HomeMy Public PortalAbout02) 7A Regular CC Minutes 2018-02-161. CALL TO ORDER CITY COUNCIL TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 6 , 2018 AGENDA ITEM ?.A. Mayor Sternquist called the City Council Regular Meeting to order at 7 :3 0p.m . in the Council Chambers located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue , Temple City. 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT : ALSO PRESENT: Councilmember-Chavez , Fish , Man , Sternquist Councilmember-Yu City Manager Cook , Assistant City Attorney Murphy , City Clerk Kuo, Administrative Services Director Hause Mayor Pro Tem Man made a motion to excuse Counci lmember Yu for cause . Seconded by Councilmember Fish . 3. INVOCATION Pastor Darrel Kelty , Community of Christ, provided the invocation . 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Boy Scout 17 4 led the pledge of allegiance . 5. CEREMONIAL MATTERS-PRESENTATIONS A. PET OF THE MONTH Gosia Jaszczur, San Gabriel Valley Humane Society Volunteer, introduced the featured pet of the month "Thalia ". Those interested in adopting Thal ia can call the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society at (626) 286-1159 . B . INTRODUCTION OF CAMELLIA FESTIVAL ROYAL COURT Helen Chen Marston , 2018 Camellia Festival Chair , introduced the Royal Court . 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Steve Stafford , Temple City resident, made comments regarding traffic in the city . City Counci l Minutes February 6 , 2018 Page 2 of 8 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Fish made a motion to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar Items . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Man and carried by the following votes : AYES : NOES : ABSTAIN : ABSENT: Councilmember-Chavez , Fish , Man , Sternquist Councilmember-None Councilmember-None Councilmember-Yu A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The City Council is requested to review and approve : 1. Minutes of the C ity Council Special Meeting of January 16 , 2018 ; 2 . Minutes of the City Council Regular Meeting of January 16, 2018 ; and 3. Minutes of the City Council Special Meeting of January 31, 2018 . Action : Approved . B. TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION ACTIONS - MEETING OF JANUARY 10 , 2018 The City Council is requested to rev iew the Transportation and Publ ic Safety Commission actions of their meeting of January 10 , 2018. Action: Received and filed . C . PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ACTIONS -MEETING OF JANUARY 17 , 2018 The City Council is requested to review the Parks and Recreation Comm ission actions of their meeting of January 17 , 2018 . Action : Rece ived and filed . D. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO . 18-5308 AMENDING THE CITY'S RECORD RETENTION SCHEDULE The City's Records Retention Schedule is a written pol icy which governs the period records are retained in the City . The City Council is requested to adopt a resolution to update the City 's records retention schedule . Action : Adopted Resolution No. 18-5308 adopting the City's amended Records Retention Schedule . City Council Minutes February 6 , 2018 Page 3 of 8 E. FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2017-18 CITY BUDGET-SECOND QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS Staff is recommending revenue and appropriation adjustments be made to ensure actual spending levels in individual line items are within budgeted appropriations during the current fiscal year. Action : F. PETTY CASH REPORT Authorized staff to revise various budgeted appropriations for the FY 2017-18 City Budget as indicated in the staff report to ensure actual spending levels are within budgeted appropriations during the current fiscal year. The City Council is requested to receive and file the Petty Cash Report . Action : Received and filed . G . ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO . 18-5311 APPROVING PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-18 The City Council is requested to adopt Resolution No . 18-5311 authorizing the payment of bills . Action : Adopted Resolution No . 18-5311 . 8. PUBLIC HEARING -None 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTORS TO THE LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY CHOICE ENERGY (LACCE) BOARD LACCE is governed by a board of directors consisting of one director from each member agency. Each agency is required to appoint a Primary Director and two Alternate Directors to the board. City Manager Cook gave a summary of the staff report . City Council made comments regarding the appointment of a Primary Director and Alternate Directors to the LACCE board . Mayor Sternquist opened public comment. Hearing no request to speak , Mayor Sternquist closed public comment. Councilmember Chavez made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 18-5309 City Council Minutes February 6 , 2018 Page 4 of 8 appointing Councilmember Fish as Primary Director and Mayor ProTem Man as first Alternate Director and Councilmember Chavez as second Alternate Director. Seconded by Councilmember Fish and carried by the fol low i ng votes : AYES : NOES : ABSTAIN: ABSENT : Councilmember-Chavez , Fish , Man , Sternquist Councilmember-None Councilmember-None Councilmember-Yu B . FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2017-18 MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW , TREASURER'S REPORT, REVENUE , EXPENDITURE AND CAPITAL PROJECT SUMMARY REPORTS The Mid-Year Budget review process provides the City Council w ith an opportunity to review and adjust original revenue proj ections and budgeted based on six months of actual activities . City Manager Cook gave an overview of the budget rev iew and reports . Administrative Services Director Hause gave a summary of the staff report . City Council made comments and asked questions rega rding the mid -year budget review and reports . Mayor Sternquist opened public comment. Hearing no request to speak , Mayor Sternquist closed public comment. Councilmember Fish made a motion to receive the FY 2017-18 Mid-Year Budget Review and related reports and authorize staff to revise revenue estimates as indicated in the attachment of the staff report . Seconded by Councilmember Chavez and carried by the following votes: AYES : NOES : ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 10. NEW BUSINESS Councilmember-Chavez , Fish , Man , Sternquist Council member -None Councilmember -Non e Council member-Yu A . CONSIDER ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO . 18-5310 CERTIFYING AN EXCEPTION TO THE 180-DAY WAIT PERIOD FOR APPOINTMENT OF RETIRED ANNUITANT TO SERVE AS INTERIM ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 7522 .56 AND 2122 1(h) To avoid disruption in the City's conduct of these critical operations , it is necessary to appoint an Interim Administrative Services Director with City Council Minutes February 6 , 2018 Page 5 of 8 specialized skil ls during the City 's recruitmen t for a regu lar (or "permane nt ," as used by Ca iP ERS) appoi ntm ent to the v acant pos ition of Admin istrative Services Director. City Manager Cook gave a s umm ary of the sta ff report . City Co un ci l m ade comme nts and asked quest ions regarding the hir ing and appointm e nt of a ret ired an nuita nt. Mayor Stern qu is t opened pub l ic comment. Hearing no reques t to speak , Mayo r Sternquist c losed pub lic comment. Counci lme mber Chavez made a motion to adopt Resolution No . 18-5310 certifying that an exception app li es to the req uirement that a person ret i red from CaiP ERS (a "re t ired annuitant") wait a period of 180 days or more before working for a n employer that contracts with Ca iPERS and di rect staff to s ubmit the necess ary paperwork to Ca iP ERS prior to February 26 , 2018 . Seconded by Mayor Pro Te m Man and ca rri e d by the follow ing votes : AYES : NOE S : ABSTAIN : ABSE NT: 11 . COMMUNICATIONS Councilmembe r -Chavez , Fish , Man , Sternqu ist Councilme mber-None Co uncil me m be r -No ne Counci lmember-Yu A. UPDAT E O N T REE APPEAL AT 6023 OAK AVENUE C ity Manager Cook i nformed Ci ty Council t hat staff has met w ith the property owner of 6023 Oak Aven ue and she requested that the City's tree be removed in f ront of her property. 12. UPDATE FROM CITY MANAGER City Manager Cook shared w ith Cit y Co uncil a Ca l ifornia Public Emp loyees ' Retirement Syst em report he rece ived at the League of California Cit ies City Manager's Conference . 13. UPDATE FROM CITY ATTORNEY Ass istant City Attorney Murphy s hared with City Counci l that the f irst rec reat ional marij uana dispensary opened up i n the City of Los Ange les . 14. COUNCIL REPORTS REGARDING AD HOC OR STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS City Council Minutes February 6 , 2018 Page 6 of 8 A. SCHOOL DISTRICT/CITY STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmember Chavez and Counci lmember Fish )-Formed 1/3/2012 No report . B. LAS TUNAS DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmember Chavez and Councilmember Yu)-Formed 2/18 /2014 No report. C. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF CITY PROPERTIES STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmember Yu and Mayor ProTem Man)-Formed 2/18/2014 No report. D . AUDIT STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmember Chavez and Councilmember Yu )-Formed 7/15/20 14 No report. E . FACILITIES , PUBLIC WORKS , AND INFRASTRUCTURE STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmember Yu and Mayor ProTem Man)-Formed 4 /4 /2017 No report . F. PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION AD HOC COMMITTEE (Councilmember Chavez and Mayor ProTem Man)-Formed 8/2/20 16 No report . G . LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION AD HOC COMMITTEE (Councilmember Fish and Mayor Sternquist)-Formed 4/4/2017 No report. H. FACILITIES OPTION FOR RECREATION PROGRAM AD HOC COMMITTEE (Councilmember Fish and Mayor Sternquist)-Formed 4/4/2017 No report. I. FIREWORKS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Coun cilmember Fish and Mayor ProTem Man)- Fo rmed 9/5/201 7 No report . City Council Minutes February 6 , 2018 Page 7 of 8 15. COUNCIL ITEMS SEPARATE FROM THE CITY MANAGER'S REGULAR AGENDA A. MAYOR PRO TEM MAN Commented on the Camellia Festival Royal Court coronation and the Chinese New Year celebration event this past weekend . B. COUNCILMEMBER FISH Commented on the Camellia Festival Royal Court coronation and the Chinese New Year celebration event this past weekend. C . COUNCILMEMBER YU -Absent D. MAYOR STERNQUIST Commented on the San Gabriel Valley Council of Government Executive Director recruitment and C ity's agreement with Chamber of Commerce . E. COUNCILMEMBER CHAVEZ Shared that he attended a reception hosted by the City's Sister City Assoc iation . 16. REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES TO CITY OFFICIALS FOR CONDUCT OF CITY BUSINESS AND FOR CITY PAYMENT OF CONFERENCE EXPENDITURES -None 17. RECESS TO SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMPLE CITY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING At 8 :51 p .m ., the City Council recessed to the Successor Agency Meeting . Minutes of the Successor Agency Meeting are set forth i n full in the Successor Agency 's records . RECONVENE AS CITY COUNCIL The C ity Council meeting was reconvened at 8:52 p .m . with all Counci lmembers present. 18. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Steve Stafford, Temp le City resident , commented on the financial status of surround i ng cities . City Counc i l Minutes February 6 , 2018 Page 8 of 8 19. ADJOURNMENT T he City Council ad j ourned the mee ti ng in memory of fo rmer Te mp le City High School teacher and Arcadia resident Allen Langdale at 8 :55p .m . Cynth ia Sternquist, Mayo r ATIEST: Peggy Kuo , C ity Clerk