HomeMy Public PortalAbout2001-01-04TRUCKEE TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 4, 6:00 P.M. o CALL TO ORDER: Mayor McCormack called the regular Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers: Florian, Susman, and Vice Mayor Drake. Councilmember Schneider noted as absent. Mayor McCormack stated Councilmember Schneider absence is an excused absence due to illness. ALSO PRESENT: Town Manager Stephen L. Wright; Town Engineer Dan Wilkins; Engineering Technician, Chris Scott; Administrative Services Director Jill Olsen; Community Development Director Tony Lashbrook; Chief of Police Gary Jacobsen; Town Attorney Dennis Crabb; and Town Clerk Patt Osbome. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Lead by Emilie Kashtan, Truckee, California. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Emilie Kashtan, representing the Dormer Lake Citizens Group for Drinking H20, gave Council an update with regard to the Donner Lake water crisis and requested Council submit a letter supporting the actions of the Donner Lake Citizens Group, who represent the majority of the Donner Lake customers. This letter would identify the continued and overwhelming customer sentiment to proceed with the Truckee Donner Public Utilities District. Town Engineer, Dan Wilkins, introduced new Administrative Secretary, Janet Nichols who will be working in the Public Works Department and Engineering Department. PRESENTATIONS - There were no presentations this evening. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor McCormack pulled Item 6.4 (Job Classifications and Grade Orders for Police Commander and Executive Assistant) for further discussion. It was moved by Councilmember Florian, seconded by Councilmember Susman and unanimously carried by those present to approve Agenda Items 6.1, 6.2, & 6.3. 8. 8.1 Approved Items are as follows: 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Minutes of December 21, 2000. December Treasurer's Report. Introduction and waiving of a first reading of an ordinance setting time and place of Town Council meetings. Mayor McCormack requested Town Manager, Steve Wright to review the differences in the first Job Classifications submitted previously to Council and those being submitted this evening. Mr. Wright informed Council that, with regard to the Commander position, it was originally to be titled Lieutenant however; the position description is more that of an assistant chief and therefore the title Commander is appropriate. Also, the Commander position qualifies for additional training as well as a higher salary. It was moved by Councilmember Florian, seconded by Councilmember Susman and unanimously carried by those present, to approve, as proposed. Job Classifications and Grade Orders for Police Commander and Police Executive Assistant. COUNCIL IMMEDIATE PRIORITIES - None PUBLIC HEARING SACKET STREET RIGHT OF WAY ABANDOMENT TABLED FOR 60 DAYS Town Engineer, Dan Wilkins stated the request for abandonment (Application No. 00-064/ABN, Wenger) involves a 40-foot wide by approximate 75-foot deep portion of a fight-of-way known as Sackett Street. Mr. Wilkins stated that as a result of the public routing of this request, the property owner on the Western border of Sackett Street (Carol Sesko) raised opposition to the abandonment request. Ms. Sesko's basis of the opposition was that rather than abandon the entire fight-of-way to a single property owner that the abandonment should be divided equally between the two adjacent property owners. This opposition has been a source of controversy between the two property owners. Mr. Wilkins informed Council that Staff has attempted to resolve this controversy by providing information to both property owners as to how to jointly proceed with the abandonment request. Both property owners did initiate the process however, Ms. Wenger feels Ms. Sesko is not proceeding further in a timely manner and is therefore requesting Staff to proceed with her original abandonment request. Mr. Wilkins noted that on six separate occasions meetings were held to resolve this issue none of which were successful therefore, for this reason, and at the request of the applicant, this issue has been brought before Council. Mr. Wilkins informed Council that the abandonment to a private entity is within the discretionary purview of the Council so long as the procedures set forth under State law are followed. Mr. Wilkins reviewed for Council three alternatives recommending that Council pursue the third alternative and table consideration of the issue. Town of Truckee January 4, 2001 Regular Page 2 11. Mayor McCormack opened the Public Hearing asking for anyone wishing to speak in favor or opposition of the proposed abandonment of portions of Sackett Street. Joanie Wenger, 10310 High Street, Truckee, 96161, property owner, applicant, informed Council she is willing to file a joint abandonment application. Carol Sesko, P.O. Box 683, Truckee, 96160, property owner, informed Council she is willing to file a joint abandonment application. Hugh Williams, Realtor, informed Council the area proposed for abandonment is not buildable, only good for parking, and the assessed value of $35,000 is way to high. Mayor McCormack closed the Public Hearing reserving the right to reopen the Hearing at a later date. It was moved by Councilmember Susman, seconded by Councilmember Drake and unanimously carried by those present to table consideration of this issue for 60 days, accepting revised joint application with both property owners to split Sackett Street, or individual property owner, the applicant, coming back and requesting 50% of Sackett Street. STAFF REPORTS: None COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS Councilmember Florian stated today he, and 15 other members, attended the first of four meetings of the Economic Development Strategy Adhoc Committee. That, the purpose of the Adhoc Committee ~vas to attempt to balance the demand of the market place with the communities desire for new job creations. Councilmember Florian said the meeting today was with the Applied Development Economics people and that they spent an hour and a half brain storming what is needed for jobs and new development. CLOSED SESSION 11.1 Pending Litigation Donner Lake Water Company v Town of Truckee GCS 54956.9(a). Town Attorney, Dennis Crabb, was directed by Council to communicate to Del Oro Water Company that the Town was prepared to issue the necessary permits under DHS Order under reasonable conditions and if they refuse to cooperate in the permit process to file a motion to have the case dismissed. 11.2 Pending Litigation To~vn of Truckee v County of Nevada, GCS 54956.9(a). No Reportable Action Taken. 11.3 Pending Litigation County of Nevada v Town of Truckee, CGS 54956.9(a). No Reportable Action Taken. Town of Truckee January 4, 2001 Regular Page 3 12. ADJOURNMENT Mayor McCormack adjourned the meeting at 6:45 P.M., to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Town Council January 18, 2001, 6:00 P.M., Public Utility District Board Room. Respectfully submitted, P TT~~O O~Cler~c APPROVED: Don McCormack, Mayor Town of Truckee January 4, 2001 Regular Page 4