -.. · _ I (;;~~:;~-r~~ -~----------~ ---.. : ~.-,-~~. -~-.-~~~~~~~~ Fl ~: ~,.? ··-~ ~~ ~ ~ 0 ~iQ ..... . ~IQ'n. ct.a YY'\ p I C """-,, "' ''"'"""~·~·=,~ .. _H11_5-~HY.~lt~~ __ _K._{}1c..o~~-~J~~-····(.!~ .. --------r----<j_1'_(_ __ Z__75:_~--~tR,l ___________ ---I ><.~. _ ~A/j.------------.---------·11:z~-~8 8Q·····:l~i_7 -~-~,...,.,, r( __ l_ ~-g:p-11;;0 V:iJGalvez\CAC\CAC Sign In 09.18.14 "' .... SIGN IN CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE/SOCIAL SERVICES TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COUNCIL Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:30 A.M. MEMBER'S NAME SIGNATURE TELEPHONE OR E-MAIL Pamela Brown q5/ -6 ~f"-601 :L IMiguelDuran ~~ ', I r~r-306-lt/,'2_ Joe Forg1anm • . · ' er.:s:/ -${;5 _SI 66 ~~:,~-~~;nandez ~ i<'a.uA& f . . --7-1s-,;z3 ~~~~~~:b2a _ ~:U e=_ ,{~5~; {b; ;;~~o 2-:S Linda Samulski Richard Smith """1: /-~ Mary Venerable I.~~:~::, ~illiams. RCTC STAFF TELEPHONE OR E-MAIL Fina Clemente Martha Durbin -···-·-·->· John Standiford TELEPHONE OR E-MAIL R ....................... , '!f2.'t.~.<df2=d4'JJI _.Xd:LP. . .. . ··r.I 9_Q1_~~~fgJ_£-_ ___ ···-·········· . 'f>/~ Jj'J-71ZB V:\JGalvez\CACiCAC Sign In 09.18.14 ' SIGN IN CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE/SOCIAL SERVICES TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COUNCIL Thursday, September 18, 2014 11 :30 A.M. GUEST (PLEASE PRINT) I /"'\ SIGNATURE TELEPHONE OR E-MAIL -BL~ tlrh°tf + Cf1) ~f -qs[-7toi-8S2./ ~-,Ii ~ _.:-~--.....cc--c:s· i ---I --·----·-·--------·-· .. --········--------···---·-·· ···-····-. -·~-· '~---·-I ! I ! ·--·· ·--·-····---.---·--------· .. -·----··-------·--··---·--------·-I I--···-------·-~· --+----r.-----~---•-•m ·---~----~·· --~-·--·---··-·····------------·-------L-----·-·---··········-·-·--···-·----· .... ~ ····---·--·········-···-·---·······-··---~ '-----------·-··--·-····-··--·---···--·----------~----··---·· ··-------·····-------········--·-····-----·---·--·--· ·----·-----------------·------·---------------------------·--·-·--····--·-··--·····--··--·-···------------·····---------···---... ------·--------·--~------------·-------------·-·---···---------------···········-·-------------··-----V:\JGalvez\CAC\CAC Sign In 09.18.14 MINUTES RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE/ SOCIAL SERVICES TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COUNCIL Minutes May 9, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Peter Benavidez called the Citizens Advisory Committee/Social Services Transportation Advisory Council to order at 1:15 P.M. at the Riverside County Transportation Commission Offices, 4080 Lemon Street, 3rd Floor, Conference Room A, Riverside, California 92501. 2. ROLL CALL Members Present Peter Benavidez Jim Collins (via teleconference) Joe Forgiarini Fortunato Penilla Gordon Robinson Mary Venerable Members Absent Michelle Anglin Sherry Thibodeaux 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as submitted. 5. ADDITIONS/REVISIONS There were no additions/revisions to the agenda. 6. FY 2013/14 — FY 2015/16 SHORT RANGE TRANSIT PLANS M/S/C (Collins/Venerable) recommended approval of the FY 2012/13 — 2014/15 Short Range Transit Plans in concept to the Commission. Citizens Advisory Committee/ Social Services Transportation Advisory Council May 9, 2013 Page 2 7. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENT AND INFORMATION SRTPs from those who presented today are due Tuesday, May 14, 2014. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for consideration by the Citizens Advisory Committee/Social Services Transportation Advisory Council, the meeting adjourned at 3:39 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Fina Clemente Transit Program Manager