HomeMy Public PortalAbout10 October 7, 2013 Eastern Riverside County Programs and ProjectsRECORDS RiVERSiDE COUNTY TRANSPORTAT10N COMMiSSiON EASTERN R:VERSiDE COUNTY PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS COMMiTTEE MEETING AGENDA T:ME: 10:30a m DATE: Monday,October 7.2013 LOCAT10N: CVAG Office Video Conference Site B:ythe City Ha∥ 73-71 0 Fred Waring Drive,Suite l1 9 235 N.Broadway,Room A Palm Desert,CA 92260 B:ythe,CA 92225 9 COMMITTEE MEMBERS.q Terry Henderson, Chair / Don Adolph, City of La Quinta Scott Matas, Vice Chair / Yvonne Parks, City of Desert Hot Springs Joseph DeConinck / To Be Appointed, City of Blythe Greg Pettis / Kathleen DeRosa, City of Cathedral City Steven Hernandez / Eduardo Garcia, City of Coachella Douglas Hanson / Ty Peabody, City of lndian Wells Glenn Miller / Michael Wilson, City of lndio Jan Harnik / Susan Marie Weber, City of Palm Desert Ginny Foat / Paul Lewin, City of Palm Springs Ted Weill / Scott Hines, City of Rancho Mirage John J. Benoit, County of Riverside, District lV 1} STAFF € Anne Mayer, Executive Director John Standiford, Deputy Executive Director 9 AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY .(? Air Ouality, Capital Projects, Communications and Outreach Programs, Congestion Management Program (CMP), lntermodal Programs, Motorist Services (ie. SAFE), New Corridors, Regional Ag en cies/Reg io na I Planning, Regional Transportation lmprovement Program (RTIP), and State Transportation lmprovement Program (STIP) related to the Coachella and Palo Verde Valleys, and other areas as may be prescribed by the Commission. Comments arc welcomed by the Committee. lf you wish to ptovide comments to the Committee, please complete and submit a Speaker Card to the Clerk of the Board. COMM-ERC-00002 Alexandra Rackerby From: Alexandra RackerbySent: Wednesday, October 02, 2013 11:22 AMTo: Alexandra RackerbySubiect: RCTC Eastern Riverside County Programs and Prolects Committee lmpo,tance: High 6ood morning Commissioners, The Eastern Riverside County Progroms and Projects Committee ogendo for Mondoy, October 7,2013 is posted on our website ot http://www.rcfc.orgluploods/medio items/eastern-riverside-county-orogroms- and-projecf s-committee-october-7-2013.original.pdf Let me know if you hove ony questions or concerns. Respectfully, Allie Rockerby Riverside County Tronsportotion Commission (951)787-7141 R′1/FR5′DE COυ Ⅳry TR4ⅣSPORπ 4TJOⅣ COM几 ″′SS′OⅣ [Д 57ERIV R′yfRs′D[60υ JVTγ ρROGRAMS/11VD PROノ [CrS Coル タ′И′rrff w"″rrtc οη 46fNDハ**ハ ct′0"s may beta々e″0″●″y item″sted O″r力 e αgendα lθ :3θ ●.m. Mο ″dα y7 0ι rOber乙 2013 CVД 6 0ffice 73-71θ fred Ⅳorr″g Driv6 Sυ ite l19 Pα rm Desert CA9226θ Иdeο G●●rere″ιe sfre-3ryt″e aty ttα 〃 2351V.3′Oα dwaル Rο οm Д B′yt力 e CA 9222512 3. 4. ln complionce with the Brown Act ond Government Code Section 54957.5, ogendo moteriols distributed 72 hours prior to the meeting, which ore public records reloting to open session dgenda items, will be ovoiloble for inspection by members of the public prior to the meeting ot the Commission office, 4080 Lemon Street, Third Floor, Riverside, CA, ond on the Commission's website, www.rctc.orq. ln complionce with the Americons with Disobilities Act ond Government Code Section 54954.2, if you need speciol ossistdnce to porticipote in o Committee meeting, pleose contoct the Clerk of the Boord ot (951) 787-7141. Notificotion of ot leost 48 hours prior to meeting time will ossist stoff in ossuring thot reosonable orrongements con be mode to provide occessibility ot the meeting. CATL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROtt CALL PUBIIC COMMENTS - Eoch individuol speoker is limited to speok three (j) continuous minutes or less. The committee may, either ot the direction of the choir or by mojority vote of the Committee, woive this three (j) minute time limitotion. Depending on the number of items on the Agendo ond the number of speokers, the Choir moy, ot his/her discretion, reduce the time of eoch speoker to two (2) continuous minutes. Atso, the Committee moy terminote public comments if such comments become repetitious. Speokers moy not yield their time to others without the consent of the Choir. Any written documents to be distributed or presented to the Committee sholl be submitted to the Clerk of the Boord. This policy opplies to Public Comments ond comments on Agendo Items. Under the Brown Act, the Boord should not toke oction on or discuss motters roised during public comment portion of the ogendo which ore not listed on the ogendo. Boord members moy refer such motters to stoff t'or t'octuol int'ormotion or to be ptoced on the subsequent ogendo Jor considerotion. 56. Eastern Biverside County Programs and Projects Committee Agenda October 7, 20 l 3 Page 2 3) 4) s) APPROVAL OF MINUTES - AUGUST 29, 2011 ADDITIONS/REVISIONS (Ihe Committee moy odd on item to the Agendo ofter moking o finding thot there is o need to toke immediote oction on the item ond thot the item come to the ottention of the Committee subsequent to the posting of the ogendo. An oction odding on item to the ogendo requires 2/3 vote of the Committee. lf there are less thon 2/3 of the Committee members present, odding on item to the ogendo requires o unonimousvote. Added itemswill be ploced for discussion ot the end of the ogendo.) RAIL SERVICE THROUGH THE PASS AREA TO THE COACHEttA VALLEY Overview This item is for the Committee to: 7. 1)Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) No. 14-25-034-00 between the Commission and the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) whereby the Commission shall establish and administer the Coachella Valley Rail fund; Authorize the Chair, pursuant to legal counsel review, to execute the agreement on behalf of the Commission; Authorize staff to set aside Transportation Development Act (TDA) State Transit Assistance (STA) funding to be utilized specifically for the Coachella Valley in support of the rail program at specified multi-year levels; Approve a bus/railfunding split and the terms and conditions; Approve an amendment to the Commission's Commuter Rail Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) to set aside 54.2 million of Proposition 1B Public Transportation Modernization, lmprovement, and Service Enhancement Account (PTMISEA) funds to initiate Coachella Valley Rail through the Pass Area; Authorize staff to seek approval to apply for a letter of no prejudice (LONP) for Proposition 18 funds to allow the Commission to expend local funds prior to the state bond sale and disbursement; Authorize staff to establish a Coachella Valley Rail specific SRTP and establish a separate funding and accounting process at the Commission; Authorize the Executive Director to execute a letter of understanding with Caltrans in support of project development; Adopt Resolution No. 13-042, "Resolution ol Support to Estoblish Doily lntercity Roil Service from Los Angeles to the Coochello Volley vio the Poss Areo"; Receive an update on next steps for Coachella Valley Rail project development, including the service development plan, alternatives analysis, and discussion on potential for future environmental analysis; and Forward to the Commission for final action. 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Eastern Riverside County Programs and Projects Committee Agenda October 7, 201 3 Page 3 8. COMMTSS|ONERS / STAFF REPORT Overview This item provides the opportunity for the Commissioners and staff to report on attended and upcoming meetings/conferences and issues related to Commission activities. 9. ADJOURNMENT The next Eastern Riverside County Programs and Pro.jects Committee meeting is scheduled to be held at 10:30 a.m., Monday, November 4,2073, CVAG Office, 73-710 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 119, Palm Desert, CA 92260. R:VERSiDE COUNTY TRANSPORTAT10N COMM:SS10N EASTERN RIVERSiDE COUNTY PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS SiGN‐:N SHEET October 7′2013 NAME AGENCY E MA:L ADDRESSZ乙 %た シ ごこ゛νもギ t(縣 ふ、ぃ、行 {fd<,i/as c/-L..'Cit.-^ u.(r,---T-)-.a ro/t_}な メガ7/zy噛 :∠万ブ弓″し46〃( cA も ¬ル収NIヒ 2Lト イコゝ轟T 均 ノフ′SOAメ 過(甕み蒻 ′ヱを角ど %井 蠣翡′″ゞ~冨 L―υノ い た ― 飲めたが こスク暉 δ “ /ご ″/左 閣z乙 , 6次 ′`´ヽL ら″ンに RiVERSiDE COUNTY TRANSPORTAT10N COMMiSS10N EASTERN RiVERSiDE COUNTY PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS COMMITTEE ROLL CALL October 7′2013 County of Riverside, District lV City of Blythe City of Cathedral City City of Coachella City of Desert Hot Springs City of lndian Wells City of lndio City of La Ouinta City of Palm Desert City of Palm Springs City of Rancho Mirage AGENDA IttEM 5 MINUttES R′yFRS′DE COυ ″Tγ TRAⅣSPORttArrOⅣ cOMハ ィ′sS′OIV EASTERN R!VERS:DE COUNTY PROGRAMS AND PROJECrS COMM:T rEE Monday, August 29,2011 MINUTES l CALLT0 0RDER The meeting of the Eastem R市 erside County Programs and Projects Commlttee was ca∥ed to order by Chair Scott Matas at 10:45 a m′ at 73-710 Fred VVaring Drive, Suite l19, Palrn Desert′ California′ 92260 and video conference at Blythe City Ha∥′ 235 N Broadway Street,Room A′B:ythe,CA 92555 2. PL[DGE OF ALLEG:ANCE At this time,Commissioner Terry Henderson led the Eastern Riverside County Programs and ProlectS COmmttee in a nag salute 3. ROLL CALL Members/Alternates Present Members Absent Ginny Foat Jan Harnik Terry Henderson Steven Hernandez Scott Hines Scott Matas Glenn Miller Greg Pettis 4. PUBTIC COMMENTS John J. Benoit Joseph DeConinck Douglas Hanson There were no requeststo speak from the public 5. APPROVAL OF M:NUTES―NOVEMBER l,2010 MISIC (Henderson/Miller) to approve the minutes of November l,2OlO, as submitted. Abstain: Foat and Hernandez RCTC ERC Programs and PrOlects COmmttee Minutes August 29,2011 Page 2 6. ADD:T:ONS/REVISiONS There were no additions or revision to the agenda 7 201l COACHELLA VALLEY SPEC:ALlZED TRANS:T CALL FOR PROJECrS :MPLEMENTAT10N UPDATE Robert Yates, Multimodal Services Director, presented the 2011 Coachella Valley specialized transit call for projects implementation update. Anne Mayer, Executive Director, stated specialized transit programs are important and provide much needed services, however, they also pose an administrative burden. Staff will work with SunLine Transit Agency, Riverside Transit Agency, the Commission's Citizens Advisory Committee, and Southern California Association of Governments to discuss find ways to address this issue. M/S/C ( H en derson/H erna nd ez) to: U Receive and file a report on the implementation of 2011 Specialized Transit Call for Projects; and 2l Forward to the Commission for final action. 8. AVENUE 65 GRADE SEPARATION ON THE ALAMEDA CORRIDOR EAST - FISCAT YEAR 2008/09 APPROPRIATTONS John Standiford, Deputy Executive Director, presented a brief overview of the Avenue 56 grade separation on the Alameda Corridor East. M/S/C(Hendersonノ Foat)tO: 1) A∥ocate Sl.3 million to the county of Riverside iCOunty}in support of the Avenue 66 grade separation proleCt―S950,000 from the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009 and S350,000 in federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quanty(CMAQ)fundS;and 2) Forward to the Commission for ina:action. 9. [LECT:ON OF OFFICERS At this time, Chair Matas opened nominations for the slate of officers. Chair Matas nominated Commissioner Terry Henderson for the Chair position. No other nominations were received. Chair Matas closed the nominations. Commissioner Henderson was unanimously elected as the Eastern Riverside County Programs and Projects Committee's Chair. RCTC ERC Programs and Projects Committee Minutes August 29, 2011 Page 3 Chair Henderson nominated Commissioner Matas for the Vice Chair position. No other nominations were received. Chair Henderson closed the nominations. Commissioner Matas was unanimously elected as the Eastern Riverside County Programs and Projects Committee's Vice Chair. 1O. coMMrsstoNERs / STAFF REPORT 10A. Commissioner Jan Harnik encouraged the Commissioners to use the Coachella Valley Association of Governments vanpool to travel to the Commission meetings. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for consideration by the Eastern Riverside County Programs and Projects Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 11-:16 a.m. The next meeting of the Eastern Riverside County Programs and Projects Committee is scheduled for October 3,2Ot1,, at 10:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted, / \"," g.,c Ho.x*no"- \J Jen n ifer Harmon Clerk of the Board AGENDA lttEM 7 R′yFRS′DE COυ rVry TRANSPOR■4 rrOrV cο MMrss′οN DATE:October 7, 2013 TO:Eastern Riverside County Programs and Projects Committee FROM:Sheldon Peterson, Rail Manager THROUGH:Robert Yates, Multimodal Services Director SUBJECT:Rail Service Through the Pass Area to the Coachella Valley STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Committee: 1) Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) No. 14-25-034-00 between the Commission and the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) whereby the Commission shall establish and administer the Coachella Valley Rail fund; 2l Authorize the Chair, pursuant to legal counsel review, to execute the agreement on behalf of the Commission; 3) Authorize staff to set aside Transportation Development Act (TDA) State Transit Assistance (STA) funding to be utilized specifically for the Coachella Valley in support of the rail program at specified multi-year levels; 4l Approve a bus/rail funding split and the terms and conditions; 5) Approve an amendment to the Commission's Commuter Rail Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) to set aside 54.2 million of Proposition 18 Public Transportation Modernization, lmprovement, and Service Enhancement Account (PTMISEA) funds to initiate Coachella Valley Rail through the Pass Area; 6) Authorize staff to seek approval to apply for a letter of no pre.ludice (LONP) for Proposition 1B funds to allow the Commission to expend local funds prior to the state bond sa le and disbursement; 7l Authorize staff to establish a Coachella Valley Rail specific SRTP and establish a separate funding and accounting process at the Commission; 8) Authorize the Executive Director to execute a letter of understanding with Caltrans in su pport of project developmenq 9) Adopt Resolution No. 13-042, "Resolution of Support to Estoblish Doily lntercity Roil Service from Los Angeles to the Coochello Volley vio the Poss Areo"; 10) Receive an update on next steps for Coachella Valley Rail project development, including the service development plan, alternatives analysis, and discussion on potential for future environmental analysis; and 11) Forward to the Commission for final action. Agenda ltem 7 CVAG MOU and TDA Fundins At its September 30, 2013 meeting, the CVAG Executive Committee approved a MOU between the commission and cvAG to establish a funding split of coachella Valley TDA funds. All of these TDA funds are currently allocated to SunLine Trans;t Agency (Sunline), and the intent is to allocate 1O percent of the STA discretionary portion of the TDA funds, using a phased-in approach, in order to support a Coachella Valley Rail program. The intent of the MOU is to allow the Commission to set aside those TDA funds into a Coachella Valley Rail fund to be used only for capital costs to improve stations, staff support, as well as funding for technical studies. This funding split is to be effective beginning in FY 20L4/ls using a proposed phased approach, as follows: Fisca I Year FY 2014/15 FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 and annua∥y thereafter Coache∥a Va∥ev Rai: 5 percent of the STA portion of the TDA funds 7 percent of the STA portion of the TDA funds 10 percent of the STA portion of the TDA funds ln FY 2or3/L4, 10 percent of coachella Valley srA portion of the TDA funds is estimated at approximately S1.2 million. TDA funds are utilized on a wide variety of transportation programs throughout the state including Riverside county. These activities include planning and programming activities, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, community transit services, public transportation, and bus and rail proiects. As an example, in Western Riverside County these funds are split, with 78 percent of the Local Transportation Fund and discretionary STA portions of the TDA funds directed to bus transit services and the remaining 22 percent to passenger rail transit. ln the Coachella Valley, no TDA funds are currently set aside for a passenger rail program. However, an argument can be made that technical work needs to continue on development of the Los Angeles to Coachella Valley corridor in the state rail plan. This work will demonstrate the Coachella Valley's commitment toward implementing a robust rail program and thereby serve as a lever to unlock federal and state sources of funding and other support for necessary environmental work, as well as future operations funding. SunLine is the only designated public transit operator in the Coachella Valley currently authorized by the state to receive these funds. Accordingly, the establishment of the Coachella Valley bus/rail split will have an impact on bus transit operations. The phased-in approach recommended by staff is intended to provide SunLine with lead time in order to mitigate any potential budgetary impacts. It should be recognized the STA portion of the Coachella Valley funds to be allocated for rail purposes are now used to fund a wide variety of capital improvement projects at sunline, including the financing of fleet replacement activities. While not an immediate need, prudent planning requires fleet replacement be considered years in advance to accumulate cash Agenda ltem 7 reserves to finance the purchase of heavy duty buses, light duty ADA vehicles, and necessary support vehicles. SunLine's fleet plan will need 53.5 million per year in order to finance fleet replacement vehicles and those necessary for service expansion through 2030. SunLine has been involved in the development of this plan and is working in partnership with the Commission and CVAG in order to promote close coordination of bus and rail needs so that both programs operate successfully. The MOU with CVAG will support a Coachella Valley Rail fund. These funds would be internally maintained at the Commission in a separate account while expenditures would be authorized by CVAG's Executive Committee. This would be similar to current arrangements for the Coachella Valley Highway and Regional Arterial program where the Commission acts as a fiscal agent pursuant to Measure A, but actual expenditures are authorized by CVAG in accordance with our Transportation Project Prioritization Study. CVAG Executive Committee decisions regarding the Coachella Valley Rail fund would only impact passenger rail projects to occur within the Coachella Valley. The Coachella Valley Rail fund would initially be used to improve stations with projects that have independent utility, provide funding for technical studies, and limited project management staff support. Commuter Rail Short Rail Transit Plan Amendments/Prooosition 1B Authoritv The Commission's SRTP includes goals for the Commission's Regional Commuter Rail program and provides detailed information about existing services and facilities, financial forecasts and plans, as well as planned and proposed improvements to be implemented. The Commission oversees transit service in Riverside County primarily through the approval of SRTPs that detail the operating and capital costs planned for transit services. Each operator adopts such a plan and then provides data to the Commission on performance. As SRTPs are based upon estimates of future projects, it is necessary to subsequently amend these documents upon completion or changes to specified projects and circumstances. The Commuter Rail program is thus requesting amendments to its FY 2013/74 Commuter Rail SRTP in order to use state grant funds to preserve localfunds. Staff recommends amending the FY 2013/14 SRTP to allocate the total of unobligated FYs 2010/11 - 2OI2|L3 PTMISEA funds of S4.2 million to the Coachella Valley Passenger Rail pro.iect. ln addition, staff seeks commission approval to request a LoNp for the proposition 18 funds from the state in order to allow the project to move forward using local Commission funds to initiate work if the state grant funds are delayed. This ensures the Commission will eventually receive the state funding in the future. Agenda ltem 7 Funding Year From To Amount Proposition lB PTMiSEA FY 2010/11-2012/13 Unobligated Coachella Valley Passenger Rail Project 54,200,000 Transit operators and programs are required to develop SRTPs to identify service plans, capital and operating expenditures, and funding plans for each year. As the project development continues for the Coachella valley rail service, it is important to establish the program as a unique transportation project that will have its own sRTp and funding program. The Commission's rail staff will develop and update the SRTp annually to bring forward funding and expenditure plans to the Commission for approval. ln addition, individual project codes will be established in the commission's financial system for this program to provide ultimate transparency and clarity in the accumulation and use of Coachella Valley Rail funds. Staff is requesting commission approval to establish the sRTp and acknowledge the funding program so that clear project reporting will be made available. Coachella Vallev Rail Caltrans Letter of Understandinq As with any major transportation project, there is the need for a strong network of partners. Commission staff has not only been working closely with CVAG but also with Caltrans and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). Historically on other corridors, Caltrans has been the project lead and, for this project, it has already initiated an initial planning study and the ongoing commitment to keep the project clearly represented in the state rail plan. Through several planning meetings, it has been determined the best approach going forward would be for the commission to take a leadership role in the next round of service planning with the close support of Caltrans and FRA. As part of these discussions, caltrans generously volunteered to use its own resources and contract authority to implement and complete the ridership modeling portion of the service development plan. This model is the only caltrans and Federal Transit Administration approved ridership model and was developed by AECoM and Amtrak for intercity rail ridership projections using 3o-mile station catchment zones. The Commission and Caltrans would like to enter into a letter of understanding that clarifies the respective roles and responsibilities of each agency during the project development phase of this project. Staff is seeking Commission approval to allow the Executive Director to complete neSotiations and enter into a letter of understanding with Caltrans. Coachella Vallev Rail Resolution As the commission has done for many critical projects in the past, staff is proposing Resolution No. 13-042, "Resolution of Support to Estoblish Doily tntercity Roil Service from Los Angeles to the coochello volley via the Poss Areo", be adopted. This effort will formalize the support and commitment of the commission to continue to pursue the passenger rail program that will provide service to the Coachella Valley and Pass Area communities. Proiect Description and How it Builds on Past Efforts Providing some form of passenger rail service to the Coachella Valley has been a long-standing priority for the area for more than two decades with the first studies completed in the early Agenda ltem 7 1990's. Additional studies have been performed over time with one of the more recent efforts completed in April 2010. This study was completed through coordination by CVAG, the Commission, and Schiermeyer Consulting Services and adopted by the CVAG Executive Committee on October 25,7O1O. On November 10, 2010 the Commission reaffirmed its formal support for implementation and expansion of intercity Amtrak rail service to the Coachella Valley and directed staff to coordinate with CVAG and local communities to advocate for the service. To follow up on that effort the Commission adopted a formal Resolution No. 11-001 in support of Amtrak's plan to run the Sunset Limited daily through the Coachella Valley. ln May 2013 the state of California Division of Rail (Caltrans) completed the first phase of a planning study and initial alternatives analysis for the rail corridor. This planning study was very supportive of the potential for a viable service, and future studies can expand on this by determining ridership demand and better cost estimates. Caltrans also included an updated pro.ject description and analysis of the Coachella Valley service in the latest state rail plan, which was approved on September 5, 2013 by the State Transportation Agency. The next update willtake place in 2017. ヽOS ANOモ t姜 “COυ ヽTY PROPOSEDLOS ANCELES TO:ND:0 lNTERCITY RAIL SERVICE SAN B【RNAR01N0COuNTY - 8ldhorrn N.,rlr,. S..b r.I.l,6d Ictt - lrnrm Pcilk rolro.d lrL ** to,rr r,--.'. ror cod!.{' C) O P'.poFd sNor,on RIV=RStpt tOυ NTY As the result of past studies from both CVAG and the Commission, it was determined that using state-supported intercity trains presents the best alternative for developing service along the corridor. The 14L-mile trip between Los Angeles and the Coachella Valley would cross four counties. Stops and station locations are yet to be determined. Due to the trip length and time of approximately three hours, Amtrak-style service with larger seats and food service would be more appealing to the riders. ln addition, the service would operate over Union Pacific and BNSF tracks and, in general, Amtrak has a greater ability to initiate service over freight railroads based on a national agreement. The initial service plan would be for two daily round trips along the corridor. The next round of studies will look at various track alignments, routes, station alternatives and determine ridership forecasts. The primary effort for this will be the initiation of a service development plan. Agenda ltem 7 Next Steps: Service Development Plan The true success of this effort will be to develop comprehensive and convincing planning documents that will allow Coachella Valley rail to compete for limited state and federal rail funds. The project purpose and need will have to be compelling and the ridership potential thoroughly demonstrated. The FRA staff already made it very clear that several rail alignments and alternatives must be studied and compared in order for the proiect to be viable. ln the July 1,2010 Federal Register notice on High-Speed lntercity Passenger Rail (HSlpR) program, it clearly outlines the planning process needed to be eligible to for HSIPR Funds. This process identifies the need for a service development plan (SDP) with the following requirements: Clearly demonstrate the purpose and need; Analyze alternatives for the proposed passenger rail service; ldentify the alternative that best meets the purpose and need; ldentify the discrete capital projects required; and Demonstrate the operational and financial feasibility. Both Caltrans and FRA have been working to either develop or approve these SDp's for various corridors across the state and country and offered some very helpful suggestions on how the Commission can best conduct this planning effort. The following phase that can take place either after or parallel to the SDP process is the need for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation with either an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement. The intent is for Commission staff to initiate a Request for Proposal to hire a highly qualified consulting firm capable of conducting both the SDp and potentially the NEpA documentation in order expedite project development. As with any procurement process the final selection and approval will be brought back to the Commission in early 2014. Attach m ents: CVAG/RCTC MOU Draft Caltrans Letter of Understanding Resolution No 13-042 1) 2) 3) Financial lnformation ln Fiscal Year Budget:No Yea rs:FY 2013/14 Amount:54,200,000 revenues S 100,000 expenditures Source of Funds:Proposition 1B PTMISEA Budget Adjustment:Yes GLA No:2452541501 2452581501 S 4,2oo,0oo state revenues 5 100,000 Special studies expenditures Fiscal Procedures Approved: I J"1,.,..- Jr,,rE>Date:10/01/2013 Agenda ltem 7 く ATTACHMENT l Memorandum of Understanding between the Riverside County Transportation Commission and the Coachella Valley Association of Governments This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), entered into effect on _,2013 between the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) and the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) outlines the general responsibilities of each agency and to establish a relationship between RCTC and CVAG to guide coordination regarding future passenger rail service to the Coachella Valley. This service is part of a Iarger, corridor-wide effort to improve rail transportation in the Southern California region and studies may be required to demonstrate need and viability for service from the Coachella Valley to both Los Angeles and Phoenix. The MOU will act as a guideline for RCTC and CVAG, and is not intended to supplant any of the responsibilities of the parties under other agreements between the parties or applicable state or federal laws. This MOU constitutes a guide to the intentions and strategies of the parties involved and is not a legally binding contract. Whereas, RCTC funds and administers, in conjunction with other regional partners, a rail program in Western Riverside County, and; Whereas, RCTC employs staff with rail funding and programming expertise, and; Whereas, RCTC is authorized by State law to receive and distribute Transit Development Act (TDA) funds for transit and transit related uses in Riverside County, and; Whereas, RCTC enjoys a long-standing financial partnership with CVAG regarding the portion of the Measure A one-quarter percent State sales tax funds dedicated to Coachella Valley State Highways and Major Regional Road Projects administered by CVAG, and; Whereas, on April 29, 2013, the CVAG Executive Committee established a 90% Bus Transit/ 10% Passenger Rail Services Split Policy for Coachella Valley TDA funds which would be progressively phased in over a 3-year term, and; Whereas, RCTC agrees to distribute and utilize the TDA portion of the Coachella Valley Passenger Rail Funds consistent with the directions of the CVAG Executive Committee, or its designee, the CVAG Executive Director, with input from the CVAG Transportation Committee and in compliance with TDA law specifically for and within the Coachella Valley, and; Whereas, CVAG wishes to establish a similar relationship through this Memorandum of Understanding whereby RCTC will receive and maantain a specific percentage of Transit Development Act funds otherwise authorized to be released for use in the Coachella Valley along with other potential funding sources, such as Proposition 1B monies, Federal Railroad Association monies, and other state and federal grant monies that may become available to RCTC for this purpose, which, jointly together, shall be defined as a distinct Coachella Valley Passenger Rail Fund, and; Whereas, RCTC's Coachella Valley passenger rail activities are corridor based and may include geographic regions outside of the Coachella Valley in order to determine ridership and revenue feasibility, and; Whereas, on March 29, 1999, the CVAG Executive Committee authorized formation of the Coachella Valley lntermodal Transportation Authority and adopted Bylaws under authority of SB 459, Now, therefore, it is agreed by this Memorandum of Understanding; To allow RCTC to establish the Coachella Valley Passenger Rail Fund by making available and utilizing M.2 million in Rail Proposition 1B Public Transportation Modernization lmprovement and Service Enhancement Account Program funds, or similar funding sources and amounts, as initial start up funding, and; Based on the needs of the project Proposition 1B funds have will be used along with Coachella Valley TDA funds for further development and operations of the Coachella Valley Passenger Rail Service. Coachella Valley TDA funds will be made available and used after the capital, operations and fun reserve needs of sunline Transit Agency are clearly identified, and; That the 90% bus/ 1oo/o ,all split of TDA funding and timing of available funds may be periodically modified by the CVAG Executive Committee and associated provisions of the MOU would be automatically adjusted, and; To allow RCTC, in consultation with CVAG and Sunline Transit Agency, to direct funds from either the State Transit Assistance (STA) portion or the Local Transportation Fund (LTF) portion of the TDA funds into the Coachella Valley Passenger Rail Fund, however, it is assumed that a majority of such funds will be derived from the STA portion of the TDA funds, and; To allow RCTC to fund, with the approval and consultation of CVAG's Executive Committee, or designee, the CVAG Executive Director, Station Development or other studies, provide capital funding for approved stations, provide funding to support operations and related services, and; To allow RCTC to charge the Coachella Valley Passenger Rail Fund for staff time and overhead in an amount not to exceed lOoh of any individual project costs. Any amount above 10% shall require prior approval by CVAG. Consultants and contractors retained by RCTC expressly for work on the Coachella Valley Rail Pro.ject shall be billed to the Rail Fund at '100% of contractual value and/or actual incurred expense, and; RCTC will regularly track revenues and expenses of the Coachella Valley Passenger Rail Fund and provide at least annual reports to CVAG on the status of the Fund, and; lf so determined by the CVAG Executive Committee, CVAG agrees to sponsor legislation seeking to modify the Coachella Valley lntermodal Transportation Authority Act, as adopted by CVAG on March 29, 1999, to allow the lntermodal Authority to be recognized under TDA law to directly receive TDA funding and to clarify, by language satisfactory to Sunline Transit Agency, that the Authority was not established to operate a bus transit service in the Coachella Valley. RCTC will act in a support role as necessary. CVAG will propose modifying language and RCTC staff and/ or lobbyists, on RCTC approval, will attempt the implementation of those changes. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Memorandum of Understanding to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on the date first written above: ATTEST:RIVERS:DE COUNTY TRANSPORTAT:ON COMMISS:ON By:By: ByBy: Jennifer Harmon Clerk of the Board ATTEST: Karen Spiegel Chair CVAG Tom Kirk Executive Director Don Ado ph Chair ATTACHMENT 2 September 19. 201 3 Mr. William D [Jronte Ms. Katie Benouar Cali fornia Department of Transportation ll20NStreet Sacramento. CA 95814 Subject: Mutual support for the development of the Coachella Valley Rail Corridor Service Development Planning Study. Dear Mr. Bronte and Ms. Benouar: This correspondence is intended to set forth the mutual understanding between the RIVERSIDE COLINTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, a public entity within the State of California (Commission), and the CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, a public entity within the State of Califomia (Caltrans) regarding their roles to develop the Coachella Valley Rail Corridor Service Development Planning Study. The Commission is taking the lead on the implementation of a Service Development Planning Study (Study) to deliver rail service in the Coachella Valley Rail Corridor. This Study is intended to be a planning exercise which shall define and analyze several service options which include analysis of: rail capacity, land- use, capital improvements and costs, environmental impacts, operations and maintenance (O&M) costs, and ridership and revenue forecasts. The Commission and Caltrans intend to collaboratively review the work product resulting from the Study. The Commission will fund the Study at its own expense. Caltrans will provide the ridership and revenue modeling component olthe Study using the Caltrans/Amtrak intercity rail model. Neither the Commission nor Caltrans shall incur any financial obligation to the other as a result of this effort. Caltrans will: . provide guidance for the Study. including project scope and document review, so that the Study is more likely to satisly Caltrans and FRA expectations; . suppo( the planning effort by providing the ridership and revenue modeling component of the Study; o participate in Study related meetings as needed; and o meet with the Commission to discuss options for future operating and capital state and federal funding for the Coachella Valley service. The Commission will: o conduct the Coachella Valley Rail planning development. including issuing an RFP, providing project management and funding the Study; o coordinate the planning effort with Caltrans, FRA, and other state and local partners; . provide to Caltrans travel demand, population information, stations and service plans, and any other input needed for ridership and revenue modeling; o share draft study documents with Caltrans for review and comments prior to documents being finalized; ln . provide final documents to Caltrans; and . identifu and manage local funding to be used as match for future state and federal funding. Your signature below confirms that this letter accurately reflects the roles and responsibilities for the coachella Valley Rail corridor Service Development planning Study between our organizations. Sincerely. letter accurately reflects the Service Developnrent William D Bronte, Chief Division of Rail Califomia Department of Transportation Katie Benouar. Chiel Division of l'ransportation Planning Califomia Department of Transportation Anne Mayer, Executive Director RIVt]RSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Date Al¨lA(]IIMENT 3 Resolution No. 13-042 Resolution of Support to Establish Daily lntercity Rail Service from Los Angeles to the Coachella Valley via the Pass Area. WHEREAS new regional intercity passenger rail service to the Coachella Valley will ease congestion on local roads and freeways, providing new economic opportunity, improving mobility and the quality of life in the lnland Empire; and WHEREAS Amtrak currently runs the Sunset Limited train three days a week with service between Los Angeles and Coachella Valley in Riverside County at inconvenient schedules; and WHEREAS there are limited public transit options exist between Coachella Valley and Los Angeles; and WHEREAS the need for daily convenient intercity passenger rail service is growing as an environmental friendly alternate to the l-10 freeway; and WHEREAS the Coachella Valley and the Pass Area are experiencing rapid population groMh and demand on this route will continue to increase; and WHEREAS there is strong local support to establish new intercity rail passenger service in the Coachella Valley and the Pass Area; and WHEREAS Coachella Valley Association of Governments has approved establishing a dedicated source of initial funding for the project; and WHEREAS Caltrans Division of Rail has included the Coachella Rail Service as a proposed corridor in the latest revision of the State Rail Plan; and WHEREAS Caltrans Division of Rail completed a Planning Study which serves as the alternatives analysis which demonstrates significant justification for the pro.ject including ridership potential and populations served; and WHEREAS the development of a full Service Development Plan and initial Environmental Documents in coordination with Caltrans Division of Rail and the Federal Railroad Administration is the next step in making the project eligible for federal transpo(ation funds; and WHEREAS new service to the Coachella Valley could use the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Route between Los Angeles and Colton, the Union Pacific route from Colton to lndio, and LA Metro owned tracks into LA Union Station; and WHEREAS the implementation of this service will require the cooperation of Union Pacific, BNSF and LA Metro to operate the trains over the host railroads; and NOW, THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED that the Riverside County Transportation Commission does hereby support the establishment of Daily lntercity Rail Service from Los Angeles to the Coachella Valley via the Pass Area; and BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Riverside County Transportation Commission will actively oversee the completion of the Service Development Plan to directly facilitate progress towards daily rail service.       r_  N:hV PNO V ��=��L~ ~ 00_& 3 N Coachella Valley Rail Service N CVAC―RCrC MOU . Memorandum of Understanding CVAG. Establishes joint participation in project development . Set up a 10 percent rail / bus split ofTDA (STA) Funds . Phased in approach with 5 percent starting in FY 20r4lLs . The needs of SunLine will still be considered . lncludes S4.2 million of RCTC Proposition 18 funds as seed money . CVAG Executive Committee will authorize expenditures of local funds. Localfunds shall only be expended in Coachella Valley RCTC Act:ons CVAG requests to establish the rail split, staff concurs with the recommendation Approve a Short Range Transit Plan Amendment to allocate S4.2 million of Proposition 1B funds for the CV Rail project Request a Letter of No Prejudice in expedite the project Establish an independent Short Range Transit Plan for Coachella Valley Rail Establish unique funding mechanisms to separate Coachella Valley Rail funding at RCTC2___..-.,-. RCTC - Caltrans Letter of Understanding . Formalize a partnership with Caltrans to proceed with project development . Caltrans would support the project with intercity rail ridership modeling and guidance . RCTC would take the lead in creating the Service Development Plan and initial Environmental documents . Both agencies would work closely with FRA and other stakeholders to have an open and transparent process 鷺 ・ 瞼理鼎N Ridership Model―Catchment Zones SAN:=持 ι°N°嘉=羅 鋼楓~~ 0●2_3- PROPOSED3 Resolution of Suppoft for Daily Service Formalize Commission support with a Resolution Now, Therefore Be lt Resolved that RCTC does hear-by support establishment of Daily lntercity Rail Service From Los Angeles to Coachella Valley via the Pass Area Also that RCTC will actively oversee the completion of the Service Development Plan to directly facilitate progress towards daily rail service Next Steps . RFP for Service Development Plan and Environmental ' Clearly demonstrate purpose and need . More detailed Alternatives Analysis . Ridership demand and benefits of connections . ldentify required capital projects . Demonstrate operational and financial feasibility4-J..-:* Discussion5