HomeMy Public PortalAbout04) 7B-2 Planning Commission Actions 2018-02-13AGENDA ITEM 7.8-2 . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: February 20 ,2018 TO: The Honorable City Cou ncil FROM: Bryan Cook , City Manager Via : Michael D. Forbes , AICP , Community Development Director By: Jen nifer Venters, Planning Secretary SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS-MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13, 2018 RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requested to receive and file the Planning Commission (Commission) action s from their meeting of February 13 , 2018 . BACKGROUND : On February 13 , 2018, th e Co m miss ion held their regu la rl y scheduled meeting. ANALYSIS: Th e following is a summary of actions taken at th e February 13 , 2018 meeting : 1. ROLL CALL : Present: Commissioner -Haddad , Lee , O 'Leary , Vice-Chair Cordes , Chair Marston Absent: Commissioner -Non e Excused : Commissioner-No ne 2 . CONSE NT CALE NDA R The Commission approved the minutes f rom their regular meeti ng of January 23 , 2018. City Council February 20 , 2018 Page 2 of 3 3 . PUBLIC HEARING A. A REQUEST FOR A TIME EXTE NS ION FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 73435, A FLAG LOT SUBDIVISION AND MINOR SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR NEW SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS O N EAC H PA RCEL . THI S PROJECT WAS OR IGINALLY AP PROVED BY THE PLANNING COMM ISSI O N ON JANUARY 12 , 20 16 The Comm ission approved a one year extension for a tentative parcel map to subd ivid e a property into two parcels located at 5424 Temple City Bouleva rd . Th e property is 90 feet wide with a land area of 25 ,762 .5 square feet. A 3 ,944-square-foot, two-story house with a detached , three-car garage is proposed for the front parcel. A 3 ,837-square-foot , single-story house with an attached , three-ca r garage is proposed for the rear parcel. The property is located in th e R-1 zone , and is des ignated as Low Density Residential by the City's Gene ral Plan . B. A REQUEST FOR A TIME EXTENSION FOR T ENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO . 73547, A LOT SP LIT S UBDI V IS ION AND A MIN OR S ITE PLAN REVIEW FOR NEW S INGL E-FAM ILY DWELLINGS ON EACH PARCEL. THIS PROJECT WAS OR IG IN A LL Y APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISS ION ON JANUARY 26 , 2016 The Commission approved a one year extension for a tentative parcel map for a lo t sp lit subdivision res ul ting in two new parcels located at 96 32 Lemon Avenue . T he property is c urren tl y 100 feet wide and 150 feet deep with a land area of 15 ,000 sq uare feet. A 3 , 125-square-foot, two-story dwelling with a n attached , three-ca r ga rage is proposed for each new 7 ,500 square foot lot. The property is loca ted in the R-1 zone , and is designated as Low Density Residential by the Ci ty's General Plan. 4 . UN FINI S HED BUSINESS-None 5 . NEW B USIN ESS -None 6 . COMM UNI CATI O NS-None 7 . UP DATE FROM T HE PLANNIN G MAN AGER Planning Manager Reimers an nounced that the League of Ca l iforn ia Cities is holding a Planning Commissioners Academy from April 4-6 in Monterey. He updated the Commiss ion that upcoming zoning code amendments pertinent to the Mid -Century General Plan will be discussed duri ng the second Comm ission meeting of every month conc ludin g with a community meet ing and that as of March 8 all own ers of Una tt e nd ed Co ll ection Boxes mus t come into compliance City Coun c il February 20 , 2018 Page 3 of 3 per ord inance . Lastly , he announ ced that no items are scheduled for the Comm ission meeting of March 13. 8 . ADJOURNMENT Th e Commission meeting was ad j ourned at 8 :15p.m . CITY STRATEGIC GOALS: Revi ewing th e Co mmiss ion actions of Feb ruary 13 , 2 018 , furthers the City's Strategic Goals of Citizen Education and Comm un ica ti on . FISCAL IMPACT: This item does not hav e an impact on th e Fiscal Year 2017-18 City Budget.