HomeMy Public PortalAbout06 June 13, 2006 TC MinutesC-I TOWN OF YARROW POINT COUNCIL MINUTES DUNE 13, 2006 7:00 PM The following is a condensation of the proceedings and is not a verbatim transcript. The meeting is tape-recorded and the tapes are part of the public record. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor David Cooper called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor: David Cooper Councilmembers: John DesCamp Lisa Mushel Steve Rutledge Janine Silvernale Andy Valaas Staff: Mona Green — Town Planner Larry Howard - Clerk/Treasurer Officer Burien Ishatue — Clyde Hill Police Dept. Lt. Kyle Kolling — Clyde Hill Police Dept. Carl Stixrood --- Town Building Official Wayne Stewart -- Town Attorney Guests: Ivan Miller — Puget Sound Regional Council David Feller — Yarrow Point Planning Commission Dan Williams — Yarrow Point Planning Commission Mayor David Cooper led the meeting in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance APPEARANCES: None _0 06/13/06 Council Minutes • MINUTES: MOTION: Councilmember Valaas moved to approve the minutes of the May 9th regular meeting. Councilmember Mushel made a second. Vote: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried. CONSENT CALENDAR: MOTION: Councilmember Steve Rutledge moved to approve the Consent Calendar as presented including the Warrant Register dated 06/08/2006 for warrant nos. 15,143 through 15,177 and totaling $51,895.46. Councilmember Valaas made a second. Vote: 5 :For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried. STAFF REPORTS: Police Report: Lieutenant Kyle Kolling reported that criminal traffic, DUI's and a vehicle prowl that took place by the freeway represented the bulk of criminal activity in the Town of Yarrow Point in the month of May. In response to a question Lieutenant Kolling stated that there had been a DWI incident at the east end of Points Drive where an individual had run into a tree and curbing breaking the curbing in the process. The Lieutenant stated that same individual had been involved in a couple of hit and runs on SR 520 prior to the incident on Points Drive and that after the collision on. Points Drive that he was arrested by a Clyde Hill officer and booked by the Washington State Patrol. Lieutenant Kolling reported that an additional officer had been hired two weeks prior by the Clyde Hill Police Department and that another officer would be hired on the Friday following tonight's Town Council meeting. Lieutenant Kolling concluded his presentation by stating that he would introduce the newest Clyde Hill Officer to meeting attendees upon her arriving at Town Hall. Town Building Official Town Building Official Carl Stixrood reported that planning review and inspection activity in May was approximately 30% greater than it had been in April. Mr. Stixrood stated that he anticipated inspection activity to increase and plan review activity to drop off in the month of June. Building Official Stixrood reported that the main issues that the Building Department deals with in the Plan Review process are drainage, height and view measurement. Building Official Stixrood reported that determining original grade with precision as of 1959 is often difficult to do_ 06/13/06 Council Minutes 2 After discussion regarding developing an original grade definition that would be easier to work with and that would result in greater precision Mayor David Cooper stated that original 41 grade would be an agenda item at the next Town Staff meeting. Lieutenant Kyle Kolling Lieutenant Kyle Kolling of the Clyde Hill Police Department introduced new Clyde Hill Police Department Officer Burien Ishatue to Mayor Cooper, Council members and Staff Mayor Cooper and Council members thanked her for coming in and wished her well. Councilmember Lisa Mushel Lisa Mushel reported that the Town's Insurance carrier had performed its annual audit of the Town of Yarrow Point and that no irregularities were found. In response to a question Councilmember Mushel responded that the insurance representative had stated that the Town placing playground equipment in Town parks would not substantially increase Town insurance premiums. The insurance representative at the audit checkout did say that maintaining playground equipment and keeping the area around playground equipment maintained so that using the play ground equipment will not represent a hazard often represents a high cost to towns and cities. Town Planner Mona Green Town Planner Green reported that Town Councilmember Janine Silvernalc and she, Planner Green, had met with a planner from the Water Resource Inventory Area No. 8. Town Planner Green stated that the WRIA 8 planner made the Town aware of grant moneys available to municipalities for the development of resource material for property owners who might want to develop waterfront properties. Planner Green stated that the Town has since applied for this grant money to so as to be able to participate in developing such materials. Town Fiscal Coordinator John Joplin Town Fiscal Coordinator John Joplin reported to Council members that representatives from the State Auditor's Office had contacted Town Hall stating that the Town audit will be coming up shortly, probably in August, but that a specific audit date has not been established. REGULAR BUSINESS: AB 06-023 — Proposed Ordinance No 557 --- Updated Rights of Way Regulations -- Continued Review. Town Attorney Wayne Stewart presented Proposed Ordinance No 557 to Council members with amended language requested by Council members at the May 9th Town Council meeting. Attorney Stewart described the reasoning that Planning Commission members used in arriving at the content of the proposed Ordinance being presented to Council members tonight. Attorney Stewart also stated how the application and permitting process would work and answered questions from Council members regarding the proposed ordinance. The proposed ordinance states that only an applicant can appeal a decision made by the Town regarding a tights -of -way permit application and that the only time that an applicant 06/13/06 Council Minutes 3 can file an appeal is when the Town has rejected an application for a permit. Councilmember DesCamp stated that he has a problem with the proposed ordinance in that a neighbor of somebody applying for a rights -of -way permit cannot file an appeal regarding a proposed rights -of -way project. Councilmember DesCamp stated that he also had a problem in that an appeal decision reached by the Planning Commission cannot be further appealed to the Town Council. Mayor Cooper stated that he had a concern regarding the proposed ordinance in that he saw it creating another level of bureaucracy and that fees will be driven up. Mayor Cooper stated that the Council will see a request for an increase in existing Town fees because those fees are not paying the cost of the Town's fee permitting and inspecting processes. Mayor Cooper stated that he also had a concern regarding the proposed ordinance in that residents of the Town are going to come to Town officials and ask why these new regulations have been put in place. Mayor Cooper stated that the Town's official need to have an answer to provide residents regarding such a question. Councilmember Rutledge stated that an appropriate answer to such a question addressed by any resident is that the Town needs to regain the control that it has lost over its rights -of -way properties. Council members and Staff thanked Planning Commission members for the long hours they put in arriving at the proposed ordinance and for the fine overall job that they did. MOTION: Councilmember Valaas moved that the Council adopt Ordinance No. 557 establishing rules, regulations and criteria to use public rights -of -way. Councilmember Rutledge made a second. 0 Vote: 4 For, 1 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried. AB 06-022 -- Puget Sound Regional Council — Presentation on Work Ongoing to Integrate the Puget Sound Region's Growth Management, Economic Development, Transportation and Environmental Planning for the Future of the Puget Sound Region. Ivan Miller, Principal Planner and Project Manager from the Puget Sound Regional Council introduced himself to Town Council members, Staff and meeting attendees. The Puget Sound Regional Council is an association of governments that serves as a forum for developing policies and making decisions about regional growth management, economic development, transportation and environmental planning. Mr. Miller stated that its members include King, Snohomish, Pierce, and Kitsap Counties, cities, towns, ports, tribes and transit agencies in those counties along with two Washington State transportation agencies. .Mr. Miller stated that the Puget Sound Regional Council in 1990 developed Vision 2020 which is the long range growth management, economic and transportation strategy for the Central Puget Sound Region. Mr. Miller stated that the Puget Sound Regional Council is now working on updating Vision 2020 to incorporate into its planning an anticipated increase in population of 1.6 million new residents and 1.1 million new jobs in the Central Puget Sound Region by the year 2040. Mr. Miller in his presentation stated that the Council is looking at four alternatives in their planning for this anticipated growth and that they are looking for input from entities in the four county area and would be interested in input from 06/13/06 Council Minutes 4 Yarrow Point. Mr. Miller distributed a Puget Sound Regional Council document describing in detail the planning process the Council is undergoing to update Vision 2020. Mr. Miller explained to attendees the different aspects of the ongoing plan update as presented in the booklet distributed to Council members and staff. Mr. Miller stated that the Puget Sound Regional Council is looking for a preferred alternative from the four alternatives now being offered and that their will be a number of public comment periods made available before a final alternative is arrived at by 2008. Mr. Miller stated that to date that the Puget Sound Regional Council has done well in arriving at employment and environmental goals but that it has not done as well in reaching targets for affordable housing. Council members and Staff thanked Mr. Miller for an interesting presentation at tonight's meeting. AB 06-024 --- Town Fountain Update. Council members were provided with plan specifications for the Town Fountain that have been sent out for bid. Mayor Cooper stated that request for bids will be published twice in each the King County Journal and the Daily Journal of Commerce and that the plan is to open bids on the morning of Friday, July 7th. Mayor Cooper reported that Park Board Chairman John McGlenn had volunteered to participate in oversight of construction and budgeting for the project and that Mr. McGlenn and the Mayor have been involved in a number of meetings regarding the project. Mayor Cooper answered a number of questions that Town Council members had regarding the proposed fountain. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS; Councilmember Mushel reported on the Park Board meeting held on May 30`h during which time the Park Board and other attendees toured the Town's parks and the 92°a Ave pathway area. Councilmember Mushel stated that at the tour Park Board members stated that they were happy with the job that Public Works employee Istvan Lovas was doing. Park Board members did note a number of areas that needed attention which Clerk Howard has since communicated to Public Works employee Lovas. Councilmember Mushel stated that the Park Board had released the part of the annual budget allocated to the Park Board so that it could be used to purchase plants to fill in bare spots along the 92"d Ave Pathway landscape area. Councilmember Mushel also reported that Park Board member Lori Taylor had decided not to seek another term on the Park Board and that the May Park Board meeting was her last as a Park Board member. 06/13/06 Council Minutes • • Mayor Cooper reported that he would be attending an Association of Washington Cities Mayors meeting in Spokane at the end of June. A discussion was held regarding the Town's permitting revenues relative to the costs incurred by the Town to provide permitting services. In relation to the Puget Sound Regional Council presentation made at tonight's meeting Town Planner Mona Green asked if the Town should make an official statement regarding the four alternative proposals being looked at. Mayor Cooper asked if we need to look at the Town's Comprehensive Plan and possibly revise it. Mayor Cooper asked Town Planner Green if she could analyze and take the lead on this issue_ Councilmember Silvernale indicated that she would be absent from the July Town Council meeting. ADJOURN MOTION: Councilmember Valaas moved to adjourn the Council meeting at 9:31 p.m. Councilmember Rutledge made a second. Vote: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Larry How d, Clerk -Treasurer Approved, U / David Cooper, Mayor 06/13/06 Council Minutes 6