HomeMy Public PortalAbout04 April 5, 2005 TC MinutesTOWN OF YARROW POINT COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5, 2005 7:00 PM The following is a condensation of the proceedings and is not a verbatim transcript. The meeting is tape-recorded, and the tapes are part of the public record. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Jeanne Berry called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor: Councilmembers: Jeanne Berry David Cooper Lisa Mushel Steve Rutledge Janine Silvemale Andy V alaas .Staff: Larry Howard, Clerk/Treasurer John Joplin, Fiscal Coordinator Kyle Kolling, Acting Lieutenant - Clyde Hill Police Dept. Larry McAndrews, Town Building Official Allan Newbill, Town Engineer Wayne Stewart, Town Attorney Joe Willis, Pathway Project Manager Guests: John DesCamp -- 9045 NE 40th PI Eric Lang — 4649 92"d Ave NE Susan & Tom Castle --- 9107 NE 47`h St Mayor Mary Odermat — City of Medina Joe Robin — 4649 92"d Ave NE Bob Trimble -- 4640 951h Ave NE Dan Williams -- 4224 95'h Ave NE Barbara Young — 3615 91s1 Ave NE APPEARANCES: Dan Williams — 4224 95'h Ave NE Mr. Williams reported to Council members that he had volunteered his services to the Town of Yarrow Point to assist in enhancing the web site at Town Hall so that it might better serve the residents of Yarrow Point. Dan continued by stating that he was proposing; setting up a IS communication structure on the Town's web site that would provide for on line discussion between residents of the Town and between those residents and Town Hall. Dan suggested Draft 04/05/05 Council Minutes Page 1 of 11 0 that topics to be discussed on the web site could be controlled by Town Council members and might consist of Council meeting agenda items for which Council members desired resident input. He went on to state that the population participating in such discussions could be controlled so that individuals who are not Yarrow Point residents would not have access to the program. Mayor Berry stated that she thought that Dan's proposal was a good one which could be beneficial to the community. Mayor Berry suggested that the program be initiated by providing a communication site for the 4th of July Committee to utilize for communication between Committee members and between the Committee members and Town Hall. Councilmember Steve Rutledge asked if comments made by Town officials via such a site would be considered to be a public record. Town Attorney Stewart replied that they would. Bob Trimble — 4644 95`h Ave NE King County Water District No 1 Chairman Bob Trimble reported on the status of the Water District construction project. Mr. Trimble reported that updates on the project are being issued on a frequent basis by District personnel to residents of the Town via a mail and via the Town Hall web site. He stated that this information on the Town's web site is located under the heading "Water Dist. Update" on the table of contents page of the Town of Yarrow Point web site. Mr. Trimble reported that the rate of putting pipe in the ground has been very good so far and that tomorrow, April G, an additional crew will be added to the project resulting in three separate construction crews working on the project. Mr. Trimble stated that patches which have been applied to the streets to date are temporary in nature. Mr. Trimble stated that once the project nears completion that these cold patches will be replaced with hot patches and that the streets and right of ways will be restored -to their original condition. Councilmember Valaas asked Mr.Trimble if construction crews would be digging across 92"d Ave NE to every house in order to make residential connections to Water District mains. Mr. Trimble stated that construction crews will be digging across 92"d Ave NE at one location only, that being where 92"d Ave NE and 94th Ave NE meet. Councilmember Silvernale made the comment that construction crews had worked on her street and that the residents of the neighborhood were very pleased with the effort that crew members had made to accommodate resident needs. Water District No 1 Chairman Trimble stated that the District's construction project specifies that any Town right of way will be restored to its original condition. Mr. Trimble went on to say that along 92"d Ave NE that underground sprinklers had been found in right of way areas and he asked for direction from the Council as to restoring these areas. Mr. Trimble stated that it was his understanding that only grass and gravel are allowed in Town right of ways and his question was whether sprinklers which had been dug up should be restored. Councilmember Cooper stated that although the Town specifies that only grass or gravel may be placed in a right of way area that there is not a Town regulation that specifically states that sprinklers cannot be in a right of way area. Mayor Berry and Council members suggested that Chairman Trimble contact the residents on whose right of ways these sprinklers were found and follow their direction as to whether the sprinklers should be restored or not restored. Draft 04/05/05 Council Minutes Page 2 of 11 MINUTES: MOTION: Councilmember Rutledge moved to approve the minutes as amended of the March 8th regular meeting. Councilmember Silvernale seconded. Vote: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried. CONSENT CALENDAR: MOTION: Councilmember Valaas moved to approve the Consent Calendar including the Warrant Register dated 04/05/05 for warrant nos. 14,695 through 14,717 and warrant nos. 14719 through 14723 totaling $99,150.52 and the Warrant Register dated 04/05/05 for warrant nos. 14752 through 14754 totaling $14,932.78. Councilmember Rutledge made a second. Vote: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried. STAFF REPORTS: Police Report: Clyde Hill Acting Lieutenant Kolling reported to the Council that three vehicle prowls had been reported in the month of March. At the March Council meeting Lieutenant Kolling had also reported that vehicle prowls had been reported in February. The Lieutenant stated that of the three car prowls reported in March that that one purse had been taken. He repeated his recommendation made at the March Council meeting that residents should remove all valuables from and that they should lock their vehicles when leaving their cars. Both Mayor Jeanne Berry and Lieutenant Kolling thanked Town resident John DesCamp for having sat in at the City of Clyde Hill for a day of oral boards where he and others evaluated 7 applicants applying for two open positions with the Clyde Hill Police Department. The Acting Lieutenant stated that the field of seven applicants had been narrowed down to four very able candidates. Both the Lieutenant and Mayor Berry reported that a very large sack of mail had been found dumped in the driveway of a Yarrow Point resident. Lieutenant Kolling stated that all mail found was addressed to residents of Medina. The Lieutenant cautioned residents not to leave mail in unlocked boxes, to put a stop delivery on mail when leaving ones residence for a number of days and to report any suspicious activity immediately to the Clyde Hill Police Department by calling 911. Mayor Berry reported that information on lock mail boxes is available at the front counter at Town Hall. Lieutenant Kolling also stressed that mail boxes be securely fastened to their mail box pagodas in that an inadequately secured lock mail box had been stolen the prior week in Clyde Hill. Councilmember Valaas thanked the Lieutenant for having clarified the legal status of pocket rockets and suggested that the Bellevue Police Department be made aware of those laws. Draft 04/05/05 Council Minutes Page 3 of l l Councilmember Valaas also stated that he had observed a Clyde Hill Police cruiser going across the 520 bridge at approximately 20 miles over the speed limit weaving in and out of traffic without a siren or emergency lights on. Mr. Valaas asked if operators of police ` vehicles are required to follow the law to which Lieutenant Kolling replied, definitely. The Lieutenant stated that he would follow up on this observation. Councilmember Cooper reported that for the last two to three weeks that there has been a dumpster sitting on the pavement of the street at a construction site on 40`' Ave NE and that this dumpster is a hazard. Lieutenant Kolling stated that the issue of the dumpster would also be addressed. Building Official Larry McAndrews: Larry McAndrews indicated that PSE is scheduled to under ground power and that other construction crews are scheduled to connect water to the Sims construction project on NE 40`' sometime in the next two weeks. Mr. McAndrews continued his report by stating that he had received a letter from the contractor at 9208 92"d Ave NE which contained proposals to correct violations of Town Code as written up by the Town's building inspector. Mr. McAndrews stated that he would be contacting this contractor to insure that a fence which has been built would be adjusted so as to meet the Town's 6 foot height regulation. In response to a question from a Councilmember Mr. McAndrews stated that a wall proposed to be built by this same contractor was within the boundary of the property. Councilmember Valaas stated that the Sims construction site on NE 40'h has an underground sprinkler system part of which lays right next to the pavement in the right of way area of the street. Mr. McAndrews stated that he and Building Inspector Rick Roberts have been addressing a number of issues at the Sims construction site including the underground sprinkler system and that they would continue to monitor these situations. Councilmember Silvernale stated that Mr. James at NE 40th had moved his light post and landscaping out of his right of way area. She asked Town Building Inspector McAndrews if Mr. James was now in compliance. Mr. McAndrews stated that he had not been aware that these changes had taken place and that he would do an inspection within the next few days. REGULAR BUSINESS: AB 05-013 Discussion of Proposals for the Town Fountain and Discussion to Determine the Design and Location of the Fountain. Mayor Jeanne Berry reported that at previous Council meetings Council members had discussed liability, safety and possible relocation issues regarding the Yarrow Point Town fountain. Mayor Berry stated that safety issues discussed included standing water in the fountain and the fact that the fountain exists in the middle of a roadway. The Mayor continued on by stating that the Clyde Hill Police Department, the Bellevue Fire Department and the Town's insurance carrier had all earlier reported that the fountain as it now exists is a major safety issue and a potential liability to the Town. Mayor Berry stated that both the Town Council and the Park Board had spent considerable time studying various locations for moving the fountain and that both bodies had made a recommendation that the fountain be adapted so that water will re -circulate within the fountain. Mayor Berry continued by stating that money had been approved by the Council Draft 04/05/05 Council Minutes Page 4 of 11 for design work on the fountain and that the alternative designs had been obtained from Landscape Architect Susan Black, some of which had been presented to Council members at previous meetings. Tonight Susan Black provided Council members with two new proposed designs both of which stressed simplicity and both of which take the fountain out of the street and place it into a right of way area. The first of the two new proposals places the fountain at 4700 92nd Ave NE in the area where 4'h of July activities occur annually. This right of way area adjoins a vacant lot and provides enough area to move the fountain out of the street. This design would include a granite wall placed behind.the fountain and a bench and an area for 4'h of July vending activities. Town Engineer Allan Newbill and King County Water District No 1 Chairman Bob Trimble expressed concern that new water lines lay under where the new fountain is proposed to be placed. Susan Black stated that the design for this location could be adjusted for these water lines. Councilmember Janine Silvemale stated that she recalled the Council having favored moving the fountain west into NE 47`h Street. Council members Valaas and Rutledge agreed that it had been a consensus of the Council that the fountain be moved to the west. Mayor Berry stated that the problem with moving the fountain west into 47th was that NE 47th was so narrow that the road would have to be re -designed in order to accommodate both the fountain and auto traffic. The Mayor also stated that moving the fountain down onto NE 47'h would require the approval of 13 different agencies including the Department of Ecology. Town Engineer Newbill added that the proposed location for the fountain at NE 47«' is a blind spot to motorists and as such it would represent a danger to motorists driving off of 92°d onto NE 47th A Town resident attending the meeting stated that she thought the motivation for the moving and re -designing of the fountain was to make it more visible to the public and that locating the fountain on NE 47th would only act to reduce its visibility. Susan Black's second plan proposed placing the fountain in a right of way area at approximately 4650 92nd Ave NE on the east side of the street. Town Engineer Newbill remarked that this proposed site is right where a main sanitary sewer exists. Town residents expressed concerns including 1.) the fountain should be moved to the same side of the street as the new pathway 2.) that the fountain should be kept in the street because it makes the area more safe as a result of deterring speeders and 3.) that the fountain should be kept in its current location in that it represents a long time school bus stop. In reference to the fountain being kept in the roadway, Mayor Berry referenced the professional appraisals of the Clyde Hill Police Department, the Bellevue Fire Department, and the Town's insurance carrier who all reported that the fountain being located in the street represents a safety hazard and a significant potential liability to the Town. Mayor Berry continued by stating that the safety and liability issues could be at least partially resolved by placing a barrier around the fountain but that a barrier would take up so much room that the street would have to be re- designed to provide room for traffic. Landscape Architect Black stated that the current fountain location also requires children and adults to walk across the street to get to the fountain which in itself is a safety issue. Councilmember Valaas stated that Water District construction crews would be installing mains, in the area where the fountain is currently located, tomorrow April 121h. Councilmember Valaas concluded that the decision of where Draft: 04/05/05 Council Minutes Page 5 of 11 to eventually place the fountain will have to take into account the location of new water mains and lines. Water District No 1 Chairman Bob Trimble suggested moving the fountain somewhat west of where it is now located. Mr. Trimble stated that the fountain would be visible at this location and that there is enough room here that traffic would not be impeded. Town Engineer Newbill stated that moving the fountain to this location would require accounting for gas lines and water mains which are or will be in the same area. Mayor Jeanne Berry stated that the future of the fountain is still in the design stage and that a budget item amount has not yet been approved for the moving of or a design for the fountain. Mayor Berry continued by stating that the cost factor might result in the fountain project being delayed until 2006 which would require the current fountain being shut down until new construction is initiated. It was the consensus of Council members that additional design information should be gathered regarding the west and the right of way options. Councilmember Valaas emphasized that the Park Board be kept involved and up to date regarding the fountain issue. AB 05-0114 Update of the 92" Ave NE Walking Pathway and Utility Conversion Project. Project Manager Joe Willis indicated that the contractors had completed all punchlist requests and that the project was essentially complete. Mr. Willis indicated that the contractor had submitted a final bill to the Town that was several thousand dollars more than what the Town felt it owed. Mr. Willis stated that he, Town Attorney Wayne Stewart, and Laser Construction representatives would be sitting down to resolve billing differences. Councilmember Silvemale reported that a truck had driven over a rock in the pathway in the area of NE 40`h Avenue. Project Manager Willis stated that there has been considerable truck traffic in the area of 38`h and that it was most likely this traffic which had resulted in the rock being run over. Mr. Willis did state that the landscaping has a 1 year warranty which has just begun. Mr. Willis concluded that this warranty would provide for any damaged plants being replaced or landscaping problems being corrected. Barbara Young, 3615 91 st Ave NE, stated that it was her understanding that the sand on the pathway was supposed to be removed at the completion of the construction process. Mr. Willis indicated that sand was applied to give the path texture and that not enough rain had fallen this spring to remove all of the sand off of the pathway. Mayor Berry stated that the Town would address the possibility of blowing remaining sand off of the pathway. AB 05-015 Discussion of Initiating a Requirement for Pre -Construction Meetings and Landscape Permits and Updating Building Permit Instructions and the Plan Review and Permit Application Form. Larry McAndrews presented a package to Council members consisting of reworded instructions on application forms for building permits and a re -worded plan review and permit application forms. Larry stated that the updated instructions would include among other requirements the following: 1.) a requirement that landscape plans be submitted whenever soil will be disturbed by a construction project, 2.) a requirement that a street permit be obtained before any work can be done in a right of way area, 3.) a reminder that a Draft 04/05/05 Council Minutes Page 6 of 11 • parking and traffic control plan be submitted whenever a building or demolition permit is applied for, 4.) a requirement that a $1,000 bond be submitted to Town Hall in order to secure a building permit. The $1,000 bond would be used as a tool to enforce traffic and parking control. A first traffic control or parking violation would result in a warning and a 10 minute period of time to correct the violation. A violation not corrected within 10 minutes would result in a Stop Work. Notice on the project and the forfeiture of the $1,000 bond. After both 24 hours had passed and correction of the infraction had taken place, the applicant would be allowed to file a second $1,000 bond at which time the Stop Work Notice would be removed, 5.) A requirement that there be a pre -application meeting held prior to any building or demolition permit being issued in order to resolve any zoning questions 6.) A requirement that an Original Grade Certification signed by a licensed surveyor or geotechnical engineer be submitted as part of the application package. Councilmember Silvernale asked Mr. McAndrews if any other Towns were requiring that landscape plans and Original Grade Certifications be submitted as part of building permit applications. Building Official McAndrews replied that both Hunts Point and Clyde Hill enforce such requirements. Mr. McAndrews continued by stating that original grade is something; which is very hard to determine and that it is often an issue of contention. He suggested that the Town might want to consider determining a new way to define grade or to determine original grade. Councilmember Cooper replied that when he was on the Planning Commission that original grade was a confusing issue and he agreed that it is often difficult to determine what original grade was as of 1959. Mr. Cooper suggested that the use of original grade is probably impractical and that it is a standard not used by any other communities. Town Attorney Stewart stated that Title 17, Zoning, was an agenda item scheduled for later in the meeting and that when it came up before Council members that they might want discuss, re -define and or replace the concept of original grade. Attorney Stewart stated that Planning Commission members, when they were working on Title 17, had opted not to eliminate original grade as a standard or to change its definition. In relation to the updated permit instructions, Councilmember Valaas stated that he felt that building permit instructions should better communicate the fact that requirements for securing a building permit far an internal remodel of a residence would not require an Original Grade of Certification whereas requirements to obtain a building permit for the building of a new residence or doing an exterior remodel would require the submittal of a Original Grade of Certification, Councilmember Cooper stated that he felt that there should be two separate sets of instruction documents, one set issued for a full build and a second given out for interior remodels. Council member Valaas stated that Mr. McAndrews had presented a very good response to the issues that the Council has been raising in regard to zoning and permit issues. Councilmember Rutledge stated that Mr. McAndrews package was just what he had been looking for. Councilmember Valaas stated that he thought that the $1,000 bond requirement might be a little harsh. Councilmember Rutledge and Mayor Berry replied that it is exactly what other municipalities do and both thought a S1,000 bond was appropriate. Draft 04/05/05 Council Minutes Page 7 of 11 L� Councilmember Cooper stated that he liked the proposals and suggested that any changes be made as user friendly as possible. It was agreed to that the proposed changes discussed would be sent to staff for further review. AB 05-016 Updated Zoning Code, Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code. Town Attorney Wayne Stewart reported to Council members that the Planning Commission along with Town Planner Mona Green had provided Council members with a red linecopy of Title 17, Zoning, of the Municipal Code as updated by the Yarrow Point Planning Commission. Attorney Stewart reported that the Planning Commission had not made many substantial changes and that most of the red line copy was text which had been moved from one part of the Code to another. Mr. Stewart stated that this copy should be used as a working document by Council members which they can leave as is or on which they can make changes. Attorney Stewart stated that after arriving at a document that all Council members considered to be sound that the next step for the Council would be to hold a public hearing. Mr. Stewart concluded by stating that after the public hearing additional changes could be made or if the updated Code was found to be satisfactory that the Council could take a vote regarding its approval. MOTION: Councilmember Valaas made a motion that a public hearing be scheduled for updated Title 17 of the Yarrow Point Municipal Code at the May Council meeting scheduled for May 10`' 2005. Councilmember Cooper wade a second. Vote: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried. AB 05-016 Proposed Ordinance No 546 Establishing Parking Zones within the Town, Setting Time Limits for Parking Therein and Repealing Resolution No 214. Town Attorney Stewart stated that Ordinance No 546 had been drafted as the result of Staff and Council concerns regarding individuals parking in the landscape area of the new pathway area along 92nd Ave NE. He stated that the new ordinance states that no parking is allowed on the west side of 92"d Ave NE North from the Southern boundary of the Town to NE 42"d Council members suggested that the wording regarding; the area where parking would not be allowed be changed to the West side of 92nd Ave NE south from NE 42nd St. Town Attorney Stewart stated that he would make that change. Town Attorney Stewart continued by stating that the new ordinance also removes a three hour limit on parking on the east side of 92nd Ave NE in the area of NE 36"' Street to compensate for the loss of parking on the west side of 92nd Ave NE. MOTION: Councilmember Rutledge made a motion to approve Ordinance No 546 as amended. Councilmember Silvemale made a second. Mayor Berry stated that although she did not have a vote that she wanted to be on record that she does not approve of signs being placed along the beautiful new pathway. Vote: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried. Draft 04/05/05 Council Minutes Page 8 of 1 l • AB 05-017 Proposed Ordinance No 548 Regulating the Use of Motorized Foot Scooters in the Town of Yarrow Point. Town Attorney Stewart stated that Ordinance No 548 had been drafted as the result of Councii members expressing a need to regulate the riding of motorized foot scooters in the Town of Yarrow Point. Mr. Stewart stated that ordinance No 548 is a composite of a number of ordinances designed to regulate the operation of motorized foot scooters in other communities. Town Attorney Stewart stated that the ordinance includes: 1) A standard definition of what a motorized foot scooter is 2.) That operators of these vehicles have a duty to obey traffic - control signs and rules of the road 3.) That an operator of a motorized foot scooter in the Town of Yarrow Point had to be at least lb years of age 4.) That motorized foot scooters could not be ridden in certain areas including trails and walkways 5.) That operators of motorized foot scooters are required to wear a helmet 6.) That motorized foot scooters cannot be ridden from a half hour after sunset till one half hour after sunrise 7.) That motorized foot scooters must be equipped with reflectors and mufflers and 8.) That violation of this ordinance shall result in a traffic infraction with a penalty of $101.00. Councilmember Valaas suggested removing the phrase, "on any corridor marked no non - motorized vehicles" from paragraph C which is titled, Use Prohibited In Certain Areas. Town Attorney Stewart replied that this change would be made. Councilmember Silvernale stated that she has a real problem with this ordinance. She stated that she has two daughters 7 and 9 years of age who ride electric powered foot scooters back and forth to their friends and that electric powered motor scooters go very slow. Councilmember Silvernale stated that she thought one of the purposes of constructing a pathway was to get individuals off of the street and asked what additional harm would result from individuals riding slow electric powered scooter versus individuals riding bicycles. Councilmember Silvernale stated that she could understand regulating the faster combustion powered scooters but that she could not understand regulation of the slower electric powered scooters. She stated that she was concerned what the reaction to this ordinance will be of the many Town residents who own electric powered scooters. Councilmember Valaas stated that one of his primary concerns was safety and that he saw only a fine line between the combustion powered foot scooter and the electric powered scooters. Mr. Valaas stated that he was very concerned regarding visibility problems of small children riding these vehicles on the streets of the Town. In response to how fast electric power foot scooters go Mayor Berry stated that there are some electric powered scooters capable of reaching speeds exceeding the Town's posted speed limits. Councilmember Valaas stated that he did not think the ordinance should outlaw the riding of these scooters on a residents private property and suggested that in the paragraph pertaining to what age an operator must be that the wording be changed to read, "A motorized foot scooter may not be operated on public property or right of ways by any individual who is under the age of 16. Words in bold being added to the text. Councilmember Silvernale stated that she did not think it was the job of the Town to regulate whether children can or cannot ride scooters in the Town. Councilmember Silvernale stated that she feels that this is the responsibility of the children's parents. Draft 04/05/05 Council Minutes Page: 9 of 11 Councilmember Silvemale asked what the purpose of the ordinance was. Councilmember Valaas replied that from his perspective there were two purposes. He stated one purpose was safety and a second was the elimination of the annoyance of having these vehicles continuously going back and forth in front of ones property. Councilmember Valaas continued by stating that small children who ride these vehicles are all over the road and dart in and out of driveways and that the ordinance is needed to protect the children riding the scooters as well as operators of vehicles who might possibly collide with one of these scooters. Councilmember Rutledge stated that he has observed electric scooters which did go fast and which one cannot hear. He stated not being able to hear electric scooters approaching from behind is also a safety hazard. Councilmember Rutledge added that these vehicles are impossible to see at night. Councilmember Rutledge asked Council members how they would respond if a young child riding a motor scooter was killed in a collision with a car in the Town of Yarrow Point and Council members were asked by Town residents why they had not passed an ordinance regulating the operation of motor scooters. Mayor Berry stated that every single community that she has been in contact with in the last G months has passed ordinances like the one that is before the Council tonight. Because the State of Washington has opted not to give police agencies the power to regulate the operation of these vehicles on public property in the State of Washington, towns are passing regulations themselves to deal with the safety and liability issues surrounding their being ridden on Town properties. Councilmember Cooper stated that an additional safety reason for passing the ordinance was to keep motorized foot scooters off of the Town's new pathway MOTION: Councilmember Valaas made a motion to adopt Ordinance No 548 as amended. Councilmember Rutledge made a second. Vote: 4 Yes, 1 No, 0 Abstain. Motion passed. Councilmember Valaas reported that per a discussion with the Clyde Hill Police Department that he had confirmed that pocket rockets are not legal vehicles and as such cannot be legally ridden on the streets of Yarrow Point. With this information Council members felt no need to draft regulations pertaining to pocket rocket type vehicles. AB05-018 Request by the Town of Yarrow Point Planning Commission for Their Next Assignment. Town Attorney Wayne Stewart stated that with the Planning Commission having completed their update of the Zoning Code that they are hungry for a new assignment. Councilmember Valaas suggested a study of right of way regulations. Councilmember Cooper stated that Building Department personnel desperately need regulations that they can follow regarding regulation of right of way areas regarding what residents can and cannot do. The Council agreed to request that the Planning Commission study the regulation of right of way areas. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORT Mayor Jeanne Berry reported to the Town Council that Sound Transit had approved an allocation of S400,000 to improve the bus transit stop that serves the Town of Yarrow Point Draft 04/05/05 Council Minutes Page 10 of l l • at 92nd Ave NE and the 520 freeway. She stated that Sound Transit had reported that they had money available for improvement projects but stated that they felt that the Town of Yarrow Point probably would not be interested. Mayor Berry reported that she had stated to Sound Transit officials that the Town was interested and that the Town had a project that was very much in need of funding, that being the upgrading of our Town transit stop. She communicated to Sound Transit officials that the current transit stop at Yarrow Point is dangerous and that Sound Transit officials concurred after having inspected the stop. Officials from Sound Transit agreed to construct barriers to provide a safeguard for passengers from traffic on 520 and also agreed to fund modernization and installation of lights for the stop and for the stairs leading down to the stop. Lastly, Mayor Berry reported that Sound Transit had also agreed to provide more express bus stops at the 92"d Ave transit stop. Mayor Berry stated that express buses would having seating available whereas the non express buses that stop at the Yarrow Point stop often do not. Councilmember Cooper stated that this was great news and that if there was additional funding available that it would be great if the stairway leading to the transit stop could be re- constructed. Councilmember Cooper stated that this stairway is very dangerous and is an accident waiting to happen. Mayor Berry stated that the subject of the stairway had come up and that Sound Transit officials acknowledged that the stairway needed to be renovated and that it would be addressed when additional funding became available. AB 05-019 Executive Session to Discuss Personnel Issues. At 9:50 p.m. Mayor Berry announced that the Council was going into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. At 10:20 Mayor Jeanne Berry announced the close of the executive session and the resumption of the regular meeting. The Council agreed to approve hire a consultant to evaluate the Town's Building Department procedures. The resume of Mr. Tom Wells was reviewed by Council members and Mr. Wells was approved by the Council to fill the consultant position. Council members requested that Mr. Wells prepare a discussion paper regarding building department and planning procedures at the Town of Yarrow Point to be discussed at the May Council meeting. ADJOURN MOTION: Council member Valaas moved to adjourn the Council meeting at 10:25 p.m. Council member Mushel made a second. Vote: 5 Yes, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Larry How erk-Treasurer Approved, Jeanne Berry, Mayor Draft 04/05/05 Council Minutes Page 11 of 11