HomeMy Public PortalAboutHousing Authority -- 2018-07-19 Minutes Minutes of the Meeting BREWSTER HOUSING AUTHORITY ' 18 tqo j Board of Commissioners July 19 , 2018 BRE )STER TON CLERK Date : July 19 , 2018 Time : 5 : 30 PM Location : Brewster Housing Authority, Community Room, 11 Frederick Court, Brewster, MA Members Present : Robert Hooper, Zachary Volpicelli, and Barbara Burgo Members Absent : Leonard Avery Others Present : Leila Botsford, Executive Director/Managing Agent and Cynthia Bingham List of documents and other exhibits used at the meeting and retained at the Authority ' s office . • Meeting Notice/Agenda • Minutes of meeting held May 17 , 2017 • Warrants for May and June 2018 • Financial Reports for May 31 and June 30 , 2018 • Amendment # 5 to Capital Improvement Work Plan • FISH #041036 Letter from GCG Associates • FISH #041033 Certificates of Substantial Completion and Final Completion • Five-year Capital Improvement plan DECISIONS MADE/ACTION TAKEN ARE IN BOLD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 . CALL TO ORDER AND ATTENDANCE Robert Hooper, Chairperson, convened the regular meeting of the Brewster Housing Authority' s Board of Commissioners at 5 : 40 PM in the Community Room of 11 Frederick Court, Brewster, MA . MEMBERS PRESENT : Robert Hooper, Zachary Volpicelli and Barbara Burgo MEMBERS ABSENT : Leonard Avery Jr . 2 . APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion to approve the agenda was made by Zachary Volpicelli seconded by Barbara Burgo and voted unanimously. 3 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. The minutes for the regular meeting of May 17 , 2018 were distributed prior to meeting . This item needed to be tabled due to lack of quorum of members for the meeting held. Page 1 of 4 4 . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION : The board welcomed Cynthia Bingham and stated that they were glad that she was here . 5. CHAIRMAN ' S REPORT — The chairman reviewed the letter received regarding Amendment # 5 to the Contract for Financial Assistance . This represents additional funds for capital jobs . Zachary Volpicelli made a motion to approve the amendment and have the chair sign it . Barbara Burgo seconded the motion which was voted unanimously. 6 . EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR' S REPORT A. Programs Update Mrs . Botsford reported that things were very busy but going very well . 667 Frederick Court Rents are all paid . We have three vacancies that Ryan is working on. We hope to have one leased by the end of the month. One has substantial damage — smoker and original items in unit not well cared for. The third, although not in bad shape, has original flooring and cabinet damage which is beyond repair. We are going to have to replace two of the apartments kitchen cabinets and counters and some flooring. 705 Huckleberry Lane We are fully leased at Huckleberry with the exception of the 3 off-line . The work for the unit turnover for these 3 units has gone out to bid and we should have a low bidder to vote on by our next meeting . All rents are paid in full . MISC : • The monthly MRVP report was submitted • The monthly Energy Consumption reports were submitted • The monthly Board Member Attendance Certification report was submitted • The bank reconciliations have all been done • All recertifications are up to date Mrs . Botsford mentioned that she had been in contact with DHCD regarding the renewal of the Management Agreement between Brewster and Mashpee because that is set to be redone for October 1 . Based on DHCD guidelines, all contracts have to be redone using the guidelines and template provided by DHCD . She ' d contacted DHCD because the current arrangement includes not just funding for management but also additional funds because the Administrative Assistant is paid for through Mashpee ' s payroll . If the contract were renewed at the current fee , it surpasses the allowable rate because of the additional funding for payroll and taxes for the Administrative Assistant . DHCD is supposed to get back to Mrs . Botsford regarding how to handle this . Hopefully we will have a decision and guidance from DHCD by the September meeting . 7. CORRESPONDENCE : None that hasn ' t already been discussed . Page 2 of 4 S. OLD BUSINESS A. CPC Update (Barbara Burgo) : Ms . Burgo missed the last meeting, but the CPC is working on three more requests for funding. Ms . Burgo gave an update on recent events . The next meeting is the 25th 9 . NEW BUSINESS A. Award of Contract : FISH #041036 : Septic job at Frederick Court : Mrs . Botsford reported that the bids came in lower than expected for the job, which is good . She reviewed the bidders and reported that the low-bidder, J .M . Shaw Construction Corp , is the recommended contractor a recommended in the letter from GCG Associates . After a short discussion, Barbara Burgo made a motion to approve J.M. Shaw Construction for FISH # 041036, Septic replacement at Frederick Court. Zachary Volpicelli seconded the motion which was voted unanimously. B. Close of Contract : FISH #041033 : Septic job at Huckleberry : Mrs . Botsford reported that the as-builts were finally provided to the town and the votes tonight are for both the substantial and final completion. After a short discussion, Zachary Volpicelli made a motion to approve both the substantial and final completion for FISH # 041033 , Septic replacement at Huckleberry Lane. Barbara Burgo seconded the motion which was voted unanimously. Mrs . Botsford will sign and submit the certificates . C . Five-year Capital Improvement Plan : Mrs . Botsford distributed and reviewed in detail , the five-year Capital Improvement Plan. She advised the board that usually she meets with the tenants first for comments and/or input, but because of the timing for the board meeting, she was not able to do so . She will be meeting with the tenants in the next week . She agreed to re-call a board meeting on the subject if there was substantial objection to anything in the plan . After a brief discussion. Barbara Burgo made a motion to approve the five-year Capital Improvement Plan and submit it to DHCD for final approval. Zachary Volpicelli seconded the motion which was voted unanimously. D. Annual Elections : Mr. Hooper mentioned that since we didn' t meet in June, annual elections are being held this month. After a brief discussion, Barbara Burgo made a motion to re-elect everyone in their current positions : Robert Hooper as Chairman, Barbara Burgo as Vice=Chairman, Zachary Volpicelli as Treasurer, and Leonard Avery as Assistant Treasurer. Zachary Volpicelli seconded the motion which was voted unanimously. E. August meeting : Mr . Hooper mentioned that usually we take a month off in the summer and suggested taking August off. Mrs . Botsford stated that there may be a time- sensitive item coming up with the award of the contract for FISH 041037 (Huckleberry unit Turnover) but she could just schedule a special meeting for that, if need be . After a short discussion, Zachary Volpicelli made a motion to take August off and schedule a special meeting if necessary. Barbara Burgo seconded the motion which was voted unanimously. Page 3 of 4 10. TOPICS THE CHAIR DID NOT REASONABLY ANTICIPATE ; None 11 , BILLS The Warrants were presented for approval for the period of May and June 2018 . Barbara Burgo made a motion to approve the warrant and bills and sign the checks presented. Zachary Volpicelli seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 12 . ADJOURNMENT Zachary Volpicelli made a motion to adjourn the meeting . Barbara Burgo seconded the motion which was voted unanimously. The meeting was adjourned by roll call vote at 6 : 40 p . m. Respectfully s mitt Leila Botsford, MOHA, PHM, CLIP Executive Director/Managing Agent Secretary Ex- Officio Page 4 of 4