HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0465 � t� ,> - _ ORDIiv�1i1C� ATO. 465 AIv OftDITVAi�iCE OF THE CI^lY OF LYPd'+1`OUD ESTt1?�LISHING AULES A�ID R:�GULATIOiQS FOR ELECTRICAL �IRI^1G� DE- FIi�ING TH�. DUTIES OF THE OFFICE OF TH�' BUILDIl�G OrFICIAL; PROVIDI':dG FOFt THE ISSUANCE UF PERi':?ITS AND I;�SPECTIOPSS A11D r IXING TAL' FEES THEREFOR; PROVIDIi�G a P�1��L'1'Y FGR TH'r`: VIULf�TION OF THE gaME, A',vD REPEI?LIIdG ORDII�rtiY10ES NOS. 393, 371, 365, 7, 31� i�IdD �LL ORDINA:�CES OR PARTS OF UFtDI1J8idCES Ii�1 COiyFLICT HEREWITH. The City Council of the City of Lyn�rrood d.oes ordain as follows: Section 1: Scope. The provisions of this ordinance shall a.pply to all install�?tions oi electrical �aterial, fittings, devices, appliances, fixtures, and apparatus, her.eina?ter referred to as "electrical equipment", within or on public and. private buildings, structures, and premises, witn the following general exceptions: A, The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to installations in ships, railway cars o.r automotive equipment. B, The proviaions of this ordinance shall not apply to installations used b�� electricit,y suDr�ly or communic�.tion agencies in the generation, transmission or distribution of electricit�, or for tne operation of si�n�.ls or the transmission of intelligence in the exercise of their function ae such agencies �?nd located outdoors or in buil.din�s used exclusively for that purpose. C. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to electrical eQ�.inment used f or radio transmis�ion, other than elec- trical eclaipment for radio transmission in amateur radio transmittin� atations, and all electrical equipment used for power suppl�l to radio transmitting equipment. Secti 2 : It sha.11 be unlawful for any person, Yirn, or corporation to install any electrical wiring or to make or to cause or pernit to be made any alterations or changes in or adc?itions to any existing wiring, fixturee, or apparatus without fir�t notifyirg the office of the Build_ing Official, in writing, of such ch�nges or additions and procurin� from said Buildinv� Official a perrnit so to �o. S ection 3: Duties of the Build.in� Official. It sh�ll be the duty of the Building Official to enforce the provisions of this ordinance. He shall, upon application, �rant permits for the in- stallation or alteration of electrical equipment, and shall make inspections of electrical installations as provided in this ord_inance. He shall keep complete records of all permits, inspections, and re- inGpections, and. otrier electrical work performed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. He shall a.lso keep on file a. list of inspected and approved electrical equipment issued by Undervariters� L�boratories, Inc., which list shall be accessible to the public during re�ular office hours. Section 4: Authority of the Build_ing Official. The Buildin� Official shall have the ri�ht, d_urin� reasonable hours, to enter any buildino� or premises in the discha.rge of hic official duties, or for the purpoee of making a.ny inspection, re-inspection, or test of the electrical equipment contained therein or its instal�ation; provided, however, no re-inspection shall be made in any dwelling house while tY�e same is occupied a.s a dwellin� witriout first obtain- ing the consent of the occupant thereof. When and if any electrical equipment is found by the Buildin� Official to be dangerous to property or to persons, by reason of defective construction, desiGn, inatall2.tion, or the manner of maintenance, the person, firm, or corporation responaible for the electrical eauipment shall be notified in writing and shall make all changes or repairs required to place such equipnent in a safe ccnd_ition. If such work is not completed within fi£teen (15) days after such notice, or such lon�er period as may be Gpecified by the Building OfPicial in said notice, the Building OfFicial shall have authority to disconnect or order the _�_ . devices, appliances, fittings and equipment authentica.11y listed or labeled as conforming to the standards of Underwriters' Labora- tories, Inc., as approved by the United St�tes Bureau of l:lines, the 1�merican Standard.s Association, or the Un�ted States Bureau of Standard�, are hereby recommended and such listing and labeling shall be accepted as prima facie evidence of conformity with approved standards for safety to life and property. 3. Used TvIaterials. Previously used electrical materials shall not be reused except on written permission of the Building Official, and in no case ma.y u�ed wire be reused. 4. Documents on file. Three (3) copies of the Electrical Safet,y orders oP the State of California are on file in the of�ice oP the City Clerk of the City of Lynwood_ and are hereby referred to and by such rePerence �ade a part of thi� ordinance as fullv a.nd with the same intent and purpose as if the same were herein set £orth in full. 5. T Plate. The maker's name plate, trademark or other identification sy�nbol shall be placed on the outside of electrical materials, devices, appliances, Pittings and equipment in such a position that it is visible at all times for the purpose of insp ection, purGuant to the provisions of this ordinance. 6. Electric «iring installed in or on structuree as defined by the Uniform Building Code in force at the present time {A) to (H) occupancies inclusive. Electrical wiring enclosures shall be approved rigid metal conduit. Exposed electrical metallic tubing may be used when and only when installed eight (8j feet or more above floors. Flexible metallic conduit or electrical n_etallic tubin� ma.y be used (where impracticable to install rigid met�.l con- duit) if conceFled by the permanent construction of the building, or uhere not sub,ject to mechanical in,jury. 7. Electric wiring installed in or on buildin�s or struc- -9:- tures AG defined by the Uniform Building Code in force at the pre- sent time, under I and J occupancies shall be aaired in rigio metal conduit, E. lvt. T. or flexi�le metal conduit, (Greenfield). A. Occupancies def?ned: Uroup H occupancies sh<�11 be any assemi�ly building with a stage and seatin� c�pacity of' 1000 or• more in any one room. Gro B occupancies shall be: Division 1. Any �.ssembly building v�ith a sta^e anc�. a seatin� capacity of less tna.n 1000 in any one room. Division 2. Any aesembly building without a sta�;e �.nd a seatino capacity of 300 or more in any one room. Division 3. Any assembly building without a stage and with no room having a seating capacity of rnore tilan 300. Diviaion 4. Stadiums, reviewing stands, ancl amusement park structures not included within Group A�nd_ Divi- sions 1, 2, and 3, Group B, occupancies. Group C occuoancies shall be any buildinn• used for school purposes involvin� assemblage for instruction, educa.tion or recreation and not classed in Group A occupanciee or in Divisions 1 and 2 of Group B occupancies. � Group D occupancies shall be: Division 1. Jails, prisons, reformatories, houses of correction, and buildings where personal liberties o£ inmates are similarly restrained. Division 2. Nurseries for the care of children under six (6) years of age. Hospitals, sanitariurns, and_ similar buildings (ea.ch accommoda.ting more than six), but not including kindergartens built in connectior� with and meeting all the requirements of other Grouo C - 5- occupancies. Group E occupancies shall be public garages, paint or petreoleum storage, dry clea.ning plants using flamma.ble liquids, paint shops and spray painting rooms and shops. Planing mills, box factories, woodworking and mattress factories. Storage of haZardous and highly Ylammable or explosive materia.ls and liquids. Group F occupancies sh<�.11 be wholesale and retail stores, office buildings, restaurants, und.ertakin� parlors, printing plants, municipal police and_ fire stations. Gasoline filling and service stations, Pactories and �rorkshops using materials not highly flammable or com- bustibl�. Storage and sales rooms for combustible �oods. Group G occupancies shall be ice plants, power plants, pumping plants, cold storage, creameries, Factories and workshops ueino incombustible and non-explosive ms.terials. Storage and sales rooms of incombuetible and non-explosive materials. Group H occupancies shall be: Division l. Homes f'or the aged, orphanages, homes and dormitories for child_ren six years of age or old_er (each accommodating more than six). Division 2. Hotels, apartment houses, dormitories, lodging houses, convents and monasteries (eacn accom- modating 10 or more persons). Group I occupancies shall be du�ellings. Crroup J occupancies shall be: _F_ Divisien 1, Private garage, sheds, and minor build- ings used as accessories only when not over one thou- ' sand squfl re f eet (1000 sq. ft.) in area. 8. Galvanized or sherra.rdized rigid metal conduit shall be requir.ed in concrete and masonry floors and �alls, underground anfl outside of buildings or exposed to the weather. 9, alterations and Ad_ditions. A. Alterations or extensions to, or Plterations and renewals of existing installations shall be made in compliance with the provi�ions of this ordinance. B. In cases where such add.itions, alterations or extensions are due to damage by fire, all parts repaired, altered or extended s''�.11 be of a type required by this ordinance. 10. Outside �Tork. No open wiring requiring more than one set of knobs or insulators to each circuit shall be in�talled on the outside of buildin�s. Knobs or ineulators shall be. of a solid type �.nd nails or spikes shall not be considered as adequate support for such knobs or insulators. All open v�iring shall have the minimum clearances as cont».ined in the Electrical Safety Orders as herein adopted. 11. Size of Service Conduit. The minimum size of con- cealed service wiring oonduit shall not be lees tha.n one and one= quarter ineh (l�;°) trade size. Note; Udhere one and one-quarter inch (14") raceway is installed, it , is recornraended that spa.ce be provided at the distribution center for future protective ec;uipment equal to the snace required for one hun- dred ampere (100 amp.) Eervice sw�itch, � The ninimur� size exposed service wiring conduit shall not be less than that required for the size of service conduit installed therein. -7- The minimum size service conductor shall not be less than �o. 8 A. l�d. G. and of a type approved by the servin�• utility. 12. L�ethod of Installation of Service. Ever3� service sh�ll be installed in rigi� metal conduit and in accordance v�ith rule number 11 of this Section and all service equipment conduits and fittings installed on the exterior of any building sb.all be�listed and approved by a recog•nized testing laboratory as rainti� 13. Two and Three 59ire Services. Al1 sin�le pr.ase li��hting loads of leas than 3500 watts or not more than two (2) ci.rcuita may be served by two (2) wires. Greater loads tha_n 3500 watts shall be served 'uy three wires. ';dhere an installation has been wired and arranged f'or three-wire service, no t wo-��ire energ.y supply or two- wire service shall be connected tr,ereto ��ithout the written ap�oroval obtair_ed in advance froni the Building C�fficial. 14. Location of Service Hea.ds. Seruice heads shall be located on the ��all nearest the utility comnany lines or poles, not less than ten feet (10 ft) above the ground anc3 not less than three fee (3 ft.) from any door or window, even with or sli��htly above, the second f loor ceiling line but not to exceed tu�enty-five feet (25 Pt.), and in a location approved by the servin� utility. In addition, all service he�.ds sha.11 be located at least one foot (1 ft.) above the point of attachment of service drops. 15. O�ission of b4ain Service Switch. In buildings served at not over 150 volts to �;round, a sin�le set of service entrance conductors may be run to not to exceecl six (6) sets of service equipment on a residential oecupancy and not to exceed four (4) sets of service equipment on any other occupancy, if grouped at the point of entrance. For any otner occupancy, or installa.tions involving more than these or supplied at over 150 volts to ground_, the entire current shall be taken through one ma.in service switch. No service s�itch shall be located more than six Yoot six inches (6 ft. 6 inches) - �- to the l�andle in the ON position above the floor or ground level. Not �o exceed 25 feet of unfused service conductors shall enter or be run !��ithin eny occupancy. 16. Voltage Drop. Every interior system of wiring for light and heat installation shall be so installed as not to exceed three per cent (3�0) volta�e drop over all and for pov!rer installation not to exceed five per cent (5°,%) voltage drop over �.11, based on allowable load. Yard lighting installation may be installed so as not to exceed five per cent (5%) voltage drop over all. 17. Branch Circuits Requirements. A, Eaci1 single family dwelling and each occupancy of � multi-family ciwelling supplied with electric lighting shall have at ieast one (1) fifteen ampere (15 amp.) and one (1) twenty ampere (20 amp.) circuit. B. Fifteen ampere (15 amp.) circuits shall supply general lighting only. C. Tvaenty a�pere (20 amp.) circuits shall suoply general appllance outlet circuits and convenience outlet circuits. D. Ea.ch single f amily dwellin�, or each occupanc�r of a multi-family dwelling, shall have not leas than one (1) general lighting branch circuit. E. Each single family dwelling or each occupancy of a multi-family dwelling shall have not less than one (1) general appliance circuit rated at twenty amperes (20 amp.) on which not to excee� eight (8) a.ppliance cutlets may be installed. In dwelling occuoancies general appllance branch circuits which supply outlets in any bath without a fixed heating facility, kitchen, laundry, pantry, dining room, and breakfast room, shall not supply any other outlets unless there are lesa than eight (8) outlezs in any one occupancy. F. Each single family dwellin�, or each occupancy of a -9- multi-family daelling having over five hundred so,uare feet (500 sq.ft.) of floor area in any one occupancy shall have ftt least one twenty ampere (�'0 �mp.) convenience outlet circuit eupplyin� current to out-- lets as required elsevahere by this ordir.ance. G. Garbage disposa2 units, dish vaashers, spin dry clothes washer, motors rated over 1/3 h.p. or any fixed appliance or device rated 1000 W. (1 K.W.) or more, shall be installed on a separate appliance branch circuit. H. All appliance circuit outlets shall have provided and installed receptacles rated not less than te�enty amperes (20 arnp.). All such receptacles installed as required at the location of any laundry tray, or in any location where �ortable workin�� tools may be attached thereto, shall be of a polarized type having one point permanently and.effectivel,.v grounc�ed in an approved manner. I. In all residentia.l ocazpancies, con�Tenience oui;lets and recept�.cles shall be provided and installed in each and every service porch, Gun room, breakfaet room or nook, dining room, bath- room, bedroom and living room, located so that at no point on �.ny �ra.11 shall it be a greater distance than ten feet (10 ft.), measured horizontally along the b�se, to a convenience outlet. In addition, a convenience outlet ahall be provided and installed a.t the location of every range, refrigerator, washing machine or laundry tray, iron- ing board and any portable electrical device or appliance. J. Each and every liv�.ble room, includin� closets, shall ha,ve at least one general lighting outlet rated not less than required elsewhere in this ordinance. In closets, the limhtinG outlet snall be placed on the wall over the door, or may be located on the ceil- ing if operated bv a wall switch, door switch or ceiling pull switch. Drop cords shall not be installed in closets. All closets, except wardrobe type iA�ith sliding doors, sha.11 have a light outlet. Living rooms and bedrooms may be excepted provided one (1) or raore outlets, -10- other than those required as convenience outlets, are provided �na controlled by an accessible wall switch. K. A� least a continuity of �oth light and utility cir- cuits shall be provided and installed to each and every livable room E��ithin the load limits of each circuit. L. All branch circuit conductors installed at outlets shall be safely and mechanically spl?ced so that not more tl�a.n the required number of conductors shall be attached to Qny electrical device. 18. Cireuit Ratir.gs in Dwellings. A. On � two-wire and on each sid_e of a tnree-:vire gener�l lighting branch circuit, the total connected load shall not exceed fifteen amperes (15 amp.) B. On any tv�o-wire, or on each side of a three-�vire ccn- venience outlet branch circuit, the total connection of lo�.d �hall not exceed twenty amperes (20 amp.). 19. Iutinimum i�ire Size. For the supuly of current to general appliance and convenience outlet circuits, no conductor smaller tha.n No. 12 A. W. G. «irp ehall be installed. No convenience outlet or appliance shall be installed or operated on a general lig�hting branch circuit �,t any time in any occupancy, 20. Heating appliances in Dwellings. �ny heating appli- ance in a dwelling, rated at more tha,n 1650 watts, shall be wired_ for less than 200 volts. '�Ihere the voltage to ground exceeds 150 volts, the ecnductors to suaY� heatin� a,ppliances shall be installed in a metal protected system. If such heating appliance is porta.ble, the receptacle shall be of suitable capacity. In duellings and apart- nent houses, two or more fixed air heating appliances, rated at not less than 1650 �va.tts each and operated at not less than 230 volts, may be installed on a heavy duty heater branch circt:it, protected by a sin�le set of overload protective devices provided the total con- . i -11- nected load does not exceed thirty-five amperes (35 amp.) per con- ductor. Heavy duty hea�er bra.nch circuits may b2 ttvo-erire derived fron either a 115-230 volt single-phase source or � 230 volt three- phase source; or they may be three-phase three-wire derived from a three-phase 230 volt source. The tap from such circuit to the heat- ing appliance shall in no case be less than No. 12 A. VJ. wire nor over eighteen inches (18'�) in length. Al1 ungrounded conductors shall be switched at each heating appliance. Only those conductors supplyin� a fixed heater shall enter a heater enclosure; all such conductor� shall enter through th� bottom of such enclosure. This subdivisian shall not be construed to permit heaters for different �.pa.rtments or occupancies being connected to the same circuit. 21. Transformers. Bell, furnace or low volta�e control transformers shall be installed in a�rounded metal can or in a separ- abe compartment of a distribution panel located at the distribution center, on a sepa.rate circuit or on any branch circuit and provided with an isolating switch. All transformers rated at 50 watts or 24 volts or over shall have secondary fuses. 22. ti�ater heaters, S��e Heaters and Air Conditionin�. Demand factors may be applied to reduce the size of services, feeders, and sub-feeders in d�vellin�s and apartment houses sup�lying the fol- lowing ty�es of load: water heaters, space heaters and air condition- ing� devices of 2000 watts or over as £ollows: No, of Units ��emand 1-2 100 3-5 85 6-10 �� 11-20 60 21-35 50 36- 60 40 • 01-100 35 Over 100 30 23. Computation of Lightin� Load. The minimum lighting loac) shall be com�outed in accordance with table belotiv as follows3 -12-- (1) ��ultiply the u�atts per square foot (Column B) for the build_ing or occupancy being• considered by the total floor area. i::- volved, deterrnined in accorctance with Column C. (2) Then apply the demand factors (Column D) for the respective i�attages As specified in Column C to the load deternined by Column A. (3) 'Phe floor area shall be determined by the outside dimensions of the builc�ing or occupancy, and the number of floors, not_includinQ� cellars, unfinished attics, open porches and other spaces in dwellings not used as living quarters. The unit-valu�s and demand-factors given in the followin� table are basec? on a.verage load conditions. If at a.n;� time it is faund that tne feeder conductors will be, or are, overloFded., tbey sl�all be increased to comply with the table of safe carrvin� cap�,cities. 6 B C D E 4Vattage pased �°Tatts per out- Watts per on Area j� in Dernand let or Outlets Type of Bld�. S q.Ft. _ Served F actor per circuit Sinele family dwelling� 100 12, Tu�ulti-f amily 100 12 Apartment houses l�pt. 1 to 4 inc. 100 12 with provisions t�pt. 5 to 10 inc. 80 for cooking by A�ot. 11 to 40 inc. 60 tenants Apt. 41 or over 50 Hotel 2 ].0,000 or less 100 12 Over 10,000 but not - more than 50,000 80 Over 50,000 70 Store 3 Entire wattage 100 200 watts Office Bldg. 2 20,000 or less 100 200 cratts Over 20,000 70 2.00 watts Industrial Commercial (loft) bldg. 2 Entire �vattage 100 8 Gara�e 1 Ei�tire wattage 100 8 Hcspital 3 19,OQ0 or less 100 200 watts Over 19,000 60 -13-- � B C D E �vattage ba.sed 'v�latts per out-- �Natts per on Area �/� in Demand let or Outlets �e of Bld�, Sq. Ft. Served _ Factor _per circuit School 3 15,000 or less 100 300 watts Over 15,000 ?5 Storage �Varehouse 1 12,500 or less 100 12 Over 1�,500 50 All others 2 Entire wattage 100 12 Any other buildino or occupancy �r apparatue requirino spec- ial circuits not provided for in the above table, the specific load to be served_ shall be used in determining the size of feeders. 24. Computation of Lo�ds. The coi,?putation of all loads shall be tre sum oY the specific loads served but not lesa tha.n the minirnum loads specified, except that the demand factors in the table below may be applied as indicated. FEEDERS Type of Bldg. RIinimum Wattage Demand-Factor °jo _ per circuit _ Residential occupancies 1500 watts lst circuit 100 (other ti�an hotels) 1000 watts all others Al1 other occupancies 1000 �vatts 100 Other fee�_ers for groups of apts 1 to 4 inc. 1500 watts lst circuit 80 1000 vratts all others 5 to 10 inc. " ° 70 11 to 40 inc. ° F� 60 41 and over �' " 50 Iri no case sha.11 the feeder supplying an occupancy be smaller than No. 10 A. '+'. G. wire. 25. Demand-Factor for Electric Ranges, Services, Sub- feeders and Bran ch Circuits. The values in the table below apply to one or more cooking and ba,kin� appliances but are not applicable to other appliances. Column I Column II Ra.nges over 1650 watts Ranges over No. of Ran�es and under 3500 watts_ 3500 watts '�1 100 80 -14-- No. of R<:�nges Colu�n I Column II Ranges over 1650 watts R� n;es over and.under 3500 watts 3500 �vatts 2 75 65 3 70 55 4 66 50 5 62 45 6 59 43 7 56 40 8 53 36 9 51 35 10 49 34 11 4? 32 12 45 32 13 43 32 14 41 32 15 40 32 16 39 28 1? 38 28 18 37 28 19 36 ?8 20 35 28 21 34 26 2� 33 26 23 32 26 24 31 26 25 30 26 ^ 6- 30 30 24 31-40 30 22 41-50 30 20 51-60 30 18 61 and over 30 16 # All rangea shall be figured at 10,000 watts unless letter is filed by owner, or agent, requestin� that range be wired for less than 10 K.W. 26. Commercial, Store, and R4arket Buildings. Comraercial and store buildinga shall be v�ired for general li�;hting as requiring a minimum of 3 watts per square foot of floor space in salesrooms, display rooms, offices and other rooms devoted to similar purpos�s. All other spaces shall be wired as rec�uiring i watt per squa.re foot. In addition to the above circuit capacity shall be provicled to an accessible location at each store windo�* for 200 rvatts per lineal foot o�' glass measured `norizont211y at the base of the windovr. An aopliance outlet circuit shall be run to the front o£ each store building and outlets located in or near all show windows or f'ront openin�s. Not to exceed four (4) such outlets sY�all be -15� installed on any one circuit, Conr,lercial buildinas may be equipped with convenience outlets as per their requirements with not to exceed 8 units connected to each circuit. Vlhere there are no sro� windows, extra circuit capacity shall be provided to an outlet just back of each possible shoai windoti� location a.nd circuit capacity in con�uit �nd, panel for such window circuits. t� sign circuit snall be provided and installed to an accessible location at trie front of all commercial and store building occupancies. The sign circuit and/or outlet snall be controlled by a sv�itch looated �aithin sight of the sign and�or outlet. Not to exceed four (4) transformers or 1650 V. A. shall be connected to any one such circuit. All tr�nsformers shall com- p13T ���ith item 30. �ranch circuit protective devices shall be located Iid �.nd FOR all such occupancie� a.s required in item 27. 27. Locatic�n of Branch Circuits Protective Devices. Branch circuit protective devices sYiall be installed Iid and FOR each occupancy. Idothin� contained in this ord_inance shall i�e deemed or construed to permit the installation of any electrical aevice out- let, or c�rcuit, in �ny occupancy where the control of or the pro- tection for are not accessible to the occupant at all times. No part of any circuit shall supply electrical energy to more tr.an one (1) occupancy. 2�. Computation of Load Currents. Current carryin� capa- city for various voltages shall be computed as follows2 Line vol- tage between 100 and 125 shall be computed as 120 volts; line vol- tage �betwesn 210 and 250 shall be computed as 240 volts. Three- phase four-uire ligilting shall be computed as 120/208 volts. 29. Err�ergency and Exit Lighting Requirements. _� g_ A. Exit Illuminati�n: Exits shall be illumina.ted at a11 tirnes vrith light having• an intenaity of not less than one foot caizdle �t floor level. �. Exit Sign�: Fver�r exit d_oorwa�* from an area �vith an occupant load of more than one hundred (100) persons shall be marked dirith an exit sign. Exit sign letters �hall be green a.nd at least five inches (5") high. C. Illumination of Signs: Exit si�ns in every Group �1 occupancy, Group B, Division 1 and 2 occupancy; Group D occu� ncy; Group F occupancy with an excess of 1000 persons, as defined by the tJniform Building Code, sh�ll be li�hted with ttivo (2) separate lamps of at least 20 watt ca.pacity on separate circuits, one such circuit being separate from general lighting• and supnlied by an Emergency Lie�htin; Service of �roup classes ^equired by the authority en- forcin� this ordinance. D. Emergency Service: a. Class A Emergency Service shall mean a separate and independent service used exclusively to supply emergency li�;hts, exit lights or emergency e�uipment required ay this o?�dinance, or any ordinance or order, and wnich service is supplied by one of the following methods: l. By a different serving agency than that supply-- ing the general lighting or equipment. 2. By different primary mains Prom the same or different sub-station than the main� sv.opl,yin� the general li�htin� or equi�ment. To serve all Group A occupancies. b, Class B Emergency Service shall mean an approved storage battery used exclusively to supply emergency lig•hts, exit lights or emergency equipment required -17- by th.i5 ordinance and which com�lies with the following• reqtiirements: l. Hae capacity to supply all euch li�hts and equipment for one (1) hour and still have a termina.l voltage of not less than one and three quarters (1-3/4) volts per cell. 2. Is connected to a. trickle charger located on the same premises which rrill a�aintairi maximum charge w�hen battery is not supplying ener�y. 3. Is connected_ to a generator or rectifier located on the premises rahich ��ill fully rechar�e it to a terminal volt�.�e of one and three quarters {1-3/4) volts in not to exceed sixteen (16) hours. 4. Is maintained to comply with the foregoing requirements as lon� as it supplies such lie•hts or equipment. To aerne all Group E occupancies. c. Class C Emergency Service shall mean a branch or tap f rom a main service and connected thereto on the supply side o� every service switch for such main service and which branch or tap is used exclusively to suppl,y e�nergency lights, exit lights or emergency equipment required by this ordinance. To serve a.11 otY?er occupancies. 30. Gaseous Tube Li;�-hting and Signs. A. It shall be unla.vaful for �.ny pe�son, firm or corpor- ation to do or cause to be done any electrical wirin� or to install any electrical lighting to be used in connection with any si�n or street clock without first obtaining fror� the �uild_ing Official a. permit in �,uriting so to do, and_ payina� tt�erefor the Yees prescribed by this ordinance and the ordinance regulating the inGtallation, -18- arran�erlent, alteration, use and operation of electrical �iring, fixtures, and other electrical appliances in ouilding a.nd other structures in the City of Lynwood. B, Ea.ch fluorescent fixture, mercury vapor fixture, or hio�h volta�e gas tube lio•ht or sign shall be provided witi� � rixed name-?�late, Iegible after installation, vrnich shall correctly state the manuf'�cturer's n�me or tra.de-mark, and tt voltage, a�:npera�e, i�V.r�, total wattage a.nd nower factor. 1Vo such equipment s_�all be installed irl uhich tne po���er factor is less than 90;�, All above listed °quioment shall have Under�vriter�' Laboratory la�el or recognized testing• la,boratory label. Everv such li.��ht or si�n shall be effectively �rounded, either by a permanent a.nd approved metallic connection to a grounded conduit system or by a flexible approved cord one (1) conductor of which shall 'oe a �round_ing ecnductor con- nected to a separate blade of a polarized a.ttachntent cap in such a �anner that a groundin�� connection 5_s made .•rhen such cap is �nserted into a polarized plug, C. Tra.nsformers and inductive controller sh�.11 be instal- led in a rsieatherproof inetal uox. This box shall be of the same gauge metal as the face of the sign, shall be one and one-half inches (1�7 f'rom anST combustible material and the terminals one anc? one-ha.lf inches (1�") f'rom the metal of �he box, The primary circu.it of each transformer shall be protected by ite individu�,l fuse� not to ex- ceed ten amperes (10 amp.). D. 4�lire9 shall be apvroved for the voltage to v!rhich sub- ,jecte�. All v�ires not in sign structure shall be installed in rigid conduit. High potential wires insid_e the structure shall be in raceway of the sane ga.u�e metal As the sign face, in rigid metal conduit or a clearance of one and one-half inches (1�°) sha.11 be m�.intained between conductors of the low-�roltage systsm and_ hi�h tension wires. High voltage leads to electrodes shall be r��idlSr -1�^ supported by insulating bush5.ngs and so held as to provide one and one-half inches (l�"} between cable and electrode connections and grounded metal at oa° near the electrode. E. Glass tube elements sh� ll be insulated from ground by approved insulatlon, and shall be enclosed in rigid metal con- duit when passin� throu�h any wall. The rigid metal con�uit used throu�h P�alls shall be securely fastened insid.e and outside by �pproved lock nuts and bushings. F. Electrodes shall be separated fro� a grounded point by not less than one and one-half inches (l�'�) of air space and shall be suitably supported or shall be protected bSr an insulating tube apnroved £or tne voltage i�nressed upon it. G. Back of electrodea shall be tetall5r enclosed in metal of 26 ��ug�e or greater thickness, H. Conn�ctions for electrodes shall be rnade of an approved mechanical connector. I. No live metal parts «ill be approved ��here 2xposed to accidental contact. J. tifter any si�n is ir.stalled, inspection department must be notiYied and no installation of this type shall be ener�ized until written approval is given. K. All neon sign tubing shall be fastened to �etal letters or a metal trough only. Aard wood letters �ay be used provided tubinQ is not fastened to the letter. j�ood letters �ay be used for ba,ek flash signs provided the �ubin�� does not come v�ithin two inch�s (2") of the wood. . L. High voltag�e transformers shall not be mounted or installed in any attic or enclosed space that doe� not have at least five feet (5�) of unobstructed vertical clearance from craR�l hole or door into attic to the place where transformers are installed. P,�. Sign contractors will be required to take out per;nita -?.,O- and pay the necessary fee for tY�e transformer and will be allov�ed to make all primary and secondary connections to the sion provided rig•id met�.l conduit only is used on the exterior of the buildin� and there is a sign circuit available on the exterior of the build- ing. If a circuit is not available on the exterior of the building, it �=aill be required that a licensed electrical contra.ctor install this circuit. - lv. Transformers designed for 110 volts primary sh�,ll not be conizected to any single phase system in which the neutral is not grounded at the service, or any three �hase systein of more than 125 volts betu�reen terminals. This will not prohibit the use of 250 volt primar.y u�inding. Section 6 1. Permits. No electrical equipment shall be ins�tal�ed arithin or on any building, structure or premises, publicly or orivately owned, nor shall any alteration or addition be made in any sucn existin�; equipment without first securing a permit there- for fron the Building Official, except as provided in Section 1 hereof, and except that no permit v:�ill be required to execute any of the clasties of electrical v�.�ork specified in the followin� para.- graphs (a) to (c) inclusive. a.. iv!inor re�air vrork, the replaceMent of lamps or the connection of portable electrical equipment to suitable permanently installed receptacles. . b. The provisions of this ordinance shall not applf 'to installations used by electricity supply, rail;vay or coc�rnunication utilities in the exercise of their functions as a utility. c. The installation, alteration or repair of electrical equipment installed by or for an electricity supply agency for the use of such ag•ency in the generation, transmission, dietribution or metering of electricity. Application for such permit, describing _�1�. the work to be done, shall be made in ��r?ting to the �uilding Official by th2 person, firm or corporation in4tallin� the v�ork, The a_��lication shall be accompanied by such pla.ns, snecifications and schedules as ma3* be necessary to determine whether the installa- tion as described will be in conformity with tl�e requirements o£ this ordin�.nce. If it sriall be found that tne inst�ll�tion as d.escribed will conform with all leg�al requirements, and if the apnlicant has complied ti*:ith the provisions of this ordinance, a permiti for such installation shall be issued. No deviaticil may be made from the installation d.escribed ir. the permit urithout the �vritten apprcval of the ruilding Official. In lieu of an individual permit for eacb_installation or alteration, an annua.l permit shall, upon application therefor, be iasued to any person, f"irm or corporation regularly emplo5rin� one or rnore electricians for the insta.11ation, alteration and main- tenance of electricr�l equipment in or on buildin�s or pretnises ov��ned er occupied Uy the applicant for the permit. The ar�plication ic�r this annu�l p�rmit shall be made•in v�ritin�• to the Buil�ing Official and shall contain a description of the pre�nises on which the �uork is to be done under the permit. 'saithin not rnore than fifteen (i5) days followin� tl�ie end of each calendar month, tl�e person, firm or corporation to ��:�j!zich an annual permit i� issued shall transmit tio the Fuild,ing Ufficial a report of a11 electrical work which hAS been done under the z.nnual permit during the precedin� month. The person, firm or corporation to ��nich sn annual permit is issued shall keep a record of all electrical equipment installed under said perrait, and the Building pfficial shall have access to such records. Each a.nmaal permit sha.11 expire on June 30th of the year in which it is issued. 2. Owner's Permit. Any permit req�zired by this ord.inance " -22- . may oe issued to an,y person to do any constrizct� on or urork reJu- lated by this ordin�.nce in a single family dwelline� usec� excliz�ively for livin�; purpo�es including the usual acces�orv buildin�s and quarters in connection �t�ith such buildin�s in the event th�t any such person is the uona fide owner of any such d�xrell�.n�� a.nd_ accessory buildino�s and quarters, and that the sane are occupied by or desig•ned to be occupied by said owner, provided that saic� ovaner shall per- sonally purcrae,e all mater.ial and sha.11 p�rsonally perform a.11 labor in connection therewith. No electrics.l ���ork for �vt�.ich a permit ie req_uired shall be commenced in any buildinb or premises until a pe?�;i1it �o c7o such work shall have been first obtained, Section 7 1. Fees for Permits and Inspections, Before an�r permit is granted for the installation or �lteration of electrical equip- ment, the person,firm or corporation making the application for such permi,t shall pay tc the Citv Clerk a f ee in such amount as is specified below. For is�uing ;�ermits..... ................... . . ...�1.00 each �Nhere additional outlets or equipment have not been includ_ed in original permit or additional fixtures have not been included in original fix- ture permit, an auxiliary permit Pee of............50 Plu� regular fee for each outlet and flxture -- 1 to 25 inc1..,,,..10 each Over 25............05 each , For wiring outlets at which current is used or controlled except services, sub-feeders and. meter outlets ... ...............1 to 25 inc1.......10 each Over 25............05 each For fixturea cor�pleted vrith sockets or other lamp holding devices............1 to ?5 inc1.......10 each Over 25...... ....05 each For continous trough or Pixturea designed for end to end mounting, ea.ch 4 ft... ..................10 each For each mator of not more than � h,p ..............25 each Por each rnot��' of more than � h.p, but not more than 2 h.p ...............50 e�?ch -23- For each motor of more than 2 h.p, but not more than 5 h.p..................1.00 e�ch For each motor of` more than 5 h.p, but not more than 15 h.p.................1.50 each For each mctor of more than 15 h.p, but not more than 50 h.p .................2.50 each For each motor ef more than 50 h.p, but not more than 200 h.o................5.00 each For each motor of more than 200 h.p, but not more than 500 h.p ............. .10.00 each For each motor of more than 500 h.�. but not more than 1000 h.p ..............15.00 each For each motor of rnore th�n 1000 h.p............20.00 each r^or each generator, transformer or v:elder each K.V.�a. cap�.city sha.11 be considered as 1 h,p. in a motor ror each motor-generator �et or f requency cha.nger, fee charged sh�11 be 75j�� �reater th�,n for motor alone. For each moving of notors, generators, transPormers or welders, upon whioh a final certificate has already been issued by the Buil�ing OfPiclal, a Pee e�ual to 75 ;�, of the fee required for new equi�ment when reinstalled on the same premisea. For ea.ch mercury arc lamp and equipment,,........1.50 ror each projection m2chine or stereopticon......1.50 For each range or heater insta.11�.tion ..............25 For working lights in build_ings in course of con- str�uction or undergoing repairs, or �vhere tem- porary lighting is to be used: 100 lamps or less.. .....................50 101 lamps and not over 300 ............ .75 301 lamps and not over 600........... ,1.25 601 lar�ps and not over 1000...........2.00 1001 lamps and over ....................002 each t�or electric signs, luminous gas type or outline lightin�, each tr�.nsformsr. ........................?5 �'or each X-ray unit and its ap�urtenances........2.00 For each rectifier and synchronous converter, Per K. VJ .................25 ror each 2xtra inspection m�de necessary by ,defective workmanship and_ mater121s ..............1.�0 For inspection of any electrical equipment for which no fee is herein prescribed for time con- sumed.. ...........................................2.00 per hr, with minimum charge of......... .................1.00 -24� Upon failure to make application and take out a permit by the second work day a£ter commencin� work, permit fee a.nd inspection �'ees shall be twice re�u- lar amount. i�?o permit shall be issued to an�T person, firm or corporation ar political subdiv?sion unless a.11 f ees due a re paid. in �ull. Failure to take out a permit a.nd pay fees therefor within 72 hours after commencing ��ork ehall be de�emed evidence of violation of the provisions of this ordinance. A fee of �20.00 shall be paid for each annual �.�aintenance Electrician pernit at the time when such permit is issued. Fees for all nee� work installed under such permit since date of last previoue inspection shall be naid, accordinb to above schedule, at time when such work is inapected; these fees shall be in addition to fee paid at time when annual pernit is issued. Section 8_ Inspection and Certif'icates. Upon the com- pletion of any installation of electrical equibment which has been made under a. permit other than an annual permit, it shall be the duty of the person, Pirm or corporation making tY1e installation to notify the Etuilding Official e��ho shall inspect the installation as soon thereafter as practicable. 4dlhhen tne Building Cfficial finds the installation to be in conf'orniity with the provisions of this ordinance, he ahall issue to the Person, firm or corporation making the installation a certi- �icate of appronal, with duplicate copy for delivery to the owner, authorizin� the use of the installation and connection to the supply of electricity and shall send e�ritten notice of such authorization to the agency supnlying the electric service. e+lhen a certificate of ap�roval is issued authorizing tlze connection and use of a temporar,y installation, such c,ertificate shall be issued to expire at a time to be stated therein, a.nd shall be revocable by the Building Official for cause. iilhen any electrical equipment authorized by a permit or an annual permit is to be concealed a.gainst inspection by the per- manent pla_ce�ent of parts of a buildinp, the person, firm or corpora- -25- tion installin� the equipment shall n��tify the Building Official and such equipment shall not be concealed until it has been in- spected �nd_ approved by the r�uil.din�; Official, or until twen�y-four (24•� hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays or helidays, shall have elapse� from the time of such notification; provided that on la.r�e installations, wrere the concealment of equipment proceeds contin- aously, the �erson, firm or corporation insta.11ing the electrical equipment shall �ive tt�e �uild.ing Official due nctice a.nd inspec- tions shall be made periodically durin� the progress of the work. At regular intervals the Buildin� OfPicial shall visit all premises crh_ere vrork may be doi�e und.er an annual pernit and shall inspect a.11 electrical equipment installed under such a perrnit since � the date of his last previous inspection, and upon the expiration of the annual permit sha.11 issue a certific�,te of epproval for such ��7ork a5 is found to be in confornity v�ith the provisions of this ordinance, after the fee required bv Section 7 hereof has been p�id. NOTE: The interval between inspections sh�.11 depend upon the amount mnd eharacter of the work being one on the a.nnual permit. If upon inspection the installation is not f ound to be fully in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, the �uilding Official shall at once forward to the perGon, firm or co_r- noration ma.kin� the installation a��ritten notice stating the defects which have been found to exist. Section 9: Connection to Installa.tions. Except wY.ere ,vork is done under an annual permit, it shall be unlaw�ul for �.ny person, firm or corporation to make connection from a eu�ply of electricity, to supply electricity to any electrical equipment, or to use or opera.te equipment, for the installation of which a permit is required., or which has been disconnected or ordered to oe d.iscon- ected by the Building Cfficial, until such conneetion or u�e has been -26- authoriz2d b�r the BuildinU� Official, Section 10: Penalties. �ny persan, firm or corpora.tion viola.tin�, any of the provisions of tl�is ordinance sha.11 be dee�ed guilt;� of �.� misd.emeanor a.nd upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able ,b�� a fine of not to exceed five hundred dollars (�'500.00) or imprisonment in the ��it�T Jail of the City of Lynv��ood or the County Jail of Los �ngeles Coi�nty, State of California, for a period of time not to exceed six raonths, or by both such fine and imprison- �ent. EacY�� such person, firm or corporation sh�.11 be deemed �uilty o� a separate offense for every day during any nortion of r��hich viol�?tion of a.ny provieion of this ord_in�nce is committed, continued or permitted by such person, firm or corporation, and ahell be punishable thereYor as provid_ed by t'riis ordinance. Section 11: Liability for Damages. Tnis ordinance shall not be construed to affect the responsibility or liability of any party ou�nin�, operatin,, contr.ollin� or installinT any electrical equipment for dar,iages to pereons or to property caused by any de- fect therein, nor shall the City of Lynr�!ood or any officer or employee of aucri city be held �.s aseumin� such liability by .reason of the in- spection or reinspection autnorized herein or the certificate of approval issued as herein provided, or b;r reason oP the approval or disapprov�l of any equipment authorized herein. Section 12: '7alidity. If a.ny section, Gub-section, Gen- tence, clause, or phra�e of tnis o?�dina�zce is for �ny reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainin�r portione of thie ordinance. Tne City Council of the City of Lynwood_ hereby declares that it PJOUZC� have passed this ordinance and each section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of' the fact that any one or �ore section, suir sections, sentences , clauses or phrases be declared uncons*itutional. _��7_ Section 13: Repeal of Conflicting Ordinanees. Ordin�nces �umbers 7, llu, 365, 371, �93 and al7_ ordinances or parts of ord.inances conflicting �rith the provisions of this ordinance are nere�y repealed. Seetion 14: The City Clerx snall certify to the passage and adontion of this ordinance and shall caizee the same to be pub- lished or.ce in �he Lyn�j�ood Press, a �vee�ly newspaper �ublished, printed, and circula.ted in the City of Lynwood, Calif orni�, and which said newspaper is hereby desig•n�.ted for that purpose. PASSED and ADO�"PED this 18th day of Novernber, 1947. � P4AYOR OF TH CITY OF LYNvY00D ATTE3T: LERK, C : QF Ly Pdl�' OOD �STAT� G':� CAL?FORI�?TA ) ��UUN�r� Gh� LOS .!`.PdGL'LT:� ) ss C I'1'Y OF T_,YNWOOD ) I, the undersigr.�d, City Cle.r'� of the Citf c° Lynwo^d, Galifo?'nia, do hereby cer'�ify that �ha abcve and fo_ Or�in�.nce was duly adopted b; che G�t;* Council of said City at a �— —�—� reguiwr meetin; thereof held in the City Hall of sai� City on the 18�h day �f__ Nove�ber , 1�47 ar.� _r_asse� by the follov::.nb votea AYEia C�liNCII�TvIE:ta Dotq, Je na�n, S hroek i Willard, and Wi lliams. NOES: COUNCILIvIEN None. ___ ABSENT : COUPIC II,IIEN N one . ,, Y :S , + LYNWOOTJ